ENV Science Final

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Connect the method of increasing water supplies to the cost that best matches it.

Difficulties in changing lifestyles: Efficiency/conservation Requires a great deal of energy.: Desalination Requires relocation of people and blocks movement of nutrients/animals: Damming Can create additional areas with dry conditions: Water diversion

Human population levels from the time of the Agricultural Revolution to the present depict a ______- shaped curve.


Which of the following is NOT increased as you have an increase in organic waste in water:


Which of the following is not an issue from "mass wasting."


Which of the following population characteristics is generally associated with developing countries?

High child mortality

According to the definition of biofuels which of the following would not be considered a biofuel?

Horse-drawn carriages

There are many different considerations to weigh when choosing a form of disposal. Drag the description to the disposal type that it best describes.

Incineration: Contributes to acid rain releases dioxin can produce electricity Landfill: produces leachates source of biofuel generates methane

Which of the following is an example of genetic biodiversity?

Three different color variations of the same butterfly species

Recycling removes roughly 24% from the waste stream, but not all materials are equally recycled. Drag the material to its generated/recycled profile.

Yellow chart: Yard waste Blue chart: plastics Purple chart: paper and paperboard

Match the societal sector to its water withdrawal/consumption pattern

Yellow w big pipes: agriculture Green: domestic Yellow w no pipes: industrial

Species composition in communities often changes over time. Place the stages of primary succession in order from earliest (left) to latest (right).

left to right: exposed rocks/lichens/shrubs/jack pine/paper birch

Drag the causes of famine to rank them in order from most to least causative.

1. Armed conflict 2. natural disaster 3. carrying capacity of carrying

Place the following developments of a society in the order they would occur moving from pre-industrial to post-industrial in a demographic transition.

1. Better nutrition and healthcare 2. Death rates decrease 3. The country's population grows 4. Reasons for having children are minimized 5. Birth rates decrease 6. The country's population stabilizes

Match the type of information you might receive from asking these critical questions about the health effects of eating squash and the conclusion that you should reach from these particular answers. For this example we are assuming that the cabbage industry is a main competitor for the squash industry.

1. It is reported by the association of cabbage growers 2. it is not reported by scientist outside the cabbage industry 3. we know that some plants have secondary toxins which can be harmful to your health 4. it is reported in the cabbage trade magazine 5. I do not believe this source

Rank the following types of energy in order from most used (1) to least used (4) in the United States.

1. Oil 2. Coal 3. Nuclear 4. Wind, solar, hydro

Identify and drag the stage of water treatment that is shared between an activated sludge treatment facility and a constructed wetlands facility.

1. Solids removed 2. Organics removed 3. Nutrients removed

Place the following statements about the development of the United States National Park System in order of occurrence, following the establishment of the U.S. Parks Service in 1916.

1. U.S. policy emphasizes the use of environmental resources for human endeavors. 2. An extensive network of roads is built within many parks, which allows visitors to view natural phenomena from their cars. 3. An emphasis on human entertainment leads to a loss of natural balance within the parks, causing changes within the ecosystems. These changes lead to overgrazing, pollution, and unnatural behavior in the wild animals that live in the parks. 4. U.S. policy stresses nature protection and environmental education over the entertainment of visitors.

Which of the following is the accepted level of risk for most environmental hazards, as defined by the Environmental Protection Agency


Rank the following 'Rs' for waste management from 1(more beneficial) - 3(less beneficial).

1: Reduce 2: Reuse 3: Recycle

According to the rule of 70, which growth rate would have the human population doubling in 35 years?


Match the use of water to the percentage of our daily use it makes up.

26.7%: Toilets 21.6%: Laundry 16.7%: Showers 15.7%: Faucets 13.7%: Leaks 1.7%: Baths 1.4%: Dishwashers

All of the major biomes can be separated based on temperature and precipitation. The average temperatures of the months highlighted in red are above freezing. Match the biome with the appropriate temperature/precipitation profile.

27.5C = Tropical forest -6.7C = Tundra 22.5C = desert 13.1C = grassland

Landscape ecology looks at how patches are distributed across a matrix or background environment. Match the patch quality description to the visual that best represents it.

3 shapes no squares: the relationship between patch size and shape influence core/edge ratio 3 shapes w/ squares: the number of habitat patches and spacing affect connectivity 2 squares different colors: background environment can affect movements between patches 2 squares different objects: complexity of landscape mosaic may affect species present

The majority of hazardous wastes are generated from only a few sources. Drag the different producers to the correct percentage of U.S. hazardous waste that they produce.

71%: chemical and petroleum industries 22%: metal processing and mining 7%: all other industries

Match the terms below with their definitions.

A philosophy that primarily emphasizes protection of organisms and systems as they are used for human recreation, survival, and development.: conservation A philosophy that emphasizes the fundamental rights of all organisms to exist and pursue their own ends without human interference.: preservation

Which of the following statements about systems and feedback are true? (select all that apply)

A system is essentially a network, with materials and energy flowing from one component to another. With positive feedback, an increase in a state variable leads to further increases in that same variable.

Match the country description to the variable of the environmental impact model (I=PAT) it is best represented by.

A: Country B has a high standard of living with each person using a large number of resources (i.e. energy, food, fuel, etc.) P: Country A has a large population T: Country C produces the majority of its income from industry, which uses large amounts of energy and produces large amounts of waste

Which of the following characteristics typically leads to DECREASES in total fertility rates; mark all that apply

Access to contraception High costs of education Increased age to get married Increased opportunities for education and work for women

Match each toxin type below with its effect on the human body

Allergens: Overstimulate the Nerve System Neurotoxins: Attack Nerve Cells Mutagens: Damage or otherwise alter DNA sequence Teratogens: Cause defects during growth and development Carcinogens: Cause unchecked cell growth

Drag the toxin to the part of the home where you are most likely to be exposed to it.

Attic: Asbestos Living Room: Freons Bathroom: Chloroform Kitchen: Nitrogen Oxides Basement: Radon

Identify the different components of nuclear fission by dragging them to the appropriate label in the illustration

Blue ball: Neutron Purple balls: Uranium Blue balls: Tin Arrows: Heat

Organisms can be distributed across a habitat in different patterns that can be driven by their interaction with the environment and other organisms. Label the distribution patterns and match a biological cause that can create that pattern.

Blue dots: Random Wind dispersal Purple dots: Clustered Protected areas Yellow dots: Uniform Aggression between individual

Drag the representation that best shows the current or future trend of the following environmental issues. In addition, drag a description for how each issue is changing to the issue it best describes.

Climate Change: Sun diagram Increased Commitment from governments to reduce carbon emissions and increase reliance on renewable energy Overpopulation: People graph Sociological changes such as increased educational opportunities for women have helped decrease fertility rates Biodiversity loss: Tress graph Increases in numbers of preserves and parks decreases rates of deforestation

Which of the following statements about methane is FALSE ?

Degrades the ozone layer

Match the threat to biodiversity to the proposed solution that you can bring about.

Do not release fish or vegetation from fish tanks into the wild: Invasive species Buy fish from stable populations such as farm-raised catfish and avoid slow growing top predators such as bluefin and albacore tuna: Over harvesting Buy shade-grown coffee, which is grown with other vegetation that provide habitats for different species of animals: Fragmentation

Immediately after an ecosystem has been exposed to the pesticide DDT all the organisms will have a similar amount of pesticide; however, over time the concentrations will change. Model the biomagnifications of DDT in an ecosystem by dragging the concentration of pesticide to the organism that you would likely find it in after a few months have elapsed.

Eagle: 25 ppm Big fish: 2 ppm Small fish: 0.5 ppm Insects: 0.04 ppm

Distinguish the following items from forested lands as being either an ecological service or an economic product and drag them to the appropriate box.

Ecological services: reduces global climate change shelters biodiversity buffers local temperatures removes carbon from atmosphere Economic products: land has oil reserves cosmetics (from palm oil) provides aluminum used for paper products

Whether something is toxic- or to what degree something is toxic- relies on factors of the toxic agent, exposure, and the organism that has been exposed. Drag the factors of toxicity to the component (toxic agent, exposure, or organism) they best relate to.

Factors related to the Toxic agent: Chemical Composition Presence of impurities Solubility Factors related to exposure: Dose Time of day, season or year Factors related to the organism: Resistance to uptake Nutritional status Age, sex, body weight

Approximately 68% of the U.S.'s energy consumption comes from coal.


Dumping in the ocean is not a problem because of the large size of the ocean compared to the amount of trash.


Earthquakes form when continents crack and pull apart forming new crust.


Within a community, species interactions have no effect on species survival.


Place the biome label in the correct range for its annual precipitation and average temperature.

First row (far left) top to bottom: Tropical rainforest/Tropical seasonal forest/tropical scrub and woodland/desert 2nd row: temperate rainforest/temperate forest/savanna 3rd row: Boreal forest/grassland Last: Tundra

Choose the appropriate terms from the drop-down menus to complete the following grid.

First row left to right: Long-term carbon sink/Production of paper pulp 2nd row left to right: Highly productive and species rich/Livestock grazing

Match the greenhouse gas to the sources that generate it.

Forest Fire: Carbon Dioxide Cow: Methane Car exhaust: Nitrus Oxide

Drag advantages (blue) and disadvantages (red) to the following agricultural systems.

Genetically Modified Foods: Can naturally produce insecticides can be fortified with vitamins not normally found in the plant expensive for farmers unknown impact on surrounding ecosystems Organic Production: low input costs can be sustainable high labor costs can be more expensive for consumers Green Revolution: easily scaled up for large scale production labor costs are low depends on large amounts of pesticides and fertilizers increases greenhouse gases

Identify and drag the atmospheric issue to the image that represents the issue.

Global climate change: temperature at bottom Ozone depletion: globe acid rain: USA picture

For each factor given on the left, state whether there has been an increase or a decrease as a direct result of the green revolution.

Herbicide use: Increase Pesticide resistance in pests: Increase Seed prices: Increase Water use/irrigation: Increase

Which of the following would be considered an example of water pollution (choose all that apply)?

High levels of bacteria that would make people sick Oil that leaks into ground water that prevents drinking the water Soil that erodes from a hillside into a local stream reducing the ability of aquatic plants to photosynthesize Increase in water temperature from a factory dumping clean but warm water back in that reduces some of the species from occurring there.

Match the appropriate ecological consequence to the property of water that allows it to occur.

High specific heat: Aquatic habitats do not vary much in temperature Cohesion: Water moves up trees due to capillary action Solid form is less dense than liquid: Insulates aquatic habitats High heat of vaporization: Evaporative cooling

Which of the following is the best indicator of recent climate change?

Increases in carbon dioxide

Classify the characteristics of countries that affect population growth as either those that increase or decrease population growth.

Increases: High infant mortality few educational opportunities for women low quality of healthcare contraception unavailable low age to marry no social security rural Decreases: low infant mortality many educational opportunities for women high quality of healthcare contraception available legislating number of children high age to marry social security urban

Which of the following characteristics typically leads to INCREASES in total fertility rates; mark all that apply.

Infant mortality rates are high Country lacks social security Rural communities

Which of the following stages in the hydrologic cycle is incorrect?

Infiltration is the process where ground water becomes surface water.

People do not always make decisions based on logic. Match the scenario to the psychological reasoning that best explains a person's difficulty in weighing that risk.

Irrational fears of certain technologies: being more fearful of water with trichloroethylene than firearms Exaggerated view of our ability to control our own fate.: being more fearful of plane crashes than car crashes Biased perspective based on media coverage.: being more fearful of nuclear energy than coal burning facilities

Select all of the following that are NOT a major benefit of biodiversity?

It helps prevent flooding It helps to filter contaminants out of the water

Match the type of waste management to potential hazards it may cause.

Leaches toxic materials into local water ways: Open dump Largest source of the greenhouse gas methane in the U.S.: Landfill Chokes wildlife and create patches of plastic 1,000's of km wide.: Ocean dumping Generates waste that has to be put into landfill: Incineration

Landfills are the leading method for disposing of waste in the U.S. Drag the labels to the correct secure landfill structure.

Left side top to bottom: Leachage removal pipes topsoil cover clay cap plastic liner Middle: monitoring underdrains Right side top to bottom: methane removal recompacted clay bedrock

Drag the descriptions to the most appropriate location in the diagram to describe the development of antibiotic resistance.

Left to right: a mutation in genetic code occurs antibiotics kill bacteria without a mutation only bacteria with mutation survive reproduction of bacteria with mutation all bacteria present are resistant to anti bacteria

Using this diagram of a simple system, demonstrate how carbon is conserved and not destroyed between states by dragging the flows (processes) to the correct boxes.

Left: Photosynthesis Middle: consumption Right: cellular respiration

Match each dietary issue on the left with its associated health risks.

Low resistance to disease and infection; potentially permanent mental and/or physical disabilities: Protein Deficiency Blindness, goiter, neurological defects: vitamin/mineral deficiency Diabetes, heart attack, osteoarthritis: obesity

Match the nutritional problem to the picture that best represents it.

Lump in Neck: Iodine Deficiency Fat guy: Over nutrition Skinny kid: Protein deficiency

Drag the conditions that would affect a population so that it either grew exponentially ("J" shaped curve), or logistically ("S" shaped curve). The conditions are with respect to the organism graphed (moose and wolves).

Moose: increase in food availability increase in conservation Wolves: increase in competition increase in disease transmission increase in human development increase in density of organisms

Match the habitat description to the oceanic zone it most accurately describes:

Near the surface, this zone receives high levels of light and therefore is home to many photosynthetic organisms: Epipelagic Zone This zone occurs over the continental shelf, which is shallow enough for high levels of light. You can find many coral reefs in this zone: Littoral Zone The daily fluctuations in water level for this zone require many of the organisms to be able to tolerate terrestrial conditions: Intertidal Zone This is the lowest level in oceanic stratification. Organisms found here have to be adapted to low temperatures, high pressure, and low light: Hadal Zone

Drag the butterfly populations to the habitat in which you would most likely find them.

One Butterfly: Desert Three Butterflies: Cactus Five Butterflies: Flowers

Place the arrows in the correct system to create either a positive or negative feedback loop for beetle population growth.

Positive Feedback: Inhibits bird population Negative Feedback: Provides habitat for birds

Place the types of conditions or incidences that would lead to primary or secondary succession.

Primary: lave flows bare rock sandbar Secondary: fire tornado

Your Aunt Sally knows that you're taking an environmental science course and says she has a question for you, "What does it mean when environmentalists say we need to reduce consumption of disposable goods, since there really is no 'away' to throw things?" To help her understand the science behind the issue, you explain the:

Principle of conservation of matter

Match the environmental philosophy with the appropriate description.

Resources should be conserved for the ultimate long-term benefit of human beings.: pragmatic resource conservation Resources should be conserved for the benefit of all organisms, not just humans.: Nature preservation on moral/aesthetic grounds Current levels of damage due to pollution and resource exploitation should be mitigated, and if possible, reversed, for the health benefit of humans and other species.: modern environmentalism Preservation of all Earth systems is the responsibility of the global community.: global environmentalism

Drag the different components to complete this table of water pollutants that can disrupt ecosystem function.

Row 1 Across: Plant Nutrients/Nitrates, Phosphates, Ammonium/Fertilizers, Sewage, Manure Row 2 Across: Sediment/Soil, Silt/Land Erosion Row 3 Across: Thermal changes/heat/power plants, industrial cooling

Which of the following best accounts for the large increase in population since the 1800?

Steady increase in number of people capable of reproducing

Which of the following is a process that directly explains earthquakes

Subduction of an oceanic plate

Match the following air pollutants to their effect on human health:

Sulfur dioxide: Major component of acid rain Nitrogen oxides: Increase eutrophication of surface water Particulate material: Damages lung tissues and causes cancer Carbon monoxide: Inhibits respiration in animals

Which of the following does NOT contribute to the fact that tertiary consumers are rare in ecosystems compared to members of lower trophic levels?

Tertiary consumers always have greater body mass than primary and secondary consumers in a given system

Which of the following statements about oil resources and use are true (mark all that apply)?

The U.S. uses oil more than any other energy source. The U.S.'s domestic oil reserves would last only a few years if we did not import from other countries.

Below are five environmental problems for which humans have the capability to lessen the impact, or solve completely. Match each environmental problem with the indication that conditions are improving.

The average number of children born per woman has decreased over the last 25 years: Limited Food Availability A general decrease in disease and increase in life expectancy over the past century: Limited access to clean water Increased interest in conservation of land and marine resources: Biodiversity loss Research on renewable energy: Diminishing supplies of fossil fuels Reduction in pollution and wasteful resource use over the past century: Reduced air quality

Which of the following statements accurately convey the message of the two graphs below (select all that apply)?

The dramatic decline in percentage of malnourished people has occurred because the number of malnourished has dramatically decreased. The number of malnourished people in South Asia has stayed relatively the same even though the percentage of malnourished people in South Asia is decreasing.

Which of the following statements of the greenhouse effect are true (choose all that apply)?

The greenhouse effect allows life to exist on the earth Correct Water vapor is a major contributor to the greenhouse effect Correct Increases in heat are caused by infrared radiation emitted from the earth

Which of the following statements about the troposphere are true (choose all that apply)?

The troposphere is where the majority of weather occurs We find the majority of air pollutants in the troposphere

Using the graph below, match the location to each of the inferences from the graphic.

This continent has the highest percentage of land covered by forests.: Europe This continent lost the most forests between 1990-2000.: Africa This continent has the closest amount of forests that it originally had.: North and Central America

Identify and drag the image that best represents the ecological service described.

This ecological service increases the amount of agricultural output. : plant-cover of soil Many fruit crops are dependent on this ecological service: pollination This economic resource is fed by the surrounding populations (ecological service): fish farms Ecological services for this include stabilizing climate and water supplies.: forests

Drag the room to the box that best describes the types of toxins you might find in it in the typical home.

This room has materials such as antifreeze, gasoline, paints, pesticides, and batteries.: Garage This room has materials such as asbestos, insulation, and PBDE-treated cellulose.: Attic This room has materials such as cleansers, detergents, and carbon monoxide.: Kitchen This room has materials such as chloroform, cleansers, and leftover drugs and medication.: Bathroom This room has materials such as molds, paints, radon, epoxy glues, and flammable solvents.: basements This room has materials such as aerosols, lead, cadmium, insecticides and mothballs.: bedrooms This room has materials such as Freons, benzepyrenes, leads and paints.: Living room

Complete the illustration with the labels that best describe the different water features.

Top Left to Right: recharge zone artesian well stream Bottom left to right: confined aquifer cone of depression zone of saturation

Match the label that best describes each process or form of water in the illustration

Top left to right: Transpiration from plant surfaces precipitation evaporation from land and water surfaces Right top to bottom: run off zone of aeration zone of saturation Middle top to bottom: infiltration water table groundwater

Drag the boxes to complete the illustration explaining how nuclear fuel is used to generate electricity.

Top left to right: containment structure steam turbine Right side: generator condensor Bottom: water Left side: nuclear fuel

Match the descriptions to the appropriate parts of the graphs

Top left to right: the area where competition is greatest this shows the range of resources an organism uses Bottom left to right: this shows a reduction in niche breadth after completion this is the shift in resource use after natural selection has taken place

Drag the boxes with rock type and boxes with examples to complete the illustration explaining the rock cycle.

Top left: Sedimentary Bottom left: Igneous Right: metamorphic

Label the stages of the Demographic Transitions Model and the major trend lines that define the different stages of development.

Top row left to right: premodern/Industrializing/Mature/Post-Industrial Right side: Total population Middle top to bottom: Crude birth rate Crude death rate

Drag the crops to the line that best represents their production in the U.S.

Top to bottom: corn soy wheat

Place the steps of the scientific method in the order that they occur.

Top to bottom: Form testable hypothesis collect data to test hypothesis interpret results report for peer review publish findings left: consult prior knowledge right: if hypothesis is rejected

Place the oceanic zones in the correct order

Top: Littoral Side top to bottom: pelagic epipelagic mesopelagic bathypelagic Abyssal hadal

Drag the different components to complete this table of environmental threats that can disrupt ecosystem function.

Trash in water: pollution cracked ground: drought swamp: eutrophication pipe leaking to lake: sewage dirt in water: sediment/erosion water loss: over withdrawal

Identify and drag the water issue that is best displayed in the following photos.

Trash in water: pollution cracked ground: drought swamp: eutrophication pipe leaking to lake: sewage dirt in water: sediment/erosion water loss: over withdrawal

Identify and drag the the following descriptions to the appropriate layer (either troposphere or stratosphere).

Troposphere: Ozone is harmful here weather occurs in this layer the greenhouse effect occurs predominately in this layer Stratosphere: Ozone is beneficial here

Replacing incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs is a good strategy for minimizing climate change because it reduces the carbon emitted to the atmosphere.


The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA)is responsible for providing immediate response to emergency situations that pose imminent hazards, and to clean up or remediate abandoned or inactive sites.


The quality of the air in the world has been getting better?


Which of the following are accurate descriptions of the properties of water? (select all that apply)

Water molecules are polar, and thus dissolve other polar or ionic substances. The slow response of water to temperature change helps moderate global temperatures. Water's high heat of vaporization makes evaporation an effective way for many organisms to shed excess heat.

Select all of following statements that are true about wetlands?

Wetlands can act as a buffer for flooding Wetlands only account for 5% of the surface of the earth. 1/3 of all endangered species use wetlands to mate or raise their young

Match each ecosystem/biome with its traditional monetary benefit and its ecological service.

Wetlands: erosion protection drained for farmland Coral reefs: exotic species for pet industry biodiversity tropical rainforests: lumber climate and water regulation

Mark each of the following statements about population growth as either true or false:

a) Many resources such as water and food are limited on our planet. True b) A population cannot grow indefinitely. True c) When a population overshoots its carrying capacity, it starts to gradually level off. False d) A graph of human population numbers show signs that we have passed our carrying capacity. False e) When a population damages its environment, it can lower the carrying capacity of its population. True f) Exceeding carrying capacity leads to dieback of the population. True g) Resources that are needed by humans are also needed by other organisms (e.g. space, clean water, timber, etc.). True

What are the three dominant food crops in the United States (select all that apply)?

corn, soy, wheat

In countries, population growth rates are very high, but the number of resources used per person is very low; whereas, in countries, population growth rates are low, but the number of resources used per person is extremely high.


Place the generalities of developed and developing countries into the appropriate bin.

developing: high infant mortality few educational opportunities for women rural low quality of healthcare no social security contraception not available developed: low infant mortality many educational opportunity for women urban high quality of healthcare social security contraception available

Primeval forests are protectorates of much of the world's biodiversity (both threatened and endangered species) as well as indigenous human cultures. This value would be most correctly described as ______.


The total set of environmental factors that determine a species distribution within a specific habitat is referred to as its ______ ______.

ecological niche

The fact that many indigenous cultures use grasslands as grazing areas for livestock demonstrates the value of this biome on what level?


If chemical bonds did not exist, or were so strong that they never broke apart, there would be no movement of ______, which is required to break bonds, and is released when they are formed.


The study of factors in our natural, social, cultural, and technological environments that detract from our physical, mental, and social well-being, resulting in disease, is known as _______________ ___________.

environmental health

A graph _________. (select all that apply)

is a visual representation of any differences or changes among groups Correct helps the reader understand statistical results Correct

Place a sustainable and unsustainable practice that addresses each of the environmental issues

left to right first row: planting "cover" crops to prevent erosion/overgrazing of herds on grasslands 2nd row: use of renewable energies/use of fossil fuels 3rd: reduce poverty and increase healthcare/raise everyone to the standard of living affluent countries

Match the following definitions of population growth to the terms they best describe:

number of children born in a year per thousand persons: Crude birth rate total number of children born to the average woman: Total fertility rate births plus immigration equals deaths plus emigration: Zero population growth (ZPG)

Biogeochemical cycling is defined as:

the movement of matter within or between ecosystems

Select all of the following ecosystems that are known to have high levels of biodiversity?

Coral reefs Estuaries

Drag the type of thinking that best describes the questions of each of the following individuals.

"How can orderly, deductive reasoning help me think clearly?" logical thinking "How might I approach this problem in new and inventive ways?" creative thinking "How can I break this problem down into its constituent parts?" analytical thinking "What am I trying to accomplish here, and how will I know when I've succeeded?" critical thinking

Interactions between species can vary on the benefits (+) and costs (-) for each species involved. Drag a label and picture that best describes the type of interaction between species.

++ = mutualism +- = predation -- = competition

Drag the boxes to complete the illustration explaining the distribution of energy sources used worldwide.

35%: Oil 24%: Gas 5%: Nuclear 1: Wind, etc

Identify and drag the materials to the percentage they comprise of the Municipal Solid Waste in the U.S.

42%: paper and paperboard 12%: plastics 6%: glass

Match the activity to its approximate contribution to global climate change.

49%: Burning Fossil Fuels 24%: Industrial processess 13%: Agriculture

Complete the illustration by dragging the methods of waste disposal to the correct percentage they make up in the U.S.

54%: Landfilled 26%: Recycled 12%: Incinerated 8%: Composted

Together, forests and grasslands compose what percentage of terrestrial biomes?


Drag the property to the type of agriculture that it best describes.

Green Revolution: High Input Fertilizer Needs Increased Irrigation Produces Higher Yields Sustainable Agriculture: Little to no pesticide use Likely to use cover crops Less likely to use GMO's

Match the description to the country that it best represents.

Has the most sustainable ecological footprint: Netherlands Needs the most land per person to support their lifestyle: Arab Emirates Fishing grounds is the largest component of their ecological footprint: Norway Grazing grounds is the largest component of their ecological footprint: Uruguay

Identify and drag the predicted top 5 causes for global disease burden into the box.

Heart disease/depression/traffic accidents/stroke/Chronic lung disease

Drag the pictures to the phase of production of geological goods that it best depicts.

Mining: sitting in desert Processing: smelting down Use: classroom Disposal: dumpsters

Identify and drag the action that reduces global climate change to the bin that describes how it works.

Prevents carbon from entering the atmosphere: generate electricity from nuclear sources use florescent bulbs instead of incandescent Removes carbon from the atmosphere: plant a tree grow cover-crops on fields

Complete the illustration by dragging the boxes that best explain the benefit of each of the building modifications.

Shade Tree: reduces heat in the summer Photovoltaic roofing: produces electricity Roof overhang: prevents sun in summers allows it in winter Heat exchange: prevents moisture build up advanced framing: prevents conductive heat loss geothermal: heats and cool efficiently weather stripping: prevents air leaks

Which of the following is not typically a factor that adds to people's confusion when assessing risk?

Tendency to accept new technologies and/or activities

Parts of the U.S. currently face "water crisis".


When you use a plant to remove heavy metals from the soil, it is called ______.


How do consumers harness the sun's power and use it as an energy source?

by eating producers at the bottom of the food chain

For the following statement, select all choices that make the statement true. Human disturbance affects the size and stability of preserves. In comparing two square shaped tracts of land, one a 100 km2 forest preserve and the other a 10 km2 isolated island of forest that has been separated from the preserve by human development, the isolated island of habitat...

has more edge and less core habitat. supports fewer species.

Which of the following are consequences of burning coal for energy (mark all that apply)

increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere Correct increased heavy metals (lead and mercury) released into the air Acidified rain

In a wilderness area, the level of allowed human impact or intervention is

little or none

Which of the following are the traits most commonly targeted for enhancement in genetically modified organisms (GMOs) (select all that apply)?

pest resistance herbicide resistance

Biomes can be distinguished based on values from the two most important environmental factors. Which of the following abiotic conditions are the biggest determinants of biome location (select all that apply)?

precipitation Temperature

Organic and inorganic materials, water, air, and living organisms together make up ____________.


The concept of refers to a balance between protection and maintenance of systems, while increasing the standard of for the average person, such that the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is not .


Choose a term to describe a class of poisonous chemicals (including mutagens, neurotoxins, teratogens, and carcinogens) that act to kill cells or otherwise alter growth or development in detrimental ways.


Renewable sources of energy could produce enough energy to eliminate the need for fossil fuels in the near future.


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