Environment Creation Health

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6.Know the many benefits of exposure to sunshine, including how it affects the incidence of some diseases. Also, what role does cholesterol play in regards to Vitamin D.

Increase serotinin Impacts Melatonin Kills Germs Increases Nutruents in our food Biggest & most effective source of vitamin D Enhances the immune system Lowers blood pressure. Cholesterol: Vitamin D from the Sun Synthesized in the body from cholesterol Expose hands, face and arms for 5-10 minutes on a clear summer day, 2-3times a week Sunshine is the source of energy for our earth and provides for the growth of green plants that we enjoy and nourish us. Sunlight promotes positive thinking through increased serotonin, the "happy hormone," an important brain chemical that boosts mood. A study published in The Lancet found that serotonin was lowest in the winter. The researchers found that the rate of production of serotonin by the brain was directly related to the prevailing duration of bright sunlight, and rose rapidly with increased luminosity. The connection between sunlight and mood has been the focus of much research, especially regarding seasonal affective disorder and the use of light therapy as a treatment. Seasonal affective disorders, which are characterized by fatigue, sadness, and sleep problems, may be cured or alleviated by means of regular periods outdoors, better lighting indoors, or, light therapy. If there isn't much sunlight or someone is unable to get into the sunshine, light therapy can be used. Another important brain chemical that sunlight impacts is melatonin. Sunlight helps set the body's biological clock. Exposure to bright light in the morning dramatically decreased the amount of melatonin being released into the body. This is important because the more melatonin being released during the day the less that is released at night. Melatonin helps us sleep well. Starting at dusk and ending at dawn, melatonin is synthesized almost exclusively during the night, provided there is sufficient darkness. In the early hours of the night, melatonin levels are five to ten times higher than during the day. Sunlight kills germs. Sunlight is the biggest, most effective source of vitamin D, which we need for strong bones. Sunlight converts cholesterol into Vitamin D. This "sunshine vitamin" is important for many reasons. One of which is its ability to impact the immune system. Researchers found that sunlight enhances the immune system against invading germs and sun-induced skin damage by getting "active" vitamin D3 to reach nearby T cells of the immune system and activate them. The T cells are responsible for fighting infections and cancer.

7.The role of negatively charged indoor air and the effects on our health.

It is negatively charged or "negatively ionized" because of the life-giving oxygen molecule. There are 5,000 plus studies reporting experiments with ionization, and all support the conclusion that, generally speaking, an overdose of positive ions is bad for you while an overload of negative ions seems beneficial. Negatively charged oxygen gives many benefits. Some of which include an improved sense of well-being, increased rate and quality of growth in plants and animals, improved function in the lung's protective cilia, decreased anxiety through a tranquilizing and relaxing effect, lower body temperature, lower resting heart rate, improved learning in mammals, decreased severity of stomach ulcers and decreased survival of bacteria and viruses in the air.

2.Effective ways to maintain healthy indoor air.

Open the windows and let fresh air in during the night while you sleep. NASA research says that green and flowering plants remove several toxic chemicals from the air in building interiors. Placing these plants in your home or office improves air quality making it a more pleasant place to live and work. The recommendation is one 6 inch plant per 100 square feet of interior.

8.What are the benefits of sunlight in school rooms?

Researchers analyzed test scores and sales figures and found a dramatic increase in student performance and retail sales when the school/store had abundant daylight. Another study found those with natural views from their dormitory windows were better able to direct their attention than those with less natural views. This study was based on a theoretical view which suggests that under increased demands for attention, the capacity to direct attention may become fatigued. Once fatigued, attentional restoration must occur in order to return to an effectively functioning state. An attention-restoring experience can be as simple as looking at nature.

9.Hydrotherapy has many uses, including combating many types of illnesses. Be familiar with the uses and benefits of hydrotherapy.

Stimulates immune system Decreases Cortisol Promotes circulation and healing Hydrotherapy stimulates the immune system and makes us feel good. In a German study conducted in Bavaria, researchers explored the positive effects of water treatment on immunity. The 4-week morning hydrotherapy regimen included the following: (1) warm water (38 degrees Celsius) shower for 3 minutes, (2) cold water (15-18 degrees Celsius) for 30 seconds and (3) a 30 minute rest. The researchers found that those who participated in hydrotherapy had significant increases in the lymphocytes and their cortisol (a stress hormone) levels significantly decreased. This study illustrates the power of a simple practice with water that can be used every day for great results.

3.Effects of noise level on our health.

The Environmental Protection Agency identifies a 24-hour exposure level of 70 decibels as the level of environmental noise which will prevent any measurable hearing loss over a lifetime. Levels of 55 decibels outdoors and 45 decibels indoors are identified as the levels that prevent activity interference and annoyance. These levels represent average levels of noise, not peaks. Measurements were taken at 6 months prior to opening, 6 months after, and 18 months after opening of the airport. It was found that the systolic blood pressure increased significantly, while neouroendocrine hormones—norepiniephrine and epinephrine, which are stress hormones, increased sharply among children living in the flight paths of the new airport at 6 months and increased even more at 18 months. Quality of life also declined significantly in the noise-impacted communities 18 months after the opening of the new airport. The simulated open-office noise elevated workers' urinary epinephrine levels, but not their norepiniephrine or cortisol levels, produced behavioral effects indicative of motivational deficits, (fewer attempts at unsolved puzzles), and although participants in the noise condition perceived their work setting as significantly noisier than those working under quiet conditions did, the groups did not differ in perceived stress. Finally, it was concluded that the uncontrollability of sound rather than its intensity is what makes it stressful

10. Compare/contrast the quality of indoor air to outside air. Which is more polluted?

The air inside most homes is an average of 2-5 times more polluted than the air outside its walls. For many people, the risks to health from exposure to indoor air pollution might be greater than risks from outdoor pollution. Indoor air pollution has become one of the top five environmental risks for public health.

5.What roles do colors play as far as our moods, anxiety, well-being?

Using color and textures in decorating scheme creates inviting spaces. Coping with stress effectively can be as simple as looking at nature itself and its two primary colors as seen in the blue sky and green vegetation. Blue and green are pleasing to people and are associated with lower anxiety scores. Green is in the center of the spectrum and represents balance. Another study dealt with associations between color samples and words that describe feelings. Blue was associated with "secure/comfortable" and "tender/soothing," which imply pleasure and low arousal. Blue has also been found to slow the pulse and lower body temperature.

4.Be familiar with different plants that facilitate healthy indoor air.

Bamboo Palm, Chinese Evergreen, English Ivy, Gerbera Daisy, Janet Craig, Marginata, Mass Cane/Corn Plant, Mother-in-Law's Tongue, Pot Mum, Peace Lily, and Warneckii.

1.Healing Remedies and their uses...

Charcoal First of all, let's consider the benefits of charcoal. Some might say that charcoal is one of the best-kept secrets in the world of healing. It has an amazing ability to attract other substances to its surface and hold them there through the process of absorption. It can absorb thousands of times its own weight in gases, heavy metals, poisons, and other chemicals, therefore effectively neutralizing them and cleansing them from the body. It is found in hospitals throughout the United States. The form of charcoal used for medical purposes is called activated charcoal. It actually has the amazing ability to draw bacteria and poisons through the skin into a poultice or compress. Aloe Vera Another example of a healing remedy found in nature is aloe vera which is well known for it's healing properties in relation to burns. There are many other things that aloe vera can help, some of which include: the treatment of cancer, increase the absorption of vitamins C and E, potentially helpful for wounds, edema and pain in diabetics, and improving skin integrity with decreased appearance of fine wrinkling. Garlic Tea Tree Oil

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