Epic of Gilgamesh Questions

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Which god commands the goddess of birth to create Enkidu? For what reason is Enkidu created? [Compare with Genesis 2—the creation of the Woman and her role.]

"Anu", the sky god (a triad of main gods: Anu, Ea, and Enlil) commands "Aruru" to create Enkidu to contend with Gilgamesh, to be his protector and sustainer, after the people of Uruk call out for help. Eve was created to be a sustainer for Adam and led him astray just as Enkidu will do with Gilgamesh in the Cedar Forest. Both Eve and Enkidu have long hair, are in the nude, and were created among nature and animals.

Which god commands the goddess (who originally was involved in creating the first humans) to create Enkidu? For what reason is Enkidu created?

"Anu," the supreme god of the sky asks "Aruru" the goddess of birth to create Enkidu and he was created to rival the power of Gilgamesh and to have an equal companion

What is the name of the goddess who created Enkidu, and out of what did she create him?

"Aruru" the goddess of birth and she creates him out of clay and Earth and placed him among the wild beasts of the steppe

Out of what material did the goddess of birth create Enkidu? What is the goddess of birth's name?

"Aruru", a goddess of birth sculpted Enkidu out of clay. He had long lair, was nude, and was more animal than human in his origins when he roamed the steppe with the other animals whom he protected. He was created for the purpose to in a way protect Gilgamesh, but he started off protecting nature. When he gets sick it is because he destroyed nature (cedar trees/deforestation).

Regarding the animal sacrifices to rulers of the netherworld on the behalf of Enkidu, who did Gilgamesh invoke by name to accept the sacrifices (slaughtered meat) and to "welcome my friend and walk at his side" in the netherworld?

"Bibbu", meat carver of the crowded netherworld.

Which god tells Utanapishtim to build a boat, and with what materials?

"Ea" speaks through the reeds of Utnapishtim's house while he is sleeping so he believes it to be a dream. The boat should be equal in width and length and made from reeds. He is also told to reject belongings and take aboard the seed of all living things.

After Enkidu returned to the prostitute what did she say to him that caused him to listen attentively?

"Enkidu, you are become like god..." and Shamhat said that she could lead him to the ramparted Uruk to the temples of Anu and Ishtar

What is the name of the god that appointed the guardian of the cedar forest in order to terrify the "mortals"?

"Enlil" the god of earth, wind, and air

At the end of the story, after weeping over the loss of the secret and mysterious thing, what does Gilgamesh say about what he has obtained for himself?

"For myself, I have obtained no benefit, I have done a good deed for a reptile!"

During Gilgamesh's fight with the guardian of the cedar forest, which god comes to the AID of Gilgamesh by raising great winds?

"Shamash" is the god who brings the winds and answers the pleas of Ninsun. There were 7 "radiances/auras" surrounding Humbaba and Shamash removed 6 of them to give Gilgamesh a victory.

In the story, after the hunter follows his father's advice, there is repeated mention of his taking a prostitute (probably either a temple prostitute or a "hetaera") back with him. What clues in the text tell you that this is not any ordinary, run-of-the-mill prostitute, and, finally, when we learn her name, what is it?

"Shamhat" is her name 1. Gilgamesh offered her to the hunter, she was probably in close connection to royalty/nobility of the time 2. The hunter instructs Shamhat to take Enkidu's "vitality", which would imply she has mystical/magical powers 3. Shamhat is told to treat him as a human, and at the end of the transformation, he becomes more human which implies that she transformed him from a beast into a human 4. She is described on page 30 as a "guardian deity"

What is the name of the harlot? What did the harlot do, besides the sexual, which caused Enkidu to transform from an innocent being and protector of nature to a man and fitting companion for Gilgamesh? How long did the transformation take?

"Shamhat" is the prostitute that returns with the hunter in order to seduce Enkidu and take his vitality, his innocence. Shamhat is possibly a temple prostitute or a royal courtesan due to her almost mystical abilities. She clothes him with her own clothes, gives him, and teaches him how to eat and drink (bread and beer), and also tells him he has become like a god which gives him the confidence and knowledge to go to Gilgamesh.

What is the tavern keeper's name? What does the tavern keeper say to Gilgamesh regarding death and what type of outlook on life he should have instead?

"Siduri", explains that the only immortality is that of gods. She explains that death is natural and orderly and to not dwell on the idea of it because it is ultimately unachievable and it would be a waste of precious time.

Two alternate names are given for Utanapishtim. One is in Tablet X, line 204 and the other is in Tablet XI, line 49. What are these names?

"The Distant One" and "Atrahasis" which means "super wise" in Akkadian.

Right after encountering the guardian of the cedar forest, why does Enkidu say to Gilgamesh, "Why my friend, do you raise such unworthy objections?/How you pule! You make me ill." Then what does Enkidu encourage Gilgamesh to do?

"The time has come to pour the copper into the mold.", basically don't retreat after we have comet his far and strike hard to kill Humbaba so that we may go home.

What does Utanapishtim's boatman have with him that allows him to safely cross the waters of death?

"Ur-shanabi" has these "Stone Charms" that navigate through the waters.

Before Gilgamesh and Enkidu embark on their journey to the cedar forest, they have craftsmen make axe blades and daggers. The daggers even contained gold. How many pounds did Gilgamesh and Enkidu EACH ultimately carry in this type of equipment—signifying their great physical strength?

10 times 60 pounds each = 600 pounds each in equipment.

Who guards the gateway at Mashum? Gilgamesh is told by the guards that he has just 12 hours to get through the tunnel. What is Gilgamesh trying to race ahead of? What does Gilgamesh see as he emerges from the tunnel?

2 monsters guard the entrance to Mashum, a female and male scorpion-human who are married. He is trying to beat the rising son because they believed it would burn him alive

The prostitute seduces the innocent Enkidu. For how long does their lovemaking last until he decided to return to his animals? Is there any significance in the amount of time involved in the seduction/transformation of Enkidu that reminds us of other cultures' symbolic uses of the number of days it took?

6 days and 7 nights for the first transformation

After Enkidu's death, "at the first glimmer of dawn," Gilgamesh sends "out a proclamation to the land" and has the blacksmith, gem carvers, metalworkers and jewelers make what in honor of this friend.

A statue was erected in order to honor Enkidu's deeds and celebrate his immortal fame. Gilgamesh stays by his friend's body until a worm crawls out of his nose.

How was Gilgamesh described in the epic regarding his appearance after Enkidu died and during his journey to find Utanapishtim?

After Enkidu's death, Gilgamesh tears his hair and clothing until he puts on filthy animal skins and roams the steppe. He reverted back to the way of life as Enkidu did when he was first created, a savage state. He might be trying to keep Enkidu alive in his mind by becoming him. He is undone by grief.

What causes Ishtar to take notice of Gilgamesh and propose marriage? Why does Gilgamesh reject the marriage proposal?

After slaying Humbaba, Gilgamesh being filthy from the mud and blood washes off and cleans himself up. Ishtar, the daughter of "Anu" and "Antum", notices this transformation and tells Gilgamesh to become her bridegroom. Gilgamesh rejects her because of her dating/marriage history which he lists in a dramatic monologue. Ishtar is famously for having a short fuse and acting irrationally and in turn torturing or killing men who upset and or annoy her.

How did the animals behave towards him upon his return that "startled" him? What symptoms does Enkidu have that shows he has lost some of his vitality after experiencing the animals' behavior?

After this section of transformation ended, the animals began to run and act skittish around Enkidu. He chased after them and soon realized he was no longer as fast or strong as he used to be. After chasing the animals for a fair while he falls to the ground in exhaustion

Because humans are duplicitous (i.e., dishonest), what does Utanapishtim have his wife do to make sure that Gilgamesh does not try to challenge the results of the "test"?

Bake the bread for the time he spent fighting sleep to show the progression of time by the moldiness of the bread.

With what does she dress Enkidu? What significance do you see in the clothing regarding Enkidu's new role?

Because he was naked Shamhat physically and metaphorically gave him a piece of her clothing to wear She is giving him a piece of herself, a piece he needs to continue to become more and more human as well as more and more of Gilgamesh's companion

When Enkidu first meets Gilgamesh, what does Enkidu prevent Gilgamesh from doing?

Bedding a woman after she was just married. Enkidu stops this by putting his foot in the door and they get in a tussle until they finally become friends.

What does the prostitute feed Enkidu? Regarding the type of food she gives Enkidu to eat, could the food types serve any symbolic purpose?

Bread and beer were placed in front of Enkidu, but Shamhat was the one to teach him how to eat and drink it

How does Gilgamesh want to establish his fame through the journey to the cedar forest?

By killing the giant Humbaba 1. The giant was created by the gods as a protector and surveyor of the area that was restricted to "mortals" 2. If he killed Humbaba he would in essence be attacking the power of the gods from a semi-mortal perspective giving him immense power and renown

The hunter who digs pits and sets traps to catch and kill animals is upset when he sees Enkidu. Why? What does Enkidu do to upset the hunter?

Enkidu destroys the traps and pits set and guides the other animals to the watering hole safety

How was Enkidu described as looking, wearing, eating, and doing BEFORE he encountered the harlot (prostitute)? What did he eat? Compare what he ate with Genesis 1—last paragraph.

Enkidu had long hair, probably for modesty purposes (same as Eve), and roamed the steppe with nature where he was in the nude. He ate grass just as the animals did (same as Eve) and protected them from harm's way.

Why does Gilgamesh want to go to the cedar forest—not only regarding what he wants to do there but also for what REASON regarding himself?

Enkidu is portrayed as being upset in the poem so Gilgamesh suggests an adventure in order to cheer him. He wants to go to the famous Cedar Forest guarded by Humbaba and do 3 things. Chop and take many cedar trees for building materials and such, kill Humbaba, and establish immortality by creating a "whirlwind".

Right after suggesting the journey to the cedar forest, why does Gilgamesh say to Enkidu, "You speak unworthily,/How you pule! You make me ill." Then why does Gilgamesh say they must go to the forest?

Enkidu states reasonable concerns about the expedition and Gilgamesh believes this to be a weakness. This is probably selfish due to the next couple of lines proving GIlamesg to be sort of a narcissist. The following lines say "I must set my hand to cutting a cedar tree, I must establish eternal fame." Gilgamesh needs this trip just as much and he wants Enkidu to believe that he needs it.

What explanation for his appearance does Gilgamesh give to Utanapishtim, especially regarding his friend Enkidu?

Enkidu, whom I loved, has turned to clay. And the weight of Enkidu is heavy upon Gilgamesh.

After Utanapishtim emerges from the boat, what draws the attention of the gods, including Enlil, to him and the survivors of the flood? And, why was Enlil so angry?

Enlil was furious because his intention with the flood what catastrophic, no human survivors, and yet a human had survived without his knowledge or help. Enlil also became angry with Ea for going behind his back and helping a human.

What is the story of creation in the Bible?


When Gilgamesh sees the boatman, what does he (apparently irrationally) do?

Gilgamesh approaches "Urshanabi" with hostility and seizes "Urshanabi" and the charms. He then smashes and throws them into the channel.

After they clean up from having butchered Ishtar's creature and are to hold a celebration in Gilgamesh's palace, what does Gilgamesh say about himself to the servant‐women of his palace?

Gilgamesh boasts as usual about how glorious and handsome he is. He then makes a snide comment about the "...haunch in our passion Ishtar, she has no one in the street to satisfy her."

What happens to Gilgamesh as an oppressor or tyrant as the story progresses? What causes him to grow or change (i.e., be more concerned about his community, rather than just himself)?

Gilgamesh first changes when he meets Enkidu, due to Enkidu's honor and heart in stopping him from bedding a woman after she was just married. He changes again after defeating Humbaba and deforesting the Cedar Forest. He further changes when Enkidu dies due to his actions and he must face his mortality. He changes during his journey to Utnapishtim when he meets the tavern keeper, "Siduri" and confronts his mortality, and once again when he meets Utnapishtim and realizes immortality is out of the question.

How does Gilgamesh still manage to get across the waters of death despite his irrational (or anger‐based) action when he first saw the boatman? What materials does he use for the crossing so that he does not have to touch the waters of death?

Gilgamesh went to the forest and cut down 120 wooden poles which he fastened together, dressed them, and set them on handguards to create a boat of sorts that would take them across.

Just prior to ordering animal sacrifices of fatted cattle and sheep as offerings to the rulers of the netherworld on the behalf of the dead Enkidu, Gilgamesh says "that as for me, now that you [referring to Enkidu] is dead," he will do what?

Grow out his hair and allow it to get matted, put on a lion skin, and roam the steppe.

What does the hunter's father advise that he do about Enkidu?

He advises that he travel to Uruk to speak with Gilgamesh to inquire advice about Enkidu

AFTER his transformation thanks to the harlot, but BEFORE he first meets Gilgamesh, what does he "treat" and "anoint" his body with? What does he kill and whom does he hang out with as "their watchman"?

He anointed his body with oils and covered himself with clothing. The shepherds said he resembled Gilgamesh and so to protect them and their flock he killed lions and wolves.

In Tablet IX, Gilgamesh weeps bitterly for his dead friend Enkidu. As Gilgamesh roams the steppe, what does he say about being "like Enkidu"? In what way is he like Enkidu that causes him to weep? What is he afraid of? Whom is he going to see to see? What does he kill?

He asks if he shall die too and if is he not like Enkidu in that way, mortal. "... woe has entered my vitals!" He experiences such grief, like losing a spouse.

When Gilgamesh gets back to Uruk, what does he do? What has changed in Gilgamesh's view of himself and his world by this final action? Where is his focus—on himself or on his duties/people?

He brings back the story of his travels, cementing his legacy and fame through an immortal story. Although the end is abrupt, Gilgamesh seems to be focusing more on his kingdom and people as he talks about the kiln-fired brick and other aspects of Uruk to the boatman.

What (and/or who) does the about‐to‐die (condemned) Enkidu curse?

He first curses the door that gave him the curse in the first place. He then curses the hunter who brought Shamhat to him. Lastly, he curses Shamhat for taking his innocence and says vile and disgusting things that he wishes upon her. He is asking Shamash to curse them.

Gilgamesh is portrayed in the prologue as wise and wonderful, but then after the prologue, he is portrayed as an oppressor or tyrant. What acts does he commit that cause the people to cry out to the gods?

He got into fights with men and had sexual relations with virgins before they would have relations with their husbands (on the wedding night)

While Enkidu was still with the prostitute and had not yet traveled to Uruk, what did Gilgamesh dream about? To whom did Gilgamesh confide about his dreams during this period?

He had dreams of someone coming to ramparted Uruk and crowds of people circling this traveler and Gilgamesh confided in his mom Ninsun who is a goddess

The central theme of Gilgamesh begins with a simple question: Gilgamesh is portrayed in the prologue as wise and wonderful, but then after the prologue, he is portrayed as an oppressor or tyrant. What acts does he commit that cause the people to cry out to the gods?

He picks fights and kills the young boys of his kingdom Uruk and beds daughters on their wedding nights before the husbands. He is just overall not protecting the kingdom and its inhabitants.

When Enkidu sees Gilgamesh for the first time, what does Enkidu do to stop Gilgamesh from visiting another person's bride on the wedding night?

He puts his foot in the door and starts a fight with Gilgamesh

What does Gilgamesh bring back to his community at the end of the story? [Hint: go back and read the prologue after reviewing the end of the story.]

He returns to Uruk with the tales of his adventure which were carved on a stone. This was his attempt at becoming immortal, through heroic actions that risked something to gain something much more. He attempted to bring back a plant he thought would cure mortality, but it was stolen by a serpent.

How does Gilgamesh obtain the thing that was revealed by Utanapishtim in the previous question? What causes Gilgamesh to lose this "secret" and "mysterious" thing?

He tied heavy stones to his feet and let them take him into the watery depths. He took that plant, but not before it pricked his hand. He cut off the stones and rose to the surface where he makes a plan to test it on the boatman before taking it for himself. He first goes to a pond to bathe, when a serpent caught the scent of the plant and took it away on its back.

How was Gilgamesh described in the epic regarding his appearance before Enkidu died?

He was described as having a renowned stature, perfection in height, and ideally handsome.

While Enkidu runs around the wild with the animals, what does he eat? What, if anything, does he wear?

He wears no clothes and eats grass along the animals and similar to Adam and Eve eating the grass before they ate the forbidden fruit

Once Enkidu is fully "seduced" into civilized humanity, he goes hunting. What does he hunt and whom does he protect at this stage?

He went hunting in order to let the shepherds sleep

How is Gilgamesh described in the epic regarding his parentage and percentage of being divine? What are his parents' names?

His mother is a half-cow goddess named "Ninsun" who communicates with the gods in order to protect both Gilgamesh and Enkidu on their journey to Humbaba. "Lugalbanda" is his father and he was a priest-king thought to possess magical/mystical powers.

Who is the guardian of the cedar forest? Who is the god that appointed this guardian of the cedar forest in order "to terrify the people"?

Humbaba is the guardian of the forest and "his breath is death" states Enkidu. "Enlil" created Humbaba to protect the forest from destruction. He was created as a protector of nature and the forest.

When Enkidu is discussing traveling to the forest of the cedars with Gilgamesh, and later, when the Elders of Uruk speak to Gilgamesh—they all repeat the same verse or phrase (which adds emphasis), describing a voice like a "roar," and a "maw" (jaw) like a "fire," causing his very breath to consist of "death! " Who is Enkidu and the Elders referring to?

Humbaba the giant they are going to kill

What were the dimensions of the boat? [Compare with Genesis 6—what makes the Genesis version of the boat different in terms of its shape?]

In Utanaphismtims recount of events, the boat is equal in length and width. An acre for the deck, 10 dozen cubits the height, and 10 dozen cubits square, her outer dimensions. Genesis 6 describes the ark as more of a rectangular shape: 300 cubits in length, 50 cubits in width, and 30 cubits in height with a skylight.

What was the role of the real Gilgamesh as leader of his people, and when did the real Gilgamesh live?

It is estimated that he ruled the Sumerian city-state of Uruk during the early part of the Early Dynastic Period (2900 - 2350 B.C.).

How many days after his final dream does the sick Enkidu lie dying? What are his last words to his friend, Gilgamesh?

It took Enkidu 12 days to finally die and his last words were... "My friend laid on me the greatest curse of all! I feared the battle but will die in my bed, My friend he who falls quickly in battle is glorious."

This particular mountain is mentioned in the tale of the journey to the cedar forest several times, what is the name of this mount (mountain)?

Mount Lebanon

Compare Utanapishtim's account of where the boat came to rest with that of the Genesis account? What are the names of where the boats, in their respective stories, came to rest?

Mount Nimush was where Utnapishtim's boat landed and Noah's Ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.

When Gilgamesh reaches the twin mountain peaks called Mashum, how does the story describe the twin peaks?

One peak looks west toward the setting sun and the other looks east toward the rising sun.

Which god asks Enkidu to reconsider the cursing of the harlot? Why?

Shamash gets Enkidu to reconsider by pointing out all of the good that Shamhat brought to Enkidu. Shamash states that Shamhat not only gave him food, clothing, and knowledge but also brought him to his best friend Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh is now at the end of the earth, and he sees a tavern keeper, who, after taking a look at Gilgamesh, decides to close and bar the tavern door. Why? What does Gilgamesh look like when he meets this person? What does Gilgamesh say about Enkidu in order to convince the tavern keeper to open the door?

She doesn't allow entry to Gilgamesh initially due to his appearance. She tells him to prove his identity and to explain why he looks emaciated, with a wretched heart, and woe in his vitals. He replies with his grief about Enkidu and how he cannot go on, and that death is permanent and something he cannot out rule or run.

In revenge, what mythological creature does Ishtar ask from her father? What damage does this creature do? What happens every time this creature snorts? What is this creature's name in the story, and what might it symbolize?

She goes to her father Anu and asks for "The Bull of Heaven" to wreak havoc in Uruk. Each snort of this bull opens up pits in Uruk killing hundreds of men with each one. The 3rd pit opened and took Enkidu into it before escaping quickly. The bull represents an explosive and destructive natural power.

During the preparation prior to embarking on the journey to the cedar forest, to whom does Gilgamesh's mother pray? What does she also do for and give to Enkidu?

She prays and does a ritual to "Shamash", the sun god to protect them on their quest and to give them the strength to succeed. She also asks Shamash to raise the 13 winds and blot out Humbaba's eyes. Ninsun talks to Enkidu before they depart for the forest and she adopts him and gives him a token for safe passage.

At the end of his curse upon the harlot, what reason does Enkidu give for why he is cursing her?

She stole his innocence, vitality, and in a way his mortality by making him more human than animal.

What does the prostitute warn Enkidu regarding Gilgamesh?

That Gilgamesh is the perfect man in strength, looks, and vigor 1. He is like a wild bull who lords over the young men 2. Gilgamesh is beloved by Shamash, Enlil, Anu, and Ea, and they also broadened his wisdom 3. Gilgamesh will dream of him in Uruk before Enkidu's arrival

In order to reach Utanapishtim, Gilgamesh must cross the sea, and no one has done that before. Worse yet, midway through the sea are the "waters of death, whose surface is impassable." The only hope is to cross with Utanapishtim's boatman. What is the boatman's name?

The boatman's name is "Ur-shanabi".

What city in Babylonia was Utanapishtim originally from?

The city of "Shuruppak" which was once set on the bank of the Euphrates, until the gods resolved to send a deluge.

The tales of Gilgamesh, in their earliest versions, were originally part of an ancient Sumerian cycle of poems written in what language? How far back do these earliest versions of the story (epic) of Gilgamesh date?

The earliest version was as early as 4,500 years ago but more likely closer to 4,000 years ago. The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh tablets were written using cuneiform script, which originates from Latin, which means wedge (cunei) and relates to the physical shape of the writing.

What does Ea say to Enlil during this council of the gods to calm him down and make him accept what happened with Utanapishtim and a few others surviving the flood?

The flood was just a complete exaggeration. Ea states that she would understand letting lions rise up and kill the humans or wolves, famine, and pestilence, but not a flood that eradicated the humans.

After killing the guardian of the cedar forest and cutting down a bunch of trees, what do Gilgamesh and Enkidu bring to Nippur on a raft along the Euphrates? [Hint: at least TWO things.]

The head of Humbaba in a leather bag that Gilgamesh brought to the temple of Enlil. They also take home a curse from Humbaba within the trees they took. This curse stated that neither would outline their friends and neither grow to be old men.

What part of Ishtar's creature does Gilgamesh take and place in his master bedroom?

The head of the Bull of Heaven

After becoming friends, Gilgamesh suggests that they should take a journey to the forest of the cedars. For what purposes did Gilgamesh actually want to go to the forest?

The main reason was to go and cut down multiple of the great cedar trees At first it is to get Enkidu out of the sadness he is currently in by killing the giant "Humbaba" He also wanted to ensure his legacy, to cement himself as immortal through his dangerous and "heroic" actions

When Utanapishtim first sees Gilgamesh, what does he say regarding Gilgamesh's appearance?

The same as "Siduri", why are your cheeks emaciated, face cast down, woe in your vitals, the face of a traveler's afar, features weathered by cold and sun, and clad in a lion skin roaming the steppe.

According to Utanapishtim, on what day did the wind and storm subside, and the sea become calm? [Compare the Genesis 7‐8 account.] What is similar, and what is different in these two accounts?

The storm continued for 6 days and 7 nights until the 7th day arrived and the windstorm and deluge subsided. In Noah's version, the flood lasted 40 days and 40 nights until it finally stopped. Both versions talk about rain and storms, but the one from Gilgamesh speaks of massive amounts of wind.

Utanapishtim reveals a "secret matter," "a mystery of the gods," to Gilgamesh. What is this secret and mystery that he reveals?

The story of the Great Flood, where Utnapishtim gained his immortality along with his wife.

What do they watch over? What do the peaks of Mashum reach up to? What does the base (flanks) of Mashum reach down to?

The summits brush against heaven and its udders reach down into the underworld.

After Gilgamesh fails the test, Utanapishtim's wife asks what he "might give" Gilgamesh "for his homeward journey." Utanapishtim decides to reveal another "secret matter," and "mystery of the gods." What thing does this secret matter and mystery refer to?

This sea thorn can rejuvenate a person and make them younger.

Utanapishtim asks Gilgamesh what it is that he may do to draw a council of gods, in the way that Utanapishtim had. He then gives Gilgamesh a challenge that may be spectacular enough to get the gods' attention and obtain for himself immortality. What is this challenge?

To fight sleep for 6 days and 7 nights

What city did the real Gilgamesh rule over?

Uruk, just north of Ur the historical home of Abraham (Abram).

Compare Utanapishtim's accounts of the birds he released after the boat came to rest on dry land with the birds released in the Genesis 8 account when Noah's ark came to rest on dry land. What is different in the type and order in which these birds were released?

Utanapishtm and Noah both released a dove first after they landed on the mounts. When the dove came back to Noah, it had a plucked olive leaf in its bill. After the dove failed to bring anything back to Utanapishtm, he sent out a Raven and it never came back, meaning that the Earth was habitable, even just a little bit.

In Tablet XI Utanapishtim discusses what he loaded on the boat [compare this with Genesis 6‐7.] What is similar, and what is different in these two accounts?

Utnapishtim is told to reject belongings and save a life, to take aboard the boat seeds of all living things. He loaded gold and silver, living creatures, family and kin, and wild animals from the steppe. Noah is told to come onto the ark with his household (family and friends) while also gathering 7 pairs of every clean animal (male and female) and only 1 pair of each of the foul animals.

After Gilgamesh and Enkidu kill Ishtar's creature, which parts do they offer to the gods?

While Ishtar and the temple prostitutes mourn the loss of the bull, Gilgamesh gathers his craftsmen and cuts the horns coated with lapis lazuli off, fills them with oil, and offers it in sacrifice to his father, Lugalbanda (priest-king).

What does Ninsun give Enkidu when she declared him her adopted son?

a token

What are the similarities between Enkidu and Eve from Genisis?

both experienced life-altering transformations from food, clothing, and ultimately temptation and thus consequences

What is the serpent described as in chapter 3 of Genesis?


What does the serpent say the apple will give Eve?

says that she will gain the knowledge of god and escape, but the serpent didn't specify how long she will escape it

T or F: Abraham (Abram) went through a journey of transformation in the same area as the legendary city of Uruk


T or F: Both Eve and Enkidu lost their innocence once they came out of their transformations.


T or F: Enkidu was created to contend with Gilgamesh -- a sustainer.


T or F: Eve was created as a "sustainer" for Adam.


T or F: Gilgamesh and Enkidu display a love that seems romantic throughout the story -- like they were made for each other, soulmates


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