EPPP exam 7 qs i got wrong

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The EEG for stage ___ of non-REM sleep is characterized by theta waves interrupted by sleep spindles and K complexes. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4


When a predictor has a criterion-related validity coefficient of _____, this means that 64% of variability in scores on the criterion is explained by variability in scores on the predictor. A. .80 B. .64 C. .40 D. .36

A. .80

Instrumental aggression usually first appears in children by the time they are ____ of age and then peaks at _____ of age. A. 1 year; 2 years B. 3 years; 4 years C. 5 years; 7 years D. 7 years; 9 years

A. 1 year; 2 years

Research on gender segregation has found that most children begin to prefer same-sex playmates between: A. 2 and 3 years of age with girls showing a preference earlier than boys do. B. 2 and 3 years of age with boys showing a preference earlier than girls do. C. 4 and 5 years of age with girls showing a preference earlier than boys do. D. 4 and 5 years of age with boys showing a preference earlier than girls do.

A. 2 and 3 years of age with girls showing a preference earlier than boys do.

As described by __________, a career is "the combination and sequence of roles played by a person during the course of a lifetime." A. Donald Super B. John Holland C. David Tiedeman D. John Krumboltz

A. Donald Super

The National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions III (NESARC-III) found that, among respondents with major depressive disorder, the largest percentage reported having had which of the following during their lifetimes? A. alcohol use disorder B. borderline personality disorder C. generalized anxiety disorder D. post-traumatic stress disorder

A. alcohol use disorder

Data from the Global Burden of Disease study indicate that which of the following is the most common mental disorder worldwide? A. anxiety disorders B. alcohol use disorder C. schizophrenia D. depression

A. anxiety disorders

Data collected by Bouchard and McGue (1981) indicate that the median correlation coefficient for IQ scores is lowest for which of the following? A. biological parent and child living apart B. adopted siblings living together C. biological siblings living apart D. half-siblings living together

A. biological parent and child living apart

A researcher would use which of the following to compare the effects of two interventions on quality-adjusted life-years (QALY)? A. cost-utility analysis B. cost-benefit analysis C. cost-effectiveness analysis D. cost-consequences analysis

A. cost-utility analysis

Which of the following is the primary focus of therapy for Milan systemic family therapists? A. destructive family games B. oppressive life stories C. boundary disturbances D. unresolved intrapsychic conflicts

A. destructive family games

Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) combine which of the following? A. graphic rating scale and critical incidents B. paired comparison and critical incidents C. behavioral anchors and forced choice D. behavioral anchors and forced distribution

A. graphic rating scale and critical incidents

In most people, Broca's area is located in the __________ and Wernicke's area is located in the __________. A. left inferior frontal gyrus; left superior temporal gyrus B. right inferior frontal gyrus; right superior temporal gyrus C. left anterior cingulate gyrus; left posterior cingulate gyrus D. right anterior cingulate gyrus; right posterior cingulate gyrus

A. left inferior frontal gyrus; left superior temporal gyrus

According to Hersey and Blanchard's (1988) situational leadership theory, a telling leadership style is most effective for employees who have: A. low ability and low motivation. B. low ability and high motivation. C. high ability and low motivation. D. high ability and high motivation.

A. low ability and low motivation.

All of the following are "red flags" that suggest a young child should be referred for a speech/language evaluation except: A. no canonical babbling (e.g., bababa) by 5 months of age. B. no first words by 19 months of age. C. no meaningful two-word combinations (e.g., juice gone) by 28 months of age. D. no appropriate pronoun use by 42 months of age.

A. no canonical babbling (e.g., bababa) by 5 months of age.

The treatment-of-choice for a 6-year-old child whose symptoms meet the diagnostic criteria for oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and who has been physically abused by his parents is which of the following? A. parent-child interaction therapy B. assertive community treatment C. functional family therapy D. multidimensional family therapy

A. parent-child interaction therapy

The ASPPB's E.Passport is one of the requirements for: A. providing telepsychology to a client who is in another jurisdiction. B. providing temporary in-person therapy across jurisdictional boundaries. C. providing telepsychology and temporary in-person therapy across jurisdictional boundaries. D. transferring EPPP scores across jurisdictional lines.

A. providing telepsychology to a client who is in another jurisdiction.

As described by Broten and colleagues (2011), when a stepped care approach is used to treat individuals with low levels of depressive symptoms, the first step includes assessment and monitoring. When symptoms do not remit, the second step includes which of the following? A. psychoeducation, bibliotherapy, and/or computer-aided CBT B. watchful waiting, self-monitoring, and/or psychoeducation C. group therapy, brief individual CBT, and/or medication D. psychoeducation, peer support group, and/or brief individual CBT

A. psychoeducation, bibliotherapy, and/or computer-aided CBT

The correction for attenuation formula is used to estimate the effects of increasing: A. the reliability of a predictor and/or criterion on the criterion-related validity coefficient. B. the reliability of a predictor and/or criterion on the predictor's incremental validity. C. the number of items included in the predictor on its criterion-related validity coefficient. D. the base rate on the predictor's incremental validity.

A. the reliability of a predictor and/or criterion on the criterion-related validity coefficient.

Which of the following is likely to produce the largest reliability coefficient for a newly developed achievement test? A. unrestricted range of scores and homogeneous content of test items B. unrestricted range of score and heterogeneous content of test items C. restricted range of scores and homogeneous content of test items D. restricted range of scores and heterogeneous content of test items

A. unrestricted range of scores and homogeneous content of test items

In his research on conformity to group norms, Asch (1951): A. used an unambiguous stimulus and found that subjects conformed to group norms. B. used an unambiguous stimulus and found that subjects did not conform to group norms. C. used an ambiguous stimulus and found that subjects conformed to group norms. D. used an ambiguous stimulus and found that subjects did not conform to group norms.

A. used an unambiguous stimulus and found that subjects conformed to group norms.

__________ is the most common outcome of damage to the cerebellum and can also be due to abnormalities in the sensory or vestibular system. A. Ataxia B. Apraxia C. Dyskinesia D. Paresthesia


When evaluating the effectiveness of an intervention to eliminate the head banging of a child with autism spectrum disorder, a researcher would be least likely to use which single-subject research design? A. AB B. ABAB C. multiple baseline D. counterbalanced


Which of the following is based on the assumption that high probability behaviors can be used to increase low probability behaviors? A. response cost B. Premack principle C. overcorrection D. differential reinforcement

B. Premack principle

The goals of Project MATCH (Matching Alcoholism Treatment to Client Heterogeneity) were to compare the effects of motivational enhancement therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and twelve-step facilitation for individuals who had received a DSM-III-R diagnosis of alcohol dependence or abuse and to test the hypothesis that matching type of treatment to certain patient characteristics improves treatment outcomes. Results found which of the following? A. The three treatments produced similar outcomes but there was no support for the matching hypothesis. B. The three treatments produced similar outcomes and there was some support for the matching hypothesis. C. Motivational enhancement therapy produced the best outcomes but there was no support for the matching hypothesis. D. Motivational enhancement therapy produced the best outcomes and there was some support for the matching hypothesis.

B. The three treatments produced similar outcomes and there was some support for the matching hypothesis.

Akathisia is a movement disorder caused by antipsychotic drugs and is characterized by which of the following? A. involuntary muscle contractions B. a sense of restlessness and an urge to keep moving C. involuntary, rhythmic movements of the tongue, lips, face, and jaw D. tremor, muscle rigidity, and slowed movements

B. a sense of restlessness and an urge to keep moving

Current indications for deep brain stimulation (DBS) include all of the following except: A. Parkinson's disease. B. atypical parkinsonism. C. essential tremor. D. dystonia.

B. atypical parkinsonism.

Hall, Hall, and Caselli (2019) conclude that, for deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) children, the research suggests that learning sign language: A. interferes with the acquisition of spoken language. B. benefits the acquisition of spoken language. C. benefits the acquisition of spoken language only when it occurs after spoken language interventions have failed. D. has no impact on the acquisition of spoken language.

B. benefits the acquisition of spoken language.

When people are unable to end their cognitive dissonance by replacing or subtracting the dissonant cognition or adding a consonant cognition, they will most likely: A. decide that the dissonant cognition is actually consonant. B. decrease the importance of the dissonant cognition. C. find someone or something to support the dissonant cognition. D. hide the dissonant cognition from other people.

B. decrease the importance of the dissonant cognition.

The primary goal of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is to help clients: A. identify, challenge, and replace maladaptive thoughts and beliefs. B. disengage from distressing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. C. make life choices that are consistent with their values and beliefs. D. reduce ineffective behavioral tendencies that are related to dysregulated emotions.

B. disengage from distressing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

In their longitudinal study of the effects of overcontrolling ("helicopter") parenting, Perry and colleagues (2018) found that children's levels of __________ at age 5 were mediators that linked overcontrolling parenting during toddlerhood to poor emotional, social, and academic functioning at 10 years of age. A. behavioral restraint and social reticence B. emotion regulation and inhibitory control C. negative affectivity and aggression D. self-awareness and empathy

B. emotion regulation and inhibitory control

Cognitive therapy for suicide prevention (CT-SP) has been found to be effective for reducing suicidal ideation, repeat suicide attempts, and depression in adolescents and adults who recently attempted suicide. As described by Bryan (2019), the primary targets of the three stages of CT-SP are, in order: A. risk assessment, skills training, and safety planning. B. emotion regulation, cognitive flexibility, and relapse prevention. C. crisis management, cognitive flexibility, and safety planning. D. cognitive restructuring, behavioral activation, and relapse prevention

B. emotion regulation, cognitive flexibility, and relapse prevention.

The Dot Counting Test (DCT) is most useful: A. for detecting dysfunction in selective attention. B. for detecting feigned cognitive impairment. C. as a screening test for mild neurocognitive disorder. D. as a screening test for attention deficits. Previous QuestionPause

B. for detecting feigned cognitive impairment.

As the result of a stroke, a 74-year-old woman experiences complete paralysis on the right side of her body. This is referred to as __________ and is due to damage in the __________ side of the woman's brain. A. hemiplegia; right B. hemiplegia; left C. hemiparesis; right D. hemiparesis; left

B. hemiplegia; left

As described by Trochim (2020), a summative evaluation includes all of the following except: A. secondary analysis. B. implementation evaluation. C. impact evaluation. D. cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis.

B. implementation evaluation.

The word-stem and word-fragment completion tasks and other tasks that assess repetition priming are measures of: A. explicit memory. B. implicit memory. C. iconic memory. D. short-term memory.

B. implicit memory.

Data collected by Schmidt, Oh, and Shaffer (2016) indicate that the greatest increase in predictive validity for job performance occurs when a test of general mental ability is combined with which of the following? A. work sample B. integrity test C. biodata D. job knowledge test

B. integrity test

Auditory hallucinations are a frequent symptom of schizophrenia, and research has shown that they are caused by neuronal abnormalities in the: A. right temporal lobe. B. left temporal lobe. C. right occipital lobe. D. left occipital lobe.

B. left temporal lobe

When psychologists are faced with conflicts between ethical responsibilities and legal requirements, they: A. may comply with legal requirements when the conflict is unresolvable. B. may comply with legal requirements when doing so doesn't violate basic human rights. C. must choose the course of action that allows fullest adherence to ethical guidelines. D. must choose the course of action that allows the greatest degree of compliance with both ethical guidelines and legal requirements.

B. may comply with legal requirements when doing so doesn't violate basic human rights.

According to the theory of groupthink, mindguards: A. protect the group leader from being criticized or ignored by group members. B. protect the group and group leader from dissenting views. C. pressure group members to consider contradictory information. D. pressure group members to "stay on track" whenever discussions go off-topic.

B. protect the group and group leader from dissenting views.

Humanistic and existential therapies share all of the following except: A. emphasis on current circumstances rather than past formative influences. B. recognition of the inherent potential for both good and evil. C. resistance to the use of clinical labels. D. adoption of a phenomenological orientation that prioritizes subjective experience over objective reality.

B. recognition of the inherent potential for both good and evil.

A college student says her seizures begin with the feeling like she's on a roller coaster and a sudden sense of fear. She never remembers what happens next, but her roommate has told her that she's very "fidgety" during seizures and makes smacking noises with her lips. These symptoms suggest that the woman is experiencing which of the following? A. frontal lobe seizures B. temporal lobe seizures C. parietal lobe seizures D. occipital lobe seizures

B. temporal lobe seizures

The incremental validity of a new selection test (predictor) is calculated by subtracting: A. the positive hit rate from the base rate. B. the base rate from the positive hit rate. C. the negative hit rate from the positive hit rate. D. the positive hit rate from the negative hit rate.

B. the base rate from the positive hit rate.

The unique information gained when a new selection test or other procedure is added to the current selection procedure is maximized when: A. the base rate is moderate and there are few applicants and many job openings. B. the base rate is moderate and there are many applicants and a few job openings. C. the base rate is high and there are few applicants and many job openings. D. the base rate is high and there are many applicants and a few job openings.

B. the base rate is moderate and there are many applicants and a few job openings.

Hans Eysenck is probably best known for his controversial conclusions about which of the following? A. the impact of negative parenting on child psychopathology B. the heritability of intelligence C. the use of hypnosis to retrieve repressed memories D. the over-diagnosis of mental illness

B. the heritability of intelligence

Barber and colleagues (2016) extended previous research on socioemotional selectivity theory by manipulating the time horizons of younger and older adults and found that: A. thinking about the future as unlimited increased the positivity effect for both older and younger adults. B. thinking about the future as limited increased the positivity effect for both older and younger adults. C. thinking about the future as unlimited increased the positivity effect for older adults but decreased it for younger adults. D. thinking about the future as limited increased the positivity effect for older adults but decreased it for younger adults.

B. thinking about the future as limited increased the positivity effect for both older and younger adults.

Fairchild and colleagues (2008) compared groups of male adolescents with childhood-onset or adolescence-onset conduct disorder to a control group of adolescents without a psychiatric disorder and found that youth in both conduct disorder groups: A. were hyperreactive in terms of cortisol and cardiovascular responses to stress when compared to controls. B. were hyporeactive in terms of cortisol and cardiovascular responses to stress when compared to controls. C. were hyperreactive in terms of cortisol response but hyporeactive in terms of cardiovascular response to stress when compared to controls. D. were hyporeactive in terms of cortisol response but hyperreactive in terms of cardiovascular response to stress when compared to controls.

B. were hyporeactive in terms of cortisol and cardiovascular responses to stress when compared to controls.

Which of the following tests is useful for assessing children 3 to 10 years of age who have sensory, motor, or speech deficits and was originally developed for children with cerebral palsy? A. Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children B. Leiter International Performance Scale C. Columbia Mental Maturity Scale D. Cognitive Abilities Test

C. Columbia Mental Maturity Scale

Which of the following is the best generalization about the pharmacological treatment of classic and atypical bipolar disorder? A. Lithium is more effective than anticonvulsant and atypical antipsychotic drugs for both classic and atypical bipolar disorder. B. Anticonvulsant and atypical antipsychotic drugs are more effective than lithium for both classic and atypical bipolar disorder. C. Lithium is more effective for classic bipolar disorder, while anticonvulsant and atypical antipsychotic drugs are more effective for atypical bipolar disorder. D. Anticonvulsant and atypical antipsychotic drugs are more effective for classic bipolar disorder, while lithium is more effective for atypical bipolar disorder.

C. Lithium is more effective for classic bipolar disorder, while anticonvulsant and atypical antipsychotic drugs are more effective for atypical bipolar disorder.

The best conclusion that can be drawn about the pharmacological treatment of major depressive disorder with atypical features is that: A. TCAs are more effective than SSRIs and MAOIs. B. SSRIs and TCAs are both more effective than MAOIs. C. MAOIs are effective but may not be significantly more effective than SSRIs. D. MAOIs are effective but may not be significantly more effective than TCAs.

C. MAOIs are effective but may not be significantly more effective than SSRIs.

Which of the following is the least accurate description of mentoring in organizations? A. Mentors focus on the career and professional development (versus the performance) of mentees. B. The mentor-mentee relationship is often long-term, and the outcomes of the relationship may change over time. C. Mentors identify the agenda for the nature and goals of their relationships with mentees. D. Mentor-mentee meetings are usually informal and take place when the mentee needs support or guidance.

C. Mentors identify the agenda for the nature and goals of their relationships with mentees.

As described by McClelland (1961), which of the following is least characteristic of people who have a high need for achievement? A. They find it difficult to delegate part of their tasks to others. B. They like regular, concrete feedback about their performance. C. They are motivated most by opportunities for gaining status and recognition. D. They tend to prefer tasks that have a 50/50 chance of success.

C. They are motivated most by opportunities for gaining status and recognition.

The etiology of neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer's disease has been linked to: A. low levels of both acetylcholine and glutamate. B. high levels of both acetylcholine and glutamate. C. a low level of acetylcholine and a high level of glutamate. D. a high level of acetylcholine and a low level of glutamate.

C. a low level of acetylcholine and a high level of glutamate.

Based on the results of their review of research on relational aggression, Voulgaridou and Kokkinos (2015) concluded that the studies have: A. consistently found that adolescent boys engage in more physical and relational aggression than adolescent girls do. B. consistently found that adolescent boys engage in more physical aggression while adolescent girls engage in more relational aggression. C. consistently found that adolescent boys engage in more physical aggression but have provided mixed results about gender differences in relational aggression. D. provided mixed results about gender differences in both physical aggression and relational aggression during adolescence.

C. consistently found that adolescent boys engage in more physical aggression but have provided mixed results about gender differences in relational aggression.

Community reinforcement and family training (CRAFT) distinguishes between the identified patient (IP), who is the person with the substance-use problem, and the concerned significant other (CSO), who is a family member or close friend of the IP. The primary goals of CRAFT include all of the following except: A. getting the IP into substance-use treatment. B. decreasing the IP's substance use. C. helping the CSO adopt "loving-detachment" from the IP. D. improving the CSO's quality of life.

C. helping the CSO adopt "loving-detachment" from the IP.

A psychologist who is providing individual therapy to inmates of an adult correctional facility is told by one of the inmates during a therapy session that he is very angry at another inmate and intends to physically harm him. The psychologist knows that the inmate (his client) has a history of violent behavior. The psychologist should: A. maintain the inmate's confidentiality. B. warn the intended victim of the inmate's intent. C. inform the appropriate prison official of the inmate's intent. D. warn the intended victim and inform the appropriate prison official of the inmate's intent.

C. inform the appropriate prison official of the inmate's intent.

Juffer and van IJzendoorn (2005) conducted a meta-analysis of studies comparing mental health outcomes of international adoptees, domestic adoptees, and nonadopted peers and found that: A. international adoptees had the lowest rates of internalizing and externalizing problems. B. international adoptees had the highest rates of internalizing and externalizing problems. C. international adoptees had higher rates of internalizing and externalizing problems than nonadopted peers had but lower rates than domestic adoptees had. D. international adoptees had lower rates of internalizing and externalizing problems than nonadopted peers had but higher rates than domestic adoptees had.

C. international adoptees had higher rates of internalizing and externalizing problems than nonadopted peers had but lower rates than domestic adoptees had.

Edward Tolman concluded that his research with rats confirmed that: A. reinforcing a behavior increases the likelihood that it will be repeated. B. connections must be made between stimuli or events for learning to occur. C. learning can occur without being apparent in behavior. D. learning can be the result of an "aha" experience.

C. learning can occur without being apparent in behavior.

A professional executor is the person designated by a psychologist to carry out the terms of a psychologist's professional will. According to the ASPPB's Guidelines for Closing a Psychology Practice (2020), a professional executor: A. must be a licensed psychologist. B. must be an attorney. C. may be a licensed psychologist or other licensed health provider. D. may be a professional colleague or family member.

C. may be a licensed psychologist or other licensed health provider.

Dawis and Lofquist's (1984) theory of work adjustment is best described as a: A. developmental theory. B. decision-making theory. C. person-environment fit theory. D. social learning theory.

C. person-environment fit theory.

Research has linked ADHD to which of the following? A. smaller-than-normal caudate nucleus and putamen and larger-than-normal amygdala B. smaller-than-normal amygdala and larger-than-normal caudate nucleus and putamen C. smaller-than-normal caudate nucleus, putamen, and amygdala D. larger-than-normal caudate nucleus, putamen, and amygdala

C. smaller-than-normal caudate nucleus, putamen, and amygdala

As described by Baddeley (2000), the phonological loop: A. transfers auditory information from sensory to short-term memory. B. transfers auditory information from short- to long-term memory. C. temporarily stores auditory information. D. transforms auditory information to visual information.

C. temporarily stores auditory information.

When using Bayes' theorem: A. the likelihood function is derived from a synthesis of the prior and posterior. B. the prior is derived from a synthesis of the posterior and likelihood function. C. the posterior is derived from a synthesis of the prior and likelihood function. D. the prevailing is derived from a synthesis of the prior, likelihood function, and posterior.

C. the posterior is derived from a synthesis of the prior and likelihood function.

People tend to attribute the desirable behaviors of members of their in-group to dispositional factors but the desirable behaviors of out-group members to situational factors. Conversely, people typically attribute the undesirable behaviors of members of their in-group to situational factors and the undesirable behaviors of out-group members to dispositional factors. This describes which of the following? A. group attribution error B. actor-observer effect C. ultimate attribution bias D. confirmation bias

C. ultimate attribution bias

Which of the following schedules of reinforcement produces the highest and steadiest rate of responding and the greatest resistance to extinction? A. variable interval B. fixed interval C. variable ratio D. fixed ratio

C. variable ratio

Overexpression of the ________ gene on chromosome 21 has been identified as the link between standard trisomy 21 and early-onset Alzheimer's disease. A. APOE4 B. APOE2 C. MECP2 D. APP


Which of the following theories proposes that physiological arousal and the experience of emotion occur simultaneously and independently in response to a stimulus? A. Hering's opponent process theory B. Schachter and Singer's two-factor theory C. James-Lange theory D. Cannon-Bard theory

D. Cannon-Bard theory

manager and assistant manager were asked to rate 30 employees in terms of readiness for promotion. After reviewing each employee's file, the manager and assistant manager independently categorized employees as being ready or not ready for promotion. Which of the following is the appropriate technique for determining the inter-rater reliability of the ratings made by the manager and assistant manager? A. coefficient of determination B. coefficient alpha C. Kuder-Richardson 20 D. Cohen's kappa coefficient

D. Cohen's kappa coefficient

As conceptualized by Shapiro and her colleagues (e.g., Shapiro & Maxfield, 2002), the rapid eye movement component of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) exerts its beneficial effects on the symptoms of PTSD by: A. suppressing the anxiety response to traumatic memories by substituting a relaxation response. B. desensitizing the conditioned fear response through repeated exposure in imagination to traumatic memories. C. synchronizing the functioning of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. D. accelerating information processing and adaptive resolution of traumatic memories.

D. accelerating information processing and adaptive resolution of traumatic memories.

Scarr and McCartney (1983) distinguish between three gene-environment correlations. Niche-picking is another name for which of these correlations? A. passive genotype-environment B. evocative genotype-environment C. reactive genotype-environment D. active genotype-environment

D. active genotype-environment

A psychologist is conducting clinical trials to evaluate the effectiveness of a treatment for children, ages 9 to 12 years, who have received a diagnosis of bipolar disorder with comorbid symptoms of acute stress disorder. Before administering the intervention to each child, the psychologist must obtain consent from the child's legal guardian(s) and: A. assent from the child. B. assent from the child when the child is under 12 years of age or consent from the child when the child is 12 years of age or older. C. assent from the child unless assent is waived because an appropriate mechanism for protecting the child's safety will be provided. D. assent from the child unless assent is waived on capacity grounds or grounds of direct benefit to the child.

D. assent from the child unless assent is waived on capacity grounds or grounds of direct benefit to the child.

The reliable change index (RCI) is useful for determining if a change in a client's scores on an outcome measure administered before and after the client receives treatment is: A. valid. B. statistically significant. C. attributable to sampling error. D. attributable to measurement error.

D. attributable to measurement error.

The gender affirmative model for the care of transgender and gender-expansive children advocates considering social gender transitioning when: A. children have reached puberty and are exploring or affirming their gender expression. B. children have reached puberty and are exploring or affirming their gender identity. C. children have or have not yet reached puberty and are exploring or affirming their gender expression. D. children have or have not yet reached puberty and are exploring or affirming their gender identity.

D. children have or have not yet reached puberty and are exploring or affirming their gender identity.

As described by Herbert Simon (1957) "satisficing" is caused by several factors that include all of the following except: A. cognitive limitations. B. time constraints. C. imperfect or inadequate information. D. communication failures.

D. communication failures.

Systematic desensitization is to ________ as exposure therapy is to ________. A. stimulus generalization; response generalization B. response generalization; stimulus generalization C. extinction; counterconditioning D. counterconditioning; extinction

D. counterconditioning; extinction

One concern about prescribing stimulant medications for children with ADHD is that doing so may increase their risk for developing a substance use disorder (SUD) later in life. Based on the results of their meta-analysis of the research, Humphreys, Eng, and Lee (2013) concluded that use of a stimulant medication by children with ADHD: A. decreases the risk for developing an SUD in adulthood. B. increases the risk for developing an SUD in adulthood. C. increases the risk for developing an SUD in adulthood only when stimulant treatment begins at a young age and at a high dose. D. does not decrease or increase the risk of developing an SUD in adulthood.

D. does not decrease or increase the risk of developing an SUD in adulthood.7

The peak age of onset for schizophrenia is: A. early- to mid-20s for males and females. B. late-20s for males and females. C. late-20s for males and early- to mid-20s for females. D. early- to mid-20s for males and late-20s for females.

D. early- to mid-20s for males and late-20s for females.

Which of the following best explains the link between maternal malnutrition and the offspring's low birthweight and increased risk for coronary heart disease, hypertension, and Type 2 diabetes in adulthood? A. reaction range B. fetal-maternal exchange C. dynamic systems theory D. fetal programming

D. fetal programming

The best conclusion about research on the effectiveness of telepsychology for bulimia nervosa is that it: A. is ineffective as a means of providing therapy in terms of most treatment outcomes. B. is equally effective as in-person therapy for most or all treatment outcomes. C. is more effective than in-person therapy for most or all treatment outcomes. D. has positive effects but may be less effective than in-person therapy in terms of some treatment outcomes.

D. has positive effects but may be less effective than in-person therapy in terms of some treatment outcomes.

The 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association states that authors should retain raw data associated with their articles published in APA journals: A. for at least 7 years after publication of the articles. B. for at least 12 years after publication of the articles. C. in accordance with APA's Record Keeping Guidelines. D. in accordance with institutional or funder requirements.

D. in accordance with institutional or funder requirements.

Based on the results of their meta-analysis of research on the efficacy and safety of St. John's wort extract for people with mild to moderate depression, Cui and Zheng (2016) concluded that St. John's wort: A. is significantly less effective than SSRIs in terms of treatment response and has a higher rate of adverse events. B. is significantly less effective than SSRIs in terms of treatment response but has a lower rate of adverse events. C. is not significantly different from SSRIs in terms of treatment response but has a higher rate of adverse events. D. is not significantly different from SSRIs in terms of treatment response and has a lower rate of adverse events.

D. is not significantly different from SSRIs in terms of treatment response and has a lower rate of adverse events.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been linked to which of the following? A. low brain and blood levels of serotonin B. high brain and blood levels of serotonin C. high brain level and low blood level of serotonin D. low brain level and high blood level of serotonin

D. low brain level and high blood level of serotonin

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) produces its reinforcing effects by increasing dopamine concentrations in the: A. suprachiasmatic nucleus. B. dorsal striatum. C. hypothalamus. D. nucleus accumbens.

D. nucleus accumbens.

Cohen-Charash and Spector's (2001) meta-analysis of research on the effects of organizational justice found that job satisfaction is: A. positively related to perceived procedural justice but unrelated to perceived distributive or interactional justice. B. positively related to perceived distributive justice but unrelated to perceived procedural or interactional justice. C. positively related to perceived interactional justice but unrelated to perceived procedural or distributive justice. D. positively and similarly related to perceived procedural, distributive, and interactional justice.

D. positively and similarly related to perceived procedural, distributive, and interactional justice.

Stroop Color and Word Test is most useful for assessing: A. abstract thinking and cognitive flexibility in adults with alcohol use disorder. B. attention and concentration in patients with traumatic brain injury. C. perseveration and divided attention in children with autistic spectrum disorder. D. selective attention and response inhibition in children with ADHD.

D. selective attention and response inhibition in children with ADHD.

Studies confirming the predictions of the overjustification effect also provide evidence for which of the following? A. cognitive dissonance theory B. theory of planned behavior C. balance theory D. self-perception theory

D. self-perception theory

Research has found that individuals with nonverbal learning disability (NVLD) tend to obtain: A. significantly lower scores on the WAIS-IV's WMI than on the PSI. B. significantly higher scores on the WAIS-IV's PSI than on the WMI. C. significantly lower scores on the WAIS-IV's VCI than on the PRI. D. significantly higher scores on the WAIS-IV's VCI than on the PRI.

D. significantly higher scores on the WAIS-IV's VCI than on the PRI.

When a forensic psychologist is hired to conduct a psychological evaluation of a defendant in a criminal case, the "client" is: A. the defendant. B. the defendant's legal representative. C. the court. D. the person/entity that retained the psychologist.

D. the person/entity that retained the psychologist.

Which of the following is associated with stage 6 of Kohlberg's model of moral development? A. transcendental morality B. social contract orientation C. interpersonal concordance D. universal ethical principles

D. universal ethical principles

Which of the following syndromes is not caused by a chromosomal deletion? A. cri-du-chat B. Prader-Willi C. Klinefelter D. Angelman


Adorno's F Scale measures traits and tendencies that are associated with: A. authoritarianism. B. sociopathy. C. prosocial behaviors. D. alexithymia.


Satir distinguished between four dysfunctional (incongruent) communication styles that contribute to family problems:

blaming, placating, distracting (also known as irrelevant), and computing (also known as super-reasonable). Conjoint family therapy

According to Helms's White Racial Identity Development Model, people in which of the following stages have a lack of awareness of racism and White privilege and are satisfied with the racial status quo? A. pseudo-independence B. contact C. disintegration D. pre-encounter


According to the 4D model of appreciative inquiry, the first stage in organizational change is which of the following? A. dream B. detect C. discover D. desire


Piaget attributed animistic thinking by a 5-year-old child to which of the following? A. artificialism B. egocentrism C. centration D. horizontal decalage


Research has confirmed that different early life experiences (e.g., child maltreatment, parental divorce, parental psychopathology) can lead to childhood depression. This is an example of which of the following? A. integration B. differentiation C. equifinality D. multifinality


assumption of person-centered therapy

is that providing clients with three facilitative conditions (empathy, unconditional positive regard, and congruence) will help them move beyond internalized conditions of worth and thereby progress from a state of incongruence to a state of congruence

Of the Big Five personality traits, level of __________ has been most consistently identified as an accurate predictor of level of marital satisfaction and stability. A. agreeableness B. extraversion C. conscientiousness D. neuroticism


Correll and his colleagues (2007) found that the police officers included in their study demonstrated shooter bias in terms of: A. both response time and accuracy. B. response time but not accuracy. C. accuracy but not response time. D. neither response time nor accuracy.

response time but not accuracy.

Use of the ________ heuristic tends to intensify a person's emotional reaction to a negative event that has already occurred. A. simulation B. availability C. representativeness D. anchoring and adjustment


The reliability index is calculated by

taking the square root of the reliability coefficient.

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