EPPP Psychology Licensing Exam (5 of 5)

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SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 101. A gay man who is in the stage of identity pride is most likely to identify with which of the following? • 1. A sense of his homosexuality as better than another's heterosexuality. • 2. A tolerance of his homosexuality, while seeing heterosexuality as preferred. • 3. A feeling that neither homosexuality not heterosexuality is better, but rather both are valued. • 4. A feeling that heterosexuality is definitely preferred, and homosexuality is devalued.

1. A sense of his homosexuality as better than another's heterosexuality. (correct answer, your response)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 87. A man presents to a therapist's office, complaining that he has trouble making up his mind about his career and hobbies. He explains that he often procrastinates, can't stick with one thing, loses focus, and that his interests shift frequently. In addition, he experiences feelings of inadequacy. These are most likely symptoms of: • 1. ADHD. • 2. Schizoid Personality Disorder. • 3. Borderline Personality Disorder. • 4. Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent.

1. ADHD. (correct answer, your response)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 8. When in a state of relaxed wakefulness, which brain waves predominate? • 1. Alpha. • 2. Beta. • 3. Theta. • 4. Delta.

1. Alpha. (correct answer)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 127. Which of the following best defines the model of antisocial behavior developed by G. R. Patterson? • 1. Antisocial behavior results from a predictable developmental sequence of experiences. • 2. Antisocial behavior is modeled by the parent(s) through excessive discipline. • 3. Antisocial behavior is genetically determined. • 4. Children learn antisocial behavior primarily through affiliation with deviant peer groups.

1. Antisocial behavior results from a predictable developmental sequence of experiences. (correct answer)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 141. Agranulocytosis is associated with which of the following medications? • 1. Clozapine. • 2. Thorazine. • 3. Phenelzine. • 4. Lithium Carbonate.

1. Clozapine. (correct answer)

RESEARCH METHODS AND STATISTICS 178. An inverted U relationship can be interpreted with which of the following coefficients? • 1. Eta. • 2. Pearson r. • 3. Biserial. • 4. Tetrachoric.

1. Eta. (correct answer)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 15. When would the administration of Ritalin to a child with ADHD be contraindicated? • 1. If tics are present. • 2. If the child has a learning disorder. • 3. If the child has conduct problems. • 4. If the child has comorbid depression.

1. If tics are present. (correct answer)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 1. Which of the following describes postconcussion syndrome? • 1. Irritability, fatigue, and headaches. • 2. Loss of consciousness for minutes to an hour. • 3. Loss of consciousness for hours to days. •4. Headaches and numbness on one side of the body.

1. Irritability, fatigue, and headaches. (correct answer, your response)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 56. Which of the following statements is not true about Prozac? • 1. It causes mild to moderate anticholinergic side effects. • 2. It can be used to treat obsessions in OCD. • 3. It has been used to treat eating disorders. • 4. It exerts its action on serotonergic pathways.

1. It causes mild to moderate anticholinergic side effects. (correct answer, your response)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 48. What can be said about a Kappa coefficient of .90? • 1. It indicates a high degree of interrater reliability. • 2. It indicates a high degree of reliability after adjustments made with the correction for attenuation formula. • 3. It indicates good criterion-related validity. • 4. It suggests high split-half reliability after correction with the Spearman-Brown prophecy formula.

1. It indicates a high degree of interrater reliability. (correct answer)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 189. What is a trainability test? • 1. It is used to determine whether someone would benefit from training. • 2. It is used to determine whether the material learned during training has been transferred to the actual job. • 3. It is used to determine whether the material presented during training has been absorbed by the trainees. • 4. It is used to determine what materials to use during training.

1. It is used to determine whether someone would benefit from training. (correct answer)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 3. Several school age children are playing handball during recess. Which of the following statements might be made if the children are in Piaget's stage of autonomous morality? • 1. It's okay to change the rules if we all agree. • 2. It is wrong to break the rules of the game. • 3. You're cheating, so I'm not going to play anymore. • 4. You're cheating, so I'm going to tell on you.

1. It's okay to change the rules if we all agree. (correct answer)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 170. Which of the following does Donald Super's Career Rainbow model emphasize? • 1. Life roles. • 2. Occupational roles. • 3. Self-actualization. • 4. Upper and lower level needs.

1. Life roles. (correct answer, your response)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 54. Which of the following is incorrectly matched? • 1. Melanie Klein: focus on the impact of social relations and cultural factors in determining personality. • 2. Alfred Adler: disturbance is viewed as a result of a faulty life-style involving a struggle for power. • 3. Anna Freud: focus on capacities for integration and adaptation and what is interfering with these processes. • 4. C. G. Jung: views neurosis not as an illness but as striving toward psychological maturity.

1. Melanie Klein: focus on the impact of social relations and cultural factors in determining personality. (correct answer)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 176. Which of the following statements is true regarding the use of mental health services by minority individuals? • 1. Overall, minority persons underutilize mental health services. • 2. Overall, minority persons overutilize mental health services. • 3. Minority persons use mental health services about as often as persons of non-minority background. • 4. Minority persons who seek treatment appear to benefit more than persons of non-minority background.

1. Overall, minority persons underutilize mental health services. (correct answer, your response)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 22. Which of the following statements is true regarding communication in cultures considered to be high-context? • 1. People focus more on how the message is communicated. • 2. Greater emphasis is placed on choosing the right words to express the message. • 3. People prefer to sit or stand close to the person they are talking to. • 4. People focus more on the content of the message.

1. People focus more on how the message is communicated. (correct answer)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 14. A person who believes that people who are white are superior to blacks is in which stage of Helms's model of white racial identity development? • 1. Reintegration. • 2. Immersion. • 3. Pseudo-independence. • 4. Disintegration.

1. Reintegration. (correct answer)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 118. You have been treating a woman who has a history of childhood physical abuse. She informs you that in the last week she lost her temper with one of her children, and hit him with a belt on his bare bottom. She expresses tremendous guilt and remorse, and swears she will never behave like this again. Which of the following would be your best course of action? • 1. Report the abuse during the session. • 2. Work to help your client enhance her coping resources (e.g., mobilizing support, learning stress management techniques, improve parenting skills). • 3. Work to maintain the therapeutic alliance, address the cycle of violence in your therapy with her, and focus treatment on helping her get over her own abuse, in order to prevent further abuse of her children. • 4. Make a child abuse report only if the situation recurs.

1. Report the abuse during the session. (correct answer)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 200. Which of the following would a behaviorist use to treat depression? • 1. Social skills training. • 2. Changing maladaptive perceptions. • 3. Anger management. • 4. Thought stopping.

1. Social skills training. (correct answer, your response)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 171. According to most research, parental attention to which of the following senses plays the most critical role in healthy infant development? • 1. Tactile. • 2. Gustatory. • 3. Auditory. • 4. Visual.

1. Tactile. (correct answer, your response)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 135. Which of the following describes the most effective form of flooding? • 1. The patient is exposed to the feared stimulus for a prolonged period. • 2. The patient is exposed to the feared stimulus for repeated, intermittent periods. • 3. The patient is exposed to the feared stimulus when the fear is excessively heightened. • 4. The patient is exposed to the feared stimulus for a brief period until the fear is excessively heightened.

1. The patient is exposed to the feared stimulus for a prolonged period. (correct answer, your response)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 183. Which one of the following theories of leadership addresses decision-making and the continuum of leader behavior, from autocratic to complete participation? • 1. Vroom and Yetton's normative theory. • 2. House's path-goal theory. • 3. Fiedler's contingency theory. • 4. Graen's vertical dyadic linkage theory.

1. Vroom and Yetton's normative theory. (correct answer, your response)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 67. Which of the following statements is accurate with regard to reporting of symptoms and seeking treatment? • 1. Women tend to report symptoms more accurately than men. • 2. Persons of lower SES are less likely to report symptoms. • 3. Men are more likely to report having distressing symptoms than women. • 4. Men are more likely to seek medical treatment than women.

1. Women tend to report symptoms more accurately than men. (correct answer, your response)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 179. You have started seeing a patient whose therapy is being covered by her insurance company. After your initial session, you diagnose this woman with major depressive disorder and narcissistic personality disorder. Which of the following describes your best course of action in terms of reporting her diagnoses to the insurance company? • 1. You should report both diagnoses to the insurance company. • 2. You should not report her diagnoses to the insurance company as that would breach confidentiality. • 3. You should only report the Axis I diagnosis as insurance companies do not provide coverage for people with Axis II disorders. • 4. You should only report the Axis II diagnosis if you believe that it has contributed to her major depressive disorder.

1. You should report both diagnoses to the insurance company. (correct answer, your response)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 63. You have a chemistry exam scheduled in two days. You studied chemistry yesterday and most of today. If you study physics tomorrow, what is most likely to happen when you take your exam? • 1. You will experience retroactive interference for chemistry. • 2. You will experience proactive interference for chemistry. • 3. You will experience decay of your knowledge of chemistry. • 4. You will experience problems with consolidation of your chemistry knowledge.

1. You will experience retroactive interference for chemistry. (correct answer)

RESEARCH METHODS AND STATISTICS 10. A researcher may opt to run a MANOVA rather than an ANOVA because: • 1. a MANOVA can accommodate more than one outcome measure. • 2. a MANOVA can accommodate more than one independent variable. • 3. a MANOVA is more powerful than an ANOVA. • 4. a MANOVA can remove the effects of a confound.

1. a MANOVA can accommodate more than one outcome measure. (correct answer)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 146. Self psychology interventions developed by Kohut emphasize: • 1. addressing developmental deficits. • 2. confrontation of resistance. • 3. addressing developmental conflicts. • 4. analysis of the transference.

1. addressing developmental deficits. (correct answer)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 72. According to APA's Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2002), fees should be openly discussed and mutually agreed upon: • 1. as early as feasible. • 2. at the time that the first session is scheduled. • 3. before the end of the first session. • 4. before the first payment is made.

1. as early as feasible. (correct answer, your response)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 182. At a rally three months before an important election, a political candidate would probably want to speak: • 1. before all the other candidates. • 2. after all the other candidates. • 3. amid the other candidates. • 4. in any order, as long as the audience is of at least moderate intelligence.

1. before all the other candidates. (correct answer, your response)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 26. Five teams enter a ski jump competition. Each team is allowed up to four members. Each team member is allowed only one jump, and the team with the member who jumps the farthest is declared the winning team. This is an example of a(n): • 1. disjunctive task. • 2. conjunctive task. • 3. aggregate task. • 4. additive task.

1. disjunctive task. (correct answer)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 68. It has been argued that memory problems in the elderly are due more to difficulties with retrieval than encoding. Support for this contention is based on the fact that: • 1. elderly persons do better on tasks of recognition than recall. • 2. elderly persons exhibit declines in short-term memory. • 3. elderly persons perform better on ecological tasks of memory than tasks presented in memory labs. • 4. elderly persons perform better on memory tasks involving biographical information.

1. elderly persons do better on tasks of recognition than recall. (correct answer, your response)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 41. A prisoner of war is told he will be tortured unless he reveals military secrets. He refuses. After an hour of torture, he continues to refuse. After two more hours, he finally reveals the secrets. This scenario depicts: • 1. escape behavior. • 2. avoidance behavior. • 3. positive punishment. • 4. negative punishment.

1. escape behavior. (correct answer, your response)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 19. The benefits of flextime are thought to come from employees: • 1. experiencing more freedom and control. • 2. being able to work fewer total hours each week. • 3. enjoying the benefits of a shorter work week and longer weekend. • 4. feeling more responsibility and challenge on their jobs.

1. experiencing more freedom and control. (correct answer, your response)

RESEARCH METHODS AND STATISTICS 134. A researcher who is studying attitudes toward abortion surveys a sample of African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and Caucasians in four geographic regions (West, East, South and the Midwest). The researcher is doing so to optimize: • 1. external validity. • 2. internal validity. • 3. construct validity. • 4. reliability.

1. external validity. (correct answer)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 21. To help a child overcome a phobia, you would most likely: • 1. follow live or symbolic modeling with guided participation. • 2. follow live modeling with symbolic modeling. • 3. follow participant modeling with live modeling. • 4. use guided participation before live or symbolic modeling.

1. follow live or symbolic modeling with guided participation. (correct answer, your response)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 164. A child is generally unresponsive when called by name by teachers or peers in school, and tends to speak out of turn in a loud yet somewhat inarticulate fashion. This child should be evaluated for: • 1. hearing problems. • 2. Autism. • 3. ADHD. • 4. seizure disorder.

1. hearing problems. (correct answer, your response)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 153. A patient presents with complaints of sleep-wake cycle disruption. The structure most likely to be implicated in this complaint is the: • 1. hypothalamus. • 2. thalamus. • 3. medulla. • 4. septum.

1. hypothalamus. (correct answer, your response)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 144. Motivation that leads to involvement in an activity without environmental reinforcement is called: • 1. intrinsic. • 2. internal. • 3. extrinsic. • 4. external.

1. intrinsic. (correct answer, your response)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 98. In the first session of structural family therapy, the therapist is most likely to: • 1. join the family but not challenge their interactions. • 2. start to slowly challenge their interactions. • 3. establish him or herself as the authority. • 4. begin immediately to unbalance the family system.

1. join the family but not challenge their interactions. (correct answer, your response)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 123. In spite of the fact that a father tells his young children that he loves them, he rarely smiles at them, and never hugs or kisses them. The children feel unloved based on their interpretation of the their father's: • 1. kinesics. • 2. proxemics. • 3. paralanguage. • 4. immersion-emersion.

1. kinesics. (correct answer)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 7. According to the "Big 5" model, the five basic personality traits are: • 1. neuroticism, conscientiousness, agreeableness, extroversion, openness to experience. • 2. introversion/extroversion, stability/instability, normality/psychoticism, less intelligent/more intelligent, trusting/suspicious. • 3. reserved/outgoing, affected by feeling/emotionally stable, submissive/dominant, practical/imaginative, self-assured/apprehensive. • 4. social, conventional, artistic, enterprising, investigative.

1. neuroticism, conscientiousness, agreeableness, extroversion, openness to experience. (correct answer, your response)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 20. According to behaviorists, depression is the result of: • 1. not enough reinforcement from the environment. • 2. too much punishment from the environment. • 3. maladaptive thinking. • 4. genetic predisposition.

1. not enough reinforcement from the environment. (correct answer)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 143. As opposed to normative conformity, informational conformity is most likely to: • 1. occur when the task is ambiguous. • 2. occur when minority members perceive themselves as similar to the majority. • 3. result in public compliance but not private acceptance. • 4. take place when the group does not have consensus.

1. occur when the task is ambiguous. (correct answer, your response)

RESEARCH METHODS AND STATISTICS 115. The biserial coefficient is appropriate for examining the relationship between: • 1. one continuous variable and one dichotomous variable. • 2. two dichotomous variables. • 3. reliability and validity. • 4. three or more variables.

1. one continuous variable and one dichotomous variable. (correct answer)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 33. You walk into a restaurant and smell a meal that reminds you of a gathering in your grandmother's house when you were five. This is an example of: • 1. redintegration. • 2. a flashbulb memory. • 3. retrieval. • 4. recognition.

1. redintegration. (correct answer)

RESEARCH METHODS AND STATISTICS 137. A group of very anxious patients is selected based on elevated scores on Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Each subject is administered eight sessions of biofeedback assisted relaxation training, and is then measured on the STAI post-treatment. The greatest threat to the validity of this research is: • 1. regression to the mean. • 2. history. • 3. selection. • 4. instrumentation.

1. regression to the mean. (correct answer, your response)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 36. Akathisia refers to: • 1. restlessness and dysphoria. • 2. shuffling gait and tremor. • 3. apathy and decrease in voluntary movements. • 4. involuntary movements of the face and limbs.

1. restlessness and dysphoria. (correct answer)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 31. Patients displaying euphoria or apathy following a head trauma likely suffered damage to the: • 1. right hemisphere. • 2. left hemisphere. • 3. cerebellum. • 4. corpus collosum.

1. right hemisphere. (correct answer, your response)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 155. Dissociative identity disorder can most likely be attributed to: • 1. severe, chronic childhood abuse. • 2. a traumatic event. • 3. poor integration of split-off parts of the self. • 4. authoritarian parenting.

1. severe, chronic childhood abuse. (correct answer, your response)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 49. Most research supports the idea that children who watch more television are more aggressive. This finding is best explained by: • 1. social learning theory. • 2. frustration-aggression hypothesis. • 3. social influence. • 4. deindividuation.

1. social learning theory. (correct answer, your response)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 154. A psychologist who has been employed in the prison system in California has a traumatic experience with her immediate supervisor who continually harasses and criticizes her. She quits the job, moves out of state, and is offered a job in a prison in Hawaii, which she declines, feeling it will be too traumatic. The factor most likely to be operating here is: • 1. stimulus generalization. • 2. the law of effect. • 3. superstitious behavior. • 4. covert sensitization.

1. stimulus generalization. (correct answer, your response)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 79. One aspect of scoring a Rorschach protocol includes developmental quality, which involves looking at: • 1. the degree of integration of the response. • 2. the degree of accuracy with which the shape of the response matches the blot. • 3. the type and quantity of specific subject categories perceived in the responses. • 4. the area of the blot that the person used to develop the response.

1. the degree of integration of the response. (correct answer)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 110. A significant concern in prescribing methylphenidate to children is: • 1. the tolerance to the medication that develops may require increasing dose level over time. • 2. sustained growth suppression. • 3. temporary growth suppression, which can be alleviated with drug holidays. • 4. temporary growth suppression, which can be alleviated by reducing drug dose.

3. temporary growth suppression, which can be alleviated with drug holidays. (correct answer)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 108. To qualify for a diagnosis of mental retardation, a person must show significant deficits in adaptive functioning (e.g., communication, self-care) as well as subaverage intellectual functioning, with an onset prior to age 18. Subaverage intellectual functioning is defined as an IQ score of: • 1. below 85. • 2. 70 or below. • 3. 50 or below. • 4. below 25.

2. 70 or below. (correct answer, your response)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 90. Which of the following statements is most accurate about traditional neuroleptic drugs? • 1. They are more effective in reducing negative than positive symptoms. • 2. All of them may result in parkinsonian symptoms. • 3. Only the more potent drugs have been shown to lead to tardive dyskinesia. • 4. Taking "drug holidays" significantly reduces the risk of developing tardive dyskinesia.

2. All of them may result in parkinsonian symptoms. (correct answer)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 91. A young boy is brought to see you for treatment by his parents. You are told that he has virtually no friends, has a hard time interacting with others, and does not like to try new activities. You notice, however, that he speaks without any difficulty, and shows no signs of cognitive deficits. You would most likely diagnose him with: • 1. autistic disorder. • 2. Asperger's disorder. • 3. Tourette's disorder. • 4. oppositional defiant disorder.

2. Asperger's disorder. (correct answer, your response)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 34. Which of the following is not a purpose of group therapy? • 1. Assisting individuals to recognize the "universality" of their problems. • 2. Assisting individuals to develop a sense of "basic trust." • 3. Helping individuals develop a sense of belonging. • 4. Helping individuals develop new ways of responding to their environment.

2. Assisting individuals to develop a sense of "basic trust." (correct answer)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 23. Which one of the following is not considered to be among the most useful biographical information (biodata)? • 1. Parents' socioeconomic status. • 2. Birth order. • 3. Social popularity. • 4. Hobbies and interests.

2. Birth order. (correct answer)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 74. The saying "opposites attract" is supported by which of the following hypotheses? • 1. Reciprocity hypothesis. • 2. Complementarity hypothesis. • 3. Matching hypothesis. • 4. Propinquity hypothesis.

2. Complementarity hypothesis. (correct answer)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 35. The "best interests of the child" is the guiding principle in which of the following situations? • 1. Foster placement. • 2. Custody. • 3. Placement in academic settings. • 4. Decision as to whether a child should testify in court.

2. Custody. (correct answer, your response)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 77. A number of theories exist about the different traits that contribute to being a good leader. What can be said about the role of intelligence in leadership? • 1. The impact of leadership is generally moderated by other variables, such as the personality type of the leader. • 2. Intelligent people generally make good leaders. • 3. The ability to lead does not seem to be directly related to intelligence. • 4. Highly intelligent leaders may have difficulty relating to their subordinates and may not make good leaders.

2. Intelligent people generally make good leaders. (correct answer)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 66. Your patient tells you that one of your colleagues has been having a sexual relationship with one of his patients. What would be the best course of action in this situation? • 1. Report the psychologist to an ethics board yourself as the code requires that you take action when you become aware of another psychologist's misconduct. • 2. Encourage your client to report the psychologist to an ethics board. • 3. Attempt to contact the psychologist first and confront him with the inappropriateness of his actions. • 4. Attempt to seek an informal resolution first, if possible, and if not, report your colleague to the board.

2. Encourage your client to report the psychologist to an ethics board. (correct answer)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 86. Which of the following factors is least likely to contribute to a reduction of aggression? • 1. Reduction of frustration levels. • 2. Enhancement of deindividuation. • 3. Teaching alternative behavioral responses. • 4. Superordinate goals.

2. Enhancement of deindividuation. (correct answer, your response)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 84. Which of the following statements is true regarding open-head and closed-head injuries? • 1. Loss of consciousness more commonly occurs in closed-head injuries. • 2. Focal impairments more commonly occur in closed-head injuries. • 3. Open-head injuries more commonly are characterized by a general loss of complex cognitive functions. • 4. Both open-head and closed-head injuries generally involve diffuse impairment.

2. Focal impairments more commonly occur in closed-head injuries.

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 156. Which of the following statements is true regarding gender and leadership? • 1. No significant differences have been found between the leadership styles of women and men. • 2. Group members tend to turn to male bosses more commonly than female bosses for information about how to complete a task. • 3. Most women prefer a female boss while most men prefer a male boss. • 4. Female bosses tend to be more strict in order to overcome the biases that exist against women and to establish authority.

2. Group members tend to turn to male bosses more commonly than female bosses for information about how to complete a task. (correct answer)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 185. What can be said about the effect of early stimulation on the development of motor skills in infants and preschoolers? • 1. Regardless of early stimulation, these skills cannot be achieved earlier. • 2. Infants who experience early stimulation can achieve motor skills earlier than those who do not, however, there are no long-term differences between these groups. • 3. Infants who experience early stimulation achieve motor skills earlier than those who do not, and these differences are generally maintained. • 4. Infants who do not experience early stimulation experience lags in motor development.

2. Infants who experience early stimulation can achieve motor skills earlier than those who do not, however, there are no long-term differences between these groups. (correct answer, your response)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 82. Research on cognitive changes associated with aging have generally supported which of the following set of findings? • 1. Decreased attention, intact short-term memory, improved problem solving. • 2. Intact attention on simple tasks, decreased processing speed, improved verbal abilities. • 3. Intact fluid abilities, decreased crystallized abilities, difficulty with long-term memory retrieval. • 4. Decreased problem-solving, decreased cognitive speed, increased cognitive flexibility.

2. Intact attention on simple tasks, decreased processing speed, improved verbal abilities. (correct answer)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 46. As validity approaches the value of 1.0, what happens to the standard error of the estimate? • 1. It approaches 1.0. • 2. It approaches 0.0. • 3. It approaches the standard deviation of the predictor. • 4. It approaches the standard deviation of the criterion.

2. It approaches 0.0. (correct answer, your response)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 112. Better prognosis for schizophrenia has been associated with which of the following factors? • 1. Disorganized type. • 2. Late onset. • 3. Negative symptoms. • 4. Male gender.

2. Late onset. (correct answer, your response)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 175. The transition from a perspective of "time since birth" to "time left to live" occurs in which of Levinson's stages? • 1. Age 30 transition. • 2. Mid-life transition. • 3. Age 50 transition. • 4. Late adulthood.

2. Mid-life transition. (correct answer, your response)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 5. Which of the following is true regarding the influence of members of a group who hold minority views? • 1. Minority views are likely to have an immediate effect on the group if the group who holds minority views is relatively large. • 2. Minority views are more likely to have a delayed effect on the group provided that group members with minority views persist in their views. • 3. Minority views are more likely to have an influence on the group when members who hold minority views make a small concession early in the discussion. • 4. Minority views are more likely to have an influence on the group when the minority voice is met with relatively little disapproval by group members who hold majority views.

2. Minority views are more likely to have a delayed effect on the group provided that group members with minority views persist in their views. (correct answer)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 152. Which of the following is the most common nutritional problem among the elderly? • 1. Vitamin deficiency. • 2. Obesity. • 3. Malnutrition. • 4. Undernutrition.

2. Obesity. (correct answer)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 159. According to Piaget, development characterized by which of the following is most likely to account for separation protest? • 1. Symbolic representations. • 2. Object permanence. • 3. Irreversibility. • 4. Egocentric thinking.

2. Object permanence. (correct answer)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 122. According to Vygotsky, what is involved with working in the zone of proximal development? • 1. Providing the child with assistance in completing a task. • 2. Providing the child with assistance at the level the child seems to need it. • 3. Providing the child with assistance until she can master a task on her own. • 4. Providing the child with assistance that is appropriate to the child's age.

2. Providing the child with assistance at the level the child seems to need it. (correct answer)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 38. Which of the following is associated with brainstorming in a small group? • 1. Social loafing. • 2. Social inhibition. • 3. Social dilemmas. • 4. Social facilitation.

2. Social inhibition. (correct answer)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 117. Which endocrine gland(s) control(s) reproductive functions in men and women? • 1. The hypothalamus. • 2. The gonads. • 3. The adrenal cortex. • 4. The pancreas.

2. The gonads. (correct answer, your response)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 136. In a research laboratory, a ten-month-old crawls across the visual cliff only when the mother is present at the other end, with her arms open and smiling at the baby. This is an example of: • 1. the development of depth perception. • 2. social referencing. • 3. modeling. • 4. secure attachment.

2. social referencing. (correct answer, your response)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 109. Which of the following statements about immigration is most accurate? • 1. Persons who are assimilated into the dominant culture are better off psychologically than those who are acculturated, because they experience less conflict. • 2. There are higher rates of psychiatric hospitalization for immigrants. • 3. The rate of acculturation for each family member largely depends on each member's values and worldviews. • 4. Psychiatric problems tend to arise shortly after immigration.

2. There are higher rates of psychiatric hospitalization for immigrants. (correct answer)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 45. Which of the following complaints is most frequently cited by interns against supervisors? • 1. Sexual harassment. • 2. Untimely feedback. • 3. Lack of competence. • 4. Inadequate supervision.

2. Untimely feedback. (correct answer)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 121. Based on Herzberg's two-factor theory, which of the following interventions would be most effective in terms of reducing boredom and increasing motivation in a group of factory workers? • 1. Increasing salary. • 2. Vertically expanding job responsibilities. • 3. Horizontally expanding job responsibilities. • 4. Implementing job enlargement.

2. Vertically expanding job responsibilities. (correct answer)

RESEARCH METHODS AND STATISTICS 174. Two samples are taken from the same population and are administered the same test. The F ratio should be: • 1. above 10. • 2. about 1. • 3. above 2. • 4. close to 0.

2. about 1. (correct answer)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 169. A person has been offered a job. She is excited by the financial opportunity yet concerned about the long hours the job will require. She is experiencing: • 1. an approach-approach conflict. • 2. an approach-avoidance conflict. • 3. an avoidance-avoidance conflict. • 4. no conflict.

2. an approach-avoidance conflict. (correct answer, your response)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 166. A 12-month-old infant exposed to the Strange Situation Procedure responds to the mother's return with initial enthusiasm, immediately followed by detachment. This child is most likely: • 1. anxious-avoidant. • 2. anxious-ambivalent. • 3. insecurely attached. • 4. slow-to-warm-up.

2. anxious-ambivalent. (correct answer)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 145. Oversensitivity to rejection and criticism, and social inhibition are characteristic of: • 1. borderline personality disorder. • 2. avoidant personality disorder. • 3. dependent personality disorder. • 4. narcissistic personality disorder.

2. avoidant personality disorder. (correct answer, your response)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 17. A 16-year-old boy has recently begun to exhibit apathy, hypersexuality, poor concentration and little need for sleep. The most likely diagnosis for him would be: • 1. borderline personality disorder. • 2. bipolar disorder. • 3. schizophrenia. • 4. ADHD.

2. bipolar disorder. (correct answer, your response)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 161. You are the owner of a restaurant and want to make the atmosphere more appealing by adding soft lights and warm colors. If you do so, this will probably have the effect of: • 1. causing normal weight people to become thinner. • 2. causing overweight people to become more overweight. • 3. causing normal weight people to become more overweight. • 4. causing overweight people to become thinner.

2. causing overweight people to become more overweight. (correct answer, your response)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 173. A PET scan of the brain of someone with schizophrenia would show: • 1. increased metabolic rates in the frontal lobes. • 2. decreased metabolic rates in the frontal lobes. • 3. increased metabolic rates in the temporal lobes. • 4. decreased metabolic rates in the temporal lobes.

2. decreased metabolic rates in the frontal lobes. (correct answer)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 131. Classic psychoanalytic theory states that the ego performs all of the following functions except: • 1. control of instinctual expression. • 2. determining rules of conduct. • 3. awareness of consequences of behavior. • 4. relationship with reality.

2. determining rules of conduct. (correct answer)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 197. The multitrait-multimethod matrix is conducted in order to establish: • 1. content validity. • 2. discriminant validity. • 3. face validity. • 4. predictive validity.

2. discriminant validity. (correct answer, your response)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 78. A father brings in his daughter for psychological testing in order to assess her intellectual and academic potential. When discussing the results, you would be advised to do all of the following except: • 1. discuss any limitations of the tests. • 2. discuss the specific test scores obtained. • 3. discuss the results in terms of the child's strengths and weaknesses. • 4. discuss appropriate recommendations based on the results.

2. discuss the specific test scores obtained. (correct answer, your response)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 27. Frequently patients report significant positive changes within the first few sessions of therapy. This improvement is likely: • 1. to manifest as a reduction in somatic complaints. • 2. due to an increased sense of hope. • 3. related to insights obtained in therapy. • 4. a placebo effect.

2. due to an increased sense of hope. (correct answer)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 89. A client executes an appropriate release of information, and requests that his test data be sent to an attorney. Dr. Assessor sends the attorney all of the test data, including scoring sheets, raw scores, and his own notes of in-session client behavior. Dr. Assessor has acted: • 1. unethically, because he included raw data, and raw data may never be released to an individual who lacks the competence to interpret them. • 2. ethically. • 3. unethically, because he should only have released a summary of the tests results to the attorney, and the raw data directly to the client. • 4. ethically, as long as the release form included information about the possible risks of releasing raw test data to unqualified individuals.

2. ethically. (correct answer)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 50. The focus of reality therapy is on helping the client: • 1. minimize negative consequences of actions. • 2. examine actions and values. • 3. examine prior behaviors, and improve the capacity to become aware of new options. • 4. improve self-understanding and ability to communicate with others.

2. examine actions and values. (correct answer, your response)

RESEARCH METHODS AND STATISTICS 163. In a study of the effects of psychiatric symptoms on work performance, it was found that hallucinations and insomnia were orthogonal. One can therefore conclude that: • 1. hallucinations and insomnia were correlated. • 2. hallucinations and insomnia were not correlated. • 3. both hallucinations and insomnia were predictive of work performance. • 4. hallucinations and insomnia should not both be entered into a regression equation because of potential problems with multicollinearity.

2. hallucinations and insomnia were not correlated. (correct answer, your response)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 106. Research on aversive conditioning for paraphilias has found that it is: • 1. generally effective for some paraphilias, but not others. • 2. moderately effective, but it has a high recidivism rate. • 3. generally ineffective. • 4. moderately effective, but not as effective as self-regulation procedures.

2. moderately effective, but it has a high recidivism rate. (correct answer)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 43. Elements of overcorrection include: • 1. physical guidance and negative reinforcement. • 2. physical guidance and reparation. • 3. reparation and punishment. • 4. restitution and positive reinforcement.

2. physical guidance and reparation. (correct answer, your response)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 126. A person who is repressing one side of her feelings, while accentuating the other side, is said to be engaging in: • 1. splitting. • 2. reaction formation. • 3. sublimation. • 4. rationalization.

2. reaction formation. (correct answer)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 73. When using a predictor test for hiring decisions, a psychologist involved in the hiring process for a company would be most likely to increase the predictor cutoff in order to: • 1. increase the number of successful employees who are hired based on the test. • 2. reduce the number of unsuccessful employees who are hired based on the test. • 3. increase the number of unsuccessful employees who are not hired based on the test. • 4. decrease the number of successful employees who are not hired based on the test.

2. reduce the number of unsuccessful employees who are hired based on the test. (correct answer, your response)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 125. A woman who is experiencing symptoms of anxiety is seeing a psychologist for short-term therapy. She was referred by her physician after she witnessed a bank robbery in which a clerk was shot and wounded. This is an example of: • 1. primary prevention. • 2. secondary prevention. • 3. tertiary prevention. • 4. brief therapy.

2. secondary prevention. (correct answer)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 172. In order to successfully sue a psychologist, the patient must prove all of the following, except: • 1. the psychologist provided negligent treatment. • 2. the psychologist provided treatment with malevolent intent. • 3. the psychologist's treatment caused harm to the patient. • 4. the psychologist had an obligation to provide care for the patient.

2. the psychologist provided treatment with malevolent intent. (correct answer)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 29. A psychologist accepts into treatment the wife of her own therapist. According to APA's Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2002), the psychologist's behavior is: • 1. possibly ethical, because multiple relationships are not inherently unethical. • 2. unethical, because of the high likelihood that the psychologist's objectivity and competence will be impaired. • 3. unethical, because multiple relationships are unethical except "in the most unusual circumstances." • 4. possibly ethical, unless there is a risk of exploitation or harm to the client.

2. unethical, because of the high likelihood that the psychologist's objectivity and competence will be impaired. (correct answer)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 162. A Caucasian teenager is knifed and killed near his home. Based on the research on adolescent homicide, his attacker most likely is: • 1. African American. • 2. Hispanic American. • 3. Caucasian. • 4. Asian American.

3. Caucasian. (correct answer)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 53. Which of the following is the most effective method for reducing racial prejudice? • 1. Techniques that allow people to recognize and confront their own prejudices. • 2. Exposure to campaigns counteracting stereotypes. • 3. Contact with members of other races. • 4. Increased education about other races.

3. Contact with members of other races. (correct answer, your response)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 9. Two therapists have been co-facilitating a process group. During a group session, the two therapists experience a difference of opinion in response to an exchange between the group members. How should they handle their disagreement? • 1. Discuss it after the group session is over. • 2. Seek consultation to help settle the disagreement. • 3. Discuss it openly in the group. • 4. Ask the group how the disagreement should be handled.

3. Discuss it openly in the group. (correct answer, your response)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 104. You have been treating a man in individual therapy for the past three months. This man has not shown for the past three sessions, and owes you money for an additional four sessions. How should you address this situation? • 1. Terminate treatment as he is not meeting his financial obligations. • 2. Contact him in order to receive payment. • 3. Discuss the situation during your next contact with him. • 4. Refer him out as he does not seem to be benefiting from treatment.

3. Discuss the situation during your next contact with him. (correct answer, your response)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 129. Context dependent memory is illustrated by which of the following? • 1. A student is able to recall a written story in great detail because she focused intently on its meaning while reading it. • 2. A student who smoked marijuana while studying for an exam, does better on the exam when under the influence. • 3. During an exam, a student is better able to recall the information that he learned in the classroom than what he studied at home. • 4. A student who was feeling anxious while studying for the licensing exam performs better on the exam when she is anxious.

3. During an exam, a student is better able to recall the information that he learned in the classroom than what he studied at home. (correct answer, your response)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 103. Of the following statements, which best describes current contemporary beliefs about development? • 1. Genes and environment each contribute about equally to development. • 2. Genes determine the course and pace of development. • 3. Genes and environment together shape development. • 4. In most areas of development, genes will be expressed regardless of environmental exposure.

3. Genes and environment together shape development. (correct answer, your response)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 40. Which of the following is least closely associated with a high level of job satisfaction? • 1. Independence on tasks. • 2. Recognition for good work. • 3. Good salary. • 4. Opportunities for advancement.

3. Good salary. (correct answer, your response)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 80. The most likely medical explanation for trembling, sweating, weight loss, nausea, restlessness, and dizziness, would be: • 1. Cushing's disease. • 2. hypothyroidism. • 3. Grave's disease. • 4. withdrawal from opioids.

3. Grave's disease. (correct answer)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 24. What does the Ethics Code say about the care and termination of animals in research? • 1. Termination of animals in research is prohibited. • 2. It is unethical to use animals in research. • 3. If the animal's life must be terminated, it should be done as quickly and as painlessly as possible. • 4. Termination of animals in research is permissible if the study has "prospective scientific value."

3. If the animal's life must be terminated, it should be done as quickly and as painlessly as possible. (correct answer)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 52. You have been treating a 17-year-old boy in individual therapy. In a session, he discloses that he is feeling suicidal. Which of the following is your best course of action? • 1. Maintain his confidentiality. • 2. Inform the parents if they are not aware of the situation already. • 3. Inform the parents if he has suicidal intent and the risk is high that he may kill himself. • 4. Inform his parents.

3. Inform the parents if he has suicidal intent and the risk is high that he may kill himself. (correct answer, your response)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 107. Which of the following is true regarding dream deprivation? • 1. It gradually results in less need for REM sleep. • 2. It can produce significant impairment in emotional regulation. • 3. It can result in difficulty in memory formation. • 4. It can produce impairment on verbal tasks.

3. It can result in difficulty in memory formation. (correct answer)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 180. Which of the following statements best describes the benefit of a realistic job preview? • 1. It reduces misconceptions about the job. • 2. It is helpful for selecting managers. • 3. It increases longevity of employment. • 4. It exposes a manager to different aspects of the organization.

3. It increases longevity of employment. (correct answer)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 196. Which of the following statements about the serial position effect is accurate? • 1. Uncompleted tasks are better recalled as compared with completed tasks. • 2. Items at the beginning of a list are better recalled as compared with items in the middle or at the end of a list. • 3. Items at the beginning and at the end of a list are better recalled as compared with items in the middle of a list. • 4. Items at the beginning and in the middle of a list are better recalled as compared with items at the end of a list.

3. Items at the beginning and at the end of a list are better recalled as compared with items in the middle of a list. (correct answer, your response)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 12. On which of the following WAIS-III subtests would you expect an elderly person to evidence the most decline? • 1. Arithmetic. • 2. Vocabulary. • 3. Letter-Number Sequencing. • 4. Digit Span.

3. Letter-Number Sequencing. (correct answer, your response)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 111. You have been referred a patient by a managed care company. Which of the following factors would be most important to discuss with this patient? • 1. Co-payments. • 2. Limits imposed on treatment. • 3. Limits of confidentiality. • 4. Nature and modality of treatment.

3. Limits of confidentiality. (correct answer)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 96. You are a psychologist working in a multi-disciplinary clinic. A 16-year-old patient of yours tells you that he recently engaged in a sexual relationship with a 35-year-old woman who also happens to be a clinic patient. How should you handle this revelation? • 1. Maintain confidentiality because the alleged perpetrator is a clinic patient. • 2. Make a child abuse report on behalf of your patient, but do not disclose the perpetrator's name so as to maintain her confidentiality. • 3. Make a child abuse report disclosing the names of all parties involved. • 4. Further explore the situation with your client to find out if the relationship was consensual, and file a report if it was non-consensual.

3. Make a child abuse report disclosing the names of all parties involved. (correct answer, your response)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 132. Under which of the following conditions is a group likely to generate the most effective solution to a problem? • 1. The group has a directive leader. • 2. Members of the group feel connected with each other. • 3. Members of the group know each other's strengths and limitations. • 4. Members of the group are similar in terms of abilities and ideas.

3. Members of the group know each other's strengths and limitations. (correct answer, your response)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 58. Which of the following statements is true regarding the impact of sociocultural factors on the prevalence and presentation of psychopathology? • 1. The prevalence rates of schizophrenia in different cultures are virtually the same, though the symptom presentation tends to be different and more specific to the culture. • 2. Depressive disorders tend to manifest similarly across cultures, most commonly including feelings of guilt and worthlessness. • 3. Non-psychotic disorders are more prevalent among individuals of higher SES. • 4. Dementia and other cognitive disorders seem to be equally prevalent among persons of low and high SES.

3. Non-psychotic disorders are more prevalent among individuals of higher SES. (correct answer)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 44. Which of the following statements is most consistent with the tenets of the health belief model? • 1. People believe that exercise and good nutrition are important for promoting good health. • 2. People believe that emotional stability is instrumental in maintaining good health. • 3. People increase their healthy habits if they feel more in control of their health. • 4. People believe that it is important to have regular visits with physicians in order to maintain good health.

3. People increase their healthy habits if they feel more in control of their health. (correct answer, your response)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 6. You terminate short-term treatment with a patient who was diagnosed with an adjustment disorder. Several weeks later, you receive a phone call from the patient, who tells you that he feels depressed and is experiencing suicidal intent. What would be the best response to this situation? • 1. Refer the patient to another therapist since treatment was terminated several weeks ago. • 2. Meet with him once to assess his current situation and then refer him out. • 3. See him until the crisis subsides. • 4. Resume treatment and address the underlying roots of the current depression.

3. See him until the crisis subsides. (correct answer, your response)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 160. Which of the following is true regarding the effect of minor tranquilizers? • 1. They can act as a mild stimulant. • 2. They generally do not result in tolerance or withdrawal. • 3. They can reduce high levels of stress. • 4. They are most useful if taken regularly and on a long-term basis.

3. They can reduce high levels of stress. (correct answer, your response)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 142. In the course of therapy, it becomes clear that your patient has become sexually attracted to you. Even after you process this with your patient at length, the attraction intensifies, to the point that it is clearly interfering with treatment. What is the next step that you should take in this situation? • 1. Seek therapy to explore any countertransference you may be having. • 2. Explain to the patient that sexual feelings are not appropriate, given the boundaries of the therapy relationship. • 3. Seek consultation. • 4. Refer the patient out to another therapist.

3. Seek consultation. (correct answer, your response)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 194. Which of the following theories of attraction focuses on costs and benefits? • 1. Similarity. • 2. Reciprocity. • 3. Social exchange. • 4. Matching.

3. Social exchange. (correct answer, your response)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 114. Which of the following statements about hypnosis is not accurate? • 1. The hypnotic state constitutes a change in consciousness. • 2. There are tests that can indicate the degree to which someone can be hypnotized. • 3. The extent to which someone can be hypnotized is related to his or her psychological well-being. • 4. Hypnosis involves dissociation.

3. The extent to which someone can be hypnotized is related to his or her psychological well-being. (correct answer)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 184. What does the Ethics Code say with regard to sexual relationships with former therapy clients, and therapy with former sexual partners? • 1. Both may be ethically permissible depending on the circumstances. • 2. Both are considered unethical conduct. • 3. The former may be permissible, while the latter is absolutely prohibited. • 4. The latter may be permissible, but the former is absolutely prohibited.

3. The former may be permissible, while the latter is absolutely prohibited. (correct answer, your response)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 62. You are treating a six-year-old girl in individual therapy following the divorce of her parents. Occasionally, you have family sessions with her father, who is the custodial parent. You notice that after spending a week with her mother, the girl seems high-strung and clings to her father. Which of the following statements best describes your understanding of this situation? • 1. The girl's presentation is consistent with abuse. • 2. The girl's presentation is consistent with a separation-anxiety disorder. • 3. The girl's presentation is probably a normal response. • 4. The girl's presentation indicates that she is having difficulty with the divorce and custody arrangements, and it would therefore be advisable to limit visits with her mother to briefer periods of time.

3. The girl's presentation is probably a normal response. (correct answer)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 119. Which of the following statements is true about kleptomania? • 1. The person steals in order to express anger or vengeance. • 2. The person steals objects for their monetary value. • 3. The impulse to steal is ego-dystonic. • 4. The theft is almost always premeditated.

3. The impulse to steal is ego-dystonic. (correct answer, your response)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 181. Which of the following statements typifies a person's reaction to an event according to two-factor theory? • 1. The person experiences autonomic arousal, and then has an emotional reaction. • 2. The person experiences autonomic arousal and an emotional reaction to the event simultaneously. • 3. The person experiences autonomic arousal, then cognitively interprets the arousal, and then experiences an emotion. • 4. The person experiences autonomic arousal, then experiences an emotion, and then cognitively interprets the emotion.

3. The person experiences autonomic arousal, then cognitively interprets the arousal, and then experiences an emotion. (correct answer, your response)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 151. Second authorship on a paper would be least appropriate in which of the following situations? • 1. The person performed data analysis and interpretation. • 2. The person contributed to the development of the underlying concepts and structure of the project. • 3. The person was involved in data collection. • 4. The person was involved in developing the design of the study and selecting subjects.

3. The person was involved in data collection. (correct answer, your response)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 187. An elementary school student has just learned the colors of the rainbow with the acronym ROY G BIV. This is an example of which memory enhancing strategy? • 1. The method of loci. • 2. The pegword system. • 3. Word association. • 4. Substitute word system.

3. Word association. (correct answer)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 199. Privilege is: • 1. both a legal and an ethical issue, and it is held by the client. • 2. a legal issue, and it is held by the client and the court. • 3. a legal issue, and it is held by the client. • 4. a legal issue, and it is held jointly by the client and therapist.

3. a legal issue, and it is held by the client. (correct answer, your response)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 47. A woman feels throbbing on one side of the head that intensifies during activity. She is most likely experiencing: • 1. a muscle contraction headache. • 2. sinusitis. • 3. a migraine headache. • 4. a cluster headache.

3. a migraine headache. (correct answer, your response)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 157. The trait that has been associated with successful job performance across all occupations is considered to be: • 1. emotional stability. • 2. agreeableness. • 3. conscientiousness. • 4. extroversion.

3. conscientiousness. (correct answer, your response)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 57. The color red is paired with a loud noise over several trials. The color red is then paired with a tone. Afterwards, the color red is again paired with the loud noise. This is an example of: • 1. stimulus generalization. • 2. pseudoconditioning. • 3. higher-order conditioning. • 4. simultaneous conditioning.

3. higher-order conditioning. (correct answer, your response)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 97. According to Kohlberg's theory, a person in the conventional stage of morality would have difficulty understanding that rules are followed in order to: • 1. avoid punishment. • 2. fulfill one's duty to society. • 3. enhance social welfare. • 4. gain approval.

3. enhance social welfare. (correct answer, your response)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 16. Dr. Z. is referred a patient by a managed care company for a brief evaluation. Due to contract constraints, the patient is referred out for treatment after the evaluation. The treating therapist meets with Dr. Z. and pays Dr. Z. a fee. In this case, the fee is: • 1. unethical, because fees should not be based on referrals. • 2. ethical, as long as this is a one-time arrangement. • 3. ethical, as long as the fee is based on the consultation. • 4. ethical, because the psychologist performed the evaluation.

3. ethical, as long as the fee is based on the consultation. (correct answer)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 138. Graduate students Sally and Jennifer collaborate with a faculty member on a large research project. Both Sally and Jennifer write their master's theses based on parts of this research. When the faculty member submits an article based on this research, he lists himself as first author. This faculty member has acted: • 1. unethically, because students should always receive first authorship on articles based on their master's theses. • 2. unethically, because two separate articles should have been authored. • 3. ethically, if the publication credits are an accurate representation of the contributions made by each of the researchers. • 4. ethically, if the faculty member discussed publication credits with Sally and Jennifer early in the process, and they were agreeable to this arrangement.

3. ethically, if the publication credits are an accurate representation of the contributions made by each of the researchers. (correct answer, your response)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 28. The number one cause of death among adolescents and young adults is: • 1. homicide. • 2. suicide. • 3. motor vehicle accidents. • 4. illegal drugs.

3. motor vehicle accidents. (correct answer, your response)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 167. Habituation is distinguished from extinction in that: • 1. extinction involves repeated exposure to a US until it no longer elicits the UR. • 2. habituation involves repeated exposure to a CS until the CS no longer elicits the CR. • 3. extinction involves repeated exposure to a CS until it no longer elicits the CR. • 4. habituation occurs when a primary reinforcer loses its reinforcing quality from being presented too much.

3. extinction involves repeated exposure to a CS until it no longer elicits the CR. (correct answer, your response)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 69. A procedure that compares an employee to all other employees in a work group is called: • 1. BARS. • 2. graphic rating. • 3. forced distribution. • 4. forced choice.

3. forced distribution. (correct answer)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 95. For a patient who experiences medication side effects including facial-lingual-oral involuntary hyperkinesis, and limb choreoathetoid movements, the course of action most likely to result in an initial reduction in these symptoms would be to: • 1. stop the medication immediately. • 2. increase the medication dose. • 3. change the medication to one in the same class but less potent. • 4. change the medication to one in the same class but more potent.

3. have accepted a ready-made identity that an authority figure may have chosen. (correct answer)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 94. Adolescents go through stages in order to form a mature identity. An adolescent who is at the identity status of foreclosure would: • 1. be committed to a goal after having explored several alternatives. • 2. be in the process of exploration but not yet committed to a goal. • 3. have accepted a ready-made identity that an authority figure may have chosen. • 4. not be committed to clear goals, nor be actively trying to reach them.

3. have accepted a ready-made identity that an authority figure may have chosen. (correct answer)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 92. The highest rates of aggression in boys have been found: • 1. in homes in which one or both parents is deceased. • 2. in families with divorced parents. • 3. in homes in which the father is present. • 4. in homes in which the father is absent.

3. in homes in which the father is present. (correct answer)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 192. According to Rehm, depression is caused by: • 1. adopting maladaptive behaviors based on observing one's environment. • 2. adopting a negative view of one's self, the future, and the environment. • 3. negative evaluations of one's behavior, excessive punishment and little reinforcement applied by oneself. • 4. experiencing distressing events, negative interpretations of those events, and maladaptive responses.

3. negative evaluations of one's behavior, excessive punishment and little reinforcement applied by oneself. (correct answer, your response)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 100. All of the following statements are accurate descriptions of Gestalt therapy except: • 1. the goal of therapy is enhancing communication with self and others. • 2. contact with the self and others is the key for change. • 3. questions by clients are encouraged as they tend to foster self-awareness. • 4. therapy focuses on experience and affective expression rather than cognitions.

3. questions by clients are encouraged as they tend to foster self-awareness. (correct answer)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 32. A person who has been diagnosed with deep dyslexia would be most likely to: • 1. read "tap" instead of "pat." • 2. read "come" as "comb." • 3. read "couch" instead of "chair." • 4. read "strong" as "stroke."

3. read "couch" instead of "chair." (correct answer)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 81. A patient who experiences mild head trauma is most likely to show deficits in: • 1. sensory memory. • 2. procedural memory. • 3. recent memory. • 4. remote memory.

3. recent memory. (correct answer, your response)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 42. Reactance describes: • 1. client behaviors that inhibit the progress of therapy. • 2. exaggeration of symptoms. • 3. refusing to comply with a suggestion. • 4. turning back onto oneself what one wants to do to others.

3. refusing to comply with a suggestion. (correct answer)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 88. A person is able to watch the news on television while the radio is playing and a conversation is being held in the background. This is an example of: • 1. dichotic listening. • 2. sustained attention. • 3. selective attention. • 4. simultaneous attention

3. selective attention. (correct answer, your response)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 130. A ten-year-old repeatedly awakens from sleep with a loud scream, and shows signs of fear and autonomic arousal. She is confused and disoriented, and unresponsive to others. Later, however, she does not remember the episode. These episodes are most likely occurring during _______ sleep, and are consistent with a diagnosis of _________. • 1. REM, sleep terror disorder. • 2. REM, nightmare disorder. • 3. stage 4, sleep terror disorder. • 4. stage 4, nightmare disorder.

3. stage 4, sleep terror disorder. (correct answer, your response)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 124. Psychologists' professional behavior is regulated by: • 1. the courts. • 2. state and local psychological associations. • 3. state boards. • 4. the Ethics Code.

3. state boards. (correct answer)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 60. A child has a history of engaging in driven, repetitive, nonfunctional behaviors, such as body rocking and self-hitting. These symptoms are most characteristic of: • 1. autistic disorder. • 2. chronic motor tic disorder. • 3. stereotypic movement disorder. • 4. obsessive-compulsive disorder.

3. stereotypic movement disorder. (correct answer)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 149. All of the following medications reduce sexual arousal except: • 1. SSRIs. • 2. TCAs. • 3. stimulants. • 4. phenothiazines.

3. stimulants. (correct answer, your response)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 65. A patient reports experiencing recurrent, intrusive thoughts about contamination. Consequently, she frequently engages in repetitive behaviors that seem to reduce her distress. She reports she believes these thoughts and her behaviors are unreasonable and excessive. The class of medications that would be used to treat her is: • 1. mood-stabilizers. • 2. anti-depressants. • 3. anxiolytics. • 4. anti-psychotics.

3. temporarily prohibiting family members from visiting. (correct answer)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 64. After cardiac bypass surgery, a 60-year-old man experiences a sudden disturbance of consciousness, with reduced ability to focus, sustain, or shift attention. Appropriate interventions would include any of the following except: • 1. use of an anti-psychotic medication. • 2. placing a television set in the patient's room. • 3. temporarily prohibiting family members from visiting. • 4. supportive therapy including fluid and electrolyte maintenance.

3. temporarily prohibiting family members from visiting. (correct answer)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 177. According to Piaget, constructivism refers to: • 1. the child's ability to recognize that an object can retain its basic characteristics even though it might change form. • 2. the child's ability to gain new knowledge by interacting with others. • 3. the child's ability to gain new knowledge by interacting with objects and events in the environment. • 4. the child's ability to develop abstract thought and reflect about oneself.

3. the child's ability to gain new knowledge by interacting with objects and events in the environment. (correct answer, your response)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 158. When working with persons from different ethnic and linguistic backgrounds, psychologists should be aware of all of the following, except: • 1. the impact that socioeconomic status and political factors have on the functioning of different groups. • 2. the nature of each patient's sociocultural identity and affiliation. • 3. the importance of promoting growth in each patient with the goal of fulfilling each patient's potential for independence. • 4. the limitations of therapeutic techniques and methods of assessment in working with ethnically diverse groups.

3. the importance of promoting growth in each patient with the goal of fulfilling each patient's potential for independence. (correct answer, your response)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 99. You read the section of your materials that describes the stages of memory. Then you take this practice test and remember all of the material. However, when you go to take the licensing exam four weeks later and a question comes up in this area, you "draw a blank." The most likely explanation is that: • 1. this is a manifestation of the Zeigarnik effect. • 2. the information did not reach long-term memory because short-term memory capacity was exceeded. • 3. the information reached long-term memory, however, difficulty with memory accessing was occurring. • 4. the information reached long-term memory, however, problems with proactive interference were being manifest.

3. the information reached long-term memory, however, difficulty with memory accessing was occurring. (correct answer)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 186. All of the following statements about separation anxiety disorder are true except: • 1. it is equally common in males and females in clinical samples. • 2. it is related to the style of parenting. • 3. the symptom pattern is fairly consistent across the ages. • 4. this disorder is experienced by adults.

3. the symptom pattern is fairly consistent across the ages. (correct answer)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 2. According to the Tarasoff II ruling: • 1. a therapist has a duty to protect when he or she becomes aware of a potential homicidal situation in the course of therapy. • 2. when a patient admits to homicidal intent and there is a "reasonably identifiable victim," the therapist has a duty to warn the intended victim as well as the police. • 3. when a patient admits to homicidal intent, the therapist must attempt to warn the intended victim and must tell the police, as well as take further steps such as securing medications or hospitalization for the patient. • 4. when a patient admits to vague homicidal intent, the therapist must ascertain who the intended victim is.

3. when a patient admits to homicidal intent, the therapist must attempt to warn the intended victim and must tell the police, as well as take further steps such as securing medications or hospitalization for the patient. (correct answer)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 13. Which of the following statements about interpersonal therapy (IPT) for depression is inaccurate? • 1. Its goal is to improve relationships. • 2. It is commonly combined with medication. • 3. It is practiced on a short-term basis. • 4. It emphasizes current conflicts and intrapsychic issues.

4. It emphasizes current conflicts and intrapsychic issues. (correct answer)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 188. What does the term "minority marginalization" describe? • 1. A person who only associates with other persons from his or her culture, and is marginalized from the majority culture. • 2. A person who in marginalized from both his or her culture and the majority culture, yet associates with persons from other cultural groups. • 3. A person who only associates with persons from the majority culture, and is marginalized from his or her culture. • 4. A person who neither associates with persons from his or her own culture nor with persons from the majority culture.

4. A person who neither associates with persons from his or her own culture nor with persons from the majority culture. (correct answer)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 139. A person who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer asks, "Why me?" According to Kubler-Ross, this is characteristic of which emotional stage? • 1. Denial. • 2. Depression. • 3. Bargaining. • 4. Anger.

4. Anger. (correct answer)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 148. You have been treating a patient in therapy for the past several months. This patient owes you money for several sessions, but has missed her appointments for the past six sessions. You receive a release of information signed by the patient requesting treatment information from another psychologist whom the patient recently started seeing. How should you respond to this situation? • 1. Refuse to send the information, but do not disclose the reason to the psychologist in order to protect the patient's confidentiality. • 2. Refuse to send records because the patient owes you for several sessions. • 3. Contact the patient and inform her that you will send the information after she pays you the amount she owes. • 4. Cooperate with the request and send the necessary information.

4. Cooperate with the request and send the necessary information. (correct answer, your response)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 18. When is the impact of poor nutrition most detrimental? • 1. During infancy and early childhood. • 2. During adolescence. • 3. During old age. • 4. During the perinatal period.

4. During the perinatal period. (correct answer, your response)

SOCIAL AND MULTICULTURAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 168. Which of the following theorists would most likely be associated with an emic approach? • 1. Maslow. • 2. Kohlberg. • 3. Piaget. • 4. Gilligan.

4. Gilligan. (correct answer, your response)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 147. Which of the following is true about the capacity of working memory? • 1. It can hold a limited amount of information for an unlimited time. • 2. It can hold an unlimited amount of information for a limited time. • 3. It can hold an unlimited amount of information for an unlimited time. • 4. It can hold a limited amount of information for a limited time.

4. It can hold a limited amount of information for a limited time. (correct answer, your response)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 76. Which of the following would likely be the most important factor in terms of preventing premature termination of therapy by African American clients? • 1. Race of the therapist. • 2. Client's level of acculturation. • 3. Client's racial identity. • 4. Nature of the client's interactions with the therapist.

4. Nature of the client's interactions with the therapist. (correct answer, your response)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 120. You have been treating a psychologist in your private practice for the past few months. During a session, he expresses rage toward one of his patients and voices imminent intent to harm this patient. What should you do? • 1. Maintain confidentiality since this man is your patient. • 2. Keep this information to yourself since you do not want to breach confidentiality by identifying the name of this man's patient. • 3. Address the implications of your patient's behavior if he chooses to act on his impulses. • 4. Notify the police and the intended victim.

4. Notify the police and the intended victim. (correct answer, your response)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 113. Quality control circles are best characterized by which of the following statements? • 1. They are concerned with improving working life as a whole. • 2. While they are comprised of small work teams, quality control circles typically affect the whole organization. • 3. Quality control circles typically include members from various departments in the organization. • 4. Quality control circles are concerned with giving workers greater responsibility.

4. Quality control circles are concerned with giving workers greater responsibility. (correct answer)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 133. A person is able to recite a poem from memory that he heard at a poetry reading two hours ago. This is an example of which type of memory? • 1. Remote memory. • 2. Working memory. • 3. Implicit memory. • 4. Recent memory.

4. Recent memory. (correct answer)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 85. You are asked by a girl's parents to evaluate her cognitive functioning. You learn that the girl was born in Spain, and that she is bilingual. During the course of the evaluation, you begin to suspect that she may have difficulties with English. You do not speak Spanish, and therefore you bring this up with the parents and suggest that she be evaluated by someone who is Spanish-speaking. However, the parents state that they feel comfortable with you and do not want her to see someone else. What would be the best course of action in this situation? • 1. Proceed with the evaluation to see if your suspicions are justified; if so, bring this up again with the parents. • 2. Continue to evaluate her but seek supervision. • 3. Administer non-verbal measures that do not require knowledge of English. • 4. Refer her out.

4. Refer her out. (correct answer)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 191. You are one of a few psychologists who works in a small community. Your best friend's husband requests to see you for therapy because you are the only Christian therapist in town and he is only willing to work with a Christian therapist. Furthermore, he states he is unwilling to travel 50 miles to the next town to seek treatment. How should you respond to this request? • 1. Agree, as long you believe that your objectivity will not be impaired. • 2. Agree, as you are the only Christian therapist in town. • 3. Refuse, if you can ascertain that no harm will come to him if he doesn't receive treatment. • 4. Refuse, given the nature of your connection with him.

4. Refuse, given the nature of your connection with him. (correct answer)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 193. Which of the following describes banding in personnel selection? • 1. Persons of somewhat different ethnic origin are banded together within broad categories (e.g., a person from Mexico and one from El Salvador are both considered 'Hispanic'). • 2. A variety of potentially significant attributes of each job applicant (e.g., work history, education, recommendations) are banded together to form a composite score. • 3. Groups of interviewers are banded together to form teams, to enhance the reliability and validity of the interview process. • 4. Scores within a given range are considered equivalent.

4. Scores within a given range are considered equivalent. (correct answer, your response)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 25. A surgeon elects not to perform a serious operation on her father. In considering the Yerkes-Dodson law, what can be said about this surgeon's decision? • 1. She made the wrong decision because a high level of arousal facilitates optimal task performance. • 2. She made the wrong decision only if her arousal would have exceeded the optimal level for conducting the operation. • 3. She made a correct decision since her arousal would have been too low for the operation. • 4. She made a correct decision because her arousal would have been too high for performing the task.

4. She made a correct decision because her arousal would have been too high for performing the task. (correct answer)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 105. A woman witnesses a robbery in the park. What is she most likely to remember about this incident a week later? • 1. She will recall the events that took place the day of the robbery. • 2. She will remember the event in terms of other incidents of robbery witnessed before. • 3. She will remember the events that took place right after the robbery. • 4. She will recall the events that took place immediately before and during the robbery.

4. She will recall the events that took place immediately before and during the robbery. (correct answer)

ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 75. You are a psychologist in private practice. You are seeing a 12-year-old boy who was ordered by the court to receive treatment after suffering physical and emotional abuse by his parents. The boy was removed from his parents' home, but was recently reunited with them and is being brought to therapy by them. After several weeks of seeing this boy alone, his parents demand to know what is going on in his treatment and threaten to take him out of treatment if you do not cooperate. How should you respond to this situation? • 1. Include the parents in a family session. • 2. Provide the parents with some information about the boy's treatment. • 3. Protect the boy's confidentiality. • 4. Talk to the boy's social worker.

4. Talk to the boy's social worker. (correct answer)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 198. The best friend of your seven-year-old daughter just died in a car accident. What does the research suggest would be the best way to handle the situation? • 1. It would be better not to tell your child that her friend died, because it could unnecessarily fuel fears about her own death and future death of family members. • 2. It would not be of benefit to tell your child that her friend died, because children this age cannot cognitively comprehend the meaning of death. • 3. Whether or not to tell your child that her friend died should depend on your child's level of emotional maturity. • 4. Tell your child that her friend died, because an open, honest discussion will contribute to her emotional well-being.

4. Tell your child that her friend died, because an open, honest discussion will contribute to her emotional well-being. (correct answer, your response)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 128. You are treating an adolescent who suffers from an eating disorder. After minimal progress in family therapy, you bring up the idea of observing the adolescent at home with her parents. The parents refuse, and state they would be uncomfortable having you come to their home. How should you respond? • 1. Continue to emphasize the clinical importance of observing the adolescent in the home. • 2. Work on helping the family accept your expert opinion. • 3. Address the underlying reasons for their refusal to allow you to observe them in the home. • 4. Try to find another situation when the family interacts in order to observe them.

4. Try to find another situation when the family interacts in order to observe them. (correct answer, your response)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 71. Which of the following best predicts which job category one will enter? • 1. Family's SES. • 2. Father's profession. • 3. Educational level. • 4. Vocational aspiration.

4. Vocational aspiration. (correct answer)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 195. Holland's Self-Directed Search questionnaire measures people on six themes or personality types, associated with particular families of occupations. The theory behind the Self-Directed Search is that: • 1. better outcomes are obtained when people make their own career decisions, rather than find themselves influenced by external sources. • 2. congruent occupations are those that either match the predominant theme, or match the theme directly opposite of the predominant theme. • 3. scores on the six themes can be useful predictors of career success. • 4. a match between a person's personality and occupation results in job satisfaction.

4. a match between a person's personality and occupation results in job satisfaction. (correct answer, your response)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 93. All of the following are commonly treated using principles of reciprocal inhibition except: • 1. specific phobias. • 2. smoking. • 3. paraphilias. • 4. agoraphobia.

4. agoraphobia. (correct answer)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 61. Jung described the archetypes as primordial images and ideas common to all members of the race from the beginning of life. Jung believed that archetypes are aspects of the: • 1. id. • 2. ego. • 3. personal unconscious. • 4. collective unconscious.

4. collective unconscious. (correct answer, your response)

RESEARCH METHODS AND STATISTICS 4. Meta-analysis involves: • 1. combining the results of different studies into an effect size while assigning greater weight to studies that are of better quality. • 2. reanalyzing data from different studies and combining the results into an effect size. • 3. comparing different studies and calculating an effect size without taking into consideration how each study was conducted. • 4. combining the results of studies into an effect size.

4. combining the results of studies into an effect size. (correct answer)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 150. To increase reliability, you could: • 1. increase subject homogeneity and increase the number of test items. • 2. decrease subject homogeneity and decrease the number of test items. • 3. increase subject homogeneity and decrease the number of test items. • 4. decrease subject homogeneity and increase the number of test items.

4. decrease subject homogeneity and increase the number of test items. (correct answer, your response)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 165. A 76-year-old man who just came out of surgery exhibits visual hallucinations, does not recognize his relatives, and cannot recall why he is in the hospital. He is most likely experiencing: • 1. anterograde amnesia. • 2. retrograde amnesia. • 3. dementia. • 4. delirium.

4. delirium. (correct answer, your response)

TREATMENT, INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION 83. All of the following interventions are commonly used in cognitive-behavioral therapy approaches except: • 1. activity scheduling. • 2. behavioral rehearsal. • 3. modeling. • 4. empathy.

4. empathy. (correct answer, your response)

RESEARCH METHODS AND STATISTICS 37. A researcher believes that birth order significantly affects level of professional achievement; however, her study fails to find any significant results. She plans to revise her study. To increase her chances of finding significance, she should do all of the following except: • 1. increase sample size. • 2. use a one-tailed test. • 3. increase alpha. • 4. increase beta.

4. increase beta. (correct answer)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 140. Edwin, a four-year-old boy, often throws a tantrum when he does not get his way. His parents consult with a psychologist who tells them to have Edwin sit on the stairs by himself for ten minutes when he begins to throw a tantrum. This psychologist is recommending that the parents use: • 1. extinction. • 2. positive punishment. • 3. negative reinforcement. • 4. negative punishment.

4. negative punishment. (correct answer, your response)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 39. The block design and picture arrangement subtests of the WISC-III measure: • 1. freedom from distractibility. • 2. processing speed. • 3. verbal comprehension. • 4. perceptual organization.

4. perceptual organization. (correct answer, your response)

BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 70. A patient whose corpus callosum has been severed is presented with an object in her left visual field. Most likely she will be able to: • 1. pick out the object with her right hand. • 2. identify the object by name. • 3. name the object and pick it out with her left hand. • 4. pick out the object with her left hand.

4. pick out the object with her left hand. (correct answer)

RESEARCH METHODS AND STATISTICS 102. A researcher who wants to include the smallest number of predictors in a stepwise multiple regression would be best advised to: • 1. include similar predictors. • 2. make sure the predictors are moderately correlated with the criterion. • 3. use the correction for attenuation formula. • 4. replicate the study on a different sample.

4. replicate the study on a different sample. (correct answer)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 51. In terms of attachment, early deprivation has been found to have: • 1. mostly irreversible consequences, and to have progressive impact on the child's interpersonal relationships. • 2. mostly irreversible consequences, however, the effects may be somewhat mitigated depending on the amount of nurturance received later. • 3. reversible consequences, depending on the child's cognitive ability. • 4. reversible consequences, depending on the nature of the child's subsequent relationships.

4. reversible consequences, depending on the nature of the child's subsequent relationships. (correct answer)

RESEARCH METHODS AND STATISTICS 59. A researcher is interested in whether there are differences between four different teaching styles for students of three different SES levels. The F ratio for teaching style (A) = 4.7*. The F ratio for SES (B) = 1.7. The F ratio for the Interaction (AxB) = .9. *= p < .05. It is safe to conclude that: • 1. significant differences for teaching style and SES were found. • 2. significant differences for SES and a significant interaction effect were found. • 3. a significant interaction effect was found. • 4. significant differences for teaching style were found.

4. significant differences for teaching style were found. (correct answer)

RESEARCH METHODS AND STATISTICS 55. A researcher is looking at the effects of treatment for depression over time. Subjects are assigned to one of two treatment groups (cognitive-behavioral therapy or medications), or to an attention only control group. Subjects are measured at the start of treatment, at the conclusion of treatment, and at one year post treatment. To analyze her results, the researcher should use a: • 1. one-way ANOVA. • 2. three-way ANOVA. • 3. repeated measures ANOVA. • 4. split plot ANOVA.

4. split plot ANOVA. (correct answer)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 116. Researchers such as Garmezy and Rutter have studied risk and protective factors in development. In designing interventions to reduce the impact of risk factors on development, one should keep in mind that: • 1. males and females demonstrate approximately equivalent degrees of resiliency throughout childhood and adolescence. • 2. there is a positive correlation between severity of risk factors and developmental psychopathology. • 3. the interaction between risk and protective factors loses significance with increasing age. • 4. there is a positive correlation between number of risk factors and developmental psychopathology.

4. there is a positive correlation between number of risk factors and developmental psychopathology. (correct answer)

GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 190. In comparing life expectancy between men and women, and between white and non-white Americans: • 1. men tend to outlive women, and whites tend to outlive non-whites. • 2. men tend to outlive women, and non-whites tend to outlive whites. • 3. women tend to outlive men, and non-whites tend to outlive whites. • 4. women tend to outlive men, and whites tend to outlive non-whites.

4. women tend to outlive men, and whites tend to outlive non-whites. (correct answer, your response)

COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE BASES OF BEHAVIOR 11. Of the following, which describes the type of memory that can retain an exact copy of what is seen for a second? • 1. Sensory memory. • 2. Eidetic (photographic) memory. • 3. Echoic memory. • 4. Short-term memory.

• 1. Sensory memory. (correct answer)

ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS 30. Kuder-Richardson is a: • 1. measure of inter-rater reliability. • 2. method of estimating reliability if the number of items is increased or decreased. • 3. coefficient of stability. • 4. measure of internal consistency derived by analyzing all possible split-halves.

• 4. measure of internal consistency derived by analyzing all possible split-halves. (correct answer, your response)

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