Ethics and Public Speaking
Plato stated
"All speakers would be truthful and devoted to the good of society."
ethics into practice
"being ethical means behaving ethically ALL the time, NOT just when convenient."
guidelines for ethical speaking
1. Make sure goals are ethically sound 2. Be fully prepared for each speech 3. Investigate whole story, learning all sides of an issue, seek out competing viewpoints, and make sure facts are correct 4. Honesty- public speaking rests on unspoken assumption that "words can be trusted & people will be truthful."
plagiarism context
comes from Latin word Plagiarus meaning kidnapper
incremental plagiarism
failing to give credit for a particular part of a speech that are borrowed from other people
types of plagiarism
global, patchwork, incremental
subtle forms of being dishonest/unethical
juggling stats quoting out of context misrepresenting sources tentative findings as conclusive unusual cases as typical half truths as evidence avoid name calling
Ethics deals with course of action
moral/immoral, fair/unfair, just/unjust, and honest/dishonest
plagiarism definition
presenting another person's language or ideas as one's own
ways to avoid internet plagiarism
record the title of the internet document author or organization from source
ethical decisions
sound ethical decisions involve weighing a potential course of action against a set of ethical standards or guidelines
global plagiarism
stealing a speech entirely from a single source and passing it off as one's own
patchwork plagiarism
stealing ideas or language from two or three sources and passing them off as one's own
the branch of philosophy that deals w issues of right and wrong in human affairs
Goal of public speaking
to gain a desired response from listeners but not at any cost
to restate or summarize an author's ideas in one's own words
unquestionably persuasive speaker, aims were horrifying and tactics despicable