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Essential Definition of Philosophy

"Science of all sciences", Mother of all science", or the "Search for the ultimate meaning of reality"

Different behavior, different times


Types of Dilemma


Types of Culture

1. Hight Culture 2. Cultural Diversity 3. Subculture 4. Popular Culture 5.Multiculturalism 6. Global Culture



who realize that reason is specifically a distinguishing attribute that elevates human far over and above all living creatures.


possesses a distinct moral/ethical behavior that makes us unique in our culture, dealing with socio-politicalcultural difficulties and challenges.

Asian Moral Character

spirit manifest our close relationship with our neighbor.


there is a hero's blood running on our veins. We have the most fearless heroes who only think of defending our homeland.


encourages its practitioners to keep their emotions and passions in check and stresses karma over determination.

Buddhism Character / Theraveda Buddhism

Different criteria, same behavior


wisdom, in terms of discerning right and wrong;


one of the biggest flaws define as a preference for all things foreign over our own.

Colonial Mentality

emphasis on obligations to the community rather just individual rights and preference for consultation rather than open confrontation.

Confucian Character

embedded deep within our system and reinforced by a complex web of economic and social factors which include personal ambitions and


his is prevalent in politics where people tend to push each other down to clear the way for their own gain. Simply put, this refers to the behavior of preventing someone from achieving something to jealousy or envy

Crab Mentality

an aggregate of the learned beliefs, attitudes, values, norms and customs of a society or group of people, shared by them and transmitted from generation to generation within the society.


principle that surrounds the moral development of the people that may not always promote what is good and jus for all


the principle of regarding the beliefs, values, and practices of a culture from the viewpoint of the culture itself. This is understood as uniqueness of every culture from each other.

Culture Relativism

Moral relativism is...

Descriptive meta-ethical normative


Different behaviors, different criteria

difficult situation in which an individual is confronted to choose between two or more alternative actions to resolve the problem


many of our problems, both personal and social, there politicians don't have a delicadeza but is lack of analysis or reflection. our people, especially the Filipinas, still

Discretion and Dignity

Concept of love?

Eros (intimate love? Philia (brotherly love) Agape (Christian Love)

Theory that hold that morality is relative to the norms of one's culture. That is, whether an actions is right or wrong depends on the moral norms of the society in which it is practiced.

Ethical Relativism

branch of philosophy that deals with the principles of conduct of an individual or group. It works as a guiding principle as to decide what action to take either the good or the bad.


Family centeredness results to a lack of concern for the common good and acts as a block to national consciousness.

Extreme Family Centeredness

no separation between objective task and emotional involvement.

Extreme Personalism

our innate religiosity enables us to comprehend and genuinely accept reality in the context of God's will and plan.

Faith and Religiosity

the Filipinos are one of the most faithful people in the world. Our faithfulness keep us kind, positive, peaceful and determined to achieve our goals no m


- Filipinos are willing to make big sacrifices just to make sure that their loved ones will have a good life.


an attitude of "what goes around, comes around" or "come what may". We have the tendency to surrender our future to fate.


elated to mañana habit, Filipino time refers to the Filipinos' own unique brand of time, which is known to be minutes or hours behind the standard time.

Filipino Time

we can adjust to circumstances and surrounding environment, both physical and social; adjust to whatever happens even in unplanned or anticipated events.

Flexibility, Adaptability and Creativity

Filipinos are known law abiding individuals but with stronger inclination to disregard these laws. Ironically, Filipinos abroad follows rules and laws because they know they cannot get away with not following them.

General Disregard for Rules

- Filipinos are fond of talking about others' business. It is not true that only women are into gossiping even men.


aside from being hospitable, Filipinos are also thankful. We don't forget anyone who helped us.


we have the capacity for hard work given proper conditions; raise one's standard of living and to possess the essentials of a decent life for one's family.

Hard Work and Industry

even if Philippines is not a big and rich country, we still grant aids to other countries in need.


perhaps "palabra de honor" is not evident among our politicians, but it's still evident among the common Filipinos. When we make promise, we try our best to fulfill that promise even if it will undermine ourselves

Honesty and Commitment

we usually friendly and welcoming to our guest.


¨ loyalty and good faith.;


who said that "morality was based on reason alone, and once we understood it, we would see that acting morally is the same as acting rationally."

Immanuel Kant

develop a cultured, well-defined and well-rounded individual

Impotance of studying Philosophy

benevolence in terms of sympathy for others;



Jen Yi Li Chih Hsin

Filipinos have a cheerful and fun-loving approach to life, a sense of humor and propensity for happiness.

Joy and Humor

Filipinos have a selfish, self-serving attitude that generates a feeling of envy and competitiveness towards others, particularly one's peer who seem to have gained some status or prestige.

Kanya-kanya Syndrome

Our lack of discipline results in efficient and wasteful work systems violation of rules leading to a more serious transgression.

Lack of Discipline

There is a tendency in the Filipino to be a superficial and even somewhat flighty. In the face of serious

Lack of Self-analysis and Selfreflection

manners, propriety, and feelings of deference;


What are the major disciplines in Philosophy

Logic Epistemology Metaphysics Aesthetics Cosmology Theodicy Social Philosophy Ethics

defined as any situation in which the person making the decision experiences a conflict between the moral rightness of a decision and the quality of the produces.


refer to the social, cultural and religious beliefs or values practiced overtime by an individual or group which direct people to do what is customarily allowable as right or refrain from those that society prohibits as "taboo" or wrong.


the view that moral judgements are true or false only relative to some particular standpoint (for instance, that of a culture or a historical period) and that no standpoint is uniquely privileged over all others. It is the idea that there is no universal or absolute set of moral principles.

Moral Relativism

These are set of norms in society in accord to moral principles that supposed to determine about kind of actions people believe are morally right and deter them from doing what is considered as wrong.

Moral Standards

someone who is capable of doing things rightly or wrongly.

Moral agent

What one believes to be the right things to do.

Moral behavior

laws or commands that allow specifics actions to be committed or those that disallow actions contrary to these norms.

Moral standards

Translated to "burning cogon grass" in English, this idiom is meant to illustrate how Filipinos initially exhibit great enthusiasm at the beginning of a project.


one reason why we sometimes exert half-hearted effort in our undertakings is due to this attitude.


the principals and standards by which businesses operate, according to Reference for Business.


these are situations in which an individual has a choice to be made between two options, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion.


Philosophy and other Sciences


basic sense of justice and fairness, concern for others and ability to emphathize with others.

Pakikipagkapwa tao

- Filipinos' lack of initiative for change is also one reason why our country does not progress. We keep on complaining against the government and other societal issues. However, we do not do anything about them.

Passivity (lack of leadership)

another habit which keeps the development of our country slow. Instead of working on a task while there is much time, we wait for the deadline because we feel lazy to start on them, or we want to use the time in other things.

Procrastination or Mañana Habit

The term philosophy was first coined by a Greek Philosopher, who?


who explains that no ethics is likewise possible without human freedom.

Quito, 2008

- Filipinos are persistent enough to get back on their feet. We can also adapt to any type of environment and mingle with any kind of people all over the world.


Some of our smartest countrymen can come up with brilliant idea despite poverty and lack of financial resources. We are also good in recycling trash and turn them into ingenious products.

Resourcefulness and Creativity

Filipinos are courteous people. The children and young Filipinos will use "po" and "opo" to show respect to someone who is older or who has higher position than them.


that tell what we are allowed to do and what we are not allowed to do. These are stated to help us achieve success and meet the common goals in society


the conformity and compliance of each member to the expected code of conduct to be manifested in the agency/workplace.


according to who? he showed that human is free physically, yet bound to obey the law ''like to do and the ought to do''.

Saint Augustine

In popular mind it is something obscure, weird an idiosyncratic. It has a dynamic meaning, drawing out its relevance from its own time and event. according to who

Santiago, 1996

the Philippines is a country of smiles.

Sense of Humor

Filipinos possess a genuine and deep love for family, source of personal identity, emotional and material support.

Strong Family Ties

Same process, different criteria applied at a different time


it is also essential that the agents should have the capacity to rise above their feelings, passions, and act for the sake of moral law. according to who?

The Kantian Version

we shop wisely to save our money for future important uses. We are conscious on the price tag, discounts and quality of the products we buy to get the most out of our money


The dilemma is split across unequal status


duty reflected in the same felt after doing something wrong;


Ethos a greek word meaning?


concept relating to culturally embedded differences within society, it's the fact that different cultures exist alongside each other.

cultural diversity

mos a latin word meaning?


teach how human ought to live


Set of rules that govern human actions to ensure mutual respect and cooperation

ethics and morality

the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint


key feature of globalization, they emerge due to feauture of migration, trends in international travel and spread of the media, exposing people to the same dominant world companies.

global culture

Linked with elite, upper class society, those families and individual with an ascribed status position.

high culture

one who acts with will and knowledge and holds responsible for the acts.


3 imperatives of ethics

human freedom existence of God immorality of the soul

this is a principle of justice holding that decisions or judgement on something or someone should be objective not on the basis of bias or prejudice to favor someone irrationally.


Who said that, freedom is the source of all value. it is the highest order of life.


Philos meaning?


philos sophia

love of/for wisdom

different ethnic groups living alongside each other


it borrows the idea from high culture and popularizes it. making it available for the masses.

popular culture

this enables us to think and reflect over actions that we intend to do and decide which of them to take


culture enjoyed by a small group within the society. they have distinct norms and values which make them sub-section of society.


Sophia meaning



¨ Refrain for taking life ¨ Don't steal ¨ Avoid illicit sexual activity ¨ Don't speak falsely ¨ Refrain from consuming inebriating substances

Importance of culture

• Culture affects perception • Culture influences behavior • Culture shapes personality • Culture shapes our value and belief system

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