Ethics T&F

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According to the Divine Command Theory, God commands certain actions because they are morally right.


All arguments with false premises are invalid


All valid arguments have a true conclusion


Aristotle believes that it is possible for a human being to decide to be happy (or achieve Eudaimonia).


Aristotle thinks that making a decision and making a wish are the same thing.


Cultural Relativism is the theory which claims that some moral truths are relative to culture and some are not.


Eudaimonia" is the Greek word for "Having a character that is brilliant like a good diamond."


In the opening scene of the dialogue Euthyphro we find out that Socrates is at the court because he has failed to pay his taxes on time


Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy concerned with understanding the nature of art and beauty.


Rachels completely agrees with the fifth claim of cultural relativism. He thinks that we should always be tolerant of the practices of other cultures regardless of what those practices are.


Rachels thinks that if two societies differ in their customs (like permitting or forbidding the eating of cows), it must be because they differ in their values


Rachels ultimately believes that the five claims of cultural relativism are correct, and he is basically promoting cultural relativism as the best moral theory.


Some counterexamples have all true premises and a true conclusion.


The word 'argument', as used in logic and philosophy, refers to a verbal disagreement or a shouting match


According to Rachels, Virtue Theory is a complete and independent moral theory that guides our actions and is good at resolving moral conflicts.


According to Rachels, the Cultural Differences Argument is unsound because it has a false premise.


According to Rachels, there is a simple recipe for constructing good moral arguments and avoiding bad ones


According to Aristotle, voluntary actions and actions that are the result of a decision are the same things.


According to Aristotle, ethics is a subject that admits of exact answers.


Accordine to Rachels (1.5. moral judgments must be backed by good reasons; and second, morality requires the impartial consideration or each Individuals interests


According to Aristotle, friendship is a kind of recognized reciprocated love (or good will).


According to Rachels, the two advantages of Virtue Theory are that (1) it gives an account of moral motivation and (2) it agrees with our intuitions that we ought to be partial in our treatment of our friends and family members.


According to the Theory of Natural Law, moral rules are viewed as deriving from the laws of nature.


All sound arguments are valid arguments


Anyone who believes that the abolition of slavery in the Western World was a mark of moral progress is not a Cultural Relativist.


Aristotle claims that virtue and vice are ultimately things within our power and within our control.


Courage is the virtuous mean between cowardice and foolhardiness.


In her Lecture on Gyges Ring, Tamar Gendler talks about the distinction between the way things appear and the way things really are.


In philosophy, the terms 'moral philosophy' and 'ethics' are used (more or less) as synonyms.


In the Platonic dialogue Euthyphro, we find that Euthyphro is at the court because he is prosecuting his father for murder.


Rachels claims that certain practices which are (or have been) accepted by some cultures are morally wrong.


The Divine Command Theory implies that if God didn't exist, then murder and child abuse wouldn't be wrong.


The Ring of Gyges is the tale of a shepherd who finds à magic ring which allows him to turn invisible at will.


The conceptual distinction between intrinsic goods and instrumental goods (which is important in ethical thinking) is already made in the writings of Plato.


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