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The bourgeoisie belonged to which of the following groups?

the Third Estate

On the night of August 4, 1789, the national Constituent Assembly attempted to halt peasant rebellion and disorder by

renouncing aristocratic feudal rights, dues, and tithes

The term sans-culottes was used in revolutionary France to refer to

the lower middle-class

What was the purpose of the Society of Revolutionary Republican Women?

to fight the internal enemies of the revolution

The Bastille in Paris was stormed on July 14, 1789, (why?)

to seize arms to defend against royal reprisals

Madame de Pompadour, mistress of Louis XV, became the center of public attention because of what?

Her participation in politics and use of the monarchy for personal gain

What two exceptions did the Civil Constitution of the Clergy make in the policy of dissolving religious orders in France?

those orders that cared for the sick or ran a school

Which the following best characterizes Burke's reflection on the Revolution in France?

It condemned the violence and anarchy of the French Revolution

Why was the lévée en masse, ordered by the Committee of Public Safety in August 1793, unprecedented?

It conscripted all healthy makes available for military service

What policy of the Jacobins during the Reign of Terror (1793-94) caused he greatest amount of internal opposition?

A campaign of the de-Christianization

Which of the following phases of the French Revolution is most directly reflected in the painting above?

A constitutional monarchy was established to increase popular participation in the government.

During 1793-94, Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety owed much of their influence to the support of who?

A group of small property owners & wage laborers in Paris concerned about high food prices

The Constitution of 1791, which was established during the first phase of the Revolution, failed to accomplish which of the following aspects from the excerpt above?

All citizens being equal in the eyes of the law, are equally eligible to all dignities".

What was Napoleon not able to accomplish?

An expansion of freedom of speech

What was the most common cause of urban riots in the eighteenth century?

Bread shortages

What was a major revolutionary idea that spread throughout Europe by the French armies during the Revolutionary and Napleonic period?

Careers should be open to talented individuald from all classes

What is generally NOT considered to have led to Napoleon's downfall?

Concordat with the Catholic Church

What did Robespierre try to do during the Reign of Terror?

Crush all opposition to the revolution

The main purpose of the women's march on Versailles in October 1789 was to what?

Ensure the king's support for the Declaration of Rights and cheap bread for Paris

The image above is a reflection of which of the following?

Foreign perceptions of the Sans Culottes during the radical stage of the French Revolution.

Absolute monarchy declined in pre-1789 France primarily because of what?

Growth of judicial and aristocratic opposition

Which of the following best summarizes Edmund Burke's view of the French Revolution?

He believed it was shortsighted and politically ignorant.

How did the Civil Constitution of the Clergy reform the church in France?

It demanded that all clergy must take an oath to support the Civil Constitution.

How did the Civil Constitution of the Clergy change the legal position of the Roman Catholic Church?

It made the church into a branch of the secular state.

What was not a common characteristic of the ancien regime in eighteenth-century Europe?

Large factories

Napoleon's education system is a reflection of the policies of which of the following earlier European rulers?

Maria Therese of Austria

Which of the following documents served the same essential purpose as the cahiers served for the French Revolution?

Martin Luther's 95 Thesis for the Reformation

Under whose rule did France see a retraction of the policies that were set forth in "The Law of Suspects"?


In this excerpt, Olympe de Gouges is responding to

New arguments proposed by Enlightenment philosophers like Rousseau promoting the continued exclusion of women from political life.

The contemporary drawing able of the storming of the Bastille was intended to portray what?

Popular participation in the revolutionary process

The meeting of the Estates-General in 1789 marked a significant step toward Revolution in France because it what?

Provided a legitimate forum for critics of the Old Regime

Which of the following philosophies ideas are most clearly reflected in #6 of the excerpt above?


What was a persistent cause of agitation and protests by the Parisian lower classes in the eighteenth century?

Substantial increases in the cost of bread

The list of grievances, or cahier de doleances, brought by the members of the Estates-General to Versailles in 1789 called for what?

Tax equity

Recent historical evidence regarding the takeover of the Bastille during the French Revolution has demonstrated what?

That the attack was well-planned and led by members of the middle class

In the passage, Olympe De Gouges most clearly highlighted and expressed:

That the status of women in French society remained entirely unchanged from the days of the Ancien Regime to the Revolution

Which of the following most directly contributed to the creation of the document above? (declaration man and citizen)

The Cahiers

What caused the deepest and most persistent internal opposition to the French Revolution?

The Civil Constitution of the Clergy

What generalization could be made about the Civil Constitution of the Clergy?

The Civil Constitution of the Clergy did more than any other action to make an enemy of the Roman Catholic Church for France.

Robespierre's arguments concerning the Cult of the ** Supreme Being most closely reflect:

The Enlightenment

Which of the following events in France most clearly reflected the unhappiness shown in this passage?

The Great Fear

Which of the following was the most direct cause of the stage of the revolution depicted in the cartoon above?

The Great Fear.

According to Napoleon's account above, his religious beliefs align most with which of the following?

The Hohenzollern Dynasty in Prussia.

Which of the following best summarizes the impact of Rousseau's ideas on the development of the FrenchRevolution?

The Jacobins took Rousseau's concept of the "general will" to mean all the people of France must support the ideals of the Revolution

Which of the following reforms did Napoleon believe would not only help to stabilize France, but would allow it to progress?

The Lycees

Which of the following events most directly led to the issuing of the above oath?

The Meeting of the Estates General

Robespierre's reference to the "path of virtue" most likely led to which of the following Jacobin actions?

The Reign of Terror

Jean-Paul Marat was murdered during which historic event?

The Reign of Terror.

Which of the following aspects of the English Civil War most closely resembles the beliefs and ideals of the Tennis Court Oath?

The adoption of the English Bill of Rights.

What was the chief goal of the Congress of Vienna?

To create a lasting peace

Which of the following best summarizes the comparison of freedoms exercised by women before and after the period from 1789 to 1795?

Women lost many freedoms after 1795.

This influential interpretation by Georges Lefebvre is considered flawed today because what?

The division between nobility and bourgeoisie is not as clear as once believed

Which of the following was an important direct effect of the above document?

The establishment of a constitutional monarchy in France.

The calling of the Estates-General in France by King Louis XVI in 1789 was the direct result of what?

The failure of the Assembly of Notables to endorse the monarchy's program of tax reform

What event did these words lead to pre-revolutionary France?

The formation of the National Assembly

Robespierre's argument in the passage is best explained in the context of which of the following?

The policy of de-Christianization

Which of the following aspects of France in the 18th century is most reflected in the cahiers?

The social structure of France

How did the radical Jacobins react to women's revolutionary efforts?

They banned women's revolutionary clubs and preached women's domestic role

How did Louis XVI and his family try to escape Paris in June 1791?

They disguised themselves as servants.

What best describes the role of the sans culottes during the French Revolution?

They intervened intermittently at moments of crisis

How did most French people react to the de-Christianization of France?

They opposed the de-Christianization and reacted against the revolutionary government in Paris.

Which of the following eighteenth-century trends would support the argument Olympe de Gouges makes in this excerpt?

Women participated enthusiastically in the early phases of the French Revolution.

Which of the following historical developments is best reflected in the image above?

Women participated in early phases of revolutions

Robespierre argued that Terror was (what type of event?)

a consequence of the general principle of democracy applied to a pressing need

Which of the following social classes was most directly challenged by the actions shown in the painting?

a nobility based on

The Committee of Public Safety was successful in all of these areas EXCEPT:

bringing political violence to an end

The Woman's March on Versailles on October 4, 1789, was a crucial turning point in the French Revolution because it (did what?)

brought the king and assembly back to Paris

During the Reign of Terror, Robespierre tried to

crush all opposition to the revolution

During the Great Fear

disturbances in cities and countryside led to fear of violence

The Chapelier Law

forbade workers' associations

The largest portion of France's pre-1789 debt came from

military expenditures

The term émigrés was used to describe

nobles against French Revolution, who fled France and fought from outside the country

The Civil Constitution of the Clergy

placed the French Catholic Church under state control

The sans-culottes wanted, above all else,

relief from food shortages and high prices

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