Evolution Final

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Recall from chapter 3 the experiment with snapdragons where an experimental pop consisting of two flower types (white & yellow) was arrayed in an alpine meadow and natural pollinators allowed to visit and pollinate the plants. The experiment was described as providing evidence for Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. Use your knowledge of that experiment to match statements with potential answers. (1) Plants with different flower colored varied in the # of pollinator visitations and seeds (2) Individuals w/ white flowers attracted twice as many bee visits as individuals w/ yellow flowers A. some individuals are more successful at surviving and reproducing than others B. allele frequencies can change in pops due to chance events C. variation is heritable D. reproduction is non-random; organisms with certain traits survive and reproduce better than others E. phenotypic variation exists in pops

(1) A (2) D

Human nonpolyposis colon cancer the strength of natural selection acting against such mutations is WEAK

-caused by mutations in genes encoding DNA mismatch repair enzymes -accumulation of mismatch errors can result in ___________ -median age of diagnosis= 48 yrs -WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH THE STRENGTH OF NATURAL SELECTION?

-Ecological mortality -opossum pops in SE US, ecological mortality is higher for mainland pops than pops on coastal islands --late-acting deleterious alleles under stronger negative selection in pops where individuals live longer --late-life costs of pleiotropic alleles w/ antagonistic effects under stronger neg. selection in pops where individuals live longer

-mortality influenced by extrinsic factors such as predation, disease, accidents -example? --Influence of ecological mortality on aging and senescence?

A mutation arises in a pop that is beneficial with regard to fitness and thus is under positive selection. Over subsequent generations, which of the following scenarios would most likely be expected? A. the mutation is found at high frequency and displays high linkage disequilibrium with nearby loci B. the mutation is found at low frequency and displays high linkage disequilibrium with nearby loci C. the mutation is found at high frequency and displays low linkage disequilibrium with nearby loci D. only b and c could be expected


A pop in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium has alleles A1 and A2. If the frequency of the A1A1 genotype is 0.49, what is the frequency of the A2 allele? A. 0.3 B. 0.7 C. 0.42 D. 0.49


Genetic drift is more prevalent in _______ pops and result in ________ of heterzygosity A. small; loss B. small; gain C. large; gain D. large; loss


If we assume that a female's reproductive mode (i) does not affect how many offspring are produced and (ii) does not affect the probability of offspring survival, asexual reproduction should be favored over sexual reproduction


Males from different pops of the mosquito fish (Gambusia affines) differ in the length and size of their anal fin. This variation best can be explained by A. predation risk: males from high predation risk pops have smaller anal fins and males from low predation risk pops have larger anal fins B. predation risk: males from high predation risk pops have larger anal fins and males from low predation risk pops have smaller anal fins C. food supply: males from high food supply pops have smaller anal fins and males from low food supply pops have larger anal fins D. food supply: males from high food supply pops have larger anal fins and males from low food supply pops have smaller anal fins


The two strands of a double stranded DNA molecule are held together by A. hydrogen bonds B. phosphodiester bonds C. carbon atoms D. enzymatic 'lock and key' processes


Which of the following best describes bootstrapping? A. Iteratively resampling and analyzing a given phylogenetic dataset in order to assign confidence levels to interior branches of a tree B. Iteratively resampling and analyzing a given phylogenetic dataset in order to assign a confidence level to the placement of the outgroup C. Eliminating groups of trees from consideration based on the principle that all of them require 'more steps' than a leading candidate shortest tree D. Eliminating groups of trees from consideration based on the principle that all of them, when rearranged with minor branch swapping, require 'more steps' than a leading candidate shortest tree


Which of the following provides evidence that polyploidy may increase adaptive potential? A. observations in old yarrow that neo-6x plants have higher survivorship than 4x plants in a common garden experiment conducted in a dune habitat B. reproductive isolation that is immediate between a newly derived autotretraploid and its diploid progenitor C. inversion clines in Drosophila subobscura that are found in both North- and South America D. observations in Thale cress that multiple mutation accumulation lines possess beneficial mutations


Which of the following would best explain why mating between certain individuals produce offspring with lower survivorship and fitness? A. Inbreeding depression B. over dominance C. frequency dependent selection D. linkage disequilibrium


-positive- (amount of energy expended over lifetime should be similar among organisms) -Data from 14 orders of mammal: considerable variation in energy spent per gram per lifetime.... NOT CONSISTENT

A prediction of the rate-of-living theory is that there should be a ________ correlation between aging rate and metabolic rate. -Did the data show this?


A reaction norm describes A. the pattern of phenotypic response of the same genotype across different environments B. the pattern of phenotypic response of a single genotype in a single environment C. the pattern of phenotypic variation in a population D. the pattern of phenotypic change of a population following selection


A transmission disequilibrium test relies on info in pedigrees to determine A. genetic variation within a population B. the selection gradient C. whether alleles are identical by descent D. if a given allele is associated with a particular genetic disorder

Life History -energy acquisition -energy expenditure

An individual's allocation of time and energy to growth, 'upkeep' and reproduction


An interaction between individuals whereby the recipient pays a cost and the actor pays a cost A. spite B. altruism C. cooperation D. selfishness

"lions live in social groups called prides. Coalitions of males fight to take over prides. If a new coalition defeats and expels a pride's males, the newcomers quickly kill the pride's unweaned cubs. These cubs are unrelated to the killers" Which of the following statements might best explain this behavior? A. this is an example of altruistic behavior B. this behavior increases the fitness of the males bc females will become fertile again sooner and will have cubs sired by the new males C. this behavior decreases the fitness of the males bc fewer animals now are in the pride D. none of the above


A hypothetical pop. consists of 10 males and 15 females, with all individuals in the pop breeding. The effective pop size of this population is _______. A. 15 B. 24 C. 12.5 D. 25


A population has 2 alleles for a gene, with and initial frequency of 0.8 for A. If the mutation rate from A to a is 5 x 10^-3 per generation, what is the allele frequency of a after one generation? (You can assume evolutionary forces act on this population) A. 0.2 B. 0.204 C. 0.205 D.0.208


At mutation-selection equilibrium, a deleterious recessive allele (frequency described by q) is maintained in the population. If the selection coefficient acting against this allele is 0.9 and the mutation rate from Q to q is 0.00081, what is the equilibrium frequency of q in th population? A. 0.0009 B. 0.03 C. 0.009 D. 0.003 E. 0.09


Frequencies of inversions and/or allele frequencies often vary regularly when examined over a geographic area changing in either latitude or climate. This type of regular change is called a ____________ A. zonality B. cline C. gradient D. biome


If a pop is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, which of the following statements is correct? A. each allele will be preset at a frequency of 0.5 B. allele frequencies remains constant from generation to generation C. the size of population remains constant from generation to generation D. genotype frequencies can vary from generation to generation E. change of allele frequencies must be >1% from generation to generation


In phylogenetic studies, the Neighbor-joining method uses _________ to generate an evolutionary tree A. plesiomorphies B. genetic distances C. synomorphies D. apomorphies


Natural selection acts on _______ but evolution occurs when there are changes in ______ A. phenotypes; individuals B. individuals; alleles frequencies C. pops; allele frequencies D.pops; individuals


The anti-viraldrug AZT was developed to disrupt what stage of the HIV life cycle? A. binding of the virion to the host cell B. reverse transcription of virus RNA to DNA C. new vision assembly D. integration of the virus genetic material into the host genome


The figure below depicts beak depth distributions for Geospiza fortis before(above) and after (below) a severe drought in 1977. Taken together, these data provide evidence for A. heritability B. natural selection C. evolution D. a & b' E. a, b, and c


What can explain the situation where natural selection maintains a lethal allele in a population? A. genetic drift B. overdominance C. underdominance D all of the above


Which of the following processes is unlikely to lead to increased genetic diversity in a population over long periods of time? A. mutation B. genetic drift C. migration D balancing selection


A mutation that occurs in a codon that results in a change of the amino acid is known as _________ mutation A. synonymous B. frameshift C. nonsynonymous D. transversion E. transition


A shared, derived character state is known as a ____________ whereas an ancestral character state is known as a ___________. A. apomorphy; synapomorphy B. plesiomorphy; synapomorphy C. synapomorphy; plesiomorphy D. plesiomorphy; apomorphy E. apomorphy; plesiomorphy


Analyses of linkage disequilibrium can be used to A. estimate when a particular allele first arose in a population B. identify alleles that have experienced positive selection in a population C. both a and b D. neither a nor b


It is incorrect to refer to a particular species as 'higher' or 'lower' because A.mutation rates differ across major diverse forms of life B. selection does not act for the good of the species C. evolution does not always lead tot increasingly complex organisms D. some traits lack a heritable genetic basis


The RNASE1 and RNASE1B genes in doc langur monkeys are described as _________ and __________ A. paralogs; have not diverged in function B. orthologs; have diverged in function C. paralogs; have diverged in function D. orthologs; have not diverged in function


The ability of an individuals to develop different phenotypes in different environments is known as A. genetic variation B. mutation accumulation C.phenotypic plasiticity D. retroduplication E. psuedoplasticity


The neutral theory of molecular evolution posits that the vast majority of mutations that arise in populations are ________; and their fate is thus determined by __________. A. neutral; selection B. slightly deleterious; selection C. neutral; drift D. slightly deleterious; drift


Which of the following is consisted with replacement (non synonymous) mutations being neutral? A. dN/dS>1 B. dN/dS<1 C. dN/dS=1 D. dN/dS(does not equal)1


Which of the following statements is correct regarding overdominance and underdominance ? A. underdominance leads to a stable equilibrium in allele frequency B. over dominance leads to an unstable equilibrium in allele frequency C. over dominance increases heterozygosity whereas underdominance decreases heterozygosity D. over dominance occurs when heterozygous have lowest fitness



Cooperation among non-kin is more likely if there is a system whereby selfish behaviors can be punished

A given population is polymorphic for gene A, with alleles A1 and A2. If the frequency of A2 is 0.4, what are the frequencies of genotypes A1A1, A1A2, A2A2, assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? A. 0.16; 0.48; 0.36 B. 0.48; 0.36; 0.16 C. 0.36; 0.16; 0.48 D. 0.36; 0.48; 0.16 E. 0.16; 0.36; 0.48


A mutation from A (purine) to C (pyrimidine) would be best described as a ______. A) transition B) indel C) deamination D) transversion


Homoplasy refers to character state similarity on account of _______. A. common ancestry and character state reveal B. microevolution and macroevolution C. convergent evolution and common ancestry D. convergent evolution and character state reversals E. homology and common ancestry


Humans who are homozygous for the CCR5-32 allele are ____ to HIV infection and the frequency of this allele is highest in ___________ A. susceptible; Southern Africa B. resistant; Southern Africa C. susceptible; Europe D. resistant; Europe


The fossil Tiktaalik shows a combination of traits consistent with the hypothesis that it is a transitional form between A. dinosaurs and birds B. whales and hippos C. whales and artiodactyls D. fish and land-dwelling animals


Which of the following best describes adaptation? A. any trait changes in frequency in a pop. over time B. any trait that becomes increasingly complex over time C. any trait that increases and individuals lifespan D. Any trait that increases and individual's relative fitness E. c & d


Which of the following most accurately describes Muller's ratchet? A. Nonrandom association among alleles increases with pop admixture B. Asexual pops outcompete sexual pops in reproductive output C. sexual reproduction is disfavored when is recreates zero-mutation genotypes D. deleterious mutations can accumulate in asexual pops because genotypes with the fewest mutations can be lost by genetic drift


You are performing an experiment to determine how a specific chemical affects speed of germination for a particular plant species. Seeds of plant genotype 1 germination in 10 days under control conditions (no chemical) and in 8 days in the presence of the chemical . Seeds of plant genotype 2 germinate in 12 days under control conditions and in 7 days in the presence of the chemical. You conclude from this experiment that these genotypes exhibit__________ A. genetic variation B. phenotypic plasticity C. genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity D. genetic variation, phenotypic plasticity and GxE interaction E. GxE interaction


mutation-selection balance

Deleterious mutations w/ effects late in life are selected against less strongly and can persist in pops via

mutation accumulation

Deleterious mutations w/ effects late in life- what hypothesis?

The population genetic parameter F represents the ______ and can be defined as the probability that two alleles are ____________ A. migration rate; shared by two or more population B. effective pop. size; identical by descent C. effective pop. size; shared by 2 or more pops D coefficient of inbreeding; fixed in a pop. E. coefficient of inbreeding; identical by descent


Which of the following are assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? A. random mating B. no selection C. no mutation D. a & C E. a, b, & c


Which of the following can create linkage disequilibrium in natural pops A. population admixture B. genetic drift C. selection D.recombination E. a,b, and c



Genetic variation for plasticity; a phenomenon in which some genotypes show higher phenotypic plasticity than others in response to changes in the environment A. what are tradeoffs? B. what are adaptations? C. What are genotype x environment interactions? D. what are host-shifts?


In a phylogenetic comparative study of 267 bird species for which breeding system (cooperative vs. non-cooperative) and degree of female promiscuity were known, it was demonstrated that A. evolutionary transitions from cooperative to non-cooperative breeding were accompanied by increased female promiscuity B. evolutionary transitions from cooperative to non-cooperative breeding were accompanied by decreased female promiscuity C. evolutionary transitions from non- cooperative to cooperative breeding were accompanied by increased female promiscuity D. evolutionary transitions from non-cooperative to cooperative breeding were accompanied by neither increased nor decreased female promiscuity


In his study of the Mediterranean fruit flies (Ceratitis capitata), Matthew Gage (1991) found that a. males allowed to mate alone produced ~2.5 times more sperm than those mating in the presence of other males B. males allowed to mate alone produced ~2.5 times less sperm than those mating in the presence of other males C. males produced the same amount of sperm when they were allowed to mate alone or when they mated in the presence of other males D. males engage in aggressive behavior when mating in the presence of other males


In many species, sexual selection on males has resulted in the evolution of particular male traits and/or behaviors for which females have evolved preferences. Explanations for why females might evolve preferences for which such traits/behaviors include: a. the good genes hypothesis; particular characteristics of males are associated with alleles that convey higher fitness b. resource acquisition; females may directly benefit by mating with particular males because of certain resources that can be obtained C. sperm competition; males that produce more sperm, or that can affect the success of a competing male's sperm, can produce more offspring D. a and b E. a, b, and c


Inclusive fitness is best described as A. reproductive success gained through an individual's own offspring B. reproductive success gained through offspring of an individual's kin C. reproductive success gained through offspring of an individual's non-kin social group D. reproductive success gained both through an individual's own offspring and offspring of an individual's kin E. reproductive success gained both through an individual's own offspring and offspring of an individual's non-kin social group


Infanticide in African lions appears to be adaptive for males because of the combined effects of __________ and __________. A. long male residence time in a pride; long inter birth intervals of females B. short male residence time in a pride; short inter birth intervals of females C. long males residence time in a pride; short inter birth intervals of females D. short males residence time in a pride; long inter birth intervals of females

-Failure- of artificial selection on lifespan rate-of-living theory Artificial selection for ~increased~ and ~decreased~ longevity in Drosophilia melanogaster populations. Significant response achieved for increased longevity. Data DO NOT support prediction

Lack of sufficient genetic variation for further evolution should lead to ______ of artificial selection on lifespan -which theory of aging? -experiment to test this prediction -results of experiment


Model of sexual selection whereby one sex exploits behaviors in the other sex which likely evolved for reasons other than discriminating among mates A. Sensory bias B. Male combat C. Resource acquisition D. Runaway selection


Multi-level selection can be used to show how cooperation can A. increase in frequency at the population level while decrease in frequency at the group level B. increase in frequency at the population level while increase in frequency at the group level C. increase in frequency at both the population level and group level D. decrease in frequency at both the population level and group level


One of many lines of evidence in favor of evolutionary change is that modern day animals living in particular geographic regions more closely resemble fossils from that region than they resemble fossils from other geographic regions. This phenomenon is known as A. population differentiation B. the law of transitional forms C. the law of succession D. microevolution

antagonistic pleiotropy

Pleiotropic mutations causing earlier reproduction but reduced logetivity (a trade-off) can be favored by selection


Stabilizing selection results in _______ to the population mean and _______ phenotypic variation in the population A. change; increased B. no change; decreased C. change; decreased D. no change; increased


Successful artificial selection, such as tat practiced by plant and animal breeders to modify their crops and livestock, depends on which of the following? A. breeder must be able to selectively breed the individuals with the most desirable traits B. Some individuals must have more desirable traits than others C. When individuals with the most desirable traits are bred, their traits must passed from parent to offspring D. All of these are necessary for artificial selection to take place

T/F Selection at one locus can result in changes in allele frequency at another locus if a population is in linkage disequilibrium



T/F In an ideal experiment, the control and experimental groups should differ by no more than 1 factor

F, spite

T/F Production of mutually lethal bacteriocins by different strains of E. coli bacteria represents an example of selfishness (if false, what does is represent?)


T/F Sibling rivalry among offspring is expected to be higher when females of a species are monogamous


T/F When two traits are correlated genetically, selection on one trait can never result in a corresponding change in the second trait


The Biological Species Concept posits that different species A. cannot or do not interbreed B. have evolved under different ecological conditions C. share a common ancestry D. all of the above


The figure below depicts evolutionary change that occurred in three diverse types of organisms. which of the following would best describe the similar features among the shark, ichthyosaur, and porpoise A. convergent evolution B. Homology C. Common ancestry D. Uniformitarianism E. Principle component evolution


The selection differential measures A. the extent to which variation in a trait is controlled by genes B. the strength of selection acting on a given trait C. the difference in mean phenotype between individuals selected for breeding and the population as a whole D. the extent to which variation in one trait is statistically correlated with variation in another trait


Traits that are determined by the combined effects of multiple genes and influenced by environmental factors are referred to as A. qualitative traits B. QTLs C. quantitative traits D. phenotypes


Trichomes of some carnivorous plants have evolved new function whereby they exude a sticky liquid that aides in capturing prey. This novel functioning of a trichome is an example of a(n) A. vestigial structure B. tradeoff C. exaptation D.adaptation E. maternal effect

Rate-of-living theory: constraint Evolutionary theory of aging: trade-off

What are the theories of aging

Cell division, telomere length, and aging (Most cells are limited to the # of times they can divide) (Parts of telomeres lost w/ every cycle of DNA repl. & cell div. ) Data inconclusive for the above

What data is in favor of rate-of-living theory?


What is meant by the statement that sexual selection can act contrary to natural selection? Provide an example to support your argument and explain why your example supports your argument


When evaluating trait correlations across multiple species, it is important to consider phylogenetically independent contrasts because A. not all traits are subject to natural selection in all species B. sample sizes generally are low in such studies C. trait values for different species may not represent independent data points if the common ancestor of those species had a similar trait value D. not all species have appropriate outgrips for which to determine whether a trait is ancestral or derived


When likeness in features among organisms is observed because of common ancestry, those features are referred to as A. homologous B. non-homologous C. plastic D. ancient E. none of the above


Which of the following best describes uniformitarianism? A. the Earth is very young B. mutation rates are constant over time C. geological processes operating now operated similarly in the past D. geological processes operating in the past were more cataclysmic than now E. extinction rates are uniform


Which of the following contribute to the total genetic variation in a population? A. Additive genetic variation and dominance genetic variation B. additive genetic variation and environmental variation C. dominance genetic variation and environmental variation D. dominance genetic variation and phenotypic variation E. phenotypic variation and additive genetic variation


Which of the following is an example of potential intrasexual selection A. female gray tree frogs choosing males based on aspects of their mating call B. direct combat among marine iguanas C. variation in tail feather length in male widow birds D. courtship and mating in hangingflies


Which of the following is incorrect regarding transitional fossils? A. Transitional fossils exhibit a mixture of traits found in ancient and modern organismal forms B. Archeopteryx represents a transitional fossil between dinosaurs and birds C. Transitional fossils cannot be predicted prior to their discovery D. Transitional fossils provide evidence of macroevolution


Which of the following statements about observational studies is (are) incorrect? A. they can only be conducted under well controlled experimental conditions that examine one factor at a time B. They can never discriminate between alternative hypotheses C. They can provide useful and biologically informative information when better controlled experiments are impractical or inappropriate D. a and b


Which of the following statements best describes a "green beard" allele? A. an allele that causes development of a trait and recognition of the trait in others B. An allele that causes development of a trait, recognition of the trait in others, and altruistic behavior toward others that carry the trait C. An altruistic allele that causes cells to form green fruiting bodies ("beards") in Dictyostellium slime molds D. A theoretical evolutionary mechanism that could drive an allele for altruism to high frequency without the involvement of organism-level kin selection


Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding traits that evolve by sexual selection? A. Such traits have only been documented in males B. Such traits often are maladaptive with regard to natural selection C. Such traits are more common in the sex for which access to mates is more limited D. none of the above


Which of the following would be considered vestigial structures A. human coccyx B. Remnant hindlimbs (or spurs) of the royal python C. Wings of brown kiwibird D. A and C E. A, B, and C

Evolutionary theory of aging: trade-off (2) trade-offs between repair and damage

aging caused by failure of organism to fully repair damage-Cumulative damage leads to collapse and death failure to fully repair damage caused by: (1) deleterious mutations (2)? ~Natural selection is less effective later in life~


decline in an individual's fertility and probability of surviving over time

Rate-of-living theory:constraint

irreparable damage to cells and tissues caused by -errors in DNA replication and transcription -toxic metabolic products ~populations lack sufficient genetic variation to respond to further selection against damage and aging ~

Sexual Dimorphism

phenotypic differences among males and females within a species

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