Exam 1, 2, 3

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4 year olds descend stairs alternating feet with support

Transitive inference

A 9 year old understands the relationship between two objects by knowing the relationship of each to a third object. This is known as

Front to back

A baby 3 months and older first rolls over from

Copy a circle

A child between three to four years old can

Fine motor skills development

A child can copy a circle. This is an example of

Concrete operational

A child who can think logically but not abstractly is in which of Piaget's stages?


A child who cannot see something from another person's perspective or point of view is showing:

Worry about doing the right thing

A child with low self-esteem would:


A healthy newborn can receive a maximum score of ________ on the Apgar scale

Classical conditioning

A person learns to make a reflex, or involuntary response to a stimulus that originally did not bring about the response is seen in

Recessive inheritance

A person who receives two recessive alleles, one from each parent, is an example of


A single word that conveys a complete thought is called

Friends or classmates

A survey of where teenagers spend their waking hours showed that the greatest amount of time was spent with:

A critical period

A time when an event or its absence has its greatest impact on an individuals growth or development


A week old baby's sense of smell is developed enough to: -prefer pleasant odor -tell where odors are coming from -recognize a breastfeeding mother's scent


Ability to put oneself in another person's place and feel what the other person feels - this is called as

Initiative versus guilt

According to Erikson, children balance the urge to pursue goals with moral reservations that may prevent carrying them out. This is also known as the ________ stage


According to Freud, children aged 6 to 12 are in which stage?


According to Marcia, commitment without crisis is seen in

Identity diffusion

According to Marcia, in ________ there is no commitment and no crisis

The brain is not yet developed enough

According to Piaget, early events are not stored in infant's memory because

Good looks and popularity

According to Susan Harter's research, most 8 to 12 year olds in the United States judge themselves by:

Is a long development transition between childhood and adulthood



Adolescents who begin smoking by age ________, are twice as likely as other young people to engage in risky behaviors such as carrying knives or guns to school


Aggressive behavior may result from all of the following EXCEPT:


Also known as enuresis

Motivated by concern for another person with no exception of reward

Altruism is the heart of pro social behavior. In this, kids are

88 pounds

An average 10 year old girl's weight is


An average 9 year old may sleep ________ hours

Separation anxiety

An infant's distress when a familiar caregiver leaves is called:

Self starvation

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by


Around age 7 or 8, a child's judgement about self becomes

12 months

At what age can a baby walk in the U.S.?

Low birth weight

Babies born to women who smoke during pregnancy tend to show


Babies communicate hunger, discomfort, and sleepiness through:


Babies' startle response to a loud noise is the _______ reflex:


Bill's mother has sent him to the store to buy Coca Cola, potato chips, and candy. To remember these items, Bill repeats their names using ________ to help remember the items

Her growth pattern is normal for her age

Brittany, at age 5, is thinner than she was a year ago; she has gained only 4 pounds though she has grown 2 inches. Which of the following statements is probably true?

He focuses on values more important to males than females

Carol Gilligan has criticized Kohlberg's description of moral development because:

Prelinguistic speech

Cooing and babbling are examples of:

People continue to develop throughout life

Current growth and development is based on the belief that:


Dagwood is quiet, adjusts only gradually to new situations, and has moderately predictable biological cycles. Which kind of temperament does he have?

Early entrance into puberty

Early sexual activity in adolescents is seen due to

Basis trust versus mistrust

Erickson's fist crisis is one of:


Erik Erikson's theory is psychosocial development covering 8 stages across the life span of a person

Industry versus inferiority

Erikson's developmental crisis of middle childhood is:


George snatches a ball away from Frank. This behavior is known as


In 3 year olds, handedness is evident

Operant conditioning

In ________, learning is based on reinforcement or punishment

Experimental group; control group

In group A, the parents read out loud and encouraged children's active participation and gave frequent age-based feedback. In group B, the parents simply read out loud. The group A training is the _______ and the group B training is the _______.

Accidental injuries

In the United States, majority of all deaths among adolescents result from

Think behavior is either right or wrong

In the first stage of moral development corresponding with preoperational stage, a child would:

Somewhat arbitrary and approximate

In the text book, human development is divided into eight periods. These divisions are:

Functional play

Involves repetitive muscular movements, simplest form of play


Irritability, irregular rhythms, and intense actions are characteristics of which kind of temperament?

They have not yet acquired language

It is difficult to assess the intelligence of infants primarily because:

Identity achievement

James Marcia identifies 4 states of ego development based on the presence or absence of crisis and commitment. Which identity status is characterized by resolution of crisis and the presence commitment?


Jessica is 5 years old. She is probably in which of Piaget's stages:

Formal operations

Jimmy John is 14 years old. He knows that letter "X" stands for an unknown numeral and this he can learn algebra. He is in the stage of

Spatial thinking

Julie is 10-years-old. She can find her way to and from school, can estimate distance, and can judge how long it will take her to go from one place to another. This is also known as


Many adolescents, especially girls, may complain about

Gross motor skill

Meagan is learning to jump rope. This involves her learning to use her leg muscles to jump in a rhythmic fashion. In learning to jump properly, Meagan is acquiring a:

Is a sign of sexual maturity

Menarche, or the first menstruation,


Middle childhood boys and girls can arrange weights from lightest to heaviest. This is known as

Mental retardation

Mira's IQ is 65 with a deficiency in age-appropriate adaptive behavior. Mira is suffering from:

Have similar values on major issues

Most adolescents and their parents:

Everyday matters, such as household chores

Most arguments between young teenagers and their parents are about:

Folic acid

Neural-tube defects can be prevented if women take _______ during first trimester of pregnancy

Moving objects and prefer human face

Newborns can see:

Free or low cost contraceptives are readily available on a confidential basis

Other countries seem to have more success in preventing teenage pregnancy than the US because:

Reassuring children that they did not cause the divorce

Parents can help children with divorce by:

Cross sectional

People of different ages who are assessed at one time is an example of


Piaget thought that young children's speech was mostly:

Deferred imitation

Piaget's term for reproduction of an observed behavior after the passage of time by calling up a stored symbol of it is called

Object permanence

Piaget's term for the understanding that a person or object still exists when out of sight is called

Unusually strong need for affection

Popular children tend to have all of the following characteristics except:

Gender stereotypes

Preconceived generalizations about male or female role behavior is called


Pregnant women typically need 800 to 1000 additional calories a day


Prenatal development takes place in three stages: germinal, embryonic, and infant


Preoperational children tend to focus on one aspect of a situation and neglect others, leading to illogical conclusions. Piaget calls this:

Secular trend

Puberty began for Molly when she was 9 years old. Her mother began puberty at 11 years. For her grandmother, the onset was at 13 years of age. These changes in the age of the onset of puberty over time are referred to as:


Research suggests that the most self-reliant, self-controlled, and content children have parents who are:

Naturalistic observation

Researchers look at people in real life settings. They don't try to alter behavior or the environment. This is known as

Formal operations

Rhonda solves a physics problem by systematically testing several hypotheses. She is at which stage of cognitive development according to Piaget?

11 weeks of pregnancy

Rubella in pregnant woman may cause deafness and heart defects in the baby. This only happens if the pregnant woman gets infected with Rubella before

Parents; friends

Sara is 12 years old. Although ________ are the most important people in her life, she spends most of her time with _________


Sarah broke a lamp and was told that she had been bad. Later that evening, she was told that her parents were getting a divorce. She thought that her breaking the lamp had caused the divorce. This is an example of what kind of reasoning?


Several children are playing in the same area. Each child plays with blocks in a different way, without any attempt to alter the others' play. They are engaged in which kind of play?

Monozygotic twins

Single fertilized ovum splits into two. The babies born from this are called

Tacit knowledge

Stenberg's term for information that is not formally taught or openly expressed but is necessary to get ahead is known as

Refer to mental representation of words, numbers to which a child has attached meaning

Symbolic function allows young children to:

Quantitive change

Tammy grew 4 inches between the ages of 2 and 3 years. This is an example of


Teenagers generally get most of their information about sex from:

Developing autonomy

The "terrible twos" are a normal manifestation of:

1 month to 3.5 years old

The Bayley Scale of infant and toddler development is used to assess children from

1 month to 6 years old

The Denver Developmental Screening test is given to children


The average adolescent sleeps less than 8 hours at age

7 1/2

The average newborn weighs _______ pounds

All of the above

The best method for helping children overcome their fears is to:

Eating too much of the wrong kind of food

The cause of obesity in middle childhood may be due to


The chief factor associated with ill health in childhood is:

Gender identity

The child's awareness that they are male or female is called:

Dangerous; the baby needs immediate resuscitation

The condition of a baby whose Apgar score is 3 is:

Dizygotic twin

The eggs are fertilized or a single unfertilized ovum splits into 2 and then is fertilized. This is an example of

2 to 8

The embryonic period is between _______ to _______ weeks

Growth of the breasts

The first sign of puberty in girls is generally:

Oral stage

The first stage of psychosexual development according to Freud is the:


The incorporation of new information into an existing cognitive structure is called


The most common eating disorder is:

Physiologic readiness of the child

The most important factor to consider before beginning toilet training is:

Human papilloma virus

The most prevalent sexually transmitted disease is

4 weeks

The neonatal period is the first ______ of life

Vernix caseosa

The oily covering on the skin of a newborn is known as


The palm of the baby's hand is stroked. The baby makes a strong fist. This is known as


The pattern of development that proceeds from the central part of the body to the other parts is:

Production of sperm

The principal sign of sexual maturity in males is:


The principle which states that development proceeds from the head to the feet is:

Fast mapping

The process by which a child absorbs the meaning of a new word after hearing it once or twice in conversation is called

Circular reactions

The process by which an infant learns to reproduce desired occurrences originally discovered by chance is called


The process of changes in cognitive structure to include new information is called as

Developmental scientists

The professionals who study the science of human development are called


The rooting reflex consists of moving the head toward a touch on the cheek, mouth opens and sucking movement begins


The sensorimotor stage consists of ________ sub stages

Neonatal jaundice

The skin and eyeballs of a three day old baby look yellow. The baby has developed


The study that is done to assess a cross sectional sample on two or more occasions is called

Alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco

The three drugs most frequently used by teenagers are:


The woman is infected with toxoplasmosis during third trimester. This may cause fetal brain damage

A mother's voice over stranger's

Three-day old babies prefer to hear:

Qualitative change

Tim used to be a nonverbal child. Now he can communicate verbally. This is an example of

Tonic neck

Two week- old Sue lives on her back and turns head to one side. She assumes fencer position. Sue is exhibiting the _______ reflex


Type of learning in which repeated or continuous exposure to a stimulus reduces, slows, or stops a response is called Habituation

Non-normative life events

Unusual events that have a major impact on individual lives are what type of events?


What is present in the neonates skill to ease the passage of the skill through the birth canal


What is the most frequent state of neonate?


What normative age-graded influences does not include

An imaginary audience

When 14-year-old Aaron comes out of the locker room in his gym shorts, he hears some girls laughing nearby and assumes they are laughing at the way his legs look. According to Elkind, Ted's thinking reflects the operation of:


When Kim asks her father why she is not allowed to play in the street, he says "Because I say so, and if you don't do what I say, you will get a spanking." This illustrates the ________ style of parenting.


When Mel first sees his newborn son, he is surprised to find his body covered with dark hair. This fuzzy coat is called:


When doing research studies on people, the most important ethical issue is to "do no harm"


Which of the following is NOT one of the stages of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

Some people seem to be genetically predisposed toward obesity

Which of the following statements about obesity is most accurate?

Decline of the double standard for males and females

Which of the following trends characterizes the sexual "evolution" in the United States since the 1920s?

Sweet liquid (ex: breast milk)

Which tastes would a newborn most likely prefer. Give an example

Jean Piaget

Who believed that a cognitive development progresses through 4 stages, involving qualitatively distinct types of mental operations?

Sigmund Freud

Who believed that the person goes through 5 maturationally based stages of psychosexual development?


_________ refers to ability to organize objects, people, and events into meaningful categories

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