Exam 1

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Focusing awareness on a narrow range of stimuli or events involves Elaboration Encoding Attention Clustering


The gradual weakening and disappearance of a tendency to make a conditioned response is termed Extinction stimulus discrimination higher-order conditioning spontaneous recovery


Which of the following correlation coefficients indicates the strongest relationship between two variables? -1.51 -.80 +.50 0


A researcher, who is conducting a national opinion survey on who will be the next president of the United States, asks readers of "Cosmo" to respond to his questionnaire. In this case the researcher is likely to have A random sample A biased sample A representative sample A population sample

A biased sample

Assuming you have eaten sour pickles before, imagine eating a large, juicy sour pickle. If just thinking about the pickles causes your mouth to water, your salivation would be an unconditioned response A conditioned response A conditioned stimulus an unconditioned stimulus

A conditioned response

The work of researcher Loftus and the "Bugs Bunny in Disney land phenomenon" suggest that memory is best viewed as Storage on a computer disk A tape recording A reconstruction of events or materials A literal record of events

A reconstruction of events or materials

Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which A stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus an event following a response increases an organism's tendency to make that response an organism's responding is influenced by the observation of others, who are called models Voluntary responses come to be controlled by their consequences

A stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus

Al Jefferson is a professional basketball player (for probably the best team, the Utah Jazz). He never knows for sure which of his shots will result in a basket, but the more shots he takes the more baskets he makes. In this example, Big Al's shooting is being reinforced on A fixed-ratio schedule A fixed-interval schedule A variable ratio schedule A variable-interval schedule

A variable ratio schedule

The phrase "My very educated mother just served us nine pizzas" is a(n) ____ to recall the order of the planets in the solar system (Mercury, Venus, Earth,...). Acronym Acrostic method of loci narrative method


Milgram found that subjects' obedience declined dramatically when Another "teacher" defied the experimenter's order An innocent stranger was harmed by the subjects' actions Group size was increased beyond seven members The study was conducted in a run-down, dilapidated building

Another "teacher" defied the experimenter's order

The learning theory that is best able to explain why physical punishment tends to increase aggressive behavior in children is Bandura's theory of observational learning Pacman's theory of entourage violence Skinner's theory of operant conditioning Pavlov's theory of classical conditioning

Bandura's theory of observational learning

Psychology is best defined as the science of: Behavior and mental processes Thoughts, feelings, and perceptions Conscious and unconscious mental activity Observable responses to the environment

Behavior and mental processes

A real estate agent showed Gavin several pictures of lakeshore property while they were eating a delicious, mouth-watering meal. Later, when Gavin was given a tour of the property, he drooled with delight. For Gavin, the lakeshore property was a: US. CS. UR. CR.


Hermione is studying for her history exam from Professor Binns. While she is studying, she is trying to think of as many personal examples as she can to illustrate key ideas. In this case, Hermione is using Phonemic encoding Magic, an new form of studying soon to catch on across all universities Visual imagery Elaboration


According to the notion of semantic networks, which pair of words should be linked most closely? Car-nose Fill-feed Needle-thimble Boat-goat


Mason, a stockbroker, runs two miles every day after work because it reduces his level of stress. Mason's running habit is maintained by a ________ reinforcer Partial Conditioned Negative Positive


Your teenage daughter has not cleaned up her room in a month. You go in and begin yelling at her to clean her room. She begins to clean up, and you stop yelling. Your daughter's cleaning behavior can be viewed as responding to Negative reinforcement Positive reinforcement Punishers Classical conditioning

Negative reinforcement

Which of the following is NOT good advice for someone about to take a multiple-choice test? Always read each question completely Once you find your anticipated answer, don't waste time reading the other options Anticipate the answer before looking at the options Be cautious of options that make broad, sweeping generalizations

Once you find your anticipated answer, don't waste time reading the other options

George goes to the health club for a rare workout. After spending several minutes flexing in front of the mirror, he begins his workout and pushes himself so hard that his entire body aches and he throws up. George never works out again. George's workout behavior can be viewed as responding to George's incredible flexing ability combined with a few well placed grunts Positive Punishment Negative Reinforcement Positive Reinforcement

Positive Punishment

Skinner demonstrated that organisms tend to repeat responses that are followed by favorable consequences. Skinner termed these favorable consequences Rewards unconditioned stimuli Bribes Reinforcements


A 1-800 number for a product that Harry was interested in flashed on the television screen. Unfortunately the number disappeared before Harry was able to write down the last three digits. However, Harry found that he had a momentary mental image of the phone number, and he was able to complete it, even though the number had disappeared. Harry's experience best illustrates Cued recall Sensory memory A flashbulb memory Procedural memory

Sensory memory

Five-year-old Trevor is emotionally disturbed and refuses to communicate with anyone. To get him to speak, his teacher initially gives him candy for any utterance, then only for a clearly spoken word, and finally only for a complete sentence. The teacher is using the method of: Shaping spontaneous recovery secondary reinforcement Delayed reinforcement


When you listen to a lecture, the information is held in _______ memory until you write it in your notes Sensory Trace Long-term Short-term


Dwight witnessed an automobile accident, after donning his volunteer sheriff uniform he heard one of the bystanders casually mention that the driver was probably intoxicated. Even though the driver had not been drinking, and had never crossed the center line, Dwight tells the "real" police officer who is investigating the accident that the car had been "weaving all over the road." Dwight's faulty recall illustrates The misinformation effect A "future" Dwight relaying this information to him via work fax's Proactive interference Mood-dependent memory

The misinformation effect

Subjects' self-reports often indicate that they are healthier, happier, and less prejudiced than other types of evidence would suggest. The most likely explanation is The social desirability bias Faulty memory Experimenter bias A desire to respond like Dwight Shrute from NBC's "the office"

The social desirability bias

Naturalistic observation, case studies, and surveys all have in common that They do not manipulate the variables under study They can show causal relationships The do not directly observe behavior The results obtained cannot be analyzed statistically

They do not manipulate the variables under study

Purchasing state lottery tickets is reinforced with monetary winnings on a ________ schedule Variable-interval Variable-ratio fixed-interval fixed-ratio


Ebbinghaus' original forgetting curves, which graphed retention of information over time, suggested that most forgetting occurs Very rapidly after learning the information As a result of interference with other information Very gradually over long periods of time Only after several days have passed

Very rapidly after learning the information

Operant conditioning is a type of learning in which Voluntary responses (behaviors) come to be controlled by their consequences A stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus An organism's tendency to give a response reappears after a period of time An organism's responding is influenced by the observation of others, who are called models

Voluntary responses (behaviors) come to be controlled by their consequences

Upon arriving in South America, Jane Goodall initially watched primates from afar, so as not to disturb them, let them know she was there, or influence their behavior. What kind of research was Jane initially conducting? a survey a case study a naturalistic observation an experiment

a naturalistic observation

In classical conditioning, a UCR is A learned reaction to a stimulus that occurs as a result of previous conditioning A previously neutral stimulus that has acquired the capacity to evoke a learned response A stimulus that evokes a response with previous conditioning an unlearned reaction to a stimulus that occurs without previous conditioning

an unlearned reaction to a stimulus that occurs without previous conditioning

Research by Loftus on eyewitness testimony indicates that what people recall of an accident or crime scene is distorted by emotion and is completely inaccurate can be influenced by the types of questions they are asked is so vivid that it is subject to very little memory error can be significantly improved by the use of hypnosis

can be influenced by the types of questions they are asked

The effortful processing of information: typically interferes with the capacity to think creatively cannot easily be suppressed and inhibited can become automatic through practice occurs less frequently among adults than children

can become automatic through practice

Freud wrote a report on his patient, Anna O. The report was very detailed and provided deep insight into the conditions from which Anna suffered. The report was, however, about only one case, and therefore could not really be generalized to all women. This report was a/an: case study survey experiment naturalistic observation

case study

While new responses are more easily established with ____ reinforcement, responses maintained with ____ reinforcement are more resistant to extinction. continuous; intermittent intermittent; continuous primary; secondary secondary; primary

continuous; intermittent

In a study of outside factors that might affect memory, research participants were assigned to drink either an alcoholic or nonalcoholic beverage prior to completing a memory test. Those who drank the nonalcoholic beverage were assigned to the ____________ group. experimental correlational survey control


Mr. Brown has gathered evidence that the self-esteem of students is negatively correlated with their typical levels of anxiety. Before he uses this evidence to conclude that self-esteem reduces anxiety, Mr. Brown should first be reminded that: random sequences of events often don't look random we often exaggerate the extent to which others share our opinions correlation does not prove causation events often seem more probable in hindsight

correlation does not prove causation

In an experimental study of the extent to which mental alertness is inhibited by sleep deprivation, alertness would be the independent variable control condition dependent variable experimental condition

dependent variable

The use of physical punishment may: lead people to fear and avoid the punishing agent. demonstrate that aggression is a way of coping with problems. do all of them. lead to the suppression but not the forgetting of undesirable behavior.

do all of them.

Makayla developed an intense fear of flying five years ago when she was in a plane crash. The fact that today she can again fly without distress indicates that her fear has undergone: discrimination. generalization. spontaneous recovery. extinction.


A researcher tries to make sure that subjects in the experimental and control groups are very similar to each other in order to reduce the effects of extraneous variables random variables dependent variables The "Romo" effect

extraneous variables

If an employee of a company that conducts telephone surveys receives $1.00 for every three completed surveys he conducts, he is being paid on a ____ schedule. fixed ratio fixed interval variable ratio variable interval

fixed ratio

Paul and Michael sell magazine subscriptions by telephone. Paul is paid $1.00 for every five calls he makes, while Michael is paid $1.00 for every subscription he sells, regardless of the number of calls he makes. Paul's telephoning is reinforced on a ________ schedule, whereas Michael's is reinforced on a ________ schedule. fixed-ratio; variable-ratio fixed-ratio; variable-interval Variable-ratio; fixed-ratio fixed-interval; variable-ratio

fixed-ratio; variable-ratio

The research method in which a researcher engages in careful observation of behavior without intervening directly with the subjects is the correlation method case study method naturalistic observation method survey method

naturalistic observation method

As an adult ages, his/her physical strength declines. The relationship between age and physical strength is a positive correlation negative correlation equal correlation nonexistent correlation

negative correlation

When a response is strengthened because it is followed by the removal of an aversive stimulus it is called positive reinforcement negative reinforcement Punishment secondary reinforcement

negative reinforcement

Compared to the other scientific research methods, the principal advantage of the experimental method is it can easily be used to study all research questions permits conclusions about cause and effect relationships observes behavior in its natural setting allows for a description of behavior

permits conclusions about cause and effect relationships

Karen erroneously believes that her test grades are negatively correlated with the amount of time she studies for her tests. Research on illusory correlation suggests that she is especially likely to notice instances in which: poor grades follow either brief study or lengthy study poor grades follow lengthy study and good grades follow brief study either poor grades or good grades follow lengthy study good grades follow lengthy study and poor grades follow brief study

poor grades follow lengthy study and good grades follow brief study

Every Saturday morning, Arnold quickly washes the family's breakfast dishes so that his father will allow him to wash his car. In this instance, washing the car is a(n): unconditioned response conditioned response positive reinforcer negative reinforcer

positive reinforcer

Arnold so easily remembers his old girlfriend's telephone number that he finds it difficult to recall his new girlfriend's number. Arnold's difficulty best illustrates retroactive interference proactive interference the next-in-line effect source amnesia

proactive interference

In order to assess reactions to a proposed tuition hike at her college, Ariana sent a questionnaire to every fifteenth person in the college registrar's alphabetical listing of all currently enrolled students. Ariana employed the technique of correlation naturalistic observation random assessment random sampling

random sampling

If a researcher varies the loudness of music in a factory to observe its effect on the rate of productivity of the employees, the dependent variable is the loudness of music being used factory setting style of music being used rate of productivity

rate of productivity

Spontaneous recovery refers to the: expression of learning that had occurred earlier but had not been expressed because of lack of incentive. reappearance, after a rest pause, of an extinguished conditioned response. organism's tendency to respond spontaneously to stimuli similar to the CS as though they were the CS. return of a response after punishment has been terminated.

reappearance, after a rest pause, of an extinguished conditioned response.

The tendency to immediately recall the first and last items in a list better than the middle items is known as the ________ effect Spacing next-in-line serial position Misinformation

serial position

Last year Becky went to a psychologist and was cured of her dog phobia. Today, however, while jogging in the park she was overcome with anxiety when she saw a young man jogging toward her with his golden retriever on a leash. Apparently, Becky's dog phobia showed spontaneous recovery showed higher-order conditioning had not been extinguished after all showed stimulus generalization

showed spontaneous recovery

If a dog that has been classically conditioned to salivate when shown a square also salivates when shown a rectangle, the dog's behavior illustrates stimulus discrimination response discrimination response generalization stimulus generalization

stimulus generalization

Watson's famous "Little Albert" experiment demonstrated both classical conditioning and stimulus discrimination spontaneous recovery Extinction stimulus generalization

stimulus generalization

The correct order of the steps in the SQ3R method is summarize, question, read, review, recall survey, question, read, rap, recite summarize, question, read, review, recite survey, question, read, rehearse, review

survey, question, read, rehearse, review

Chunking refers to: the unconscious encoding of incidental information. the tendency to recall best the first item in a list the organization of information into meaningful units. getting information into memory through the use of visual imagery

the organization of information into meaningful units.

The relief of pain following the ingestion of an inert substance that is presumed to have medicinal benefits illustrates: the false consensus effect the placebo effect a control condition random assignment

the placebo effect

The primary reason descriptive/correlational research cannot determine conclusively that variables have a cause and effect relationship is because in conducting the research the researcher cannot control events or manipulate variables only an experimental group is used the researcher observes behavior under artificial situations the data collected frequently comes from direct observations or statements made by subjects

the researcher cannot control events or manipulate variables

Jamille performs better on foreign language vocabulary tests if she studies the material 15 minutes every day for 8 days than if she crams for 2 hours the night before the test. This illustrates what is known as: the serial position effect. automatic processing. the spacing effect. chunking.

the spacing effect

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