Exam 1.

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Give It Some Thought: The Scientific Method—Observation, Hypothesis, and Theory

Give It Some Thought: The Scientific Method—Observation, Hypothesis, and Theory

What are the two most important driving forces of metamorphism?

High heat and pressure

_____ igneous rocks are those that cool below the surface.


The capital of Indonesia is


What is the difference between magma and lava?

Magma is molten rock located below the surface; lava is molten rock erupted above ground.

obseervation/interference explnation

Many people unconsciously use the scientific method on a daily basis, for simple tasks such as cooking. Consider the scenario of cooking using an new recipe. Here, the observation is the tasting of the dish before or after it is done and the model is the recipe you use (that is, if you use these ingredients and direction, this is how the food will taste). Until the pie is actually made, any assumption on how the pie will taste using the recipe is an inference. You can move beyond mere inference and test this idea by actually using the recipe to make the pie. At the end, you will determine whether your food taste is comparable to the taste of the original recipe or not.

The capital of Kenya is


Are natural disasters getting worse? Why?

Natural disasters are increasing, getting worse. According to the "The "Nature" of the Problem: Population and Natural Disasters," it is going to be paraphrased that more people are getting harmed by these disasters not because of the Earth forming such things, but because people continue to stay and build structures that are near places where natural disasters constantly occur. It is just a matter of a scenario or event happening if a hurricane occurs and there are no people there, but it is a natural disaster when a hurricane occurs with many people there because people get harmed and so do buildings, food, etc. Even though it is dangerous to live in areas with high risks of these disasters occurring, according to the article, humans have increased their knowledge with technology and science and have a more higher chance of predicting when events can happen, which will have the people in the city clear up and move. Just like that hurricane that happened in Florida back in 2017.


Plate tectonics which involves the movement and interaction of large plates have produced earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain ranges.

An igneous rock becomes buried, is subject to high heat and pressure, and recrystallizes. This rock then is eroded, transported, deposited and subsequently lithified. Which rock types—in order—did the original igneous rock develop into?

Metamorphic and sedimentary

How are scientific theories developed? Be sure to discuss observation, predictive power and expectations, and the role of scientific scrutiny in the development of a scientific theory. Briefly, compare and contrast this process with the holding of faith-based ideas, such as a particular set of religious beliefs.

Scientific theories are developed through the hypothesis, predicted observation, and the actual result. Observation, according to the website that is linked means that is something that has to be recorded by any of our senses, seeing or smelling, etc and that is the actual observation, compared to our expected observation, which is basically what we are hoping to see as the result of something. Our "predictive power" is an assumption we make based on actual reasoning, a statement that isn't just randomly said with no reasoning. The scientific scrutiny is when the scientists, before admitting something, have to make sure they have looked at all aspects of their theory and have to make sure they are correct. This means that multiple scientists have to test this theory in different ways to see if they get the same result. Faith based ideas differ within ethnicities. Buddhism and Christianity are similar and different. They both have places to worship and their own meaning of life, and they also both have a goal. However, the places they worship and their goals are completely different. Buddhism does not particularly believe in a higher power like a person, but Christians do, such as "Jesus Christ." And the way they perceive what happens to them after death too is different, Christians believe in hell and heaven and Buddhists believe in reincarnation. They both have these theories and expected observations, but they both will never have the result. his answer: Answer Key: All scientific theories are based on observations that any person can witness with or without the aid of tools that enhance our senses. A scientific theory is an idea about the natural world that is supported by many different observations made repeatedly by many different people. Scientific theories have predictive power. For example, the theory of plate tectonics proposes that continents have moved throughout the past so one prediction is that they should continue to move today at a speed and direction that is consistent with past movement. Measurements of the motion of continents today can then be made and compared to those past movements. For an idea to rise to the level of theory in science it must be tested repeatedly by many different scientists around the world, some of whom may not like the theory, and not fail those tests. The tests and observations must be made by many people over a period of time and much consideration given to the idea before it is considered a theory. If some people discover that the theory does not actually fit some observations they are making, then the theory must be revised or discarded. Faith-based ideas, such as particular religious beliefs, are heavily dependent on each indivdual's upbringing and their own personality. Observations that lead to faith-based ideas are not interpreted in the same way by everyone. Even within one faith community, faith experiences can be highly varied and not equally shared or valued. Religious beliefs are diverse throughout the globe and have been diverse throughout human history. In contrast, scientific inquiry typically results in shared understanding about the natural world that has real power in its application in the natural world (development of technology, infrastructure, natural resource use). Faith-based inquiry is also incredibly powerful, but it does not necessarily result in shared understanding of how the natural world works. That said, faith can result in powerful applications in the realm of human history and striving.

Which of the following rock types is most abundant on Earth's land surface?

Sedimentary rocks


potato, carrot

Consider the possible scenarios and determine which of them are true for positive feedbacks or negative feedbacks. Select the three that apply

* If ice cover melts due to a temperature rise the result will be decreased albedo or reflectivity which can potentially lead to a positive feedback *Increased evaporation resulting from a temperature rise can produce more clouds which can potentially lead to a negative feedback *Increased plant photosynthesis resulting from a temperature rise can remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere which can potentially lead to a negative feedback Even though water vapor is an important green house gas that contributes to global warming, more water vapor in the air also gives rise to an increase in the formation of clouds in the troposphere. Clouds consist of small water droplets which absorb radiation. Thus, they have a moderating effect on the process of earth's warming because clouds reflect a significant portion of solar insolation.


A fuse must have blown. The electricity may be out. The light bulb may be dead.


A scientist proposes that a recently discovered large ring-shaped structure is the remains of an ancient meteorite crater.

What main characteristics are used to distinguish the two types of mountain belts?

Age and degree of erosion


An observation and a hypothesis are different from what a "law" is. Whereas a law is what is known to always occur (an undeniable fact—for example, the law of gravity), a theory is an advanced hypothesis—a plausible, testable explanation of how a phenomenon works and/or why it works that way.

What is uniformitarianism? Discuss why it is an important concept to understand in the study of the Earth and the Universe.

Answer Key: Uniformitarianism is the idea that the scientific laws, such as the law of gravity, apply throughout history, throughout all time and space. This profound viewpoint is a paradigm, an idea embedded in all scientific interpretations of Earth and Universe history and scientific projections into the future. Geology involves understanding Earth's history and uniformitarianism provides an evidence-based mentality for examining that history. Some scientific theories and hypotheses can be confirmed by experiments that can be repeated over and over. Historical events themselves cannot be recreated. They are unique events in time. Many geological processes take place over long time spans not reproducible by experiment. Uniformitarianism asserts that present processes of nature operating on Earth can be used to interpret the past when we look at the evidence left behind in rocks. Using this understanding, we can piece together scenarios from the evidence at hand to shine light on ancient historical events in the universe. Without constancy in physical laws, efforts to understand the past would be made more uncertain than they already are. Prior to the 1800's, the uniformitarianist paradigm was not dominant. Instead, natural scientists viewed their observations of nature through the prism of their religion. For example, fossil seashells found on mountain tops were interpreted as remnants and proof of "Noah's flood," the story of a global flood in the book of Genesis. Today, those seashells would be matched with similar rocks found elsewhere and attributed to deposition in a sea. The loss of the sea and uplift of some of its seabed is attributed to the movement of plates, something we can observe occurring today. Interestingly, uniformitarianism itself can be tested by observation of distant stars and galaxies and tests on very old rock samples. So far, no evidence has been found to show that scientific laws were different in the past or are different in other areas of the universe.

The __________ is an example of an old mountain belt, while the Himalayas represent a(n) __________.

Appalachian Mountains; young mountain belt

The capital of Argentina is

Buenos Aires.

Which of the following correctly states the order in which major features of North America were formed?

Canadian Shield, Appalachians, North American Cordillera The Canadian Shield is the oldest part of the continent while the Cordillera is the youngest.

The capital of Australia is


What are the two important processes involved in lithification of sedimentary rocks?

Cementation and compaction

(Rock) melting

Earth's deep subsurface

High temperature, high pressure, (high-grade) metamorphism

Earth's deep subsurface

Sediment undergoing lithification

Earth's shallow subsurface

Weathering, transport, deposition

Earth's surface

Lava cooling and undergoing crystallization to form extrusive igneous rocks

Earth's surface.

Give It Some Thought: Rock Types

Give It Some Thought: Rock Types

Describe the nebular theory of solar system formation and cite 2 observations (evidence) that led scientists to propose the nebular theory. How does uniformitarianism influence scientific thinking on this issue?

Nebular theory proposes that the solar system formed from the collapse of a large nebula in space, a cloud of hydrogen, helium, and other elements partially created by the explosion of other stars. During the collapse of the nebula, rotation of particles in the cloud intensified due to conservation of angular momentum. The current orbits of all the planets in the solar system and their rotation on their axes is one key observation that led to the development of nebular theory. Nebular theory also proposes that a large central mass formed and its gravity continued to pull matter in. Eventually, the mass of this object reached a critical point and nuclear fusion began in its interior creating our sun (or other stars). Material that remained in orbit around the newly formed sun clumped together under local gravitational influences to ultimately form the planets we know today. Astronomers see the early stages of this process occurring in space in places like the Orion Nebula. There, astronomers have photographed protoplanetary disks around newly formed starts. Also, many of the meteors that fall to Earth today and comets we observe are remnants of the protoplanetary disk of our solar system and tell us much about its age and composition

The capital of Norway is


The capital of Canada is


Observation after theory

The Redwall Formation in the Grand Canyon is composed primarily of limestone.


The light did not come on. I reset the fuses and the light still doesn't come on.

If stable platforms represent sedimentary rocks that cover continental shields, then what statement must be true?

The sedimentary rock atop the stable platforms must be younger than continental shields.

In what major city would you live to avoid natural disasters? In what cities would you experience the greatest variety of natural disasters?

There are many regions of the globe that are relatively free from tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunami, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. Moscow, Lagos, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Buenos Aires are all major cities with little to no occurrence of these type of disasters. Some of the most dangerous large cities are Tokyo, Jakarta, Manila, Mexico City, and Los Angeles are all regions prone to many three or more of these types of disasters.

Which statement accurately describes continental shields?

Very old, stable regions composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks

Rock cycle.

rock cycle.

Give It Some Thought: Rock Types: igneous layers

layers are the result magma flowing into crack of the other rock

Give It Some Thought: Rock Types: Metamorphic layers

layers are the result of alignment of minerals under directional pressure

Give It Some Thought: Rock Types: Sedimentary layers

layers are the result of deposition of different types and sizes of particles in a water body

Greatest number of sides

octagon, hexagon, pentagon, rectangle/ square, triangle


tomato, apple, avocado, banana.

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