Exam 1 Chap 5

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A benign tumor resulting from excess blood vessels under the skin is called a

Epidermal dendritic cell

A phagocytic cell (active in immune response)


After a stem cell divides in the epidermal stratum basale, the resulting daughter cell enters the stratum

Active phase of growth

Anagen phase

Secretes sweat into a hair follicle

Apocrine gland

Papillary layer

Areolar connective tissue

Most common type

Basal cell carcinoma


Fibrous protein in epidermis


Formed from stratum corneum

Nail bed

You accidentally cut your fingernail too far, causing a sharp pain and some bleeding. Which part of your nail was injured? rev: 09_18_2017_QC_CS-101184

Swelling where the hair originates

Hair bulb

Region of hair growth

Hair matrix

Contains blood vessels and nerves

Hair papilla

Portion of hair within the follicle

Hair root

Portion of hair beyond the skin surface

Hair shaft

Brief regression period

Catagen phase

Protection Prevention of water loss Temperature regulation Immune defense

Check all that are a function of the integument.

Reduced activity of skin stem cells Collagen fibers in the dermis decrease in number

Check all that commonly occur in the skin during aging.

The subcutaneous layer is not part of the integument. The subcutaneous layer consists of areolar and adipose connective tissue. One of the functions of the subcutaneous layer is thermal insulation. It is commonly used as an injection site for medications.

Check all the statements that are true regarding the subcutaneous layer (hypodermis).


Composed of epidermis and dermis


Dense irregular connective tissue in the skin is found specifically in the _______ layer.

dendritic cells

Epidermal __________ accomplish their immune function by their phagocytic activity, which initiates an immune response against invaders.

Subcutaneous layer

Layer deep to dermis


Lines of cleavage (tension lines) in the skin relate to the predominant orientation of __________ fiber bundles.

Most deadly type

Malignant melanoma

Secretes sweat onto the skin surface

Merocrine gland

Merocrine sweat

Most common type of exocrine gland


Most numerous epidermal cell


Normal constant water loss from the skin when we are not actively sweating is referred to as _______ perspiration.


Pigment-forming cells

Keratinocytes activated by sunlight Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is produced Calcitriol (a hormone) is produced by the kidneys Increased absorption of calcium and phosphate by the small intestine

Put the steps involved in the vitamin D pathway in their correct order.

epidermis, dermis, hypodermis

Put the tissues that are involved with the integument in order, beginning with the most superficial layer and ending with the deepest layer.

Tactile cells

Receptors for touch

Secretes an oily material into a hair follicle

Sebaceous gland

A single hair is termed a pilus. Terminal hair is coarse and pigmented.

Select all that are true regarding hair.

Arrector pili

Smooth muscles attached to hair follicles are responsible for pulling hair erect, providing a slight increase in the insulating layer around our bodies. These smooth muscles are referred to as _______ _______ muscles.

Arises from stratum spinosum

Squamous cell carcinoma

Deepest layer

Stratum basale

20-30 layers of dead keratinocytes

Stratum corneum

Three to five layers of keratinocytes

Stratum granulosum

Thin, clear layer

Stratum lucidum

Contains keratinocytes and dendritic cells

Stratum spinosum

White hair results from the lack of pigment production.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the changes in hair that occur with age?

Resting phase; hair is shed

Telogen phase


The allele for baldness is dominant in males but is recessive in females.


The changing size and appearance of a mole is a warning sign for cancer.

epidermal ridges.

The dermal papillae interlock with deep projections of the epidermis called

stratified squamous epithelium; dense irregular and areolar

The integument consists of the epidermis, which is composed of _____________, and the dermis, which is composed of ____________ connective tissue.


The most abundant cells of the epidermis are called


The papillary layer of the dermis contains __________ connective tissue and dermal papillae.


The skin of the lips, palms, and soles of the feet have only four layers.


Variance in skin pigmentation by individual is due to differences in the number of melanocytes present in the skin.

Cells will be squamous in shape The stratum forms the free surface of the epithelium.

What are some characteristics to look for when identifying stratum corneum under the microscope?

The cells will have a nucleus. Cells will be polygonal in shape.

What are some characteristics to look for when identifying stratum spinosum under the microscope?

tactile cells

When compressed, ___________ release chemicals that stimulate sensory nerve endings in the dermis.


When receiving a tattoo, dye is injected into a portion of the skin where cell turnover is low and the dye remains permanently. Into which specific layer of the skin is the dye injected?


When you are cold, the dermal blood vessels ______________ in order to conserve heat.

Hair follicles

Which of the following is not found in thick skin?


Which of the following is the secretion of the gland highlighted in yellow below?Sebum

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