Exam 1 Quiz Review

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_____________ is the patterned arrangement in a drama of events and characters, with incidents selected and arranged for maximum dramatic impact.


In this chapter, the photograph of the cast in a production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is intended to illustrate

African American cast (photo was removed from textbook)

Brick drinks so that he can:

All of the Above hear the "click" avoid interaction with Maggie drown his sorrows

Maggie and Brick quarrel over:

All of the Above: having children Brick's drinking Skipper

In episodic drama,

All of the above

The whole family has gathered to celebrate:

Big Daddy's birthday

Gooper is most concerned about:

Big Daddy's estate

Big Daddy most prefers the company of:


Gooper is also called:

Brother Man

"Ensemble playing" is acting that emphasizes the total artistic unity of an individual actor's performance.


A comic premise is an idea about the real world or a theme that the playwright wants the audience to take with them after seeing a production.


A fade is a rapid dimming of all of the lights onstage.


A gobo is a detailed outline or diagram showing where each lighting instrument is placed in relationship to the stage.


An auteur director focuses closely on interpreting the vision of the playwright.


An auteur director is one who allows the playwright's point of view to dominate the theater production


Anne-Marie, the nurse who cares for Nora's children, also cared forHelmer when he was a boy.


As an art form, music exists in space rather than in time.


Damis is in love with Flipote much to the chagrin of Orgon.


Elmire sets a trap for Tartuffe by flirting with him while Cleante hides in a closet.


Farce is a form of comedy that uses comic techniques--such as wit, irony and exaggeration--to attack and expose folly and vice.


Generally speaking, the audience-performance arrangement created in a proscenium theater results in less "aesthetic distance" than that created by an arena theater.


Helmer believes Krogstad a fine asset to the bank.


Heroic drama is is serious, but basically optimistic, drama written in verse or elevated prose, with lower class and middle-class characters involved in extreme domestic conflicts.


Imagine that an opera is being televised as it is happening at New York's Metropolitan Opera. You are watching that television broadcast. You are experiencing the art of theatre.


It is during the dress rehearsals that the technical elements of a production are brought together for the first time.


Madame Pernelle tries to warn Orgon about Damis.


Nora's children play a primary role in the action of the play.


Oedipus is grateful for the wisdom that Teiresias imparts about who is at fault in causing the plague on Thebes.


Oedipus is sentenced to die by imprisonment in a cave deep in the mountains of Cithaeron.


Oedipus worries about what will become of his sons.


One major difference between modern tragedy and traditional tragedy is that modern tragedy has a happy ending.


One of the three major criteria for criticism discussed in the chapter is "What does the play or production have to say about society?"


Props are items onstage used to stabilize scenery.


Running sound during a performance means a sound cue that travels from one speaker to another in quick succession creating a "stuttering" effect..


Stanislavski urged the actor to divide her or his role into several "superobjectives."


The actual term director came into common usage during the time of Shakespeare.


The scene design does not help establish the tone and style of the production.


The term "descriptive criticism" attempts to describe exactly what is wrong with a performance.


To run lights means to attach them close together across an overhead batten.


Tragicomedy can be defined as a mechanical alternation in a play between serious scenes and comic scenes.


True or False: Digital media have not been influenced by theater


True or False: Maggie adores Mae's children


True or False: The film actor Meryl Streep has been successful in film, but has failed in theater


Unlike music and dance, theatre is a not performing art form.


Upstage is nearer the audience than downstage.


Voice "projection" refers to whether or not an actor's voice is apprpriate for the character she/he is portraying onstage.


With what knowledge does Krogstad blackmail Nora?


How does Tartuffe betray Orgon?

He hits on his wife

Ultimately, Nora

Leaves her husband and kids

The "cat" in this play is:


The "foolish" young lovers are

Mariane and Valere

One of the issues in this play concerns:


Teiresias says that the person responsible for bringing a plague upon Thebes is


Oedipus the King is a Greek play written by


The __________________ is the person who coordinates the running of the actual performances.

Stage Manager

Who does Orgon want Mariane to marry?


In the end, Orgon is saved by

Tartuffe's arrest

The names of the two main characters in this play are

Torvald and Nora

"Corrales" refers to Spanish courtyard theaters.


"Emotional recall" is a tool intended to help actors achieve emotional truth onstage.


"Synthesis" in acting involves the smooth blending of both the internal and the external aspects of acting a role.


A critic describes and analyzes a theater event in greater detail than does a reviewer.


A directorial concept is a director's overall image or metaphor for the play


A dramaturg is a literary manager or adviser of a theatre company


A fresnel is considered a soft-edged spotlight.


A shotgun mike is highly directional and is aimed from a distance at a specific area.


Aesthetic distance is defined in the chapter as: Physical or psychological separation or detachment of audience from the dramatic action , usually considered necessary for artistic illusion.


Although it may not be apparent, every work of art has some type of structure.


Art can be divided into three categories: literary, performing and visual.


Composition can be described as "the way lighted areas onstage are arranged in relationship to one another."


Dorine is the "bossy" servant.


Dr. Rank and Helmer are old friends.


Dr. Rank inappropriately expresses his love to Nora.


Historically, melodrama is a dramatic form which came to the forefront in the 19th century, emphasizing action and spectacular effects, and used music; it had stock figures and clearly defined villains and heroes.


In British usage, a producer is the equivalent of an American director.


In any theater event, the audience plays an essential part.


In drama, the term "deus ex machina" has come to refer to any arbitrary or coincidental plot contrivance used by the playwright to resolve the conflct of the play.


In the chapter, the photos from the musical The Underpants by Carl Sternheimeach show how color in stage lighting can alter and transform a stage set.


In theater terminology, a "flat" refers to a single flat unit consisting of canvas stretched on a wood frame.


In theatre, the "text" can also be referred to as the "script."


In writing a play, a playwright must make choices related to a number of aspects of drama, one of which is determining focus and emphasis.


Motivated sounds are sounds called for in the script that usually come from recognized sources.


Oedipus asks Creon to cast him out of Thebes into exile.


One feature of most comedy is the temporary suspension of the natural laws of logic and probability.


One of the characteristics of comedy is that there is a contrast between individuals and the social order.


One of the meanings of the term "burlesque" is a satire of a serious form of literature.


One of the objectives of a scene designer is to ensure that the scenery is coordinated with other elements.


One of the scene designers objectives is to provide a central image or metaphor for the production.


One of the techniques for acting emphasized by Stanislavski involves concentrating on specific actions and details.


One of the three criteria for criticism discussed in the chapter is "What is the playwright or production attempting to do?"


Orgon makes Tartuffe his only son and heir.


Realism can be broadly defined as an attempt to present onstage people and events corresponding to those in everyday life.


Slapstick relies on ridiculous physical activity--often violent in nature--for its humor.


The "front of the house" in a theatre refers to such areas as the auditorium, box office and lobby.


The ancient Greek theater at Epidauros, pictured at the very start of the chapter, is an outdoor theater.


The basic theater spaces have prevailed throughout history are proscenium, arena, thrust, and created/found space.


The costume designer, through his or her design, can help actors with projecting their characters to the audience.


The director is the person who rehearses and coordinates performers to ensure that they interpret the text properly.


The five elements of scene design discussed in the chapter are line, mass, composition, texture, and color.


The photograph in the chapter of a scene from the rock opera POEtry and the photograph from GAS FOR LESS are intended to contrast a nonrealistic and a realistic scene design.


The question an actor should ask when doing Stanislavski's "magic if" exercise is "How would I react if I were in this character's position?


The term "prescriptive criticism" is criticism that offers advice and sometimes suggests rules for what should be done in the theater.


The textbook indicates that the word "criticize" means both "to find fault" and "to understand and appraise."


Theater is a collaborative art form.


Theater: The Lively Art indicates that acting is a demanding profession requiring extensive training.


Theatre audiences today are multicultural and diverse.


To "build a costume" in a costume shop means to create a costume from scratch.


To focus a light means to aim it at a certain area onstage.


True or False: Numerous rock stars have created theatrical characters for their performances


True or False: On television, audiences can see a wide range of dramatic offerings


True or False: Our interest in media stars' performances and lives parallels the way audience throughout the history of theater have engaged with actors and actresses:


True or False: Television has been influenced by theater


True or False: The term "nonmediated theatre" refers to live theatre


True or False: Theater and the theatrical exist in may aspects of our lives


True or False: There are many stage sets in Las Vegas


What distinguishes Teiresias from other seers?

a and b (he is always right and is blind)

According to the Greek philosopher Aristotle, an action is a sequence of events, linked by cause and effect, with

a beginning, middle, and end

In drama, as opposed to a novel or short story, everything must be transformed into

action and dialogue

In theater, design includes

all of the above

Helmer calls Nora

all of the above (lark, bird, squirrel)

Oedipus finally understands that he

all of the above (murdered his father, married his mother, and is father and brother to his children)

The stage is entirely surrounded by audience in ________ theater.


The major elements of theatre are:

audience, performers, script or text, with its structure, characters, and point of view, director, theatre space, design aspects: scenery, costume, lighting, and sound

According to the chapter, the essentials of dramatic structure are plot, action, conflict, opposed forces, and a __________________.

balance of forces

Big Daddy is suffering from:


When Jocasta learns the truth, she

hangs herself

Closely related to stock characters are characters with a dominant trait, or ___________________.


What is Tartuffe's main character flaw?


___________ structure is also referred to as climactic structure, in which there are few scenes, a short time passes, there are few locales, and the action begins chronologically close to the climax.


Broadway's Jersey Boys is an example of:

jukebox musical

________ is a theater space that is open, flexible, and adaptable, usually without fixed seating or a permanent stage area.

none of the above (Options were proscenium, arena, and thrust)

One meaning of ________ is "a circular playing space in ancient Greek theaters."


The __________________ is the person responsible for handling the business side of a theatre production.


In a _________ theater, there is an arch or frame surrounding the stage, and the audience looks through the frame from one side.


_______ is an upward slope of a stage floor away from the audience.


Nora dances the ____________ for Torvald:


A plague sits heavily on the city of Thebes: the fields yield no crops, children are stillborn, and pestilence causes widespread sickness and death because

the death of the previous king is unavenged

The photo from the Broadway musical Wicked is used in this chapter to illustrate which of the following?

the proscenium type of theatre is ideal for scenic spectacle and seemingly magic effects (photo not in textbook)

Theater: The Lively Art indicates that throughout theater history, three major challenges have faced actors: (1) to acquire many skills, both physical and vocal; (2) to make characters believable, and (3) __________________.

to integrate skills with credibility

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