Exam 1 Review for modules 1-5

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what is the name when both traits are expressed? example: the color of flowers


what is the name for not expressed as presence/ absence rather as continuum? example; eye color

Continuous expression

what is (continuously present in a population) vs. Pandemic (extensive outbreak)


current ethnography to help understand arch record is what?


what is the name for the study of gene expression as affected by environmental influences? example; rat licking


View from your own cultural bias vs other cultures within their own perspective and recognizing their metris

Ethnocentrism vs Cultural relativism

what is a name for race improvement?


the change in the characteristics of a species over several generations and relies on the process of natural selection is what?


what does taxonomic classification allow us to find?

Evolution lineages

What factors act to change allele frequencies?

Factors that affect evolution(example; gene flow, genetic drift)

what is the name for notion that species, once created, can never change ?

Fixity of species

an expert who applies the study of physical anthropology and human skeletons in a legal setting, usually criminal cases is what?

Forensic Anthropology

What are some examples of natural selection?

Galapagos finches, peppered moths

Morphological similarities vs focus on derived traits (a lot more research)

phenetics vs cladistics

what is the name for the expression of genetic traits?


what trait is observable and is a measurable trait?

phenotypic trait

what is composed of local populations that differ in the expression of one or more traits?

polytypic species

what was Malthus's theory?

population growth, food supplies

what is the distribution of one pair of alleles into gametes doe not influence the distribution of another pair ?

principle of independent assortment

what is alleles occur in pairs, in gamete production, members of each gene pair separate, during fertilization number of chromosomes restored)?

principle of segregation

claims that do not follow the scientific method but often claim to be science is what?


what is the exchange of genetic material between different organisms during sexual reproduction, which leads to production of offspring with combinations of traits that differ from those found in either parent & is a source of genetic variation?


what is the passing of genes onto the next generation in a way that they too can pass genes on?

reproductive sucess

what happens when there is insufficient amounts of Vitamin D during childhood?


a process of explaining natural phenomena by means of observation, developing explanations, or hypotheses is what?

science and the scientific method

what is the emergence of the ideas of science in the 16th century in Europe?

scientific revolution

If the environment changes, then what also changes?

selective pressures

what is the issue with race based medicine?

self identification vs genetic test

physical/visible differences between males and females within a group is what

sexual dimorphism

what is an example of gene flow (exchange of genes between populations)?

sickle cell trait

what kind of populations are affected by genetic drift/founder effect?

small populations

what is the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution?


-state the research problem -develop a hypothesis -test the hypothesis through data collection and analysis -is the hypothesis is verified, it may support a theory

steps for the scientific method

Cultural Archaeology Biological Linguistic are subfields of?

subfields of Anthropology

what is the branch of science concerned with the rules of classifying organisms on the basis of evolutionary relationships & who is the precursor to Darwin?

taxonomy & Linneaus

what is a broad statement of scientific relationship or underlying principles that has been substantially verified through the testing of hypothesis?


what is genetically determined characteristic--measure of comparison for physical anthropology?


what forces in the environment that influence reproductive success in individuals ?

Selective pressures

how bones and other materials come to be buried and the fossilized is what


what are anthropologists interested in?

The human language, culture, societies, biological and material remains

what is based on the ideas that all species are related and gradually change over time ?

Theory of evolution

If there are long term environmental changes in a consistent direction then what also changes?

allele frequencies

what is another name for genes


what is Allens rule?

appendages and climate(colder climate=short limbs, warmer climate=long limbs)

what is the process by which living forms with traits better enable them to adapt to specific environmental pressures?

favorable variations

what measures the relative reproductive success of individuals?


Where does the alteration need to occur to have evolutionary significance?


what recombines genetic material into new ways?

genetic variation

what is the name for genetic traits


what trait is a set of genes in our DNA?

genotypic trait

what is the name for different alleles at the same locus?


what is a gradual change and relationships, natural selection, adapt ?


Existing variation may be favorable to certain individuals. This enables them to better adapt, survive and reproduce is how selective pressures affect what?

evolution/natural selection

how does fitness relate to natural selection?

favorable traits and passing them on

who came up with this theory?

Both Darwin and Wallace

three geological eras

Paleozoic, Mesozoic (dinos), Cenozoic (humans)

Explain why the rate of sickle cell gene lower in Africans?

Absence of malaria mosquitoes, gene flow

what appears during reproduction whether organisms are multiplying asexually or sexually?

Accumulation of variations

evolutionary process that fits organisms to their environment, enhancing their evolutionary fitness is what?


how does the shape of the sickle cell relate to fighting malaria?

Affected cells, no oxygen, parasite can survive

a proposed epoch dating from the commencement of significant human impact on earth geology and ecosystems nut isn't limited to anthropogenic climate change is what


What did Darwin use for Malthus?

Availability of resources, favorable traits, competition

why were peas easy to study phenotypically

Because they had 7 characteristics affected at alleles at only one genetic locus Shape, color, texture

Human biology and culture influence each other is what?

Bicultural evolution

examples of mendelian traits

Blood type, cheek dimples (dominant), face freckles (dominant)

gene structure and action; patterns of trait inheritance, parent to offspring is what?


catastrophism- the earth changes through sudden catastrophic events, all species are well adapted to their environments. Who is this?

Georges Curvier

who Crossed different strains of purebred plants and studied their pogency and his work illustrates the basic rules of inheritance?

Gregor Mendel

what is the mathematical formula, helps predict distribution of alleles in a population. Central theorem of population genetics ?

Hardy Weinburg Equilibrium

Inheritance of acquired characteristics is what precursor to Darwin?


What focuses on how language influences society and people's lives ?

Linguistic anthropology

long term of evolution

Long term (skin color) vs short term physiological responses (high altitude)

big change in changes in evolution is what?


small change in changes in evolution is what?


evolution of relationships, humans, non human primates, DNA, relatedness is what?

Molecular anthropology

factors that produce and redistribute variation?

Mutation, gene flow, genetic drift/founder effect, natural selection, recombination)

A trait must be inherited if natural selection is to act on it Natural selection cannot occur without population variation in inherited characteristics Fitness is a relative measure that changes as the environment changes Natural selection acts on traits that interact with the environment and are genetic ARE ALL ELEMENTS OF ?

Natural selection

what is the name for the product or result of something; an animals child?


what is the name for skeletal material?


what is the name for tasing disease in skeletal remains?


what is the name for the branch of zoology that deals with primates?


Think about traits that individuals have inherited from an ancestor or those they have developed independently is what?

Primitive vs derived traits

what does dark skin protect from?

UV burns and skin cancer and protects from folate degradation

what is the name for theory that earth's features are the result of long term processes that continue to operate in the present & who's theory is this?

Uniformitarianism and Lyell

what is a different or distinct form of a version of something ?


how is uniformitarianism different from catastrophism?

View that the earth's geological landscapes is the result of violent cataclysmic events

who are the both men published a joint paper arguing the theories of evolution and natural selection?

Wallace and Darwin

what is the temporary or permanent depending on how long the individual experiences changes in the environment?


how was his view different from Lamarcks?

acquired/ inherited vs selection

species taking advantage of new ecological niches---can also lead to new species is what

adaptive radiation

what is the idea that the cultural and biological variations are inherited in the same way ?

biological determinism

what is begmanns rules?

body size climate (stockier=cold, slender=heat)

A group based on evolutionary relationships with a common ancestor and its descendants & forms through speciation


homologies vs analogies

common ancestors vs function

what is the activity or condition of competing?


Detailed descriptive studies of human societies is what?

cultural anthropology: Ethnography

what happens when dark skin are in places with not a lot of skin?

dark skin can preclude UV absorption which helps provide vitamin D

The number of young raised successfully to the point where they can, themselves, reproduce and pass on their genes is what?

differential net reproductive success

what is the name for the dominant allele that is expressed over the recessive one?


what is the name for the same alleles at the same locus?


lactose intolerance examples

how culture influence genetics

what is a proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation?


what traits genetically transmitted from parents to offspring?


a big change in evolution is what?


what trait deals with the characteristics that are influenced by alleles at only one genetic locus ?

mendelian traits

a small change in evolution is what?


examples of disease vectors

mosquitos and fleas

what is the only way to produce a new gene?


what is the productive directional change in allele frequency relative to specific environmental factors?

natural selection

what is variation already exists, nature acts on it, some individuals survive/reproduce, and pass on their genes & who's view of evolution is this?

natural selection & Darwin Wallace

is Darwin the only one credited with evolution?

no, Alfred Wallace had equal contributions

how does evolution affect our everyday?

viruses, pest control, crop production

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