Exam 1 Review

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The taste sensation that is triggered by the amino acids and small peptides is known as


Which part of the diencephalon is connected to the pituitary gland?


Describe how rabies is contracted. (Module 13.22B)

Rabies is contracted by the bite of a rabid animal.

Why do things look blurry underwater without dive goggles or a mask?

Rather than air, light is moving from water into the cornea and is thus refracted too little for a sharp focus.

Which region acts as a relay center for sensory messages ascending to the cerebrum?


Describe the ENS. (Module 14.2C)

The ENS is a division of the nervous system consisting of a network of neurons and nerve networks in the walls of the digestive tract that primarily operates locally, without instructions from the CNS.

Which statement is true regarding the ANS?

The integrative centers for autonomic activity are located in the hypothalamus. Submit

Gustatory receptors are found in the taste buds of all the following papillae except


The shallow folds of the surface of the cerebellum are called


The ________ is important in storage and recall of new long-term memories.


A person suffering from ________ can see distant objects more clearly than those that are close.


The ________ provides the principal link between the nervous and endocrine systems.


Parkinson's disease is the result of

inadequate production of dopamine by substantia nigra neurons.

The corpus callosum is composed of

commissural fibers

Which of the following is not a function of cerebrospinal fluid?

provides ATP for impulse transmission

The opening in the iris through which light passes is the


Which of the following visceral reflexes is not coordinated by the medulla oblongata?

pupillary reflex

The sympathetic division of the ANS is also known as which of the following?

thoracolumbar division

What is the function of the auditory tube? (Module 15.16B)

to allow pressure equalization on both sides of the tympanic membrane

Sensory neurons that are always active are called ________ receptors.


Which of the following is not one of the special senses?


The Roman numeral V indicates the ________ nerve.


Sound waves are converted into mechanical movements by the

tympanic membrane.

The ________ convey(s) information about head position with respect to gravity.

utricle and saccule

________ are chambers within the brain that contain cerebrospinal fluid.


The cerebellar hemispheres are separated by a worm-shaped band of cortex called the


An abnormal illusion of movement is called


The Roman numeral VIII indicates the ________ nerve.


The gelatinous material found in the posterior cavity is the

vitreous humor.

When analyzing sound waves in the ear, the number of hair cells stimulated is interpreted as which characteristic?


The frequency of a perceived sound depends on

which part of the cochlear duct is stimulated

When all three cone populations are stimulated equally, we perceive


All of the following are properly paired except

ascending tracts - carry motor information to the thalamus.

Which senses are affected by damage to the temporal lobes? (Module 13.12B)

auditory and olfactory

The vibrations received by the tympanic membrane are transferred to the oval window by the

auditory ossicles.

Cell bodies of preganglionic neurons of the autonomic nervous system are located

both in the brain stem and in the lateral gray horns of the spinal cord.

A sudden rise of room brightness would cause

contraction of the pupillary constrictor muscles

Which type of lens would correct hyperopia? (Module 15.14B)

converging lens (with at least one convex surface) Submit

Which eye structure does not contain blood vessels? (Module 15.8A)


Examples of sensory modalities include all of the following except


Drugs known as beta-blockers may be useful for treating

excessive heart rate.

Identify the accessory structures of the eye. (Module 15.6A)

eyelids, eyelashes, the superficial epithelium of the eye, and the structures associated with the production, secretion, and removal of tears

Mary accidentally ate poisonous mushrooms that contain muscarine. What would not occur?

feeling of euphoria and increased energy

Preganglionic fibers leave the CNS and then synapse on

ganglionic neurons.

Which of the following is not a component of the limbic system?

globus pallidus

The sense of taste is also known as


Which of the following monitors body position and motion?

hair cells of the vestibule and semicircular ducts

Alzheimer's disease is characterized by all of the following except that it

has a clear genetic basis.

Stimulation of the beta receptors on heart muscle cells does not result in

inactivation of G proteins.

Activation of the parasympathetic division of the ANS results in __________.

increased motility and blood flow in the digestive tract

Sympathetic activation leads to all of the following except

increased release of insulin.

The ________, a narrow stalk, connects the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland.


Central adaptation refers to

inhibition of nuclei located along a sensory pathway

Injury to the cervical sympathetic ganglia would not affect the function of the

lacrimal glands.

After suffering a stroke, Mary finds that she cannot move her right arm. This would suggest that the stroke damage is in the area of the ________ lobe.

left frontal

Divisions of the cerebral hemispheres that are named after the overlying skull bones are


The two cerebral hemispheres are separated by the

longitudinal fissure

All of the following is a function of tears except

maintains acidic environment.

The sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS:

may work together, each controlling a stage of a complex process.

Autonomic centers that control blood pressure, heart rate, and digestion are located in the

medulla oblongata.

The cardiovascular reflexes are based in the

medulla oblongata.

Mechanoreceptors might detect all of the following sensations except

muscle pain

A person suffering from ________ can see objects that are close, but distant objects appear blurred.


Pain is to ________ as cold is to ________.

nociceptors; thermoreceptors

The visual cortex is located in the

occipital lobe

Damage to the ________ nerve would result in near paralysis of the eye.


Gustatory receptors are not located

on the inferior surface of the tongue

Nicotinic receptors

open chemically-gated sodium ion channels

What is the eye's blind spot? (Module 15.10A)

optic disc

The ________ ear collects sounds waves and transmits them to the ________ ear, which contains auditory ossicles.

outer; middle

Which of the following is not one of the six taste sensations?


________ is a conscious awareness of a sensation.


Sensory neurons that are normally inactive but can become active for a short time are called ________.

phasic receptors

The visual receptors of the retina are called


The layer of the meninges that closely follows every gyrus and sulcus is the

pia mater

The primary motor cortex is the surface of the

precentral gyrus

The palpebrae do not

produce tears.

Receptors that monitor the position of joints belong to the category called


Only about ________ percent of sensory information reaches the cerebral cortex and our awareness.


Male brains are typically ________ compared to female brains.


There are ________ pairs of cranial nerves.


How many major regions are contained within the diencephalon?


An adult has approximately ________ taste buds, each of which contains ________ different receptor cells.

5,000; 40-100

The adult human brain contains almost ________ of the body's neural tissue.

97 percent

What is a generator potential? (Module 15.1B)

A generator potential is the depolarization of sensory neurons capable of generating an action potential.

Define visceral reflex. (Module 14.9A)

A visceral reflex is an autonomic reflex initiated in the viscera. It can be modified, facilitated, or inhibited by higher centers, especially those in the hypothalamus.

Which brain region has been affected in a stroke victim who is unable to speak? (Module 13.12C)

Broca's area

Which cranial nerve provides roughly 75 percent of all parasympathetic outflow?


________, or pinkeye, results from damage to or irritation of the conjunctival surface.


Which cranial nerves provide taste sensations from the tongue? (Module 15.22A)

Cranial nerves VII, IX, and X.

Define decibel. (Module 15.20A)

Decibels are units of the intensity of sound.

How could a diet deficient in vitamin A affect vision? (Module 15.11B)

Deficiency in vitamin A reduces the amount of retinal that the body could produce, thereby interfering with absorption of light by the rods and cones.

Define dual innervation. (Module 14.8A)

Dual innervation means that a given body system receives instructions from both the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS.

Why does the near point of vision typically increase with age? (Module 15.9C)

Elasticity of the lens decreases with age.

Which region of the diencephalon contains the pineal body?


If the corpus callosum is surgically cut, which of the following is not true?

Faces seen by the left eye cannot be identified. Submit

The pineal body secretes melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH).


Compare the anatomy of the sympathetic division with that of the parasympathetic division. (Module 14.2B)

In the SNS, axons emerge from the thoracic and lumbar segments of the spinal cord and innervate ganglia relatively close to the spinal cord. In the PNS, axons emerge from the brainstem and sacral segments of the spinal cord and innervate ganglia very close to or within the target organs.

Which of the following is true for the craniosacral division?

It is also called the parasympathetic division of the ANS.

Define emmetropia. (Module 15.14A)

It is the term for normal vision.

Describe olfaction. (Module 15.2A)

Olfaction is the sense of smell.

Define referred pain. (Module 13.22A)

Referred pain is a sensation felt in a part of the body other than its actual source.

Where do the special senses originate? (Module 15.1A)

Special senses originate at the sensory receptor.

The diencephalon is found in between the brain stem and the cerebrum.


Which of the following is not a property of thermoreceptors?

Warm receptors outnumber cold receptors.

A person with a damaged visual association area may be

able to see letters but unable to associate them into words.

What neurotransmitter is released by all parasympathetic neurons? (Module 14.5B)


The ciliary muscle contracts to

adjust the shape of the lens for close vision.

Neurons that use norepinephrine as a transmitter are called


The white matter of the cerebellum forms the

arbor vitae

Muscarinic receptors

are normally activated by acetylcholine

Mechanoreceptors that respond to changes in blood pressure are called


Before an olfactory receptor can detect an odorant, it has to

bind to receptors in olfactory dendrites. Submit

Dual innervation refers to an organ receiving

both sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation.

The highest levels of information processing occur in the


The sensory neurons within the olfactory organ are stimulated by ________ in the air.


A receptor that responds to chemicals dissolved in solution is a


Autonomic motor neurons

conduct impulses to smooth and cardiac muscles and glands.

Identify two common classes of hearing-related disorders. (Module 15.22C)

conductive hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss

The ________ covers most of the exposed surface of the eye.


Damage to the ventral roots of the first five thoracic spinal nerves on the right side of the body would interfere with the ability to

dilate the right pupil.

Parasympathetic functions include all of the following except

dilation of the airways.

Your uncle was just diagnosed with a heart attack. One of his major symptoms is left arm pain. You are not surprised because you are familiar with the phenomenon of ________ pain.


Which of the following hypothalamic functions is incorrect?

regulate lactation — preoptic region

Stimulation of α1 adrenergic receptors by norepinephrine results in

release of calcium ions from intracellular stores.

When you spin quickly, you may feel dizzy. Which component of the inner ear generates the sensations that can lead to this feeling?

semicircular canal

All of the following are visceral effectors except

skeletal muscles.

You suspect your friend has damage to cranial nerve I when he is unable to

smell his food.

Identify two major divisions of the ANS. (Module 14.2A)

sympathetic division and parasympathetic division

Which types of tactile receptors are located only in the dermis? (Module 13.18A)

tactile corpuscles, lamellar corpuscles, and bulbous corpuscles

The term general senses refers to sensitivity to all of the following except


The auditory cortex is located in the

temporal lobe.

All of the following descriptions applies/apply to the term myopia except

the eyeball is too shallow.

Perception of gravity and linear acceleration depends on

the force exerted by otoliths on hair cells of the maculae in the utricle or saccule.

In sensorineural deafness, __________.

the problem lies within the cochlea or somewhere along the auditory pathway

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