Exam #1 RQs

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Lemuel Haynes was an African American militiaman and preacher who wrote what famous essay?

"Liberty Further Extended"

Which man was the first Puritan missionary to the Massachusetts Indians and translated and published a Bible in their language?

John Elliot?

What famous Enlightenment philosopher drafted the "Fundamental Constitutions" of the Carolina colony?

John Locke

In which part of North America did Africans work as household servants, craftsmen, ship builders and in other jobs

Virginia and the Carolinas

What nation/kingdom founded Fort Detroit and New Orleans in the early 1700s?


Who founded the settlement at Quebec, the first French settlement in what is now Canada?

Samuel de Champlain

What was Bacon's Rebellion?

A conflict between Governor William Berkeley and Nathanial Bacon along with Virginia settlers after Berkeley refused to drive out the natives

What were the Navigation Acts, and what did they mandate?

A series of acts and laws that prohibited colonies from trading directly with one another

Which group of immigrants to mainland North America greatly increased in the 18th century?

Africa, Ireland, Germany

During Columbus' initial voyage, where did his ship first land?

An island in the Bahamas/Caribbean

Even though infant baptism is a tradition going back almost 2000 years, Separatists argued no example could be found of the practice in the Bible. What denomination came from this discovery?


Who was the Portuguese explorer who first rounded the tip of Africa in 1488

Bartholomeu Diaz

Who was the Spanish priest who criticized the violent oppression of the Native Americans by the Spanish soldiers?

Bartolome de las Casas

Which prominent American made the following complaint? "Why should the Palatine Boors [Germans] . . . establish their language and manners to the exclusion of our own?"

Benjamin Franklin

According to Kidd, what were "The Three Sisters"?

Corn, squash, and beans

This military chaplain stood on Bunker Hill with his arms raised, praying for the American soldiers, through the entire Battle of Breeds Hill (Bunker Hill)?

David Avery

Which act of the Continental Congress stated that the British colonists in America were entitled to the same rights and liberties as the British subjects living in England?

Declaration of Rights and Grievances

Which group called themselves Christians because they believed in God, but they did not believe in the deity or the resurrection of Jesus?


What island became the Caribbean's greatest sugar producer and the world's largest coffee grower?

Dominican Republic

T/F: In addition to being the most open, tolerant, and diverse society in the New World, New Amsterdam was also one of the most orderly, safe and law-abiding


T/F: The British Colonists in America enjoyed free trade


Cecil Calvert

Founder of Maryland and a Catholic proprietor

Who was the Spanish explorer who followed an Indian slave guide from New Mexico to Kansas looking for the Seven Cities of Gold?

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado

Who did the Second Continental Congress unanimously elect to be general over the Continental Army in June 1775?

George Washington

Who was the first European explorer to land in North America?

Herman Cortes

Who was the Puritan minister that stopped the witchcraft trials and executions that had begun in Salem in 1692?

Increase Mather

Why led Patrick Henry to say "Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war has actually begun!"

Increased tensions with England and a recognized need for taking up arms

What French explorer mapped and explored Labrador, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and the St. Lawrence River?

Jacques Cartier

The Virginia Company of London, a joint-stock company, which found investors to start an English colony in the New World, was chartered by which monarch?

James I

Who founded Georgia to be a buffer against Spanish expansion from Florida?

James Oglethorpe

Who preached the famous sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God?

Jonathan Edwards

Who was the son of planters in Barbados and the founder of the Carolina Colony?

Lord Anthony Ashley Cooper

What document was signed by the settlers at Plymouth, Massachusetts, stating their goals were "the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith?

Mayflower Compact

The Middle Colonies consisted of what English colonies?

New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware


Patuxet Indian who spoke English, having spent time in England after being captured

What country founded the port of Elmina, and pioneered the African slave trade?


In 1702 previously Catholic England officially became what denomination?


Group labeled Separatists


Who was the Delegate to the Second Continental Congress who formally proposed that the British Colonies in America should be "Free and Independent States."?

Richard Henry Lee of Virginia

Which Massachusetts minister was expelled from the colony for believing in church-state separation, founded Rhode Island, and founded the first Baptist congregation in America?

Roger Williams

Where did the Stono Rebellion take place?

South Carolina

Why were the colonies in America ruled by England before 1707 and by Great Britain after 1707?

The Acts of Union established the UK and extended the rule of Britain beyond England

The Boston Massacre of March 5, 1770, began with some Boston civilians heckling British soldiers at the customs house and ended with shots being fired and five Boston citizens being killed. What was the short-term result for Boston?

The British withdrew their troops from the city

In relation to the American Colonies, what was King Philip's War?

The Native Americans' last-ditch effort to stop British rule over their lands and people

The First Continental Congress began to meet in Philadelphia in 1774, with the intention of helping the colonies deciding what to do about the Coercive Acts. Which act endorsed by the Continental Congress encouraged military preparation for self-defense and cessation of all trade with Britain?

The Suffolk Resolves by Continental Association

What was the Columbian Exchange?

The global transfer of foods, plants, and diseases during the colonization of the Americas.

Following the Glorious Revolution in 1688, Massachusetts received a new charter, but what concession were the Puritans forced to make

They had to tolerate other forms of Protestantism

On what basis did the British argue that the colonists were represented in Parliament (a term which came to be used only later by historians?

They used the theory of virtual representation, arguing that people in Britain didn't really have that much of a vote in Parliament either

What was a central tenet of Quaker belief?

They were egalitarian, believing that all people were equal under Christ

Who was the lead author of the Declaration of Independence, with the help of John Adams and Benjamin Franklin?

Thomas Jefferson

Who authored "Common Sense," arguably the most important political essay in American history?

Thomas Paine

T/F: In 1649 the Maryland Assembly adopted the 1649 Act Concerning Religion, which granted religious freedom to all Christians.


Who was given the land that became Pennsylvania because the king owed his family money?

William Penn

Which statement about the Enlightenment is False?

a. The Enlightenment was the absolute, exact opposite of the Age of Faith that came before it.

Pueblo Revolt

an uprising of most of the indigenous Pueblo people against the Spanish colonizers in the province of Santa Fe de Nuevo México


the name given to people from the borderlands of Scotland and England and moved to the region of northern Ireland

Most Africans were brought to wich part of the new world?

the southern colonies

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