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Germany under economic seize

-1922-23 default on payments -24 Us proposed Dawes plan: systematic repayment, US investors lend million to Germany -Charles G DawesL us genera;, fincier, VP Nov 1924, his plan stated that would start at 250 million, increase slowly after 5 years, yr 6 would double.. 1924 international loan, interrwst 250 million, support newly stablisze germany -1929, started seeing prob, transfer payment prob. controlled by rep. comm.; delays, favortism

Hard line of war debt and aid

-3 billion owed to private citizens, EU countries owed 10 billion -wartime loans most of debt -sell to us to raise money -germans couldn't pay and GB: asked us to cancle debt EU countries owed. refused. 1922 created War Debt Commission: US congress, negotiate full indeminty repayment, forgave/cancled 50% of allied depts -1919-39: allies repay 2.6 billiion of debts owed

Yalta feb 4-11 1945

-3 leader say France has a place to occupy germany -germany pay repreaptions; USSR and US say wont decied amount until know they can pay. 20 billion and half to USSR -FDR wanted USSR help w japan, Chiang Kai Shek, signed treaty w him, stalin got stegeic bases in China -Stalin wanted veto and seat for 16 soivet union states. compormise w Gb and Us, they get 3 seats. Russian cant veto things related to them -scehduled next meeting april 1945 in san fransicso

San Fransisco Conference April 22 to June 26

-60 days to make finishing touches -282 delgates -US, GB, USSR, CHN -2 key provisions on UN charter, provided trusteship chrater. supervison colonial places when fo to independance. Could tale no step to territory of GB and France, US gets land fro Japan (Manchuria, Carolina, Marchal islands) -July 20 1945L senate approved -Article 51: permitter reginal allaince (US benefit in Western hemisphere), amrch 45 Latuin america signed treaty


-After WWII, boundary between n and s was the 38th parallel -jan 25 1950, 75,000 NK troops crossed into SK -Dean Acheson confired w advisor, agreed the UN should be notified, emergecy seessio, ephasized us support for collective security (contain comm.). security concil resolution, breech of peave, sunday jan 25, all said yes, yugoslavia obstained and russia wasnt there. -truman said to washington that he though russia instagated the attack, testing the us to see if the sheilf to contain comm was strong. General McArthrur sent amry and equipment to SK, use warplanes to attack and fend off. -Korea assumed sybmolic imporantce, shows US commintemment to conatin comm. if fail american image tarnished, world leadership thretened, leader determined to stand tough -Formosa (taiwan) declared offlimits to the chn, did to indo-china and the phillippines -Sol, captial of SK, NK invaded JUn 25, continued on -JUne 29 us pilot attack, went to see, june 30th asked to send troops, truman agreed "police action", lasted 35 months, hoping to unify the koreas -UN forced marched deep within on oct 8 -oct 26 chn forces enlisted "volenteers", fought against UN forces, retreated to Manchuria. -Oct 28th b-28 bombin Yalu river, boundary of CHn and NK -nov 26 200, 000 CNH troops attacked NK, drove un troops south -march 1951, rushed above the 38 parallel, truman think negotiate, McArthur keeps going, crtizie publically. -April 11 1951, truman removes McArthur from military command -Omar Bradely, chairman joint chief of staff supports, enlargment doesn't = victory =, might bring in russian, would make them look like agressors. -Pan Mun Jom, JUly 1951 peace talks, bogged down. comm said didn't want to return to Sk, Us doesn't accpet want all soliders back, -1952 Eisenhower in offier, go to korea to see how to end, pressure of Chn to end threatened to widen -John Foster Dulles, illuted to the US might use atomic weapons, encourages Shiang Kai Shek to attack CHN mainland -March 1953 stalin diead, new SU flexaible, pressure to CHn to stop -July 27 1953, signed armistance, POw issues to commisions of neurral countries. new bouandarues line drawn (basically the 38 parallel), SK= 1500 more square mies. DWZ (demilitarized war zone) between koreas. -Costly; 1 mil SK killed, 1 mil NK and CHn killed, 33,000 us died

Dec 7 1941: Pearl Harbor

-Attacked by Japanese -dec 8 1941: FDR got unanoumous support from senate to join war. Hitler thought would keep US busy in western hemisphere. -Dec 11 1941: Italy and germany declare war on US -rleations with US and Japan bad in 1938, action against the US was predictable; some historian feel that GB knew about attack but didn't say anything. -1937: Japan march further into China -March 1939: July 11 Us terminate treaty over -Jan 1940: US economic sanctions, 1940, exports to japan 22 million, to china only 78 million -pro-nzai Vichy regime allowed france to move into indo-china more -Sept 27 1940: Vichy Tri-Partite pact w Germany, and iTaly said they would ally with japan in nation attacked no previously involved with; thought would keep US out of war w japan. also keep G and I safe from USSR -FDR opposed, started to stop trading as much w japan hamper Japanese military, after pact included all scrape material -Sept 1940-JUly 1941, Japan and US private businesses tried to improve relations between, but ended up just making each country suspicious of the other

U-boat problem

-Beligerent ships, need to send message to surrender, let board, or let fight 0u-boats, tried to stick w international fairs; allies would wait for u-boats to go to surface, would crush -war changes law

Central powers

-Better communications -physiological advantage of being on offense

US diplomacy after WWi

-Didn't follow simple isolatiosm: determined to be away, US first. isolate from new war -1919, want to reduce military involment in foregin land, france wants help US doesn't -determined to pressure fredom to make own desicion in foregin affairs -sucess of US gov't business help german; pay 33 billion. US policy makers revise to make more managable, UK agrees too -Help to ensure frances independeance and aid: when clemencaue failed to make trety w US, built allliacne to help france [CRY +BP, czechs, Romania, Yugoslavia, Belium, and POland]. done secretly, against 14 pts


-Fascism: Benito Mussilini was man behind, [when young a socialist, like violent rev anti-war, anti-natioalism] after WWI was anti-bolshevik, apposed to left-wing movement, liked monarchy. church is good, still atheist, militant nationalism, committed militarist. INTEREST OF THE SATE MORE IMPORTANT THEN INTEREST OF PPL -March 1919: first facist groups formed. May 21 1921 Mussolini was elected to parliment, 10 nationalist [political allies] -Oct 1922: king called on Muss to form cabinent -socialist too conservativel need law and order -feared communists -industrualists and landowners: likes -Shopkeepers and tradesmenL disorder in streets, wanted end, prive fluctuate. feared in socialist, open communist stores -profesionals and ppl on fixed incomes also liked -POlice: tired of being insluted, joined -WWI Verterans: insults from ppl, communists. becoming more patriotic -Captilaism is sacred

Peacemaking Prodcued Reginal tensions

-France v Uk: dont agree on rhineland, at first they did and to make germany pay, but Llyod-George started to have second thoughts [if slaughter german ecoomy, wekean british economy]. -France v US: france said us has no right to talk bc they don't know wars and desctuction. economy was untouched by war, US gave weapons and tries to decide how peace is made. What about repercussions, any treaty needs to be okayed by US senate pres wilson went to treaty by self took w him personal advisor to the house, no senate, didn't have the votes when came back. -US v UK: Uk knew oil in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and persian gulf. freedom of seas, if mean giving staegic position like above then not good [or if equal naval rate].


-GAI alliance doesn't hold -sat back and watched -britain promised unredeemed italy if the joined their side -1915 joins the allies

Spring 1945

-German surrednerd -Ltalians and Anti-Fascists too over, kill Muss

Mein Kampf Said

-Germans only pure representatives of Nordic race: destined to conquer and rule all. all ppl subjects to pure race -virtue of race: militarism, indomitable will, pride, aggressions as ppl, brute strength -Vices of race: gentleness, peacefulness, tendency towards toleration, mondesty, pity

Marshall Plan

-Give aid to any country who needs, in tern hopes to intise them to be allies w the US. -Can't leave out Eastern EU bc would drive them into USSR more, give to soviet union, rejects it bc didn't want them looking at their books. also told all soviet nations to reject it.

France 1919-1933

-Greater inflation then GB -Payn Qruke became pres: stabilized the currency, 3rd republic still -minister changed often -Crisis of Indeminty: rise of right (Action Frances= French action) -FRance was politically insecure, unstable: deof of males from 18-40: don't have men pwr to fight Nazi, so appease

How to Gain Pwr

-Hitler admired -fascist militia, 100 thusand men, early 20s. -1923, passed fascist electoral law: 25% of pop. vote, party gets 2/3 of seats -1926: law passed Italy = one political party, Muss became dictator. Duce~ leader -Introduction to corpertism: organized Italy's, interests of state paramount, combining interests of workers and capital owner; include state. Divide country into syndicates (common groups), 1926 13 different [industrial; workers and owners syndicates]. minimize economic strife. Sea and air transport, land and air. All workers and producers. They actually do little w economy bc the gov't is string and mainly take over -Parliament changed later on. Parliament Deputies e 400 members. they seclet members. The grand fascists council picked 400 ppl, national councils of syndicated nominated 800 ppl, organizations if religions and charity nominated 200 ppl. grand fascists' council produced a list of names of ppl who agreed w their policies, voters picked the ppl they wanted from that list =, only men who payed minimus tax/ dues to syndicates got to vote

June 20 1931

-Hoover announced moratorim on all payments, france said no, july 6 yielded -1932: cancled the payments, COngress protested, didn't matter

Nov 4 1956

-Hungary rebellion crushed -pull out of Warsaw Pact, national elections in US, Calculated moe by USSR; distraction Oct 4, Sputnik 1; 1959 test nuclear weapon -West Berlin, 100 milies into E Germany; escape hatch, embarrassment -Nov 1959 negotiation settlement: Camp David (sept 1959). Spirt of camp david, had discussions leading to Detente. lessoning on tensions.

US and impact of WWI

-Important: reduction fo man pwr [130,00 men died]. sharp increase in expediatures and debt. Cost US 30 billion dollars, 1/3 by tax revenue, rest by borrowing and need to pay back. With US verterans [ay, 90 billion -close cooperation between: military-industrial complex: centralized decision making. industry had bigger in gov't policy. Centerazlied gov't descision making, economy efficent, regulated -Forgien policy: wilson made a lot -new weapons of mass desctruction -steps forward: industries expaned, some into other countries. gov't supported, maerchant mariers gres 60%. coal and iron prodcution of the world. wallstreet=london, american debeters: started owed 3 billion, 1919 europe oews 13 billion, owed allies another 10 billion -american business new humaran: hard pwr: economic plout, military soft pwr: leadership, international bpdier, aid, humanitarianism

Sept 1943

-Italy surrendered to allies -allies invaded circle in JUly 1943 -king ejected MUss. and gave to allies, arrest muss and made him puppet leader of pupper state in italy

Paris Peace Talks

-Jan 1919 -France,UK, USA, Italy, Japan (main ones), other [ireland] sent ppl hoping to gain independence -MOst descions made my Primear of France (Georges clemanceau)m UK Prime MInister (David Llyod George), USA president (woodrow Wilson), Italian Primer (vittorilio Orlando) -Things the nations wanted: BRITISH GOALS : maintain british empire as a unified whole [specific goals: security of France, threat of german high-seas fleet, settle territory conflicts, supporting Laegue of Nations], questions of Britsh empire, George said everyone of british dominions should have a voice and vote, only some had voting membership, if let all vote would have advantage. FRENCH GOALS: french soil would be secure, weaken germany economically [german cant attack france ever again, asked US and UK if would secure france if war. Bi-lateral military treaty w US, dosen't get]. ITALIAN GOALS: british promised unredeemed italy (Trent and Trieste), asked for more at the peace talks and everyone vetoed, premier to walk away. JAPANESE GOALS: walked away, Kim MO CHi is one of the delegates; he wanted in the LN to work inclusion clause proclaiming racial equality, wanted former german colonies from part of world Shen Taung, Pacfic island North of Equator, everyone said no

New few yrs more power for hitler

-Jan 1933: called on to form gov't as new german chancellor, by pres. von-Hindenburg -March 1933: given dictatorial pwr, enebaling act -1934: pres, dead, hitler became pres and chancellor

July 24 1941

-Japanese transcpriton carrying troop to southern indo-china -FDR frozer japanaese tarde, all trade going -oil to Japan stooped, they needed oil. 1200 tons of oil daily

World War 1

-June 28, 1914 -Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia. FRanz Ferdinand and Sophie on state visit. -Austria annexed bosnia, Serbia upset bc they wanted Bosnia; impediment to serbian nationalists -Gavrillo Princip; killed ferdinands. apprehended, member of the Black Hand. [the black hand had ties to the Austrian gov't]. -Austrians sent diplomatic messages to Germany, see what done, if go to war, will Germany support, Germany said yes. Called the "blank check" -July 23 1914: AH gave serbia an ultimatum, 48 hrs to respond. framed in such a way, AH knew serbians wouldn't accept. demanded Serbia gov't, stifles Serbian press and serbia must allow let into territory to investigate plot. July 25th, serbia gov't responded, accept some things not allow investigation -July 28 1914, AH declared war on serbia, russia wouldn't let serbs fight alone, order mobilization -July 31 1914, germany declared war on russia. french begins to mobilize. before austrians declared war on serbia, earl grey (Britain) sent a message to Austrian. new about alliance system


-Lenin had a stroke and died -power struggle between Trotsky and Stalin -Stalin won in 1927, dominated party, dictator of Soviet Union -Stalin rules form 1927-1953

Russia Out of War

-March 3, 1918; Brest-Litovsk is the treaty -Gave up Ukraine, Finland, Bess Arabia, Baltic States, Polish Territory, Caucus territories (1/3 of pop, 3/4 of iron, 9/10 of coal) -promised to pay indemnity, forgave debt in 1922 -Lenin not pop with ppl, when joined plunged into civil war, when wwi over troops were sent to russia and lenin said the white sided and ppl followed him

1923 Hitler led unsuce

-Munich Putsch -right-wingers -squashed and jailed for a yr, here Hitler wrote mein kampf [argued that bcof race, can't be inferior. good for white collar germans, not appealed for blue collar germans] -wanted to gain favor of military and white-collar germans; capitlaists liked his lassiez-faire economic policy, liked his ideas

Aug 1941

-PLacentia Bat -Churchill took military cheifs and lef sectratary of state -FDR made descisonjs w chief of military

Asia 1945

-Predicatble division is in soviet and western blocks -end of EU empiresl territorial and economic loses for Gb, france, and netherland -1945 african terriotry for germany lost -Hard to maintain and empire: nations re-assessing. -France is resistant ot de-colonization (asia) -self-governming autonomous national states; colonies began looking to rule themselves, war proved that EU nations could be beaten -US moral tone: article 3 Atlanic Charterl right of ppl to choose gov't it lives under; Phillippines independance 1946. 1945 -46 US agencts encourage Hoh Chi Minh to opposed france rule after japanese left. US sequres indep. in indonesia (dutch refused to acceot, US put pressure w UN) -GB ruled indriect colonies, gave up Burhma, Malya, most of Sub-saharah Afrcian, India -France most stubbon fouight wars to keep land in indo-china and Algeria; lost both and left them

Great Depression

-Private banks lent money to Europeans, quick back-to-work projects -depression hit, banks need money, call on loan -FDR: 1933-1945. reverse trend of pres. inactivity in foreign affairs

Soviet during and after war nothing importance of territory security

-Robert J McMa: grman inasion WWi, June 18 1918, doesn't include allied intervaetuib in civil war -Siberia and Euroepn Russia, both could be attack and entered -Pilish corriro door for oinvasion =wanted to permentntly annex balkan satte and pre-war poland -isisted allied occupation of germany -de-industrialize germany -reperations -balance needed, russian terms, but good terms w US and GB -

Henry L Stimson

-Secretary of War -1945, said ppl want to hold onto exaggerated ideas of Monroe Doctrine, also but into every question that pops up in central EU -Molotov, USSR, Open Door policy in Eastern EU would mean total US domination -Opposed use of the Atomic bomb, in September said should share the secrets w USSR to help promote post-war co-operation -Only way to make someone trust you is to trust him; only way to get him to distrust you is to distrust him. -Henry Wallance (secretary of Commerce) agree with words. James V forestall didn't agree (serctary of navy)

Anglo-British attacks on Balkans

-Stalin and US said no to france -if land in france promises. 1.) soviet suppirt in pist war organizatin (UN), 2.) soviet declaration of war against japan once hitler defeated . helped commit us to EU first -poland: stalin wanted what hitler annexed in 1939, said needs to keep. Churchill agress, poland compesnated at german expense. FDR victory before territorial adjustments

Oct 24 1929

-Stock exchanged crashed, Us bring money home -called in money -caused issues in Germany, Austria, and central Eu

Nikita Khrushchev

-Took over when Stalin died, Trumans counterpart

Get Tough Policy

-Truman -One was in a boarding loan to Russia; askd for 1 mil, upped to 6 mil after the war. Wallace and Henry Moragn Towe jr (secrtaru of treasury) thought good idea, simulate trade. Ambassador Admiral harriam and truman thought their need for aid should be exploited for diplomatic leverage. imporant weapons they have. -The second was the Baroque, the plan for atomic control. Weapons regulation. Stumblin block of monitoring. Rejection of plan was proof they wanted to dirsprut peaceful international relations. -Germany: the zones reparations central administration demilitarisation and the dismantling of war oriented factories. deepened the issues between the allies. Gb, US, USSR, and france all had zone in germany and sectors in Berlin. USSR tried to get repartations which made the economy worse. GB tried to have socialism. US wanted one while economic unit to speed reconstruction.

Democracy v communism

-Truman DOctrine: march 12 1945, resposive cord of congress and US. Policy of US to help free ppl who resisting attempting forced subjecation. -Turkey and Greece in touble; GREECE bloody civil war, 1944 GB establish free gov't in Athens. EiAS [national population liberation army] opposed. Political arm EAM: national liberation hunt, supported by communists. GB regime corrupt, Athens gov't friendly to US go for supprt. 1947 can't stop GB to US pulling out. TURKEY: toubles Dardanee;es (straights; waterways to Black Sea), US wanted intrnational control bc indespensibale waterway between med and black sea. Turkey used to let G ships in and they would attack Russia, threat to security,. GB and US wouldn't agree to let have, USSR pointed to Suez and Panama canal said they control those, why not let us control -Truman Asked for 400 million to help the free ppls of turkey and Greece. scared ppl. oversimplifed and said russia wanted Turkey -Arthur Vandenburg, domino theory, main supporter. knock one domino down and the rest fall.

Nov 1914

-Turks joined the war w the germans and AH -Berlin-baghdad -1800s modernizing military, called in german miliatary advisor


-US first atom bomb Aug 6 1945 -USSR tested atom bomb Aug 29 1949 -US tested H-Bomb Aug 1 1952 -USSR test H-bomb Nov 22 1955 -Oct 4 1957 USSR launch of Sputnick 1 -Nov 3 1957 launch of Sputnik 2 -July 29 1958 Us founded NASA -Sept 13 1959 first unmanded landing on moon, LUna 2, USSR -July 20 1969 Us Apollo 11 landed on moon, neil Armstrong

April 1917

-US in war -protesting to german ambassador to not use subs -Sinking of the Lusitania: woodrow wilision decided wouldn't be neutral -German gov't making negotiations with mexico -America in -> russia gone -wilson in war needed a cause; 14 pts. rationalized war effort, made an American war

Germany following 1918-1933

-Von Hinderburg never gave sword to allies, Italians handed over the victory, rise of back stabbing: by jews, gov't, socialists, captialists, thought they themselves weren't to blame. -war guilt: pinned the fault on them after war -republican gov't created. Wvimer, city. new, used to being an empire, expected to buld and w a new gov't -economic dislocation: spcial maladjustment, frustrated militarism (thought could've won), wounded nationality -Discriminated Political leadership: Hitler; wounded artist, actor, smart =, adept in foreing policy, capitalized on many thing, specifcallly ill-feeelings towards jews [most who liked were frustrated, college students and de-military

Herbert Hoover

-Waren Harding and Calivin Coolage served before but didn't do much -he served from 1929-1933 -know forgein affairs, helped to provide aid to europe and make plans to help fee -served as secretary of commerence for last 2 pres -Great Depression when entered office, neutrality legislation, shattered international dependency

National Socialism

-concerned w foregin affair -reparation of treaty of Versailles -push for all put re-armament -get back colonies lost at the end of the war -annexation of all german speaking surrounding states -Leibens-round: german living space, room to expand, place to repopulate and expand -drive to the east: fofilling eastward drive destiny. concorquering and inslavinf soviet union, "slobs"= slavs, not part of Nordic race -at home goals were vauge: trusts and departments store nationalize, most owned by jews, goes against capitalism. unearned income abolished. communism destroyed. labour unions strictly controlled. jews should be persecuted [many fought in wwi for germany , many had parts in the economy] -vast appeal: young liked it, veterans liked it, many classes like, insecure about future and threatened by change


-conscription in UK and USSR, also in US -German women stayed at home; 1.5 of workers imported (1944) -HIt new order bad for poles and Russians, dominated like US w natives. 80% of soviet prisnorers diead from over work and starvatuoon. Death camps European Jews, Homos, Gypsies, 6 mil jews died

Da Fuhrer

-control gov't -3 reich= 3rd empire -one leader= hitler -one party= Nazi party -secret police= gestapo -use of propaghanda= dr. Gables -must have autarky: make sefl- sufficient in key economic material : synthetic matrial (synthetic rubber) -new flag -racismL: anti-jewish campagnigns, new religion of state -gov't was to be totalitarian: total regulations on instrutitions and individuals. sateismLL glorifying the state. single politica party, abileration of history; became what was said by the gov't


-created the syndicates (producers and workers) -Swore to protect capitalism -Turkey w the pope: concordate (church and state( feb 1929 both sides saw as win/win. pope got territory land under st Petersburg, vatician city. formal independence of any temporal state. pope also won provaledge position of education in Ital. Ilitain marriage law revised w cathlouc teachings. concordanate was opular. pop stood at high pount of pop. -1931 Muss. saw catholic educators as bad, not teaching ways of fascism, catholic action, laymen, non clergy. chapters for catholic youth and colleges. -1931 catholic youth could continue to happen but strengthen, they were polite but not agreeing -Internally: ppl like Muss. they thought he was a monderate. freindships with enlgish man, sent wife to shop in UK. Austen Chamberlain and Churchill said good things about Muss. was what Italy needed, childish Italians needed authoritative leader.

German Reparations

-efforts done to revise. inflation around world -forced foc't policy -currency fluctuation: gold-balion stand, gold exchange standard -Boom industrial activity, followed by slump (early 1920s_ -persistant higher levels of unemployment -1921 international reperations committe, 33 billion G pacts -prosperity uneenly distributed: east where agriculture lead, pop grow, agr. stay constant -tarrif war: germany protect farmers. agriculture tariffs to stop imporat. countries found hard to give agr., put tariffs of factory goods.EU mandate exports to boost domestic employment and trade

Results of War

-end of 4 empires -deaths of ppl: 1.7 mil USSR, 1.6 mil Germans, 1.4 French, 900,000 GB, 50,000 USA, 1-1.2 mil AH, 400-500 thousdan Italians -confidence in western civilization shaken; how it happend and how brutual -total war: national armies, citizen population, usually not inviled in war. non-combatation would sit and watch -Mustard, cholrine gas; machine guns came into use -many found they were leaderless, search for new leadership -further weapon development; syncrinize machine guns and planes, subs, falmethrowers, radar, sonar -Trench: disases and rats; Verdun, 1 mill killed

Illusions at paris to restore economy

-how can resotre if cripple leading economic pwr w indeminty -take apart empire and make new nations; want stable economys + aid, Autarky [nations driven to be self-sufficent in key industrail industries], tarrifs [want to stablize things in national boundaries -looking to US for support: no plan to help, gov't encourage private banks to loan, Holly Tariff [limited immigrants] -shifts in supply centers: US replaced UK to be leading military influence and pwr. UK made Monroe doctrine work -Japan made openings in british markets, in textiles and products to make -Hapesburg empire, ecnomic intergration

German War Plan

-move west- get france -go around to get -March through beligium (august); 1839 treaty of London, Britain protects Belgium, joins the war

US learned 2 things after WWII

-no longer isolated, no isolation from any conflicst -sponsered programs and things -Us could not allow belergrenat nations to take over proonderant share of EU and EA. Favorable balance of pwr in asia, decide to being on road of free trade of autarchy. -Soviet UNion is the only pwr in the world that could disrupt the US

War-time plans from post-war settlement

-no peace confercne -1943 US working to establish agenicies to serve post-war world -UNRRA (united nation relief and rehabilitation Agency). signed Nov 9 1943, signed by 44 nations. humantiaria. plan to deliver relief to victim of war. promoted stable world over. budject of 4 billion, 2.7 billion for US. Help Dem. and Comm. but expected to promote Dem, when didn't cut funding in 1947 and program died -Promote Wolrd Bank: international bank for reconstruction and development. July 1944, 44 nations at Brettenwood NH, 3 factors to promote. 1.) assist member states w reconstruction. 2.) promote private investment. 3.) international trade -IMF (international Monetary Fund): July 1944, Brettenwood NH. Stabilize international payments to provide currency loans if needed. facilitates trading. US ppl against lose sovereignty to international agencies. Capital Hill endorses Congress passes. -UN (united Nations): Aug-Oct 1944, Dumbarton Oaks mansion nin Gerogetown. US, GB, USSR, and china meet. produced UN preliminary charter. US security charterL sit permanent members. US elects China as parent member sna GB does same to France. don't all agree voting preedures on secuorty conclil, USSR wants permanent veto, US says permanent member and cant veto if involves them, Memebership open assembly, USSR sough seat for soveit states. Republican to offset US and Latin America and UK and commonwealth -All settled at Yalta conference

Nov 1918

-nov 11 1918 and 11a, germans signed armistice, peace made with wilsons 14 pts, fair treatment on winners and losers

June 23 1919 (PPT)

-reps called to paris to sign treaty -germany just called didn't have a say in the treaty, just told to sign w the stuff Bismark used. Turkey and russia also not present at the discussions -Diktat -231, victors said that germany was the cause of the war, mainly pushed by french -pay indementity, don't know how much through -germany stabbed in the back by civil servants; civilian leaders that signed treaty, ppl thought if war continued would have won -demilitarize the rhineland (land between france and germany) -germans navy sunk ships before treaty so wouldn't be given over to UK

Setp 1941

-response to US trade embargo, if not lifted on strategic materials, by oct 1941, japan would go to war w US. -Japan had 2 choice, go w/out material and pull out of china, or go to war -Oct 15 extebded to nOV 1 1941,, then NOv 30 -NOv 25, japan send out fleet to pacific

US involvement Pre-War: FDR increases action

-revioson of neutrality acts, voe 4 1939: England and france purchase arms on cahs-carry basis (pay up front), repeal or arms embargo -June 1940: france fell to germany, needed to support Gb -Sept 30 1940: FDR gave Gb 50 old destroyers; lease for 8 brisith basis at sites around atlantic. excuative agreement. Destoryer-4-base, un-neutral act for Britain, make casis-bailey, fighting point -FDR re-elected in 1940: most important action for reinecofrcement of national basis since lustinia -Mid Sept 1940: selective training and service act: initiated first peace time military draft in US history. -Strong Isolation sentinment in US; no involve in war, French-candians didn't want to fight -Wendel Wikley: rival for FDR in 1940 pres election. said FDR wants to join war, wants to send off ppl to fight in foreign wars -dec 1940: lend-lease -March: 32 billion lend lease to Gb, 50 billion -Jun 1941: violated non-aggression pact: FDR reacted sent marines to Iceland in July, 4,000 keep peace in westen hemisphere -Nov 1941: lend-lease to stalin, 11 billion -Aug 1941: Placentia Bay, met w churchhill, personal dimersiion of friendship, involvement -sept 1941: US want to stay out, pop opposed participation 80%, majority, want hitler gone. "arsenal of democracy" not involved but help out. FDR couldn't press for outright involvemtn needed to wait. Hitler busy in Russia, japan attacke

American Contribution to Cold War (1945-50)

-serveral orgins, not just US or USSR -Harry S Truman: April 12 1945 (after FDR died), re-elceted 48, left early in 53. democratic party regular. MAchine politican, defender of partt structure. cantanerous. shape US foregin policy, neither -American view of imporantnce, best people to promote reconstrusction and porsperity. -US gov't torrid toughness fro comm. manipulation organization unmanageable, foreign aid as weapon -Truman blends hard and soft pwr

USe of Atomic Bombs: truman and bombs

-stalin will declare war w japan and join once hitler fone, invade japanese manchuria -truman found out, end war quickly and show enemy how pwrfull if not war wil go on (more influence and trrotory soviet can grab). reason y actaully dropped bomb and not on some isalnd is bc if didn't work, they would look week. -Aug 6 1945: first bomb dropped in Hiroshima -Aug 8 1945: second bomb on Nagasaki -Aug 15 1945: Japanese emperor spoke on radio first time and declared defeat

Lenin Wartime communism

-took control on key thing: banks, small factories and workshops, -when the civil war was over launch econonmic plan: NEP: New Economic Policy (rebuild russian economy and strike a compromise with foreign capitalist, foreign bankers, investors, etc -private ownership was allowed for small businesses and factories [fewer than 20 ppl. working] -NEP men: industrial capitalist -encourage enterprise (peasants): civil war undetermined enterprise -Kukiuaks: own and rent land, hore labours to works -trying to attract outside source of capital to help economy -March 1919: coordinate efforts by the radical left to stop democracy, establish dictatorship or workers, seeking aid from capitalists

1945 Election

-truman v eisenhower -nov 1952 elected eisenhower (53-62) -end of democrate 22 yr hold of white house -John Foster Dulles secretary of state 1953-59 -Ike and Dulles hold containment: said containment was neg. immoral. in place liberationL lifting the yolk of comm. out of eatsern EU (use propaghanda). captualist deveolpement deter comm -1952, T and A, trade and Aid. Economic and miltary aid. mutaul security program

Consequences of Treaty

-wilison wanted LN, he neo-liberal advocate of diplomatic relations -said if nations given platform to speak, no war. freedom of sea. colonial ppl have right to say and their ruling -UK okay w freedome of seas, other part = colonial rebellions, ppls as imporant as colonial pwr -generous peace towards loser: France upset; constantly fighting. need to pay and protect themselves

Consequences of WWI

1.) end of 4 empires: AH, German, Ottoman, Russia 2.) Russian Rev. 1917: lenin dies and Stalin takes over in 1927 3.) League of Nations: security consul, national forum, Genneva, switzerland 4.) self determination was widely gained and selectively: new idep. states Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia. Chezloslovakis created [slavs and czech not happy to share]. AH split. Yugoslavia, Albania, created [serve as buffer states, created by peacemakers to boarder agressive states]. POland new: want channel to sea , not landlocked, buffer for Russia 5.) Economic Dislocation: John Maynard Keynes: write peace that ignore economic solidarity of EU, deal harshly to germans economy of EU falls 6.) Political dislocation: US going in late, helping to make PC, 1919-1939 scattered help. Non-role of Germany, ignored at PPC (diktat). USSR not at peace talks. US didn't want to fill political vacuum (2 exceptions) 7.) physiological Dislocation: germans have no military, Italians frustrated told would get unclaimed Italy want more but no get. Aristocrats that ruled died in war, ppl turn to "spirted" gov't 8.) Spanish Influenze: ppl move, if used to live and the territory changes you move away. Fredioff NansenL noble prize, making easier to move, proper documentation

Back to WW in 30 steps (1931-1939)

1931: Japan invaded Manchuria. Frustrated by PPT so invaded. Japan was natural resource poor. met w international problems; US said violated open door policy- league of nations mad. Japan left league March 30 1933 -Jan 30 1933: Hitler= chancellor. oct 1933 Germany left league, upset bc arguing military parity; left w/out military worried. league opposed so left -Jan 26 1934: Poland signed pact of friendship w Nazi Germany, French made CRY alliance , added Poland and Belgium; still allies but france worried -Aug 2 1934: hitler chancellor and pres -March 1935: hitler annoucnced making german airforce and compulsory military sevice (draft), wanted 500,000 men but were only supposed to have 100,000 -May 2 1935: France and USSR signed pact of mutual assistance; vauge, objective was containment of Nazi -June 18 1935: Enlgiand and germany signed nvaal agreement, recginize right to rebuild navy, in England politicans looked at germany favorably. said coulfn't build nacy to be more than 35% of Gb strength, subs can't be 45% -1935-1936: itlay attacked Ethiopia (Abyssinia). Muss. wanted new empire. one of 2 territories that escaped Eu control. caused rift between GB and Germany. German gave Italian miliarty hardware they had been testing. scored victory in 1936, condemmened by the LN- gave conomic sanctions- germany still traded so didn't work. Iltay left LN in 1937 -Feb 1936: civil war in spain. ended march 1939; socialists in charge (1931-1933 control gov't) had majority in parliament -> lost -> gained in 1936. 1936 generals led my Franco lead military uprising against socialists 1 mil died. socialists supported by USSR, gernalr supported by Italy and Germany. Ussr gave weapons. GB and france stood by and didn't get involed, feebly to invertention, STalin doubled resovled bc west wouldn't stand up to dictators -March 7th 1936: hitler sent germans to Rhineland, rejection of the treaty had wanted to revise the treaty. talk in france to stand up and asked the LN for help, never took military action bc man poor -oct 1936: Belgium announced official neutrality; eaken French post war treaty and pacts -nov 1 1936: rome-Berlin Axis (agreement), military pact, Muss and Hit supported each other -Nov 25 1936: anti-comm intern pact, germany and japan, formally showed opposition to comm. aimed at opposing the USSR. -1937: little entante of france broke up. Czech and Yugoslavia thought france incompetant. Yugo worried about Italy, Sudetenland had germans and slavs so Czechs worried, romaine affected by Nazi prop.. and anti-Semitism -March 11 1938: hit called for invasion into Austria, felt couldn't be trusted. Schschnigg (held plebiscite asking if support prom-german independcne Nazi autsria). Nazi forced him to resign. president Whilhelm Nicholav (1928-1930). refused to promte Nazi premier. hitler saw and invaded -March 12 1938: Austrians welcomed germans, 99% said yeas, in Sudetenland german speaking ppl wanted arichuiss, open neg. w german speaking citizens. britian and france wont ally, warned can't fight. hitler doubted they would -Munich Conference sept 30 1938: Hitler , Muss, Chamberlain, and Edward Dieclerate (france), signed agreement, Czech dismembered, hilter allowed to annex the sudentenland. the Czech pres couldn't do anything bc not their. all though was good and chamberlain said peace in their time, Muss said the land was up for grabs. Poland and trungary took the lands. cazech suffered economic and social loses. -Oct 1938: Hitler wants to build road trough Plland to connect germany to germany, secured the port of danzig, would give economic privledges to Poland, but they didn't want and trust -Nov 1938: Hit made appearance at Ordensburg a training camp and spoke. told pupils he wanstto build army to get leinbensround in the east. wanted by 1943, economic probs wanted military pwr -March 1939: Berlin added Moravia and Bohemia to the territory, only remaining province of Czech, no more, praug occupied by germans, poles understand peril tried to understand hitler, avoided frances alliance, didn't want USSR because had ruled over them -Spring 1939: chamberlain rethink appeasement, London offer gaurentess to countries threatened by germany (like Poland) -Aug 23 1939: hitler sign big agreement w USSR, non-aggression pact. wouldn't fight w each other, had plan for terriotorial accusistions if war broke out -Sept 1st 1939: german troops invaded Poland, triggered wwi


More men and materials -suplly lines open -since begining, britain demanded on colonies to send supplies and aid [US gov't send materials, canada military

1929 Summer

Owen D Young: US financier. stopped internatiality controlled borroweing and transfer. scaled down payments, 59 year repatment period.

Ike vs NK

_Ike: 1954: "falling domino principle" -Eisenhower Doctrine: 1957, middle east , any gov't in region threaten by communism and requests as aid is will intervene, liberations "massive retaliation" -MR, expanded commerce of intercontinetial bombers, comm. if corss over exhisting lines get bombed; 1955 1300 bombered. Brikmanship: not abcking down in crisis, even if war. Ike gave miliarty "new look" airforce acedemy extablished in 1954. Look to EU, so did NK -NK is tough, said by Nixon (the VP at the time), sept 1953, first scc of central community of SU. premier is the new title. 1964 fell from pwr after the cuban missle crisis (seemed weak). -EU new focal point for both, strtegic imporances, UN buffer zone, proect/ isloate USSR from rest of EU. US biggest string point against, BUll Work. USSR spend billion to develop military , ICDM. -1955, counter NAto (established april 4 1959, under treaty by 12 countries, Beligiu, ntherland, US, GB, Canada, france, lexenmbor, Iceland, POrtugual, Italy (1952, greece and germany joined) -1955, formed Warsaw PAct or eastern EU -Under ike and NK super pwrs accomdate then fight, both sides trim military in 50s, Geneva Summit (1955) takls -July 18-23 1955: US, USSR, GB, France. Ike and NK lead delgations. Dulles advised Ika aginst, said summit would let USSR use propaghanda at national scale, neutralism of countries (see them both as equals), they should wait until German army bigger, the USSR gov't needs an outside enemy. Ike went anyway bc needed to see him to make peace. NK willingness to agree, Dulles said piblically that USSR was weak and collapse, they rebutted -US and USSR want german unifiecation, but under whos advantage, both want arms control. Ike said open skies, each exchange maps and submit sign of arms under. knew USSR wouldn't go for and didn't -Super pwrs disagreed nicely -world elation= disillsuoment, USSR want germany out of NATO, want US out of E EU, maintian nuclear superiority

Britain 1919-1933

_domestically plagued w irish problem -kepy Gb fighting until 1921 -Ireland bill in 1914, suspended in wwi -war of Ireland independence: 1919-1921. irish free state [EIRE], northern Ireland (Nor-Ire) controlled by GB -Policy or imperial preference give perfernce to fomer colonies, would help. some ssay economic exploitations. 1921 passed statue of west minster; dominions Australia, New Zealand, Canada, independent in domestic affair but follow the lead of GB in foreign affairr. 1932 the labor party came into pwr under PM Ramsey MacDonald. socailist party comined w gov't. 1926 gernal strike austere economic policy. coal miniers --> general strike . 1936 UK rocked by adbidcation of king Edward 8th, new king became geroge [Edward like Nazi]. 1937 Gb became to re-arm bc of deveopments on continent

Henry Wallace

secretary of commerce for truman, sept 1946, spoke at MSG -tougher we get tougher russians get -Truman fired him -everyone banding together against

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