EXAM 2 business ethics

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Trade associations are:

Coalitions of companies in the same or related industries.

Past decisions of the courts, the original basis for the U.S. legal system, are called:

Common laws

Ethics policies typically cover all of the following issues except:

Encouraging discriminatory personnel practices.

The unspoken understanding among employees of what is and is not acceptable behavior is called:

Ethical climate.

Deregulation is often:

a politically popular idea

Government's role is to create and enforce laws that:

Balance the relationship between business and society.

Integrity-based ethics programs:

Combines concern for the law with an emphasis on employee responsibility.

All of the following are commitments of the Principles of the Code of Professional Conduct of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants except:

Due process

When a government orders companies not to conduct business in another country because of a war, human rights violations, or lack of a legitimate government; these orders are called:

Economic sanctions

Which ethical criterion is described by the idea that a company should strive for efficiency?


A company that channels employee behavior in a lawful direction by emphasizing the threat of detection and punishment is:

Operating under the compliance-based approach.

A common tactic in a financial-incentive political strategy is:

Political contributions.

The critical component in installing an effective ethics program is:

The integration of various ethics safeguards into a comprehensive program.

Cooperation between business and government often occurs when:

They encounter a common problem or enemy.

Financial, social and environmental results are reported together in a firm's:

Triple bottom line report

According to the textbook, under the existing U.S. campaign contributions law, individuals can contribute:

Up to $2,500 to any candidate per election.

By raising and lowering the interest rates at which private banks borrow money from the government, the Federal Reserve Bank:

Both A and B, but not C.

To influence government policymakers' actions, an information strategy involves:

Business leaders speaking before government policymakers.

Public backlash in the Treyvon Martin case in which a black teenager was shot to death and his assailant defended his actions by claiming protection under Florida's "stand your ground" law prompted:

Businesses to distance themselves from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).

According to the textbook, under the existing U.S. campaign contribution law, individuals:

Can give more to PACs, and PACs can give more to each candidate depending on their number of contributors.

A corporate political strategy does not:

Determine the legal limits allowed for campaign financing.

Public policy is a basic set of goals, plans and actions undertaken by:

A government

Asian Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility gives awards for excellence in:

All of the above

Businesses promote an information strategy by inviting government leaders to:

All of the above

Global audit social standards concentrate on:

All of the above

Good corporate citizens:

All of the above

Public policies and government regulations are shaped by:

All of the above

Today, many businesses use social audits to

All of the above

According to Philip H. Mirvis' and Bradley K. Googins' model, how many stages are there of global corporate citizenship?


Companies see the need to build more coherent initiatives as they move into the:

integrated stage

The primary way of accomplishing public policy is through:


Managers responding to the needs of the local education system as a normal or routine aspect of its operations is an example of an organization in the:

transforming stage

Typically, ethics training is offered to:


Recipients of the corporate ethics awards show that:

Firms can be financially successful and ethically focused.

When a company puts its commitment to social and environmental responsibility into practice worldwide, not only locally or regionally it is called:

Global Corporate Citizenship.

Governments hold the power to:

Grant or refuse permission for many types of business activity.

Public policy tools involve a combination of:

Incentives and penalties.

Building ethical safeguards into a company's everyday routines is called:

Institutionalizing ethics.

Which of the following organizations have developed standards to judge corporate performance?

International Organisation for Standards.

The information strategy tool most used by business is:


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