Exam 2 HLTH 236

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What age group is in more danger of disorder eating and depression as a result of body image:

15-25 years (maybe 10-25)

According to Figure 1 in LaVeist (1993), in what year did the Black infant mortality rate fall under 50 infant deaths per 1,000 live births.


American Indian and Alaska Native are _____ more likely to have diabetes than general US population.


Personally mediated racism can be defined with the help of all of the following concepts, except:


All of the following are culturally related beliefs and values Asian Pacific Islanders share EXCEPT

All of the answer choices are correct

A major health risk associated with American Indian and Alaska Natives are:

All of these are major health risks

All of the following are leading causes of death for API males EXCEPT:

Alzheimer's disease

BRCA1 is correlated to which type of disease among Caucasian/White individuals:

Breast Cancer

The _____________ was developed to oversee health care for the American Indian population.

Bureau of Indian Affairs

The leading cause of death among Asian or Pacific Islanders (API) Americans is:


Hypertension and high cholesterol are the most urgent health problems found among what population(s):

Chinese and Filipino

Which of the following is not among the top five leading causes of deaths for Caucasian/White males?


Underutilization of health care by Asian Pacific Islanders is usually caused by various cultural factors such as:

Different attitudes towards suffering and the belief that life is predetermined

The Foreign Miners tax did all of the following except:

Excluded rights to native Americans

American Indian and Alaska Natives generally have a lower death rate compared to other racial/ethnic group.


As of 2012, racism does not exist within our nation:


Asian Pacific Islanders have lower prevalence of mental health problems.


Race is a completely accurate way to representation of socioeconomic status, culture, and genes.


Which factor is not associated with health care utilization and access when referring to Hispanic/Latinos?

Family History

Ethnicity involves all of the following, except:


Acculturation can be describe as all of the following processes, except:


In the example given in the Camara (2000) article, the gardener of the flowering pots would be considered who:


Infant mortality rate is an health indicator of all of the following except:

Health status of the elderly

Which of the following is a behavioral cause of death?


Much of what is known about mental health comes from ____________.


American Indian and Alaska Native tend to have:

Income below the federal poverty level and High unemployment rate

All of the following are American Indian and Alaska Native group specific health problems EXCEPT:

Influenza and Pneumonia

Which of the following is considered the first explicit commitment by the government to achieve equity in health outcomes:

Initiative to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Disparities

Accepting limitations to ones own full humanity, including ones spectrum of dreams defines which of the following:

Internalized racism

Research shows that _____ acculturation leads to better health effects.


The major conceptual basis used for identification of Latinos, being political and geographic, was pronounced in which article:

Monroe Doctrine 1823

According to Baker (2011), acculturation is ____________, rather than _____________ and may include the formation of new unique cultures.

Multidirectional; unidirectional

The term Latino should be used to recognize ________.


The US Census has how many subcategories for Whites:


All of the following are goals of doing minority health research except:


The term Indians not taxed was replaced by which social classification:


Which of the following is the preferred terminology:


According to the lecture, high infant mortality rates among the African American population could be attributed to:


The avoidance of integration into the new society is the definition for which term:


Income and education are stressors associated to which type of factor:


Examples of material conditions when referring to institutionalized racism include which of the following:

Sound housing

The majority of the African American population lives in which region of the US.


What is a leading cause of death that is found in male American Indian Alaska Natives but not in females?


What leading cause of death is seen in API males but not API females


Street crossing, purse clutching, and shopkeepers vigilance are all examples of which of the following:


A major research issue is whether the process of acculturation is detrimental to the health of immigrants or whether it is protective


According to the lecture, the Caucasian/White population is decreasing as compared to other races/ethnicities.


Diabetes is highly prevalent among API populations.


Institutionalized racism manifests itself both in material conditions and in access to power.


Nearly 31% of Hispanics/Latinos do not have a usual source of healthcare.


One of the most limiting issues is that data systems within healthcare settings do not code patient's race.


Race is defined as a biological category that labels different groups according to a set of common inborn biological markers.


Black infant mortality rates are higher in cities where blacks have gained a measure of political empowerment.


There are more African Americans in the US when compared to other groups.


What is not a weakness of the term Caucasian?


According to the 2010 Census, there are more than 3 million American Indian and Alaska Natives.


Historically, the American Indian/Alaskan Native population has experienced extreme health problems because they had little or no immunity to the diseases brought by the Europeans.


Since the United States began collecting race-specific data, the black infant mortality rate has consistently been reported to be double the White rate:


The percentage of African American population does not correlate to incidence of various diseases.


Body dissatisfaction in Caucasian/White group is more common among which demographic group:

young men

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