exam 2 review

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_________ is most closely associated with developing the theory of operant conditioning.

B.F skinner

______ suggested that aggression is learned by watching aggressive models.


According to the _______ theory, arousal of organs and the experience of emotion are simultaneous.


The WISC, WIPPSI, and WAIS-IV are all variations on an approach to intelligence testing originally developed by __________.

David Wechsler

The phenomenon of IQ test scores rising 3 points per decade is referred to as the __________.

Flynn Effect

47. Sarah is met in a dark alley by an angry dog that barks and snaps. Sarah turns around and runs away. According to the ____________ theory of emotion, Sarah feels scared because she ran away.

James lang theory

_________ increases the likelihood of behavior being repeated, while __________ decreases the likelihood of behavior being repeated.

Reinforcement; punishment

21. Although Susan has never actually been on a job interview before, she knows what to expect based on her three practice interviews with her high school guidance counselor. This mental model of an interview is one example of what psychologists call a(n) __________.


Unprocessed stimulation from the environment is first held in _________ memory.


The working memory is known as _____________ memory.

Short term

Which IQ test, first published in 1916, was originally developed for children but has since been extended to adults, and involves testing vocabulary and memory for pictures, naming familiar objects, repeating sentences, and following commands?


__________ refers to the rules of a language that guide us in the proper ways to construct a sentence.


Adjusting behavior or thoughts to fit new environmental demands is called _______.


43. Mary Ainsworth's "strange situation" procedure, in which researchers watch an infant in the presence or absence of several combinations of the child, caretaker, and stranger, is used to study _________.


Gardner's intelligence type that is associated with the ability to excel in the arena of sports is __________intelligence


What is Ivan Pavlov known for?

classical conditioning, salivating dogs

According to Piaget, children learn to retrace their thoughts, correct themselves, and see more than one dimension to a problem, but cannot yet handle abstract concepts during the __________ stage.

concrete operational

The type of intelligence that involves our accumulated knowledge over time is called __________ intelligence.


40. The field of _______ focuses on the questions of how people of different ages differ from one another and what caused those differences.

developmental psychology

As he studies the different structures and regions of the brain, Dave works to link nearby structures together to remember and recall them during his test more easily. This attempt to make the information more meaningful, and thereby easier to remember later, is one example of __________.

elaborative rehearsal

A form of intelligence that refers to how effectively people perceive and understand their own feelings and the feelings of others is __________ intelligence.


The process by which a conditioned stimulus no longer presented with the unconditioned stimulus gradually loses its ability to produce a conditioned response is called


Social context and the use of gestures and facial expressions by the speaker are examples of __________information.


Employees who work 40 hours per week are most likely to be paid on a __________ reinforcement schedule.

fixed interval

Helen is trying to hang up a picture in her dorm room. She has the framed picture, she has the nail, but she does not have a hammer. She puts the project aside until her roommate comes in and suggests that Helen use her clog shoe to hammer in the nail. What term explains why Helen did not think of this solution immediately?

functional fixedness

. Tom has a quiz over research methods for both his psychology and biology classes. As he studies, he is continually getting information from one class confused with information from the other. The resulting memory loss is called __________


The process in which we forget information because other information gets in the way is called _______ .


Thorndike's __________ asserts that rewards following a behavior will give rise to the behavior in the future.

law of effect

. The memory system with the largest storage capacity is __________ memory.


The process of repeating a stimulus to yourself over and over again is called __________ rehearsal.


The smallest meaningful units in a language are __________.


A reinforcer that removes something unpleasant from a situation is a __________.

negative reinforcer

Piaget's term for the idea that an object continues to exist even when it is out of sight is object __________.


The discipline that emphasizes resilience, coping, life satisfaction, love, and happiness is called __________.

positive psychology

A grandmother gives her grandchild a cookie because the child cleaned up her room. What is the cookie in this example?

positive reinforcer

According to Vygotsky, the provision of assistance to those who cannot perform activities alone is called __________.


An individual's knowledge about the world - such as Wilhelm Wundt being considered the father of psychology, or Sigmund Freud's claims that the id, ego, and superego are three different structures of everyone's personality - is called __________ memory.


During Piaget's __________ stage of development, infants learn about objects by physically handling and manipulating them.


The research by Ekman proposed that there are __________ distinct emotions across most cultures.


When you were first learning to make your bed, your parents told you that you did a good job when you got the bedspread pulled up, even though the bed was still a little messy. For the next week they showed you how to be a little neater each time you made the bed. What operant conditioning procedure did your parents use?


The Magic Number 7 plus or minus 2 refers to the storage capacity of __________ memory.


If a white rat is conditioned to produce fear in a child and then all white furry animals are feared by the child, __________ has occurred.

stimulus generalization

The process of retaining information in memory is called __________.


Environmental factors that can exert a negative impact on prenatal development are called __________.


in classical conditiong what is the same

the conditioned response and unconditional respons

in pavlovs salvating dog experiment what was the metronome

the conditioned stimulus

A fertilized egg that is the result of conception is called a(n) __________.


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