Exam 3

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Although Egypt was granted internal independence in 1922, it remained in a semicolonial relationship with Britain until ________.


The planned massacre of _______ was the one large-scale atrocity of World War I.


Adherents to Benito Mussolini's "Fascist" movement, dressed in ______ shirts and organized in paramilitary units, roamed the streets and violently broke up meetings of Communists.


The Munich Agreement of 1938 ceded ethnic Germans living in _____ to the Third Reich—although none of the affected country's leaders was invited to the conference.


By the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the Mughal emperor's lands had been reduced to the region immediately surrounding _________ and Agra.


The US considered _________ a leader of a guerilla war in the Philippines, but he saw himself as a leader of Filipino independence.

Emilio Aguinaldo

Although a participant at the Berlin conference, Portugal was thwarted in its attempts to connect its colonies in Angola and ___________.


Australia began its history under British control as a _________.

penal colony

Under the premiership of General Tojo Hideki, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), _______, and Dutch and British territories on December 7-8, 1941.

the Philippines

The aggressive style of economic aggrandizement set by the East India Company's leader, Robert Clive, has often been referred by Indian scholars as _________.

the Rape of Bengal

In the wake of the Industrial Revolution and as Britain's share of India's economy grew, the British increasingly sought to create markets for their own goods there and shunted Indian exports toward _________.

the exclusive use of the British domestic market

Two patterns characterize the evolution of imperialism-colonialism in the period of 1750-1900: the first pattern was the shift from coastal trade forts under chartered companies to government takeover, territorial conquest and colonialism, while the second pattern was _________by European countries in the aftermath of the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire as well as in Asia and Africa.

the rise of direct territorial imperialism-colonialism

European colonialism on the coast of West Africa after 1885 was an outgrowth of the traditional _________.

trade fort system

The British Raj's showpiece capital of New Delhi was built under the aegis of the British resident Lord _______.


In its colony of Tanganyika (in current Tanzania), ________ used forced labor for the growing of cotton, provoking the fierce but in the end brutally suppressed Maji Maji Rebellion of 1905-1907.


French imperial and colonial involvement in Indochina began in 1858 under _________.

Napoleon III

The ________ Amendment to the US Federal Constitution, passed in 1920, gave American women the right to vote.


____________ was a cultural movement that, associated with French-language writers like Léopold Senghor, fostered pride in African history, culture, and "blackness".


Important early commercial interests in Australia included all but one of the following:


The British "Raj" was inaugurated when control by the East India Company was replaced by _________.

direct rule

Which of the following does not describe Australia's demographic and economic development in the latter half of the nineteenth century?

growth of the native aboriginal population

While Japan had used its control of Manchuria, Korea, and Taiwan in its support of autarky and economic stability in the 1930s, its bid for empire in the Pacific was portrayed as the construction of _________.

"The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere"

Italy's imperialist dreams in Africa were stymied by its crushing defeat at the battle of Adowa in ________, in which one-third of its army was killed by Ethiopian forces.


The German torpedoing and sinking of the British liner Lusitania in ______ cost the lives of more than 100 Americans and brought the United States to the brink of joining the war in Europe.


Hitler implemented his planned "Endlösung" ("Final Solution") of European Jews beginning in January ________.


The number of civil service members increased markedly, reaching about ________, as Britain implemented a gradual devolution of power to the Indians.


According to its cultivation system in Indonesia, the Dutch forced native farmers either to grow government crops on 20 percent of their land or work for _____ days per year on Dutch plantations.


As Iraq was divided by majority Shiites and minority Sunnis, the ___________ inaugurated a policy of divide and rule in their Middle Eastern mandates, while dangling the prospect of eventual independence in front of them.


The _________was the belief that European colonizers had a duty to extend the benefits of European civilization to "backward" peoples.

Civilizing Misson

Australia was very similar to independent Latin America in that it was a labor-poor but ___________ region, seeking its wealth through export-led growth.


Heirs to the Portuguese spice trade, the _________were the world's undisputed naval power from 1650 to 1750.


David Livingstone's ultimate goals were not only to __________ but also to "civilize" Africans by broadcasting the blessings of Christianity and commerce.

Exterminate trafficking in slaves

The principal spokesman for _________ nationalists in the second half of the nineteenth century was José Rizal, whose novels responded to the Spanish justification of colonialism.


In the aftermath of disillusionment caused by the wholesale change and reform instigated by British missionaries, the Great Mutiny of 1857, also known by the British as the Sepoy Mutiny and by the Indians as the _________, broke out among the East India Company's Sepoy troops and swiftly turned into a civil war as pro- and anti-British Indian forces clashed across Northern India.

First War of Independence

President Wilson's war aims, embodied in his _________, sought to use the war to advance his desire "to make the world...safe for democracy."

Fourteen Points

By 1750, the chief European rival competing against British commercial monopoly in India were the _________, who were aggressively building up both trade and political power in the southern part of peninsular India.


_______ forces dispatched a squadron that occupied the sparsely inhabited Mekong River delta in 1858-1862, annexing it as a protectorate.


Among the exiles who returned with Lenin in 1917 were Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin, the hardnosed son of an impoverished ___________ cobbler who had escaped exile in Siberia seven times before 1914


After the failure in 1815 of Napoleon's imperial schemes in both Egypt and Europe, _________became the undisputed leading empire in the world and the chief European power intervening overseas to protect Ottoman interests.

Great Britain

The first Anglo-Afghan war in 1838, ushered in the rivalry for supremacy over Central Asia between the British and the Russian Empires, a period otherwise known as the _________.

Great Game

The Great Mutiny was touched off by the rumor that the British intended to:

Introduce a rifle which required its operator to bite the end from a gunpowder cartridge greased with cow and pig fat

Religious scholars of the 1800s succeeded in making _______ the dominant religion of West Africa.


Charles X of France claimed that his blockade of Algiers was justified because:

It was in response to an insult by an Algerian dey to his agent

Which of the following nations was not an autonomous Ottoman province ruled by its own dynasty of beys or lords?


The Spanish built their first trade fort in the Philippines at_________, as a place from which to trade with China after conquering Mexico from the Aztecs.


At the onset of direct British rule, the British government conducted sweeping reforms to avoid a repeat of the events of 1857, among which were all but one of the following?

Queen Victoria announced that her government would intensify efforts to Christianize Indians and eliminate local religions

The initial catalyst fueling the imperialist race by European powers in the first half of the nineteenth century had its origins in _________in the late eighteenth century designed to drive the Ottomans back into Asia and convert Istanbul into an Eastern Christian capital.

Russia's southern expansion pattern

The leader of the Khartoum uprising in 1883 was Muhammad Ahmad Ibn Abdallah, a(n) _________ and self-styled Mahdi ("rightly guided" or "Messiah").


In a ca. 1815 painting, an Indian artist depicted a British government official in a pose of:

Supplication to Akbar Shah at his court

As a result of its loss of Mexico in the early 1800s, Spain began turning to its colony in ________ for agricultural and natural resource exploitation.

The Philippines

Some Europeans claimed that, according to the dictates of their "_______ mission", they had a duty to extend the benefits of European civilization to "backward" peoples.


A system in which people from one country settle in another, maintaining connections to the mother country, most often used in the context of the exploitation of weaker countries by imperial powers, is referred to as _________.


Following the Napoleonic Wars, the Dutch pursued a colonial policy referred to as the _________in the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) whereby native subsistence farmers were forced to grow government crops on 20 percent of their land or work for 60 days on Dutch plantations.

cultivation system

The Holocaust led to the murder of roughly _________, nearly six million, of Europe's Jews.


In 1885, the Indian National Congress, the precursor of India's present Congress Party, was first convened with the ongoing mission of _________.

winning greater autonomy for India within the structure of the British Empire

During the period following the Napoleonic Wars, many of the Protestant missionaries involved in mission-based reform efforts in India used their skills in the fields of medicine, education and engineering to gain converts to their evangelical crusade to reform India along the same lines they envisioned for Britain, including all but one of the following reforms:

worldwide abolition of slavery.

After the British prohibited slavery in _______, Ashante merchants in West Africa switched to providing commodities that were in great demand in industrializing Britain.


The Great Mutiny (also known as the Sepoy Mutiny or as the First War of Indian Independence) began in _________.


_____ was the crucial first step of a European power—in this instance France—seizing provinces of the Ottoman Empire in competition with the Russians, while officially protecting its integrity.


The _________of Vladimir Lenin, previously under persecution by the provisional social-democratic government, steadily campaigned against Russian involvement in what had become a highly unpopular war and launched a takeover in the capital of Petrograd, as St. Petersburg had been renamed at the start of the conflict.


In 1900, Australia finally adopted a federal constitution and became the second fully autonomous British "dominion", after __________.


In 1900, Australia finally adopted a federal constitution, making the country the second fully autonomous "dominion" after _________.


The international political system that dominated Europe from 1815 to 1914 and which advocated a balance of power among states is referred to as the _________, and it was aimed at preventing any renewed European imperialist goals of the kind Napoleon had pursued.

Concert of Europe

The Communist Party of __________ initiated the formation of a Popular Front coalition with the Socialist Party and others in 1936.


The Spanish-American War in 1898 brought an end to over four centuries of Spanish colonialism in the Pacific, as Spain was defeated by the United States not only in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines but also in _________.


In the United States, businessmen such as ____________ financed research on how to prevent the reproduction of genetically "inferior" races.

Henry Ford

In their determination to establish colonial rule in the region, the German general staff ordered the extermination of the ________ in Southwest Africa, in terms that can only be described as a genocide.


Because of __________, E. D. Morel was able to publicize the mistreatment and exploitation of African slave labor on Belgian rubber plantations in Congo.

His position as a clerk in an English firm with interests in Congo

The League of Nations imposed sanctions on ________ for its horrifically violent attack, aided by chemical weapons, on Ethiopia in 1935-1936.


The greatest spokesman for Filipino nationalism, a movement primarily led by Hispanicized Filipinos of mixed Spanish and indigenous or Chinese descent, in the latter half of the nineteenth century, was _________, whose subversive novels were a response to the Spanish justification of continued colonialism.

Jose Rizal

As part of the collectivization of agriculture launched in the Soviet Union, 3-5% of the "wealthiest" farmers, called _________, were "liquidated"—selected for execution, removed to labor camps, and resettled on other land.


When quinine became available in the middle of the 1800s, allowing for treatment of ________, European missionaries were able to follow their indigenous colleagues into the African interior.


The Mukden Incident of 1931 was engineered by the Japanese military to provide a pretext for the annexation of _________.


The Dutch conquered the Indonesian archipelago, finally subduing the most stubborn opponents, the ________ guerillas of Aceh, in 1903.


Estimates of those slaughtered in the brutal "Rape of _______" of 1937-1938 range between 200,000 and 300,000 people


The driving force behind Vietnam's early anti-foreign patriotism at the dawn of the twentieth century was _________.

Phan Boi Chau

The Philippine Islands, named after _________, were claimed for Spain by Ferdinand Magellan in 1521.

Philip II of Spain

In 1757, the battle of _________effectively eliminated the French threat in the subcontinent and consolidated Great Britain's supremacy in India following the treaty that ended the Seven Years' War in 1763.


In 1939, the German army pioneered a new kind of warfare, a "Blitzkrieg" or "lightning war", in _______.


The period of direct British rule in India following the failure of the Great Mutiny is known as the British _________.


The opening gambit of Great Britain's "Great Game" against __________ was the first Anglo-Afghan war in 1838.


After several years of encroachment into the region, Italy declared a protectorate over ________ in 1888.


By the 1890s, a young British-trained lawyer named Mohandas K. Gandhi was actively campaigning for the rights of Indians in British-controlled ________.

South Africa

The effort to co-opt local rulers into upholding the British government as the historically destined status quo is sometimes called a(n) _________ relationship.


Unable to repay the enormous debt incurred from the French-led construction of the _________in 1869, a debt-collection effort which Britain had taken over from France, Egypt was ultimately occupied by a British expeditionary force in 1882.

Suez Canal

The League of Nations, created in the aftermath of the "Great War", included all of the following countries as member states except:

The United States

The takeover of India by the British East India Company was aided by:

The use of the Company's sepoy armies in the struggles of regional leaders

Early pioneers of Zionism, like ________, advocated the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

Theordor Herzl

The original goal of the National Congress when it convened in 1885 was to:

Win greater autonomy for India within the structure of the British Empire

_________was the staging ground for adventurers, explorers and missionaries in the nineteenth century to enter the East African interior.


Samuel Adjai Crowther ultimately became:

an Anglican priest.

The navigator James Cook, during one of his many exploratory journeys in the Pacific, landed in 1770 on the east coast of ______ and claimed it for Great Britain.


Some British agents of the East India Company took Indian wives, dressed as Indian princes, and wielded power as local magnates, or __________ (from an Urdu word meaning "viceroy").


Many of the Company men, inspired by Enlightenment ideals of cosmopolitanism, became great admirers of Indian culture and were fond of what was known as "going native," even to the point of occasionally wielding power as local magnates or _________, a term which later came to be generally used to define anyone who acquired a large fortune in India under British rule.


For the British East India Company, the evolution of a shadow government in the area around Calcutta in Bengal on the northeast coast would be strategically advantageous in the wake of the collapse of Mughal central power as regional leaders could _________in securing British supremacy in the area.

now be enlisted as allies

The Belgian Congo under King Leopold II employed mass forced labor of the indigenous population to extract _______ from the jungle.


In March 1930, Mohandas Gandhi protested a British tax on Indian ______ by embarking on a famous 24-day march.


The ______ for Africa was a competition among European powers to acquire African colonies that began with the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885.


In 1919, the Indian National Congress called for full _________, or self-rule from Britain, and advocated nonviolent noncooperation.


After World War I, the most strategically important focus of British and French colonialism was _________.

the Middle East

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