Exam #3- Movement/era and culture and Art Name/ Artist

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(Northern Renaissance) early-15th c. (c. 1432).

Jan and Hubert van Eyck, The Ghent Altarpiece

(Gothic) mid-14th c. (c. 1330-1350)

Jousting and Attack on the Castle of Love

(Northern Renaissance) early-15th c. (c. 1425).

Master of Flémalle (Robert Campin), Annunciation Triptych

(High Renaissance, Italy) early-16th c. (1508-1512).

Michelangelo, Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

(High Renaissance, Italy) early-16th c. (1501-04)

Michelangelo, David

Sumerian culture c. 2100 BCE

Nanna Ziggurat

(Archaic Period) c. 600 BCE

New York Kouros

(Hellenistic Period) c. late-2nd c. BCE (180 BCE).

Nike of Samothrace

(Gothic) begun mid-12th( (c.1163).

Notre Dame

(Early Christian) early-4th c. (c.318).

Old Saint Peter's

(High Renaissance, Italy) early-16th c. (1509-11).

Raphael, School of Athens

(Gothic) mid-13th c. (c. 1250).


(Etruscan) c. early-6th c. BCE (520 BCE).

Sarcophagus from Cerveteri

(Roman) c. 1st century.

Theseus after Killing the Minotaur

(Egypt) New Kingdom: c. 14th c. BCE (c. 1330 BCE)

Thutmose, Bust of Nefertiti

(High Renaissance, Italy) mid-16th c. (c. 1555).

Titian, Venus at her Toilet with Two Cupids

(Aegean) Minoan culture, c. 1500 BCE

Toreador Fresco

(Roman) c. early-2nd century(110 CE).

Trajan's Basilica

(Islamic) begun late-8th c. (c. 786).

Great Mosque at Córdoba

(Egypt) Old Kingdom: c. 2500 BCE

Great Pyramids at Giza

(Egypt) New Kingdom: c. 14th c. BCE (1365-1349 BCE)

Akhenaton and Nefertiti Worshipping the Aton

(Gothic) begun early-13th c. (1220).

Amiens Cathedral

(Roman) c. early-4th century

Arch of Constantine

Assyrian culture c. 9th c. BCE (c. 850 BCE)

Assurnasirpal II Hunting Lions

(Roman) c. 1st century.

Augustus of Prima Porta

(Hiberno-Saxon) c. 800.

Book of Kells

(Northern Renaissance) early-16th c. (c. 1510-15).

Bosch, Garden of Earthly Delights

(Early Renaissance, Italy) late-15th c. (c. 1480).

Botticelli, Primavera

(Northern Renaissance) mid-16th c. (1565).

Bruegel, Hunters in the Snow

(Anglo-Saxon) c. 7th century.

Buckle from Sutton Hoo

(Byzantine) early-6th c. (c. 537).

Church of Hagia Sophia

(Romanesque) begun late-11th c. (c. 1089).

Church of Sainte-Marie-Madelaine

(Roman) c. late-1st century (75 CE).


(Roman) c. early-4th century (325 CE).

Constantine the Great

(Byzantine) mid-6th c. (c. 547).

Court of Justinian and Court of Theodora, Church of San Vitale

(Aegean) Cycladic culture 2700-2300 BCE

Cycladic Head

(Proto-Renaissance) early-14th c. (c. 1310).

Giotto, Madonna Enthroned

(Islamic) begun late-7th c. (691).

Dome of the Rock

(Early Renaissance, Italy) early-mid-15th c. (c. 1420-40).

Donatello, David

(Mannerism) late-16th c. (1577).

El Greco, The Holy Trinity

(Egypt) New Kingdom: c. 14th c. BCE (1333-1323 BCE)

Funerary Mask of Tutankhamen

(Hellenistic Period) c. early-3rd century. BCE (220 BCE)

Gaul Killing Himself and his Wife


Generic Romanesque church plan.

(Early Renaissance, Italy) early-mid-15th c. (1424-52).

Ghiberti, Gates of Paradise

(Northern Renaissance) early-16th c. (c. 1510-15).

Grünewald, Isenheim Altarpiece

(Hellenistic Period) c. early-1st c. BCE (25 BCE)

Laocoön Group

Babylonian culture c. 18th c. BCE (1750 BCE)

Law Code of Hammurabi

(High Renaissance, Italy) early-16th c. (1503-05).

Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa

(Aegean) Mycenaean culture c. 13th c. BCE (1250 BCE)

Lion Gate

(Byzantine) Cimabue late-13th c. (c. 1280).

Madonna Enthroned

(Early Renaissance, Italy) early-15th c. (c. 1425)

Masaccio, Holy Trinity

(Carolingian) Carolingian Empire: c. 800.

Palace Chapel of Charlemagne

(Aegean) Minoan culture, 1500 BCE

Palace at Knossos

(Egypt) Early Dynastic Period: c. 3000 BCE

Palette of Narmer

(Roman) c. early-2nd century (120 CE).


(Classical Period) c. mid-5th century BCE (440BCE)

Parthenon, Acropolis

(Early Renaissance, Italy) mid-15th c. (c. 1452).

Piero della Francesca, Resurrection

(Classical Period) c. early-5th century BCE (420 BCE)

Polykleitos, Doryphoros (Spear Bearer)

(Roman) 1st century CE.

Pont du Gard

(Roman) c. 500 BCE.

She Wolf

Paleolithic Period: c. 25,000-24,000 BCE.

Spotted Horses and Human Hands

Akkadian culture c. 22nd c. BCE (c. 2220 BCE)

Stele of Naram-Sin

(Early Christian) c. 300.

The Good Shepherd

Paleolithic Period: c. 25,000 BCE.

Venus of Willendorf

(Byzantine) early-12th c. (c. 1131).

Virgin of Vladimir

Sumerian culture c. 31st c. BCE (3300-3000 BCE)

Warka Vase

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