Exam 3 Study Guide

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Except for reproductive cells, every cell of a normally developing human has _____ chromosomes

23 pairs of

Consistent with the concept of object permanence, when Cary is _____ he will not search for a toy after it disappears. But, when he is _____, he will look for a toy that has disappeared.

6 months old, 12 months old

On a roulette wheel, there are an equal number of red (R) and black (B) slots into which a ball may fall at random. If the roulette wheel is spun 5 times, which sequence of outcomes is MOST likely?

All the answers are equally likely.

Which is the correct ordering of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, from bottom to top?


Which personality theorist most influenced 20th century culture?


Sigmund Freud proposed that boys go through the _____ while girls go through the ___.

Oedipus conflict; Electra conflict

Which statement about a theory of mind is FALSE?

Theory of mind development is complete in children by the age of 3.

For a male zygote, the father contributes a(n) _____ chromosome and the mother contributes a(n) _____ chromosome.


Because Jaime notices when it rains after he washes his car, he believes that washing his car increases the chances of rain. This perceived relationship BEST illustrates which of the following?

an illusory correlation

Elliott goes shopping at the mall and finds a pair of jeans marked down from $100 to $50. George finds the same jeans marked down from $75 to $50. All other things being equal, the _____ heuristic predicts that ____ is the most likely to purchase the jeans.

anchoring and adjustment; Elliott

Lexi has a red ball that she plays with at home. When she went to a birthday party, she saw her 1st balloon. Lexi pointed to the balloon and said, "ball." Lexi's response BEST illustrates ___.


According to Piaget, _____ is the interpretation of new experiences in terms of existing schemas while _____ is the modification of existing schemas to fit with new experiences.

assimilation; accommodation

Nathan's parents expect him to follow their rules and not ask questions about why any rule is necessary. Their parenting style is BEST described as _____.


Which parenting style is MOST strongly related to academic success, happiness, independence, and self-confidence?


Overestimating the probability of dying in a terrorist attack is likely the result of using the _____.

availability heuristic

At about 6 or 7 months of age, infants start rhythmically repeating sounds or signs. This is called


By 2 months of age, infants use all but which one of the following to communicate?


A detective continues to pursue someone he suspects is guilty of a robbery even when new evidence suggests that someone else was the robber. This detective is most likely experiencing _____.

belief perseverance

In humans, newborns are _____.

born legally blind

Asia thinks that she has more gifts when they are spread all over the table than when they are all clustered together. Her thinking illustrates that she had not achieved an understanding of _____.


Harry Harlow's studies of attachment in infant monkeys revealed that _____.

contact comfort was more important than nourishment for attachment formation

Trey's parents take away his allowance for violating curfew. Later Trey screams at his baby sister for simply entering his room. Trey's behavior MOST closely resembles which defense mechanism?


While you are watching TV, 4 year old Johnny stands right in front of the TV and blocks your view. Johnny does not realize what he is doing because thinks that his view is the same as yours. Johnny is displaying _____ and is in Piaget's _____ stage of cognitive development.

egocentrism; preoperational

Three-year-old children raised in "language poor" environments develop a vocabulary with _____ the average child and an IQ that is ______.

fewer words than; below average***

Hannah understands basic math skills but struggles with hypothetical questions. According to Piaget, Hannah has not completed the _____ stage of cognitive development.

formal operational

Unable to find a needle and thread, Kim doesn't consider using a stapler to temporarily fix the hem of her skirt. Her failure to consider the stapler BEST illustrates _____.

functional fixedness

According to Freud, the _____ is driven by the pleasure principle, and the _____ is driven by the reality principle.

id; ego

Binet and Simon developed the first intelligence test for the French school system to _____.

identify children who were likely to experience problems so they could get extra help

People with a fixed mindset believe that _____.

if they fail a test, then they just aren't smart in that field of study.

According to the Flynn effect, the average scores on intelligence test in the US have _____ over the past century. This effect is most consistent with theories of intelligence that focus on _____.

increased; nurture

In the strange situation procedure, Martin showed little distress when his mother left, ignored the stranger, and ignored his mother when she returned. Martin is displaying signs of ___ attachment.


Which is NOT one of the main elements of Freud's psychoanalytic theory?

interactions between different personality traits

If a girl's mental age is lower than her actual, physical age, then her IQ _____.

is less than 100

In social-developmental studies of the visual cliff, infants were most likely to crawl "off" the visual cliff when their caregiver ____ on the opposite side of the cliff.

made happy faces

According to the latest research, how much alcohol can a pregnant woman safely drink?


In college, George talks constantly, chews gum, and tends to stick his tongue out frequently. To Freud, these behaviors would suggest that George is fixated in the _____ stage.


Which is the correct ordering of Freud's psychosexual stages of development?

oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital

Humanistic theory focuses on _____, whereas psychoanalytic theory focuses on _____.

personal growth; unconscious forces

At the end of the 1st month of neonatal development, a human fetus is about the size of a ______.

poppy seed

Pamela refuses to pay taxes because, ideologically, she cannot support government programs she believes are unethical. Alejandro always pays his taxes because he wants people to think of him as a good citizen. According to Kohlberg, Pamela's reasoning reflects a _____ level of moral reasoning and Alejandro's reasoning reflects a _____ level of moral reasoning.

postconventional; conventional

Research on stereotype threat shows that stereotypes can _______.

reduce test performance when test-takers worry that their poor performance will confirm other people's stereotypes

Maria takes a test on Monday and scores 95% correct. She takes the same test on Wednesday and again scores 95% correct. Based on this evidence, this test appears to have a high degree of


Which option below is the MOST well-defined problem?

solving a mathematics problem

After several highly publicized instances of deadly shark attacks, many people stopped swimming in the ocean. Vivid media coverage prompted people to use _____ to judge the safety of the ocean.

the availability heuristic

The tendency to seek evidence that supports our hypotheses and beliefs is known as _____.

the confirmation bias

Identical twins come from _____ while fraternal twins come from _____.

the same fertilized egg; 2 different fertilized eggs

Processing information to solve problems and make judgments and decision is defined as


According to Erik Erikson's psychosocial stage theory, the 1st crisis we face is _____.

trust versus mistrust

Most people believe that death by plane crash occurs more frequently than death from asthma. In fact, asthma is 20 times more likely to cause death. Which of the following explains this mistaken belief?

use of the availability heuristic

Carol judges the probability that Sue is a carpenter by how well Sue resembles her stereotype of a carpenter. Carol is _____.

using the representativeness heuristic ***

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