Exam 4 Geology

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cut bank

Which of the following is NOT a common site for deposition of sediment?

V-shaped valleys

Which of the following is NOT a type of evidence left behind by glaciers?

cutoff meanders

Which of the following is NOT associated with many braided streams?

pore spaces in the unsaturated zone contain air with no water

Which of the following is NOT true about the unsaturated zone?

a decrease in gradient of the stream

Which of the following is a condition favoring deposition of sediment?

most groundwater forms when water on the surface infiltrates into the ground

Which of the following is a correctly described part of the hydrologic cycle?

artesian well

Which of the following is most likely to be associated with a confined aquifer?

the velocity of the stream decreases

Which of the following is the main reason that a delta forms when a stream flows into a lake or sea?

Sand can be transported in a series of bounces along the stream bed.

Which of the following is true about transport of sediment in a stream?

dry, uncompacted clay particles

Which of the following materials probably has the highest porosity?

sediment composed only of rounded cobbles that rest directly on one another

Which of the following materials probably has the highest porosity?

unfractured granite

Which of the following materials probably has the lowest porosity?

pebbles and cobbles

Which of the following sediment sizes is likely to be transported mostly on the bottom of the stream bed?

gaining system

A part of a stream that receives water from the inflow of ground water is called a:

low-gradient river followed by downcutting

Formation of entrenched meanders can result from a

the ability of water to flow through a material

The permeability of a material refers to:


A large body of permeable, saturated material through which groundwater can flow well enough to yield sufficient water to wells and springs is a(n):

Sea level

A stream cannot erode below:


At which site along this stream would a cutbank form?


At which site along this stream would a point bar form?

B and D

At which sites would this stream profile most likely be located?

a meandering river carved into the land due to uplift or falling base level

How did the entrenched meanders shown in this figure form?

as a series of gently curved ridges

How is a terminal or recessional moraine from a continental ice sheet typically expressed in the landscape?

sediment is deposited by debris flows and streams that decrease in velocity along the mountain front

How is an alluvial fan formed?

the stream would lose water to the groundwater

How would this stream interact with groundwater?


In the United States, which of the following uses the most water?


The accompanying figure shows a series of river terraces. Which of these terraces is the oldest?

B and C

The accompanying figure shows a series of river terraces. Which two of these terraces are probably closest in age?

sediment load

The amount of sediment carried by a stream is the:


The amount of water flowing through a channel over a given amount of time is called its:


The force behind a river's flow is:

Base level

The lowest level to which a stream can erode is its:

the sides have a higher concentration of rocks and other debris

The margins of glaciers are usually darker than the interior primarily because:

unsaturated zone

The part of the subsurface where most of the pore spaces are filled with air is the:

a shape similar to that of the land surface lying above it

The water table has:

top of the zone of saturation

The water table is the:

Well E

This cross section shows the location of 5 wells and the water table? Which well is most likely to be an artesian well?


This figure shows four numbered river terraces, with 1 being the highest and 4 being the lowest. Which is the youngest terrace?


Today, which land area in the Northern Hemisphere is largely covered by an ice sheet?


What are these sharp, glacially carved ridges?

erosion and sculpting of soft materials by a moving glacier

What do these teardrop-shaped hills (drumlins) record?

a pile of sediment deposited at the end of the glacier

What does a terminal moraine represent?

none of these

What does the water cycle reference?

meltwater channels below or within a glacier

What does this curved ridge (esker) record?

lateral moraine

What feature will be formed by the sediment carried along the sides of this glacier?

evaporation concentrates lighter isotopes in the resulting water vapor

What happens to different isotopes of oxygen in this figure?

they become interlocking crystals of ice

What happens to snowflakes as they become progressively buried within glaciers?

A stream that flows in a network of many interconnected rivulets around numerous bars

What is a braided stream?

A ridge or strip of high ground separating one drainage basin from another

What is a drainage divide?

water flows through the unsaturated zone and into the saturated zone

What is a main way surface waters become groundwater?

there were two pulses of runoff because there were two storms one pulse could be due to snowmelt and the other to rain the drainage basin has several distinct parts all of these

What is a reasonable interpretation for the flow event recorded by this hydrograph?


What is the feature numbered 1 in the upper part of this figure?

U-shaped valley

What is the feature numbered 2 in the upper left part of this figure?

lateral moraine

What is the feature numbered 3 in the center of this figure?

terminal moraine

What is the feature numbered 4 in the lower right of this figure?

the area has folded or faulted rocks with different resistances to erosion

What is the mostly likely setting for this drainage pattern?

below the water table, water fills pore spaces and can flow it is the boundary between the saturated zone and unsaturated zone infiltrating water generally passes through the water table to become groundwater all of these

What is the nature of the water table?


What is this bowl-shaped, glacially carved feature?


What name best describes the lake on bedrock in this photograph?


What name best describes the lake on bedrock in this photograph?

entrenched meanders

What type of feature is shown in this figure?

meandering stream

What type of stream is shown in this figure?

braided stream

What type of stream is shown in this photograph?

Between points 5 and 6

Where would be the relatively safest place to build a bridge across the stream in the accompanying figure?

between points 5 and 6

Where would be the relatively safest place to build a bridge across the stream in the accompanying figure?

1, the circular depression at the head of the valley

Which feature on this diagram is a cirque?

4, a valley that is above the level of the main valley

Which feature on this diagram is a hanging valley?

3 a steep ridge

Which feature on this diagram is an arête?

3, a steep ridge

Which feature on this diagram is an arête?


Which of the features labeled on this figure is a drumlin?


Which of the features labeled on this figure is a terminal or recessional moraine?


Which of the features labeled on this figure is an esker?

high permeability and high porosity

Which of the following combinations make for the best groundwater reservoir?


Which of the following features is NOT formed by stream deposition?

small, low density particles

Which particles of sediment are most likely to be transported as suspended load?

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