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Why is intellectual property important? What are TWO of the values of intellectual property?

- Provides an edge over competitors - Secures your markets.

What is a profession?

A profession is a vocation founded upon specialized educational training, the purpose of which is to supply objective counsel and service to others, for a direct and definite compensation, wholly apart from expectation of other business gain.

Both ACIDO and ADIQ have mentorship programs. List THREE of the total seven benefits of working with a mentor

ACIDO Mentorship Program ACIDO matches Associate members with a Professional member who can help them: - Expand their skills and competencies - Assist in charting their career trajectory - Finding a foothold in the industry.

Approximately how many members are there and how many countries on the world are represented?

Approximately 200 members from 50 countries.

What is the professional association for industrial design in Canada? Provide the full title and acronym.

Association of Canadian Industrial Designers ACID

What are the two provincial professional association for industrial design in Canada? Provide the full titles and acronyms.

Association of Chartered Industrial Designers of Ontario (ACIDO) Association des designers industriels du Québec (ADIQ)

What is the government organization in Canada that promotes and protects intellectual property? Provide the full title and acronym.

Canadian Intellectual Property Office CIPO

Name THREE of the five membership types of the WDO?

Educational members (for example Carleton University School of Industrial Design Professional members (for example Association of Canadian Industrial Designers) City members (for example Torino World Design Capital)

Name TWO of the three ways the WDO protects and promotes the professional practice of industrial design?

Facilitates collaboration between the membership pillars Collaborates with stakeholders in design and other international organizations to foster a global understanding of design.

What is the most recent definition of industrial design as adopted by WDO world members in 2017.

Industrial Design is a strategic problem-solving process that drives innovation, builds business success, and leads to a better quality of life through innovative products, systems, services, and experiences.

What is the professional association for industrial design in the USA? Provide the full title and acronym, and the year it was founded

Industrial Designers Society of America IDSA 1965

The World Design Organization (WDO) is the international professional association for industrial design. Provide the full ORIGINAL title and acronym, and the year it was founded.

International Council of Societies of Industrial Design ICSID 1957

What day was the original WDO founded and what is that day now called?

June 29, 1957. World Industrial Design Day.

Does a Canadian patent protect your idea outside of Canada?

No. The rights given by a Canadian patent extend throughout Canada, but not to other countries.

. How do you protect your intellectual property and prevent the design from becoming known in the public domain while working with other people?

Non-disclosure and/or confidentiality agreements.

How long do you have to protect your intellectual property after you have publicly shared your ideas?

One year from first public disclosure.

What is patent infringement?

Patent infringement happens if someone makes, uses, or sells your patented invention without your permission in a country that has granted you a patent.

What are the FOUR types of intellectual property in Canada, as discussed in class? Describe what kind of innovations fall under each and provide an example for each

Patents Patents cover new and useful inventions (product, composition, machine, process) or any new and useful improvement to an existing invention. Provide an example. Industrial Designs An industrial design is about how something looks. It protects a product's unique appearance, not what it is made of, how it is made or how it works. Provide an example. Trademarks Trademarks can be one or a combination of words, sounds or designs used to distinguish the goods or services of one person or organization from those of others. Provide an example. Copyrights Copyrights provide protection for original literary, artistic, dramatic, or musical works (including computer programs) and other subject matter known as performers' performances, sound recordings and communication signals. Provide an example.

What can be patented in Canada?

Patents apply to inventions. An invention is eligible for patent protection if it is: - New (first in the world) Useful (functional and operative) Inventive (showing ingenuity and not obvious to someone of average skill who works in the field of your invention)

Define what challenges (up to 100 words) you think exist for designers trying to work on such largescale problems.

Provide a summary of understanding from Assignment 2.

Describe in detail (up to 100 words) how you think design can contribute to achieving the goals and targets through innovative products, systems, services, and experiences. Give precise examples.

Provide a summary of understanding from Assignment 2.

How do you evaluate the degree of ownership when working collaboratively on design projects? Using your final 4th year project as context, describe (up to 100 words) how your ideas have been developed with the input of other stakeholders (teammates, supervising professor, external advisors) and how you would equitably distribute the intellectual property.

Provide a summary of your own understanding.

How long are you protected by an industrial design registration? Under what condition?

Registration will grant the owner the exclusive right for up to 15 years (provided the maintenance fees are paid) to make, import, sell, offer for rent, and advertise an industrial design.

ACIDO runs an awards show every year that brings together top graduates from each of Ontario's Industrial Design programs. What is the name of the awards show and how long has it been running?

Rocket Awards. 2022 marked the 20th anniversary.

There are seven SDGs that have been identified by WDO members as particularly relevant to the industrial design community. List THREE of the seven and give a detailed example (up to 50 words) of how industrial designers can contribute.

SDG 9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production

Even if you discover intellectual property infringement, it is not always easy to remedy the situation. What are the challenges of protecting yourself against infringement.

The cost and scope of legal and other services. Other.

The WDO has United Nations (UN) consultative status and in 2017 signed the world design agenda to support achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The UN SDGs are a universal set of goals with corresponding targets that were agreed upon by UN member countries to solve some of humanity's biggest challenges within 15 years. How many SDGs and corresponding targets are there?

There are 17 SDGs and 169 corresponding targets.

Name the organization in the USA that promotes and protects intellectual property? Provide the full title and acronym.

United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

In the USA there are two kinds of patents. What are they? What are their intellectual property counterparts in Canada?

Utility Patents (USA) = Patents (Canada) Design Patents (USA) = Industrial Designs (Canada)

Why was the WDO founded?

WDO was founded to protect and promote the professional practice of industrial design internationally.

ACIDO promotes three main objectives. Name and describe ONE of them.

Within Our Profession ACIDO fosters high standards of design and professional integrity, supporting designers at all levels of their career through the development and promotion of best practices and work opportunities.

WDO advocates, promotes, and shares knowledge of how the industrial design profession has the power to create a better world. This is done through international programming. Pick TWO of the WDO programs and briefly explain the objectives, with concrete examples.

World Design Capital World Industrial Design Day

. Name the highest international organizations that promotes and protects intellectual property? Provide the full title and acronym.

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

How do you protect your designs in other countries?

You must apply for patent rights in other countries separately.

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