exam for english

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The island (is) volcanic and (has) no rivers? a. Simple subject b. complete subject c. simple predicate d. complete predicate

Simple Subject

definiton of haughty?

chillingly proud and scornful

Definition of enterprising?

energetic, willing and able to start something new; showing boldness and imagination

What is an indefinite pronouns?

expresses an amount or refer to an unspecified person or thing.

What is an indirect object?

is a noun, pronoun, or group of words that tells to what? or whom? an action verb is done. An indirect object usually comes between a verb and direct object.

What is the simple predicate ?

is the main word or words in the complete predicate. It is always a verb or verb phrase.

Definition of prone?

lying face down; inclined, likely

definition of pithy?

short but full of meaning

definition of rue?

to regret, be sorry for

definition of simper?

to smile or speak in a silly, forced way

definition of sustain?

to support, nourish, keep up; to suffer, undergo; to bear up under, withstand; to affirm the validity of

definition of devise?

to think out, plan, figure out, invent, create

definition of haggard?

to transport; to transmit; to communicate, make known; to transfer ownership or title to

definition of obsess?

to trouble, haunt, or fill the mind

definition of perry?

to ward off, fend off, evade, avoid

definition of fend?

to ward off, resist; to get along, manage

definition of forlorn?

totally abandoned and helpless; sad and lonely; wretched or pitiful; almost hopeless

definition of wry?

twisted, turned to one side; cleverly or grimly humorous

What is a compound sentence?

two or more independent clauses

definition of entail?

(v.) to put a burden on, impose, involve; to restrict ownership of property by limiting inheritance; (n.) such a restriction

What is a dependent sentence?

A clause that does not xpress a complete thought and cannot stand alone as a sentence.

What is a independent clause?

A clause that expresses a complete thought it can stand alone as a complete sentence.

What is a run-on sentence? How do you fix a run-on sentence?

A run-on sentence occurs when two or more sentences are incorrectly written as a single sentence. 1. Two or more sentences acting as one sentence 2. A sentence that goes on and on 3. A sentence without proper punctuation.

what is a fragment? How do you fix it?

A sentence fragment is a group of words that is incorrectly punctuated as a complete sentence. A sentence fragment is usually missing a subject, a verb, or both. Sentence fragments express incomplete thoughts. Ways to fix it 1. add a coordinating conjunction (fanboys) 2. conjunctive adverb (word that joins two clauses; like transition words (example: however, instead, also, furthermore) 3. subordinate clause (dependent clause )

What is a subject-verb agreement?

A verb must agree with its subject. A singular verb goes with a singular object and a plural goes with a plural.

(In 1722, Dutch colonizers) arrived on the island, bringing disease. a. Simple subject b. complete subject c. simple predicate d. complete predicate

Complete subject

Has (your class) studied Easter Island? a. Simple subject b. complete subject c. simple predicate d. complete predicate

Complete subject

Recognize any compound subjects and compound verbs In 1816 known as "the year without a summer" due to the 1815 eruption of Mt.Tambora, Mary Shelley and her friends challenged each other to rite ghost stories.

In 1816 known as "the year without a summer" due to the 1815 eruption of Mt.Tambora, (Mary Shelley and her friends) challenged each other to rite ghost stories. compound subjects

What is parallel structure? How do you fix lack of parallel structure?

Parallel structure is the use of two or more words, phrases, or clauses that have the same grammatical structure. Using sentences with parallel creates balance and a pleasing rhythm in your writing. example: Surprised, embarrassed, and angry, Anisa looked down. How to fix lack of parallel structure 1. Combine short sentences by using compound parts such as subjects, verbs, or modifiers, be sure that the grammatical forms are parallel

Recognize any compound subjects and compound verbs Shelley had a dream about an odd doctor named Frankenstein and wrote a story about it.

Shelley (had) a dream about an odd doctor (named) Frankenstein and wrote a story about it. compound verbs

What are stringy sentences? How do you fix a stringy sentence?

Stringy sentences are long and hard to follow. They contain too many ideas and are strung loosely together by conjunction and. How to fix it 1. break it into two or more separte sentences, each presenting only one or to ideas 2. delete less important details, or turn them into phrase or subordinate clauses

What is a subject? What is a predicate?

Subject is the person or thing that performs the action. The predicate tells what the subject does, has, feels, or is.

How to identify facts and opinion in a passage?

You can identify a fact in a passage when there is no emotion or personal feeling words in the sentence. While, a opinion has personal feeling words explaining how one might feel about the topic. Fact: I was born in 2005. Opinion: 2005 is the best year to be born.

definition for transition?

a change from one state or condition to another

definition of parry?

a defensive movement in fencing and other sports

definition of imperative?

a form of a verb expressing a command; that which is necessary or required

definiton of juncture?

a joining together; the point at which two things are joined; any important point in time

definition of defile?

a narrow passage; gorge, canyon

definition of waif?

a person (usually a child) without a home or friend; a stray person or animal; something that comes along by chance, a stray bit

definition of recluse?

a person who leads a life shut up or withdrawn from the world

definition of turncoat?

a person who switches to an opposing side or party

definition of impediment?

a physical defect; a hindrance, obstacle

definition of residue?

a remainder, that which remains when a part has been used up or removed

definition of bludgeon?

a short club used as a weapon

definition of simper?

a silly, forced smile

definition of chafe?

a sore or injury caused by rubbing

defintion of stance?

a way of holding the body; an attitude or position on an issue

How do you identify the author's drawing conclusions?

able to draw conclusions about what information that the author has given them

definition of vertible?

actual, true, real

definition of accord?

agreement, harmony

definition of mien?

air, manner; appearance; expression

What is a predicate adjective?

an adjective that modifies or describes the subject

definition of barter?

an exchange in trade

definition of disarming?

charming, tending to soften unfriendliness or suspicion

Two thousand miles from the nearest continent, South America, lies (Easter Island, also called Rapa Nui.) a. Simple subject b. complete subject c. simple predicate d. complete predicate

compete subject

definition of avowed?

declared openly and without shame, acknowledged

Definition of legendary?

described in well-known stories; existing in old stories (legends) rather than in real life

definition of dire?

dreadful, causing fear or suffering; warning of trouble to come; demanding immediate action to avoid disaster

definition of frugal?

economical, avoiding waste and luxury; scanty, poor, meager

definition of ornate?

elaborately decorated; showily splendid

definition of renown?

fame, glory

definition of trepidation?

fear, fright, trembling

definition of steadfast?

firmly fixed; constant, not moving or changing

definition of exotic?

foreign; charmingly unfamiliar or strikingly unusual

definition of impunity?

freedom from punishment

definition of penal?

having to do with punishment

definition of awry?

in a turned or twisted position or direction; wrong, out of the right or hoped-for course

definition of disgruntled?

in bad humor, discontented, annoyed

definition of jaunty?

lively, easy, and carefree in manner; smart or trim in appearance

definition of menial?

lowly, humble, lacking importance or dignity

definition of foreboding?

marked by fear, ominous

definition of vaunted?

much boasted about in a vain or swaggering way

What is special/abstract noun?

names ideas, feelings, qualities, or characteristics.

definition of imperative?

necessary, urgent

definition of personable?

pleasing in appearance or personality, attractive

definiton of predatory?

preying on, plundering, or piratical

definition of plunder?

property stolen by force

definition of pertinent?

related to the matter at hand, to the point

definiton of curt?

short, rudely brief

definition of tawdry?

showy and flashy but lacking in good taste

definition of dexterous?

skillful in the use of hands or body; clever

definition of prodigy?

something wonderful or marvelous; an unusual feat; a child or young person with extraordinary ability or talent

definition of vitality?

strength, energy; the capacity to live and develop; the power to endure or survive

Definition of durable?

sturdy, not easily worn out or destroyed; lasting for a long time

definition of whimsical?

subject to odd ideas, notions, or fancies; playful; unpredictable

definition of apt?

suitable, fitting, likely; quick to learn

Definition of banter?

talk that is playful and teasing

What is connotation?

the connotation of a word is what it suggests beyond its dictionary definition. connotations are the thoughts and emotions that people associate with a word. example: (positive) economical (neutral) inexpensive (negative) cheap

definition for predominant?

the greatest in strength or power; most common

definition of acme?

the highest point

definition of enormity?

the quality of exceeding all moral bounds; an exceedingly evil act; huge size, immensity

definition of haggard?

thin, pale, and careworn as a result of worry or suffering; wild-looking

definition of vilify?

to abuse or belittle unjustly or maliciously

definition of adapt?

to adjust or change to suit conditions

definition of encroach?

to advance beyond the usual or proper limits, trespass

definition of vex?

to annoy, anger, exasperate; to confuse, baffle

definition of attribute?

to assign to, credit with; to regard as caused by or resulting from

definition of attest?

to bear witness, affirm to be true or genuine

definition of habituate?

to become used to; to cause to become used to

definition of upbraid?

to blame, scold, find fault with

Definition of veer?

to change direction or course suddenly, turn aside, shift

Definition of maim?

to cripple, disable, injure, mar, disfigure, mutilate

definition of ravage?

to destroy, lay waste, ruin

definition of capitulate?

to end resistance, give up, throw in the towel

definition of deplore?

to feel or express regret or disapproval

definition of dovetail?

to fit together exactly; to connect so as to form a whole

definition of endow?

to furnish, equip, provide with funds or some other desirable thing or quality

definition of falter?

to hesitate, stumble, lose courage; to speak hesitatingly; to lose drive, weaken, decline

definiton of loiter?

to linger in an aimless way, hang around, dawdle

definition of minimize?

to make as small as possible, make the least of; to make smaller than before

definition of scoff?

to make fun of; to show contempt for

definition of defile?

to make unclean or dirty, destroy the purity of

definition of waver?

to move to and fro, become unsteady; to show lack of firmness or decision

Definition of engross?

to occupy the complete attention of, absorb fully

definition of malinger?

to pretend illness to avoid duty or work, lie down on the job

definition of pursue?

to read thoroughly and carefully

defintion of wallow?

to roll about in a lazy, clumsy, or helpless way; to overindulge in; to have in abundance

definition of ferret?

to search or hunt out; to torment, badger

How do you identify the author's purpose?

An author's purpose is the reason an author decides to write about a specific topic. Then, once a topic is selected, the author must decide whether his purpose for writing is to inform, persuade, entertain, or explain his ideas to the reader.

In August 1914, Ernest Shackleton became the (leader) of an expedition to cross Antarctica. a. direct object b. predicate nominative d. predicate adjective c. understood suject

Predicate nominative explanation: A predicate nominative or predicate noun completes a linking verb and renames the subject. Leader describes and means the same as Ernest therefore leader renames the subject which is Ernest Shacklton.

How do you identify the main idea in a passage?

The main idea is the central, or most important, idea in a paragraph or passage. It states the purpose and sets the direction of the paragraph or passage. The main idea may be stated or it may be implied. sentence of the paragraph.

What are wordy sentences? How do you fix wordy sentences?

Wordy sentences confuse and bore readers. How to fix it 1. Use few words as possible to express your meaning clearly 2. eliminate redundancies 3. Reduce a claused to a phrase 4. Replace a phrase with a single word 5. rewrite sentences to eliminate empty phrases use strong verbs in the active voice

definition of doctrine?

a belief, principle, or teaching; a system of such beliefs or principles; a formulation of such beliefs or principles

What is a coordinating conjunctions?

a conjunction that goes between words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. (fanboys)

What is a conjunction adverb?

a conjunction that is a transitional expression that joins two independent clauses. (however, next, then, etc.)

What is a complete sentence?

a group of words that expresses a complete thought. Every complete sentence has a subject and a predicate.

definition of promontory?

a high point of land extending into water

definition of muster?

a list of military personnel; a gathering, accumulation

definition of bolster?

a long pillow or cushion; a supporting post

What is predicate nominative?

a noun or pronoun that identifies the subject.

What is a direct object?

a noun, pronoun, or group of words that tells who or what recives the action of the verb. to find the direct object, ask whom? or what? after the action verb

definition of qualm?

a pang of conscience, uneasiness, misgiving, or doubt; a feeling of faintness or nausea

What is nonentity?

a person or thing of no importance

definition of recourse?

a person or thing turned to for help or advice; the act of seeking help or protection

Definiton of glut?

an oversupply

(Settlers from Polynesia) cleared trees to make fields for food crops. a. Simple subject b. complete subject c. simple predicate d. complete predicate

complete subject

Slave traders (took away most remaining islanders in the mid 1800's. ) a. Simple subject b. complete subject c. simple predicate d. complete predicate

complete subject

What are compound subjects and verbs?

compound subjects are a group of words that make up the subject. Compound verb is the group of words that make the verb.

What is a subject complement?

follows a linking verb and defines, renames, or describes the subject is a sentence. Without a subject complement a sentences with a linking verb does not express a complete thought

Definition of porous?

full of tiny holes; able to be penetrated by air or water

Definition of bountiful?

giving freely, generous; plentiful, given abundantly

definition of detriment?

harm or loss; injury, damage; a disadvantage; a cause of harm, injury, loss, or damage

Give my love and kisses to the children. What type of sentence is this? a. declarative b. exclamatory c. inverted d. imperative

imperative sentence explanation: forms a command or request

What is a complete subject?

includes all the words that tell what the subject does, has, feels, or is

definition of blase?

indifferent, bored as a result of having enjoyed many pleasures; apathetic

There was public cxcitement over the expedition from the start. What type of sentence is this? a. exclamatory sentence b. imperative sentences c. inverted sentence d. interrogative sentence

inverted sentence explanation: the verb comes before the subject therefore it is an inverted sentence

What is situational irony?

involves a discrepancy between what is expected to happen and what actually happens. Occurs when the exact opposite of what is meant to happen, happens. An example would be when someone buys a gun to protect himself but the same gun is used by another individual injuries him. There is however a difference between situation irony and coincidence or bad luck. When someone washes his car and it rains nothing led him or her to think that it would not faint. However when a TV weather person gets caught in an unexpected storm it is ironic because he or she is expected to know the weather changes.

definition of unassuming?

not putting on airs, unpretentious; modest

definition of frivolous?

of little importance, not worthy of serious attention; not meant seriously

What is a complex sentence?

one independent clause and at least one subordinate clause

What is a simple sentence?

one independent clause and no subordinate clauses.

definition of congested?

overcrowded, filled or occupied to excess

What is dramatic irony?

popular in works of art such as movies, books, poems, and plays. Occurs when the audience is aware of something that the characters in the story are not aware of.

Just eighty five miles from their destination, their ship Endurance became (stuck) in the ice. What part of the sentence is "stuck"? a. predicate nominative b. predicate adjective c. understood subject d. direct object

predicate adjective explanation: A predicate adjective is an adjective that follows a linking verb and modifies the subject of the linking verb. A predicate adjective contrasts with an attributive adjective, which typically sits immediately before the noun it modifies.

What is a indefinite pronouns?

pronouns that do not refer to a specific person, place, thing, or idea. Used as subjects some indefinite pronouns are always singular and some are always plural.

definition of wanton?

reckless; heartless, unjustifiable; loose in morals

What is a collective noun?

refers to a group of people or things. If you think of the collective noun as a single unit, the noun takes a singular verb.

definition of antics?

ridiculous and unpredictable behavior or actions

definition of blaid?

serious and dignified; quiet or subdued in character or conduct

definition of solicitous?

showing concern or care; fearful or anxious about someone or something

Definition of oblique?

slanting or sloping; not straightforward or direct

Definition of incognito?

the state of being disguised; a person in disguise

What is sentence structure?

the structure depends on the number and kinds of clauses.

definition of belittle?

to make something appear smaller than it is; to refer to in a way that suggests lack of importance or value

Definition of invalidate?

to make valueless, take away all force or effect

definition of glut

to provide more than is needed or wanted; to feed or fill to the point of overstuffing

Definition of annul?

to reduce to nothing; to make ineffective or inoperative; to declare legally invalid or void

definition of venerate?

to regard with reverence, look up to with great respect

definition of excise?

to remove by cutting

defintion of oust?

to remove, drive out of a position or place

What is a compound-complex sentence?

two or more independent clauses and at least one subordinate clause

"take us with you on your expedition to the South Pole." What type of subject is in this sentence? a. understood subject b. subject complement c. inverted subject d. predicate nominative

understood subject explanation: there is not a subject explicitly stated in the sentence. The subject of this sentence is the understood "you."

What is a subject-verb agreement?

use a singular verb with a singular subject and a plural verb with a plural subject

What is verbal irony?

use of words to mean something different from what a person actually says. example: "Thanks for the ticket officer you just made my day!" "I can't wait to read the seven hundred page report!"

What is an inverted sentence?

when the verb comes before the subject.

What is a verb phrase?

which is made up of a main verb and at least one helping verb the first heloing verb must agree with the subject

Definition of gingerly?

with extreme care or caution

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