Exam II - Sport

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What sports do the upper middle class participate in?

Mostly individual sports as well Golf, tennis, polo

What are these? Women are just not interested in athletes as men Women are not hired as athletic directors Women don't belong in broadcasting


Mascots and name are very racist towards what culture?

Native American

What is the Post-Conventional Stage?

Older than 20 years (or over) Agreed-upon rights, universal ethical principles, respecting everyone's dignity and rights

impact on sport, outside money Female and Media Female and Pay NFL Kneeling

Politics AND Sport

within the actual sport, inside money NBA Bubble Lack of Minority Coaches

Politics IN Sport

What are Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development?

Pre-Conventional Conventional Post-Conventional

What sports do the middle class participate in?

A combination of team and individual sports

What is the Pre-Conventional Stage?

Birth to 9 years old Avoiding punishments, gaining reward, focusing on the self, learning

Overall, at most levels of competition, sport in the United States is dominated by - Latinos - Whites - African Americans - Asian Americans


Which of the following could be an instance of "stacking"? - a black quarterback - a black outfielder in baseball - a black offensive lineman in football - a black baseball pitcher

a black outfielder in baseball

Which of the following is not true about athletes using sport as a platform for change? - Champion athletes have a platform if they choose to use it. - John Carlos chose not to promote change during the 1968 Olympics - Billie Jean King was very successful at promoting change - Muhammad Ali was very successful at promoting change

John Carlos chose not to promote change during the 1968 Olympics

Many governments throughout history have been accused of using sport as an "opiate of the masses." These governments have typically been - socialist - authoritarian - republics - democratic


Any group in the United States

Minority Group

Good sporting behavior involves: - being a nice person - behaving as your teammates do - behaving as your coach does - behaving ethically in sport

behaving ethically in sport

Why do African Females get double discriminated against?

Racial and Gender Equality

belief in superiority of one race


Aggression is the action of unintentionally injuring another athlete: true or false


Women's sport receives the same broadcast coverage as men's sport: true or false


Which of the following factors is not related to off-field violence by athletes? - competition outcomes - social class - alcohol abuse - personality


When did the Special Olympics start?


What is the ADA?

Americans with Disabilities Act

Which of the following is true about gambling and sport? - Male and female athletes gamble at the same rate. - College athletes gamble more than nonathletes - Students who gamble do not drink as much as other students - Nonathletes use bookies more than athletes do.

College athletes gamble more than nonathletes

What is a barrier for the lower and middle class to sport?


this refers to the financial resources that a person has or controls: people inherit, earn , invest, and spending money

Economic Capital

cultural heritage of a group


When did the U.S. jump on board with the Special Olympics?

Immediately in the 90's

When did the U.S. jump on board with the Paralympics?

In 2001, very late

What sports do the upper class participate in?

Individual sports: golf, sailing, polo and tennis

What is the difference between Latino and Hispanic?

Latino - Latin Hispanic - comes from a Spanish speaking country Usually play baseball and soccer

Girls who wanted to play sports and were good at it, what were they considered as?


What are the four social classes?

Lower Class Middle Class Upper Middle Class Upper Class

Rooting for the USA


What are you suppose to do with quotes?

Paraphrasing them in your own words

What are the three prongs for Title IX?

Participation numbers proportional to enrollment The school needs to show a history of progress The school needs to accommodate students interest in sports

historically dominant gender

Sexism "Males are naturally superior to females"

this depends on family, friends, and associates and includes resources based on group memberships and relationships

Social Capital

Different classes based on income/wealth

Social Class

What are the three types of programs?

Special Olympics Paralympics National Senior Games Association

Which of the following is an example of social capital? - financial resources - private club membership - life experiences - educational level

private club membership

What is social stratification?

The classes according to levels of power, prestige and wealth

Which of the following statements is false about social class and sport participation? - The middle class has few school-based team sport opportunities. - The lower class plays team sports available in the community - The upper-middle class has many opportunities to participate in sport. - The upper class participates in exclusive sports, such as tennis and polo.

The middle class has few school-based team sport opportunities

Does the Coach have to have good sport behavior? Why?

Yes, because that behavior is shown to the athletes

How is sporting behavior different at all levels of sport?

Youth - they are learning about it Professional - they are role models

In the 1970s, of every dollar spent on sport, - boys received 70 cents and girls 30 cents - equal amounts were spent on girls and on boys - girls received 60 cents and boys 40 cents - boys received 99 cents and girls 1 cent

boys received 99 cents and girls 1 cent

The education and life experiences that we acquire are referred to as our: - social capital - economic capital - occupational capital - cultural capital

cultural capital

Which of the following is not a reason that females were historically excluded from competitive sport? - lack of interest from females - lack of female sport role models - supposed lesbian tendencies of females in sport - sport being perceived as harmful to female bodies

lack of female sport role models

At the local level, communities have the responsibility to: - sponsor high-performance competition for athletes with disability - bus athletes with disability to nearby communities - offer separate sport programs for athletes with disability - mainstream athletes with disability into existing programs whenever possible

mainstream athletes with disability into existing programs whenever possible

It is difficult to discuss violence in sport because - violence is never accepted in sport - sport officials do not admit that their sports are violent - many sports inherently require actions that would be illegal outside of sport - many sports do not involve physical contact

many sports inherently require actions that would be illegal outside of sport

Which of the following is not true in relation to sporting behavior? - Professional athletes are role models. - Athletes need to be taught fair play. - Coaches emphasize winning at all costs. - Participation sports typically have fewer instances of good sporting behavior.

participation sports typically have fewer instances of good sporting behavior

Why is women sport decreasing?

pay gap, injury, media coverage, opportunities lack, attitude

Who is the Special Olympics for?

people with mental disabilites

Which of the following patterns has not been attributed to the practice of stacking by race? - Running backs, wide receivers, and outfielders being mainly black - Pitchers and catchers being mainly white - Placekickers being mainly foreign - Quarterbacks, centers, and offensive linemen being mainly white

placekickers being mainly foreign

How is sport represented in the Japanese culture? What is the major sport?

sport is seen as another option SUMO wrestling

A sporting tradition can be a barrier to good sporting behavior: true or false


Physical activity and sport have increased greatly in the over-50 age group: true or false


Understanding the spirit of the rules is as important as learning the rules themselves: true or false


When did the Paralympics start?

1964 in Tokyo

When did Title IX pass?


According to a study completed at Alfred University, hazing (which includes drinking contests and other humiliating behaviors) is experienced by what percentage of college athletes? - 40% - 27% - 62% - 74%


What is the Conventional Stage?

9 to 20 years old Gaining approval, avoiding disapproval respecting society's rules you do something good, you'll get praised for it

Before Title IX, how many U.S. dollars were spent on boys versus girls programs?

99 cents for boys, 1 cent for girls

How are females portrayed?

A lot of skin shown short shorts, small tops very sexy looking, not athletic

People with what types of injuries can play in the Paralympics?

Cerebal Palsy, MS, Dwarfism, Spinal Cord

What is an example of a racist mascot?

Cleveland Indians - red skins Washington Redskins

Which of the following is not true for the Title IX test of compliance? - Club team members count when adding up participation numbers. - The second step involves showing a history of progress. - The first step is to look at the proportionality of sport participants. - Once you reach a "yes" at any level, you are in compliance.

Club team members count when adding up participation numbers

Which of the following is not a way in which minority athletes are exploited? - They are promoted through grades in spite of failing performance. - Colleges want athletes to stay in school for the athletes' own best interests - Their graduation rates are low. - They are pressured into easy majors.

Colleges want athletes to stay in school for the athlete's own best interests

this compromises the skills and abilities that people gain from education and life experiences; it may include attitudes expectations, and self confidence

Cultural Capital

Do Asian have to play sports? What sports do Asian athletes usually play?

In Asian culture, sport is not something that you have to do They play tennis, golf

gender inequalities - gender pay gap, this is engraved in what we do

Institutional Sexism

Which of the following is true about high school sport and moral development? - Intervention programs can exert a positive effect on moral reasoning. - There is no difference between the scores of male and female athletes. - The scores of female athletes show improvement every year. - Athletes exhibit higher moral development than nonathletes.

Intervention programs can exert a positive effect on moral reasoning

Which of the following statements is false about the American Association of People with Disabilities? - It is managed by people with disability. - It ensures that recreational opportunities exist for people with disability. - It represents all people with disability. - It is a government program.

It is a government program

What kind of sources should you look for?

Academic journals

In local communities, the people who control sport tend to be which of the following? - Members of national sport organizations - Parents and politicians who serve on boards of directors - Athletes themselves - Outsiders who have money and therefore power

Parents and politicians who serve on board of directors

Unusual distribution of white and non white players positions


How do you find academic journals?

the USF library or Google Scholar

Which of the following is not true about high school sport? - Affluent schools can afford better facilities. - Affluent participants receive more training. - Affluent schools can afford better coaches. - Affluent participants begin their sport careers at an older age than non-affluent participants.

Affluent participants begin their sport careers at an older age than non-affluent participants

Which of the following statements is false concerning the growing importance of sport participation by older adults? - The population of older adults is rapidly increasing. - After age 75, competitive sport is simply unrealistic because the human body cannot tolerate the associated physical stress. - Concerns about disease, infirmity, and quality of life can be ameliorated by regular physical activity. - For older adults, social interaction through sport is just as important as the physical workout.

After age 75, competitive sport is simply unrealistic because the human body cannot tolerate the associated physical stress

People with what types of injuries can play in the Special Olympics?

Autism, down syndrome, schizophrenia

Which of the following is not true? - Blacks are underrepresented in tennis. - In 1947, Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball. - In the 1950s, African Americans' sport participation percentages matched their population percentages. - Blacks are overrepresented in baseball.

Blacks are overrepresented in baseball

Which of the following statements is false regarding the Special Olympics and the Paralympics? - Both competitions are organized, supervised, and partially funded by the U.S. Olympic Committee. - Both involve more than 5,000 athletes from more than 120 countries. - The Special Olympics are for athletes with mental disability, and the Paralympics are for athletes with physical disability. - Both competitions are worldwide and held every four years.

Both competitions are organized, supervised, and partially funded by the U.S. Olympic Committee

Which of the following statements is false? - Deviance can result from either overconforming or underconforming to sport rules, traditions, and culture. - Deviance can involve not conforming to the rules and norms of a group. - Deviance is caused by hereditary characteristics. - By definition, deviance is not necessarily positive or negative.

Deviance is caused by hereditary characteristics

Which city has appointed itself the "amateur sports capital of the world"? - New York - Miami - Dallas - Indianapolis


What conclusion can you draw from the fact that, historically, the U.S. government has exempted professional sport leagues from antitrust laws? - Funding for national youth sport programs should come from the excessive profits that sport leagues obtain so that the government's investment can be repaid. - Owners of professional sport leagues need the laws in order to make money - Ticket prices are determined by government appointees rather than by teams - Individuals and organizations with power and influence affect government decisions more than those without power and influence.

Individuals and organizations with power and influence affect government decisions more than those without power and influence

Which of the following statements is false? - Male athletes tend to use drugs more than female athletes do. - Substance abuse is higher in Division III. - Male basketball players have the highest use of marijuana - Excessive drinking among college athletes is trending downward.

Male basketball players have the highest use of marijuana

African Americans make up about 10 percent of Major League Baseball players, and players from outside the United States about 28 percent. The largest number of Latino players come from - Mexico - Dominican Republic - Cuba - Venezuela


What sports do the lower class participate in?

Mostly team sports: basketball, soccer, football, volleyball

what were the three things about women and college athletics?

No off campus recruiting, scholarships, athlete bill of rights

Why do some high schools not change their offensive mascots?

No one is telling them to change it It would cost the school a lot of money

Males dominate females


Which of the following is true about girls and sport after Title IX? - Girls have the same opportunities as boys. - More than 50 percent of African American girls play a sport. - Publicity is equal for girls' sport and boys' sport. - Sport facilities provided for girls are inferior to those provided for boys.

Sport facilities provided for girls are inferior to those provided for boys

Which of the following is not true about how governments use sport to promote identity? - Cities hold special sporting events - Sport is used to separate local individuals from strangers. - Sport promotes a collective sense of identity through team-specific apparel. - Cities use sport teams to increase their attractiveness.

Sport is used to separate local individuals from strangers

Which of the following is not true about potential issues with drug use? - Drug use is associated with long-term health risks. - Youth athletes may take drugs to imitate top athletes. - Such issues have caused a decrease in sport broadcast contracts. - Such issues have led some fans to reject certain sports and athletes.

Such issues have caused a decrease in sport broadcast contracts

Which of the following events has been used to display the most nationalistic pride? - Super Bowl - World Series - College football playoffs - NBA Finals

Super Bowl

Which of the following statements about women in sport is true? - Society wants women to participate, but women don't have time. - Women who participate in sport are lesbians. - Women are interested in participating in sport. - Many sports are not "ladylike."

Women are interested in participating in sport

African Americans are better at some sports due to biology: true or false


At the national level, the people who control sport come from a diverse range of social classes: true or false


For many individuals in the lower class, sport provides an excellent way to move into the middle or upper class: true or false


Of the major U.S. sport leagues, the NFL has the toughest penalties for drug use: true or false


The terms Latino and Hispanic have the same definition: true or false


According to research conducted by the Josephson Institute using data collected from 4,200 high school athletes, which of the following statements is not true? - More than half of athletes think that hazing and bullying are acceptable. - Up to one-third of coaches exhibit poor sporting behavior. - Girls tend to exhibit negative behavior in tennis and soccer. - More than 30 percent of athletes think that winning is more important than being considered a good sport.

girls tend to exhibit negative behavior in tennis and soccer

Athletes at any level who take performance-enhancing substances are operating at what level of moral behavior? - preconventional (law and order) - conventional (good boy or girl) - conventional (social contract) - preconventional (pleasure or pain)

preconventional (pleasure or pain)

What are a few things to look for when looking at a academic journal?

relevance to date and key major points

If we wanted to increase good sporting behavior at youth hockey games, which of the following ideas would we implement? - Changing the rules of youth hockey - Teaching all parents and coaches how to model good behavior - Changing the location of the locker rooms - Disallowing youth players from watching professional hockey

teaching all parents and coaches how to model good behavior

The oath "Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt" is used in: - masters-level competitions - the Senior Olympic Games - the Paralympic Games - the Special Olympics

the Special Olympics

As a result of the Americans with Disabilities Act, sport governing bodies expanded their programs for people with a disability: true or false


Coaches and officials need to penalize players who do not follow the rules: true or false


Faking injury is one kind of rule breaking in sport: true or false


High-performance training requires economic, social, and cultural capital: true or false


In 2012, Division I Football Bowl Subdivision schools spent, on average, more than 70 percent of their budget on men's athletics: true or false


Individuals with a disability may be discriminated against and excluded from sport: true or false


Playing the national anthem before a game is an example of nationalism: true or false


Pro sport is not a realistic career goal for minority athletes: true or false


Which theoretical perspective would you use if you believed that sport promoted social values? - conflict - interactionist - functionalist - feminist


Who is the Paralympics for?

people with physical disabilities

Murderball is a documentary film about - quadriplegic rugby athletes who use wheelchairs - the history of the Paralympic Games - basketball players who use wheelchairs - Special Olympics swimmers

quadriplegic rugby athletes who use wheelchairs

Individual politicians have not used sport to: - encourage adherence to traditional values - promote and enhance their own image - reinforce the status quo - raise money for their political campaign

raise money for their political campaign

The Olympic Games have traditionally been organized by the leaders of the upper and upper-middle classes. Most Olympic champions come from: - the upper class - the lower class - the upper-middle class - the middle class

the middle class

Saying Redskin for Native American people, is like saying what in the African American culture?

the n word

According to a Women's Sports Foundation study, if a girl does not participate in sport by the time she is 10, then - she will miss out on opportunities to learn important leadership traits - she will not make her high school varsity team - there is only a 10 percent chance that she will participate when she is 25 - she is five times as likely to be obese as an adult

there is only a 10 percent chance that she will participate when she is 25

A social class is a defined category of people who share a similar position in society based on their socioeconomic level: true or false


Players and coaches assumed to be lesbian may face discrimination: true or false


Sport can function as an "opiate of the masses" when governments use it to distract citizens from social inequities: true or false


The proportion of female coaches and athletic directors is getting smaller: true or false


The term sporting behavior means the same thing as sportsmanship: true or false


There is still resistance to changing the names of Native American mascots: true or false


U.S. Paralympics is a division of the U.S. Olympic Committee: true or false


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