exam one

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true or false: being a task oriented leader is better than being a follower oriented leader.

FALSE a combination of both is needed to be an effective leader - oftentimes the situation determines which behaviors should be exhibited to a greater extent

true or false: it is always appropriate and professional to send text messages.

FALSE it is not always appropriate or professional to send text messages. text messages should be sent only after permission has been given.

what are some common mistakes when framing a problem?

a solution already in mind before the problem is framed symptoms are mistaken for cause your role/identity in the setting limits your point of view

eisenhower matrix

a time management system to reduce stress

what is a common problem with using the deontological framework?

actions are perceived through the lens of the observer ex: can people really judge behavior in terms of right or wrong if they do not know the background?

reinforcement theory (aka behavior modification theory)

assumes people will act in a way that leads to good consequences and avoid behaviors that lead to negative consequences

linear thinking

assumes problems have one solution oversimplifies problems looks for the easiest answer assumes problems exist in a silo often does not work


attempt to bring about good

what are some tips for effective communication over the phone?

be prepared to leave a message be sure you are in a quiet space address them professionally tell them who you are speak slowly and clearly repeat your name and phone number thank you and goodbye


being faithful to one's duty

organizational culture

beliefs, attitudes, values, and norms that guide activity in an organization

theory x management

believes employees dislike working avoid responsibility employees have to be forced, controlled, threatened to deliver what's needed need to supervise at every step, with controls put in place employees need to be enticed to produce results, otherwise they have no ambition or motivation to work

lencioni's five dysfunctions of a team

business fable written to explain key problems in team functionality depicted in a pyramid with functionality building on the lower foundations (trust, healthy conflict, commitment, accountability, focus on team results)

what is the difference between career planning and managing yourself?

career planning - doing what is necessary to get to the next step managing yourself - seeking out opportunities that will make you a better professional in the career path you are interested in because you want to gain the experience

fixed mindset

characteristics are static

growth mindset

characteristics can be developed/changed

what is the purpose of relational relationships?

connection support joy

what can leaders do to create a functional team?

create a safe work environment demonstrate authenticity, vulnerability, and trustworthiness foster and encourage healthy discussion exemplify a commitment to team goals encourage accountability ensure goals are clear and celebrate when they are met

which of the six problem solving steps should take the most time?

define and frame the problem


develop skills and mastery


do no harm

emotional intelligence theory

emotional intelligence determines whether someone will be a great leader i.e. self awareness, self regulation, self motivation, empathy, social skills

theory y management

employees are happy to work, self motivated, creative, enjoy working with greater responsibility take responsibility and are motivated to fulfill the goals they are given employees do not need much direction seek and accept responsibility consider work a natural part of life and solves problems

follower oriented leaders

focused on people more than results

task oriented leaders

focused on results more than people

affiliative style

focuses on meeting the emotional needs of followers people centered useful during times of stress in an organization seen as positive, encouraging style can sacrifice tasks or outcomes for people

human skills

good leaders are adept at working with others

conceptual skills

good leaders can see the big picture and/or learn and adapt to ideas and concepts

what aspects should a professional text message include?

greeting complete thoughts/sentences your name

what is a common problem with using the teleological framework?

hard to predict outcomes

what are the six problem solving steps?

identify problem define and frame problem identify potential solutions evaluate alternatives make decision and implement monitor and assess

ethical decision making process

identify the ethical dilemma - gather facts analyze and define - ethical/cognitive stress identify possible solutions (and consequences) evaluate alternatives make decision and implement monitor and assess


individuals have the right to make individual choices

expectancy theory

individuals put more effort into work when they perceive there will be a reward (or to avoid consequence)

technical skills

knowledge and/or proficiency in a certain area

skills based theory

leaders have or developed a certain set of skills i.e. technical skills, human skills, conceptual skills

transformational style

leaders inspire and motivate a group towards a vision collaborative in nature encourages innovation and taking risks outcomes focused most powerful and effective of the styles

confirmation bias

leaning toward solutions that uphold their views/perspectives

what are the advantages of writing a mission statement?

make better career choices choose a career plan that aligns with your purpose keep purpose in mind keep you grounded during setbacks

what are the steps associated with effective self-management?

mentally prepare for change know yourself decide what you want to do establish goals and objectives take action

what additional factors can affect mindset?

motivation current situation upbringing/past experiences

maslow's hierarchy of needs

motivation arises from needs, the most basic of which are physiologic

leadership could be considered _____, while management could be considered ______.

offense; defense

group think (bias)

peer pressure can stifle individuals from sharing their thoughts

self-determination theory

people are inherently programmed toward growth (intrinsic motivation toward an activity) unless they are hindered in autonomy, competence, and relatedness

equity theory

people compare their effort and outputs to those on an equivalent level if a situation seems unfair (based on individual perception), a person will adjust their work or behavior to respond

halo effect (bias)

people have a positive view of a person/thing and associate it with everything about the person/thing

what are the three major schools of thought regarding the basis of leadership?

personal traits and characteristics certain philosophies, beliefs, and attitudes certain behaviors

availability bias

placing greater emphasis on easy to recall information

what are some tips for establishing professional relationships?

present genuinely and authentically express interest in others offer value effectively communicate express appreciation exhibit reliability and dependability maintain contact


principle of being just and fair

systems thinking

problems are complex solutions can have unintended consequences systems are linked together considers interrelated systems

why doesn't linear thinking usually work?

problems have multiples causes solutions can have unintended consequences assumes once the simple solution is implemented that the problem will be fixed


process through which an individual attempts to intentionally influence another individual or group in order to accomplish a goal

the peter principle

promotions are given based in tenure or a candidate's success in a previous role irrespective of their ability to excel in the new role

what are some examples of characteristics of leadership?

purpose process intentional about people not about the leader

narcissistic leaders

put the leader's self interests and desires above those of others i.e. ego driven, often exhibit leadership characteristics, hide flaws, lack empathy

servant leaders

puts the interests of others above themselves i.e. empathetic, empowers others and wants them to succeed, advocated for subordinates, open, honest, fair

what is a common problem with using the virtue framework?

rarely are traits always helpful or always negative ex: being truthful all the time may cause you to be seen as unempathetic and unkind


school of thought that behaviors/actions determine right from wrong

pacesetting style

sets high performance standards for followers and themselves leaders make sacrifices and ask their employees to asks for total job commitment effective for highly motivated, competent, and self-directed employees can cause employee fatigue and burnout

what is the purpose of transactional relationships?

share information grow professionally networking

democratic style

solicits input/allows followers to have a say in decisions that affect their lives fosters a sense of ownership in employees helps build mutual trust and respect inefficient at times/can produce less than optimal outcomes useful when employees are motivated, outcomes are not set, and there is plenty of time

SMART goals are:

specific measurable achievable relevant timely

coaching style

strive to develop the abilities of their followers help employees set goals and achieve them work cooperatively with employees to achieve outcomes can be very time consuming underused but effective

what aspects should an effective email include?

subject line greeting personalizing statement body closing

situational leadership

the assumption that the greatest predictor of success is the situation faced by the leader and the leader's response to the situation


the basic desire to interact and connect with others


the need to direct their own life


the perseverance and passion to push through barriers and disappointments towards long-term goals

mcgregor's theory x and theory y

theories on how a manager's perceptions of employee motivation affects their management style

trait theory

traits that make a good leader include physical appearance, intellect, personality, social traits, task related traits i.e. Great Man Theory

what are the two types of professional relationships?

transactional and relational

which framework should be considered when faced with ethical dilemmas?

trick! all three frameworks represent important areas and should be considered when faced with ethical dilemmas

coercive style

uses rewards/punishments to influence behavior encourages competition among employees creates an "us vs. them" environment employees fear making mistakes least effective leadership style use sparingly if at all


value of truthfulness

what are the three primary ethical frameworks?

virtue, deontological, teleological

deontological framework

what behaviors are consistent with ethics/values? moral duty/action focused rather than virtues or who the person wants to be, the person's actions determine whether the action is ethical or not

teleological framework

what choices lead to the best benefit? moral consequences/outcome focused focused on outcomes that do the most good for the most people -> consequentialist ethics

virtue framework

what kind of person do you strive to be? moral character/intention focused emphasis on core values and beliefs and correlating traits and characteristics (courage, honesty, integrity, humility)

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