Excel Chapter 6

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1. What is the external reference to the range B6:F6 in the Grades worksheet in the Grade Book workbook located in the Course folder on drive D?

'D:\Course\[Grade Book]Grades'!B6:F6

4. What is the 3-D reference to cell E6 in the adjacent Summary 1, Summary 2, and Summary 3 worksheets?

'Summart 1:Summary 3'!E6

6. What are some examples of task-specific templates available from the Office.com site?

-Family Monthly Planner -Inventory List -Team Roster -Time Sheets -Expense Reports

Custom Template

-a workbook template you create that is ready to run with the formulas for all calculations included as well as all formatting and labels

4. What are the layouts that you can use to arrange multiple workbooks?

-tiled -horizontal -vertical -cascade

2. How do you select an adjacent worksheet group? How do you select a nonadjacent worksheet group? How do you deselect a worksheet group?

1. click the first sheet tab, press and hold the Shift key and then click the sheet tab of the last worksheet in the range 2. click the sheet tab of one of the worksheets in the group, press and hold the Ctrl key and then click the sheet tabs of the remaining worksheets in the group 3. group by either clicking the sheet tab of a worksheet that is not in the group, or right-clicking one of the sheet tabs in the group and clicking Ungroup Sheets on the shortcut menu

3. What formula would you enter in the Summary worksheet to reference cell C8 in the Quarter 2 worksheet?

='Quarter 2"!C8

6. If you insert a new worksheet named Sheet5 after Sheet4, how would you change the formula =MIN(Sheet1:Sheet4!B1) to include Sheet5 in the calculation?


7. If you insert a new worksheet named Sheet5 after Sheet4, how would you change the formula =SUM(Sheet:Sheet4!B1) to include Sheet5 in the calculation?


5. How are linked workbooks updated when both the destination and source files are open?

Excel will update the link automatically when you update a value in the source file

1. What is a worksheet group?

a collection of two or mort worksheet that have been selected

6. How are linked workbooks updated when the source file is changed and the destination file is closed?

a dialog box opens and you need to click either the Update button or the Don't Update button. to update the workbook, click the Update button

Broken Links

a reference to a file that has been moved since the link was created

5. What is one advantage of using a custom template rather than simply using the original workbook file to create a new workbook?

a user can modify the contenets of a worknook based on a template without changing the template itself

4. What is a custom template?

a workbook template you create that is ready to run with the formulas for all calculation included as well as all formatting

3. What is a template?

a workbook that contains specific content and formatting that you can use as a model for other similar workbooks

8. What happens to an external reference formula in a cell after you break the links in the worksheet?

after you break the links in a worksheet, all external reference formulas are converted to their most recent values

8. How do you create a workbook based on a template that is not saved in the Custom Office Templates folder?

click Open in the navigation bar, and then navigate to the location where you stored the template file. in the Open dialog box, double-click the template file to create a cope of the workbook based on the template

7. How do you save a workbook as a template?

click the File tab to open Backstage view, click Save As in the navigation bar, and then click the Browse button. the Save As dialog box opens. click the Save As type button, and then click Excel Template, save to the Custom Office Templates folder on your computer. type a filename in the File name box, click the Save button

1. How do you insert a hyperlink into a worksheet cell?

click the cell in which you want to insert the hyperlink, on the Insert tab, in the Links group, click the Hyperlink button. select the file to link to, type the hyperlink text in the Text to display box. click the OK button

2. Why would you insert a hyperlink in a worksheet?

hyperlinks allow the user to jump to other files

7. How would you determine what workbooks a destination file is linked to?

on the Data tab, in the Connections group, click the Edit Links button to open the Edit Links dialog box. the linked workbooks are listed in the dialog box

3. What is a destination file?

recieves the value(s) from the source file

8. How do you apply the same page layout to all of the worksheets in a workbook at one time?

select a worksheet group that consists of all the sheets in the workbook, click the Page Layout tab, and then select the page layout specification that you want to apply to all worksheets in the group

5. Explain what the formula =AVERAGE(Sheet1:Sheet4!B1) calculates.

the average value found in cell B1 in all of the worksheets from Sheet 1 to Sheet 4

2. What is a source file?

the file that contains the data values to which you want to link

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