Texes EC-6

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phonic analysis

"sounding out" a word

A fraction is used to represent probability

# of times the successful event occurs/# of attempts that were made

partner reading

(paired reading) requires students to work in pairs and students take turns reading a passage

Diene's Blocks

--also known as Base 10 blocks --blocks used to represent ones, tens, hundreds, etc when working with math

Newton's 3 Laws of Motion

1. any object in motion stays in motion unless an outside force stops it 2. acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass 3. for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction

Scientific Inquiry

1. ask a scientific question 2. form a hypothesis 3. select appropriate equipment and technology to gather info 4. make observations and collect data 5. organize, analyze, and evaluate data to make inferences 6. conclusion

Effective sequence for introducing children to phonemes

1. phoneme comparison in the following order: beginning, ending, and middle sounds; 2. Phoneme blending; 3. linking letters; 4. manipulating phonemes through deletion, addition, substitution; 5. Phoneme segmentation

Stages of Spelling

1. pre-communicative (scribbles/mock letters) 2. pre-phonemic (phonemic/invented spelling) 3. phonemic (all basic sounds represented) 4. transitional 5. conventional

Name the 4 Stages of Reading

1. pre-reading 2. initial reading (decoding) stage 3. fluency stage 4. reading to learn

Steps of Writing Process

1. prewriting 2. drafting 3. revising 4. editing 5. sharing

steps in the writing process

1. prewriting - strategies such as brainstorming, graphic organizers, notes, and logs to generate ideas and plans to determine audience and purpose; 2. draft - develop by organizing ideas into paragraphs to suit the audience and purpose; 3. revise - draft for coherence, progression, and logical support of ideas by adding, elaborating, deleting, combining, and rearranging text; 4. edit - drafts to ensure standard usage, varied sentence structure, and appropriate word choice; 5. publishing - use available technology to support aspects of creating, revising, editing, and publishing final product.

5 Stages of Learning Geometry

1. visualization (recognize/name shapes) 2. analysis (describes figures) 3. informal deduction (classifying figures) 4. deduction (writing proofs) 5. rigor (work in several geometry systems at once) *Stages 1-3 common in elementary school

5 stages of learning geometry

1. visualization - recognize and name figures; 2. analysis - describe figures and objects; 3. informal deduction - classification of figures and objects (These are noticeable during elementary school); 4. deduction - involves writing proofs from definitions; 5. rigor - work in several geometrical systems

one meter is equal to


Alonso Alvarez de Pineda

1519 - explored and mapped Texas coastline

Cabeza de Vaca

1528; one of the first Europeans to explore the Texas interior

Corpus Christi de la Isleta

1682; 1st Spanish mission in Texas; established near El Paso

In what year did Mexico gain independence from Spain?


Stephen F. Austin

1821; established 1st Anglo-American colony in Texas; the "Old Three Hundred"

In what year did Mexico forbid the entry to US settlers into Texas?


Battle of Gonzales

1835; the start of the struggle for Texas Independence from Mexico

When was the Texas Declaration of Independence signed?


Battle of San Jacinto

1836; General Sam Houston defeats Santa Anna

1st President of the Republic of Texas

1836; Sam Houston

Battle of the Alamo

1836; battle lost to Santa Anna; causalities include David Crockett, Jim Bowie, and William Travis

When was Texas admitted into the Union?

1845; 28th state

When was the Lone Star flag flown for the first time?


Mexican-American War

1846; fought over claims to the southern boundary of Texas

Texas joined the Confederacy in?


Texas rejoined the Union in?


When was the Texas State Constitution ratified?


Spindletop Oil Field

1901- Oil discovered in Texas initiated modern petroleum industry

Wright Brothers

1903; 1st powered flight

William DeForest

1906; invented the vacuum tube

Henry Ford

1908; invented mass production of the automobile


1920; 1st commercial radio station on air

When and where was the first successful television transmission?

1927 in New York

Alexander Fleming

1928; discovered penicillin

Wallace Carothers

1932; invented Nylons

Robert Watson-Watt

1935; invented the radar

Bell Labs

1947; invented the transistor

Mae Jemison

1st African American female astronaut 5th black astronaut

Barbara Jordan

1st African American woman from a southern state to serve in Congress (House of Reps 1973) 1976 - 1st woman to deliver keynote address at Democratic National Convention

Ellen Ochoa

1st female Hispanic astronaut

Ma Ferguson

1st female governor of Texas 1925-27 and 1933-35

Antonia Novello

1st woman and 1st Hispanic to become surgeon general of the United States


2 consonants in a word or syllable that make one sound


2 faces are joined by an ______

one inch is equal to


Native Cultures of Archaic Period

6,000 BC~500 AD Coahultecans, Caddos, Karankawas, Trans-Pecos

Directe reading-thinking activity (DRTA)

A guided reading activity in which the teacher breaks the text into shorter segments, and next facilitates a discussion on the key concepts related to the text topic and thereafter leads the student in predicting, reading silently to confirm predictions, discussing to refined and clarify predictions; and then formulating new predictions about the remainder of the text; this process is repeated until the reading of the text is completed.


A modeling activity in which the teacher verbalizes the teacher's thoughts while reading; used to model ways in which skilled readers make predictions, use visualizations, related prior knowledge, and monitor and self-correct their comprehensions

How long should phonics be taught?

According to the National Reading Panel, approximately two years is sufficient in the primary grades.

Charles Drew

African American doctor 1st director of American Red Cross blood banks

15th Amendment

African American men allowed to vote

George Washington Carver

African American who made major agricultural contributions, especially with peanuts, soybeans, and sweet potatoes. 300+ uses for the peanut


Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin


Along the Texas coast, lived in family groups and had a nomadic lifestyle


Alonso Alvarez de Pineda explores and maps the Texas coastline

Anna Mary "Grandma" Moses

American artist

Helen Keller

American writer


An onset is the initial consonant(s) sound of a syllable, and a rime is the remaining set of phonemes in the syllable; e.g., in sat, the onset is /s/ and the rime is /at/

Native Cultures of 18th and 19th Centuries

Apache, Cherokee, Comanche, Kiowa, Pueblo, Wichitas, Shawnee, Kickapoo

To best assess a preschoolers understanding of concept of print?

Ask the child to "read" a book while the teacher watches and listens.

How can a teacher best identify a student's word identification strategies?

Ask the student to explain how he/she figured out the word.


At the Battle of the Alamo, losses include David Crockett, James "Jim" Bowie, William Travis

What are the advantages of using a basal program?

Basal books are controlled in their vocabulary and sentence structure.

Leveled Books

Books that have been sorted according to level of difficulty so that children and teachers can select books at the child's appropriate reading level


Cabeza de Vaca is among the first Europeans to explore the Texas interior


Coastal Plains; main crop was corn, but grew other crops, were hunters and fishers, built houses of cedar frames that were relatively permanent, worshipped in large wooden temples. The Caddo word for friends or allies is Tejas which is where the name of our state is derived

Geographic Regions of North America

Coastal Range, Basin & Range, Rocky Mountains, Great Plains, Interior Lowlands, Canadian Shield, Coastal Plains, Appalachian Mountains

3 Types of Heat Transfer

Conduction - transfer through solids Convection - transfer through liquids Radiation - transfer through space


Corpus Christi de la Isleta, the first of many Spanish missions, is established near El Paso.

main economic exports of Texas

Cotton - starting in the 17th century Cattle ranching - starting in the 1850s Petroleum - starting in 1901 Electronic Products - 20th century

Diagnostic Assessment

Diagnostic assessment occurs at the beginning of the teaching/learning cycle. This type of assessment will provide the teacher with an understanding of the prior knowledge and skills a student bring to a unit, as well as the strengths and specific learning needs of an individual or groups of students in relation to the expectations that will be taught.

A fourth grader demonstrates good decoding skill when reading leveled word lists, but often makes miscues and rarely self-corrects when reading text passages. To help this student learn to self-correct, the teacher should...

Encourage the student to think about whether each sentence makes sense as it is read.

Evaluative Assessment

Evaluative assessment provides instructors with curricular feedback (e.g., the value of a field trip of oral presentation technique.

A student has comprehension difficulty with content area reading. What should the teacher do to help the student?

Explicitly teach the student about the parts and format of various nonfiction texts and the specialized terminology and language the text uses.

A student has satisfactory decoding skills, but the student has weak comprehension when reading. What should the teacher do to help the student?

Explicitly teach the student how to apply various comprehension strategies as the student reads.

Formative Assessment

Formative assessment provides diagnostic feedback to students and instructors at short-term intervals (e.g., during a class or on a weekly basis) *Used to Form learning activities


Geoboards are grids of pegs that can hold rubber bands in position. They can be used to teach shapes, perimeters, area, etc.

Geographic Regions of Texas

Great Plains - Panhandle, far north Gulf Coast - east coast Trans-Pecos - Big Bend, southwestern North Central Plains

How can a teacher help students learn the importance of punctuation?

Have them read a passage in which punctuation has been ommitted.

A fourth grader who reads at the seventh grade level often seems bored and unchallenged. What would be most appropriate for the teacher to do to promote this student's reading development?

Help the student find books to read that are of high personal interest.


Henry Ford begins mass production of the automobile

Santiago Ramon y Cajal

Hispanic doctor awarded the Nobel Prize in 1906 for his work on the structure of the nervous system


In the compromise of 1850, Texas relinquishes territory and acquires its present shape


Insulin is created by Canadian researchers

Mother of Texas

Jane Long - because she reputed to have been the first Anglo to bear a child in Texas

K-W-L teaching model

K-What I know. W-What I want to know. L-What I learned. Relies on metacognition


KDKA-Pittsburgh becomes the first commercial radio station on air

9 Types of Energy

Kinetic, Potential, Mechanical, Thermal, Chemical, Sound, Light, Solar, Electrical

Name the levels of Bloom's Taxonomy

Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation


Mexico forbids the entry of further U.S. Settlers into Texas


Mexico gains independence from Spain

Morphology & Morphemes

Morphology - set of rules for combining sounds into meaningful units Morpheme - smallest unit of meaning in a language

Jane Long

Mother of Texas (1798-1880) First Anglo to bear a child in Texas (1821)

3 Main Gases of the Earth's Atmosphere

Nitrogen - 78% Oxygen - 21% Argon - 1%


Oil is discovered at the Spindletop oil field, initiation the modern petroleum industry


On the Coastal Plains, hunters and gatherers who lived in huts but often moved in search of food.

Types of Maps

Outline - outlines of geographic regions without additional detail Relief - contained raised features of topography region Puzzle - maps cut into puzzles Topographic - use different color symbols to represent topography of region

Phonology and Phonemes

Phonology - sounds of a language Phonemes - basic unites of sound


Radar is developed by Robert Watson-Watt


Researchers at Bell Labs invent the transistor


Sam Houston is elected first president of the Republic of Texas


Santa Anna is routed by General Sam Houston at the Battle of San Jacinto

Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development

Sensorimotor - birth to 2 years Preoperational - 2-7 years Concrete Operational - 7-11 years Formal Operational - 11+years


Significant oil fields are discovered in Saudi Arabia

States of Matter

Solid, Liquid, Gas

What were the six flags that flew over Texas?

Spain (1519-1685; 1690-1821) France (1685-1690) Mexico (1821-1836) Republic of Texas (1836-45) Confederate States (1861-65) United States (1845-61; 1865-present)

Pablo Picasso

Spanish painter and sculptor

Salvador Dali

Spanish surrealist painter


Stephen F. Austin establishes the first Anglo-American colony, the Old Three Hundred

Summative Assessment

Summative assessment provides a description of student's level of attainment upon completion of an activity module, or course *Sums up what was learned


Term referring to the head-to-toe direction of motor development


Texas Primary Reading Inventory (2 or 3 times a year)


Texas is admitted to the Union as the 28th state


Texas rejoins the Union

Compromise of 1850

Texas relinquishes territory and gains its current shape


Texas secedes from the Union and joins the Confederacy

Elastic Clause

The Congress shall have Power to make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.


The Mexican-American war is fought over claims to the southern boundary of Texas


The Texas Congress meets for the first time in Austin, the new capital of the Republic


The Texas Declaration of Independence is created and signed


The Wright Brothers make the first powered flight

Supremacy Clause

The clause establishes the Constitution, Federal Statutes, and U.S. treaties as "the supreme law of the land." The text establishes these as the highest form of law in the American legal system, mandating that state judges uphold them, even if state laws or constitutions conflict.

Commerce Clause

The clause states that the United States Congress shall have power "to regulate Commerce with foreign Nations and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes"


The current Lone Star flag is flown for the first time


The current Texas State Constitution is ratified


The first successful television transmission takes place in New York

Associative Property

The order of addends or product will not change the sum or the product. It does not matter how you group the numbers (or which ones you calculate first) when you add or when you multiply. Ex. 8+(2+10)=(8+2)+10 Ex. 6x(3x4)=3x(4x6)

Communicative Property

The order of the addends or factors do not change the result. You can swap numbers over and still get the same answer when you add or multiply Ex. 10+3=3+10


The struggle for the Independence of Texas begins with the Battle of Gonzales


The study of how sounds are organized and used in natural languages


The study of meaning.


The study of the rules, or "patterned relations," that govern the way words combine to form phrases and phrases combine to form sentences.

Learner-Centered Professional Development

The teacher demonstrates a commitment to learn, to improve the profession, and to maintain professional ethics and personal integrity.

learner-centered knowledge

The teacher possesses and draws on a rich knowledge base of content, pedagogy, and technology to provide relevant and meaningful learning experiences for all students

Equity in Excellence for All Learners

The teacher responds appropriately to diverse groups of learners.

Phonological Awareness

The understanding that speech can be broken into smaller units of sound such as word, syllables, onsets and rimes, and phonemes

Norm-referenced Assessment

This type of assessment is relative to the student body undertaking the assessment. It is effectively a way of comparing students.

Learner-Centered Instruction

To create a LC community, the teacher identifies needs; and plans, implements, and assesses instruction using technology and other resources

A third grade teacher makes a practice of reading aloud to students from high-interest books that are above the students' independent reading level. Why do this?

To stimulate students' interest in literature and to introduce new vocabulary words and concepts to expand their knowledge of word meanings.

3 Major Learning Styles

Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic


Wallace Carothers invents nylon

In evaluating the suitability of children's books for use as elementary classroom reading material, what is most important to consider first?

Whether classroom use of these reading materials will address the grade level reading TEKS.

Learner-Centered Communication

While acting as an advocate for all student and the school, the teacher demonstrates effective professional, and interpersonal communication skills.


William DeForest invents the vacuum tube

Adaptive Characteristics

a behavior or physical structure that allows an organism to continue to survive in its environment

Reading fluency includes...

a combination of accuracy and rate; developed by reading and rereading a large number of stories and informational texts that are at an appropriate reading level


a mistake in reading words such as saying the wrong word, leaving out a word, repeating a word, inserting a word

shared reading

a modeling strategy in which the teacher reads a story and the children join in

acrostic poem

a poem where the first letter of each line spells a word


a prefix or suffix

SSR (Sustained Silent Reading)

a reading activity in which a block of time, typically 15-30 minutes, is allotted for students to engage in uninterrupted silent reading for pleasure

Reader's Theatre

a reading activity in which students rehearse and perform a play whose script is derived from a dialogue-rich book; promotes reading fluency and cooperative interaction with peers.


a rhymed humorous, nonsense poem of five lines with last line ending in a surprise twist; highly controlled. Lines 1,2, and 5 rhyme; lines 3 and 4 rhyme


a seven-lined poem set up in a diamond shape


a short, unrhymed poem constituting of twenty-two syllables distributed as 2,4,6,8,2 in five lines

SQ3R Method

a student-directe approach in which students are taught five steps for studying content-area and expository texts: Survey, Question, Read, Recite & Review

running record

a tool for scoring and analyzing a student's reading ability

expository writing

a type of oral or written discourse hat is used to explain, describe, give information or inform


a vowel pair in which the sound glides from one vowel to the other - like oi, oy, ou, and ow in foil, boy out, and cow.

expanded notation

a way to write numbers that show the value of each digit. 5,234 = (5x1000) + (2x1000) + (3x10) + (4x1)


ability of an organism to maintain equilibrium


ability of substances to transmit thermal or electrical current (metals are a good example of conductors)

visual discrimination

ability to compare and contrast objects

phonological awareness

ability to distinguish units of speech, relates only to speech and is ALWAYS ORAL

phonemic awareness

ability to identify phonemes that make up words. eg. able to tell you onset of "cat" is /c/

phonological awareness

ability to notice and think about sounds of language

fluent reading

ability to read quickly, accurately, smoothly and with expression

fluent reading

ability to read quickly, accurately, smoothly and with expression. (ability to make use of prosodic cues); (is a dimension of oral reading)

alphabetic recognition

ability to recognize printed letters based on their distinctive shapes

metalinguistic knowledge

ability to reflect on and evaluate language


ability to reflect on one's own though processes

receptive language

ability to understand what is being said

evaluative comprehension

ability to use critical thinking skills, logical analysis, and aesthetic considerations to evaluate a text

content literacy

ability to use written texts as sources of information

13th Amendment

abolished slavery


accompaniment of a song


accurate, speedy word recognition; is necessary, but not sufficient, for fluency development

comprehension strategies of skilled readers

activating and using background knowledge, generating and asking questions, making inferences, predicting, summarizing, visualizing

read aloud, dramatic play, puppets

activities used to build oral language


add substance to this and is larger in amount

14th Amendment

all born in the US are US citizens


allows students to interact in a variety of ways

pre-reading stage

alphabetic and graphophonemic knowledge, may be in the process of learning word-analysis skills, but they don't yet have ability to read unfamiliar words

reading readiness skills

alphabetic knowledge


amount of space taken up by an object


an area of land or water; described by human characteristics such as the type of people that live there/physical characteristics such as mountains/plains

phonological awareness

an awareness of and the ability to manipulate the sounds of spoken words

Elkonin Boxes

an instructional method used in the early elementary grades to build phonological awareness by segmenting words into syllables or sounds -each box represents a syllable or morpheme

alphabetic principle

an understanding that letters and letter patterns represent the sounds of spoken words


an unrhymed Japanese verse consisting of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables or 17 syllables in all


analogous to how the syllables in a sentence sound

congruent figures

are exactly the same size


are homogenous mixtures - components that are evenly distributed


area that surrounds shapes and forms

Cloze Procedure

as assessment method used to determine readability of a text that involves deleted words from the text and leaving blank spaces


associating letters with sounds

reading to learn stage

attention is focused primarily on content rather than the act of reading itself

To help children understand that words are made up of individual sounds that can be separated and counted, use...

auditory cues (e.g. clapping the syllables) and visual cues (e.g. Elkonin boxes, counters, chips, blocks, etc.) to mark the syllables


average of a set of continuous data


average of the values


awareness of mental contents and processes. If "cognition" refers to thinking, then "metacognition" refers to thinking about thinking.

mathematical probability

based upon chance; the likelihood of an event occurring

historical probability

based upon data accumulation over time

Inferential comprehension

being able to draw conclusion by reading "between the lines."

How many morphemes are in the following: biggest, cats, cup

biggest - 2 big+est cats - 2 cat+s cup - 1 cup


blending sounds together /p/ /a/ /t/ is "pat"


branch of earth science that concerns climate, weather, and earth's atmosphere more generally


branch of geology that concerns the structure of the earth's crust, as well as changes that take place in the crust over time as a result of folding and faulting


breaking down and removal of physical material


breaking down of physical material


breaking words into individual phonemes, breaking words into syllables, or breaking syllables into onsets and rimes

value regarding color

brightness or dullness of a color


brightness or dullness of the color

Criterion-referenced Assessment

candidates are measured against defined (and objective) criteria


cases in which a student reads a word that is different from the one that is printed

How many phonemes are in the following? : cat, book, she, bread

cat - 3 /c/ /a/ /t/ book - 3 /b/ /oo/ /k/ she - 2 /sh/ /e/ bread - 4 /b/ /r/ /e/ /d/

continental drift

change in the positions of continents over long periods of time


changes the size so that it is enlarged or made smaller

literary elemtns

character, plot, setting, theme, point of view, tone, style

phonemic awareness

child's ability to understand that words have smaller components called sounds, and that these sounds together create syllables and words

fluency stage

children become more familiar with the written language, and their decoding becomes more automatic as a result of learning more sight words


children treat irregular forms according to the rules of ordinary cases eg. foots, mouses, builded

emergent literacy

children's beliefs about and experiences with reading and writing prior to formal instruction

The most common type of narrative order in children's books is...

chronological; the events are told in the order they happen

Context clues are...

clues to the meaning of a word contained in the text that surround it. These clues include definitions, examples, and restatements. Teaching students strategies for identifying and using context clues is an important technique for vocabulary development


clusters of ideas about objects, places, and events

elements of art

color, texture, form, shape, line, space, value


combinations of 2 or more substances, where each substance is distinct from the other. Can be heterogenous (different) not distributed evenly or homogenous (same) distributed evenly


combining individual phonemes to form words or combining onsets and rimes to make syllables, then combining syllables to make words

physical geography

concerns the physical environments of the earth

congruence vs similarity

congruence: match exactly in size and shape similar: proportional

phonological system

consists of 44 different sounds

consonant diagraph

consists of two consonants that together represent one sound - like the ph sound in the word digraph

consonant blend

consists of two or more consonants sounded together in such a way that each is heard-like the blend of "b" and "l" in the word "blend"

vowel digraph

consists of two vowels that together represent one sound - like the "oa" in "boart" that makes the long "o" sound

accelerated erosion

constitutes a major source of topographic change

Early blending activities should use words that begin with...

continuous consonants (e.g., f,l,m,r,s) because these sounds are easy to hear and can be blended without distortion. The children should "stretch out" and connect the sounds in the word (e.g., ssssaaaattttt, rather than /s/--/a/--/t/)

self-correction and feedback

contribute to grater fluency (important for teachers to help students maintain positive attitude)

silent reading

contributes to fluency by allowing children to familiarize themselves with key vocabulary, so that oral reading of the same passage can be based on a higher proportion of sight words (SSR, Sustained Silent Reading or DEAR, Drop Everything And Read)


created by Canadian researchers in 1922

Graphophonic Cues

cues based on letter-sound correspondence that help readers decode text and determine its meaning. (When readers are using letter sounds and their position in words to help decode a word)

cueing systems

cues used by the reader to draw on or gain meaning from text. They include: structural analysis - word identification skills that focus on word parts - prefixes, root words, suffixes, inflectional endings (e.g., -s, -es, -ed, -ing, -er, and -est) and derivational endings (e.g., -y, -ly, -ial, -ic); semantic - using background knowledge/experience with word meanings.; Syntactic - using word order and knowledge of language patterns; graphophonic - using knowledge of letters and sounds.


data value that is far from the other values in that particular set


detailed descriptions of other cultures, including both physical and cultural geographies

Hypokinetic Diseases

diseases associated with decreased physical activity

To help ESL students begin to develop a sight vocabulary...

display high frequency words and label objects in the classroom

distributive property

distributing numbers as they are taken apart; in algebra this is referred to as expanding Ex: 3x(4+8)=(3x4)+(3x8) 3(12)-12x24 36=36


division of words into sounds "dog" is /d/ /o/ /g/

mountains and basins

driest part of the state, includes cities such as El Paso. Economic Resources include: farming, ranching, oil, and gas

plate tectonics

earth's crust consists of about 20 plates that drift, collide, and separate over long periods of time

metamorphic rock

either sedimentary or igneous rocks that have changed (morphed) due to intense heat/pressure including gneiss, schist

emergent vs conventional literacy

emergency ->literacy experiences prior to formal instruction conventional ->literacy taught in elementary school

potential energy

energy an object has as the result of its position or condition

kinetic energy

energy an object has when it moves

Law of the Conservation of Energy

energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transferred

activation energy

energy necessary to cause an object to move

Kinetic Energy

energy of an object in motion

accelerated erosion

erosion resulting from human activity

For helping preschool children listen attentively...

establish a cuing system that signals that it is time to listen and use it routinely




explains how two or more things are alike and/or how they are different

A balanced reading program consists of...

explicit, systematic phonics instruction with meaningful, connected readings of informative, engaging text. It includes five main areas of reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension.


farmers in East Texas, lived in villages; very developed Native Americans; elaborate social system

Basic functions for survival of organisms

feeding, respiration, circulation, excretion, response, movement, reproduction

historical fiction

fiction; based on real historical events


fiction; plots are fast-paced and revolve around a suspenseful crime or mysterious happening

predictable/pattern books

fiction; plots are simple, face-paced, predictable


fiction; plots center around adventures of heroic figures

fantasy/science fiction

fiction; plots contain some elements that could not happen in the world as we know it today


fiction; short, brief stories that teach a lesson or moral


fiction; stories are not intended to be accepted as true; larger-than-life characters and very unusual happenings


fiction; stories seen as true in the culture

realistic fiction

fiction; story that can actually happen and is true to life


fictional play; plot if carried by the dialogue


figure of speech which involves a direct comparison between two unlike things, usually with the words "like" or "as"


figure of speech which involves an implied comparison between two relatively unlike things using a form of be

Barbara Jordan

first African-Ameican woman from a southern state to serve in Congress when she was elected to the House of Representatives in 1973

Ma Ferguson

first of two women to serve as governor of Texas


flat surface or the side of the solid


flipping motions

cultural geography

focuses on the relationships between people and their physical environments

13th Amendment

forbids slavery


form of energy

igneous rocks

formed when magma cools. includes mica, quartz, feldspar

sedimentary rock

formed when sediment are deposited in layers, compacted together, and hardened including sandstone, limestone, shale


found by subtracting the smallest value in the data set from the largest value in that set

1st Amendment

freedom of religion, speech, press, to assemble, and to petition

Reading levels for text material

frustrational - is able to read less than 90% of words correctly; instructional - can read/understand between 90-95% of text; independent - reads/understands at least 95-100% of text

round character

fully developed, with many traits-bad and good-shown in the story

remote sensing

geographic information about an object, region, or event can be acquired without being in direct contact with it (e.g., seismographs)


getting meaning from written text


group of independent bands, they were hunters and fishermen, not farmers

choral reading

groups of children reading aloud together


groups of steady beats; refers to the number of beats grouped together (2s, 3s, 4s)

word families

groups of words that have the same ending sounds (rime) but a different beginning sound (onset), such as can, man, fan.

chemical change

happens when the substances that were combined are no longer the same molecules - they have changed to new substances

To help young children hear, and pronounce, all the sounds in a new word...

have children clap the syllables as they hear, and pronounce, them

To promote children's receptive language development...

have frequent conversations with them-both individually and in groups- about topics and activities of personal interest to them

similar figures

have same shape

To promote a preschooler's understanding of the connection between spoken and written language...

have the child tell a story and watch as the teacher writes down what the child says.

A most effective informal reading assessment to check students' understanding of a reading passage is to...

have the student talk in their own words about what they have read.

To help preschoolers develop an understanding that print has meaning...

have the students "write" messages and draw pictures on holiday cards.

Thermal Energy

heat energy; energy that occurs as a result of temperature differences/changes

invented or temporary spelling

helps to increase phonemic awareness and increases knowledge of spelling patterns


how are you putting it together


how fast or slow music is played or sung


how loud or soft music is played or sung

dynamics (music)

how loud or soft music is played or sung

tall tale

humorous, exaggerated story with characters who do unbelievable things

alphabetic principle

idea that there is a consistent relationship between sounds and letters

attribute blocks

ideals for working on congruence and similarity

phonemic awareness

identifying and manipulating the individual sounds in spoken words

counting bars

illustrates congruence and similarity

picture graphs

illustrates quantities

Coastal Plains

includes Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio Economic Resources include: fishing, farming, oil and gas

Central Plains

includes cities such as Abilene and Wichita Falls. Economic Resources include: farming, ranching, oil, and gas

atmospheric gases

includes nitrogen and oxygen

Great Plains

includes the Llano basin and cities such as: Amarillo, Lubbock, Midland, and Odessa, flat area w/few trees. Economic Resources include: farming, ranching, oil, and gas.

Emergent Literacy

increased development of oral language, curious about print, begins scribbling, and forming some letters, understands concepts about print, identifying environmental print, understand print has meaning, begin to predict what the print might say

primary sources

information consisting of actual records, first-hand accounts of events and experiences

secondary sources

information consisting of descriptions and explanations that are created after a historical event has already taken place


inhabited the Gulf Coast of Texas from Galveston Bay to Corpus Christi, hunters & gatherers, fishermen, built canoes and long bows, thought to be the first Native Americans to make contact w/the Europeans. In the early 1530s, Alvar Nunez Vabeza de Vaca and 3 others were shipwrecked off the Texas coast. Cabeza de Vaca lived among the ______ for 6 years

guided reading

instruction that supports and extend the reading process


interconnectedness; individuals, states, etc. relying on one another. *The Texas economy is interdependent on the economy of the US and the world

Reading to students in a text that is beyond their independent reading level is a good practice because...

it exposes students to new vocabulary and concepts to expand their knowledge of word meanings

oral recitation lessons (ORL)

kind of repeated reading activity exercise based on interactions between teacher and students.

Graphonemic Knowledge

knowledge about specific relationships between graphemes and phonemes

alphabetic knowledge

knowledge of letter names and shapes; acquired in a sequence that begins with letter names, then letter shapes, and finally letter sounds. Instruction should be informal, but planned, and should include activities in which children have many opportunities to see, play with, and compare letters and learn to identify, name and write both upper case and lower case versions of the letters.

big books

large, oversized books used in shared reading, usually at the emergent reading level

3 main branches of government

legislature - run by Congress executive - run by the President judicial - run by the Supreme Court

Graphophonemic Knowledge

letter recognition and letter-sound correspondence

literal comprehension

level of understanding of a text


lightness or darkness of a color


lightness or darkness of the color

receptive language skills

listening and reading

cause and effect

lists one of more causes and the resulting effect or effects


lived in South Plains; fierce fighters; learned to ride horses and hunted buffalo


lived in South Texas; hunting and gathering tribe


lived in coastal and bayou areas in southwestern Texas


lived in rock shelters, built houses that were relatively permanent in the desert climate where they lived. Were farmers, but also fished and hunted

natural selection

living animals must adapt to changes in their environment to survive, those that don't will die

relative location

location of an area in relation to another area


long and short sounds in music

ELL Oral Language Development

maintains a language rich environment that provides many activities and opportunities to communicate

outline maps

maps that contain outlines of geographic regions, such as states, without additional detail

relief maps

maps that contain raised features representing the topography of a region

puzzle maps

maps that the teacher cuts into shapes for students to reassemble

topographic maps

maps that use different colors and symbols to represent various geographic characteristics


mark made by a tool moving across a surface

Define: mean, median, and mode

mean: average median: middle value mode: most frequent value




meaning of words and phrases


meanings of words and phrases

repeated reading

method in which children reread a short, meaningful passage until a degree of fluency is achieved


middle point in a set of continuous data


middle value in the set

When a teacher reads aloud expressively, modifying his/her voice to convey story elements this...

models good reading and also promotes children's receptive language development.


name of color


name of the color


narrative poem (tells a story) set to music

When brainstorming potential topics for writing assignments, students should be mindful that...

no suggestion or statement by a student should be criticized as wrong or inappropriate


nomadic buffalo hunters and gatherers who lived in central Texas

Lipan and Mescalero Apache

nomadic, lived off buffalo, first Native Americans to ride horses


nonfiction; contains factual information about a real person

informational books/articles

nonfiction; contains factual information about a specific subject

books of true experience

nonfiction; true stories about real events from a person's life or parts of his/her life.

flat character

not fully developed; we only know one side of the character


occurs when a want for a good is greater than the supply


occurs when perfect matching occurs


often referred to as a slide; an object moves into a new position without flipping or turning


often referred to as a turn; object is turned from a central point

fossil fuel

once living organism

Rene-Robert Cavelier Sieur de la Salle

one of the first French explorers in Texas


one society adopts a great deal of another society's culture


organized by actual locations in space


organized in numerical or chronological order

consonant blends

pairs of adjacent consonants that are both heard eg. 'br' in break


pairs of adjacent vowels that are both heard eg. 'oy' in toy


pairs of vowels or consonants heard as one sound 'ch' in cherry 'ee' in meet

spelling patterns

patterns of letters or sounds in words that constitute a word family, for example, -an as in can man, fan


patterns of pitch that contribute to the meaning of phrases or sentences


patterns of pitch that contribute to the meanings of phrases and sentences

Two best predictors of later success in reading are...

phonemic awareness and alphabetic knowledge

invented spelling

phonetic spelling

Physical geography vs cultural geography

physical - physical environment of the earth cultural - relationships between people and the environment

Children learn letter shapes by...

playing with blocks, plastic letters and alphabet blocks.


poem consisting of 14 lines with a formal rhyming scheme


poem consisting of four lines of verse

shape poetry

poem that has the shape of its subject

free verse

poetry that lacks rhyme and structured meter


portion of the syllable that consists of the vowel and the letter that follow it


portion of the syllable that precedes the vowel


position that or space that something occupies. tells where it is

concepts of print

print represents spoken language; print is directional from left to right and top to bottom; books are read from front to back; the strings of letters separated by spaces in text are words, and individual letters are different from words; sentences begin with capital letters and end with periods, ect...

environmental print

print that occurs in one's environment


product of the force acting in the direction of movement causing displacement.

15th Amendment

prohibits the denial of suffrage based on race or color

health-related fitness

promote for the development of better health now and in the future

Instructional Reading Level

pronounces 90-94% of the words correctly and 70-89% of the questions correct

8th Amendment

protection against excessive bail & fines; protection against cruel and unusual punishment

4th Amendment

protection against unreasonable searches and seizures

3 Particles of an Atom

proton, neutron, electron


provide tactile experience of creating right triangles. (a block of wood with rectangular array of pins. Pins are used to hold rubber bands or geobands in place. They are used to form triangles or other polygons.) (useful for demonstrating congruence and similarity.)

A fourth grade teacher asks a paraprofesional to lead a small-group discussion of a story students have read. To ensure likely success, the teacher should...

provide the paraprofessional with a set of questions to help promote students' comprehension of the story.

Preschool children's oral language development is best fostered by...

providing the children with opportunities to communicate with their peers and with adults in a wide range of contexts


push or pull an object causing it to move


puzzle/game consisting of seven geometrical pieces that forms thousands of designs

shared reading

reading aloud to children and talking about the books and stories

19th Amendment

recognition of women's suffrage




referred to as a flip or mirror image moved over a line of symmetry, the shape must remain the same size and the same shape

six flags over Texas

refers to the fact that flags of six governments have flown over Texas. These are Spain, France, Mexico, Republic of Texas, The Confederate States of America, and the United States of America


refers to the pitch, loudness, tempo, and rhythm of language. (the meaning of a written sentence, punctuation)


refers to the recognition of how written words sound "reading"


refers to the sounds that letters represent and how these sounds and letters combine to form words

literal comprehension

refers to the understanding of information that is explicitly states in a written passage. (main idea, sequence of events, knowledge of vocabulary)


refers to the way in which words are arranged in sentences

Having first graders write simple words at the same time they are first learning to recognize words in print is most likely to promote their reading development by...

reinforcing their knowledge of the alphabetic principle.


relates to the exact placement of a note on the staff


relates to the placement of notes on the staff


removal of soil and rock in the natural environment; involves movement. Moves by water, wind, ice, or gravity

21st Amendment

repeals the 18th amendment which prohibited the use/sale or alcohol


repeated consonant sounds occurring at the beginning of words or within words; e.g., big, blue bear

circle graphs, or pie charts

represent the relationship that each part has to the whole


resistance to penetration

lyric poem

rhythmic and melodic poem

6th Amendment

right to fair & speedy public trial; rights to notice of accusations, to confront accusers, to subpeonas, and to counsel

2nd Amendment

right to keep and bear arms

7th Amendment

right to trial by jury


rocks, soil, and minerals decomposing; occurs without movement

Cuiseniare Rods

rods of varying lengths and colors used to teach math, and more recently, language arts


rules for effective communication in different contexts


rules for effective communication in different contexts, including tone, slang, ect.

Alonso Alvarez de Pineda

sailed along the Gulf coast in 1519 in search of a strait to the Pacific Ocean


same shape, different size


same shape, same size

What word identification strategies would help a child understand and pronounce correctly the words read in a reading passage?

semantic and syntactic cues

diagraph "The H Brothers"

sh- quiet brother, wh- whistler brother, ch- train brother, th-nasty brother

line graphs

show changes in quantity and other variables over time

pie charts

show part-whole relationships

Major discovery in Saudi Arabia (1936)

significant oil fields; changed face of industry

Major Properties of Objects (Science)

size, shape, temperature, hardness, mass, construction, density


sliding motions


smallest meaningful components of words


smallest sound in a word, smaller than a syllable, i.e. Dog: /D/ /o/ /g/=3______


smallest unit of sound


sometimes referred to as phonics; is the process of sounding out words

initial reading stage

sound out many of the words they read through phonic analysis (also known as the decoding stage because they focus on the decoding of individual words)



Organizational patterns

spatial, sequence, cause and effect, comparison and contrast

expressive language skills

speaking and writing


speaking for a specific purpose or goal

Potential Energy

stored energy of an object

What graphic organizer is best to use for literary fiction?

story map or story tree

First Spanish missions were established to?

strengthen Spain's claim


structure of a phrase or sentence

Independent Reading Level

student pronounces 95% or more of words correctly and shows more than 90% accuracy in response to comprehension questions

Frustration Reading Level

student pronounces less than 50% of the words correctly and answers less than 70% of the questions correctly

SQ3R Method

student-directed approach to reading expository texts Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review

concepts about print

students identify the front of the book, understand print carries meaning, understand print goes from left to right, identifies the top and bottom of a book, identifies the beginning and end of a book

Instructional Reading Level

students read 90-95% accuracy

Independent Reading Level

students read 96%-above accuracy

Frustrational Reading Level

students read below 89% accuracy


study of how society maintains order through government institutions and political processes


study of how society maintains order through government institutions and the political process


study of the material record of the past


suitable for the student who needs the tactile experience with the triangle

free enterprise

supply, demand, and price determine the amount of product produced



choral reading

takes place when a group of students or an entire class reads out loud

Directed Reading Activity (DRA)

teacher activates and develops schemata by linking the topic of the text to student's own experiences or finding ways to get students interested in an unfamiliar topic (a teacher directed activity)

guided reading

teacher explains the purpose for reading a particular text as well as the structure for how to respond to what is read

guided reading

teacher explains the purpose of reading a text and the structure for how to respond to what is read

key signature

tells performers what "black notes on a piano" to play or sing; includes flats and sharps


term referring to the big-to-little or inside-to-outside direction of motor development

decodable text

text in which most of the words are made up of sound-letter relationships that have been taught, but that contain enough high-frequency, irregular, and story words to make them sound natural

expository texts

texts that provide factual information and explanations


the "pulse" or a work

Age of Exploration

the 15th and 16th centuries

One of the easiest phonemic awareness tasks for young children is...

the ability to identify the initial sound of a word, such as the /d/ sound in dog.

phonemic awareness

the ability to notice, think about, and work with the individual sounds in spoken words. (Focuses on sounds of language, not meaning)


the accompaniment of a song. In pop music, often played by guitar or keyboard

phonological awareness

the awareness of the ability to manipulate the sounds of spoken words; it is a broad term that includes identifying and making rhymes, recognizing alliteration, identifying and working with syllables in spoken words, identifying and working with onsets and rhymes in spoken syllables

Form (music)

the big pieces/sections of a song or work. The form of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" is ABA

A child's ability to point to words during the initial stages of reading indicates...

the child's development of an awareness of the words and the correspondence between written and spoken language.

sea-floor spreading

the creation and movement of new oceanic crust at mid-ocean ridges

The main feature of a systematic and explicit phonics program is...

the direct teaching of a set of letter-sound relationships in a clearly defined sequence

absolute location

the exact location of something

Full Faith and Credit Clause

the familiar name used to refer to Article IC, Section 1 of the United States Constitution, addresses the duties that states within the United States have to respect the "public acts, records, and judicial proceedings" of other states The Full Faith and Credit Clause explains reciprocity in licenses and extradition in crimes

Rule of Law

the idea that all people should receive fair, equal, consistent treatment under the law

structural analysis

the identification of morphemes


the letter or letters that represent a phoneme sh, c, th, t


the letters that spell the sounds in a word; e.g., in the word cat, the sound /k/ is represented by the grapheme (letter) c.


the meaning of words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, etc.


the most frequently observed number in a set of continuous data


the pitch, loudness, tempo and rhythm of language


the process of translating written words using letter-sound correspondence and blending the sounds into words

5th Amendment

the right to due process, protection against self-incrimination and double jeopardy


the separable, individual sounds in a word. A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound in speech; e.g., in the word cat, there are 3 phonemes: /k/, /a/, /t/.


the smallest structural unit of a word that carries meaning


the smallest unit of meaning. It cannot be divided into smaller units without losing its meaning. Some morphemes can stand alone like the words, a dog, or cat; others cannot, such as the prefix re- or the suffix -ly.


the songs, stories, myths and proverbs of people or "folk" as handed down by word of mouth


the structure of a phrase or sentence


the study of the earth and its inhabitants


the substance in the smaller amount that dissolves

Mechanical Energy

the sum of an object's kinetic and potential energies

phonics instruction

the systematic, explicit presentation of sound-letter relationships; for children to benefit from it they need phonemic awareness

talk-aloud activity

the teacher asks questions to guide students through a series of steps they must follow to complete a task

think-aloud activity

the teacher shares with students the thinking process that he/she goes through to complete a task


the tune of a song or a piece


the use of one word in place of another word


the use of words that mimic sounds; e.g., pop!

narrative texts

those that relate a story or sequence of events


three-dimensional quality of objects; depth, height, and width


tiling patterns, are repeating a shape in a systematic pattern in order to completely fill a space

When a student attempts to read a word in a sentence and asks the teachers, "Is that right?" The teacher's best response is...

to ask the student to reread the sentence and see whether the word makes sense.

One way to help a child that is having trouble with letter recognition is...

to have the child use his/her finger to trace a letter that the teacher has made from textured material and say the letter name while tracing.

An appropriate activity to improve first-graders' listening comprehension skills is...

to have them follow short (3-step) directions presented orally

The role of phonemic awareness in emergent literacy is...

to prepare students to match speech sounds with letters in written words


toddlers use one word to express an entire thought/sentence "milk" could mean: I want milk, I spilled my milk.

Describe: translations, rotations, reflections, dilations, contractions

translations: sliding rotation: turning reflection: flipping dilation: expand contract: reduce

cultural diffusion

transmission of objects, idea, and behaviors from one society to another

5 Main Layer of the Earth's Atmosphere

troposphere - location of weather stratosphere - ozone layer mesosphere thermosphere - auroras, space shuttles orbit here exosphere


tune of a song or piece


turning motions


two vowels to make another sound, oe in "shoe"


two-dimensional area defined by lines, colors, or values


types of instruments used in a work

story grammar

underlying structure of a story ie. the plot, beginning, middle, end

inferential comprehension

understanding of information that isn't explicitly given, but rather implied in a written passage (make predictions)

Alphabetic Principle

understanding that words are make up of letters and each letter represents a sound

print awareness

understanding the nature of print, the function it seres, and the conventions governing its use. (Allows children to distinguish between words and other forms or representation.)

When discussing reading issues with parents/guardians, teachers should...

use nontechnical terms since the use of professional jargon can create barriers to communication.

content literacy

used to describe the ability to use written texts as sources of information about a given topic or area


used to make skills and concepts very concrete; used in ALL grade levels

running records

used to track a student's reading progress

critical listening

used to understand and evaluate the content of what someone is saying. vs. listening for appreciation/enjoyment

bar graphs

uses horizontal and vertical bars to contrast quantities

Analyzing what an unfamiliar word's placement in a sentence suggests about the meaning of the word is an example of...

using syntactic clues

Literacy development instruction for English language learners should...

value and build upon children's home languages.


value that occurs most frequently

An effective way to promote the oral development of a 3-year-old preschooler is to...

verbally label and describe events in the child's world


visual or actual feel of the surface

graphic organizer

visual representation of textual content


way put together

inquiry teaching

when teachers ask and then help students answer questions by proposing hypotheses, gathering and evaluating data, and generating conclusions. This promotes an understanding of the scientific method.

19th Amendment

women allowed to vote

sight words

words children identify quickly, accurately, and effortlessly

irregular/high-frequency words

words that appear often in printed English (e.g., a, the, in, to, no, you, for), but are not readily decodable in the early stages of reading instruction

phoneme manipulation

working with phonemes in words; including working with onsets and rimes, deleting phonemes from words, adding phonemes to words, substituting one phoneme for another to make a new word, blending phonemes to make words, and segmenting words into phonemes

decodable texts

written materials that reflect the letter-sound relationships a particular child already knows


written representation of the phoneme

environmental print

written text that observable in one's surroundings, such as signs, labels, sticker, billboards, and brand names

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