Excel module 1-4 study

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Data series

A collection of related data points in a chart is called a


Compares data using columns


Converse trends over even time intervals


Default view in excel


Displays an alphabetical list of functions from which you can choose


Displays different chart types within one chart


Equal sign preceding a formula


File consisting of one or more worksheets

Click a button on the chart tools design tab

How do you move in embedded chart to a chart sheet

Backstage view

In which area can you see a preview of your worksheet?

Page layout view

In which view can you see the header and footer areas of a worksheet?

Normal view

Intersection of a column and a row


Item on the ribbon that opens a dialog box or task pane

Fill handle

Let's you copy cell contents or continue a series of data into a range of selected cells

Drag and drop method

Let's you move or copy data from one cell to another without using the clipboard


Moves the cell pointer to sell A. 1

Name box

Part of the excel program window that displays the active cell address


The object in a chart that identifies the colors used for each day series is a

Conditional formatting rules manager

What feature is used to delete a conditional formatting rule


What is a selection of multiple cells called?

Insert function button, auto song list arrow, formula auto complete

Which features do you use to enter a function

Spark line

Which is not an example of a smart art graphic


Which key can you press to switch to edit mode?


Which key do you press and hold to copy while dragging and dropping selected cells


Which key do you press to convert a relative so reference to an absolute cell reference

Chart tools format

Which tab appears only when one chart is selected

Conditional formatting

Changes formatting of a cell that meets a certain Rule

Spelling button

Checks for a parent misspellings in a worksheet

Delete key

Clears the contents of selected cells


Compares data as parts of a whole

Formula prefix

Direction in which contents of page will print


Shows how volume changes over time

Cell referencing

What is a cell address in a formula know as?


What is the maximum number of worksheets you can include in a workbook?

Auto fit

What is the name of the feature used to resize a column to accommodate it's widest entry


What type of cell reference changes when it is copied


What type of cell reference is C$19

Scale to fit

Which feature could be used to print a very long single sheet of paper?


Which tab on the ribbon do you use to create a chart

Page break view

Which view shows you a reduced view of each page of your worksheet?

Page layout

Which worksheet view shows how your worksheet will look when printed?


what is an example of accounting number format

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