EXMS 264: PrepU Quizes

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A Certified Exercise Physiologist may begin immediately training which of the following clients?

A 42-year-old female client who has lumbar lordosis

Which of the following increases functional capacity and may relieve symptoms of coronary artery disease?

Endurance exercise training

Resistance training in cardiac patients improves:

Muscular strength and endurance while decreasing the cardiovascular demands of a given task.

For individuals younger than 30 years of age, the most common cause/s of sudden cardiac death is/are:

congenital and hereditary abnormalities

Which exercise would be BEST suited for an advanced athlete?

Clean and jerk

For individuals who are borderline hypertensive, the recommended intervention is:

Endurance exercise

Once the blood pressure cuff and stethoscope are in place, the next step is to quickly inflate the cuff pressure to __________ above the first Korotkoff sound.

20 mmHg

Which of the following activities requires anaerobic glycolysis as an energy source?

200 meter sprint

What would be a good way to describe how to improve posture for a 39-year-old female who works in an office all day?

"Every 2 hours at work, sit on the edge of the chair, and maintain a perfectly neutral spine for 60 seconds."

Which of the following is an example of a SMART goal?

"I will run 4 days per week, gradually progressing my run time from 10 to 40 minutes, to prepare for a 5K in 4 months."

Your client sets a goal of losing 25 pounds before her high school reunion in a month. An appropriate response would be:

"That's a specific and time-bound goal. Let's talk about how realistic that goal is within the time frame."

Which of the following cues is most appropriate for correcting a client on exercise technique?

"Well done. Now check your knee alignment."

Which strategy is LEAST appropriate for a client who is at risk of relapsing during vacation?

"You just have to exercise whenever you can."

In reviewing your client's medical history, you note that she is on lipid lowering medication and her high-density lipoprotein cholesterol is 62 mg · dL−1. Based on her profile, how many total risk factors does she have?


In general, how many days of training are recommended for heat acclimatization?

10 days

Which of the following would result in the GREATEST total training volume?

2 sets x 12 reps with 90 lbs

How many risk factors are present for this 54-year-old female? Family history: Mother had myocardial infarction at the age of 60 Nonsmoker Blood pressure: 134/85 mm Hg Total cholesterol: 230 mg · dL−1 HDL-C: 46 mg · dL−1 Fasting blood glucose: 82 mg · dL−1 BMI: 27.3 Sedentary lifestyle


Athletes exercising at high altitude need an estimated ________ of fluid daily to maintain normal hydration.

3 to 4 liters

Dietary cholesterol should be limited to no more than ________ per day, based on USDA dietary guidelines.

300 mg

ACSM risk classification defines moderate exercise as:

40% to less than 60% VO2R.

Which of the following activities relies predominantly on anaerobic glycolysis for energy?

400-m run

Approximately 50% of people who start an exercise program will drop out within the first:

6 months

What is the recommended duration and frequency of resistance exercise for individuals 6-17 years of age?

60 minutes per day, at least 3 days per week

For a Type 1 diabetic, which of the following preexercise blood glucose levels is an indication to ingest a carbohydrate snack?

65 mg/dL

To obtain the health benefits of aerobic exercise, individuals should accumulate at LEAST:

75 minutes per week of vigorous-intensity exercise.

What work-to-recovery ratio would be MOST appropriate to include in a resistance training circuit for small group personal training sessions with clients who have primary goals that require enhanced muscular endurance?

75-second work interval: 20-second recovery

A 33-year-old female has a bench press weight ratio of 0.63. What rep range would you start her with?

8 to 12

The ideal resistance training repetition range and set range for a healthy adult just starting an exercise program, with no previous exercise history, would be:

8 to 12 reps, for 1 to 2 sets, 2 to 3 times per week.

Which of the following clients with a known cardiovascular disease would be classified as low risk for exercise?

A client with a resting blood pressure of 145/91 mm Hg

Which of the following is considered a perceived barrier to exercise?

A lack of time

Syncope is defined as

A loss of consciousness.

Muscular strength is defined as:

A one-time maximal force that may be exerted and is localized to a joint or muscle group.

Given the following complete health and medical history, which client has one risk factor?

A physically active 55-year-old female

Which of the following is an example of appraisal support?

A spouse who praises your client on the progress that has been made

An ideal exercise to improve the activities of daily living for a client who has back pain would be:

A squat against the wall with a stability ball behind the back.

Which organizations publish formal screening guidelines for those who plan to participate in physical activity?

ACSM and American Heart Association

Which of the following is an ACSM standard for risk management and emergency procedures?

AEDs in a facility shall be located within a 1.5-minute walk to any place in which they could potentially be needed

Dyspnea is defined as:

Abnormally uncomfortable awareness of breathing

A potential client has been walking 2 miles, several times a week, for the past 3 months and would like to continue progress toward her goals. You suggest that she train with you for several sessions to teach her things she can do on her own. According to the Transtheoretical Model, which stage of change is she currently in?


Which joint movement occurs in the frontal plane?


All of the following components make up total energy expenditure EXCEPT

Adiabatic transfer

While play-based strengthening activities are best for very young children, older children and adolescents can do well in structured programs. One important note for adolescents to consider in designing strength programs is:

Adolescents at the same chronological age may have different biological ages.

Basketball would be a good sport choice for which of the following populations?

Adults with a regular exercise program and at least average physical fitness

Which of the following conveys encouragement to a client?

Affirming client strengths you have noted

The ability to achieve stability through change is referred to as:


Your client is a self-motivated teenager who focuses on achieving her goals; however, she does not like sports or exercise and has come to you for help losing weight. The best way to motivate her in order to build self-efficacy would be to:

Allow her to choose her own activities in order to give her ownership of something she previously did not like

The EP-C should consult with a child's medical team and become familiar with the specific exercise recommendations for which of the following conditions?


Public relations, as opposed to advertising, communicates information to potential customers:

At a more emotional level.

A preceding event or circumstance that prompts a behavior such as exercise is called:

An antecedent

Myocardial ischemia is defined as:

An imbalance between myocardial oxygen demand and supply.

Which of the following does NOT require an exercise test or a medically supervised test?

An individual with two risk factors wishing to participate in moderate-intensity exercise

Hormones that cause new protein production are referred to as ________, while those that influence protein breakdown are ________.

Anabolic; catabolic

Which of the following is associated with a higher risk of cardiometabolic disease?

Android obesity

Compared to nonathletes, the protein requirement for physically active people is:

Approximately double.

A medical emergency policy should require that staff:

Are certified in CPR with AED

The MOST accurate fact regarding energy drinks is that they:

Are typically high in sugar

Which of the following is the correct transition of blood flow throughout the vasculature?

Arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins

Your client consistently repeats your exercise instructions several times to make sure he can remember the proper position and movements. This indicates that he is what type of learner.


AED stands for:

Automated external defibrillator

Sending a reminder of a training session via an e-mail to your client may help with:

Avoiding relapse

Defining criteria for the hypertension risk factor for cardiovascular disease is:

BP 140/90 mm Hg or higher

Which of the following is a skill-related parameter that might be addressed in a client's exercise program?


Which of the following motor skills are ideal to promote neuromotor training?

Balance, agility, and coordination

Which exercise would recruit the most stabilizer muscles during the lift?

Barbell front squat

To lessen the chance of injury, the EP-C should:

Be diligent in choosing exercise modes and prescribing exercises that are based on an individual's current fitness level and desires.

Certified Expercise Physiologists should always confirm with clients that their risk classification and health information are accurate and up to date before:

Beginning exercise training.

Both theories and models of behavior change deal with cognitive concepts and:

Behavioral strategies.

For clients with cardiovascular disease, exercise intensity must be prescribed:

Below the myocardial ischemic threshold

Which of the following muscles functions to externally rotate the hip joint?

Biceps femoris

A characteristic sign of heart failure or bilateral chronic venous insufficiency is:

Bilateral ankle edema

A cognitive manipulation method for gaining control over bodily processes in response to a stressor is


The science that applies the study of forces to living organisms is:


Which of the following terms is defined as the relative proportion of fat and fat-free tissue in the body?

Body composition

Which of the following is considered a whole grain?

Brown rice

How can increased sweat rates during exercise in a hot environment increase the risk for dehydration?

By reducing plasma volume

The role of exercise in treating obesity is most effective when used in combination with:

Caloric restriction

What is the most likely type of emergency that may occur in the majority of fitness facilities?

Cardiac event

The AHA/ACSM Health/Fitness Facility Preparticipation Screening Questionnaire assesses health status by evaluating:

Cardiovascular risk factors.

When using weight machines the EP-C can design instruction and supervision procedures for each exercise that include:

Checking for proper body alignment and equipment setup.

Which of the following BEST describes shoulder impingement?

Compression of the tendons in the subacromial space with shoulder joint motion

A client with diabetes whose blood glucose is less than 70 mg · dL−1before or during exercise should:

Consume a snack of about 15 grams of carbohydrates

Evaluation of stressors includes determining coping resources, emotional reaction, and:

Coping self-efficacy

Which of the following is required of the EP-C manager to manage risk in the fitness facility?

Create and maintain a safe work environment.

Which of the following would be a risk factor threshold for hypertension?

Currently taking antihypertensive medication

Regular exercise yields which of the following changes as it relates to obesity comorbidities?

Decreased coronary artery disease risk factors

In addition to fall prevention and improved functional limitations, regular exercise by older adults has proven to assist in managing conditions such as:


For high school and college athletes, preparticipation screening primarily functions to:

Detect potential cardiac issues.

Which of the following is considered a normal hemodynamic response to exercise?

Diastolic blood pressure will remain the same or slightly decrease.

While training your client, the equipment being used is making a strange noise and is not operating smoothly. You should:

Discontinue using the equipment and mark the equipment as out of order

Medications that affect heart rate and/or blood pressure response during exercise include:


Your client states that she stretches daily but has just started to experience low back tightness the last few days. You should:

Document her comment in her records, and monitor feedback, signs, and symptoms.

Which of the following is a critical aspect of proper risk management?


Which of the following is required from an ethical and liability standpoint and will also help provide feedback and monitor progress?

Documenting client activities and events

Which of the following actions takes place in the sagittal plane?

Dorsiflexion of the ankle

The ankle's most stable position is in __________ due to the overall shape of the __________.

Dorsiflexion; talus

Which of the following applies to federal employees?

Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988

A standing pendulum leg swing is considered what type of stretch?


Your 50-year-old client wants to lose weight, but is concerned she will "get big" with strength training. Given her concerns, you should:

Educate her on how resistance training can help her gain lean muscle and raise resting metabolism.

Background checks are typically conducted by fitness facilities to verify which of the following?

Employment history

What is the primary advantage of the increase in blood volume that results from chronic aerobic exercise?

Enhanced oxygen delivery to working muscles

To reduce or eliminate hazards that may cause injury to employees and users of a health/fitness facility, facility operators must:

Ensure that a safety audit is conducted routinely

To maximize safety and effectiveness in exercise programming, facility managers should:

Ensure that members receive a formal and comprehensive orientation

Which of the following is among the things responsible for the "fight" or flight" response?


Which of the following hormones is released by the kidneys in response to an ascent to altitude?


Obese clients benefit MOST from which of the following?

Exercise and dietary restrictions

Which of the following guidelines are indicated for pregnant women who have been medically cleared for exercise?

Exercise at moderate intensity for at least 150 minutes weekly.

The ACSM initiative focused on encouraging physicians to review patient physical activity programs at every visit is:

Exercise is Medicine

An apparently healthy 57-year-old female client signs up to start training at your fitness facility. She has experience with exercise and has just moved into the area. Per the American Heart Association (AHA) risk stratification, you should:

Have her sign all the required forms and begin training

Proper breathing technique during strength exercises includes an ________ during the concentric contraction, and ________ during the eccentric phase.

Exhale; inhale

To fully stretch the quadriceps, the hip joint must be ________ and the knee joint ________.

Extended; flexed

Which of the following is considered a cardiovascular disease risk factor?

Fasting glucose ≥126 mg/dL

During the concentric phase of a hamstring curl, the hamstrings are __________.


A lateral lunge is performed in which plane of movement?


Assessments are tests and measurements used by the EP-C to evaluate physical and functional status; they indicate a client's:

Functional ability.

In stress management research, the acronym GAS refers to:

General adaptation syndrome.

Which of the following would offer the EP-C ideal protection against a claim of negligence?

General liability and professional liability insurance

Which of the following is an example of an enarthrodial joint?


Which of the following is responsible for hip extension?

Gluteus maximus

Which of the following is MOST accurate regarding goal setting theory?

Goals bring focus and energy toward the desired behavior.

Your new youth client, age 11, doesn't meet the required minimum level of cardiovascular exercise. The best way to proceed is:

Gradually increase activity intensity and duration until minimum levels are achieved

Which of the following limits heat loss for an individual in a cold environment?

Greater subcutaneous fat

Which of the following predicts behavior change depending on the perceived threats to one's well-being?

Health belief model

Which of the following predicts that people engage in a health behavior depending on the perceived threat they feel regarding a health problem?

Health belief model

Your new client is ready to start training next week. You provide her with a service introduction packet which must include, at a minimum, which of the following forms?

Health/medical history evaluation, medical clearance form, and informed consent

Children are more prone to ________ injuries than adults.


Which of the following is WITHIN the scope of practice for Certified Exercise Physiologists?

Helping clients gain a better understanding of portion sizes and healthful foods so they can make better choices

The negative risk factor for cardiovascular disease is:

High-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

Which of the following are known is "good cholesterol" and carry lipids away from storage and to the liver for excretion?

High-density lipoproteins

Which of the following is LEAST likely to cause injury during pregnancy?

Holding a light stretch for approximately 15 seconds

Which of the following is considered an intrinsic risk factor for musculoskeletal injury?

Inadequate conditioning

What can be expected of older adults who begin an exercise program later in life?

Increase in fat-free mass

Which of the following is a normal response to an acute bout of cardiorespiratory exercise?

Increase in systolic blood pressure

Which of the following is a chronic benefit of regular cardiovascular exercise?

Increased exercise threshold for the onset of disease signs and symptoms

A client with hypertension begins taking diuretics prescribed by his physician. The resulting increased water excretion may impact HR in which way?

Increased resting and submaximal HR

Which evaluation form does a client sign to acknowledge that she has been educated about and understands the risks associated with being active?

Informed consent

Which of the following forms discusses the risks and benefits of performing assessments and exercise?

Informed consent

In the self-determination theory of behavior change, intrinsic motivation refers to:

Inherent willingness to engage in physical activity.

Which of the following is a common risk factor that is associated with exercise?

Injuries at the knee or foot

Which of the following cardiorespiratory variables requires the most attention during the early stages of an exercise program?


To best encourage physical activity in children, activity must be fun and:


The pain that occurs in muscles with inadequate blood supply because they are stressed by exercise is referred to as:

Intermittent claudication

A client with a history of heart disease is experiencing symptoms of severe calf pain which occurs consistently around 10 minutes into walking. This condition MOST likely is:

Intermittent claudication.

Which joint movement occurs in the transverse plane?

Internal rotation

Which of the following BEST determines your client's exercise preferences?

Interview the client before beginning the program.

A client who performs exercise because of the feeling of well-being after completion demonstrates:

Intrinsic motivation.

Which of the following types of resistance training allows an individual to exert maximal resistance throughout an entire range of motion by controlling the movement speed?


Helping clients set realistic goals is a good practice for the EP-C because:

It promotes exercise adherence

Individuals with arthritis should ideally stretch when:

Joint pain is minimal.

What plyometric drills should be incorporated first for a novice client?

Jumps in place

You have a 4-foot, 8-inch tall female client who is obese and would like to build lower body strength. Which exercise variation is best suited for her?

Kettlebell squat

Providing a client physical adjustment during a stretch supports what learning mode?


Visual, kinesthetic, and auditory are all types of:

Learning modes.

An example of an open chain exercise is the:

Leg extension.

Marti is performing unilateral standing calf raises with a dumbbell held in the ipsilateral hand. You cue her to stand up tall and lean back slightly while performing the exercise to ________ and make the exercise ________, thereby increasing efficiency.

Lengthen the lever arm; more difficult

Which of the following would be a good warm-up for a healthy adult who is about to take a 3-mile run?

Light walking, then jogging for 5 to 10 minutes

Which of the following best describes active listening?

Listening to verbal and observing nonverbal language

A common strategy of altitude training used by athletes to improve performance is known as:

Live high, train low

Syncope is defined as:

Loss of consciousness.

Your client on a regimen of statins tells you her doctor diagnosed her with rhabdomyolysis. The impact to her exercise prescription includes increased exercise recovery time or:

Lower exercise intensities.

Higher levels of cardiovascular fitness are associated with:

Lower mortality rates.

Chronic autoimmune diseases impacted by psychological stress include AIDS and:


Which of the following is ideal for building rapport?

Maintain good and appropriate eye contact.

Which of the following is the MOST important safety consideration when working with children?

Maintain proper hydration to avoid heat injuries.

Demonstrating standard of care can BEST be accomplished by:

Maintaining professional certifications and continuing education.

Which of the following is a benefit of acclimatization of exercise to a cold environment?

Maintenance of hand and foot temperature

Relaxation therapies include hypnosis, meditation, and:


The muscles that abduct the shoulder joint are the:

Medial deltoid and supraspinatus.

If a client must see a physician prior to starting a moderate-intensity exercise program, which of the following should be completed by both the client and physician?

Medical clearance form

A well-written and implemented medical emergency policy will dictate details as to which staff will:

Meet and direct paramedics to the scene

During the preparticipation screening, your client is determined to have four risk factors. This is considered to be:

Moderate risk.

Understanding nonverbal cues is important in establishing a successful client relationship because:

More information is communicated in this manner.

The most prominent adaptation seen with resistance training is:

Muscle hypertrophy.

The upper respiratory tract consists of ________.

Nasal cavity, nose, and pharynx

Strength gains during early phases of resistance training are largely due to changes in the:

Nervous system.

Which type of exercises help improve balance, agility, proprioception, gait, and coordination for the older adult?


Your client forgot his athletic shoes and asks to train with you in his work boots. You should:

Not allow him to train with inadequate shoes.

Which of the following allied health professionals may provide medical clearance for exercise participation?

Nurse practitioner

The purpose of the second interview in the hiring process is to:

Observe the candidate's team dynamics with other staff.

The key to determining optimal rest period lengths is to:

Observe the client.

Which of the following is the MOST important consideration when prescribing a target heart rate range for a sedentary older adult?

Older adults have a lower overall exercise capacity.

In active listening, feedback should be offered:

Once the sender and receiver agree the original message was accurately conveyed and interpreted.

At the minimum, at least _____ staff member(s) shall be trained and certified in the delivery of CPR and on duty during all facility operating hours.


When used on a regular basis, which of the following promotes exercise adherence?

Online journaling

During the supine rotational stretch, it is important to have the abdomen:

Oriented toward the ceiling.

During pregnancy, resistance and flexibility exercises in the supine position should be avoided to prevent which of the following?

Orthostatic hypotension

Which energy system is primarily responsible for resynthesizing ATP during submaximal exercise lasting longer than 3 minutes?

Oxidative phosphorylation

VO2 is lower than required to create adequate energy during exercise via the oxidative energy systems. This is known as:

Oxygen deficit.

Good advice to your clients about diet while traveling is to:

Pack your own nutrient-dense foods for the trip.

A manifestation of coronary artery disease is:

Pain that occurs with exertion or exercise.

What is the MOST influential source of self-efficacy information related to exercise?

Past exercise performance

Which of the following BEST describes the mechanism for the cause of sudden cardiac death?

Plaque buildup that dislodges from an artery and causes a blood clot

Failure of the EP-C to consider nutrition when working with a client will MOST likely result in which of the following outcomes?

Poor progression and training

Which of the following is an example of extrinsic motivation?

Positive feedback

Tort law that regulates issues around professional liability for incidents caused due to conditions where training activity takes place is referred to as:

Premises liability

The five stages of change in the transtheoretical model include precontemplation, contemplation, maintenance, action, and:


A key benefit of a proper warm-up is that it may:

Prevent ischemia of the heart.

The purpose of our cells breaking down food that we consume is to:

Produce ATP

A distinct advantage of using free weights versus machines is that they

Promote kinesthetic awareness.

A key area of education that the EP-C should focus on with clients is:

Proper breathing technique

A novice client who is here for the summer plans to work with you to get fit and lose weight. The MOST effective way to help her to become regularly active and work toward her goal would be to:

Provide an initial positive exercise experience focusing on various modes.

To comply with the ACSM Code of Ethics, a Credentialed Professional is obligated to:

Provide education based on current research as well as industry standards and guidelines

To create an optimal training environment, the MOST important thing an EP-C should do is:

Provide immediate corrective feedback to ensure client safety

Because clients will have different levels of experience using various machines for exercises, you should:

Provide specific instructions and supervision

Which of the following is an endurance exercise training adaptation that benefits those with coronary artery disease?

Provides relief of symptoms

Based on the ACSM Code of Ethics, Certified Exercise Physiologists are prohibited from:

Providing services that may only be carried out by licensed health care professionals.

You are working with an older adult who is on high blood pressure medication. What is the BEST way to monitor his cardiovascular intensity?

RPE scale of 6 - 20

The intensity of work is represented by ________, amount of force is represented by ________, and displacement is represented by the ________.

RPE; resistance; ROM

When performing pulse palpation during and after exercise, the BEST location to utilize is the:

Radial pulse.

If difficulties are encountered in calculating a percentage VO2max for prescribing exercise intensity in cases of cardiac disease, the EP-C should instead consider:

Rating of perceived exertion.

Your diabetic client tells you he thinks he is getting sick and asks which over-the-counter cough medicine is best. You should:

Recommend he avoid any over-the-counter medications that contain alcohol or suga

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding risk classification?

Recommended reflects the notion that a medical examination, exercise test, and physician supervision is recommended in the preparticipation health screening process.

One of your long-time regular clients with diagnosed metabolic disease shares concerns over side effects she is experiencing from her medication. You should:

Refer her back to her attending physician for medication concerns.

During the initial client-contact process, you find that your potential client would rather work with a trainer of another gender. You should:

Refer the client to another Certified Exercise Physiologist who would be more compatible.

Which of the following is recommended facility policy and procedure regarding an automated external defibrillator (AED)?

Rehearse the use of the AED regularly.

Which of the following is MOST accurate as it relates to total energy expenditure?

Resting energy expenditure makes up the majority of calories expended regardless of activity levels.

Which type of routine would be BEST for a client with low back pain?

Restorative exercise designed to improve the structural integrity of the lower trunk

In terms of equipment use, proactive steps to managing and minimizing risk include:

Reviewing how to use each piece of equipment with all clients.

Which of the following is considered a gliding joint?


In addition to reviewing and screening a client's medical record and designing an appropriate exercise plan, the EP-C must also:

Schedule an orientation with the client to review the plan

A heart murmur that is clinically significant may be indicative of:

Valvular heart disease.

Regarding the goal setting theory, a client that has more ________ goals will have greater _________ motivation.

Self-directed, intrinsic

Which of the following has the most impact to help a client transition from one stage of change to the next?


One of the most important components of physical activity behavior change in social cognitive theory is:


Which of the following is a form of discrimination in the workplace?

Sexual harassment

Which of the following is a sign or symptom of pulmonary disease?

Shortness of breath at mild exertion

Clients returning to exercise following greater trochanteric bursitis should generally avoid:

Side-lying exercise positions that compress the lateral hip.

Which of the following assesses flexibility?

Sit-and-reach test

One of the ways therapeutic massage aids in stress management is by:

Slowing secretion of stress hormones.

A client is exercising once a week and slowly increases to twice a week over the course of a month. This is consistent with which theory of behavior change?

Small changes model

Leaders tend to focus on preventing problems or conflict. Managers focus on:

Solving existing problems or conflicts.

The skill-related components of physical fitness include:

Speed, agility, coordination, balance, power, and reaction time.

Which resistance training program would be MOST appropriate for a 10-year-old child?

Squats for 10 to 15 reps, push-ups for 10 to 12 reps, pull-ups for 8 to 10 reps

A feature of cardiac disease symptoms that are ischemic in origin is:

Squeezing burning pain

The degree to which any reasonable or prudent EP-C would follow the same actions in a given set of circumstances is considered:

Standard of care.

An experienced client has good flexibility and would like to address functional flexibility during his postexercise stretching routine. He should incorporate:

Static stretching and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation.

Which of the following BEST describes a VO2 plateau that occurs during submaximal exercise where energy production is equal to energy requirements?

Steady state

Individuals who are short in stature may not be good candidates for which type of testing?

Step tests

A client packs his work clothes the night before and wears his workout clothes to bed so that he is ready to exercise first thing in the morning. This is an example of:

Stimulus control

A client that hangs an exercise adherence calendar in a prominent spot is demonstrating:

Stimulus control.

The process used to respond to an environmental demand perceived as threatening is referred to as:


Your client has an acute hamstring strain. You should AVOID:

Stretching the hamstring for up to 60 seconds per stretch.

Which of the following are the products that make up the Fick equation?

Stroke volume, heart rate, and a-VO2 difference

The functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are to:

Supply oxygen and remove waste products from the body.

Which of the following is ideal for promoting exercise adherence?

Support behavior change strategies using Web-based tools

Which of the following would you expect to see in an individual with unstable angina?

Symptoms of chest pain at rest

In the _____ circulation, the arteries and arterioles carry ______ blood.

Systemic, oxygenated

Your new client states that she likes to feel her muscles "tightening and firming up" during strength training. Based on this, you should provide primarily which type of cueing?


Scope of practice for the EP-C in the area of nutrition includes:

Teaching nutrition fundamentals and assisting clients with weight loss programs.

With which of the following organizations has ACSM published joint position stands regarding client screening, staffing, emergency policies, equipment, and procedures?

The American Heart Association

When giving a client advice, the EP-C risks liability for acting outside his scope of practice if:

The advice could be interpreted as unauthorized practice of a licensed professional, and results in client injury.

Which of the following best describes the effect of consuming a surplus amount of nutrients through supplementation?

The body will expend valuable energy resources to excrete them.

During your initial meeting, you learn that your client's motivation is based on a hypertension diagnosis by her physician. This is consistent with:

The health belief model.

With respect to resistance training, the first issue that the client should be asked about is:

The main goal of the client's exercise program

In active listening, repeating what was heard back to the speaker ensures:

The message was interpreted accurately

The idea that a nutritional supplement will work because you believe it, despite any biological reason, is known as:

The placebo effect.

The term metabolic rate is defined as:

The rate at which calories are expended.

Once the primary goal of a resistance program has been established, the next step is to determine:

The specific joints, ROM, and types of muscle actions required.

Which of the following BEST describes the scope of practice for an EP-C?

The specific tasks that an EP-C can perform

Pronation of the radioulnar joint occurs in:

The transverse plane

Which of the following is MOST accurate regarding individuals with disabilities and the fitness industry?

There are many staff positions that can be handled by individuals with disabilities.

Which of the following changes takes place in arteriovenous oxygen difference in response to exercise?

There is an increase in a-VO2 difference with increasing exercise intensity.

Interview questions are considered fair only when:

They specifically relate to an individual's ability to perform the stated job duties

The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire-Plus is more effective in identifying:

Those at high risk.

Which of the following is a component of a well-stated goal that will help ensure program satisfaction?


Which of the following cholesterol levels requires referral to a physician for further evaluation?

Total = 200 mg/dL, TC/HDL = 6

The most common dietary fats are:


Which of the following is MOST accurate as it relates to the EP-C working with a client with cardiovascular disease (CVD)?

Upon completion of a cardiac rehabilitation program, the EP-C can provide a setting for CVD clients to continue safe exercise with proper supervision.

To ensure client safety, exercise equipment should be in good working order and be:

Used for its intended purposes

When employing active listening skills, you should avoid:

Using metaphors.

During resistance training exercises, which breathing technique should be avoided?

Valsalva maneuver

The purpose of conducting a background check for a job candidate is to:

Verify accuracy of a candidate's work experience, education, and other credentials.

Learners who do best when the instructor demonstrates an exercise for them are what type of learner?


The majority of people are ________ learners.


Your client is having difficulty performing a strength exercise after you have demonstrated and provided verbal cues. You decide to demonstrate what he is doing and then contrast with the proper technique. He immediately performs the exercise correctly. Based on this, you should focus on teaching the client exercise primarily through:

Visual cues

Which of the following profiles is considered a risk factor with respect to obesity?

Waist of 40 inches for males

Which of the following assessments BEST determines body fat distribution?

Waist-to-hip ratio

Which of the following is a SMART goal?

Walk the dog twice a day, for at least 15 minutes, for 2 weeks.

Which of the following activities has the lowest risk of musculoskeletal injury?


In active listening, feedback should be offered:

While play-based strengthening activities are best for very young children, older children and adolescents can do well in structured programs. One important note for adolescents to consider in designing strength programs is:

Seeking client feedback demonstrates which of the following to the client?

You are attentive to the client's needs and well-being.

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