EXSC 3210 Exercise Adherence

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"Which of the following message is LEAST likely to meet any of the tips for developing effective informational interventions?

"Just do your exercise otherwise you will lose your health"

Which of the following is a mechanism of change for self-esteem?

-Changes in physical performance or fitness. -Increases in physical self-efficacy. -Improvements in body image ALL OF THESE ANSWERS

Which of the following is a suggestion to ensure that physical activity will lead to improvements in self-concept/self-esteem?

-Provide opportunities for exercisers to obtain feedback on their progress with regard to physical fitness and/or performance changes. -Conduct baseline health and fitness assessments, and repeat every few weeks. -Prompt new exercisers to consider personally meaningful reasons for being fit and healthy. ALL OF THESE ANSWERS

Which of the following has correct words that would fit into each black? Constitutional theory is an example of [1. ] theories, while Eysenck's Personality Theory and Big Five theory are and examples of [2. ] theories of personality.

1. biological; 2. trait

Every year, approximately ___________% of U.S. adults suffer from some diagnosable form of mental health problem, including severe and disabling mental disorders.


About ______________ of U.S adults population have a diagnosable mental illness.


Which of the following is true about the statistics on exercise adherence?

20-50% fail to keep rehab appointments

Which of the following is true about exercise dosage on effective treatment of clinical major depressive disorder?

45-60 minutes of exercise was more effective than 30 minutes of exercise.

Which of the following is true about ACSM's recommended guideline for physical activity?

60-75 minutes or more of vigorous intensity physical activity per week

Which of the following is an example of subjective measures for physical activity?

7 Day PAR

Which of the following is not an example of objective physical activity measures?

7 Day PAR

Which of the following is a gold standard (most popular) of a subjective measure for assessing physical activity?

7-Day PAR

_________ is an example of subjective assessment while __________ is an example of objective assessment of physical activity. Which of the following lists the two measures that would go into each blank, respectively?

7-day physical activity recall; GPS watch

What percentage of adults over the age of 65 do not engage in any physical activity?


Which of the following is TRUE about medical community-based physical activity programs?

80% of patients agreed to exercise if a physician prescribed exercise dosage.

By identifying high-risk thoughts, feelings, and situations, an exerciser can help to avoid which of the following?

A lapse, a relapse, the abstinence violation effect (all of the answer options)

An initial lapse causes the exerciser to believe that all future hope of behavior change is lost and that the entire exercise regimen might as well be abandoned. The all or nothing approach to exercise, is known as the _________________ effect.

Abstinence violation

Which of the following would be the most accurate measure for assessing moderate intensity physical activity in PA interventions?


In another sample study on home-based interventions by Norton and colleagues, which of the following was TRUE about the interventions and findings of the study?

Active control group maintained the highest adherence.

Who were the target population for physical activity program called Moving Forward?

African American breast cancer survivors

Which of the following is TRUE about a web-based physical activity programs?

All of the answer options ( Concurrent use of mobile device applications is helpful for self-monitoring, Data can be readily accessible , It promotes social interaction )

Which of these is an effective way to increase caloric expenditure for obese people?

All of the answer options ( Exercise longer/more intensely , Substitute participation in sedentary activities , Actively commute (Bike, walk) )

Which of the following is TRUE regarding the Shavelson et al.'s self-concept model?

All of the answer options ( It is hierarchically organized. , Academic self-concept and nonacademic self-concept are examples of the two primary self-concept categories, It is underpinned by situation-specific (unstable) self-evaluations)

Which of the following is an effective way to increase caloric expenditure for obese people?

All of the answer options ( Substitute participation in sedentary activities , Exercise longer/more intensely , Actively commute (Bike, walk) )

Which of the following is TRUE about research objectives that relate personality and exercise?

All of the answer options ( Would personality factors serve as an antecedent to physical activity participation?, Would personality factors be modified to some degree as an outcome of physical activity participation?, Would personality factors have any influence on physical activity participation?)

By identifying high-risk thoughts, feelings, and situations, an exerciser can help to avoid which of the following?

All of the answer options (a lapse, a relapse, the abstinence violation effect)

Which of the following may potentially influence self-efficacy?

All of the answer options (supportive conversations with significant other, emotions, perception of pain and fatigue)

Which group of people are home-based interventions most attracted to?

All of the answer options (women and small children, elderly, low income)

Which of the following is a mechanism of change for self-esteem?

All of the answers listed as options ( Changes in physical performance or fitness. , Improvements in body image. , Increases in physical self-efficacy. )

Which of the following is FALSE about some tips to successful physical activity programs for older adults?

Always start with home-based interventions rather than group-based interventions.

Overweight and obese population have higher risk of developing all of the following EXCEPT:


Affect is referred to as a more general "valenced" response. How is valence characterized?

As something that lies along a continuum from good to bad

Which ethnic group is more likely to participate in non-leisure time physical activity rather than leisure-time physical activity?

Asian americans

All of the following are things to consider when implementing a physical activty program in worksite EXCEPT:

Assessing stress level

Theory of Reasoned Action consist of three principal constructs that influence behavior, which are intention, ____ , ____ and . Choose from: [self-efficacy; motivation; identified regulation; attitude; mastery experience; physiological state; subjective norm; vicarious experience]

Attitude, subjective norm

Which of the following would NOT be one of the self-efficacy sources?


In terms of the relationships between income and PA levels, there are usually direct and linear associations: The higher the income, the higher the level of PA. However, the adults who were active at insufficient levels showed no difference in their income level. This pattern was seen in which of the following country?


Which of the following would NOT be one of the principles of SMART goal setting?

Be technical

Which of the following would NOT be one of the factors that can influence body image?

Behavioral factors such as smoking and sleeping.

The phenomenon of responding in the opposite manner when family members pressure too much to exercise is called _______________ (hint: consist of two words).

Behavioral reactance

Constitutional theory is an example of ___ theories, while Eysenck's Personality Theory is and example of ___ theories.

Biological, trait

Which of the following indicates that an individual may have body image disturbance?

Body reality is less favorable than body ideal

For older adults safety, it is important to educate them of appropriate exercise clothing, correct posture and correct _____________ for the exercise activity, and working within their own limits for safety .


Which of the following is NOT a drawback of informational approach of intervention, specifically community-wide campaigns?

Community-wide campaigns do not provide adequate information.

The basic assumptions of the Self-determination Theory is that individuals will be engaging in a behavior that they perceive will be important to satisfy the basic psychological needs of autonomy, _____________________, and relatedness.


Which of the following is not measured by Exercise-induced Feeling Inventory (EFI)?


In the stages of change in Transtheoretical Model (TTM), the stage in which people acknowledge the problem of staying in unhealthy behavior and thinking about changing within next 6 months is called:


Which of the following is NOT a mood measured by Profile of Mood survey?


Which of the following is NOT a mood measured by Profile of Mood survey?


Self-efficacy has been conceptualized as a multidimensional construct. Self-efficacy for overcoming barriers or challenges is called ______________ efficacy.


The three levels of personality structure are 1) personality ___ ; 2) typical responses to situations, and 3) ___ -related behavior.

Core, role

Which of the following would NOT be one of the psychological factors that needs to be considered to design a successful physical activity intervention for older adults?

Creating self-identity

____________ is marked by manic and depressive states, but of insufficient intensity/duration to diagnose as bipolar or major depressive.


La Vida Caminando was an intervention for Latino families to promote physical activity. The results of the study concluded that physical activity _____________ from baseline to 6 months, but perceived barriers______________ between 6 months to 1 year.

Decreased, decreased

Which of the following is highly related to designing successful phone-based mediated interventions?

Determining whether the purpose of contact be structured or unstructured, checking-in or giving feedback.

Which of the following would NOT be a limitation of traditional treatments for depression?

Does not work well with exercise

Which of the followings is correct about the Constitutional theory?

Ectomorph people tend to have a lean and tall body

A group fitness leader shouting "You can do this" and "You are so strong" while instructing the class is an example of which of the following support type?


Which of the following is NOT an aspect of physical self-concept in the Shavelson et al. model?

Emotional states

______________ _________________ is an aspect of mental health that is related to having a greater amount of positive affect, along with positive thoughts, such as satisfaction with life.

Emotional well-being

Which of the following is correct about emotions, moods and affects?

Emotions have some level of cognitive basis while affects do not.

Which of the following would NOT be one of the common facilitators to physical activity for African American?

Emphasizing change in body size

What is TRUE about findings of studies on worksite physical activity programs?

Employees tend to show more improvement on self-reported physical activity than on fitness

Which of the following is TRUE about findings of studies on worksite physical activity programs?

Employees tend to show more improvement on self-reported physical activity than on fitness

Activation-Deactivation Adjective Check List (AD ACL) has two bipolar dimensions of activation and arousal: one is termed _________arousal and the other is referred to as tense arousal.


Which of the following is true about the research findings on the treatment effect of exercise on clinical depression?

Exercise was as effective as medication treatment.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a questionnaire used to measure individuals' physical activity/exercise levels?

Exercise-induced Feeling Inventory

Which of the following is not an example of a questionnaire used to measure individuals' physical activity levels?

Exercise-induced Feeling Inventory

Which of the following is TRUE about personality effects on exercise according to Eysenck's personality framework?

Extroverts tend to exercise to increase energy while highly neurotic people exercise to improve mood

7- Day PAR measures amount of time spent in sleeping, sitting, and activities in 21 different languages.


According to CDC data between 2010-2015 on whether U.S. adults are getting enough exercise, the percentages of working women who meet the recommended PA guideline (150 minutes of moderate or 75 min of vigorous PA) was lower than that of nonworking women.


According to research on exercise effects on self-esteem and self-concept, exercise will have positive impact on self-esteem for both men and women but have greater positive impact on those with higher initial self-esteem.


According to research on gender role orientation and exercise behaviors, masculine-typed men would have greater psychological discomfort (higher perception of exertion) on high intensity bike exercise than feminine-typed men and androgynous men.


According to the Transtheoretical Model, it is very important to raise pros at mid stages of change as opposed to the earlier stages of change.


According to the data shown by SAMHSA on the major depressive episode among U.S. Adults in 2016, the age group between 26 and 49 years old had the highest percentage compared to the other age groups.


According to the sample study that compared the effectiveness of online social media that focused on giving health messages compared to that focused on promoting peer support, it was concluded that receiving peer support was not effective compared to receiving health messages, because the peer support was not from significant others.


Asian Americans have almost double the prevalence rates of diabetes as African Americans


Because the affect an exerciser experienced during their exercise may be distinct from the affect reported after exercise, the exercise program should be designed in a way to help people experience positive affect only "after" exercise regardless of affect they might experience during exercise session.


Body reality refers to how we think our body should look and function while body ideal is shaped by biology and refers to our actual physical characteristics.


Difficulty concentrating and problems with memory are not one of the criteria described in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) for major depressive disorders.


Disadvantages of physical education(PE)-based interventions are that it is not well known whether PE participation will facilitate children's life-long commitment to active life style.


Exercise-induced Feeling Inventory, Feeling Scale, and Subjective Exercise Experiences Scales are all example of generalized measures related to mood


For obese population, weight loss taking such a long time and effort, the fat camps are usually recommended for them for their long-term effect.


General findings on school-based physical activity intervention studies indicate that they are often successful at increasing not only in-school physical activity but also out-of-school physical activity in children.


In gender-role orientation, androgynous personality refers to having high score on traits such as compassion, understanding and affectionate.


In the Fit and Firm and Stretch and Flex Intervention study, results showed that Stretch and Flex group was more effective for improving heart rate response and upper body strength than the Fit and Firm group.


In the NHANES 2003-2006 Data that looked at 24 hour PA patterns in employed women and homemakers, homemakers had significantly less sedentary behavior and more light physical activity during the morning and evening.


In the research that used the circumplex model to compared the differences in mood changes between graded treadmill test and self-paced walk, those who participated in graded treadmill test ended up in unpleasant low activation plane of the model.


In the sample study called STRIDE that compared the print- versus phone-based interventions, both groups were effective at 6 months, but phone-based group was more effective at 1 year.


In the sample study named DAMET, mothers, fathers, and daughters participated.


Mass media campaigns can be effective reaching target audience such as obese population, moms with young children, but can only reach small numbers of people.


Older adults are adults 60 years of age and older.


One of the research issues on exercise and mood is categorical and dimensional approaches. The circumplex model of affect is an example of categorical approach.


One of the tips to develop effective medical community-based physical activity (PA) interventions is to have medical professionals recommend jogging to their patients during PA counseling.


Only 40 percent of American high school students engage in daily physical education at school.


People increase their level of physical activity as they age.


Self monitoring is one of the informational approaches to physical activity intervention that makes people aware of their behavior and therefore allow them to modify their behavior.


Since self-efficacy is situation specific self confidence, an individual's physical activity-related self-efficacy can predict how well the person would perform in a mathematical task.


The data on the prevalence of U.S. youth (6-17 yr old) achieving at least 60 minutes per day indicates that the percentage of youth (both boys and girls) who met the recommended guideline was below 20.2 percent in 2016.


The data on the prevalence of U.S. youth achieving 60 minutes per day indicates that the percentage of youth who met the recommended guideline is less among boys than it is among girls.


The higher the sense of self-efficacy, the greater the effort, persistence one will put forth. However, individuals with higher self-efficacy may have hard time facing and overcoming challenges and barriers compared to those with lower self-efficacy.


The purpose of mediated interventions can be both informational and social but can be only delivered individually.


When working with American Indians or Alaskan Natives, the most important strategy is to emphasize individuality and deliver the benefits of PA message through informational approach.


In the study titled "Acute exercise-induced mood enhancement: Exerciser vs. Non-exercisers", what were the two moods that showed significant difference between ultramarathon runners and non-exercisers?

Fatigue and vigor

Which of the following is true about the self-efficacy sources?

Feeling tired can reduce one's self-efficacy when compared to feeling energized.

Which of the following would NOT be symptomatology of mild to moderate depression?

Feelings of worthiness

What is FALSE about things to consider for the overweight/obese populations when it comes to being physically active?

Focus on weight loss to motivate them to participate

Which of the following demonstrates the best strategy for the corresponding barrier?

For fear of injury, use support when needed during PA

Which of the following is TRUE about physical education trends across U.S in 2010 data?

Forty-three percent of states allow required physical education credits through online physical education courses.

_____________________ is a 4-item questionnaire that assess the number of times per week the participants engaged in physical activity at least 15 minutes in duration in different intensities.

Godin Leisure Time Exercise Questionnaire

In Transtheoretical Model, the processes of change can be categorize into two: Cognitive (experiential) or Behavioral processes. Which of the following is NOT an example of the cognitive processes of change?

Going out for a walk after dinner instead of watching TV

Which of the following is a PA barrier specific to African American Women?

Hair maintenance

In Canada, children 1-4 years of age spend approximately 28 hours in physical activity play each week while teenagers spend only _______ of that amount of time in physical activity. Choose from one quarter, half, or three quarter.


In the Fitness and Arthritis in Seniors Trial (FAST) interventions, older adults with osteoarthritis were assigned either to which of following groups ?

Health education, aerobic exercise or resistance training group.

____ psychology is a field of study that is concerned about psychological factors related to health and health care, and ____ psychology focus on the applying psychological principles to the promotion and maintenance of leisure physical activity. Choose from: [medical model; health; sport; rehabilitation; behavioral; cognitive; exercise]

Health, exercise

_____ psychology is a field of study that is concerned about psychological factors related to health and health care, and _____ psychology focuses on the psychological antecedents and consequences of performance in sport settings.

Health, sport

Which of the following would not be a question that physical activity epidemiology would be concerned with?

How are alcohol, morbidity, and mortality linked?

According to Carron et al.'s (1996) meta-analysis result table of the social influence on exercise correlates, which of the following has the greatest influence on exercise attitude and satisfaction?"

Important others (i.e., friends, physicians)

Which of the following is true about the relationship between age, gender, income level and physical activity?

In general, high income men would be more active than low income men.

In the sample study called "Moving Forward" which examined the effectiveness of home-based interventions on cancer survivors, which of the following has correct examples of components(activities) included in the intervention group?

In-person instructions on exercising and providing pedometers

Which of the following is NOT one of the advantages of web-based approaches to physical activity interventions?

Inaccessible to people who do not own computers.

Which of the following is NOT a commonly used behavioral technique to help individuals change behavior?

Increase accessibility

Which of the following would NOT fall into one of the four main categories of exercise benefit?

Increased rate in obesity

Interventions that attempt to increase individuals' physical activity level by targeting people's attitudes toward physical activity and awareness of PA opportunities would be best classified as which of the following approaches?

Informational approaches

Interventions that attempt to increase physical activity by targeting people's attitudes toward physical activity for exercise would be best classified as which of the following?

Informational approaches

Which of the followings is a type of extrinsic motivation that assimilates the exercise behavior into one's own identity and sense of self?

Integrated regulation

Bandura postulated four primary sources of self-efficacy. Which of the following is NOT the source?


Which of the following is the construct in Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) that is the strongest predictor (the most important) of individual's behavior?


Pete is exercising because he feels guilty if he does not. The type of extrinsic motivation that Pete is demonstrating is:

Introjected regulation

What is NOT true about the definition of personality?

It is made up of psychological core, typical response, and gender-related behaviors.

What is not true about the definition of personality?

It is made up of psychological core, typical response, and gender-related behaviors.

Which of the following would be TRUE of using point of decision prompts?

It is not known whether people who are prompted by the point of decision prompts would take other actions to be physically active in their daily routines.

In the sample intervention called Fitness and Arthritis in Seniors Trial (FAST), which of the following is NOT true about the intervention components and procedures?

It was home-based for the first 3 months and then facility-based for the last 15 months

Which of the following would NOT be an appropriate step for individuals to solve problems in their course of maintaining exercise behavior?

Just stick to the strategy you chose at the beginning as the most likely to be successful.

According to research findings, school-based PA interventions are often successful at improving _________________ towards physical activity.

Knowledge and attitudes

According to research findings, school-based PA interventions are often successful at improving children and adolescents' _________________ towards physical activity.

Knowledge and attitudes

Which of the following is NOT a personal or emotional barrier to physical activity in children?

Lack of positive role models

Which of the following is one of the symptoms that must be included in five or more other symptoms to be diagnosed with major depression?

Loss of interest or pleasure in most or all activities

Which of the following TRUE about objective motion sensors?

May not provide physical activity mode or frequency

Interventions that use an informational approach use all of the following EXCEPT:

Modifying of policies

With respect to exercise effects on body image, which of the following is TRUE?

More exercise sessions per week lead to larger improvements in body image than fewer exercise sessions per week

Which of the following is TRUE about physical activity level among women in U.S?

More than 75% of U.S. women do not engage in the recommended amount of PA

The degree of determination, drive, or desire with which an individual approaches a behavior is called ______________.


Overweight/obese people report negative affect during the final stages of a 20-minute exercise bout. Thus, it may be better to make the exercise:

Multiple shorter bouts to promote adherence better

Which of the following is NOT an example of the five components of a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program?


Which of the following is TRUE about global self-esteem effects on exercise behavior?


Which of the following is the most important factor in enhancing one's self-esteem?


Which of the following statements is TRUE about the Social Ecological Model for Physical Activity by Sallis et al. (2006)?


Which of the followings is TRUE about the Five-Factor Model and exercise behaviors?


The bonding together of members of a group in such a way as to sustain their commitment to each other is called group _______________.

NOT SURE (not group cohesion)

Which of the following is not measured by Exercise-induced Feeling Inventory (EFI)?

Negative engagement

Ways to enhance group cohesion are assigning group roles, establishing group norms, and providing opportunities for interaction. Which of the following is FALSE about these ways?

None of the answer options ( Assigning roles can get quieter members to feel included., Assigning roles gives group members sense of responsibility which can turn into commitment and affection for the group., Establishing group norms is important as it guides for the team to work toward common goals.)

What is TRUE about the physical activity recommendation for Youth?

None of the answer options ( At least 4 days per week of bone strengthening activity, At least 2 days per week of strength training as part of 60 minutes per day, Vigorous intensity activity should be the majority of recommended 60 minutes per day)

Which of the following would NOT be one of the barriers to physical activity among young girls?

None of the answer options (low self esteem, negative body image, dislike of being watched)

Which of the following is TRUE about mediated physical activity programs?

None of the answer options. ( Email-delivered interventions are more effective than face-to-face interventions for providing social support., The telephone is the most effective medium for reaching people who work full time., Telephone-delivered approaches are effective only when the caller provides exercise information.)

Motivation may be defined by all of the following behaviors EXCEPT:

None of the answers (approach or avoidance of a behavior, effort, persistence)

What is TRUE about the physical activity recommendation for Youth?

None of the options

Which of the following is NOT true about the relationship between education level and physical activity in the United States?

None of these (Sedentary behavior decreases with higher education level, proportion of adolescents who engage in vigorous physical activity was positively related to their parents' level of education, the more education, the greater the participation in physical activity)

Considering predisposing, reinforcing and enabling characteristics are one of the tips to design successful clinic-based physical activity interventions. Which of the following is FALSE of these characteristics?

Not sure

Which of the following is TRUE about the WISEWOMEN sample program?

Not sure

What is TRUE about obese people exercising compared to normal weight people?

Obese people report higher ratings of perceived exertion at the same workload

Which of the following is TRUE about obese people exercising compared to normal weight people?

Obese people report higher ratings of perceived exertion at the same workload

When a physician asked Timothy how much he exercises a day, Tim, a mailman, replied 10 hours. The reason Tim answered 10 hours was because Tim did not understand the difference between exercise and _______________ .

Occupational physical activity

Which of the following is NOT an example of the five components of a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program?

Offering health education classes

Which age group of Asians tend to be the most active?

Older adults

Which of the following is true about print-media mediated interventions?

One of the strategies to overcome delay in receiving print material is to send the material first class if possible.

Trait theories emphasize consistency in behavior, but when?

Over time and across situations

Which of the following would NOT be an example of modifying physical education (PE) curricula and policy environment?

Painting the wall of gyms with brighter colors.

Pedometers can be used as both formal and informal assessment. That is, they can be used to accurately assess the progress over time and also used as a tool to increase motivation (therefore adherence). The reason pedometers can be both types of assessment while accelerometers cannot is because:

Participants can monitor their progress through pedometers but not with accelerometers.

In the cross-sectional study called " National Weight Control Registry", researchers surveyed 5000 people who lost at least 30 pounds and maintained for at least 1 year. Which of the following is NOT true about the main findings of the study?

Participants lost weight without any dietary manipulations.

Which of the followings is correct about subjective and objective measures of physical activity?

Pedometers are often low in cost compared to accelerometers.

1)_________ is an example of formal assessment while 2)__________ is an example of informal assessment of physical activity. Which of the following show the correct measure that would go into each blank, respectively?

Pedometers, GPS watches

What is FALSE about the advantages and disadvantages of group-based physical activity interventions?

People never get dependent upon group environment

Which of the following is FALSE about the advantages and disadvantages of group-based physical activity interventions?

People never get dependent upon group environment

Which of the following statements is TRUE about Ecological Model of Four Domains of Active Living by Sallis et al. (2006)?

Perceived attractiveness, safety and convenience to facilities would be examples of Perceived Environment domain

Which of the following is FALSE about Theory of Planned Behavior?

Perceived behavioral control can affect one's intention but not one's behavior.

Which of the following is NOT hypothesized to influence one's sense of subjective norm in relation to exercise?

Perceived outcomes of exercise

Drawing the outline of your body shape on the chalk board is a measure of the dimension of body image. The type of clothing a person wears to the gym is an indication of the dimension of body image. Choose from [perceptual, affective, cognitive, or behavioral]

Perceptual, behavioral

Which of the following is one of the ways to maximize the effectiveness of informational interventions?

Physical activity information should be culturally tailored

Self-perceptions and body image can affect exercise behavior. For example, research has shown which of the following?

Physical self-concept is reciprocally linked to exercise.

Which of the following is TRUE about physical self-perceptions?

Physical self-perception would be an example of domain-specific type of self-perception.

Motivational cues delivered at sites where people must choose between two options of whether to be active or inactive is referred to as ______________________prompt.

Point of decision

Which of the following statement is FALSE?

Point-of-decision prompts have been shown to have good long-term effects.

Which of the following statement is FALSE about informational approaches of physical activity interventions?

Point-of-decision prompts have been shown to have good long-term effects. even if they are taken off.

Which of the following is an example of generalized measures of mood or affect?

Positive and Negative Affect Schedule

Which of the following is LEAST likely to be an example of improving urban design to promote physical activity among people in a community?

Preventing people from walking and exercising outside

Which of the following would be a good example of strategy to overcome environmental barriers to physical activity in children?

Promote physical activity

Which of the following would be a good example of strategy to overcome environmental barriers to physical activity in children?

Promote physical activity in accessible playgrounds that are safe for children to be active.

Which of the followings is correct about constitutional theory?

Proposes that an individual's body type is related to certain behaviors.

A group of researchers wanted to examine the relationship between prevalence of colon cancer and physical activity. Thus researchers recruited a total sample of 1000 participants and measured their demographic variables and physical activity levels. 640 participants reported of meeting the recommended guideline for exercise and 360 reported a sedentary life style. Researchers tracked the number of participants who developed colon cancer in each group every 2 years over the next 10 years. This research design is an example of ______________ study.

Prospective cohort

Which of the following is FALSE about recommendations to design an effective phone-base mediated approach to physical activity interventions?

Provide general feedback that would apply to most of the participants.

Which of the following is TRUE about factors to consider when implementing a physical activity intervention for women?

Provide opportunities for connecting to their fitness professional.

______ efficacy is the belief that individuals feel they can ask others to assist them to achieve the goal. ______ efficacy is the belief in one's capability to include the task into a daily or weekly routine. [Choose from: barrier; task; proxy; scheduling]

Proxy, scheduling

Which of the following is NOT a good strategy for overcoming some personal barriers to PA among older adults?

Restrict engaging in any PA for those who have fear of injury.

Of the three structure of personality (as defined by Hollander), which is influenced the most by the environment/situation in which the individual finds him or herself at any given time?

Role-related behaviors

In the Social Ecological Models, which of the following is TRUE about Exosystems?

School boards decide the frequency of physical education class that will be offered.

Increased technology has provided effort-saving devices, as well as means of entertainment, which has created a ______________ life style.


Which of the following is FALSE?

Self esteem is situation specific

Self-esteem is the major component of Social Cognitive Theory.


Which of the following is FALSE?

Self-esteem is situation specific, whereas self-efficacy is generalized across tasks

Which of the following process of changes would an inadequate/ineffective strategy in Action and Maintenance stages?


Which of the following is NOT a good strategy to address some of the personal barriers such as low self-confidence, high social physical anxiety that women face in participating in physical activity?

Set an unrealistic goal so that they can be proud once they achieve it.

Which of the following symptoms would NOT be diagnosed with clinical depression?

Significant weight loss; sleep disturbance; loss of energy; sense of worthlessness; concentration problem

Among the cognitive processes of change, increasing the awareness of environmental and social resources for physical activity is called ________________.

Social liberation

Which of the following was NOT included in the mediated counseling sessions in the sample study called "Moms in Motion"?

Social support from other moms.

In Sheldon's constitutional theory, an individual with a mesomorphic body type is theorized to have which personality type?"

Somatotonia: Adventurous, aggressive

Components of Transtheoretical Model include ____ , processes of changes, ____ , and self-efficacy. Choose from: [motivation; identified regulation; attitude; stages of change; physiological state; subjective norm; decisional balance; preparation stage]

Stages of change, decisional balance

Which of the following would NOT be one of the great sources of social support and influence for physical activity?

Students who are in the same math class with you

Which of the followings is correct about subjective and objective measures of physical activity?

Subjective measures such as surveys are often low in cost compared to objective measures such as accelerometers

Which of the following is NOT correct about Eysenck's three-dimension personality theory?

Superego indicates people who are impulsive and hostile.

Which of the followings are not correct about Eysenck's three-dimension personality theory

Superego indicates people who are impulsive and hostile.

Which of the following would NOT be one of the factors that need to be considered to design successful home-based physical activity interventions?

Tell participants that time commitment to the program would not be necessary.

Which of the following would NOT be a topic related to exercise psychology?

The effect of exercise on college students' physiological outcomes

Which of the following would not be a topic related to exercise psychology?

The effect of exercise on college students' physiological outcomes

Which of the following is TRUE about the sample study KM2H2 by Gong, Chen and Li?

The intervention group (KM2H2) was associated with significant increases in physical activity at 3- and 6- month post-intervention.

Which of the following is NOT one of the Consensus Statements on exercise and clinical depression?

The protective effects of exercise does not increase with greater levels of physical activity.

Which of the following is TRUE about physical activity and exercise?

The same type of physical activity can fall into different dimensions of physical activity such as occupational and leisure activities.

Which of the following is true about the relationship between ethnicity and physical activity in the United States?

The sedentary rate of white Americans is lower than that of Asians and African American.

Which of the following is NOT one of the limitations of the transtheoretical model?

The theory only explains the behavior change that is challenging and novel.

Which of the following is NOT correct about mood, emotion and affect?

They are all same constructs and can be used interchangeably.

Which of the following is FALSE about home-based physical activity interventions?

They are not attractive to the diseased or injured.

Which of the following is a drawback to behavioral interventions?

They are predicated on the assumption that if people have enough motivation and knowledge, the behavioral skills would help them be active.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding environmental and policy approaches to increasing physical activity?

They will be more effective if coupled with informational, behavioral, and social support interventions.

In university-based exercise classes, participants who score high on Attractions to Group-Task (ATG-T) have been shown ____________ compared to people who score low on ATG-T.

To attend more exercise classes and be less likely to drop out

Which of the following is FALSE about factors to consider for successful PA intervention for older adults?

To increase self-efficacy, the exercise intensity should be gradually decreased from high to low.

Which of the following is NOT one of the four barriers to PA in older adults?

Too busy to exercise

According to Aerobic Exercise Levels by States (2017) data, more people in Wisconsin were participating in 150 minutes of more of aerobic physical activity per week than Minnesotans!


Active School Minnesota incorporated physical activity boost during classroom, organized play during recess, more physical activity opportunities before and after school, and enhanced curriculum in physical education.


Difficulty concentrating and problems with memory are one of the various symptoms of depression.


During 2010-2015, working women and women at home are both not active as much as they should be, however the percentage of women at home (nonworking women) meeting the exercise guideline was lower than that of working women.


Emotions are short-lived, and often high intensity response to a specific event, object or stimuli.


Eysenck's Personality Theory states that autonomic nervous system is responsible for explaining the neuroticism-stability.


For assessing depression, Patient Health Questionnaire-9 is the measure that is often used in health care (clinical) settings.


Go4Life physical activity campaign for older adults had multiple components such as group exercise , distribution of pamphlet on exercise benefits and exercise CD while EnhanceFitness was more focused on group exercise.


Hispanic women value curvilinear body shape as motherhood and wealth which might hinder them from losing weight.


In general, lower-income individuals are more sedentary and less physically active than those with a higher income level.


In the graph that compared 24 hour physical activity patterns in employed women and homemakers, employed women spent statistically more time in sedentary behavior than homemakers between noon and 6-7 pm.


In the sample study titled "Physical Activity Workplace Study", one of the materials that participants in the standard intervention received was a brochure with information on types and recommended amounts of physical activity.


It is likely that some women prefer a female-only activity environment, but more research is needed.


Mental disorder can be defined as health conditions that are characterized by altered thinking, mood, or behavior that are associated with distress and/or impaired functioning.


Physical activity level during youth do not necessarily transfer to exercise levels in adulthood. So it would be worth taking note of how to transfer the enjoyment children and adolescents experience in sport to life time physical activities.


Research on evaluation of informational approaches through new media such as websites, email has shown that people might lose interest quickly.


Self-monitoring is one of the important behavioral skills because it can track your progress toward your goals.


Social Cognitive Theory describes the triadic interactions of individual(cognitive) factors, environmental factors, and behavioral factors in explaining human behaviors.


Social cognitive approach (social cognitive theory) view exercise behavior as being influenced by both our cognition (what we think and feel about exercise) and external stimuli (environmental factors).


Some limitations of worksite physical activity interventions are low enrollment and adherence, and only tending to attract active employees.


Some of the barriers that women face in participating in physical activity are lack of child care, dislike of sweating, and lack of knowledge and time.


Some of the disadvantages of home-based interventions are that lack of connectivity among participants and lack of creativity and variety.


Some of the ways to improve negative affect during exercise can be things such as listening to your favorite music and watching a movie while exercising.


The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale is a 10-item questionnaire that measures global self-esteem by tapping into an individual's global self-perceptions.


The components of medical community-based program are offering physical activity counseling, distributing print materials on exercise and health, and administering follow up phone calls.


The four major mood disorders are major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, dysthymia, and cyclothymia.


The problem of pharmacological treatment is that it can have unwanted side effects and people do not comply well to the treatment.


The purpose of phone-based mediated programs are to remind people to exercise, counsel them through difficult times, and provide helpful information for them to succeed with their exercise program.


The results of the research studies on perceived access and physical activity behavior indicated that older adults' perceived convenience of facilities was related to their physical activity behavior, but not their perceived home environment.


The results of the research studies on perceived access to facilities and physical activity behavior indicated that older adults' physical activity behavior was related to their perceived access to local PA facilities, but not to their perceived home environment.


The short form International Physical Activity Questionnaires measure amount of time spent in vigorous, moderate physical activity, walking, and sitting in 21 languages.


To overcome some of the personal barriers(e.g., lack of self-confidence, fear of injuries) that obese people face, fitness professionals need to develop proper progressions and give positive and corrective feedback.


Type of support that mothers and fathers give to their children can be different.


Valence and activation(arousal) are the two core dimensions of affect in the circumplex model.


When assessing perceptual body image, it is likely that obese individuals who want to become slim would overestimate their body size.


Which of following is correct about the relationship between Type A behavior patterns and exercise?

Type A behavior has greater stress responses at high intensity physical activity than type B behavior

Which of the following is NOT a limitation of self-reported physical activity questionnaires?

Underestimation of physical activity level

All of the following are things to consider when implementing a physical activty program in worksite EXCEPT:

Using only informational approaches to change the attitude towards physical activity.

In Sheldon's constitutional theory, an individual with a endomorphic body type is theorized to have which personality type?"


Which of the following DOES NOT describe why it is important for obese people to self-select the intensity of their physical activity?

When exercise is self-selected, it decreases sense of autonomy.

What is TRUE about medical community-based physical activity programs?

When prescribing exercise, it is important for doctors to consider predisposing characteristics of their patients

What is NOT an example of safety considerations for the physical activity environment for older adults?

Will medical evaluations be required of high-health-risk participants?

Which of the following is NOT one of the barriers to physical activity for older adults?

Wisdom in life

Which of the following women would benefit the most from participating in women-only exercise programs?

Women with social physique anxiety.

One of the important characteristics of community-wide campaigns is that it engages community members in the ________________ and delivery of physical activity information.


In Social Ecological Models, the system that represents larger sociocultural context in which a person resides such as customs, cultural values is called ______________________.


Drawing the outline of your body shape on the chalk board is a measure of the _________ dimension of body image. The type of clothing a person wears to the gym is an indication of the __________ dimension of body image.

perceptual, behavioral

The extent to which an individual feels she will be successful in performing a desired behavior reflects which of the following psychological constructs?


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