MGT 385

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Feliks, a new recruit at Acme Global, just received his first performance appraisal. He scored a 4.5 out of 5. The average employee at Acme Global scores 4.0. In other words, Vincent is ______% above average.


Coleton feels that he was sexually harassed by his boss on an offshore oil rig. He would generally have to file a complaint with the EEOC within ______ days of the incident, or he would not be able to file it at all.


An organization is hiring new sales associates. Of the 50 White applicants and 25 African American applicants, the organization hired five Whites. How many African American applicants would need to be hired for the organization to avoid the appearance of adverse impact? In other words, how many African American candidates must be hired to meet the requirements of the four-fifth rule?


Section I of the practitioner's model of human resource management focuses on the things that are most critical to the organization's basic stability and success and contains ______.

21st-Century HRM, strategic planning, and HR laws

An organization hired 50 new programmers. At the end of the year, only 20 were still working for the organization. The organization's new hire turnover was ______.


When Jack was first hired at Acme Global, he was assigned to a virtual mentoring group of new employees and managers before his first day of work. The group built an online community that helped Jack learn more about the culture of Acme Global. This is an example of how social media is used in ______.

NOT training and development

If a manager warned the workers who she manages that if a union formed, it would likely mean the business would have to close and everyone would lose their jobs, it would appear that the manager violated the ______ NO TIPS rules for what management cannot do.

No Threats

There are 100 White male applicants for the job and 60 were selected. There were 20 African American male applicants for the job and 10 were selected. Is there evidence for disparate impact against African Americans based on the four-fifths rule?

No, because the hiring rate of African American males is 80% of that of White males.

______ is the main goal of an organization's recruiting process.

Creating a "reasonable pool" of candidates

A job advertisement for a photographer yielded 100 applications. Of those, 40 had the basic qualifications required for the job. The yield ratio on the advertisement was ______ percent.

NOT 60

In organizational structure, ______ refers to how many layers there are in the organization from the top to the bottom.

NOT complexity

When a human resource manager teaches employees basic job skills and leadership training, it is likely that the manager's specialty is ______.

NOT employee relations

When an organization is ordered by a court to correct past discrimination within the organization, the organization is required to implement a(n) ______ plan.

NOT equal employment opportunity

When it comes to internal recruiting, the biggest threat to the organization is ______.

NOT internal employees may feel that they are entitled to the job whether or not they are qualified and capable

When an organization creates a statement describing expectations of what the organization is going to do to become the organization that has been envisioned is creates a(n) ______ statement.

NOT organizational structure

When it comes to external recruiting, the biggest advantage is that the organization ______.

NOT possibly finds individuals with more complex skill sets than are available internally

When an organization advertises its need for employees on-line through a service such as in hopes of creating a reasonable pool of qualified candidates, the organization is engaging in ______.

NOT selection

When an organization needs to hire semiskilled workers and would like to keep the price of advertising low and not attract any applicants from out of state, the best external recruitment source would be ______.

NOT specialized publications

When an organization's human resource department deals primarily with improving the productivity of the people within the organization, the department is consistent with the ______ view of human resource management.

NOT sustainable

The SWOT analysis is a process of ______ an organization's available resources in order to make the most of strengths and opportunities while ______ danger to the organization from its weaknesses and threats.

balancing; minizing

The observable things that people do and say or the actions employees take are called _______ in organizational culture.


Interview questions such as "Tell me about a time you deserved credit for something and someone else got the credit. What happened and what did you do?" are ______ questions.

behavioral descriptive

When conducting selection interviews, Marc likes to ask questions like "Describe a time when you had to lead a team but had no formal authority." Marc is asking ______ questions.

behavioral descriptive

A personality-based tendency, either toward or against something, is called ______.


It is important that human resource managers get comfortable with collecting and analyzing ______ to drive results and be a strategic member of the organization.

big data

Catalina and Christian share a work station on the assembly line. Catalina works the morning shift and Christian works the afternoon shift. Catalina is 5'2" tall and Christian is 5'10" tall. The workstation can be lowered to Catalina's height and then raised to Christian's height. Catalina and Christian's jobs have a(n) ______ design.


When job design focuses on designing jobs with tasks that remain within the worker's normal mental capabilities and limitations, the job design is considered ______.


______ job design focuses on minimizing the physical strain on the worker by structuring the physical work environment around the way the body works.


A qualification that is absolutely required for an individual to successfully perform a particular job is called a _______.

bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)

When a particular practice is necessary for the safe and efficient operation of the business and when there is a specific business purpose for applying a particular standard that may, in fact, be discriminatory, ______ exists.

business necessity

The individually perceived sequence of attitudes and behaviors associated with work-related experiences and activities over the span of the person's life is called ______.


______ is the degree to which decision-making is concentrated within the organization.


______ recruiting occurs when hiring managers have a need to fill a position and they communicate that need to human resources. Human resource recruiters will then search the organization's files for people who have the requisite skills and qualifications and send a list of such individuals to the hiring manager.


The process of giving motivational feedback to maintain and improve employee performance is called ______.


The organization's mechanism for identifying the ethics and values of the firm that serve as a guide to individual action is called the ______.

code of conduct

______ tests are assessments of general intelligence or of some type of aptitude for a particular job.

cognitive ability

When an organization requires all applicants take a paper-and-pencil test with logic and math problems on it, the organization is using a(n) ______ test to screen candidates.


The process of transmitting information and meaning in an organization is called ______.


Base pay, incentives, and worker benefits as ways to reward and maintain a workforce are described in the ______ section of the practitioner's model of human resource management.


When a job is described by the capabilities that an individual would need to have to succeed in the job, the job analysis is considered ______.


Acme Global recently hired several new employees who worked at a rival organization. Acme Global lured the employees away by offering more pay and better benefits. Acme Global's actions reflect the influence of ______ in the external environment on the organization.


When an organization faces difficulty recruiting employees because another employer in the area is offering higher wages, the organization is facing the ______ as an external force acting on recruiting efforts.


The degree to which three types of differentiation exist within the organization is called ______ in organizational structure.


The ability to evaluate a situation, identify alternatives, select a reasonable alternative, and make a decision to implement a solution to a problem is related to ______.

conceptual and design skills

______ is simply the act of being opposed to another.


When an organization has a dress code that require all tattoos to be covered and an employee is a member of a bona fide religious organization that forbids covering religious tattoos, the dress code violates the ______ part of the OUCH test.

consistent in effect

The ______ validity measure would be most associated with the measurement of "honesty."


The measure of a theoretical concept or trait that is not directly observable is called ______.

construct validity

If an employee complains to human resources about a hostile work environment in the employee's department and, afterward, the employee's managers start changing the employee's schedule to less desirable shifts until the employee cannot stand the pressure and quits, it is likely that the employee experienced ______ discharge.


A data entry test representing what data entry clerks routinely do given to candidates for positions where they would need to be able to type would have ______ validity.


______ is the process of establishing and implementing mechanisms to ensure that organizational objectives are achieved.


A ______ is a division or department within the organization that brings in no revenue or profit for the organization. This type of division or department only costs money for the organization to run.

cost center

In the present view of the field, human resource managers no longer run an organizational ______. Their function, along with all other managers, is to improve organizational revenues and profits.

cost center

Traditionally, human resource departments were considered ______.

cost centers

Acme Global has endeavored to drive out all unnecessary business expenses in its operations. Acme Global is likely following a ______ strategy.

cost leader

In recommending the ______ strategy, a manager might recommend that the organization do everything it can to lower the organizational costs required to produce widgets while still charging customers the same price for the product.

cost leadership

Kolthida added up all her expenses for hiring six new logisticians, including advertising costs, relocation costs, and interview costs. She divided the total costs by six to get the ______.

cost per hire

When an organization adds up all the expenses for hiring five new engineers, including advertising costs, relocation costs, and interview costs, and divides the total by five, the organization gets the ______.

cost per hire

The basic ability to think in unique and different ways and apply those thought processes to existing problems is called ______.


An organization can test for ______ validity by comparing a score on a selection test to the job performance of existing workers in that job.


When a manager keeps a written record of the positive and negative performance of employees throughout the performance period, the manager is using a ______ for performance management.

critical incidents method

Given the workplace is made up of individuals with significantly different work ethics, cultural norms, and even languages, managers need to be ______ aware.


In performance management, the manager communicates to an employee the analysis of the employee's performance during a ______ session.


When a supervisor gives an employee a promotion on the basis of a good performance appraisal, it illustrates a ______ reason for conducting performance appraisals.


When a supervisor tries to overcome employees' resistance to change by showing that the supervisor has the best interests of the employees at heart and encourages employees to suggest changes, the supervisor is using the ______ tip to overcome resistance to change.

develop a positive trust climate for change

After being selected into an organization, the ______ section of the practitioner's model of human resource management describes how managers might coach, counsel, and/or discipline employees.

developing and managing

When an organization has an employee write down the tasks accomplished while going about the job and compiles the results into a profile for the job, the organization is using the ______ method of job analysis.


When an organization is following a ______ strategy, it will want employees who are flexible and adaptable, who have the ability to innovate and create new processes, and who can work in uncertain environments within cross-functional teams.


The Americans with Disabilities Act defines a(n) ______ as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a record of having such an impairment, or being regarded as having such an impairment.


When a neutral employment practice disproportionately excludes members of a protected group of applicants or employee, ______ exists.

disparate impact

The existence of differences among people is called ______.


______ is the ability to find many possible solutions to a particular problem, including unique, untested solutions.

divergent thinking

______ is a very broad set of concepts that deal with the differences among people within organizations.


At the end of the selection process, many employers require employees to pass a physical exam that includes a urinalysis. This is part of management's right to ______.

drug test

The term that describes how group members get along, not how group members do their work, is called group ______.


When conflict prevents the achievement of individual and organizational objectives, it is considered ______ conflict.


______ is a measure of profits that remain after the cost of capital has been deducted from operating profits.

economic value added

Katya is looking for workers with good basic skill sets. She does not need the applicants in her recruitment pool to have a lot of work experience. Her best external recruitment source would be ______.

educational institutions

When a manager asks "Did we do the right things?" to get work done, the manager is asking about ______.


Managers have control over two counterparts--______--which result in productivity.

effectiveness and efficiency

Productivity is the result of two components over which managers have control. The two components are ______.

effectiveness and efficiency

The measure of the financial return the organization receives because of its investment in the organization or its people is ______.

Return on Investment

______ involves being able to put yourself in another person's place—to understand what is being said and why the person is communicating that information to you.


Job satisfaction, ability, and a willingness to perform for the organization at a high level and over an extended period of time combine to create ______.

employee engagement

Acme Global was ordered by a federal court to correct past discrimination within the organization. What Acme Global is required to implement is a(n) ______ plan.

equal employment opportunity

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, fundamental duties of a job, including things that are done routinely and frequently, are called _______.

essential functions

Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 amends the 1964 Civil Rights Act to ______ the period of time in which an employee is allowed to file a lawsuit over pay discrimination.


The process of engaging individuals from the labor market outside the firm to apply for a job is called ______.

external recruiting

Adverse employment action exists when an employee is put under such extreme pressure by management that continued employment becomes intolerable and, as a result, the employee quits, or resigns from the organization.


An organization engaged in selection is either trying to get people inside the company to apply for different job openings or to get outsiders to join the company


Cognitive ability tests measure a job candidate's intellectual curiosity and motivation in a particular field.


Conceptual and design skills include the ability to understand, communicate, and work well with individuals and groups through developing effective relationships.


Constructive discharge is a situation where the organization takes an adverse employment action against an employee because the employee brought discrimination charges against the organization or supported someone who brought discrimination charges against the company.


Effectiveness is the amount of output that an organization gets per unit of input, with human input usually expressed in terms of units of time.


In organizational structure, formalization is the degree to which three types of differentiation exist within the organization.


In the compensatory model of selection each applicant must pass a particular selection test in order to go on to the next test.


Job flow identifies the qualifications of a person who should be capable of doing the job tasks noted in the job description.


Job specification identifies the work performed and the working conditions for each job within an organization.


Person-organization fit involves matching the candidate's intellectual and physical skills to those of the job being filled.


Skills tests measure the psychological traits or characteristics of applicants to determine suitability for performance in a specific type of job.


The mission statement refers to the way in which an organization groups its resources to accomplish the organization's mission.


What type of organizations are affected by Executive Order 11246?

federal contractors receiving more than $10,000 per year

When a trucking company gives drivers a medical exam before each shift that tests the drivers' reflexes and reaction times, the company is giving drivers a(n) ______ test.

fit for duty

When an organization combines a powerful vision with a well-identified mission, _______ is created.


A vision provides a ______ for the future. It describes where the organization is headed.

focus point

When an employee attempts to resolve a conflict using aggressive behavior to get their own way, the employee is using the ______ conflict management style.


A test used by various federal courts, the Department of Labor, and the EEOC to determine whether disparate impact might exist in an employment test is the ______ test.

four-fifths rule

When a selection committee is hiring for a computer programming job but favors a candidate who watches the same television program as many people on the selection committee, the selection committee's actions violate the ______ part of the OUCH test.

has job relatedness

Trevor requires all applicants take a paper-and-pencil test with questions like "If a customer accidentally gave you too much money, would you return the excess?" Trevor is giving his applicants a(n) ______ test.


When an organization gives job applicants a test with questions like "Will you allow your friends and family to use your store discount even though doing so is against the rules?" the organization is using a(n) ______ test to screen candidates.


How the organization is broken up horizontally, usually by departments, is called _______ in organizational structure.

horizontal differentiation

Harassment that occurs when someone's behavior at work creates an environment that is sexual in nature and that makes it difficult for someone of a particular sex to work in that environment is called ______.

hostile work environment

______ is a very specific legal term in human resource management meaning harassment that occurs when someone's behavior at work creates an environment that is sexual in nature and that makes it difficult for someone of a particular sex to work in that environment.

hostile work environment

Interview questions such as "Imagine you are working on a team and a member is disruptive and confrontational. What would you do?" are ______ questions.


Creating useful processes or products based on creative thought processes is called ______.


hen a work team is assigned tasks by a manager, and the team in turn gives specific assignments to members and is responsible for rotating jobs, the work team is considered a ______ team in motivational job design.


When a job candidate's intellectual and physical skills are a good fit to those of the job being filled, then a good ______ exists.

ability-job fit

When an employee fails to report to the workplace as scheduled, it is called ______.


Geneva is one of the best recruiters at Acme Global. What makes Geneva so successful is her ability to hear the words recruits are saying as well as understand the context of the conversations. Geneva is good at ______.

active listening

The intention and ability to listen to others, use the content and context of the communication, and respond appropriately is called ______.

active listening

______ is the intention and ability to listen to others, use the content and context of the communication, and respond appropriately.

active listening

When an organization takes an action such as firing, demoting, or making other changes that would harm the individual employee, the organization has engaged in ______.

adverse employment action

Micah requires all applicants take a paper-and-pencil test to assess their intellectual curiosity and motivation in a particular field. Micah is giving his applicants a(n) ______ test.


When an organization fills job openings with current employees or people the employees know, the organization is using ______.

internal recruiting

The ability to understand, communicate, and work well with individuals and groups through developing effective relationships is related to ______ skills.


When a manager listens to an employee describe a problem and the manager tries to see the situation from the employee's point of view, the manager is using ______ skills.


The ______ is usually the most heavily weighted and one of the last steps in the selection process, even though it has low predictive validity.


When an organization asks questions of the job incumbent and uses the answers to compile a profile of the job, the organization is using the ______ method of job analysis.


The work performed and the working conditions for each job within an organization are identified by a ______.

job analysis

A conceptual framework for designing or enriching jobs based on core job characteristics is provided by the ______.

job characteristics model

The process of identifying tasks that each employee is responsible for completing, as well as identifying how those tasks will be accomplished, is called ______.

job design

______ is the process of identifying tasks that each employee is responsible for completing, as well as identifying how those tasks will be accomplished.

job design

In motivational job design, ______ is the overall process of making jobs broader, with less repetition.

job expansion

The overall process of making jobs broader, with less repetition, is called ______ in motivational job design.

job expansion

When an employment test is a legitimate measure of an individual's ability to do the essential functions of a job, the test has ______.

job relatedness

______ exists when a test for employment is a legitimate measure of an individual's ability to do the essential functions of a job.

job relatedness

An employee's feeling of well-being and acceptance of the employee's place in the organization is called ______.

job satisfaction

When an organization has a labor surplus due to economic conditions and wants to find a way to reduce the surplus while both being fair to employees and being ready to respond to increased demand when the economy improves, the organization's best method for dealing with its surplus would be ______.

job sharing

Reducing the amount of paperwork required to complete a work order is an example of ______ in motivational job design.

job simplification

The process of eliminating or combining tasks to improve performance is called ______ in motivational job design

job simplification

The qualifications of a person capable of doing the job tasks noted in the job description are identified in the ______.

job specification

Workers known for using "their head more than their hands" to gather and interpret information to improve a product or process are ______.

knowledge workers

When an organization has a strong talent pool available from which it can draw employees, the organization is positively influenced by the ______ in the external environment on the organization.

labor force

The external pool of candidates from which an organization draws potential employees is called the ______.

labor market

An organization is allowed to terminate the employment of a group of individuals with very little advance warning in a ______.


The process of terminating a group of employees, with intent to improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness, is called ______.


A job advertisement for a food handler yielded 25 applications. Of those, five were disqualified because they did not have the proper food handler license. The yield ratio on the advertisement was ______ percent.

not 20

When an organization uses ______ as the primary criterion in selection, it often ends up not getting the best person for a particular job.

not ability-job

When an organization posts job openings in places where mostly current employees will see the openings, such as in company newsletters, the organization is using ______ to recruit.

not alternatives to recruiting

Interview questions such as "How does the mission of the organization impact how you would do your job?" and "What were your favorite activities in college?" are ______ questions.

not closed-ended

The ______ check is the most commonly used background check in applicant screening.

not criminal background

The measurement of "resilience" would be most associated with the ______ validity measure.

not high-level

When an organization uses four different selection tests and averages the scores on the tests to determine whether job applicants can continue in the selection process, the organization is using a(n) ______ selection model.

not multiple-hurdle

An interviewer does not prepare questions but prefers to greet each job candidate and allow the interview to develop organically in a conversational manner. The interviewer likes to have more of a "conversation" than an interview with each candidate. The questions to each candidate are different. This describes a(n) ______ interview.

not open-ended

An interviewer has a list of prepared questions to ask each candidate. However, the interviewer also finds it useful to ask some unplanned questions when the candidate mentions something interesting or when it seems appropriate to gather more information. This describes a(n) ______ interview.

not open-ended

Despite their differences, Millennials and members of Generation Z both value ______.

not pay and job security

To measure a job candidate's intellectual curiosity and motivation in a particular field, a(n) ______ test is used.

not personality

When an organization is either trying to get people inside the company to apply for different job openings or to get outsiders to join the company, it is engaged in ______.

not redesigning

The extent to which a test measures what it claims to measure is called ______.

not reliability

When Pedro and Margie started working together 2 years ago, they had both recently gotten divorced. Through their work, they became very good friends. After 2 years, Pedro decided he would like to ask Margie out on a date. When he did so, she declined his offer, saying she had recently met someone through an online dating service. Pedro's behavior is likely ______.

not sexual harrassment

Assessments of general intelligence or of some type of aptitude for a particular job are called ______ tests.

not skills

One of the most commonly exaggerated items on résumés and applications is ______ level.

not skills

When an organization needs employees with good basic skill sets but does not need the applicants in the recruitment pool to have a lot of work experience, the best external recruitment source would be ______.

not specialized publications

The primary factor responsible for an applicant showing interest in an organization and its jobs is often the ______.

not structure

There are no preplanned questions or sequence of topics prepared for job candidates in a(n) ______ interview.

not structured

A(n) ______ agency helps with recruiting and is paid when the job candidate is hired by the employer.

not temporary

When a manager gives employees low performance appraisal ratings without citing any evidence of poor performance, the performance appraisals violate the ______ part of the OUCH test.


Statements of what is to be accomplished in singular, specific, and measurable terms, with a target date are called ______.


When an organization has a worker shadowed by someone who logs the tasks performed by the worker to create a profile of the job, the organization is using the ______ method of job analysis.


The process of introducing new employees to the organization and their new jobs is called ______.


When an organization uses virtual mentoring groups to help new employees adjust to the organization, the organization is using social media to help with ______.


When a job opening is advertised openly within the organization, and anyone who meets the qualifications can apply for the job opening, the organization is using ______ internal recruiting.


______ internal recruiting consists of advertising the job openly within the organization, and anyone who meets the qualifications can apply.


An organization cannot accomplish its objectives without the right people with the right types of education, skills, and mind-set which is why human resource management is a critical component of meeting ______ goals.


Behavior, values and beliefs, and assumptions are the three levels of ______.

organizational culture

Heroes, stories, slogans, symbols, and ceremonies are five types of artifacts of ______.

organizational culture

The five artifacts of ______ are heroes, stories, slogans, symbols, and ceremonies.

organizational culture

When an organization has a labor shortage but no money to recruit new employees, an alternative to recruitment is to ______.

outsource the work

According to research, employees are likely to ______ their ability to do a job in a self-assessment.


When a group of employees have the ability to perform, but feel like their performance doesn't matter much to the success of the company, and are therefore not concerned with doing a great job, situational management would suggest that the supervisor use a ______ management style to improve their collective performance.


When a person or group engages in a sequence of actions over a significant period of time that is intended to deny the rights provided by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to a member of a protected class, ________ exists.

pattern or practice discrimination

An option for immediately lowering labor costs is a ______ for all or part of the workforce.

pay reduction

The process of identifying, measuring, managing, and developing the performance of the human resources in an organization is called ______.

performance management

When an employee "fits" with the cultural and structural characteristics of the organization then a good ______ fit exists.


To measure the psychological traits or characteristics of applicants to determine suitability for performance in a specific type of job, a ______ test is often used.


When an organization tests each job applicant to make sure the applicant can use all the tools--such as hammers and screwdrivers--involved in the job, the organization is using a(n) ______ test to screen candidates.

physical skills

When an organization examines how many contracts it has with major purchasers it is dealing with ______ in the five-forces analysis.

power of buyers

Things that individuals are allowed to do based on asking permission from an authority are called ______.


Human input into an organization can be expressed in units of time and the amount of output that an organization gets per unit of input is called ______.


The process in which the employer provides the employee with opportunities to correct poor behavior before terminating the employee is called ______.

progressive discipline

______ agencies are state employment services. They generally provide job candidates to employers at no cost or very low cost.


nonquantitative methods to forecast the future need for employees, usually based on the knowledge of a pool of experts in a subject or an industry, is called ______ in human resource forecasting.

qualitative forecasting

Halle is trying to identify the work performed and the working conditions of the 200 sales associates at Acme Global. She needs the information quickly to present it at the next management meeting. In this case, the ______ job analysis method would be most appropriate.


When some type of benefit or punishment is made contingent upon the employee submitting to sexual advances, ______ has occurred.

quid pro quo harrassment

When different groups of people have different scores designated as "passing" grades on a test for employment, it is called ______.

race norming

When an employee is named "Most Valuable Employee of the Year," management has used the ______ method of performance appraisal to determine the winner.


In human resource forecasting, ______ is the process of reviewing historical data and calculating specific proportions between a business factor (such as production) and the number of employees needed.

ratio analysis

The estimated supply and demand for the different types of human resources in the organization over some future period, based on analysis of past and present demand, is identified through ______ in human resource forecasting.

ratio analysis

A post-training evaluation that asks trainees to rate statements from strongly disagree to strongly agree such as "I learned a lot in this training" and "This training was helpful" is a ______ assessment of training.


A description of all of the tasks and requirements of the job, both good and bad, is called a ______.

realistic job preview

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires a(n) ______ be made by an employer to allow someone who is disabled but otherwise qualified to do the essential functions of a job to be able to perform that job.

reasonable accommodation

When an employee works harder in the month before the performance appraisal and receives an excellent rating on the performance appraisal when the employee's performance for the entire year had only been average, it is likely the employee's manager made an error due to ______.


An organization may get more or fewer applicants than it wants if it does not target its ______ correctly.


The process of creating a reasonable pool of qualified candidates for a job opening is called ______.


When a human resource manager uses LinkedIn to look for candidates to fill open positions, the organization is using social media to help in ______.

recruitment and selection

The statistical technique that identifies the relationship between a series of variable data points for use in forecasting future variables is called ______ in human resource forecasting.

regression analysis

The consistency of a test measurement over time and across rates is called ______.


______ is the consistency of a test measurement.


Organizations want selection measures to be ______, meaning they are consistent over time and between people.


A post-training evaluation that tracks the number of defects in the work of the trainees compared to before the training is a ______ assessment of training.


If an organization takes an adverse employment action against an employee because the employee brought discrimination charges against the organization or supported someone who brought discrimination charges against the company, the organization would be guilty of ______.


When preparing to conduct an interview, the first step the interviewer should take is to ______.

review the job description and specifications

As a human resource manager, Mitchell is examining all the procedures that have been adopted over the years and have become "the way we do things around here." Many of these procedures were adopted to make the workplace more efficient, but Mitchell wants to check on whether that efficiency still exists. Mitchell is helping Acme Global become agile by ______.c. reviewing legacy processes

reviewing legacy processes

The right that means within the organization itself, individuals should be free to express concerns or discontent with organizational policies without fear of harm is the ______.

right to free speech

______ is a notice from the EEOC, issued if it elects not to prosecute an individual discrimination complaint within the agency, that gives the recipient the right to go directly to the courts with the complaint.

right to sue

When workers are mismatched to a job, they tend to have low job ______, which leads to absenteeism, turnover, and lower levels of productivity than those who are matched well.


The process of choosing the best-qualified applicant who was recruited for a given job at an organization is called ______.


When a work team plans, organizes, leads, and controls to achieve its assigned goal, the work team is considered a ______ team in motivational job design.


Rosie assigned her employees a goal. The employees planned, organized, led, and controlled one another to reach the goal. This is an example of a(n) ______.

self-managed work team

Local mass media is a good recruiting source for ______.

semiskilled or skilled line employees

______ is defined by the EEOC as "unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment."

sexual harassment

At Acme Global, the top manager reports to the board of directors. The board is not involved in the day-to-day operations of the organization, but it can hire or fire top management. This represents the influence of ______ in the external environment on the organization.


When employees need training on complex situations in an environment that allows them to experiment with solutions and receive feedback, the best choice of training method would be ______ training.


Many organizations use a computer program to scan applications for minimum qualifications. If an applicant does not meet the minimum requirements for the job, the applicant is automatically rejected. This saves many hours for the human resource staff and is an example of a benefit of using ______ in recruiting.

smart technology

When an organization responds to requests for information from community members, it recognizes the influence of ______ in the external environment on the organization.


The physical separation of different parts of the organization is called _______ in organizational structure.

spatial differentiation

When an organization needs to hire a high-level executive in finance and wants to avoid attracting unqualified applicants, the best external recruitment source would be ______.

specialized publications

The mission statement in most organization is more narrow and more ______ than the vision


When an organization uses a generic evaluation form which can be used for any job in the organization and the form does not provide useful information for modifying employee behavior, the form is missing the ______ aspect of good performance appraisals.


The ______ discipline of human resource management encompasses all of the things that need to happen to get people interested in working for a company, including the recruiting process, selecting the best candidates who apply, and getting them settled into their new jobs.


The human resource management discipline that covers all of the things that need to happen to get people interested in working for the organization, including going through the recruiting process, selecting the best candidates who apply, and getting them settled into their new jobs is the ______ discipline.


When a human resource manager is in charge of the recruiting process, selecting the best candidates who apply, and getting them settled into their jobs, it is likely that the manager's specialty is ______.


______ tests put job candidates into a high-pressure situation, but in a controlled environment so that the danger and cost are limited.


A strong vision and a good mission statement are critical parts of the ______ planning process.


The three questions used to build an organization's ______ plan are: What is our present situation? Where do we want to go? How do we plan to get there?


______ planning is about planning for the long-term future; to be successful, you need to plan using goals and measurable standards.


The plan of action designed to achieve a particular set of objectives for an organization is the organization's ______.


______ is a plan of action designed to achieve a particular set of objectives for an organization.


A collective work stoppage by members of a union that is intended to put pressure on an employer is called a ______.


Job candidates are asked the same list of prepared questions in a(n) ______ interview.


When an organization puts together a panel of experts to evaluate jobs, the organization is using the ______ method of job analysis.

subject matter expert

Beatriz is trying to identify the work performed and the working conditions for the job of ombudsperson. This job has never existed at Acme Global and Laura does not know much about the job. In this case, the ______ job analysis method would be most appropriate.

subject matter expert panel

In the ______ method of job analysis, also called a technical conference method, a panel of experts bring to the process their strong knowledge of the jobs they evaluate.

subject matter expert panel

A capability that creates value for customers that rivals cannot copy quickly or easily and that allows the organization to differentiate its products or services from those of competitors is called ______.

sustainable competitive advantage

When a job opening is not openly advertised within the organization but human resource managers privately ask managers to nominate workers who they feel would be able to do the job that needs to be filled, the organization is using ______ internal recruiting.


When an organization tries to apply the Job Characteristics Model and plans to redesign jobs so that each employee will be creating widgets from start to finish, the organization is trying to change the ______ of the jobs.

task identity

Alex wants to apply the job characteristics model to her employees' work. She plans to sit down with each employee and describe how the employee's job impacts the organization and brings in customers. Alex is trying to change the ______ of the jobs.

task significance

______ is an employee's perception of the importance of the task to the organization, the department, coworkers, and/or customers, according to the job characteristics model.

task significance

When a job is described as a function of the tasks performed within the job, the job analysis is considered ______.


Between millennials and members of Generation Z, millennials tend to value ______ more


The fact that ______ is outpacing workers' ability to use it is one of the most critical issues that human resource managers face.


When an organization has a short-term labor shortage and needs to hire some workers quickly but does not have time for a screening process, the best external recruitment source would be ______.

temporary agencies

When recruiting for short-term shortage situations, ______ can be the most useful source.

temporary agencies

The largest and most recognized of the human resource management advocacy organizations in the United States is the ______.

the Society for Human Resource Management

When an organization has to change its plans due to a fluctuation in interest rates, the organization recognizes the influence of ______ in the external environment on the organization.

the economy

When an organization analyzes how it can take customers away from organizations in other industries it is dealing with ______ in the five-forces analysis.

threat of substitute products and services

An organization placed an advertisement for a new programmer on September 1. The new programmer was hired on December 1. The______ was 61 days.

time required to hire

The total of how many days, weeks, or months it takes to get someone hired into an open position is called the ______.

time required to hire

The process of teaching employees the skills necessary to perform a specific job in an organization is called ______.


Line managers are often the first to see a problem caused by lack of employee skill. Resolving the problem is a part of the ______ responsibilities of line management.

training and development

In performance appraisal, evaluation of a worker's "energy" and "drive" would be classified as a ______ appraisal.


The process of reviewing historical items such as revenues and relating changes in those items to some business factor to form a predictive chart is called ______ in human resource forecasting.

trend analysis

"Can we find the right number and types of employees if we recruit locally?" is the first question an organization should ask when considering expanding the reach of recruiting efforts.


Data analytics is the process of accessing large amounts of data to analyze those data and gain insight into significant trends or patterns within organizations or industries.


Employee engagement is a combination of job satisfaction, ability, and a willingness to perform for the organization at a high level and over an extended period of time.


In motivational job design, job simplification is the process of eliminating or combining tasks and/or changing the work sequence to improve performance.


Internal recruiting involves recruiting current employees or people the employees know.


Right-to-sue is a notice from the EEOC, which it issues if it elects not to prosecute an individual discrimination complaint, that gives the recipient the right to go directly to the courts with the complaint.


The Society for Human Resource Management is the largest and most recognized of the HRM advocacy organizations in the United States.


When an organization has to pay for recruiting and selection costs because it needs to replace workers who left the organization for better paying jobs, the organization is paying for ______.


When recruiting, supply and demand usually ties in directly with the ______ rate in an area.


When an employer needs guidance in efforts to comply with federal laws concerning all employment decisions, and especially the selection process, the employer should reference the ______.

uniform guidelines on employee selection procedures

______ were created to guide employers in their efforts to comply with federal laws concerning all employment decisions, and especially the selection process.

uniform guidelines on employee selection procedures

When employees who commit the same infraction are given different punishments by their manager, the manager's actions violate the ______ part of the OUCH test.

uniform in application

______ is the extent to which a test measures what it claims to measure.


Holly had an idea for improving the process of recording invoices. When she told her boss about her idea, he told her it was a good idea but the department would stick with the old system. When she asked why they could not change to the new system, her boss would only say, "We have always done it this way and it makes sense to us." This is an example of the ______ level of culture.

values and beliefs

What an organization plans to become at a particular point in time in the future is described in the ______ statement.


A job candidate who walks into the organization "cold" and asks for a job is considered a(n) ______ recruit.


With ______, good candidates may come to an organization "cold" and ask for a job.


Asking or requiring employees to ______ is the quickest and easiest way to fix a labor shortage.

work overtime

The quickest and easiest way to fix a labor shortage is to ask or require employees to ______.

work overtime

When an organization provides a test to job applicants that requires the applicants to perform the job for which they are applying, the organization is using a(n) ______ test to screen candidates.

work sample

When an organization provides the type of work that the candidate would perform on the job and asks the candidate to perform the tasks under some type of controlled conditions the organization is using a(n) ______ test to screen candidates.

work sample

When an organization has a labor surplus, it can use ______ to lower labor costs without terminating employees.

work sharing

At a(n) ______, on-the-job training is done with the resources the employee uses to perform the job.

work site

For each product or service, ______ identifies the series of tasks that need to be completed to take the work from initiation to completion.

workflow analysis

The calculation of how many people make it through the recruiting step to the next step in the hiring process is called the ______.

yield ratio

______ is the failure of an employee to report to the workplace as scheduled.


Acme Global is looking to hire wind turbine engineers. Because of the field work, Acme Global wants to advertise for young workers who can work to repair giant turbines. If they do so, their advertisement would likely be a violation of the ______.

Age Discrimination in Employment Act

If an organization advertises for young and healthy workers, the advertisement would likely be a violation of the ______.

Age Discrimination in Employment Act

The use of genetic information in employment and intentional acquisition of genetic information are prohibited by the _______.

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008

The four dimensions of the ______ are identifying HR deliverables, identifying HR system alignment through the use of a high-performance work system (HPWS), aligning the system with company strategy, and identifying HR efficiency measures.

HR scorecard

Database systems that allow human resource managers to automate some functions and deliver human resource information are called _______.

Human Resource Management Systems

When Anna showed up for her first day of work at Acme Global, she was required to produce documents verifying her identity and her eligibility to work in the United States. Acme Global is abiding by the ______.

Immigration Reform and Control Act

A(n) ______ gives the company information on the applicant in a standard form.


To get information on applicants in a standardized format, many organizations will ask for a(n) ______.


In an alternative dispute resolution, a neutral third party who helps resolve a conflict by making a binding decision is called a(n) ______.


When training is complete, the final step is to ______ how effective the training was at developing the needed skills.


Values and beliefs that are so deeply ingrained that they are considered unquestionably true are called ______ in organizational culture.


The process of influencing employees to work toward the achievement of organizational objectives is called ______.


A relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience or practice is called ______.


Managers who create, manage, and maintain the people and organizational processes that create whatever it is that the business sells are called ______ managers.


When management stops all work and physically prevents workers from entering the workplace, management is using a(n) ______.


When an organization asks a manager to provide his or her support for an employee before that employee would be considered for a promotion through the internal recruiting process, the organization is using ______ in internal recruiting.

managerial sponsorship

When job design focuses on designing jobs around the concepts of task specialization, skill simplification, and repetition, the job design is considered ______.


______ job design focuses on designing jobs around the concepts of task specialization, skill simplification, and repetition.


The most obvious constraint on recruiting for an organization is ______.


When an organization uses four different selection tests and requires applicants to meet the standard for each test before moving on to the next one, the organization is using a(n) ______ selection model.


When the boss hovers over an employee to make sure work is done correctly so the employee takes extra care to do the work correctly and the boss stops hovering, the employee has experienced ______.

negative reinforcement

Background checks are needed to help prevent ______ hires.


In order to prevent ______ hires, background checks are needed.


The legal concept that says if the organization hires someone who may pose a danger to others, and if that person then harms someone else in the course of working for the company, then the company can be held liable for the individual's actions is called ______.

negligent hire

When Jacqueline was hired by Acme Global to be an office cleaner, the human resource management department skipped the background check. Now Jacqueline has pass keys to all the offices in one of Acme Global's buildings. What a background check would have revealed is that Jacqueline has several past convictions for assault. This could be a case of ______.

negligent hire

When two or more parties are in conflict, the ______ process is an attempt to come to an agreement.


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