EXSC 563

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Which of the following statements is NOT true with regards to innate immunity?

Cells have the ability to become memory cells and learn to identify specific antigens

According to the article, "Benefits of Exercise in the Elderly," which of the following is NOT a vasculature change due to the aging process?

Increase in myocyte loss

Which of the following is NOT one of the early symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia?

Increase in urinary frequency

Which of the following is NOT one of the Healthy People 2020 objectives for older adults?

Increase the number of screenings that can be performed without a deductible or copay

What is the hallmark of the aging process?

Individual differences

As Sarah's physician you have several goals in terms of her treatment plan for congestive heart failure (CHF). Which of the following is NOT one of those goals?

To cure Sarah's CHF

According to the CDC post, "Shingles Vaccination," how many doses of the Shingrix vaccine should healthy adults get?

Two doses separated by 2 to 6 months

You are a gerontologist operating in a community hospital, and an older patient of yours experiences a condition in which her supporting ligaments stretch and allow her uterus to drop in the vaginal cavity. You recognize that this condition is which of the following?

Prolapse of the uterus

Your Uncle Mel, who is 75 years old, complains of feeling tired all the time. You can tell that he has lost weight recently and appears apathetic and depressed. His wife tells you that he has had a low-grade fever for several months and an occasional cough. Which age-related disorder of the respiratory system do you think is most likely in Mel, based on these symptoms?

Pulmonary tuberculosis

You are a nutritionist who is counseling a patient who has recently developed gastric ulcers. Which of the following recommendations would you give this patient? Select all that apply.

Reduce stress; Avoid coffee; Avoid meat extracts

What is gerontology?

"Gerontology" is the broad study of the aging process. It incorporates multidisciplinary concepts and approaches in an attempt to understand all aspects of the complex aging process.

According to the "Aging in the US" article, what will be the ratio of older adults (aged 65 and older) to the total American population by 2030?

1 of 5 people will be 65 or older

According to the lecture, An Overview of Falls, falls don't always result in injuries. What is the ratio of falls that do result in a serious injury?

1 out of 5

How many more direct care workers will be needed by 2018 to care for those with dementia?


According to the lecture "Exercise Programming for Older Adults - Part I," how may days/week do the NIA guidelines say an older adult should perform strength training?

2 days/week

According to the "Masters Athlete" article, older patients should perform balance and coordination activities for how many minutes/day and how many days each week?

20-30 minutes/day and at least 2 days/week

At what age does bone mass typically peak?


According to the "Masters Athlete" article, a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) should be routine for male masters athletes past what age?

40 years

How many US adults have Alzheimer's disease?


Alzheimer's disease is the ______ leading cause of death among adults over 65 years old. Select the correct answer from below.


According to the ACSM article: Exercise and Physical Activity for Older Adults, how much weight do sedentary Americans typically gain between the ages of 18 and 55?

8-9 kg

According to the lecture "Exercise Programming for Older Adults - Part 1," at what age do sedentary people tend to reach the critcal physical or physiological fitness threshhold?


What is a below average score for an 83 year old woman who performs the 30-second Chair Stand test?

< 9

Your grandmother seems to be sleeping more but is complaining that she feels tired much of the time. Which change in sleep patterns in older adults may be affecting her?

A decrease in stage 3 and 4 sleep

You have noticed that your grandfather goes to the doctor a lot and that he always seems to be undergoing various medical tests. Based on your understanding of the typical patterns of disease in older adults, which of following would you most expect to observe in your grandfather?

A medication he has just been prescribed causing complications with his diabetes

Miriam is 67 years old and in good health. Based on what you know about the general needs of the various gerontological age categories, which of the following is most likely to be a need that Miriam experiences now?

A program at a senior center to help her define her life role after retirement

Who is at risk for transient ischemic attacks (TIA) according to your textbook? Select all that apply.

A smoker or alcoholic; Anyone age 60 and older with diabetes and hypertension; Those with sleep apnea and high cholesterol

Which of the following is the best definition of health, according to the World Health Organization?

A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being

As a nurse working in an independent living facility for older adults, you work with a resident whom you suspect of being alcoholic. Which of the following physical effects that you have observed in this patient would tend to confirm your suspicion? Select all that apply.

Acidosis; Malnutrition; Slurred speech

Helen, an older woman, has recently learned that she has AIDS and is reeling from the news. She knows very little about the disease and is struggling to come to grips with the reality that she has it and with how it will affect her life. Which of Doka's phases is Helen most likely experiencing?

Acute phase

According to the lecture "Exercise Programming for Older Adults - Part II," which of the following is an example of applying the overload principle to your client?

Adjusting the duration of the exercise

As a hospice nurse, you are caring for an older woman named Lois in her home. Lois is dying of pancreatic cancer. Which of the following would be examples of palliative care in this situation? Select all that apply.

Administering prescribed pain medication; Providing warm foot baths; Providing back massages

According to the Functional Health & Frailty online lecture, which ethnicity group has the higher prevalence of frailty?

African Americans

As a health care professional, when would you advise your patient/client to begin testing for glaucoma during their periodic eye examinations?

After age 40

Your 83-year-old client is walking with a wide-stance/fee-apart gait, has increased sway and has difficulty standing on uneven or soft surfaces. These characteristics he is displaying are likely due to age-related changes in which system?

Age-related changes in the vestibular system

According to the lecture "Exercise Programming for Older Adults - Part II," what would be an example of ways to alter the level of challenge?

All of the answers are correct

Imagine that you are a health educator working in a senior center. Which of the following would describe recommendations you would include in a class that you teach on "successful aging?"

All of the other answers.

Which of the following would be examples of common caregiving responsibilities?

All of the provided answers

What is the average length of time a person with dementia needs care?

Almost 5 years

Proper nutrition is critical for older adults. Four of the 10 leading causes of death in the US can be linked to poor dietary habits. Which is NOT one of those four causes of death?

Alzheimer's disease

The most prevalent primary dementia is which of the following?

Alzheimer's disease

According to the " Age-Related Changes in Systems that Support Balance & Mobility " lecture, what would be a result from the loss of hair cells within the vestibular system?

An increase in sway and a decline in sensitivity to head motion

A resident at the assisted living facility where you work, Barbara, bruises easily and, when wounded, has a hard time stopping the bleeding. Which of the following medications that Barbara is currently taking would most likely cause these adverse effects?

Antiplatelet agent

Myocardial infarctions (MI) are not properly diagnosed 25 - 68% of the time, especially in older adults who don't display typical symptoms of a heart attack. Which of the following is NOT listed in your textbook as an atypical symptom in older adults experiencing an MI?


According to the ACSM Article: Exercise and Physical Activity for Older Adults, physical activity is:

Any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles and that increases energy expenditure

Which age-related disorder of the cardiovascular system is characterized by a hardening of the arteries due to the building up of plaque in the blood vessels?


As the dietitian at a long-term care facility, you are instructing the nurses on staff regarding how to properly feed patients who require this service. Which of the following suggestions is correct?

Attempt to offer a diet as close as possible to the person's accustomed diet.

Your parents are providing care for your grandfather who has Alzheimer's disease. Which of the following is NOT a suggested guideline for providing good care?

Avoid direct eye contact

Which instruction/direction is NOT correct with regards to the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test?

Begin timing at the first sign of movement from the client

This term describes the objective state of having experienced a loss. What is the correct term?


A gerontologist is conducting a study on the physiological factors that may contribute to longevity in older adults. In which area of gerontology is this scientist most likely working?

Biological aging

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding ovarian cancer?

Biopsy and blood tests can be used to diagnose ovarian cancer

When you visit your grandmother, she often describes her own and her friends' health problems to you in great detail. Which of Peck's tasks of middle or older age best relates to this behavior?

Body transendence vs. body preoccupation

You are a nurse working with an older patient, Judy, at a community health clinic. You note in her health record that Judy is currently taking seven different prescribed medications. You should warn Judy that which of the following substances may have interactions with her medications? Select all that apply.

Caffeine; Alcohol; Nicotine; Grapefruit

In terms of drug therapy for osteoporosis prevention, what are the current recommendations for calcium and vitamin D intake?

Calcium = 1200 to 1500 mg/day Vitamin D = 800 to 1000 IU daily

Which minerals have the greatest influence on body functions in older adults?

Calcium and iron

According to the "Masters Athlete" article, the masters athlete should have a multidisciplinary team. Which of the following is NOT one of the recommended provider types to make up the care team?


Your Aunt Angela, who is in her mid-60s, has stopped wearing her reading glasses when working at her computer recently. When you ask her about it, she says, "I don't need them anymore, apparently! I can see things up close now without any problem." Which of the following age-related vision disorders could best explain the phenomenon Aunt Angela is experiencing?


Your neighbor, Hilda, who is 81, complains that she can't see a thing when driving at night. Which of the following age-related changes in the eye is most likely responsible for this limitation?

Changes in the chemical sensitivity of the rods and cones

Which of the following events occur during inspiration (inhalation)? Select all that apply.

Chest capacity increases; Air is sucked in; Diaphragm contracts and flattens.

You are explaining the process of mechanical digestion to your classmate. Which of the following should you give as examples of this process? Select all that apply.

Chewing movements in the mouth; Churning movements in the stomach; Rhythmic contractions and relaxation in segments of the small intestine

What is the third leading cause of death in the United States?

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Which of the following are risk factors for poor nutrition? Select all that apply.

Chronic medication use; Tooth problems; Poverty

Which of the following is NOT one the cardiac risk factors for congestive heart failure (CHF)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Which of the following is NOT one of the important functions that skeletal muscle performs?


Which of the following are age-related changes in the epidermis? Select all that apply.

Decreased rate of cell turnover; Decreased thickness; Decreased moisture; Decreased ability to act as a barrier against loss of body fluids

Your neighbor, Brenda, who is an older adult, is obese and recently had knee surgery. As you are sitting on the front porch with her, she complains that her leg is warm, tender, swollen, and painful. You notice bluish-red color to the leg. Which of the following age-related conditions is Brenda most likely experiencing?

Deep vein thrombosis

Your grandfather, who is 79 years old, has gradually begun having trouble hearing people when speak when they speak to him, especially women. Based on your knowledge of age-related changes in hearing, which of the following is most likely the underlying cause of this change?

Degeneration of the spiral organ of Corti

You are working as a physician's assistant at a long-term care facility with an older patient named Juanita, who has just begun taking antihypertensive medication. Which of the following are risks associated with taking antihypertensives that you should warn Juanita about? Select all that apply.

Dehydration; Dizziness; Orthostatic hypotension

Your Aunt Mimi, an older adult, suffers from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Which of the following age-related changes in the gastrointestinal system most likely has put her at risk for this condition?

Delayed emptying of food into the stomach from the esophagus

Your grandmother, Lois, who lives with you has recently begun to complain of being hungry and thirsty all the time. You notice that she goes to the bathroom a lot and that she has lost quite a bit of weight. Based on her symptoms, what endocrine system disorder would you most suspect in your grandmother?

Diabetes mellitus

Which of the following are risk factors for cancer of the prostate? Select all that apply.

Diet high in fats; Diet low in fiber; African American ethnicity; Family history of prostate cancer

A patient of yours, Hector, has recently been found to be anorexic. Which of the following recommendations would you, as a dietician, make to Hector to address his condition? Select all that apply.

Eat in a pleasant environment; Eat when you are hungry, regardless of the time; Eat higher-calorie foods

The textbook describes three realistic goals in treating rheumatoid arthritis. Which of the following is NOT a realistic goal for this condition?

Effective pain management through extensive rest

Which of the following are Peck's tasks for older age? Select all that apply

Ego differentiation vs. work role preoccupation; Ego transcendence vs. ego preoccupation

According to Erikson's stage theory of development, which of the following is the developmental crisis of late adulthood?

Ego integrity vs. despair

As a hospice nurse, you are caring for an older adult, Henry, in a hospice center. Which of the following would be appropriate therapeutic approaches for you to use with Henry? Select all that apply.

Encourage the person and family to express denial, anger, guilt, shame, or other feelings without judgment; Listen with an unbiased mind to what the dying person is saying; Assist with housework, errands caring for family members, or other tasks.

Which of the following layers of skin is composed primarily of keratinocytes and the stratum corneum, protects the body from trauma, and produces vitamin D?


Which of the following is NOT a sign of dehydration?

Extreme thirst

According to the "Aging in the US" article, which of the following is NOT one of the 3 core components of "successful aging"?

Fall prevention

According to the lecture, An Overview of Falls, what is the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries in older adults?


According to the lecture, An Overview of Falls, routine diagnostic tests are very helpful when assessing falls.


Alzheimer's Disease accounts for 30-40 of all dementia cases.


According to the lecture "Exercise Programming for Older Adults - Part I," which type of exercise training would you recommend if your client is struggling to look over their shoulder while backing the car out of the drive?

Flexibility training

You are working with an older patient, Daniel, who was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and has a moderately elevated blood glucose level. Which of the following courses of treatment do you anticipate for Daniel?

Focus on diet and exercise

You are a health educator at a local senior center preparing to teach a class on how to prevent drug-food interactions. Which of the following recommendations would NOT be good advice to give to those in attendance?

For those who have trouble swallowing pills, try to take the medication with juice, soft drinks or coffee/tea.

You are explaining the various functions of the skin to a friend. Which of the following should you mention? Select all that apply.

Formation of vitamin D in sunlight; Protection of underlying tissues and structures; Temperature regulation; Barrier against harmful bacteria

According to the lecture, "Functional Health and Frailty," which of the following statements is NOT true with regards to frailty?

Frailty is only influenced by biological, psychological and clinical factors

You are educating a group of older women at a Senior Center Lunch & Learn on how to maintain healthy skin. Which of the following items would NOT be a correct tip?

Full-body bathing is fine every day of the week as long as warm water is used

According to the lecture "Exercise Programming for Older Adults - Part II," the selection of exercises that simulate movements from everyday activities performed in practice environments that are similar to those regularly encountered by your clients embodies which exercise principle?

Functional relevance

What is the most common upper GI problem in adults?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

You are a nurse practitioner, and one of your patients mentions that she has begun taking an herb to reduce stress, fatigue, and exhaustion and enhance her learning and thinking. Which of the following herbs would you most suspect she is taking?


During the process of glomerular filtration, which of the following substances are able to pass through the glomerulus into the glomerular capsule and renal tubule? Select all that apply.

Glucose; Nitrogenous wastes; Water

This term describes the intrapersonal process that involves reactions, thoughts, feelings and behaviors to a loss. What is the correct term?


According to the "Postural Control Strategies" lecture, muscle synergies are:

Groups of muscles constrained to work together to produce movement

Which alternative healing system developed in the United States in the 18th and 19th centuries and emphasized the efficacy of natural cures such as herbs, hydrotherapy, nutrition therapy, and manual manipulation?


According to the lecture, "Functional Health and Frailty," what are two good words to use for the whisper test?

Hot dog and railroad

Age-related endocrine pathologies are classified by their glandular activity. Which of the following classifications is NOT correct?

Hyper-reponsiveness of various glands

You are monitoring your hospitalized older adult patient. The past 24 hours she has been unusually lethargic and apathetic. Which category of delirium does this suggest?

Hypoactive delirium

Which part of the brain is the major visceral control center and is crucial for maintaining homeostasis in blood pressure, heart rate, ad pupil size?


According to the "Immune-inflammatory responses in the elderly" article, which of the following is implicated in the development of age-related inflammatory diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes and Alzheimer's?


As an aerobics instructor, you are preparing to teach a class for older adults. Which of the following should you keep in mind as you plan the music for this class?

Involve the participants in selecting music they know and appreciate.

You are caring for an older patient, Margaret, in a long-term nursing care facility. Margaret has been found to have nutritional anemia. Margaret is most likely experiencing deficiency in which of the following minerals?


Which statement is NOT true with regards to vascular dementia?

It is more common in women than in men

You are instructing an older adult, Stella, at a workshop in a local senior center on how to use the Internet. Which of the following age-related changes in memory should you keep in mind as you work with Stella?

It takes longer for older adults to retrieve information from memory; Memory training programs can improve mental performance; More time and effort is required for older adults to memorize new information.

Your boss, Kevin, who is 42 years old, has recently begun holding books and documents at arms' length in order to read them. Which of the following age-related changes in the eye most likely causes this condition?

Loss of elasticity of the lens

According to the Functional Health & Frailty online lecture, which of the following is NOT one of the five criteria (developed by Fried) of the frailty phenotype?

Loss of function

According to the ACSM Article: Exercise and Physical Activity for Older Adults, which physiological factor below is NOT typically associated with longevity and optimal aging?

Low HDL concentrations

Which of the following are age-related changes in the respiratory system? Select all that apply

Lungs decrease in size and elasticity; Alveoli enlarge, decreasing surface area available for gas exchange; The vocal cords thin, producing a higher pitch in voice.

Which of the following hormones secreted by the pituitary gland are produced by both sexes and necessary for the normal development and functioning of the gonads? Select all that apply.

Luteinizing hormone; Follicle-stimulating hormone

You are explaining to a client in your balance class about how the tiny bones of the middle ear, known as the ossicles, transmit sound vibrations that eventually are converted to nerve impulses that are interpreted by the brain. Which of the following are the names of the ossicles? Select all that apply.

Malleus; Incus; Stapes

Which of the following is probably the most common cause of delirium?


According to the "Immune-inflammatory responses in the elderly" article, which of the following has been associated with lower levels of inflammation?

Mediterranean diet

Which of the following statements is NOT true from the Blue Zones video?

Men usually have a more aggressive form of Alzheimer's disease than women.

Your neighbor, Quincy, who is an older adult, has displayed a gradual decline in cognitive abilities, including forgetfulness about recent events and difficulty paying attention during a protracted conversation. However, Quincy is otherwise healthy mentally and physically, and this recent decline does not appear to affect his ability to perform everyday activities or live independently. How would you characterize his neurocognitive condition?

Mild neurocognitive disorder

Which of the following are examples of anatomical barriers to substances invading the body, the first and most basic line of defense? Select all that apply.

Mucous membranes; Skin

Which of the following statements is NOT true with regards to water and body fluids in older age?

MyPlate recommends 10 or more servings of fluid a day

Phil is a man in his mid-60s who operates the newsstand down the street from where you live. Recently you've noticed that Phil's eyelids sag and that his speech is harder for you to understand than it used to be. Which of the following age-related conditions should you most suspect in Phil?

Myasthenia gravis

According to the ACSM article: Exercise and Physical Activity for Older Adults, is there consensus and strong evidence regarding how much (frequency, duration) and what types of range of motion exercises (static vs. dynamic) are the safest and most effective for older adults?


According to the lecture, Functional Health and Frailty, would you begin to asses your grandmother''s daily living activities at an instrumental or intermediate level if she lived independently?


Your great-aunt has had diabetes for years and now has kidney disease. These pathological conditions can increase your aunt's risk for congestive heart failure and would be classified as which type of risk factor?

Noncardiac factors

Which of the following are significant risk factors for type 2 diabetes? Select all that apply.

Obesity; Lack of exercise; Genetics

According to the lecture "Exercise Programming for Older Adults - Part 1," which of the following is NOT one of the most common chronic health conditions in older adults?


According to the lecture "Exercise Programming for Older Adults - Part II," there are 3 additional principles besides overload and specificity to consider when programming for older adults. Which of the following is NOT one of those principles?


According to the ACSM article: Exercise and Physical Activity for Older Adults, what could you recommend to a client who wants to improve their overall psychological health and well-being?

Perform moderate-intensity aerobic exercise training

According to the "Postural Control Strategies" lecture, which of the following impairments would limit a person's ability to use the ankle strategy?

Peripheral neuropathy

According to the " Age-Related Changes in Systems that Support Balance & Mobility " lecture, what field of vision is affected is a person has glaucoma?

Peripheral vision

The involuntary wavelike motion that helps propel food down the esophagus to the stomach is known as which of the following?


According to Maslow's hierarchy of basic human needs, which of the following represents the correct order of needs, progressing from the most basic, which must be met first, to the more advanced?

Physiological/survival, safety/security, belonging/affiliation, esteem, self-actualization

Which of the following are changes in sexual response that occur in older men, compared with younger? Select all that apply.

Plateau phase can be maintained longer.; Excitement phase is longer.; Less likely to experience an orgasm each time they engage in sexual intercourse.

Which of the following is NOT an atypical symptom that may be displayed in older adults and women when experiencing a heart attack?

Profuse perspiration

Which of the following theories holds that aging is caused by replicated errors in cells that are intrinsic and predetermined?

Programmed aging theory

Your grandfather is complaining that he is leaking large amounts of urine but that he doesn't have a sensation of urgency. Which type if incontinence does he likely have?

Reflex incontinence

According to the ACSM Article: Exercise and Physical Activity for Older Adults, which conclusion regarding physical activity is NOT true:

Resistance exercise training seems to be more effective than aerobic exercise training in minimizing the effects of aging

You are a nurse working in a senior center and are preparing to teach a class on prevention of osteoporosis. Which of the following forms of exercise would work best in terms of osteoporosis prevention?

Resistance training (using weights)

According to the lecture "Exercise Programming for Older Adults - Part I," which type of exercise training would you recommend if your client wants to improve their ability to stand up from a chair?

Resistance training for the lower body

Which of the following structures of the eye is the photosensitive tissue at the back of the eye that contains rods and cones, the sensory receptors of the eye?


Which of the following is an example of an autoimmune disorder that may affect older adults as well as younger people?

Rheumatoid arthritis

Your grandfather, who is 84 years old, complains that his muscles are "wasting away" and that he feels increasingly fatigued and frail as he ages. Which condition should you most suspect that your grandfather is experiencing?


Your uncle has a wartlike lesion on his face that has a "stuck-on" appearance. Its appearance looks similar to malignant melanoma. What might this condition be?

Seborrheic keratosis

One of your friends (in her 30's) has had a thyroid disorder much of her life and has osteoporosis. What would be the likely classification of her osteoporosis?

Secondary osteoporosis

According to the lecture "Exercise Programming for Older Adults - Part II," which of the following is NOT one of the 5 ways mentioned to progressively increase load?

Select individualized ways to motivate your client

An older woman you meet when walking your dog in the park mentions that she was just diagnosed as having osteoporosis. Which of the following most accurately describes what occurs in this condition?

Severe bone loss due to resorption

According to the CDC post, "Shingles Vaccination," which of the following statements is TRUE regarding possible side effects of Shingrix?

Side effects may affect your ability to do normal daily activities for 2-3 days

Which component of the conduction system of the heart is normally responsible for initiating the heart beat?

Sinoatrial (S-A) node

The manager of the apartments where you live, Edith, is an older adult. You notice that her skin is especially rough, leathery, and wrinkled, with irregular pigmentation. In the summer during her off hours, she frequently lies out next to the pool. Which of the following conditions do you most suspect that Edith has?

Solar elastosis

As a dietitian, you are working with an older patient, Teresa, who has deficits in taste and smell. Teresa, who has hypertension and diabetes, complains that food just tastes bland to her. Which of the following should you encourage Teresa to use to enhance the taste of her food? Select all that apply.

Spices; Herbs; Vinegar

According to the " Age-Related Changes in Systems that Support Balance & Mobility " lecture, the primary role of the vestibulo-ocular reflex is to:

Stabilize the eyes when the head is moving

Which of the following statements regarding osteoporosis is NOT true:

Standard x-rays will show loss of bone density after 20% of bone mass has been lost

You are a physician's assistant who is working with an older patient who frequently experiences constipation. Which of the following would NOT be a good suggestion for avoiding constipation?

Stop taking medications that cause constipation

According to the ACSM Article: Exercise and Physical Activity for Older Adults, a score of "B" on the strength of available evidence equates to:

Strong evidence with RCTs and/or observational studies and some inconsistencies in the findings

You are a physician's assistant who is working with an older patient who recently experienced a transient ischemic attack (TIA) without realizing it until later. Which of the following are typical signs of a TIA that you should instruct the patient to be on alert for in the future? Select all that apply.

Sudden temporary weakness or numbness of the face, arm, or leg; Brief vision loss in one or both eyes; Temporary dizziness or unsteadiness; Difficulty understanding speech

There are other non-breathing processes that move air in and out of the lungs. Which of the following is NOT considered a non-breathing process?


While you are driving on the interstate, a tractor trailer suddenly moves into your lane and almost hits you. You have to slam on your brakes to avoid a wreck. Afterwards, your heart is racing and your muscles are tense. Which component of the nervous system is responsible for your reaction?

Sympathetic division

While visiting your grandmother in an assisted living facility, you notice that she repeatedly sticks out her tongue, smacks her lips, grimaces, and rocks back and forth in her chair. She has been taking an antipsychotic medication for many years. Which condition is she displaying symptoms of?

Tardive dyskinesia

Which of the following is a fibrous connective tissue that connects muscle to bone or muscle to muscle?


According to the "Balance and Mobility Terminology" lecture, what is posture?

The biomechanical alignment of each body part as well as the orientation of the body to the environment

You are a nurse working at a community health clinic. A patient of yours, Michelle, recently reached menopause. Which of the following is the most accurate definition of menopause?

The cessation of the menstrual cycle, achieved once 1 year has passed without menstruation

Diagnostic criteria for mild neurocognitive disorder include all of the following except for:

The cognitive deficits interfere with independence

According to the article: "Nutrition and Healthy Aging," what would be a primary challenge you would face if you were conducting human nutrition research?

The difficulty people have in dietary recall

Which of the following best describes what occurs in internal respiration?

The exchange of oxygen from the blood and carbon dioxide from the tissue

Which of the following statements regarding meditation is NOT true:

The individual primarily focuses on slow, controlled movements during meditation

According to the " Age-Related Changes in Systems that Support Balance & Mobility " lecture, a situation of sensory conflict arises when:

The information provided by one or more sensory systems is not in agreement with the information provided by the other sensory systems

According to the "Postural Control Strategies" lecture, the step strategy is most likely to be used when:

The limits of stability are exceeded

According to the lecture "Exercise Programming for Older Adults - Part 1," which statement is TRUE regarding older adults who stay active?

They may be able to push back the critial physiological fitness threshhold another 10-20 years

According to the "Systems That Support Balance and Mobility" lecture, the primary role of the proprioceptors is to inform us about:

The position and movement of body parts in relation to one another

Which of the following touch therapies focuses on the phenomenon of a human energy field or aura surrounding the body that is connected to the body's well-being?

Therapeutic touch

Your great-uncle, an older adult, seems to move very slowly when he is washing dishes after a family meal. When you talk to him he also seems slow to understand you. What age-related change below is NOT a likely factor that is affecting the transmission efficiency of his central nervous system.

There are changes in brain wave patterns that could be affecting transmission.

According to the article: "Nutrition and Healthy Aging," vitamin D levels have been a hot topic the last several years. Which following statement is NOT true with regards to vitamin D research?

Those with lower levels of vitamin D are four times more likely to have a decline in their Mini-Mental Status Exam scores

Which structure of the immune system atrophies throughout life and is almost nonexistent in older adults?

Thymus gland

As a physical therapist, you are working with an older client, Melba, who has recently begun experiencing symptoms of fatigue, depression, weight gain, and cold intolerance. You should most suspect a disorder of which endocrine gland in Melba?

Thyroid gland

You are having lunch with your mother at her home one day when she tells you that she has started hearing a faint buzzing sound around the house lately. You listen closely but do not hear it. Which of the following age-related disorders is it most likely that your mother is experiencing?


The 30-Second Chair Stand test used in the STEADI program is used for what purpose?

To assess leg strength and endurance

You are explaining to a friend the primary function of the lymphatic system. Which of the following should you mention?

Transporting foreign particles and bacteria from tissue spaces to the bloodstream for removal

According to the ACSM Article: Exercise and Physical Activity for Older Adults, studies involving overweight middle-aged as well as older adults show no significant effect of aerobics exercise training on fat-free mass.


According to the ACSM article: Exercise and Physical Activity for Older Adults, it is possible for overweight middle-aged and older adults to reduce total body fat by engaging in moderate-intensity AET even without any dietary modifications.


You are describing skeletal muscle to a friend. Which of the following characteristics should you mention? Select all that apply.

Under voluntary control; Striated; Special characteristics of excitability, contractility, extensibility, and elasticity

You are a gerontologist preparing to teach a class at a local senior center on recommendations for exercise in older adults. Which of the following recommendations should you include in your presentation? Select all that apply.

Undergo a physical examination before starting a new exercise program; Include a warm-up of gentle stretching for about 5 minutes; Maintain an intensity of exercise that allows you to carry on a conversation while exercising.

Which of the following is the most common cause of infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in older adults?

Unprotected sex

You are a physician's assistant who is preparing to teach a class on prevention of respiratory disease at a local senior center. Which of the following is NOT a key recommendation that you would include?

Use antibiotics as a precautionary measure

Secondary dementias are associated with all of the following except for:

Vascular dementia

What is likely a key underlying mechanism that contributes both directly and indirectly to frailty?

Vitamin A

If an older adult presents with a lemon-yellow skin tint; a smooth, beefy red tongue; has anemia and appears to be suffering from depression, which vitamin deficiency is likely contributing to these symptoms?

Vitamin B-12 deficiency

In terms of nutrition, what food groups/vitamins would you advise your patient/client to eat to help with prevention and progression of macular degeneration?

Vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, zinc and green leafy vegetables

Which of the following are symptoms that older adults with pneumonia commonly exhibit that are different from those exhibited by younger persons with pneumonia? Select all that apply.

Weakness; Confusion; Lethargy

According to the ACSM Article: Exercise and Physical Activity for Older Adults, what typical change in weight is seen with advancing age in healthy humans?

Weight steadily increases during the 30s, 40s and 50s before stabilizing until about age 70 when it declines

Your next-door neighbor, Sarah, is 91 years old. Which of the following observations that you have made about Sarah are likely signs of lessened reserve capacity? Select all that apply.

When the temperature outside begins dropping in autumn, Sarah is prone to catching colds easily; Even though her hearing is normal, it takes a long time for Sarah to understand what your are trying to say to her.

According to the article, "Benefits of Exercise in the Elderly," aerobic exercise improved all of the following cognitive functions except for...

Working memory

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding key characteristics of the developmental stage known as middle age?

Wrong, M1

Your friend is stretching before going on a run and you notice that she can stretch her quadriceps muscles to an impressive degree. Which characteristic of skeletal muscle is your friend demonstrating?

Wrong; M2

Your older neighbor has inflammation around her nose and ears. It appears as a reddened area with loose greasy scales. What is her likely condition?

Wrong; M2

According to the "Balance and Mobility Terminology" lecture, what is balance?

Wrong; M6

According to the lecture "Exercise Programming for Older Adults - Part 1," what is the main take-away point from the two theoretical perspectives?

Wrong; M6

According to the lecture "Exercise Programming for Older Adults - Part I," which type of exercise training would you recommend if your client is concerned about their ability to do light housekeeping?

Wrong; M6

The reduced blood flow in the liver, lessened enzyme activity, and smaller liver mass that typically occur in older adults would most affect which of the following pharmacokinetic processes, creating a potential for drug toxicity?

Wrong; M9

Your coworker, Tom, who is 72 years old, complains in the winter time of his hands becoming dry, rough, and scaly. Which of the following conditions do you most suspect that Tom has?


According to the lecture, Functional Health and Frailty, would you begin to asses your grandmother''s daily living activities at a basic level if she lived in an assisted living facility?


As a physician, why might you overlook malnutrition when diagnosing an older adult patient? Select all that apply.

You aren't aware of the best methods to manage individuals who have protein-energy malnutrition; You are unaware that protein-energy malnutrition may be the first symptom of a treatable disease; You lack knowledge to diagnose malnutrition and recognize those at risk

Stanley just turned 65 years old. Which age category would a gerontologist likely assign to Stanley?


According to the article: "Nutrition and Healthy Aging," which of the following is NOT true with regards to how the reductive strategy makes sense of diet?

he approach has advantages when it comes to communicating prevention messages

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