FACS Safety and Sanitation
Wash surfaces and cutting boards with bleach periodically ( )
1 tsp bleach/ pint water
Cook food to a safe internal temperature:
140-160 F chicken is 165 F
To reach items stored in high places, use
A sturdy step tool or ladder
Keep food hot: or cold:
Above 140 F or Below 40 F
Associated with improperly canned goods; causes paralysis, and can be fatal
You should wipe up all spills:
At once
You should cut:
Away from you with the knife blade slanted
Bacteria spread by air from soil, ground, fecal matter to found sources; usually found in undercooked ground beef, unpasteurized milk, fresh fruits and vegetables; E.Coli will be killed by cooking food to a high enough temperature.
When putting out a grease fire you should use:
Bakind Soda or Salt
Never mix
Bleach and Ammonia
Close all:
Cabinet doors and drawers
Never mix different
Chemical or Cleaning Products
Frequently: work areas
Clean and sanitize
Wear: because:
Clean clothing/apron because dirty clothing can carry bacteria
Use: if you have a:
Cool Water and a Minor Burn
Avoid: do not touch anything after handling raw meat or eggs without washing your hands first!
Cross Contamination
Avoid: wash hands after handling raw meat, poultry, eggs, or seafood
What should you do completely to cans?
Cut lids
When cutting use a:
Cutting board
Do not use a: that has been on the:
Dish towel and Floor
When you remove a pot from the range you should use a:
Dry Potholder
Before using an appliance make sure your hands are: and you are standing on a:
Dry hands and a dry surface
The most important thing that every kitchen should be equipped with is a:
Fire Extinguisher
What should you do first and second when you light a gas burner with a match?
First you light the match and then your turn on the burner.
Four F's of Food Poisoning:
Food, Fungus, Flies, Fleas
If a knife or any other sharp item begins to fall you should:
Get out of the way and don't try to catch it
Keep: away from face
Use: on dishes
Hot soapy water
Wash your hands with: for:
Hot soapy water and 20 seconds
Which way should the pan handles be turned on the stove?
Safe substitutes for cleaning agents are:
Lemon juice and baking soda
Symptoms of food poisoning are:
Nausea, Diarrhea, Vomiting
Often found in raw poultry or eggs
Don't handle food with an: wear:
Open cut and wear a band-aid or glove
What should you wear on your hands when you take something out of the oven?
Oven Mitts on each hand
When peeling vegetables use a:
Peeler instead of a knife
What should you not do to an electrical outlet at one time?
Plug several cords in
Do not use recipes where eggs remain:
Never place cooked food on a plate which has previously held:
Raw meat, poultry, or seafood without first washing with HOT, soapy water
What do you do before you use an appliance?
Read owner's manual
Clean out: often
Avoid cooking and tasting with the: licking off: is prohibited.
Same spoon and fingers
Keep knives: because:
Sharp They are less likely to cause an accident than dull ones.
Don't food that:
Smells bad
Change: periodically
What should you use to remove food from hot liquid?
Spoon or Tongs, not your fingers
Staphylococci (Staph)
Spread through human mucous contact to food sources. Also improper hand washing.
What should you do to broken glass immediately?
Sweep it
Thaw foods in refrigerator, under hot water, or in microwave NEVER on kitchen counter is the:
Wash all fruits and vegetables:
To avoid burns when uncovering a pan you should:
Tilt the lid away from you and lift far edge of cover up first.
Toxin from fecal bacteria transferred by human contact usually through improper hand washing.
What should you do when appliances are not in use?
Turn it off
What should you do if you smell gas?
Turn off the stove and oven controls and tell your teacher
Before any food preparation: after sneezing, coughing, using rest rooms, and touching hair or face.
Wash your hands
What should you do to knives separately from other dishes and utensils?
Wash, dry, and store knives
You should keep electric cords away from:
Water and Hot Objects
NEVER taste questionable food-
When in doubt throw it out
What do you do to pick up broken glass?
Wrap your hand in a towel
When removing a pan from the oven what should you do? What should you not do?
You should pull out the rack and you shouldn't reach into a hot oven.
Freezer should be set at: to insure proper freezing
Zero degrees or below