Farm Final

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Which 3 drug classes combat haemonchus?

1. Benzimidazoles 2. Avermectins 3. Levamisole

How can we prevent lymphosarcoma (4)?

1. Biosecurity - ensure new animals are negative 2. Needle and rectal sleeve hygiene 3. Insect control 4. COLOSTRUM management

What are 3 problems associated with overmilking?

1. Decreased efficiency 2. More teat end lesions 3. Discomfort seen as stepping and kicking

Which 3 issues / pathogens cause bacterial meningoencephalitis?

1. General sepsis 2. Histophilus somni associated Thromboembolic Meningioencephalitis 3. Chlamydophilia pecorum biotype 2

Which 3 factors impact cow-calf profitability?

1. Getting cow pregnant 2. Keeping calf and cow healthy 3. Helping the calf grow

How do we treat P. tenuis (3)?

1. HIGH dose fenbendazole 2. Supportive care (one dose of steroids, NSAIDS, thiamine) 3. Prevention - monthly ivermectin (resistance of other parasites!!!)

What are 5 signs of copper toxicity in sheep?

1. Hemolytic crisis occurs when liver copper levels exceed 150 ppm 2. Weakness / anemia 3. Icteric 4. Hemoglobinemia / hemoglobinuria 5. Sudden death

How do we treat hoof scald in sheep (3)?

1. Hoof trimming 2. Topical treatment (zinc, copper sulfate) 3. Antibiotics

What are 2 signs of otitis media/interna?

1. Peripheral (media) or central (interna) vestibular disease 2. Severe otitis interna can lead to generalized meningitis

What are 6 respiratory signs of bovine herpes?

1. Serous/M-P nasal discharge 2. Severe tracheal rales 3. Tracheal diphtheritic membranes 4. Necrotic muzzle 5. White plaques 6. Fever, depression, anorexia

Why might a cow have mild/moderate proteinuria (3)? What about a calf?

1. Severe dehydration 2. Decreased renal perfusion 3. Post-renal causes Normal from colostrum

What are 3 signs of septic arthritis in calves and how do we treat it (3)?

1. Severe lameness 2. Fever 3. Pain on palpation/manipulation Joint lavage (acute), systemic antibiotics, and pain management

What are 4 signs of contagious foot rot in sheep?

1. Severe lameness 2. Foul odor 3. Separation of horn from sole 4. White exudate

What are 2 signs of deep sepsis of the foot?

1. Severe lameness and swelling above the claw 2. Swelling above 1 claw not 2 (as is the case with foot rot)

What do we need to do with a sheep flock in April/May and August/October (3)?

1. Shear 2. Breed 3. Ultrasound (28 days)

What do we need to do with a sheep flock in November/December and August/September (3)?

1. Shear brood ewes 2. Vaccinate pregnant ewes/does (clostridium) 3. Aureomycin crumbles

What does white muscle disease look like on necropsy (2)?

1. Skeletal muscle - bilateral longitudinal striations in muscle 2. Heart - subendochondrial plaques in the ventricles

How long is the incubation period of ovine progressive pneumonia and how long do the sheep survive?

2-4 years Die within 1 year of presentation

How are synergistic hemolysis inhibition tests for caseous lymphadenitis interpreted?

> 1:8 or higher indicate infection >1:256 correlate w/ internal abscess

When and how do we treat respiratory disease in cow-calf herds (3)?

ASAP! 1. Macrolide 2. NSAIDs 3. Supportive care as indicated

What is the treatment and prognosis for sepsis-associated meningoencephaltitis?

Antimicrobials and supportive care Poor

How do we treat copper toxicity in sheep (4)?

1. Ammonium tetrathiomolydate IV 2. Ammonium molybdate + sodium sulfate orally for 3 weeks 3. D-penicillamine orally (may be too expensive to treat multiple animals) 4. Supportive care

What are the 6 methods of bull castration? Which 3 can we also use with pigs?

1. Band 2. "Cut & pull" (pig) 3. Ligate & transect (pig) 4. Emasculate & transect (pig) 5. Henderson emasculation 6. Burdizzo

How old and how big is a "stocker"? What is a feeder?

~6-9mo, 400-700lbs Cattle ready to be "finished" (fattened) for slaughter

Why and when does pregnancy toxemia happen?

Ewes/does with multiple fetuses Last 2-4 weeks of pregnancy

When do ewes and goats get hypocalcemia?

Ewes: late pregnancy or early postpartum Goats: 1-3 wks postpartum in high producers

What is the pathophysiology of sulfur toxicity and why does it happen?

Excess sulfur inhibits the mitochondrial electron transport chain Well contamination or feeding sugar by-products

What is a necropsy sign of copper toxicity in sheep?

Gun metal kidneys

How do we treat pyelonephritis and why?

High doses PPG or Ampicillin for 3 weeks Concentrated in urine/not nephrotoxic

Goats have ___________ SCC's compared to cows. Why? Counts increase in ________________.

Higher -> have cytoplasmic particles in milk similar in size to leucocytes Late lactation

What is the pathogenesis of strep agalactiae? What are the signs?

Infects duct system of lower portion of quarter Usually subclinical, Profound bulk tank SCC elevations

What is the definition of mastitis?

Inflammation of the mammary gland caused by infection or trauma, leading to abnormal or decreased milk production

What part of the milking center is in direct contact with the teat and when is it replaced?

Inflations / liners Monthly

What is the infectious agent in cow conjunctivitis? How do we treat it (4)?

Moraxella bovis 1. Topical antibiotics 2. Subconjunctival AB 3. Oxytetracycline IM 4. 3rd eyelid flap or tarsorrhaphy

How does mycoplasma affect the body and how does the infection usually manifest?

Inhibits CMI, M-C Transport, and humoral immunity May be subclinical infection if sole pathogen, but usually co-infect

What causes obturator nerve injury and how does it present?

Injury during forced extraction of calf Inability to adduct limbs

How does physiological edema mastitis occur and why (3)?

Pitting edema of entire udder -> ainful and may impede milking Caused by lack of movement, decreased available protein, immature vasculature

How do we trim pet pig tusks? How often?

To gum line using OB wire Dremel until smooth Every 1-2 years

What are the 3 approaches for a small ruminant c section?

Ventral midline or paramedian celiotomy - easy access to both uterine horns Left paralumbar celiotomy

What are the 3 approaches for tube cystotomy?

Ventral paramedian, low paralumbar fossa, or ventrolateral

What causes hoof scald in sheep? What are the 3 signs?

Weakly virulent strain of D. nodosus 1. Mild interdigital dermatitis 2. Confined to interdigital skin 3. Mild lameness

How do we treat metacarpal/tarsal fractures in cows?

Cast in a small pen Cast changes and duration of casting depends upon age of animal

Where do urinary blockages happen in cows vs. pigs vs. small ruminants?

Cattle: distal sigmoid flexure Pigs: sigmoid flexure and/or distal penile urethra Small ruminants: urethral process and/or distal sigmoid flexure

How does band castration work and how long does it take?

Cause ischemia w/ subsequent atrophy & necrosis Slough w/in 3 weeks

What are the 2 types of teat dips?

Non-backflow squeeze dipper or foamer

How much land do small ruminants need?

1 acre can support 5 adults for a grazing season

When and how does the encephalitic form of retroviruses affect goats?

1 to 5 months old Short choppy gait, posterior paresis, ataxia Ascending progression leads to tetraparesis, head tilt, circling

How should we feed pet pigs (3)?

1. 1% of IDEAL body weight in pellets 2. Low calorie snacks like popcorn, veggies 3. Centrum Vitamins

At what age are small ruminants clinically affected by coccidia? How long is the incubation period?

1-6 months old 14 - 17 days

What are the 3 types of cryptorchids in ruminants and how do we address each?

1. Abdominal - locate via palpation/ultrasound and remove via flank celiotomy or paramedian celiotomy) 2. Inguinal - " 3. Ectopic - incise over testicle and remove as if scrotal

What are 2 signs of white line disease and how do we treat it (2)?

1. Abscessation, hemorrhage or fissure in the white line 2. Acute, severe lameness without swelling Pare abscess and block opposite claw

What is the pathogenesis of caseous lymphadenitis?

1. Abscesses develop in 2 weeks to 6 months after infection occurs 2. Migrates via lymphatics, causing local lymph nodes to abscess first

What are 3 possible causes of copper toxicity in sheep?

1. Acute consumption of large amount 2. Chronic consumption of smaller toxic amount 3. Normal consumption with a relative deficiency of molybdenum, zinc, calcium or sulfate

What are the 4 signs of foot rot?

1. Acute lameness, mild to severe 2. Fissures in interdigital skin 3. Swelling above the hoof above both claws 4. Characteristic odor

What 3 factors influence goats getting struvite?

1. Age at castration 2. Limited availability of water 3. Dietary imbalances (high magnesium / phosphorus or low calcium)

How do we treat clinical e coli mastitis (5)?

1. Aggressive IV fluids (hypertonic saline) + oral supplementation 2. NSAID (flunixin meglumine) 3. Calcium (IV or oral) 4. Intramammary antibiotics controversial (Klebsiella) 5. Systemic antibiotics (oxytetracycline)

How do we treat small ruminants with coccidiosis (3)?

1. Albon 2. Corid 3. Supportive care

How do we treat lactating cows with respiratory disease (5) and when do we expect them to get better?

1. Ampicillin 2. Ceftiofur 3. Penicillin 4. Oxtetracycline 5. Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs 1-2 degree temp drop per day and normal temp within 72 hours

How do we treat peripheral nerve injuries (5)?

1. Anti-inflammatories 2. Deep bedding if down 3. Secure footing if up 4. Isolation 5. Hobble for hind end

What is the post-op care for perineal urethrostomy (4)?

1. Apply petroleum jelly to skin ventral to incision & on medial aspect of hind limbs 2. Fly spray 3. Antimicrobial therapy for 5-7 days after surgery 4. Remove sutures 2 weeks post-op

What are 3 signs of trauma-induced mastitis?

1. Blood in milk 2. Swelling / petechiation of udder 3. Spontaneous resolution over 3-5 days

Which 3 parts of the brain contribute to gait/ambulation?

1. Brainstem/spinal cord (UMN ataxia vs. LMN weakness) 2. Cerebellum 3. Vestibular system

What is the pathogenesis of pyelonephritis (3 steps)?

1. C. renale commensal or e. coli 2. Damage to mucosa 3. Ascending and colonizing UT

How do we diagnose cerebellar hypoplasia (4)?

1. Cerebellar ataxia, nystagmus 2. Pre-colostral antibody titers for BVDV 3. Blood, skin, tissue antigen (ELISA or PCR) testing - false negatives possible if virus is cleared by neonate pre-partum 4. Necropsy

What is the post-op care for a tube cystotomy (4)?

1. Check catheter multiple times/day to ensure consistent, slow dripping 2. Can flush catheter w/ sterile saline (+/- radiopaque dye to check urethral patency) 3. Challenge Foley 3-4 days after surgery: clamp for 1-3 hours each day to determine urethral patency 4. Antimicrobial therapy should be continued 1 week beyond catheter removal

What are the 4 signs of sole ulcers and how do we treat them?

1. Circumscribed loss of horny sole beneath P3 flexor tuberosity 2. Exposed corium attempts to heal with protruding granulation tissue 3. May become infected secondarily 4. Severe lameness Pare undermined sole and apply block to opposite claw

What are the 2 signs of hairy heel warts?

1. Circumscribed, sensitive, "pink terry cloth" on plantar surface above the heels but may occur anywhere below dewclaws 2. Severe lameness

What are the 3 treatments for deep sepsis of the foot?

1. Claw amputation 2. Ankylosis and joint fusion 3. Cull

How do we close a bovine C section (4 steps)?

1. Close uterus with #2 absorbable suture in an inverting continuous pattern 2. Oversew with #2 absorbable suture in an inverting continuous pattern 3. Lavage & change gloves 4. Close peritoneum/transversus, oblique mm, & skin

What are 5 causative agents of mastitis in small ruminants? Which are most common?

1. Coagulase-negative staph (most common, subclinical) 2. Staph aureus (most common CLINICAL) 3. Mycoplasma 4. Strep 5. Coliforms

What is the difference between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cut hay?

1. Coarse, harder stems, longer time before harvest, less nutrients 2. Soft, leafy, fast growing and more nutrition 3. Soft, leafy, more nutrition

What does gangrenous mastitis look like (4)?

1. Cold skin of teat/udder 2. Progresses rapidly to blueish discoloration 3. Toxemia 4. +/- death within 24 hours

Which causes of mastitis have corresponding effective vaccines (2)?

1. Core antigen (LPS) vaccines - reduce symptoms of Gram (-) infections, reduce bulk tank SCC 2. Klebsiella / SRP vaccines - reduce symptoms

Which 2 vaccines protect against certain strains of mastitis?

1. Core antigen (coliform) 2. Autogenous vaccines for Klebsiella

What are the 4 abnormal lung sounds in cows and what do they mean?

1. Crackles / wheezes - early bronchopneumonia 2. Rubs - Adhesions 3. Increased Bronchial Tones - consolidation 4. Absence of Sounds - bullae, transudate in pleural cavity

What are 3 causes of cystitis in adult cows?

1. Crushing injuries to sacrum/tail head from being mounted (sacral nerve) 2. Dystocias 3. Primary Cystitis - due to urine stasis, ascending infections following a dystocia, chronic irritation from calculi

How do we treat caseous lymphadenitis (4)?

1. Culling to prevent spread 2. Surgical excision if not ruptured 3. Lance/drain/isolate (1 month) 4. Systemic antibiotics (gram-positive spectrum) to control spread to other lymph nodes

What are 6 causes of rectal prolapse in sheep?

1. Diarrhea (especially coccidia) 2. Tenesmus 3. Straining to urinate 4. Dystocia 5. Chronic coughing 6. Short docks

What are 4 common causes of ADR in pet pigs?

1. Dietary indiscretion (gastritis, toxicosis, obstruction) 2. Constipation 3. Gastric ulcers 4. Infection (erysipelas)

What is the pathogenesis of clostridium septicum (2 steps)?

1. Direct inoculation of muscle by penetrating wound 2. Anaerobic conditions lead to vegetative growth and release of exotoxins

Why is a urethral process amputation good for blocked goats (2)? How do we do it?

1. Does not affect fertility long term 2. Restores urine outflow in approximately ½ of urolithiasis cases Exteriorize penis and cut base of process with scalpel

How do we prevent caseous lymphadenitis (3)?

1. Don't buy infected animals 2. Sanitation 3. Vaccine (decreases incidence)

How do we prevent contagious foot rot in sheep (3)?

1. Don't buy infected sheep 2. Biosecurity 3. Beware of carriers

What are 5 signs of urolithiasis in small ruminants?

1. Dribbling urine or no urine 2. Blood-tinged urine 3. Straining to urinate / "heaving" 4. Abdominal pain 5. Death

Why would you want to castrate an animal while it's younger (3)?

1. Easier to restrain 2. Less risk of complications 3. Decreased aggression after castration

What are the 4 landmarks of the bovine lung field?

1. Epaxial muscles 2. Triceps 3. Olecranon 4. 11th rib

What are the 4 steps of the Caslick procedure?

1. Epidural +/- local anesthesia 2. Remove a strip of tissue at the mucocutaneous junction of the vulva 3. Suture freshened edges together using a continuous pattern 4. Be sure to leave at least 3cm at the ventral commissure of vulva to allow for urination

How do we repair vaginal or uterine prolapses (3 steps)?

1. Epidural!! 2. Organ cleaned, lubricated, & replaced 3. Retention achieved via Buhner suture

Which 4 signs are associated with prion diseases?

1. Weight loss 2. Aggression 3. Head-shyness 4. Mania

How is Johnes transmitted to small ruminants (3)?

1. Fecal-oral (could be from cows!) 2. Milk 3. Placenta

What are 6 signs of pasteurella multocida?

1. Fever (103.5-105.5) 2. Depression 3. Cough / respiratory distress 4. Crackles 5. Increased bronchial tones 6. Nasal discharge

What are 3 signs of Histophilus somnus and why is it hard to control?

1. Fever (103.5-106.6) 2. Failure of response to antimicrobials 3. Microabscesses Vaccines are not consistently effective

What are the 6 signs of virulent manheimia hemolytica?

1. Fever (104-108) 2. Depression 3. Cough / respiratory distress 4. Friction rubs (adhesions!) 5. Increase bronchial tones (consolidation!) 6. Death

What are 5 signs of acute pyelonephritis?

1. Fever 103-105 2. Acting colicky 3. Tail swishing 4. Arched stance, irritated 5. Stranguria, polyuria, gross hematuria

How do tibial nerve injuries present (2)?

1. Forward knuckling of fetlock 2. Straight Hock

What are 5 ways to correct entropion in sheep?

1. Frequent manual eversion (if persists >48hrs, seek other methods) 2. SQ lower lid injection of saline or penicillin 3. Wound clips/rubber bands 4. Horizontal mattress "tacking" sutures to evert skin along eyelid margin 5. Hotz-Celsus procedure (rare)

What is the protocol for down small ruminants (6)?

1. Full physical, neurologic examination, and history 2. PCV/TS and fecal egg count 3. Thiamine 4. Fenbendazole 5. Penicillin 6. Anti-inflammatory

What are 4 signs of acute clinical mastitis in small ruminants?

1. Hot, swollen, painful udder 2. Enlarged supramammary lymph nodes 3. "Off" colored milk with clots or flakes, thick or thin 4. +/- systemic involvement

Which 4 respiratory pathogens are usually included in routine vaccination?

1. IBR 2. BVD 3. BRSV 4. PI-3

How do we diagnose sulfur toxicity (3)?

1. ID high sulfur source in feed 2. Rumen gas cap H2S (hydrogen sulfide) levels are heavily influenced by diet and anorexia, often low in clinically effected animals 3. Post-mortem changes are identical to thiamine deficiency PEM

How do we treat floppy kid syndrome (2)?

1. IV sodium bicarbonate, electrolytes 2. Withhold milk + oral bicarbonate

What does bovine respiratory syncytial virus cause (5)?

1. Impairs cilia then kills epithelial cells 2. Antigen-antibody complexes in lung 3. Fever, depression, anorexia 4. Serous progresses to M-P discharge 5. Subcutaneous emphysema

What are 3 common causes of salt toxicity and which animals are most affected?

1. Inappropriate milk replacer mixing w/o free choice water 2. High salinity well water 3. Frozen water sources Calves

What are the 5 steps of cosmetic dehorning?

1. Incise skin around horn base 2. Undermine substantial amount of skin 3. Gigli wire off horn 4. Bone rongeur level 5. Suture skin closed

What are the 6 steps of a perineal urethrostomy?

1. Incise skin where perineum begins to curve cranioventrally 2. Dissect through SQ & between paired retractor penis muscles 3. Blunt dissection around penis to allow it to be exteriorized w/o excessive tension 4. Horizontal mattress through skin & tunica albuginea on each side to hold penis in place 5. Incise urethra vertically 6. Appose edges of urethral mucosa to adjacent skin

How can we localized neuro problems of urination/defecation?

1. Incontinence: caudal to S1 2. Retention: cranial to S1

How do we treat physiological edema mastitis (3)?

1. Increased high quality protein in close up diet 2. 2. Udder emollients 3. Diuretics (withholds)

What are 2 risks of bimodal milking?

1. Increases time in low flow / exposure to teat end vacuum 2. Increases risk of teat end damage

What do sheep with pneumonic retroviruses look like on necropsy?

1. Large heavy lungs (2-3x normal weight) 2. Vertical rib impressions 3. Enlarged tracheobronchial & mediastinal lymph nodes that bulge on cut surface

How do we treat mild to moderate pregnancy toxemia (4)?

1. Induce parturition immediately 2. IV glucose 3. Propylene glycol orally 4. Force feed if not eating

What are the 5 signs of interdigital dermatitis?

1. Inflammation of interdigital skin 2. Mild swelling 3. Fissures in the heel bulbs 4. No lameness typically 5. May progress to heel erosion

What is the pathophysiology of P. tenuis (2 steps)?

1. Ingest the L3 found in slugs and snails, disease most common in fall 2. Larval migration through spinal cord

How do we give rectal fluids to pet pigs (3 steps)?

1. Insert red rubber as far as you can, tape to tail 2. Keep in crate or penned area 3. Run at 2-3 x maintenance

What are 3 characteristics of upper respiratory disease?

1. Inspiratory 2. Progressive 3. Referred Sounds

What are the 3 phases of laminitis?

1. Interruption of blood flow to the corium leads to hypoxia, damage to the dermal/epidermal junction, and failure of the suspensory apparatus 2. Sinking of P3 with compression-related injury to the solar corium and laminar corium 3. Appearance of ulcers, white line abscesses, poor quality hoof horn and solar hemorrhages secondary to compression which occurred in phase 2

What are 4 common vaccines used in cow-calf herds?

1. Intranasals 2. "9" or "10 ways" 3. Clostridium 4. Scours

What are 3 signs of a cranial cruciate ligament injury?

1. Joint effusion 2. Reluctant to bear weight 3. May hear clunking sound or feel crepitation

How do we perform an ankylosis for deep foot sepsis?

1. Joint is drilled from sight of lesion to point on dorsal aspect of hoof proximal to the coronary band 2. Drain placed for 2 weeks 3. Block opposing claw

How does enzootic ataxia present in sheep (3 steps)?

1. Lambs born copper deficient 2. Causes amyelination of spinal nerves 3. Progressive ataxia, may progress to paralysis

Which 3 antibiotics do we use for small ruminants with urolithiasis and why?

1. Penicillin 2. Ampicillin 3. Sulfadimethoxine Non-nephrotoxic abx

How can we diagnose pyelonephritis via rectal palpation (4)?

1. Left kidney enlarged 2. Loss of normal lobations, "mushy" feel 3. Pronounced pulsation 4. Enlarged ureters

Why is TB such a huge problem in other countries (3)?

1. Little to no control measures for TB in the cattle populations 2. Little to no pasteurization 3. Increasing consumption of milk

What are 2 benefits and one downside of using MLVs in cow-calf operations?

1. Longer Duration of Immunity 2. Better cell mediated immunity Abortion risk when given to naïve dams or calves suckling naïve dams

Exposure to what 3 things causes fog fever and why?

1. Lush Pastures 2. Grass silage 3. Moldy sweet potatoes Extra L-tryptophan to 3 MI

How do we treat otitis media/interna (3)?

1. M. bovis pneumonia often becomes chronic and refractory to treatment 2. Systemic +/- local antimicrobials 3. Supportive care

Which 3 parts of the host defense does PI3 alter?

1. MC transport 2. Mucous layer 3. Alveolar macrophages

How do we address uncomplicated umbilical hernias in cows (2)?

1. Manual reduction, then taping with elasticon/adhesive 2. Keep on for several weeks

What 5 signs do adult goats with mycoplasma show?

1. Mastitis, agalactia 2. Pleuropneumonia 3. Arthritis 4. Abortion 5. Keratoconjunctivitis

What are 3 signs of small ruminant Johnes?

1. May be asymptomatic for years (2-7yrs usually) 2. Chronic weight loss 3. Chronic diarrhea (only 20% of cases)

How do we treat an ADR pig without other signs (5)?

1. Meloxicam 2. Omeprazole 3. Cerenia 4. Rectal fluids 5. Pumpkin, yogurt

How do we prevent coccidiosis (4)?

1. Minimize weaning stock 2. Good hygiene 3. Dry sunny environment 4 Coccidiostats -> late gestation females and creep feed 21 days prior to weaning

What is the pathogenesis of cache valley fever (2)?

1. Mosquito transmitted infection to dams during gestation (first 60 days) 2. Fetus is infected, develops congenital defects, and clears the virus

What does Bovine herpes cause (5)?

1. Mucocilliary transport interference 2. Macrophage suppression 3. Up-regulates M. haemolytica infection 4. Stress leads to recrudescence 5. White plaques

What causes otitis media/interna in calves (2)?

1. Mycoplasma bovis associated disease in calves 2. Pharyngeal inoculation with infected milk through Eustachian tube

What is the pathogenesis of pregnancy toxemia (3 steps)?

1. Negative energy balance 2. Body fat broken down, fatty acids mobilized 3. Excess ketone production, fatty liver

What are 4 signs of tuberculosis?

1. None 2. Loss of Condition 3. Respiratory 4. Mastitis

What are 3 causes of lameness in pet pigs?

1. Obesity + arthritis 2. Obesity + acute injury 3. Systemic infection localizing to joints or causing vasculitis (erysipelas, strep suis, mycoplasma)

Why would we do a Caslick procedure (3)?

1. Obstetrical trauma causing a 1st degree perineal injury 2. Prevent urine pooling 3. Allow bruising, swelling, & necrosis to subside -> then, repair disrupted tissue

What are 3 signs of pregnancy toxemia?

1. Off feed, depressed, weak 2. Neuro 3. Recumbent, coma

What are 3 samples we would take if we were suspicious of leptospirosis?

1. One fresh aborted fetus and placenta - for histology 2. Maternal urine 2 weeks post-abortion 3. Maternal serum acute + convalescent (2-4 weeks later)

What are 6 manifestations of chronic laminitis?

1. Overgrowth 2. Hemorrhages into white line or sole 3. Double soles 4. Horizontal ridges 5. White line disease 6. Sole ulcers

What are the 5 etiologies of laminitis?

1. Overgrowth 2. Standing on concrete 3. Subacute ruminal acidosis 4. Severe toxic event causing lamellar hypoxia 5. Periparturient Hormones (gelatin protease enzymes and relaxin)

What are 4 reasons to do a C section?

1. Oversized fetus 2. Fetal malposition 3. Inadequate cervical dilation (ring womb) 4. Abnormal pelvic conformation

How do we treat listeriosis (3) and what is the prognosis?

1. Oxytetracycline or high dose penicillins - cephalosporins do not work 2. Supportive care 3. Anti-inflammatories Prognosis poor for small ruminants (<50/50), fair for cattle (50/50)

How do we treat strawberry foot rot (4)?

1. Oxytetracycline or penicillin 2. Lime sulfur, iodine, or nolvasan topical scrub 3. Topical zinc sulfate 4. Keep dry & exposed to air

What is the pathogenesis of sole ulcers (4 steps)?

1. P3 Sinks 2. Corium beneath flexor process of P3 becomes ischemic 3. Defect in keratogenesis secondary to corium ischemia 4. Sole ulcer appears at sole surface in 6-8 weeks

How do we treat bovine cystitis (2)?

1. PPG or Ampicillin high doses, extended treatment time 2. If bladder paralysis -> indwelling Foley catheter and NSAIDs or dexamethasone

How do we treat (2) and prevent interdigital dermatitis (2)?

1. Pare abnormal tissue 2. Apply drying agene (iodine, copper) Regular trimming and environmental management

How do we treat foot rot (4)?

1. Parenteral antibiotics 2. Debridement 3. Foot bath 4. Clean environment

Which 3 nodes are most commonly affected by caseous adenitis?

1. Parotid 2. Submandibular 3. Supramammary

Which 3 respiratory pathogens are only vaccinated for if needed?

1. Pasteurella 2. Mannheimia 3. H. Somnus

What are 3 noninfectious causes of mastitis?

1. Physiological edema 2. Trauma 3. Suspensory rupture

What are the 4 steps of drawing blood from a pig's lateral ear vein?

1. Place rolled gauze into ear canal, fold ear around gauze and apply rubber band or hairtie to base of ear 2. Warm compress vein 3. Lidocaine gel 4. 22g or smaller butterfly catheter

What are 3 signs of mycoplasma arthritis of goats? How is it transmitted? What other disease causes these signs?

1. Polyarthritis 2. Septicemia 3. Meningitis Infected colostrum and milk Chlamydia

What are 6 causes of malnutrition in small ruminants?

1. Poor forage quality 2. Inadequate bunk space 3. Social hierarchy 4. Bad teeth 5. Blindness or lameness 6. Trace mineral deficiencies

What are 4 predisposing factors in pregnancy toxemia?

1. Poor quality forage, energy deficient ration 2. Obesity 3. Any stress which may decrease feed intake 4. Multiple fetuses

Why would you castrate a bull or boar (3)?

1. Prevent poor genetic proliferation 2. Easier management 3. Improve meat quality

In what 4 ways is scrapie different from mad cow?

1. Primarily through reproductive tissues and fluids - it is not associated with feeding practices 2. Sheep, sometimes goats, and clinical signs similar with the addition of intense pruritis 3. The affected protein accumulates throughout lymphoid tissues the body - so ante-mortem biopsy of peripheral lymphoid tissue is diagnostic 4. No zoonotic condition

How does the pneumonic form of small ruminant retroviruses manifest (3)?

1. Progressive interstitial pneumonia 2. Thickening of the intraveolar septa and alveolar lining 3. Gradual onset in mature animals

What are the 3 purposes of forestripping?

1. Provides the strongest signal for letdown (first touch) 2. Removes the poorest quality milk 3. Allows identification of clinical mastitis in individual cows

How do we perform a bilateral orchidectomy (4 steps)?

1. Pull scrotum distally & excise distal third of scrotum 2. Apply distal traction to each testicle & strip fascia proximally 3. Pull, ligate/transect, emasculate/transect, or use the Henderson castration tool 4. Leave scrotal incision to heal by second intention

What are 3 characteristics of trueperella pyogenes?

1. Pulmonary Abscesses 2. Chronic / Recurrent 3. "Lungers"

What are 4 causes of gross hematuria?

1. Pyelonephritis 2. Urinary calculi 3. Urolithiasis 4. Cystitis

Which 3 vaccines do young pet pigs get?

1. Rabies (yearly) 2. Erysipelas/parvo/lepto (every 6 months) 3. Tetanus (yearly)

How do we treat contagious foot rot in sheep (3)?

1. Radical debridement and trimming 2. Foot baths of 10% zinc sulfate and 10% copper sulfate 3. Oxytetracycline

What are 3 benefits of MLV intranasals?

1. Rapid protection 2. Local immunity 3. Safe

What are the 3 components of veterinary supervision of udder health programs?

1. Records analysis - new & recurrent cases, infection rate 2. On-site evaluations - strip yields (250 mL goal), cow cleanliness & teat scoring 3. Drug use and milk culture / bulk tank results

What are 2 possible issues with performing a perineal urethrostomy in a goat? How can we fix them?

1. Recurrent obstruction possible if large calculi block the urethra proximal to the stoma 2. Post-surgery stricture at site of stoma -> place urethrostomy in ventral half of perineum to limit urine scalding & to allow for repeat procedure if stricture forms

Why are tube cystotomies good ideas for blocked goats (4)?

1. Reduces likelihood of urethral stricture & peripenile fibrosis in breeding animals 2. Bladder repair possible if ruptured 3. Remove calculi within the bladder 4. Bypass urethra to facilitate healing of a defect

How do we treat hygromas (2)?

1. Remove from injuring surface and provide adequate bedding 2. Infected hygromas require antibiotics and flushing

What would we see on histology of a calf with lepto (3)?

1. Renal tubular necrosis 2. Lymphocytic interstitial nephritis 3. Placentitis

How do we diagnose otitis media/interna (2)?

1. Respiratory + facial/vestibular signs in milk-fed calves is highly suggestive 2. Respiratory or aural sampling + culture

How do we treat stifle injuries (3)?

1. Rest 2. Anti-inflammatories 3. Hobbles

What are 3 infectious causes of chronic wasting in sheep?

1. Retroviral diseases (small ruminant lentiviruses) 2. Johne's Disease 3. Caseous Lymphadenitis

What are the 5 steps of Walpole's Solution (acidifying agent)?

1. Sedate & place in lateral recumbency 2. 18g needle guided into bladder; extension set connected 3. Bladder drained; pH measured on urine removed 4. 50ml of Walpole's solution infused & allowed 2 minutes to equilibrate; pH reevaluated 5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 until pH = 4-5 (may require up to 250mls of Walpole's)

How do we perform a claw amputation for deep sepsis of the foot (4 steps)?

1. Sedation + lidocaine block 2. Obstetrical wire used to cut from interdigital cleft to the outside of the digit on a 45º angle 3. Remove all necrotic tissue 4. Bandage tightly and change bandage bi-weekly for until lesion covered with granulation tissue

How do we diagnose Johnes (5)?

1. Serology 2. Acid-fast stain 3. Fecal culture to confirm positive serology 4. Fecal PCR 5. Necropsy (thickened corrugated intestines)

What are the 5 udder defense mechanisms?

1. Sphincter muscle 2. Keratin plug 3. White Blood (Somatic) cells 4. Antibodies 5. Non-specific soluble factors (lysozyme, lactoferrin, complement)

What 5 body parts does lymphoma prefer in ruminants? How do we diagnose it?

1. Spine (lumbar common) 2. Right atrium 3. Uterus 4. Abomasum 5. Retrobulbar Clinical suspicion and magnitude of serum titer

What is the pathogenesis of clostridium chauvoie (3)?

1. Spores ingested from soil 2. Encyst in muscle and remain dormant 3. Anaerobic conditions in muscle leads to vegetative growth and release of exotoxins

How do we treat chronic umbilical infection (4)?

1. Start on broad-spec antibiotics + anti-inflammatories (ceftiofur, ampicillin, florfenicol, banamine) 2. Re-ultrasound in a few days 3. Surgical resection (sedate, lidocaine block, open hernia sac and resect abscess) 4. Remove scab over umbilicus to facilitate drainage

What are the 4 steps of milking a cow?

1. Strip 2. Dip 3. Wipe 4. Attach

What are 3 signs of caudal vena cava thrombosis?

1. Sudden Death 2. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 3. Epistaxis

What are 3 signs of clostridium chavoie? How do we treat it (2)?

1. Sudden death 2. Toxemia 3. Hemorrhagic, swollen muscle with gas High doses of penicillin and open affected muscle to introduce oxygen

How is caseous lymphadenitis transmitted (4)?

1. Superficial wounds or mucous membranes 2. Fomites! (especially shearing) 3. Inhalation 4. Ingestion

How are boars castrated (3 steps)?

1. Suspend by hind limbs 2. Lidocaine 0.5ml subq over testicle, 0.5ml in spermatic cord 3. 1cm incision over each testicle, or through one incision

What are the 3 forms of histophilus somnus?

1. TEME - visible lesions in brain 2. Myocarditis - necrosis with mucopurulent material in heart muscle 3. Reproductive Form

How do we prevent cerebellar hypoplasia (3)?

1. TEST clinically affected neonates to help manage farm biosecurity (truly spontaneous, congenital disease is rare) 2. BVDV vaccination of dams 3. Biosecure management practices

What would we find on physical exam of a small ruminant with urolithiasis (4)?

1. Tense abdomen 2. Urethral spasm on digital rectal 3. +/- preputial crystals 4. SQ edema around urethra

How do we control small ruminant Johnes (4)?

1. Test and cull 2. Prevent colostrum transmission 3. Sanitation 4. Off-label use of cattle vaccine

How do we control small ruminant retroviruses (4)?

1. Test and cull 2. Test and segregate 3. Separate dam and kids immediately at birth (feed heat treated colostrum) 4. Disinfect w/ phenolic or quaternary ammonium compounds

How do we treat mycoplasma in goats (2)?

1. Tetracycline or macrolide antibiotics 2. Cull

What are the 4 causes of polioencephalomalacia and what are they all related to?

1. Thiamine deficiency 2. Sulfur toxicity 3. Lead toxicity 4. Salt toxicity All related to cellular energy failure

How do we treat lead toxicity (3)?

1. Thiamine supplementation 2. Supportive care 3. EDTA administration to chelate

How do we treat sulfur toxicity (3)?

1. Thiamine supplementation 2. Supportive care 3. ID source of excess sulfur

How do we treat salt toxicity (3/0?

1. Thiamine supplementation 2. Supportive care 3. SLOW correction of hypernatremia

What are the 3 general outcomes for a mastitis case?

1. Those that will cure on their own 2. Those that will not cure no matter what (immune compromised) 3. Those where we can improve the outcome with management

What are 3 causes of inhalation pneumonia?

1. White Muscle Disease 2. Iatrogenic 3. Milk Fever

What preventative care do pigs < 1 year need (5) and when?

1. Trim needle teeth (day 1) 2. Iron supplement (day 1) 3. Castration (1w to 1 year) 4. Vaccination ( start at 3 months) 5. SQ ivermectin (6-10 weeks)

What are the 2 types of mad cow disease? How do we diagnose it?

1. Typical -> exposed to CNS tissue of infected animal 2. Atypical -> random protein mutation Histologic of immunohistochemical evaluation of the OBEX for abnormal protein aggregates and histologic changes

What are 4 small ruminant treatments for urolithiasis?

1. Urethral process amputation 2. Walpole's solution 3. Perineal urethrostomy 4. Tube cystostomy

Why do roughage diets prevent urolithiasis in small ruminants (2)?

1. Usually high in calcium 2. Roughages stimulate saliva production -> phosphorus excretion

What are 3 signs of staph mastitis?

1. Usually subclinical 2. Chronic form = fibrosis & intermittent high SCC 3. Gangrenous mastitis w/ abscessation

How do we treat bovine leptospirosis?

1. Vaccinate with a killed bacterin during outbreak 2. Oxytetracycline/ceftiofur 3. Supportive care

What are 4 drawbacks to using SHI to diagnose caseous lymphadenitis?

1. Vaccinated animals will test positive 2. False negatives within first 2 weeks exposure 3. False negatives with walled off abscesses 4. Test animals > 6mo. (colostral antibodies interfere)

What preventative care do pigs > 1 year need (5)?

1. Vaccine boosters 2. Day of beauty 3. Weight management 4. Spay/neuter as needed 5. Parasite control as needed

What are 2 signs of mycoplasma-associated mastitis?

1. Variable, intermittent increase in SCC with clinical mastitis 2. Repeated negative culture

How does chlamydophilia pecorum cause bacterial meningoencephalitis and which animals are most affected?

1. Vasculitis - multi-organ disease common 2. Intracellular bacteria with an extracellular inert form - elemental bodies Naive calves

What are 5 ways to prevent respiratory disease in cows?

1. Ventilation 2. Stress 3. Shipment 4. Purchased Additions 5. Nutrition

What are 5 predisposing factors of pasteurella multocida?

1. Viral infection 2. Mycoplasma 3. Other bacteria 4. Environmental challenges 5. Immunosuppression

Which 3 cranial nerve functions can be observed from a distance?

1. Vision: Cr N 2 -> forebrain 2. Hearing: Cr N 8 -> forebrain 3. Eating/drinking: Cr N 7, 5, 12, 9, 10

How do stones form in small ruminants (3 steps)?

1. Vitamin A deficient and or high concentrate diet 2. Causes urinary mucoproteins 3. Salts & minerals bind to the mucoprotein creating a growing hard shell

What are 6 possible causes of hemoglobinuria?

1. Water intoxication in calves 2. Hypotonic fluid administration 3, Onion/rye grass toxicity 4. Bacillary hemoglobinuria 5. Lepto 6. Postparturient hemoglobinuria

How do we diagnose cache valley fever (2)?

1. Weakness -> arthrogryposis, hydrancephaly 2. Pre-colostrum antibody titers in fetal blood or pleural fluid

What are 6 risk factors for coccidiosis?

1. Weaning 2. Overcrowding, transport 3. Hot, humid weather 4. Fecal contamination of feed 5. Feeding off ground 6. Dark, wet, unsanitary conditions

How do we diagnose lead toxicity (3) and which animals are most susceptible?

1. Whole blood lead levels 2. Radiographic "lead lines" (young animals) 3. Blood smear changes Milk fed

What are 5 risk factors for listeriosis?

1. Winter 2. Heavy rain 3. Poorly preserved silage (pH > 5.5) 4. Animals <1 year of age (molar eruption) 5. Small ruminant species

What is considered isosthenuria in cows? What would acute renal failure look like?

1.006-1.014 No higher than 1.022 in face of dehydration

What is the optimum "milk take-off" and why?

1.3-2 lb / minute Avoids overmilking

What should the ca/phosphorus ratio in small ruminant feed be and why?

1:1 to 2:1 NEVER LOWER Excess magnesium / phosphorus excreted as struvite in the urine

How do we calculate fecal egg reduction counts and what is a desirable number?

1st fecal EPG - 2nd fecal EPG 1st fecal EPG 0.95

How much of small ruminant feed should be dry matter? What about protein and water?

3-4% of their body weight in dry matter/day 16-18% crude protein when producing 3 gallons of water/day/adult

Why is hoof lameness a welfare concern in dairy cows? What do we use for analgesia?

40% if cattle experience an episode of lameness per lactation Often unrecognized by owners Meloxicam

What is the median cow-calf herd size?

40-50 cows

When do we disbud goat kids?

5-7 days old (as soon as horn bud is palpable)

How many sheep do we do fecals on in June?

6 animals or 10% of flock, whichever is greater

What is considered mild/moderate hypothermia in small ruminants? Severe?

98-101º < 98º

What should the somatic cell count of milk be? What about protein and fat?

< 750,000 / mLMilk Protein 3.0-3.5% Milk Fat 3.5-4.0%

What is the lidocaine dose for cornual blocks during disbudding?

<10 mg/kg lidocaine Will need to dilute with sterile water

How long is the rabies incubation period in cows? How do we diagnose and prevent it?

<3 - 6m, depends on location of bite Identification of Negri bodies or IFAT on CNS tissue Vaccine, but not core for ruminants

When and how does the encephalitic form of retroviruses manifest in sheep?

> 1-3yrs Weight loss, hindlimb weakness, abnormal stance, ascending paresis & paralysis Death in several months

What is a sign of fog fever and how do we prevent it? What does it look like on necropsy?

Acute severe distress Ionophores Lungs are diffusely firm

What is the difference between acute and convalescent lepto titers?

Acute titer 1:3,000 (Leptospira Pomona) Convalescent titer 1: 12,800 = 4 fold increase

How does contagious foot rot manifest in sheep and what 2 agents cause it?

Anaerobic bacterial infection of epidermal tissue extending deep to laminae Fusobacterium necorphorum + Dichelobacter (Bacteroides) nodosus from dirty wet environment

How do California mastitis tests work?

Anionic surfactant reagent reacts with DNA in somatic cells to form gel -> any reaction is abnormal

How do we diagnose listeriosis?

Ante-mortem: clinical suspicion and supportive CSF findings (mononuclear pleocytosis and elevated protein) Post-mortem: Micro-abscesses in CNS, CNS tissue immunohistochemistry (preferred), or culture

How do we diagnose small ruminant encephalitic retroviruses?

Antemortem- serology can be suggestive Postmortem- nonsuppurative demyelinating encephalomyelitis

Which 2 parts of the brain contribute to mentition?

Arousal = brainstem Behavior = forebrain

What causes chronic frontal sinusitis and how do we treat it?

Ascending infection Trephination

How does deep sepsis of the foot occur and what 3 structures can it affect?

Ascending infection secondary to abscess, foot rot, ulcer, or puncture wound 1. Coffin joint 2. Navicular bursa 3. Tendon sheath of the deep digital flexor tendon

What are 3 signs of chronic mastitis in small ruminants?

Atrophy, induration, or abscessation

Why does acute salt toxicity cause forebrain signs?

BBB is impermeable to salt but lets water in Higher salt concentration in the blood draw water out of brain and shrinks it

If a cow with pyelonephritis is azotemic, what does that mean?

Bilateral with renal failure (poor prognosis)

What do we use as an internal teat sealant in dry cows and how do we take it out?

Bismuth subnitrate in oil base Infused in each teat after routine dry cow antibiotic treatment Removed at first milking by hand stripping

Why does chronic salt toxicity paired with acute water intake cause forebrain signs?

Body becomes used to high salt concentration so when blood becomes more dilute with water intake, the water crosses BBB to brain, which swells

What is cerebellar abiotrophy?

Born normal and cerebellum atrophies at < 1 year

What is the most important disease of morbidity and mortality in cow-calf operations?

Bovine Respiratory Disease

Why should we not abbreviate the word for mad cow disease?

Bovine SPORADIC Encephalomyelitis - C. pecorum type 2 Bovine SPONGIOFORM Encephalopathy - Mad Cow

Why do calves vs cows get femoral nerve injuries and how do they present?

Calf during forced extraction of hind limbs Cow due to slipping with legs extended caudally Inability to support weight at the stifle

How do calves and adults get tuberculosis?

Calves - Ingestion Adults - Inhalation

What are the 2 infectious agents involved in small ruminant pinkeye and what's a sign? How do we treat it (2)?

Chlamydia or Mycoplasma Gray eye Topical tetracycline ointment and parenteral oxytetracycline

How do we diagnose sepsis-associated bacterial meningoencephalitis?

Clinical sepsis + neurologic signs CSF analysis neutrophilic pleocytosis

How do we dry teats before milking?

Cloth towels are best for drying, but they must be properly washed and dried between uses (160 degree water with bleach)

What is foot rot and what is required for infection?

Co-infection with Fusobacterium necrophorum and Bacteroides melaninogenicus Previous injury to interdigital skin

What is the source of pseudomonas mastitis and what are the 2 signs?

Contaminated water (wash, standing) Serous milk with udder inflammation; less systemic signs than other coliform pathogens

What is the source for prototheca mastitis and its pathogenesis?

Contaminated water (wash, standing), may be shed in manure Establishes disseminated infection throughout udder

What is a congenital problem that makes calves lame? How do we treat it (4)?

Contracture of the forelimbs 1. Physical therapy 2. Splinting 3. Surgery 4. Pain Management

How do we treat subclinical staph aureus, Prototheca, or Mycoplasma mastitis?

Cull or isolate permanently

What causes caseous lymphadenitis in small ruminants? Where is it found?

Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis Gram positive rod found in manure, soil, & skin

Which 2 viruses cause zoonotic teat lesions and what should we do about them (3)?

Cowpox (Orthopoxvirus) and pseudocowpox (Parapox) 1. Call state vet if pustular 2. Chlorhexidine dip/cremes 3. Analgesics

What is a Buhner suture?

Deeply buried circumferential suture that provides support at the vestibulovaginal junction Extends from midway between dorsal vaginal commissure & anus distally to below ventral commissure

What causes acute frontal sinusitis and what are the 5 signs?

Dehorning 1. Fever 2. Nasal discharge 3. Depression 4. Odor 5. Discharge from wound

Where do ruminants get vitamin A, where is it stored, and what is it required for?

Derived from fresh green grass and stored in the liver Required for normal bone, retinal, and epithelial metabolism

What causes strawberry foot rot in sheep? What is the sign?

Dermatophilus congolensis invades skin lacking a protective barrier in wet/humid environment Dermatitis between coronet & carpus/tarsus

What causes interdigital dermatitis and how?

Dichelobacter nodosus Elastase secreted which digests hoof keratin

What is the preferred test and protocol for small ruminant retroviruses?

ELISA Youngstock should be >3 - 4 months old, or repeated 1mo+ after weaning Retest in 90 days to guarantee negative herd status

What are 2 radiographic changes seen with caprine arthritis? How does the joint fluid change (2)?

Early on = soft tissue swelling Later = periarticular calcification Decreased protein and increased lymphocytes

If a small ruminant has been blocked for more than 24 hours, what can happen and when should we address it?

Electrolyte abnormalities are severe Correct before anesthesia

How do we treat herpes mammalitis lesions (3)?

Emollients, iodophore topicals, and analgesics

What is the pathogenesis of klebsiella mastitis and what are the 3 signs?

Enters through teat, endotoxin release upon invasion and immune response of mammary tissues 1. Hot, swollen quarters with serous discharge 2. Markedly abnormal milk 3. Fever +/- systemic symptoms

If a pig has red, but otherwise normal skin, what is usually the cause?


What is precocious udder and why does it happen (5)?

Excessive udder development prior to breeding or early in lactation 1. Hereditary, dairy goat breeds 2. Prolonged progesterone exposure (persistent CL) 3. Pituitary adenoma 4. Self-sucking 5. Inappropriate nursing by another goat

Which cows does herpes mammalitis affect and what does it cause?

Exclusively in heifers 1. Erosions most common 2. May slough entire teat (very painful)

What are 2 possible causes of myoglobinuria?

Exertional myopathies in downer cows or White Muscle Disease

What causes lead toxicity and what is the pathophysiology (2 steps)?

Exposure to scrap metal 1. Lead interferes with Ca++ signaling and multiple enzymes required for ATP production 2. Anemia with RBC basophilic stippling

What is the pathophysiology of sepsis-associated bacterial meningioencephalitis? How does this manifest?

Failure of passive transfer in large animal neonates + pathogen exposure (umbilicus, resp, GI) + leaky BBB Clinical evidence of systemic AND localized infection

Which animals are at highest risk for vitamin A deficiency and what does it cause? How do we diagnose it?

Feedlot animals Blindness due to retinal degeneration and compression of the optic chiasm due to boney hyperplasia Plasma and hepatic vitamin A levels

What are 2 signs of listeriosis?

Fever and asymmetrical brainstem disease (classically CrN 7, 8 but whole brainstem can be affected)

How are small ruminant retroviruses transmitted?

Fluids that contain infected macrophages (colostrum, milk, aerosols, parturition)

Is the arthritic form of retroviruses more common in goats or sheep? Which joints are affected?

Goats One or both carpal joints Hock, stifle, hip, & atlantooccipital joints subclinical

What causes sciatic nerve injury and how does it present?

Forced extraction of calf or prolonged recumbency Dropped hock

What probably causes necrotic laryngitis and what are the 2 forms?

Fusobacterium Cheek and laryngeal forms

What is the milk stripping goal?

Goal is 40-100 mL / quarter (average 250 mL / cow)

What type of MCF involves the urinary system and what are the 4 signs?

Hemorrhagic cystitis 1. Acute fever, extremely high (106-108 F) 2. Severe depression 3. Stranguria, polyuria 4. Death in 24-72 hours

How do we castrate older bulls and why?

Henderson Twisting effectively closes cord & minimizes risk of hemorrhage

What does teat scoring tell us? What are the quality benchmarks?

How dirty udder is -> milking machine function 80% or > Should score 1 or 2 < 20% Should score 3 or above < 5% Score 4

What are 3 risk factors for thiamine deficiency? How do we diagnose it post-mortem?

Hypo/anorexia, poor roughage diet, or ingestion of thiaminases Wood's lamp fluorescence of grey matter, lamellar necrosis

How do we diagnose clinical mastitis and what are 3 signs?

Identified in parlor by milking employees (abnormal milk) or monitoring equipment (conductivity) Decreased locomotion, feed intake or milk production

How do we actually get the calf out during a C section?

Incise uterus & placenta Place chains on calf limbs & remove w/ as little abdominal contamination as possible

What are 4 possible complications of c-sections?

Incisional infection, peritonitis, adhesions, & infertility

What 2 factors contribute to rapid hoof growth? What are the 2 most common causes of lameness?

Increased nutrition and decreased exercise on rough ground Hoof rot and scald

What are the 2 sources of staph aureus? What is its pathogenesis in mastitis?

Infected quarters and human skin Deep infection of glandular tissues, forms microabscesses

What are the 2 sources of mycoplasma mastitis infection? What is its pathogenesis?

Infected quarters, respiratory / urogenital membranes Parenchymal infection, possibly hematogenous spread

What is contagious mastitis?

Infection by transferring contaminated milk from infected to healthy quarter via hands, wash towels, or milking unit

What is environmental mastitis?

Infection from environmental source like bedding, manure, or contaminated water

How do we treat subclinical gram positive mastitis? What about coliform?

Intramammary antibiotics Supportive care

What is the source of yeast mastitis? What is the pathogenesis and the sign?

Introduced by contaminated intramammary devices (tubes, cannulas, instruments) Enters through teat, establishes infection in mammary parenchyma Thick, creamy discharge; usually local infection only

What is the pathogenesis of environmental strep mastitis and what are the 2 signs?

Invasion of teat, commonly due to teat end damage 1. Increased SCC, may progress to clinical mastitis 2. Occasionally severe, systemic infections

What is the pathogenesis of e coli mastitis and what are the 3 signs?

Invasion of teat, commonly in heifers vs. cows 1. Hot, swollen quarters with serous discharge 2. Markedly abnormal milk 3. Fever +/- systemic symptoms

What is the pathogenesis of environmental staph mastitis and what are the 2 signs?

Invasion of teat, commonly in heifers vs. cows 1. Increased SCC, may progress to clinical mastitis 2. Occasionally severe, systemic infections

When do small ruminants give birth? What are 2 issues we worry about during this time?

January - March and September - October 1. Pregnancy Toxemia (Ketosis) 2. Dystocia (Lambing/kidding problems)

Which 4 tissues does caprine arthritis encephalitis target?

Joints, mammary glands, lungs, brain

When is sheep show season?

July to November

When and how do we prepare sheep for show season (2)?

June 1. Rabies vaccine 2. Certificate of vet inspection (with official ID - Scrapie Tag) within 30 days

How does peroneal nerve injury manifest?

Knuckling with dorsum of digit on the ground

How do we spay pigs (2)?

Laproscopic ovariectomy Laprotomy and ovariohysterectomy

What is the approach for a cow C section?

Large incision in caudal 1/3 of paralumbar fossa Manipulate limb of calf to the incision and "lock" it into celiotomy incision so that hysterotomy incision is ideally made outside of the abdomen

Why do we always ligate the tunic when castrating older pigs?

Large inguinal rings

Why do cows get medial collateral ligament injuries and what are 2 signs?

Limb abduction at the stifle 1. Pain on palpation of medial aspect of joint 2. Excessive abduction on limb manipulation

How do we treat mycoplasma infections when they actually produce clinical signs?

Long acting antibiotics with activity against pathogens that lack a cell wall - Draxxin, Tetracycline

What are the 2 components of counterirritant?

Lugol's solution Oxytetracycline

How does the mastitic form of small ruminant retroviruses manifest?

Lymphocytic interstitial mastitis -> hard bag

How do we prevent M. bovis infection?


Which bovine respiratory pathogen is normal flora that can become virulent and how so (4)?

Mannheimia Hemolytica 1. Produces leukotoxin 2. Encapsulated 3. Capable of initiating complement cascade 4. Converts to virulent type during periods of stress

What is the most common fatal respiratory disease in cattle?

Mannheimia hemolytica

What is the safest pig anesthetic protocol? What are the 3 pre-med options?

Mask down with inhalant 1. Midazolam/Diazepam 0.2 - 0.5 mg/kg IM or PO 2. Midazolam; Butorphanol ; Ketamine together 3. +/- Alfaxalone 2 mg/kg IM 10 minutes later

What is the prognosis for sheep with pneumonic retroviruses?

May live as little as 3-6 months, or may live for years 100% mortality within one year (death or culled)

Which bone(s) do cows commonly fracture and what are 3 factors in a good prognosis?

Metacarpus/tarsus 1. Lighter animal 2. Closed 3. Non-physeal/non-articular

What will labwork look like on a small ruminant who hasn't had a urinary blockage for very long?

Mild hemoconcentration + mild/moderate prerenal & postrenal azotemia

How do we prevent infectious disease and maximize milk flow in dairy cows?

Minimum 30 second teat dip contact time at 75% coverage Allow 60-90 seconds after first stimulation to unit placement

What is the pathophysiology of prion diseases and which animals does it affect?

Misfolded protein accumulations in the CNS (cerebrum) Adults > 2 years

What causes Johnes in small ruminants and what are the 2 associated pathologies?

Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis 1. Granulomatous thickening of intestinal wall (primarily ileum) 2. Subsequent malabsorptive diarrhea

How do we order microbial respiratory pathogens in order of severity (least to greatest)?

Mycoplasma Pasteurella Histophilus Mannheimia

What does polioencephalomalacia cause and what are 3 signs?

Necrosis of the grey matter 1. Star-gazing 2. Altered mentation 3. Blindness with intact PLR

How do we diagnose P. tenuis (2)?

Neurologic deficits localizing to the spinal cord (anywhere) CSF shows an eosinophilic pleocytosis ~50% of the time

What are the ketoacidosis parameters on a BHBA blood meter (3)?

Normal <1.2 mmol/L Subclinical Ketosis 1.2-3 mmol/L Clinical Ketosis >3 mmol/L

What is the downside of using a somatic cell counter?

One time use reagent cartridges = expensive

What should cows get post c-section and what is a bad prognostic indicator for the calf?

Oxytocin and antibiotics Emphysematous

How do we diagnose and treat C. pecorum meningoencephalitis?

PCR of affected tissues or fluids, visualization of elemental bodies Oxytet (but prognosis can be poor)

What's usually the problem is a pet pig is pruritic and has scabbing? How do we treat it?

Parasites or ringworm SQ ivermectin + a topical

What are 2 causes of cystitis in calves?

Patent urachus (less common than in foals) Urachal abscess

Which 2 viruses cause cerebellar hypoplasia?

Pestivirus - BVDV (cattle) and Border Disease Virus (small ruminants)

What suggests Leukoencephalomyelitis in sheep when seen concurrently with weight loss / neuro issues?


How does BVD relate to respiratory disease?

Profound immunosuppression but not primary respiratory pathogen

How does floppy kid syndrome manifest? What causes it?

Profound weakness, anorexia, drooling, but with a normal temperature Metabolic acidosis

What are 5 diagnostic findings in bovine cystitis?

Pyuria, hematuria, proteinuria, high pH, bacteria

How do we diagnose coccidiosis pre and post-mortem?

Quantitative fecals Ileum, cecum, proximal colon thick & edematous

Which hooves are most commonly affected by lameness in cows? Which parts of these hooves?

Rear feet Lateral claw most commonly affected in the rear Medial claw most commonly affected in the front

What is the key to achieving low somatic cell counts in milk?

Removal of teat-end moisture/debris

What is the purpose of post-dipping?

Remove the milk film left on the teat after milking

How do we diagnose subclinical mastitis and what are its 2 characteristics?

Routine herd somatic cell count testing Most Most costly form; least impact on individual animal

Where do most ruminants get their thiamine from and why is it important?

Rumen microbes supply thiamine (B1) which is crucial for energy metabolism (pentose Phosphate Pathway and citric Acid Cycle)

How do we treat thiamine deficiency? How do we prevent it (3)?

SQ thiamine -> IV causes anaphylaxis 1. ALL SICK RUMINANTS DESERVE THIAMINE SUPPLEMENTATION 2. ID and manage primary diseases 3. ID and manage thiaminase exposure

Trueperella pyogenes is a ______________ pathogen, which means it enters the body because of what 3 reasons?

Secondary invader 1. Previous infection 2. Inhalation 3. Immunosuppression

What are the only two nutrients that are more prevalent in cow's milk vs. small ruminant milk?

Selenium and vitamin D

What are hygromas and where do they happen (2)?

Serum accumulation over boney prominences that receive inadequate bedding 1. Lateral Hock 2. Dorsal Carpus

When do we dock lamb tails? What are 3 considerations when doing so?

Shortly after birth (≈ <1 week) 1. Tetanus prophylaxsis 2. Ideal length: to tip of vulva or caudal aspect of tail fold 3. Short docks (show sheep) : may see more problems with rectal or vaginal prolapses

What is the source of truperella mastitis and its pathogenesis?

Skin organism, introduced via contaminated equipment or injury Establishes abscesses after introduction

How do cows injure their stifles and what are the 2 most common problems?

Slippery floors and mounting 1. Cranial cruciate ligament 2. Medial collateral ligament

What are the signs and prognosis of prototheca mastitis?

Subclinical to mild clinical mastitis, recurrent Grave

What is an anatomical characteristic of the bovine urinary system that should be considered when working up issues?

Suburethral diverticulum

When and how does the cardiac form of white muscle disease manifest?

Sudden death 2-3 days-of-age May see respiratory signs secondary to pulmonary edema

What do we do if a patent urachus hasn't closed within 24 hours of birth?

Surgical resection -> remove urachus and small part of apex of the bladder

How do cows injure their radial nerves? What are the 3 signs?

Susceptible to trauma -> common chute injury 1. Unable to advance limb (provides motor) 2. Dropped Elbow 3. Toe Drag

What treatment method is mostly ineffective in mastitis?

Systemic antibiotics

What's a normal pet pig TPR?

T: 101.5 - 103.3 P: 70 - 120 R: 30 - 60

Why would you do a vasectomy on a ram/buck? What are the 4 main steps?

Teaser 1. 3-4cm vertical incision on cranial surface of scrotum over testicular cord 2. Dissect out spermatic cord & identify vas deferens 3. Nick the vaginal tunic & exteriorize vas deferens 4. Remove 2-3cm of vas deferens, ligating each end

What is the EASIEST sedation protocol for pigs and why is it dangerous?

Telazol Violent recovery

What are the 2 signs of truperella mastitis and what is the prognosis?

Thick, malodorous discharge and abscesses that may spontaneously rupture Grave

How does internal caseous lymphadenitis manifest?

Thoracic lymph nodes -> abscesses can be in lung parenchyma, mediastinal & bronchial lymph nodes

How does H somni cause neuro signs? How do we treat it and prevent it?

Thromboembolic vasculitis - polyserositis -> bacterial meningoencephalitis Tetracyclines (not helpful if it extends beyond respiratory signs) Vaccines and oxytet

How does the musculoskeletal form of white muscle disease manifest (2)?

Tongue/pharynx - poor suckle with secondary pneumonia Skeletal muscles - generalized weakness

How do we treat hairy hoof warts? How do we prevent them (2)?

Topical tetracycline under dressing 1. Footbath 2. Environmental management

What causes hairy heel warts and what are the 2 risk factors?

Treponema spp. Chronic moisture and purchased additions

What should you do if a small ruminant is severely hypothermic?


How do we know a cow has suspensory breakdown and what 4 factors influence this? How do we treat it?

Udder hangs low Chronic mastitis, edema, genetics & age Cull

How do we treat cows with urolithiasis and what is a complication? How can we prevent uroliths (2)?

Urethrostomy -> urine scald 1. Free choice water - not frozen! 2. Adding NaCl to ration to encourage water consumption

How are sheep herds currently dewormed?

Use one dewormer until it no longer works FAMACHA and/or fecal exam before +/- after deworming

How do we treat severely hypothermic small ruminants?

Warm up however possible!! 5% dextrose solution IV or 20% dextrose solution IP

How do we treat lameness in pet pigs?

Weight control and meloxicam

What is a subacute sign of coccidiosis? What about acute (4)?

Weight loss 1. Diarrhea (+/- bloody, mucus) 2. Dehydration 3. Colic 4. Sudden death

Which animals does lungworm affect and when? What are the 3 signs?

Youngstock on pasture in the summer 1. Moist Cough 2. Diffuse Crackles 3. Possible secondary pneumonia

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