FDR Before & After

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Which statement identifies a change in American society during World War II? (1) Economic opportunities for women increased. (2) Government regulation of the economy decreased. (3) The Great Depression worsened. (4) Racial tensions were eliminated.

(1) Economic opportunities for women increased.

How did the power of government change during the Civil War and the Great Depression? (1) Presidential powers were expanded. (2) Congress exerted greater leadership. (3) The Supreme Court expanded civil liberties. (4) Power shifted from the federal government

(1) Presidential powers were expanded.

The National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) of 1935 strengthened labor unions because it legalized (1) collective bargaining (2) blacklisting (3) the open shop (4) the sit-down strike

(1) collective bargaining

The creation of the Tennessee Valley Authority is an example of (1) federal intervention to meet regional needs (2) state-funded regional transportation (3) free-market capitalism (4) laissez-faire economics

(1) federal intervention to meet regional needs

President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed (1) increasing the number of justices on the Supreme Court (2) raising the salaries of federal judges (3) reducing the Supreme Court's use of judicial review (4) exercising his veto power over Supreme Court decisions

(1) increasing the number of justices on the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court declared some New Deal laws unconstitutional because these laws (1) overextended the power of the federal government (2) forced the federal government into heavy debt (3) ignored the rights of minority groups and women (4) failed to solve the problems for which they were intended

(1) overextended the power of the federal government

The New Deal tried to solve many problems of the Great Depression by (1) providing federal aid to many sectors of the economy (2) reducing taxes on big business to stimulate job creation (3) lowering federal spending to maintain a balanced budget

(1) providing federal aid to many sectors of the economy

The major purpose of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's bank holiday of 1933 was to (1) restore public confidence in the nation's banks (2) reinforce strict laws to punish banks charging high interest rates (3) reduce the number of banks to a manageable number (4) encourage the nation's banks to loan more money to failing businesses

(1) restore public confidence in the nation's banks

Congress refused to enact President Franklin D. Roosevelt's court-packing plan because the plan (1) threatened to upset the constitutional system of checks and balances (2) entrusted too much power to the judicial branch (3) called for an increase in income taxes (4) required passage of a constitutional amendment

(1) threatened to upset the constitutional system of checks and balances and separation of powers

Much of the domestic legislation of the New Deal period was based on the idea that the federal government should (1) favor big business over labor and farming (2) assume some responsibility for the welfare of people (3) own and operate the major industries of the country (4) require local communities to be responsible for social welfare programs

(2) assume some responsibility for the welfare of people

The strongest opposition to President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs came from (1) western farmers (2) business leaders (3) factory workers (4) recent immigrants

(2) business leaders

President Franklin D. Roosevelt's response to Supreme Court decisions that declared several New Deal laws unconstitutional was to (1) ask Congress to limit the Court's jurisdiction (2) propose legislation to increase the size of the Court (3) demand the resignation of several justices (4) ignore the Court's rulings

(2) propose legislation to increase the size of the Court

"Come all of you good workers, Good news to you I'll tell Of how the good old union Has come in here to dwell . . . Don't scab for the bosses, Don't listen to their lies. Us poor folks haven't got a chance Unless we organize." — Florence Reece, "Which Side Are You On?" This song from the 1930s expresses (1) criticism of labor unions (2) support for the rights of workers (3) sympathy for Communist Party protests (4) anger against government welfare programs

(2) support for the rights of workers

Which action by President Franklin D. Roosevelt challenged the principle of checks and balances? (1) frequently vetoing New Deal legislation (2) trying to increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court (3) taking over the Senate's treaty ratification power (4) desegregating defense industries

(2) trying to increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court

FDR and the Supreme Court: ("Packing" the Supreme Court) How was the situation between FDR and the Supreme Court resolved? (1) The United States entered World War II after the attack on Pearl Harbor. (2) The Supreme Court used its power of judicial review. (3) Congress rejected the president's plan to pack the Supreme Court. (4) The president vetoed Congress's attempt to reform the judiciary

(3) Congress rejected the president's plan to pack the Supreme Court.

The New Deal changed political thinking in the United States because it supported the idea that the (1) rights of workers are less important than the interests of business (2) Supreme Court should have an important role to play in the economy (3) government should become more involved in the social and economic life of the people (4) president's foreign policy is more important than his domestic policy

(3) government should become more involved in the social and economic life of the people

Critics charged that New Deal policies favored socialism because the federal government (1) took ownership of most major industries (2) favored farmers over workers and business owners (3) increased its responsibility for the welfare of the economy (4) declined to prosecute business monopolies

(3) increased its responsibility for the welfare of the economy

During President Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) were created as a way to (1) provide jobs to those who were unemployed (2) raise revenue for relief and recovery programs (3) limit risks associated with savings and investments (4) implement the new income tax amendment

(3) limit risks associated with savings and investments

President Franklin D. Roosevelt tried to pack the United States Supreme Court, but Congress did not support him. This situation is an example of (1) Congress undermining the separation of powers (2) the president using the unwritten constitution (3) the use of the system of checks and balances (4) how federalism was preserved by one branch of government

(3) the use of the system of checks and balances and the system of separation of powers

Which statement best illustrates a basic idea of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal? (1) Communism provides the only real solution to economic problems. (2) Unemployed workers should rely on the states rather than on the federal government for help. (3) The United States reached its economic peak in the 1920s and is now a declining industrial power. (4) The economy sometimes needs public money to encourage business activity.

(4) The economy sometimes needs public money to encourage business activity.

A lasting effect of the New Deal has been a belief that government should (1) own the principal means of producing goods and services (2) allow natural market forces to determine economic conditions (3) maintain a balanced federal budget during hard economic times (4) assume responsibility for the well-being of its citizens

(4) assume responsibility for the well-being of its citizens

The New Deal programs of President Franklin D. Roosevelt changed the United States economy by (1) restoring the principle of a balanced budget (2) expanding the trustbusting practices of Progressive Era presidents (3) encouraging greater production of agricultural goods (4) increasing government involvement with both business and labor

(4) increasing government involvement with both business and labor

One difference between the administrations of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and President Herbert Hoover is that Roosevelt was (1) unwilling to allow government agencies to establish jobs programs (2) unable to win congressional support for his economic program (3) able to ignore economic issues for most of his first term in office (4) more willing to use government intervention to solve economic problems

(4) more willing to use government intervention to solve economic problems

New Deal programs such as the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and the Works Progress Administration (WPA) were primarily intended to help (1) farmers (2) homeowners (3) businesses (4) unemployed workers

(4) unemployed workers

Which statement about Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal program is most accurate? (1) Protective tariff rates increased. (2) Social welfare programs were expanded. (3) Government regulation of business was reduced. (4) Government support of environmental conservation ended.

2) Social welfare programs were expanded.

Which event is most closely associated with the end of the Great Depression? (1) passage of the Social Security Act (2) beginning of World War II (3) reelection of President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1940 (4) announcement of the Marshall Plan

2) beginning of World War II

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