Fetal heart & chest

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The narrowing of the aortic arch is indicative of : a . tetralogy of Fallot . b . coarctation of the aorta . c . Ebstein anomaly . d . hypoplastic right heart syndrome


The tricuspid valve is located : a . between the right atrium and the left atrium . b . between the right ventricle and the right atrium . c . between the left ventricle and the left atrium d . between the left atrium and the aorta .


The visualization of the fetal stomach within the fetal chest is most indicative of : a . pulmonary sequestration . b . diaphragmatic hernia . c . Turner syndrome . d . CAM .


What is the opening located right anteromedially within the diaphragm ? a . Foramen of Bochdalek b . Foramen of Morgagni c . Foramen of Monro d . Foramen ovale


Which of the following are fetal rhabdomyomas associated with ? a . Tracheoesophageal fistulas b . Tuberous sclerosis c . Eventration of the diaphragm d . Tuberculosis


Which of the following best describes transposition of the great vessels ? a . The aorta arises from the left ventricle , and the pulmonary artery arises from the right ventricle b . The aorta arises from the right ventricle , and the pulmonary artery arises from the left ventricle . c . The aortic arch is narrowed and positioned anterior to the pulmonary vein . d . The presence of an omphalocele and ectopic cordis is seen .


A heart rate using M - mode should be sonographically obtainable with EV when the CRL measures ? a . 2 to 3 mm b . 1 to 2 mm c . 4 to 5 mm d . 1.5 to 3.5 mm


All of the following are sonographic signs of Ebstein anomaly except : a . enlarged right atrium . b . fetal hydrops . c . narrowing of the aortic arch . d . malpositioned tricuspid valve .


Functional fetal lung tissue does not typically exist until after : a . 12 weeks . b . 20 weeks . c . 18 weeks . d . 25 weeks


The mitral valve is located : a . between the right atrium and the left atrium . b . between the right ventricle and the right atrium . c . between the left ventricle and the left atrium . d . between the left atrium and the aorta .


The most common sonographic appearance of pulmonary sequestration is a ( n ) : a . dilated pulmonary artery and hypoechoic chest mass b . pleural effusion and ipsilateral hiatal hernia . c . triangular , echogenic mass within the OPEN chest . d . anechoic mass within the chest


The sonographic " bat - wing " sign is indicative of : a . pericardial effusion . b . pulmonary atresia . c . pleural effusion d . endocardial cushion defects


What is an opening within the septum that separates the right and left ventricles ? a . Endocardial cushion b . Tricuspid regeneration c . VSD d . ASD


The accumulation of fluid around the lungs is termed : a . ascites . b . extracorporeal effusion c . peripleural fluid . d . pleural effusion


The condition in which the heart is located outside the chest wall is termed : a . CAM . b . coarctation of the heart c . cardiac sequestration . d . ectopic cordis


The fetal heart is fully formed by : a . 2 weeks b . 4 weeks . c . 8 weeks . d . 10 weeks .


The most common form of diaphragmatic hernia is the : a . foramen of Morgagni . b . foramen of Magendie . c . foramen of Luschka . d . foramen of Bochdalek .


The normal heart will fill approximately ____ of the fetal chest a . one half b . one - fourth c . one - fifth d . one - third


What is the term for underdevelopment of the lungs ? a . Pulmonary atresia b . Pulmonary stenosis c . Pulmonary agenesis d . Pulmonary hypoplasia


Which of the following is a true statement about the fetal heart ? a . The apex of the heart will be angled to the right of the midline b . The apex of the heart is the portion closest to the spine . c . The normal fetal heart will fill approximately two - thirds of the fetal chest d . The chamber closest to the fetal spine is the left atrium


Which of the following is not a true statement about the normal fetal heart ? a . The ventricular septum should be uninterrupted and of equal thickness to the left ventricular wall b . There is a normal opening within the atrial septum . c . Between the right ventricle and the right atrium , one should visualize the tricuspid valve d . The mitral valve is positioned closer to the cardiac apex than the tricuspid valve .


Fetal lung maturity can be assessed using the : a . L/S ratio b . systolic - to - diastolic ratio . c . estriol - to - alpha - fetoprotein ratio d . lung size formula


The most common fetal cardiac tumor is the : a . rhabdomyoma . b . chordae tendineae . c . cardiomyoma . d . CAM .


The blood returning from the lungs through the pulmonary veins enters into the : a . right atrium . b . left atrium . c . right ventricle d . left ventricle .


Which statement is true concerning fetal outflow tracts ? a . The normal pulmonary artery should be positioned posterior to the aorta and should be visualized passing under it . b . The normal pulmonary artery should be positioned anterior to the aorta and should be visualized crossing over it . c . The right ventricular outflow tract leads to the aorta d . The left ventricular outflow tract leads to the pulmonary artery


A group of anomalies characterized by a small or an absent left ventricle is : a . Turner syndrome . b . hypoplastic right heart syndrome c . hypoplastic left heart syndrome d . coarctation of the aorta


What is the normal opening in the lower middle third of the atrial septum ? a . Foramen of Magendie b . Foramen of Monro c . Foramen ovale d . Ductus arteriosus


Tetralogy of Fallot consists of all of the following except a . overriding aortic root . b . VSD . c . pulmonary stenosis . d . left ventricular hypertrophy


Blood returning from the IVC enters the : a . left atrium . b . left ventricle . c . right atrium . d . right ventricle


The embryonic heart begins as : a . two tubes . b . four tubes . c . eight folds . d . one tube .


An EIF would most likely be associated with : a . trisomy 21 . b . trisomy 13 . c . trisomy 8 . d . Turner syndrome .


The moderator band is located within the : a . right atrium . b . left atrium . c . right ventricle . d . left ventricle .


The thymus gland is part of what system ? a . Endocrine b . Exocrine c . Immune d . Respiratory


What structure shunts blood into the IVC from the umbilical vein ? a . Ductus venosus b . Ductus arteriosus c . Foramen ovale d . Foramen of Luschka


Which of the following is considered to be the most common cardiac defect ? a . Hypoplastic right heart syndrome b . Transposition of the great vessels c . Hypoplastic left heart syndrome d . VSD


What is the fetal shunt that connects the pulmonary artery to the aortic arch ? a . Foramen ovale b . Ductus arteriosus c . Ductus venosus d . Foramen of Bochdalek


A coexisting pericardial effusion and a pleural effusion is consistent with the diagnosis of : a . tetralogy of Fallot . b . pentalogy of Cantrell c . fetal hydrops . d . Potter syndrome .


An EIF is most often seen within the : a . right atrium . b . left atrium . c . right ventricle . d . left ventricle .


Eventration of the diaphragm is best described as : a . a lack of muscle in the dome of the diaphragm . b . a defect in the anterior lateral wall of the diaphragm . c . a defect in the posterolateral wall of the diaphragm d . congenital absence of the diaphragm .


A group of anomalies characterized by a small or an absent right ventricle is : a . Turner syndrome b . hypoplastic right heart syndrome c . hypoplastic left heart syndrome . d . coarctation of the aorta .


Blood returning from the head and upper torso enters the heart via the : a . abdominal aorta . b . IVC . c . pulmonary vein . d . superior vena cava .


The most common cause of cardiac malposition is : a . diaphragmatic hernia . b . omphalocele . c . gastroschisis . d . pulmonary hypoplasia .


What is described as the absence of the pulmonary valve , which , in turn , prohibits blood flow from the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery and essentially to the lungs ? a . Pulmonary atresia b . Pulmonary stenosis c . Pulmonary sequestration d . Pulmonary effusion


What is the genetic disorder characterized by an absent or a hypoplastic thymus ? a . DiGeorge syndrome b . Ebstein anomaly c . Tetralogy of Fallot d . Pentalogy of Cantrell


When hypoplastic left heart syndrome is found in girls , what syndrome should be suspected ? a . Turner syndrome b . Patau syndrome c . Klinefelter syndrome d . Joliet syndrome


A separate mass of nonfunctioning fetal lung tissue is referred to as : a . pulmonary adenomatoid malformation b . pulmonary sequestration . c . CAM . d . bat - wing sign .


All of the following are sonographic features of pentalogy of Cantrell except a . omphalocele b . gastroschisis c . cleft sternum d . diaphragmatic defect


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