File Naming Quizlet (CTech)

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Follow the File Naming Conventions

(already listed)

These rules may be combined to sort files in multiple ways - - CONSISTENCY IS KEY

1. Files sorted by Subject, then Date; 1. Engl_01.12_Cyberbullying; 2. Engl_02.14_GrammarWorksheet; 3. Rel8_01.10_Apostles; 4. Rel8_02.09_Honesty; 2. Files sorted by Date, then Type; 1. 01.10_HW_Apostles; 2. 01.12_CW_Cyberbullying; 3. 02.09_Proj_Honesty; 4. 02.14_Pres_Apostles; 3. Files sorted by Subject, then Date, then Type; 1. Engl_01.12_Paper_Cyberbullying; 2. Engl_02.14_HW_GrammarWorksheet; 3. Rel8_01.10_Pres_Apostles; 4. Rel8_02.09_CW_Honesty

If you want your files to be listed chronologically you need to —

1. Make date the first part of the file name; 2. Use 2 digit numbers, month first, 1. January 12 should be 01.12_; 3. If files span years, include year first, then month, then day; 1. January 12, 2015 should be 15.01.12_

If you want your files listed by subject, you need to —

1. Make subject the first part of your name; 1. Computer files should being with CTech_; 2. English files should begin Engl_; 3. Religion files should begin with Rel8_

If you want your files listed by assignment type, you need to —

1. Make the assignment type the first part of your file name; 1. Papers should begin Paper_; 2. Homework should begin HW_; 3. Worksheets should begin Wks_; 4. Presentations should begin Pres_

Nest Folders Within Folders

Create other folders within these main folders as need arises. For instance, a folder called "Invoices" might contain folders called "2018", "2017" and "2016". A folder named for a client might include the folders "customer data" and "correspondence". The goal is to have every file in a folder rather than having a bunch of orphan files listed.

Be Specific

Give electronic files logical, specific names and include dates in the file names if possible. The goal when naming files is to be able to tell what the file is about without having to open it and look. So if the document is a letter to a customer reminding him that payment is overdue, call it something like "overdue_20180115"; rather then something like "letter". How will you know who the letter is to win to opening it?

Order Your Files for Your Convenience

If there are folders or files that you use a lot, force them to the top of the file list by renaming them with a ! Or an AA at the beginning of the file name.

What should you never remove?

Never remove or change file extensions (i.e. file.pdf file.doc file.pages)

What should you also never use?

Never use commas, apostrophes ('), or quotation marks (") — Even if they are part of your name

What should you never use?

Never use emojis or special characters like: / \ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ? ~

One Place for All Documents

Place all documents under a single "root" folder. For a single user in a Windows environment, the default location is the My Documents folder.2

Organization Is the Key to Electronic File Management

Proper organization of digital documents is especially critical in a shared environment - if one of your employees is absent (temporarily or permanently!) you should be able to easily locate any documents created or managed by that person. The potential loss of data issues with disgruntled, departing employees is one more reason to protect your business data.

Cull Your Files Regularly

Sometimes what's old is obvious as in the example of the folder named "Invoices" above. If it's not, keep your folders uncluttered by clearing out the old files.

File as You Go

The best time to file a document is when you first create it. So get in the habit of using the "Save As" dialogue box to file your document as well as name it, putting it in the right place is the first place.

Create Folders in a Logical Hierarchy

These are the drawers of your computer's filing cabinet, so to speak. Use plain language to name your folders; you don't want to be looking at this list of folders in the future and wondering what "TFK" or whatever other interesting abbreviation you invented means.

Use the Default Installation Folders for Program Files

Use the default locations when installing application programs. Under Windows, by convention application program files reside under the (Drive Letter:) -> Program Files directory. Installing applications elsewhere is confusing and unnecessary.

Back up Your Files Regularly

Whether you're copying your files onto another drive or onto tape, it's important to set up and follow a regular back up regimen.

What should you avoid using?

You should avoid using spaces

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