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An enzyme that removes a phosphate group from a protein is called a


What is the correct net result of 1 full cycle of the Na+ K+ pump?

3 Na+ pumped out of the cell, 2 K+ pumped into the cell, 1 ATP split

There are ______________________ transmembrane domains in the receptor of a G-Protein Coupled Receptor (GPCR).


What causes a voltage-gated ion channel to open?

A change to the electrical charge in the adjacent membrane.

Coated vesicles

-Are covered with clathrin or a similar molecule -Are part of receptor mediated endocytosis -Can carry specific molecules, like cholesterol into the cell

Which of the following statements about ATP Synthase is TRUE

-The rotor ring of the ATP synthase turns as H+ ions trickle in from a high to low concentration -The central stalk of the ATP synthase causes friction that is used to make ATP -ATP synthase enzymes are found in mitochondria and in chloroplasts

Which of the following statements about tRNA is TRUE?

-an amino acid is covalently bonded to the 3' end of the tRNA -They are made by RNA Polymerase III in eukaryotes -they contain an intervening sequence that is removed after transcription -they have an anti-codon loop that binds to the complimentary sequence on the mRNA

Match the amino acid with the group that best describes the R group. i. Threonine is [ans1] ii. Methionine is [ans2] iii. Lysine is [ans3]

1. polar, uncharged 2. non polar 3. polar, charged (positive charge)

How many carbons in the acetyl group when attached to Coenzyme A?


What is the net yield of ATP from glycolysis?


How many carbons in one molecule of pyruvate?


During protein translation, where does a charged tRNA first bind in the ribosome?

A site

Which of the following statements about Intracellular Signaling Molecules is true?

A. They can function as molecular on/off switches B. They can relay and integrate signals C. They can amplify and distribute signals

What is the most common subunit found in biological cell membranes?


When actin subunits assemble into fibers they have [a1] bound to them.


Which of the following statements about ATP Synthase is FALSE?

ATP synthase splits a water molecule as it forms a bond between ADP and Pi

The pH inside of a lysozyme is very

Acidic [lots of H+]

Where these processes occur? i. glycolysis [a1] ii. pyruvate oxidation [a2] iii. Citric acid cycle [a3]

Answer = cytoplasm Answer = mitochondria matrix Answer = mitochondria matrix

Where is the cell cortex?

Attached to the cytoplasmic side (intracellular) of the plasma membrane in animals

Which of the following statements about enzymes is NOT true? a) Most enzymes are proteins (some are RNA) b) Enzymes are irreversibly changed after a reaction and cannot be used again c) Enzymes are catalysts d) Enzymes bind their substrate using at the active site e) Some enzymes are regulated using a regulatory molecule and an allosteric site


Why are RTKs called enzyme coupled receptors?

Because they have kinase ability when activated

Why are enzymes called catalysts of biochemical reactions?

Because they reduce the activation energy of a reaction

According to the Induced Fit Model for Enzyme Activity a) The binding site for the substrate is located at the amino terminal end of the protein b) Substrate molecules t into the enzyme binding site perfectly without any shape changes to either component c) Substrate binding to the enzyme active site causes a shape change allowing the enzyme to interact better d) After the products are released from the enzyme, it is immediately degraded and never used again. e) Enzyme binding sites are very general and can bind all types of substrates. They adapt their shape when they bind the different molecules.


Which of the following is the correct formula for cellular respiration?

C6 H12 O6 + 6O2 --> 6CO2 +6H2 0

Secreted or membrane-bound proteins move in vesicles from the ER to the [a1] side of the Golgi Apparatus. They leave the Golgi from the [a2] towards their final destination in or on the cell.


The ______________________ type of cell communication is the most 'long distance' of the pathways, where signal molecules may travel throughout the organism's body to find their destination.


FADH2 enters the electron transport chain of the mitochondria at the same location and protein complex as NADH, and produces the same energy yield.


The binding site for a ligand or substrate is formed from adjacent (side by side) amino acids in the polypeptide chain.


When microtubule subunits assemble into fibers they have [a2] bound to them


A molecule that moves by simple diffusion will travel from an area of [c1] concentraon to an area of [c2] concentraon.

High/ Low

An enzyme that adds a phosphate group to a protein is called a


What stage(s) of photosynthesis requires sunlight?

Light dependent reactions only

A typical plant or animal cells is 5-10 micrometers (10 meters) in length. What is the best type of microscope to view one of these so you see the whole cell?

Light microscope

Look at the codon chart [Figure 18-10] and translate this mRNA: 5'-AUGCAGUCAUACGGAUGA3'


According to the endosymbiotic theory which organelle was acquired FIRST?


Which of the following type of molecule will NOT interact with water? In other words, what is hydrophobic?

Nonpolar/ uncharged

Which of the following molecules can easily pass through a membrane by itself?


The conversion of glucose to lactate

Occurs in the cytoplasm of muscle cells

In eukaryotes, where is the electron transport chain for cellular respiration located?

On the inner membrane of the mitochondria

highest concentraon of i. Na+ ions [ansi] ii. K+ ions [ansiii] iii. Ca++ ions [ansii]

Outside of the cell Inside of the cell Outside of the cell

The name of the amino acids in order as they appear in a polypeptide is the

Primary structure

Which of the following statements about ribosomes is FALSE?

Ribosomes in prokaryotes are identical to ribosomes in eukaryotes

Which of the following is an amino acid that is usually phosphorylated as part of cell signaling and protein activation/inactivation?

Serine Threonine Tyrosine

In addition to sugars, Acetyl-CoA can be made from fay acids and amino acids


The inner side of the plasma membrane is relatively negatively charged compared to the outer side of the plasma membrane.


What is Ras?

a monomeric GTP binding protein

When GTP is bound, the protein is


Which of the following organisms will have a plasma membrane in their cells?

all prokaryotes and eukaryotes

What is cyclic AMP [cAMP]?

an important second messenger in cell signaling

Why are amino acids called "amino"?

because of the NH2 group on the alpha carbon

cellular respiration


The secretion of cellular molecules that occurs all the time and does not require a specific stimulus is called ___________.

constitutive exocytosis

Responsible for movement in cilia and flagella


Transports cargo toward the minus (-) end of microtubules


Which of these is an example of a fibrous protein?


Animals store glucose for rapid energy in the form of [a1], plants store glucose as a food supply in the form of [a2].

glycogen/ starch

Which of these is an example of a globular protein?


Glycoproteins are critical components of the plasma membrane. Where does Glycosylation of a membrane protein begin?

in the ER

When GDP is bound, the protein is

inactivated of not active

How does cholesterol enter a cell?

it is part of LDL brought inside of coated vesicles

Transports cargo toward the plus (+) end of microbules


There are ______ H inside of the mitochondrial matrix compared to the mitochondrial intermembrane space


Transports cargo toward the plus (+) end of microfilaments

myosin 1

What molecule is the final acceptor of high energy electrons that are harvested from the metabolism of glucose in cells?


Multiple subunits come together to make the nal protein

quaternary structure

Release of Insulin from secretory vesicles when blood sugar is high is an example of ______________

regulated exocytosis

Are there B-sheets formed by the polypeptide?

secondary structure

A single polypeptide folds up into its unique shape

tertiary structure

Which end of a microtubule is anchored in a Microtubule Organizing Center (MTOC)?

the minus end -

You find 16S rRNA in......

the small ribosomal subunit in bacteria

Which of the following statements about tRNA is FALSE?

they are transcribed in the nucleolus in eukaryotes

Many enzymes participate in cellular respiration. What is their main function in cellular reactions?

to decrease the activation energy of a reaction

What amino acid side chain is phosphorylated on a RTK when it is activated?


The GLUT 1 Transporter is an example of a


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