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Fat client

A client PC that is responsible for processing presentation logic, extensive application and business rules logic as well as many DBMS functions is called a: Question options: A) database server. B) file processor. C) file server. D) fat client.

primary key.

An attribute (or attributes) that uniquely identifies each row in a relation is called a: Question options: A) duplicate key. B) column. C) foreign field. D) primary key.

foreign key.

An attribute in a relation of a database that serves as the primary key of another relation in the same database is called a: Question options: A) link key. B) link attribute. C) foreign key. D) foreign attribute.


An organization that decides to adopt the most popular NoSQL database management system would select: Question options: A) Redis. B) Access. C) MongoDB. D) Neo4j.

You must specify the fields to insert if you are only inserting some of the fields.

Given a table named store with 5 fields: store_id, address, city, state, zipcode, why would the following insert command not work? insert into store values ('234 Park Street') Question options: A) It would work just fine. B) Insert into should be INSERT to. C) There is no table keyword. D) You must specify the fields to insert if you are only inserting some of the fields.


________ takes a value of TRUE if a subquery returns an intermediate results table which contains one or more rows. Question options: A) Extents B) Having C) In D) Exists

Correlated subqueries

________ use the result of the outer query to determine the processing of the inner query. Question options: A) Inner subqueries B) Correlated subqueries C) Subqueries D) Outer subqueries

Strong entity/weak entity

In the figure below, what type of relationship do the relations depict? A) Composite foreign key B) One-to-many C) Multivalued D) Strong entity/weak entity

natural join.

A join that is based upon equality between values in two common columns with the same name and where one duplicate column has been removed is called a(n): Question options: A) inner join. B) equi-join. C) natural join. D) multivariate join.

enterprise key.

A primary key whose value is unique across all relations is called a(n): Question options: A) inter-table primary key. B) foreign global key. C) global primary key. D) enterprise key.


A property or characteristic of an entity type that is of interest to the organization is called a(n): Question options: A) attribute. B) relationship. C) cross-function. D) coexisting entity.


A relationship between the instances of a single entity type is called a ________ relationship. A) ternary B) unary C) primary D) binary


A type of join where a table is joined to itself is called a(n): Question options: A) self-join. B) ternary join. C) unnatural join. D) pinned join.

subtype discriminator.

An attribute of the supertype that determines the target subtype(s) is called the: Question options: A) subtype decision. B) subtype discriminator. C) determinant. D) disjoint indicator.

Cloud Computing

An emerging trend likely to have an effect on the development of three-tier applications is called: Question options: A) corporate computing. B) local area networks. C) wide-area storage. D) cloud computing.


Rotating the view of a multidimensional database for a particular data point is called data: Question options: A) pivoting. B) drill-down. C) dicing. D) cubing.


SQL provides the ________ technique, which involves placing an inner query within the WHERE or HAVING clause of an outer query. Question options: A) subquery B) union C) grouping D) joining

graph-oriented database.

The NoSQL model that is specifically designed to maintain information regarding the relationships (often real-world instances of entities) between data items is called a: Question options: A) document store. B) wide-column store. C) graph-oriented database. D) key-value score.


A relation that contains no multivalued attributes and has nonkey attributes solely dependent on the primary key but contains transitive dependencies is in which normal form? Question options: A) First B) Second C) Third D) Fourth

referential integrity constraint.

A rule that states that each foreign key value must match a primary key value in the other relation is called the: Question options: A) key match rule. B) foreign/primary match rule. C) referential integrity constraint. D) entity key group rule.

Stored procedure

A(n) ________ is a module of code written in SQL or some proprietary language to run business rules on a server. Question options: A) select module B) select procedure C) SQL program D) stored procedure


An attribute that can be broken down into smaller parts is called a(n) ________ attribute. Question options: A) simple B) complex C) associative D) composite

create table

In the SQL language, the ________ statement is used to make table definitions. Question options: A) create table B) select C) create index D) create session


In the figure below, Customer_ID in the CUSTOMER Table is which type of key? A) Candidate B) Standard C) Composite D) Grouped

running a business in real time.

Informational systems are designed for all of the following EXCEPT: Question options: A) running a business in real time. B) data mining. C) complex queries. D) supporting decision making.

not based on the relational model.

NoSQL includes data storage and retrieval: Question options: A) based on normalized tables. B) not based on data. C) not based on the relational model. D) based on the relational model.


NoSQL systems enable automated ________ to allow distribution of the data among multiple nodes to allow servers to operate independently on the data located on it. Question options: A) mongo B) sharding C) sharing D) SQL


The ________ is the structure that contains descriptions of objects such as tables and views created by users. A) catalog B) SQL C) master view D) schema

partial specialization

The ________ rule specifies that an entity instance of a supertype is allowed not to belong to any subtype. Question options: A) disjointedness B) total specialization C) partial specialization D) semi-specialization


The ________ rule states that an entity instance can simultaneously be a member of two (or more) subtypes. Question options: A) partial specialization B) disjoint C) total specialization D) overlap

entity integrity rule

The ________ states that no primary key attribute may be null. Question options: A) entity integrity rule B) referential integrity constraint C) partial specialization rule D) range domain rule

informational processing.

The analysis of summarized data to support decision making is called: Question options: A) informational processing. B) artificial intelligence. C) operational processing. D) data scrubbing.


The first part of an SQL query to be read is the ________ statement. Question options: A) ORDER BY B) WHERE C) SELECT D) FROM

all rows of the Customer_T Table regardless of matches with the Order_T Table.

The following code would include: SELECT Customer_T.CustomerID,CustomerName, OrderID FROM Customer_T LEFT OUTER JOIN Order_T ON Customer_T.CustomerID = Order_T.CustomerID; Question options: A) all rows of the Order_T Table regardless of matches with the Customer_T Table. B) only rows that don't match both Customer_T and Order_T Tables. C) only rows that match both Customer_T and Order_T Tables. D) all rows of the Customer_T Table regardless of matches with the Order_T Table.

a strong entity and its associated weak entity.

The following figure shows an example of: Question options: A) a double-walled relationship. B) a one-to-many relationship. C) a strong entity and its associated weak entity. D) a co-dependent relationship.

entity-relationship model.

The logical representation of an organization's data is called a(n): A) relationship systems design. B) database model. C) entity-relationship model. D) database entity diagram.


The main concept of relational databases was published in 1970 by: Question options: A) Itzak Ben-Gan. B) Hoffer. C) E.F.Codd. D) Mills.

on-line analytical processing (OLAP).

The use of a set of graphical tools that provides users with multidimensional views of their data is called: Question options: A) on-line geometrical processing (OGP). B) on-line analytical processing (OLAP). C) on-line datacube processing (ODP). D) drill-down analysis.

Selects all the fields from the Customer table for each row with a customer labeled "Best"

What does the following SQL statement do? Select * From Customer Where Cust_Type = "Best" Question options: A) Selects the "*" field from the Customer table for each row with a customer labeled "Best" B) Selects fields with a "*" in them from the Customer table C) Selects all the fields from the Customer table for each row with a customer labeled "*" D) Selects all the fields from the Customer table for each row with a customer labeled "Best"

create two new relations, one containing the multivalued attribute.

When a regular entity type contains a multivalued attribute, one must: Question options: A) create two new relations, both containing the multivalued attribute. B) create two new relations, one containing the multivalued attribute. C) create a single relation with multiple lines for each instance of the multivalued attribute. D) delete the relation and start over.

data in the warehouse contain a time dimension so that they may be used to study trends and changes.

When we consider data in the data warehouse to be time-variant, we mean: Question options: A) that time is relative. B) data in the warehouse contain a time dimension so that they may be used to study trends and changes. C) that the time of storage varies. D) that there is a time delay between when data are posted and when we report on the data.

No two rows in a relation are identical.

Which of the following are properties of relations? Question options: A) Each attribute has the same name. B) There are multivalued attributes in a relation. C) All columns are numeric. D) No two rows in a relation are identical.

Relates to a technical characteristic of the system

Which of the following is NOT a good characteristic of a data name? Question options: A) Readable B) Relates to a technical characteristic of the system C) Repeatable D) Relates to business characteristics


Which of the following is a generic entity type that has a relationship with one or more subtypes? A) Class B) Supertype C) Megatype D) Subgroup

A rental unit must be either an apartment or a house, and could be both.

Which of the following statements is true about the figure shown below? Question options: A) A rental unit must be either an apartment or a house, and cannot be both at the same time. B) A rental unit can be an apartment, house or just a rental unit; it may not be more than one at the same time. C) A rental unit must be either an apartment or a house, and could be both. D) A rental unit can be an apartment, a house or just a rental unit. It could be both an apartment and a house at the same time.


While triggers run automatically, ________ do not and have to be called. Question options: A) routines B) trapdoors C) selects D) updates

data to computation.

With HDFS it is less expensive to move the execution of computation to data than to move the: Question options: A) data to hardware. B) data to computation. C) data to processes. D) data to systems analysis.


________ database specification indicates all the parameters for data storage that are then input to database implementation. Question options: A) Physical B) Logical C) Conceptual D) Schematic

Transaction processing

________ generally processes the largest quantities of data. Question options: A) Big data B) Data marts C) Transaction processing D) Operational databases


________ is a language used to transform complex XML documents and also to create HTML pages from XML documents. Question options: A) HTML B) WSL C) XSLT D) SGI


________ is a method to store XML documents by storing each element independently in a relational table. Question options: A) Writing B) Shedding C) Sledding D) Shredding

thin client

A PC configured to handle user interfaces with limited local storage is called a(n): Question options: A) light client. B) fat client. C) overweight client. D) thin client.

processes client requests and returns HTML pages to the client.

A Web server: Question options: A) processes client requests and returns HTML pages to the client. B) is considered to be part of the firewall. C) always contains a database. D) is used only to host Web pages.

business rule

A ________ defines or constrains some aspect of the business. Question options: A) business rule B) business constraint C) business structure D) business control

derived table

A ________ is a temporary table used in the FROM clause of an SQL query. Question options: A) view table B) derived table C) correlated subquery D) trigger

cardinality constraint

A ________ specifies the number of instances of one entity that can be associated with each instance of another entity. Question options: A) limit B) cardinality constraint C) degree D) counter constraint


A ________ view is materialized when referenced. Question options: A) base B) virtual C) materialized D) dynamic

functional dependency.

A constraint between two attributes is called a(n): Question options: A) functional relation constraint. B) functional relation. C) functional dependency. D) attribute dependency.

data warehouse that is limited in scope.

A data mart is a(n): Question options: A) smaller system built upon file processing technology. B) enterprisewide data warehouse. C) generic on-line shopping site. D) data warehouse that is limited in scope.

is filled exclusively from the enterprise data warehouse with reconciled data.

A dependent data mart: Question options: A) participates in a relationship with an entity. B) is filled with data extracted directly from the operational system. C) is dependent upon an operational system. D) is filled exclusively from the enterprise data warehouse with reconciled data.

integrity constraints.

A domain definition consists of all of the following components EXCEPT: Question options: A) domain name. B) integrity constraints. C) size. D) data type.

transitive dependency.

A functional dependency between two or more nonkey attributes is called a: Question options: A) partial transitive dependency. B) partial nonkey dependency. C) partial functional dependency. D) transitive dependency.

universal data model.

A generic or template data model that can be reused as a starting point for a data modeling project is called a(n): Question options: A) enterprise data model. B) collection data model. C) universal data model. D) packaged data model.

both A and C.

A join in which the joining condition is based on equality between values in the common columns is called a(n): Question options: A) natural join. B) unilateral join. C) equi-join. D) both A and C.

causes two tables with a common domain to be combined into a single table or view.

A join operation: Question options: A) causes two tables with a common domain to be combined into a single table or view. B) causes two disparate tables to be combined into a single table or view. C) brings together data from two different fields. D) is used to combine indexing operations.

data mart created by a relational view of a slightly denormalized data warehouse.

A logical data mart is a(n): Question options: A) centralized, integrated data warehouse. B) data mart consisting of only logical data. C) integrated, subject-oriented, detailed database designed to serve operational users. D) data mart created by a relational view of a slightly denormalized data warehouse.

stored procedure

A module of code that may be written in a proprietary language such as Oracle's PL/SQL that implements business rules on a database server is called a(n): Question options: A) function. B) persistent module. C) application component. D) stored procedure.


A named set of SQL statements that are considered when a data modification occurs are called: Question options: A) triggers. B) trapdoors. C) stored procedures. D) treatments.


A student can attend five classes, each with a different professor. Each professor has 30 students. The relationship of students to professors is a ________ relationship. Question options: A) one-to-one B) strong C) one-to-many D) many-to-many


A two-dimensional table of data sometimes is called a: Question options: A) set. B) group. C) relation. D) declaration.

time stamp.

A value that indicates the date or time of a data value is called a: Question options: A) check counter. B) value stamp. C) checkpoint. D) time stamp


A(n) ________ is a set of application routines that programs use to direct the performance of procedures by the computer's operating system. Question options: A) RPC B) MOM C) API D) LAN

identifying relationship

A(n) ________ is the relationship between a weak entity type and its owner. Question options: A) jump path B) identifying relationship C) chain link D) member chain

Not Only Structured Query Language.

According to your text, NoSQL stands for: Question options: A) Numeric Only Structured Query Language. B) Numbered Structured Query Language. C) Not Only Structured Query Language. D) No Structured Query Language.

use a lot of self-joins.

All of the following are guidelines for better query design EXCEPT: Question options: A) write simple queries. B) understand how indexes are used in query processing. C) use a lot of self-joins. D) retrieve only the data that you need

it is often more expedient to build a data mart than a data warehouse

All of the following are limitations of the independent data mart EXCEPT: Question options: A) it is often more expedient to build a data mart than a data warehouse. B) there is no capability to drill down into greater detail in other data marts. C) data marts may not be consistent with one another. D) separate extraction, transformation, and loading processes are developed for each data mart.

maximize storage space.

All of the following are the main goals of normalization EXCEPT: Question options: A) maximize storage space. B) simplify the enforcement of referential integrity. C) minimize data redundancy. D) make it easier to maintain data.

veracity and value.

Although volume, variety, and velocity are considered the initial three v dimensions, two additional Vs of big data were added and include: Question options: A) veracity and verified. B) verified and valuable. C) veracity and value. D) volume and verified.


An XML transformation language that allows applications to query both XML data and relational databases is called: Question options: A) Xtransform. B) Xdatabase. C) Xstation. D) XQuery.

Web Service Description Language (WSDL).

An XML-based grammar used to describe a Web service is called: Question options: A) WISL. B) Business-to-Business (B2B). C) WIDL. D) Web Service Description Language (WSDL).


An alternative name for an attribute is called a(n): Question options: A) alias. B) synonym. C) alternate attribute. D) related characteristic.

open database connectivity standard.

An application programming interface that enables an application program to process RDBMS databases meets the: Question options: A) open source standard. B) object linking and embedding standard. C) open database connectivity standard. D) multi-platform connectivity standard.


An organization that requires a sole focus on performance with the ability for keys to include strings, hashes, lists, and sorted sets would select ________ database management system. Question options: A) Neo4j B) Excel Spreadsheet C) Redis D) Access


Any create command may be reversed by using a(n) ________ command. Question options: A) drop B) undo C) unpack D) delete

analysis and interpretation of data.

At a basic level, analytics refers to: Question options: A) collecting data. B) conducting a needs analysis. C) analysis and interpretation of data. D) normalizing data.

many data types.

Big data requires effectively processing: Question options: A) a single data type (numeric). B) many data types. C) two data types (text and numeric). D) a single data type (text

does not require a strictly defined data model.

Big data: Question options: A) requires a strictly defined schema. B) requires a normalized dataset to 3rd Normal Form. C) does not require a strictly defined data model. D) requires a normalized dataset to BCNF.


Data that are detailed, current, and intended to be the single, authoritative source of all decision support applications are called ________ data. Question options: A) detailed B) subject C) reconciled D) derived


Data that are never physically altered once they are added to the store are called ________ data. Question options: A) complete B) periodic C) transient D) override


Descriptive, predictive, and ________ are the three main types of analytics. Question options: A) comparative B) decisive C) adaptive D) prescriptive

is used to generate appropriate SQL code on the fly as an application is processing.

Dynamic SQL: Question options: A) is used to generate appropriate SQL code on the fly as an application is processing. B) creates a less flexible application. C) is not used widely on the Internet. D) is quite volatile.

using the CASE keyword in a statement.

Establishing IF-THEN-ELSE logical processing within an SQL statement can be accomplished by: Question options: A) using the immediate if statement. B) using a subquery. C) using the CASE keyword in a statement. D) using the if-then-else construct.


Every key used to join the fact table with a dimension table should be a ________ key. Question options: A) surrogate B) primary C) secondary D) foreign

a scripting language that allows the creation of customized tags to enable easier sharing of data across organizations.

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is: Question options: A) a special SQL command to JOIN tables. B) a database language. C) a product used for database middleware. D) a scripting language that allows the creation of customized tags to enable easier sharing of data across organizations.

A department can have more than one employee.

For the relationship represented in the figure below, which of the following is true? Question options: A) An employee can work in more than one department but does not have to work for any department. B) An employee has to work for more than one department. C) A department must have at least one employee. D) A department can have more than one employee.

drill down

Going from a summary view to progressively lower levels of detail is called data: Question options: A) cubing. B) drill-down. C) dicing. D) pivoting.


Grain and duration have a direct impact on the size of ________ tables. Question options: A) grain B) selection C) figure D) fact


In an E-R diagram, there are/is ________ business rule(s) for every relationship. Question options: A) one B) three C) two D) zero


In the figure below, which attribute is derived? A) Employee_ID B) Address C) Years_Employed D) Skill


In the figure below, which attribute is multivalued? A) Years_Employed B) Employee_ID C) Skill D) Address

require customization.

Packaged data models: Question options: A) are ready to use right out of the box. B) cannot be used for most applications. C) require customization. D) allow partial specialization.

Primary and Foreign keys.

Referential Integrity Constraints are generally established between: Question options: A) Foreign and Domestic keys. B) Referential and Integrity keys. C) Primary and Secondary keys. D) Primary and Foreign keys.

C) there are attributes that apply to some but not all instances of an entity type.

Subtypes should be used when: Question options: A) the instances of a subtype do not participate in a relationship that is unique to that subtype. B) supertypes relate to objects outside the business. C) there are attributes that apply to some but not all instances of an entity type. D) a recursive relationship is needed.


The Hadoop framework consists of the ________ algorithm to solve large scale problems. Question options: A) MapComponent B) MapSystem C) MapReduce D) MapCluster

allows one to combine the INSERT and UPDATE operations.

The MERGE command: Question options: A) is always a single table operation. B) allows one to combine the INSERT and DELETE operations. C) allows one to combine the INSERT and UPDATE operations. D) joins 2 tables together.

create view

The SQL command ________ defines a logical table from one or more tables or views. Question options: A) create relationship B) alter table C) create view D) create table

combine the output from multiple queries into a single result table.

The UNION clause is used to: Question options: A) combine the output from multiple queries into a single result table. B) find all rows that do not match in two tables. C) find all rows that are in one table, but not the other. D) join two tables together to form one table

create schema.

The command for creating a database is: Question options: A) create view. B) create authorization. C) create schema. D) create table.


The following code is an example of a(n): SELECT Customer_T.CustomerID, Order_T.CustomerID, CustomerName, OrderID FROM Customer_T, Order_T WHERE Customer_T.CustomerID = Order_T. CustomerID; Question options: A) equi-join. B) subquery. C) Full Outer JOIN. D) Right Outer JOIN.


The following code is an example of a: SELECT CustomerName, CustomerAddress, CustomerCity, CustomerState, CustomerPostalCode FROM Customer_T WHERE Customer_T.CustomerID = (SELECT Order_T.CustomerID FROM Order_T WHERE OrderID = 1008); Question options: A) Subquery. B) Correlated subquery. C) JOIN. D) FULL OUTER JOIN.

total specialization.

The following figure is an example of: Question options: A) partial specialization. B) completeness. C) total specialization. D) disjointness.

supertype/subtype hierarchy.

The following figure shows a: Question options: A) spindle constraint. B) supertype/subtype hierarchy. C) completeness constraint. D) disjoint constraint.

Attribute inhertiance

The property by which subtype entities possess the values of all attributes of a supertype is called: Question options: A) class management. B) generalization. C) hierarchy reception. D) attribute inheritance

Data are immediately transformed and loaded into the warehouse.

The real-time data warehouse is characterized by which of the following? Question options: A) It accepts batch feeds of transaction data. B) It provides periodic access for the transaction processing systems to an enterprise data warehouse. C) It is based on Oracle technology. D) Data are immediately transformed and loaded into the warehouse.


Two or more attributes having different names but the same meaning are called: Question options: A) alternate attributes. B) synonyms. C) aliases. D) homonyms.

are a set of emerging standards for protocols for automatic communication between software over the Web.

Web services: Question options: A) are still conceptual and yet to be created. B) are a set of emerging standards for protocols for automatic communication between software over the Web. C) are a set of services available to all on the Web. D) are a set of standards based upon HTML.

Alters the Customer_T table, and adds a field called "Type"

What does the following SQL statement do? Alter Table Customer_T Add (Type Varchar (2)); Question options: A) Alters the Customer_T table to accept Type 2 Varchars B) Alters the Customer_T table by adding a 2-byte field called "Varchar" C) Alters the Customer_T table to be a Type 2 Varchar D) Alters the Customer_T table, and adds a field called "Type"

Deletes all records from customer_t where the state is equal to HI

What does the following SQL statement do? Delete from Customer_T where state = 'HI'; Question options: A) Doesn't delete anything because of a syntax error B) Deletes all records from the Customer_T table C) Removes the Customer_T table from the database D) Deletes all records from customer_t where the state is equal to HI

A listing of all drivers who made more than 2 deliveries as well as a count of the number of deliveries

What will be returned when the following SQL query is executed? Select driver_no, count(*) as num_deliveries from deliveries group by driver_no having count(*) > 2; Question options: A) A listing of all drivers who made more than 2 deliveries as well as a count of the number of deliveries B) A listing of the number of deliveries greater than 2 C) A listing of all drivers who made more than 2 deliveries D) A listing of all drivers

The first product description alphabetically in Product_V will be shown.

What will result from the following SQL Select statement? Select min(Product_Description) from Product_V; Question options: A) The minimum value of Product_Description will be displayed. B) SELECT @ will be displayed. C) An error message will be generated. D) The first product description alphabetically in Product_V will be shown.

data lake.

When a data repository (including internal and external data) does NOT follow a predefined schema, this is called a: Question options: A) data dump. B) data ocean. C) data lake. D) data stream.

schema on read.

When reporting and analysis organization of the data is determined when the data is used is called a: Question options: A) cognitive schema. B) entity relationship diagram. C) schema binding. D) schema on read.

Clustering and signal processing

Which of the following data-mining techniques identifies clusters of observations with similar characteristics? Question options: A) Rule discovery B) Clustering and signal processing C) Case reasoning D) Neural nets

Rule discovery

Which of the following data-mining techniques searches for patterns and correlations in large data sets? Question options: A) Case reasoning B) Signal processing C) Neural nets D) Rule discovery

Businesses need an integrated view of company information.

Which of the following factors drive the need for data warehousing? Question options: A) Businesses need an integrated view of company information. B) Informational data must be kept together with operational data. C) Reduce virus and Trojan horse threats. D) Data warehouses generally have better security.


Which of the following finds all groups meeting stated conditions? Question options: A) Find B) Where C) Select D) Having

Convert to text

Which of the following is NOT a method for storing XML documents? Question options: A) Shredding B) Convert to text C) Use a BLOB or CLOB to store the entire XML file D) Use an XML native database

To specify syntax and semantics of SQL data definition and manipulation

Which of the following is a purpose of the SQL standard? Question options: A) To specify syntax and semantics of SQL data definition and manipulation B) To define every operation for every SQL database C) To specify maximum and incomplete standards D) To permit no degrees of freedom for SQL DBMS

Performance improves for compiled SQL statements.

Which of the following is an advantage of stored procedures? Question options: A) Stored procedures result in fatter clients. B) Data integrity improves when fewer applications access the procedure. C) The layers get cleaner. D) Performance improves for compiled SQL statements.


________ is a set of commands used to update and query a database. Question options: A) DPL B) DML C) DCL D) DDL

Big data

________ is an ill-defined term applied to databases where size strains the ability of commonly used relational DBMSs to manage the data. Question options: A) Big data B) Star data C) Small data D) Mean data


________ is an important scripting language to help reduce the complexity of MapReduce. Question options: A) Dog B) Pig C) Horse D) Cat

Application partitioning

________ is the process of assigning pieces of application code to clients or servers. Question options: A) Application partitioning B) Modularizing programs C) Program breakup D) Code distribution


________ is/are any of several classes of software that allow an application to interoperate with other software without requiring the user to understand all software involved. Question options: A) User interface enhancers B) Middleware C) Interface managers D) MPP

a set of one or more entity types and associated relationships grouped into a single abstract entity type.

An entity cluster is: Question options: A) a way of developing more granular views of the data model. B) a useful way to present data for a small and fairly simple organization. C) a set of one or more entity types and associated relationships grouped into a single abstract entity type. D) a formal method for specifying attributes of related entities.

associative entity.

An entity that associates the instances of one or more entity types and contains attributes specific to the relationships is called a(n): Question options: A) gateway entity. B) build entity. C) associative entity. D) smush entity.


An entity type whose existence depends on another entity type is called a ________ entity. Question options: A) variant B) strong C) codependent D) weak


An organization that requires a graph database that is highly scalable would select the ________ database management system. A) Neo4j B) Excel Spreadsheet C) Redis D) Access

large volumes of data with many different data types that are processed at very high speeds.

Big Data includes: Question options: A) large volumes of data with many different data types that are processed at very high speeds. B) large volumes of entity relationship diagrams (ERD) with many different data types that are processed at very high speeds. C) large volumes of data entry with a single data type processed at very high speeds. D) large volumes of entity relationship diagrams (ERD) with a single data type processed at very high speeds.


In a supertype/subtype hierarchy, subtypes that are lower in the hierarchy inherit attributes from not only their immediate supertype but from all ________ in the hierarchy. Question options: A) supertypes B) dimensions C) constraints D) subtypes


In order to embed SQL inside of another language, the ________ statement must be placed before the SQL in the host language. Question options: A) EXEC SQL B) SQL SQL C) RUN SQL D) GET SQL

total specialization; overlap

In packaged data models, all subtype/supertype relationships follow the ________ and ________ rules. Question options: A) partial specialization; disjoint B) total specialization; overlap C) partial specialization; overlap D) total specialization; disjoint

M:N relationships

In packaged data models, strong entities always have ________ between them. Question options: A) 1:1 relationships B) M:N relationships C) weak entities D) 1:M relationships

must be a graduate student, an undergraduate, a special student or some other type of student.

In the figure below, a student: Question options: A) must be a doctoral student. B) must be a graduate student, an undergraduate, a special student or some other type of student. C) must be at least a special student. D) must be a graduate student or an undergraduate student.


In the figure below, the primary key for "Order Line" is which type of key? A) Grouped B) Standard C) Composite D) Foreign


In the figure below, which of the following apply to both OUTPATIENTs and RESIDENT_PATIENTs? A) Checkback_Date B) XML C) Date_Discharged D) Patient_Name

A report is desired that lists all customers and the total of their orders during the most recent month, and includes customers who did not place an order during the month (their total will be zero).

In which of the following situations would one have to use an outer join in order to obtain the desired results? Question options: A) A report is desired that lists all customers and the total of their orders. B) A report is desired that lists all customers who placed an order. C) A report is desired that lists all customers and the total of their orders during the most recent month, and includes customers who did not place an order during the month (their total will be zero). D) There is never a situation that requires only an outer join.

servlets are stored on the server while applets are stored on the client.

The main difference between Java applets and Java servlets is: Question options: A) only applets will run on Macintosh systems. B) applets are stored on the client but executed on the server. C) servlets are stored on the server while applets are stored on the client. D) both applets and servlets are executed and stored on the server.

strong entities

The most common types of entities are A) strong entities. B) weak entities. C) smush entities. D) associative entities.


The number of entity types that participate in a relationship is called the: Question options: A) counter. B) identifying characteristic. C) degree. D) number.

Cloud Computing

The phrase ________ refers to a model for providing ubiquitous, convenient and on-demand network access. Question options: A) grid computing B) cloud computing C) software services D) network computing


The process of defining one or more subtypes of a supertype and forming relationships is called: Question options: A) generalization. B) specialization. C) selecting classes. D) creating discord.


The subtype discriminator in the figure below is: Question options: A) Part_No. B) Manufactured Part. C) Location. D) Part_Type.

overlap rule.

The subtype discriminator is a composite attribute when there is a(n): Question options: A) partial specialization. B) full specialization. C) overlap rule. D) disjoint rule.

volume, variety, and velocity.

The three 'v's commonly associated with big data include: Question options: A) verified, variety, and velocity. B) volume, variety, and velocity. C) vigilant, viewable, and verified. D) viewable, volume, and variety.


The total quiz points for a student for an entire semester is a(n) ________ attribute. Question options: A) mixed B) addressed C) stored D) derived


To eliminate duplicate rows in a query, the ________ qualifier is used in the SQL Select command. Question options: A) check B) alter C) specific D) distinct

Changes the unit price of Product 7 to 775

What does the following SQL statement do? Update Product_T Set Unit_Price = 775 Where Product_ID = 7 Question options: A) Updates the Product_T table to have a unit price of 775 B) Changes the unit price of Product 7 to 775 C) Changes the length of the Unit_Price field to 775 D) Changes the price of a unit called Product_T to 7

Changes the unit price to 775 of Product 7

What does the following SQL statement do? Update Product_T Set Unit_Price = 775 Where Product_ID = 7 Question options: A) Updates the Product_T table to have a unit price of 775 B) Changes the unit price to 775 of Product 7 C) Changes the length of the Unit_Price field to 775 D) Changes the price of a unit called Product_T to 7

The total price of all products that are of type wood

What results will be produced by the following SQL query? Select sum(standard_price) as Total_Price from Product_V where Product_Type = 'WOOD'; Question options: A) The total price of all products B) The Standard_Price of the first wood product in the table C) The Standard_Price of any wood product in the table D) The total price of all products that are of type wood

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