Final Exam

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A predominance of upper body fat characterized by large deposits of visceral fat stores is:

"apple shaped."


- Abundant in honey, fruit, and vegetables - 5 ring structure, 6 carbons - Majority consumed in form of high fructose corn syrup

What are the most common Disaccharides?

- Sucrose = Glucose + Fructose - Maltose = Glucose + Glucose - Lactose = Glucose + Galactose

Which of the following waist circumferences (WC) measurements indicates central obesity that requires attention?

40 inches in a male

A high fiber muffin provides about 500 calories. How much time on an elliptical machine would be just enough to burn that off?

45 minutes

If an athlete is going to participate in carbohydrate loading, it is recommended that ________ prior to competition they should begin to taper their workout intensity while increasing their carbohydrate intake.

48 hours

A very small slice of cheesecake provides about 470 calories. How long would you have to jog to burn this slice off?

60 minutes

Heat stroke occurs when ________ of body weight is lost due to sweating.


Alcohol provides ________ kcal per gram.

7kcal per gram

How much added sugars does the average American consume everyday?

82g (22 tsp), with about 50% from sugar-sweetened beverages

Each of the following is/are associated with oligosaccharides except: a. stachyose. b. dried beans and peas. c. amylose. d. raffinose.

c. amylose

DNA synthesis requires which vitamin which participates directly in purine and pyrimidine synthesis? a. vitamin B6 b. vitamin B12 c. pantothenic acid d. folate


The vitamin coenzyme that contributes carbons to the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines is: a. thiamin. b. niacin. c. riboflavin. d. folate.


This B vitamin transfers several different single-carbon groups in reactions. a. thiamin b. pantothenic acid c. folate d. biotin


What vitamin masks a vitamin B12 deficiency? a. vitamin B6 b. folate c. thiamin d. biotin


The tertiary structure of an amino acid is:

folding between R-groups

Energy intake consists of the consumption of a. foods and beverages b. basal metabolic rate c. thermic effect of food d. vitamins and minerals e. physical activity

foods and beverages


foods such as red meat and butter are thought to be especially harmful to our brains.

Which of the following is most associated with the feeling of satiety?

gastric stretching

Protein entering the stomach leads to digestive secretions triggered by the release of


Protein entering the stomach leads to digestive secretions triggered by the release of:


The sphincter controlling movement of acidic chyme from the stomach back into the esophagus is the:

gastroesophageal sphincter

The technology creating genetically modified organisms is called all of the following except:

gene therapy

omega 6

generally consume in excess in the human diet

Which research technique has been the most helpful for examining the genetic basis of obesity?

genome-wide association studies

The hormone released from the stomach when it is empty and stimulates hunger is called ______________________.


Which of the following gastric hormones promotes food intake rather than satiety?


The formation of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources is called


The process of synthesizing glucose from noncarbohydrate sources is called:


Almost all dietary carbohydrates are converted to which sugar, which circulates in blood?


The presence of insulin allows insulin-sensitive cells to take up glucose through the action of

glucose transporters

A measure of the impact of eating different food carbohydrates on blood glucose levels is called

glycemic index

The storage form of carbohydrates in humans and other animals is


The dramatic initial weight loss occurring with low-carbohydrate diets is mainly due to:

glycogen breakdown

The anabolic process of forming glycogen in liver and muscle tissue is called:


Which of the following relies solely on glucose to generate ATP?


The type of bond connecting two monosaccharides to form a disaccharide is called a

glycosidic bond

All of the following protein sources provide all of the essential amino acids except:


The foods recommended by the MyPlate food guidance system to meet protein needs include all of the following except:


The reactions the vitamin B12 coenzyme participates in do all of the following except: a. help produce DNA and RNA. b. convert homocysteine to methionine. c. produce succinyl CoA. d. untrap folate.

help produce DNA and RNA.

A common condition occurring with vitamin E deficiency is: a. hemolytic anemia. b. infections. c. bone loss. d. vision problems.

hemolytic anemia

The basic physiological need for food is known as:


Disruption of the shape and structure of a protein occurs by all of the following means except:

hydrogen bonding

The method of estimating body composition based on the density of body fat is:

hydrostatic weighing

The process of an adipocyte filling with lipid and increasing its cell size is called:


The process of an adipocyte filling with lipid and increasing its cell size is called: a. hypertrophy. b. cellular equilibrium. c. hyperplasia. d. cell division.


All of the following increase basal metabolic rates except:


Which of the following is not true for the thermic effect of food?

It is lowest for protein foods.

only proteins

Made according to instructions provided by genetic material


Made of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen 4 cal/ G


Major component of cell membrane. Phospholipid. Emulsifier. Sold as dietary supplement and additive in food but not essential.

The majority of ATP generated by cells occurs by a process called what?

Oxidative phosphorylation

The vitamin coenzyme required for over 100 reactions related to transamination of amino acids is: a. FAD. b. NAD+. c. CoA. d. PLP.


All of the following dietary factors tend to lower LDL cholesterol levels in some people

PUFA, dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids

trans fat

Partial hydrogenation of oils is responsible for creating most of these in our diet:


Most abundant monosaccharide in the body produced via Photosynthesis. Provides cells w/ energy Synthesized into -AMino acids -Gylcogen -Fat

false-aims at alleviating symptoms when gluten is consumed

Most drugs currently being developed to treat celiac disease are aimed at completely eliminating the need for a gluten free diet.


Muscle growth due to protein synthesis is what kind of reaction:


Muscle mass is built when the net protein is:

The most abundant organic substance in the body is:


Protein Synthesis

Protein broken down into amino acids then body absorbs amino acids to rebuild.


Protein entering the stomach leads to digestive secretions triggered by the release of:

All of the following reactions are examples of anabolism except:

Protein synthesis, glucose forming glycogen, and fatty acids forming triglycerides are examples of anabolism. Reactions forming ATP are examples of catabolism.

Must____________, ______ and _________ first be broken down into smaller units before it they be absorbed by the intestinal wall cell

Protein, fat and Carbs

amino acids

Proteins are composed of:


Proteins are one of the three ________ found in the diet and important structural molecules in living organisms.

The daily dietary intake level considered sufficient to meet needs of 97% of the population is the:


Carbohydrate recommendations

RDA = 130g for adults AMDR = 45-65% - Based on 2000 kcals, 900-1300 from carbs

Glycemic Index

Rating system used to categorize food relative to glycemic response - scale 0-100 -compared to how pure glucose raises blood glucose - High GI foods: GI>70 - Low GI foods: GI<55

Glycemic Load

Rating system used to categorize foods based on GI and amount of carbohydrates found in a typical serving of food - Calculated by dividing glycemic index of food by 100 and multiplying by grams of carbs in 1 serving


Released when blood glucose decreases - promotes breakdown into glucose

high-density lipoprotein (HDL)

Produced by liver and intestine. Lipoprotein in the blood that picks up cholesterol from dying cells and other sources and transfers it directly to the liver as well as to other lipoproteins in the bloodstream. Low HDL increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Released when blood glucose increases - promotes glucose uptake in cells - promotes energy storage - prevents hyperglycemia

an energy source

Roles for cholesterol in the body include all of the following except:

low, high

Saturated fats have a ____ potential for spoiling when exposed to oxygen, unsaturated fats have a ____ potential when exposed to oxygen

Dietary fibers are classified by all of the following properties except: a. susceptibility to fermentation. b. solubility. c. chain length. d. water-holding capacity.

c. chain length


The basic steps involved in protein synthesis include all of the following except:

body weight

To calculate Tyler's daily protein requirements, you would need to know his ______________.

When one factor is only related, or associated, with another factor it is called a(n): a. causal relationship. b. hypothesis. c. correlation. d. observation.

c. correlation

Phospholipid structure is similar to triglycerides, but phospholipids are amphipathic because they contain

a polar head group

The primary structure of an amino acid is:

a sequence of amino acids

Resting energy metabolism measures are likely to be higher than basal metabolism measures.


Specialists who help people make dietary changes and food choices to support health are: a. pharmacists. b. nutritionists. c. dietitians. d. nurses.

c. dietitians

The steps of the scientific method include each of the following except: a. observation. b. hypothesis. c. epidemiological research. d. experimentation.

c. epidemiological research

The condition of low blood glucose due to excess insulin release regardless of food intake is: a. hyperglycemia. b. postprandial hypoglycemia. c. fasting hypoglycemia. d. reactive hypoglycemia.

c. fasting hypoglycemia.

The presence of insulin allows insulin-sensitive cells to take up glucose through the action of: a. insulin receptors. b. glucagon. c. glucose transporters. d. diffusion.

c. glucose transporters

A measure of the impact of eating different food carbohydrates on blood glucose levels is called: a. glycemic load. b. glucose tolerance. c. glycemic index. d. hyperglycemia

c. glycemic index

Dietary fibers with high water-holding capacity form gels, and their functions include all of the following except to: a. normalize blood glucose levels. b. increase stool weight and fecal volume. c. increase appetite. d. reduce blood cholesterol levels.

c. increase appetite

The research study type with treatment tested on cell cultures, animals or human participants is: a. double-blind. b. epidemiological. c. intervention. d. placebo-controlled.

c. intervention

Lactose intolerance is a health concern of many adults in the world due to a loss of: a. maltase. b. sucrase. c. lactase. d. amylase.

c. lactase

Protein Breakdown

Always has to remove the nitrogen from the protein first which is called DEANIMATION. Fat/ Carbs don't have nitrogen,

What are the 3 groups of Amino Acids?

Amino Group, Carboxyl Group, Side Chain

Proteins are composed of:

Amino acids

conditionally essential

Amino acids that are only essential due to medical conditions or lifespan period are termed:

large polypeptides

An allergic response is triggered when which of the following is absorbed?

alpha-linolenic acid

An essential omega 3 fatty acid with 18 carbons and three double bonds.

linoleic acid

An essential omega 6 fatty acid with 18 carbons and two double bonds.

A molecule formed before a metabolic pathway reaches completion is called a(n):

An intermediate product is a molecule formed before a metabolic pathway reaches completion.

eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)

An omega 3 fatty acid with 20 carbons and five carbon-carbon double bonds. Present in large amounts of fatty fish and is slowly synthesized in the body from alpha-linolenic acid.

limiting amino acid

Characteristics of high-quality protein sources include all of the following except:

Which B vitamin assists folate with methylation reactions?


When under stress, adrenal glands release

Cortisol and Epinephrine


Essential part of every cell. Any fat related substance that contains phosphorus, fatty acids, and a nitrogen-containing base.


Fat-digesting enzyme produced by the salivary glands, stomach and pancreas.

The secondary structure of an amino acid is

a three-dimensional structure

The secondary structure of an amino acid is:

a three-dimensional structure

The hormone leptin plays an important role in regulating body weight. Leptin is primarily produced by _________________________.

adipose tissue

Which of the following has the equivalent of approximately 3500 kcal of energy per pound?

adipose tissue

long-chain fatty acid

Fatty acid that contains 12 or more carbons.

long-chain fatty acids

Fatty acids containing 12 or more carbons are classified as:

Which of the factors below affect basal metabolic rate?

Growth Age Body composition

Essential Amino Acid

Have to consume, Body can't synthesize

**Protein Recommendation** IMPORTANT

Healthy Adult: 0.8 Gram per KG of body weight per day Athlete: 1.2-1.7 Grams per KG of body weight per day Ex: A healthy adult weighs 130 KG. They should eat (130 * 0.8) grams per day

glucagon is produced by

alpha cells

omega 3

alpha-linoleic acid:

Proteins are composed of

amino acids

Metabolic pathways can be classified as anabolic, catabolic, or ________________.


Epigenetic modifications might explain Tyler's adverse allergic response to peanuts. An epigenetic modification means that there might be _______________________________.

an alteration in gene expression that does not involve changes in the DNA sequences

A test used to visualize the coronary arteries with the help of an injected dye is an


Vitamin A is required for all of the following functions except: a. antioxidant activity. b. immunity. c. bone health. d. growth.

antioxidant activity

The portion of the stomach attached to the pyloric sphincter is the:


The process in which old, damaged, or poorly functioning cells undergo programmed cell death is called: a. promotion. b. cachexia. c. apoptosis. d. metastasis.


The psychological desire to eat food is known as:


The psychological desire to eat food is known as: a. food craving. b. hunger. c. appetite. d. satiety.


The artificial sweetener composed of two amino acids that are not heat stable is


what happens to blood glucose overnight/ between meals?

blood glucose decreases

What happens to blood glucose after a carb-rich meal?

blood glucose increases

To calculate Tyler's daily protein requirements, you would need to know his ______________.

body weight

Used to estimate if you are at a healthy body weight a. BMI b. Waist circumference c. Both


In which of the following situations would a person be in negative nitrogen balance?


The Daily Value for total fat on current food labels is set at:

c. < 30%.

If Paige is experiencing chronic diarrhea, it is likely that this could disrupt what function?

c. Electrolyte balance

Tyler has a food allergy, whereas his friend has a food intolerance. In the case of food allergies, the ___________ system causes a physiological response to certain proteins present in tree nuts.


fatty acids

in the term "tryglycerides", "tri" refers to what?

Recent research indicates that the incidence of rickets in infants in the United States is: a. decreasing. b. nearly eradicated. c. stable. d. increasing.


The method of estimating energy expenditure by measuring respiratory gases is called:

indirect calorimetry.

Which of the following is not a component in the female athlete triad?

iron deficiency

The mineral deficiencies a vegan is most at risk for include

iron, zinc, calcium

All of the following are true for leptin except:

it is primarily produced by GI tract.

All of the following are true for glycolysis except:

it requires oxygen

During starvation, the acetyl CoA coming from β-oxidation of fatty acids forms:


According to the animation, the active, or usable, form of vitamin D, is synthesized in the kidneys .


Diseases affecting all of the following except the ________ can cause a secondary vitamin A deficiency, associated with inadequate uptake of dietary vitamin A. a. liver b. gastrointestinal tract c. kidney d. pancreas


The main deficiency symptom for vitamin B6 is: a. pellagra. b. macrocytic, hyperchromic anemia. c. microcytic, hypochromic anemia. d. beriberi.

microcytic, hypochromic anemia



Which of the following situations would tend to lead to weight loss?

negative energy balance

The biggest difference between fruit flies that consumed real sugar versus an artificial sweetener was the activation of _____.


The vitamin which the body can synthesize from the essential amino acid tryptophan is: a. niacin. b. thiamin. c. vitamin B6. d. riboflavin.


The water-soluble vitamin that lowers low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and increases high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is: a. thiamin. b. niacin. c. vitamin B6. d. riboflavin.


Which of the B vitamins is required for the body to anaerobically catabolize glucose? a. niacin b. vitamin B6 c. thiamin d. riboflavin


In addition to folate, enriched foods include other B vitamins, such as __________________.

niacin, thiamin, and riboflavin


non-immune response to a substance

Dietary fiber is best defined as

nondigestible plant polysaccharides

The amino acids that do not need to be supplied in the diet are termed:


Which of the following best reflects the actual definition of obesity?

normal weight and over fat

The definition of a functional food includes all of the following substances except: a. phytochemicals. b. essential nutrients. c. nonessential nutrients. d. zoonutrients.

not d

Celiac disease is considered an autoimmune disorder in which a person's immune system attacks the lining of the small intestine, resulting in decreased

nutrient absorption

The way that the genome and subsequent protein synthesis are influenced by nutrition is called:



once lipids have been fully digested, they are circulated away from the small intestine by particles called:

While more research is needed, vitamin E may play a role in reducing risk for each of the following diseases except: a. cataracts. b. heart disease. c. cancer. d. osteomalacia.


Being "apple shaped" is linked with increased risk of developing all of the following except:


Being "apple shaped" is linked with increased risk of developing all of the following except: a. pneumonia. b. cardiovascular disease. c. type 2 diabetes. d. hypertension.


Proteins composed of 12-20 amino acids are termed:



polysaccharide in plant cells that consists entirely of glucose monomers

The specific term for fatty acids containing two or more carbon-carbon double bonds is

polyunsaturated fatty acids

Which of the following is not involved in the digestion, absorption or transport of vitamin D? a. portal blood b. lymph c. micelles d. chylomicrons

portal blood

Which of the following is not involved in the digestion, absorption or transport of vitamin K? a. chylomicrons b. lymph c. portal blood d. micelles

portal blood

Choose the best answer to complete this statement. Once amino acids are released and enter the intestinal cells, they travel to the liver by the:

portal vein

Which of the following are nonliving proteins that are responsible for mad cow disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease?


Preformed vitamin A is found in all of the following foods except: a. produce. b. dairy products. c. fatty fish. d. liver.


Broken down by enzymes embedded in the cellular membrane of the intestinal wall cell

protein and carbs

The term for combining protein sources to supply all the essential amino acids is

protein complementation

The term for combining protein sources to supply all the essential amino acids is:

protein complementation

Ribosomes are the organelle responsible for the synthesis of:


Which of the following is not a component of physical fitness?

reaction time

Dietary fibers with high water-holding capacity form gels, and their functions include all of the following

reduce blood cholesterol levels, normalize blood glucose levels, and increase stool weight and fecal volume

The common components of amino acids (AAs) include all of the following except:


Obesity increases the risk for all of the following health problems except:

type 1 diabetes

The amino acid that becomes conditionally essential in the disease phenylketonuria (PKU) is:


Prebiotics is a term for:

undigested food components that encourage growth of health-promoting bacteria.

One type of bariatric procedure, called gastric banding, involves fitting a fluid-filled band around the ________________________________.

upper portion of the stomach

Deamination of amino acids produces the toxic substance, ammonia, which is converted to


Deamination of amino acids produces the toxic substance, ammonia, which is converted to:


Toxic ammonia is quickly converted to:


A vegetarian who omits all animal foods from their diet is referred to as


A vegetarian who omits all animal foods from their diet is referred to by the term:


A vitamin is an organic compound that must be obtained from the diet and is needed to sustain life.


Cobalamin is the name for this vitamin. a. vitamin B12 b. biotin c. riboflavin d. folate

vitamin B12

The vitamin deficiency a vegan is most at risk for developing is:

vitamin B12 deficiency

Which of the following is an example of vitamin fortification rather than enrichment? a. niacin added to flour b. thiamin added to noodles c. vitamin C added to fruit drinks d. riboflavin added to white rice

vitamin C added to fruit drinks

The fat-soluble vitamin known as the sunshine vitamin is: a. vitamin A. b. vitamin E. c. vitamin K. d. vitamin D.

vitamin D

Which fat-soluble vitamin is considered to be conditionally essential because it can be produced by the body? a. vitamin K b. vitamin A c. vitamin E d. vitamin D

vitamin D

Which of the following does not influence blood clot formation? a. dark green vegetables b. antibiotics c. Coumadin® d. vitamin E

vitamin E

The conversion of clotting proteins prothrombin to thrombin and fibrinogen to fibrin for successful blood clotting requires which vitamin? a. vitamin E b. vitamin A c. vitamin D d. vitamin K

vitamin K

Toxicity is a concern for all of the fat-soluble vitamins except: a. vitamin A. b. vitamin E. c. vitamin D. d. vitamin K.

vitamin K

Which of the following vitamins is not directly involved in ATP production? a. thiamin b. riboflavin c. vitamin B6 d. niacin

vitamin b6

Vitamins have many functions throughout the body. For example, vitamins C and E function as antioxidants, the B vitamins function as coenzymes, and vitamin D is important for calcium regulation.

vitamins C and E; B vitamins, and vitamin D

Disease risk for women begins to increase above a measure of 35 inches a. BMI b. Waist circumference c. Both

waist circumference

To determine Emily's RDA value for iron, you need to have all the following information except what?

weight and height

omega 12 fatty acids, omega 6

which fatty acid contains it first double bond on the 6th omega carbon? on the 3rd omega carbon?

Which of the following is not a method for assessing the intensity level of your workout?

winded test

Which image represents the person who has a higher level of visceral adiposity? a. Woman in red b. Woman in green

woman in red

Recent research indicates that the fatty acids arachidonic acid and DHA may be conditionally essential for

young infants

The α -1,6 bonds in amylopectin are digested by the enzyme


The Golden Rices are genetically modified to reduce the incidence of primary vitamin A deficiency in nonindustrialized countries by increasing their content of: a. retinol. b. lycopene. c. lutein. d. β-carotene.


The products directly produced by β-oxidation include all of the following except:

β-oxidation directly produces acetyl CoA, NADH + H+, and FADH2.


- Similar structure to glucose - Consume most in dairy products - Lactase = Galactose + Glucose

Glucose is synthesized into

- Amino Acids - Glycogen (bodys way of storing glucose) - Fat


- Consist of two Monosaccharides

Glycosidic Bond

- Disaccharides are joined by them - Condensation reaction between -OH and -H - Release of one molecule of water - alpha nad beta bonds


- Main structural material of the body - 4 kcal/gram - Dietary sources are plants and animals

Galactose is used to

- Make cell membranes - synthesize breast milk - converted to glucose for energy

Protein Chain = Peptides

- May vary by size based on the number of amino acids - Dipeptides = 2 - Tripeptides = 3 - Oligopeptides = 2-12 - Polypeptides = more than 12


- Most abundant Monosaccharide in the body - Produced by photosynthesis - Used by plants to make large, complex CHO

Protein Shapes

- Primary - Secondary - Tertiary - Quaternary

What are the primary functions of Glucose?

- Provide cells with a source of energy - Preferred source for nervous system, Primary source for red blood cells

What are the primary functions of Oligosaccharides?

- Used to make cell membranes - Allows cells to recognize and interact with each other - incorprated into breast milk


- alternative energy source - only other source brain can use (besides glucose)

Choose the strategies that constitute a healthy weight loss plan. Check all that apply. - Eat less high-fat foods - Participate in daily physical activity - Lose approximately 6 pounds/week - Set measurable goals - Drink protein shakes twice/day

- eat less high-fat foods - participate in daily physical activity - set measurable goals

Energy expenditure includes which of the following? Check all that apply. - Physical activity - Vitamins and minerals - Foods and beverages - Thermic effect of food - Basal metabolic rate

- physical activity - thermic effect of food - basal metabolic rate

ketones are created during times of

- starvation/ prolonged fasting - low-carb diet - uncontrolled diabetes

Functions of Proteins

-Structure (Muscle, Hair, Fingernails, Healing, Skin, Bones, Cell Membranes) -Enzymes (Act as a catalyst- Speed up chemical reactions) -Movements (Muscles contracting) -Transportation -Communication -Protection -Provide Energy -Protein Turnover (Breaks down protein and rebuilds other proteins) -

What is the current DRI-RDA for protein intake for a healthy body weight?

.8 g/kg body weight

Approximately percent of adults and children in America, which is about three million people, have celiac disease.


3 Stages of Protein Synthesis

1. Cell Signaling 2. Transcription 3. Translation

The Institute of Medicine's Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range for protein is:

10-35% of energy intake

The AMDR for protein is:

10-35% of total energy

Fiber recommendations

14g per 1000 kcals AI = 21-38 g per day

Which of the following BMI values is classified as being in the overweight category?



3. Although we don't know precisely how fats affect cognition biologically, it may be similar to the way different fats affect heart health; that is, it may be related to

Obesity is defined as a body mass index of or higher and is associated with increased risk of mortality and chronic diseases.


Research has shown that as little as ________ minutes of sustained physical activity on most days can substantially improve health and quality of life.


If you were to do Pilates, how long would you have to work out to burn off 119 calories from a few pieces of hard candy?

30 minutes

Which of the following BMI values is classified as being in the obese category?


Which of the following BMI values is classified as being in the obese category? a. 30.5 b. 28.0 c. 18.0 d. 22.5



A carbohydrate whose molecules are composed of MORE THAN 10 Monosaccharide units.


A carbohydrate whose molecules are composed of a SMALL NUMBER (3-10) of Monosaccharide units.

essential, non-essential

A conditionally amino acid becomes ________ as a result of certain diseases or illnesses, but is usually non-essential under normal healthy circumstances.

saturated fatty acid

A fatty acid containing no carbon-carbon double bonds. Ex: Coconut oil, butter, palm oil, lard or beef fat. Solid at room temp.

monounsaturated fatty acid

A fatty acid containing one carbon-carbon double bond. Ex: Olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil. Liquid at room temp.

polyunsaturated fatty acid

A fatty acid containing two or more carbon-carbon double bonds. Ex: Corn, soybean, sunflower and safflower oils. Liquid at room temp.

build and repair tissue cells

A major role of protein in the body is to:


A medical condition characterized by the lack of insulin production or impaired insulin function - Insulin resistance - Leads to hypoglycemia


A test used to visualize the coronary arteries with the help of an injected dye is an:


A three-carbon alcohol used to form triglycerides.


A vegetarian who omits all animal foods from their diet is referred to by the term:


A vegetarian who restricts all animal foods except dairy is referred to by the term:

The form of energy that cells use for energy is:


What would be the outcome if an inherited metabolic disorder inhibited the enzyme ATP synthase?

ATP would not be formed

Which of the following pathways does not require oxygen for ATP production?

ATP-creatine phosphate pathway


Addition of hydrogen to carbon-carbon double bond producing a single carbon-carbon bond with two hydrogens attached to each carbon. Convert liquid oils to solid fats. Trans fatty acids are a by-product.

The prevalence of obesity is highest among which of the following ethnic groups?

African Americans

Alcohol metabolism can cause lipids to accumulate in the liver due to all of the following reasons except:

Alcohol metabolism can cause lipids to accumulate in the liver due decreased fatty acid breakdown, increased uptake of fatty acids from the blood, increased fatty acid synthesis, and decreased transport of triglycerides from the liver into the blood.

saturated fat

All of the following dietary factors tend to lower LDL cholesterol levels in some people except:


All of the following play a role in cellular protein synthesis except what?

essential amino acids

Although Tyler is unable to consume tree nuts, there are many other dietary protein sources. Most importantly, his diet must provide _______________ in amounts needed to support growth and development.

docasahexaenoic acid (DHA)

An omega 3 fatty acid with 22 carbons and six carbon-carbon double bonds. Present in large amounts of fatty fish and is slowly synthesized in the body from alpha-linolenic acid. DHA is especially present in the retina and brain.

arachidonic acid

An omega 6 fatty acid made from linoleic acid with 20 carbons and four carbon-carbon double bonds.

oleic acid

An omega 9 fatty acid with 18 carbons and one double bond.

omega 6 fatty acid

An unsaturated fatty acid with the first double bond on the sixth carbon from the methyl end (-CH3).

omega 3 fatty acid

An unsaturated fatty acid with the first double bond on the third carbon from the methyl end (-CH3).

1% which is about 3 million people

Approximately ________ of adults and children in American have celiac disease.

Which of the following statements is false?

Arterial circulation flows toward the heart, whereas venous blood flows away from the heart.

As one moves from the absorptive state to the postabsorptive state, which of the following is false?

As one moves from the absorptive state to the postabsorptive state, glucagon levels increase, most blood glucose is supplied by glycogenolysis, and insulin levels decline. The drop in insulin and increase in glucagon stimulates lipolysis and use of fatty acids from triglycerides.

Healthy values are considered to be between 18.5 and 24.9 a. BMI b. Waist circumference c. Both


cis fatty acid

Bent. 80%. A form of an unsaturated fatty acid that has the hydrogens lying on the same side of the carbon-carbon double bond.

emulsifying agent

Bile is an example of:

All of the following are components of TEE, EXCEPT:

Body temperature


Breakdown product of a triglyceride. Consists of one fatty acid attached to a glycerol backbone.


Breakdown product of a triglyceride. Consists of two fatty acids bonded to a glycerol backbone.

Amino Acid

Building block of proteins


Buildup of fatty material (plaque) in the arteries including those surrounding the heart.


Butylated hydroxyanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene. Common synthetic antioxidants added to foods.

Proteins are composed of

Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and NITROGEN

Carbohydrates are composed of

Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen

All of the following are important functions of amino acids except:

Catabolic pathways can metabolize proteins for energy. However, amino acids that make up proteins serve as a limited source of energy. Amino acids are however, the building blocks for nitrogen-containing compounds and for proteins. An important function of amino acids does not include urea formation.

nutrient absorption

Celiac disease is considered an autoimmune disorder in which a person's attacks the lining of the small intestine, resulting in decreased

Protein-Cell Signaling

Cell receives a signal to synthesize a protein. The genes tell the amino acids where to put the proteins.

Which of the following is not a function of vitamin C? a. Protects from and repairs free radical damage. b. Reduces mineral elements in enzymes. c. Enhances intestinal absorption of minerals. d. Coenzyme required for the action of enzymes.

Coenzyme required for the action of enzymes.


Composed of three fatty acids bonded to glycerol. Major form of lipid in the body and in food.


Compound containing a multi-ring (steroid) structure and a hydroxyl (-OH) group. Ex: Cholesterol.

Folate is needed for the synthesis of _______________.


hemmorhagic stroke

Damage to part of the brain resulting from rupture of a blood vessel.


Deamination of amino acids produces the toxic substance, ammonia, which is converted to:

hydrogen bonding

Disruption of the shape and structure of a protein occurs by all of the following means except:

Nonessential Amino Acid

Don't have to consume, Body can synthesize

The nutrient intakes set at a level to meet the requirement for half of the population are the:


The method established to estimate the average energy intake needed to maintain weight is the:


lipoprotein lipase

Enzyme attached to the cells that form the inner lining of the blood vessels. Breaks down triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol.

The riboflavin coenzyme that participates in catabolic reactions of energy metabolism is: a. FAD. b. ATP. c. TPP. d. NAD+.


All of the following forms of coenzymes are in their oxidized form except:

FADH2 is in a reduced state, not an oxidized state.

BMR is highest when sleeping.


Most drugs currently being developed to treat celiac disease are aimed at completely eliminating the need for a gluten-free diet.


Obesity appears to be controlled by a single gene that is passed from one generation to the next.



Folded Protein to an Unfolded Protein - Mercury denatures Proteins

________ diabetes develops in 4 to 7% of pregnant women and increases their chance for developing ________ diabetes.

Gestational; Type 2

Which of the following is not true concerning gluconeogenesis?

Gluconeogenesis occurs primarily in the liver cells and to a lesser extent in kidney cells. Energy is supplied by ATP and NADH + H+ and the process uses noncarbohydrate sources. Insulin inhibits the process of gluconeogenesis while glucagon and cortisol stimulate the process.

What are the most common Monosaccharides in food?

Glucose, Fructose, and Galactose

Which of the following is not true for the water-soluble vitamins? a. They are not stored in large quantities. b. High doses are generally toxic. c. They are mainly absorbed in the small intestine. d. They travel to the liver in blood.

High doses are generally toxic

Food Allergy

Immune response to protein in food


In the forming of protein, amino acids are linked by what specific type of bond?

Which of the following has contributed the least to the increasing obesity in the United States over the past 30 years?

Increased physical activity.

Pancreas produces

Insulin and Glucagon

A number of risk factors contribute to inadequate levels of vitamin D and increase the likelihood of developing a deficiency disease. Choose the image that depicts the individual at greatest risk for vitamin D deficiency.

John is a 30-year-old Caucasian man who spends most of his day working in an office building.

To estimate how much iron Emily is consuming, she completes a diet record. This entails what?

Keeping a food diary for a specified period of time.

carbohydrate is limited

Ketogenesis is an important metabolic process for the body when:

what is the consequence of ketogenesis

Ketosis: occurs when the rate of ketone production exceeds the rate of ketone use

The lipoprotein that delivers cholesterol to cells for their use is the


trans fatty acid

Linear. 20%. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). A form of an unsaturated fatty acid (usually monounsaturated when found in food) where hydrogens on both carbons forming the double bond lie on opposite sides. Ex: margarine, shortening.

essential fatty acid

Linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid. Must be supplied by the diet to maintain health.


Lipids are a large group of substances that are ________in water.

very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)

Lipoprotein created in the liver that carries cholesterol and lipids that have been taken up or newly synthesized by the liver. Composed of cholesterol and triglycerides surrounded by a water-soluble shell. Rich in triglycerides=very low density.


Lipoprotein made of dietary fats surrounded by a shell of cholesterol, phospholipids and protein. Formed in absorptive cells of the small intestine after fat absorption and travel through the lymphatic system to the bloodstream.

Conditionally Essential Amino Acid

May need to be consumed if there are diseases or conditions at a time Example: PKU (Phenylketonuria)

Protein- Transcription

Messenger RNA (mRNA) is made using DNA as a template

Low-intensity sunlight can lead to low vitamin D production in all of the following countries except: a. the United States. b. England. c. Mexico. d. Scandinavian countries.


Naturally Occurring vs Added Sugars

NATURAL - Fruits, Vegetables, Milk - Typically in nutrient dense foods ADDED - Brown Sugar, Corn Syrup, Honey - Typically in calorie dense foods

Positive Nitrogen Balance

Nitrogen LOSS is less than Nitrogen GAINED Ex: Pregnancy/ Childhood

Negative Nitrogen Balance

Nitrogen Loss is greater than Nitrogen gained. Ex: Starvation/Illness

Protein Malnutrition Nutrition (P.M.N.)

Not enough protein in diet

What determines the shape and size of Monosaccharides?

Number of carbon atoms


Of the 20 amino acids utilized in the body, 11 of them are considered ________.

Given what you know about the characteristics of a deficiency disease, which of the following would be considered a deficiency disease resulting from inadequate levels of vitamin D? Check all that apply.

Osteomalacia; rickets

Which of the following is NOT a pancreatic enzyme specific for protein digestion?


Which of the following is an enzyme used in the digestion of proteins?


a polar head group

Phospholipid structure is similar to triglycerides, but phospholipids are amphipathic because they contain:

The salivary gland is an example of an accessory organ of the digestive system. Which of the following statements describes the general function of this type of digestive organ?

Secretes enzymes and other liquids that aid in the digestion and processing of food

What are the two types of carbohydrates?

Simple (sugar) and Complex (starch)

What are Monosaccharides?

Simple sugar molecules made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms.

scavenger cells

Specific form of white blood cells that can bury themselves in the artery wall and take up LDL contributing to the development of atherosclerosis.

Which of the following organisms make us sick through preformed toxins?

Staphylococcus aureus

What equation is used to measure REE?

The Harris-Benedict equation

side chain

The ________ is the group that varies for each amino acid

limiting amino acids

The amino acids present in the diet in amounts that do not meet human needs are known as:


The amino acids that must be supplied by the diet are termed:

saturated fat

The brain function of the women in this study was most negatively affected by _____.

Inherited metabolic diseases, such as PKU, impair metabolic pathways. What would occur if a metabolic disease impaired lipolysis?

The breakdown of triglycerides to fatty acids and glycerol would not occur

only proteins

The chemical makeup requires 4 elements

All of the following are true of the citric acid cycle except:

The citric acid cycle is an aerobic metabolic pathway that forms GTP and reduced coenzymes NADH + H+ and FADH2. It is an amphibolic pathway, because it has both catabolic and anabolic components.


The foods recommended by the MyPlate food guidance system to meet protein needs include all of the following except:

lipids, carbs, and proteins

The human body is able to synthesize them

Before having surgery, August claims that she did not experience the sensation of hunger. What part of the brain plays a role in regulating hunger and satiety?

The hypothalamus

All of the following tissues can use ketone bodies for energy except:

The kidney, brain, central nervous system, and muscle can all use ketone bodies for energy. Red blood cells, however, rely solely on glucose for energy.

Where is most protein digested and absorbed?

The large intestine


The lipoprotein that delivers cholesterol to cells for their use is the:


The main proteolytic enzymes functioning in the small intestine are released from the:

All of the following are true of oxidative phosphorylation except:

The majority of ATP is produced through oxidative phosphorylation. Because energy within energy-yielding nutrients cannot be transferred directly to ADP, NAD+ and FAD are used. The process of oxidative phosphorylation requires oxygen and occurs in the mitochondria.


The mineral deficiencies a vegan is most at risk for include all of the following except:

short-chain fatty acids

The more water-soluble fatty acids are the:

several polypeptides forming a protein

The quaternary structure of an amino acid is:

3 dimensional structure

The secondary structure of an amino acid is:

saturated fatty acids

The sources of the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, include:

polyunsaturated fatty acids

The specific term for fatty acids containing two or more carbon-carbon double bonds is:

Lipogenesis, the storage of energy from glucose as triglycerides, occurs in liver and adipose tissue and involves all of the following reactions except:

The storage of energy from glucose as triglycerides (lipogenesis) involves the reaction of glucose to pyruvate, pyruvate to acetyl CoA, and acetyl CoA to fatty acids.

protein complementation

The term for combining protein sources to supply all the essential amino acids is:

All of the following play a role in cellular protein synthesis except what?



Transport lipids from the small intestine and liver to body tissues. Made of a lipid core with a shell composed of protein, phospholipid and cholesterol.

low-density lipoprotein (LDL)

Transports cholesterol to tissues. Lipoprotein in the blood containing primarily cholesterol. High LDL increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. (VLDL fraction. As triglycerides are released=>proportionately denser)


Tyler has a food allergy, whereas his friend has a food intolerance. In the case of food allergies, the ___________ system causes a physiological response to certain proteins present in tree nuts.

What are the four classifications of diabetes?

Type 1, Type 2, Secondary, and Gestational

Once taken up by the liver, vitamin E is then transported in blood associated with: a. LDLs. b. HDLs. c. VLDLs. d. albumin.


For August, it was determined that adipose tissue had accumulated in her abdominal region. This is referred to as what?

Visceral adipose tissue

Which of the water-soluble vitamins functions as an antioxidant?

Vitamin C

In order for this synthesis to occur, a series of steps are necessary and any disruption in this process can result in a deficiency of vitamin D. With this in mind, choose the situations or conditions that could contribute to a vitamin D deficiency. Check all that apply.

Wearing protective clothing and sunscreen when outdoors; Having kidney disease

negative- example: malnourished elderly man

When nitrogen conusmption is less than nitrogen excretion, a person is in ________ nitrogen balance


Which of the following are nonliving proteins that are responsible for mad cow disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease?

long-chain fatty acids

Which of the following lipid digestion products does not travel to the liver by the portal vein?


Would you suggest that the average person looking to build more muscle needs to eat more protein?

The type of bond connecting two monosaccharides to form a disaccharide is called a(n): a. peptide bond. b. glycosidic bond. c. alpha bond. d. beta bond


A compelling desire for a specific food is known as:

a food craving

Crohn's disease is likely to impair _______________________.

a. Digestion and nutrient absorption.

________ diabetes develops in 4 to 7% of pregnant women and increases their chance for developing ________ diabetes. a. Gestational; Type 2 b. Secondary; gestational c. Type 1; Type 2 d. Type 2; secondary

a. Gestational; Type 2

Crohn's disease is commonly misdiagnosed as what?

a. Irritable bowel syndrome

Which of the following statements about sugar alcohols is not true? a. They contain no kcalories. b. They can cause a laxative effect. c. They are not actually alcohols or sugars. d. They do not promote tooth decay.

a. They contain no kcalories

Ideally, Emily's dietary iron intake should be

a. above the RDA, but below the UL

Crohn's disease is likely to develop when ________________________________________.

a. an environmental trigger causes an abnormal immunological response in the body

Nutrients which are not typically needed except at special times are termed: a. conditionally essential. b. essential. c. trace nutrients. d. nonessential.

a. conditionally essential

The GI tract condition characterized by inflammation of pouches protruding from the colon is: a. diverticulitis. b. diverticulosis. c. diarrhea. d. hemorrhoids.

a. diverticulitis

All of the following are examples of dietary assessment methods except:

a. height and weight measurements.

Risk factors for developing chronic diseases include all of the following except: a. infectious diseases. b. dietary intake. c. physical inactivity. d. genetics.

a. infectiuous diseases

In the ABCDs of nutritional status assessment, the biochemical measurements include:

a. laboratory analysis of biological samples.

All of the following statements about lipids are true except: a. lipids are a medium for body transport. b. lipids regulate body processes. c. lipids provide large amounts of energy. d. lipids are important for the structure of membranes.

a. lipids are a medium for body transport

Which of the following is not one of the five food categories of the MyPlate guide?

a. meat and beans

Environmental factors related to health would include: a. pollutants. b. dietary intake. c. genetic factors. d. exercise.

a. pollutants

The components of the food label must include all of the following except:

a. qualified health claims.

Fat accumulated in the lower body (pear shape) is (a)____________ fat, while fat accumulated in the abdominal area (apple shape) is (b)____________ fat. - subcutaneous - visceral

a. subcutaneous b. visceral

When participant behavior and study results are altered by study influences, it is termed: a. the Hawthorne effect. b. researcher bias. c. a placebo. d. a control.

a. the Hawthorne effect

The α -1,6 bonds in amylopectin are digested by the enzyme: a. α-dextrinase. b. salivary amylase. c. pancreatic amylase. d. maltase.

a. α-dextrinase.

Three functions of the nephron units of the kidneys include all of the following except:


Emily's iron deficiency anemia is probably an example of what?

b. Secondary malnutrition.

Glucagon is produced by the: a. muscle. b. alpha cells. c. liver. d. beta cells.

b. alpha cells

An example of a prospective dietary assessment is a:

b. diet record.

Which of the following is not one of the four basic themes of the website and its components?

b. do weight lifting exercises at least twice a week

A nutrient required by the body due to the inability to make any or enough to meet needs is termed: a. conditionally essential. b. essential. c. nonessential. d. trace nutrient.

b. essential

The formation of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources is called: a. glycolysis. b. gluconeogenesis. c. glycogenolysis. d. glycogenesis

b. gluconeogenesis

Almost all dietary carbohydrates are converted to which sugar, which circulates in blood? a. ribose b. glucose c. fructose d. galactose

b. glucose

Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are both classified as _________________.

b. inflammatory bowel syndrome

The Dietary Guidelines encourage the increase of certain foods and nutrients. All of the following should be increased, except:

b. protein-rich foods.

All of the following are polysaccharides except: a. starch. b. raffinose and stachyose. c. glycogen. d. dietary fiber.

b. raffinose and stachyose.

The artificial sweetener that is derived from modification of sucrose is: a. aspartame. b. sucralose. c. acesulfame K. d. saccharin

b. sucralose

Which of the following vitamins is classified as fat soluble? a. vitamin C b. vitamin K c. the B vitamins d. vitamin B12

b. vitamin K

The energy-yielding nutrients include all of the following except: a. carbohydrate. b. water. c. protein. d. fat.

b. water

Which component is the largest contributor to total energy expenditure for most individuals?

basal energy expenditure

Which component is the largest contributor to total energy expenditure for most individuals? a. nonexercise activity thermogenesis b. thermic effect of food c. physical activity d. basal energy expenditure

basal energy expenditure

The macronutrients that we consume are broken down through digestion and then absorbed in order to ultimately

be used by the cells for energy

Abundant dietary sources of vitamin E include all of the following except: a. almonds. b. fortified breakfast cereals. c. beef. d. broccoli.


This video compares beef mince (ground beef), cheese, vegetarian sausages, meat sausages and tofu as sources of protein and micronutrients. Which option offers the most protein per 100 grams?

beef mince (ground beef)

Which protein source is the best source of vitamin B12?

beef mince (ground beef)

Which of the following major GI secretions is made in the liver, stored and released from the gallbladder?


The extent to which a nutrient or other food component is absorbed is called its:


The method of estimating body composition based on the conduction of a current by body tissues is:

bioelectrical impedance.

The diagnosis of anemia was based on measuring Emily's hematocrit and hemoglobin levels in her blood. These measures are examples of


The B vitamin reliably obtained from bacteria in the large intestine is: a. niacin. b. thiamin. c. biotin. d. vitamin B6.


Which vitamin participates in carboxylation reactions, is required for formation of oxaloacetic acid for the citric acid cycle, and is used in gluconeogenesis? a. niacin b. thiamin c. biotin d. riboflavin


The functions of vitamins include all of the following except: a. contributing to energy formation. b. playing a role in preventing and treating illness. c. making up part of body structure. d. building and maintaining tissues.

c. making up part of body structure

Dietary fiber is best defined as: a. carbohydrates in plant foods. b. foods rich in carbohydrate. c. nondigestible plant polysaccharides. d. plant sources of carbohydrate.

c. nondigestible plant polysaccharides.

The specific type of dietary fiber that is recognized to help lower heart disease risk is: a. nonpolysaccharide dietary fiber. b. insoluble dietary fiber. c. soluble dietary fiber. d. nonstarch polysaccharides.

c. soluble dietary fiber

When Paige takes antibiotics to treat an infection associated with Crohn's disease, she should also consider ______________________________.

c. taking a probiotic

Evolutionarily speaking, the human brain may associate sweet taste with .


High dietary intakes of some lipids are associated with increased risk for

cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity

The functions of thiamin include all of the following except: a. removing CO2 from substrates. b. allowing the body to use carbohydrates, amino acids and fatty acids for energy. c. it is required for synthesis of DNA, RNA and other nucleotides. d. capturing energy for ATP production.

capturing energy for ATP production.

Ketogenesis is an important metabolic process for the body when

carbohydrate is limited

Which of the following is required to transport activated long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria for β-oxidation? a. carnitine b. cholesterol c. ascorbic acid d. choline


Which of the following functions is related to both vitamin D and vitamin A? a. vision b. immunity c. cell differentiation d. nerve impulse transmission

cell differentiation

The basic steps involved in protein synthesis include

cell signaling, translation, transcription

Which of the following is not a type of tissue found in the human body?


Which of the following phases of digestion begins even before food enters your mouth?

cephalic phase

The artificial sweetener that is derived from a modification of sucrose is


The lipoprotein formed when muscle and adipose remove most of the triglycerides from chylomicrons is the

chylomicron remnant

Which of the following is not one of the three important functions carried out by the GI tract and accessory organs?


Intrinsic factor assists in the absorption of _____________.


Organic molecules that assist enzymes in carrying out their catalytic functions are termed:


Characteristics of high-quality protein sources include

complete protein source, easily digested, high bioavailability

Complex molecules such as proteins and lipids are often assembled and disassembled within cells. A chemical reaction that joins molecules together is termed:


Amino acids that are only essential due to medical conditions or lifespan period are

conditionally essential

Amino acids that are only essential due to medical conditions or lifespan period are termed:

conditionally essential

Chronic diseases include all of the following except: a. stroke. b. heart disease. c. cancer. d. infectious diseases.

d. infectious diseases


create ketones from fat breakdown

The Daily Value for cholesterol on current food labels is set at less than:

d. 300 mg.

The Daily Value for carbohydrate on current food labels is set at:

d. 60%.

The form of energy utilized by cells for work is: a. carbohydrates. b. protein. c. lipids. d. ATP.

d. ATP

Regulations for nutritional food labeling are established by the U.S.:

d. Food and Drug Administration.

The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) are dietary standards established by the:

d. Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine.

The artificial sweetener composed of two amino acids that is not heat stable is: a. sucralose. b. saccharin. c. acesulfame K. d. aspartame.

d. asparatame

Experiments utilizing in vivo systems could use all of the following in the study except: a. humans. b. rats. c. guinea pigs. d. cell cultures.

d. cell cultures

Phytochemicals are thought to positively influence health, and the term refers to: a. minerals found in plants. b. plant chemicals essential for health. c. vitamins found in plants. d. chemicals not considered nutrients in plants.

d. chemicals not considered nutrients in plants

In the ABCDs of nutritional status assessment, the dietary measurements include:

d. collecting dietary intake information.

The storage form of carbohydrates in humans and other animals is: a. starch. b. amylose. c. amylopectin. d. glycogen.

d. glycogen

All of the following are part of the female athlete triad, except:

d. iron-deficiency anemia.

The key functions of protein in the body include all of the following except: a. it is instrumental in allowing chemical reactions. b. allowing cellular uptake and communication. c. providing structural material for the body. d. it is a vital energy source.

d. it is a vital energy source

Examples of potential causes of primary malnutrition include all of the following except:

d. malabsorption due to gastric surgery.

Macronutrients are needed in large amounts and include all of the following except: a. lipids. b. carbohydrates. c. water. d. minerals.

d. minerals

The phrases "sugar free," "low sodium," and "good source of" on food labels are examples of:

d. nutrient content claims.

Foods certified as "organic" can be grown using which of the following? a. pesticides b. herbicides c. synthetic growth promoters d. soil

d. soil

Before becoming pregnant, Beth included a variety of folate-rich foods in her diet, such as ____________________.

dark-green leafy vegetables

Which of the following is not a benefit of exercise on health and fitness?

decrease in HDL cholesterol

Decreased activation of vitamin D will result indecreased absorption of calcium in the small intestine and increased risk of inadequate bone mineralization.

decreased; increased

A vitamin deficiency is a lack or shortage of a particular vitamin, and prolonged insufficiency can eventually lead to a vitamin deficiency disease , characterized by harmful symptoms

deficiency; vitamin deficiency disease

Disruption of the shape and structure of a protein occurs by

development of prions, mutations, denaturing agents



The GI tract condition characterized by inflammation of pouches protruding from the colon is


Each of the following is/are associated with oligosaccharides

dried beans and peas, stachyose, and raffinose.


drop in blood pressure, rapid pulse, constriction of airways -- Severe and Life Threatening

triglycerides OR micelles?

during lipid digestion, bile is released into the small intestine, and aids in the formation of

Substances that produce ions when dissolved in fluids, such as water, are specifically called:


All of the following are passive transport mechanisms, except:


Which of the following situations would tend to lead to stable body weight?

energy balance

Which of the following situations would tend to lead to stable body weight? a. energy balance b. positive energy balance c. negative energy balance d. energy intake < energy expenditure

energy balance

Normally, one of the least critical functions of protein is:

energy production

PKU is caused by a defect in a(n) ________ that is needed to metabolize the essential amino acid phenylalanine.


The amino acids that must be supplied by the diet are


The amino acids that must be supplied by the diet are termed:


Although Tyler is unable to consume tree nuts, there are many other dietary protein sources. Most importantly, his diet must provide _______________ in amounts needed to support growth and development.

essential amino acids

help to regulate inflammatory processes

essential fatty acids:

omega 3 fatty acids

exerts strong anti-inflammatory properties in the body

By incorporating fat-free and sugar-free foods in their diet, people lose weight more readily while still feeling satiated.


The condition of low blood glucose due to excess insulin release regardless of food intake is

fasting hypoglycemia

Training increases the ability of muscles to metabolize ________ for energy thereby delaying the onset of muscle fatigue.

fatty acids

The sources of the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, include

fatty fish and seafood

An imbalance of protons and electrons creates ions, and the following are cations except for:


Lactose intolerance is a health concern of many adults in the world due to a loss of


A vegetarian who restricts all animal foods except dairy and eggs is referred to by the term:


A vegetarian who restricts all animal foods except dairy is referred to as


A vegetarian who restricts all animal foods except dairy is referred to by the term:


An allergic response is triggered when ________ is absorbed

large polypeptides

An allergic response is triggered when which of the following is absorbed?

large polypeptides

Which of the following foods is not a good source of ascorbic acid (vitamin C)? a. lean beef b. broccoli c. citrus fruits d. strawberries

lean beef

The foods recommended by the MyPlate food guidance system to meet protein needs include

legumes, lean meats, fat-free or low-fat milk


like other phospholipids in the body, bile can be classified as:

Characteristics of high-quality protein sources include all of the following except:

limiting amino acid

The amino acids present in the diet in amounts that do not meet human needs are known as

limiting amino acids

The amino acids present in the diet in amounts that do not meet human needs are known as:

limiting amino acids

omega 6

linolei acid:

Roles for cholesterol in the body include

lipid transport in blood, part of cell membrane structure, and participates in lipid digestion and absorption

Broken down into smaller molecules by bile salts



lipids made up of rigid carbon rings with no fatty acid tails, synthesized in the liver to make several important hormones


lipids that contain a glycerol molecule and 3 fatty acids, lipids that are comprised of about 95% of fat you eat


lipids that have both a hydrophobic and hydrophilic end, manufactured by the body and act as emulsifiers

The enzyme, hormone-sensitive lipase, catalyzes the process called


Recent evidence shows that inadequate choline intake causes: a. liver damage. b. anemia. c. neurological disorders. d. gastrointestinal distress.

liver damage

Fatty acids containing 12 or more carbons are classified as

long-chain fatty acids

Which of the following lipid digestion products does not travel to the liver through the portal vein?

long-chain fatty acids

Dieting and food restriction seldom lead to successful long-term weight loss because this behavior generally leads to:

loss of lean body mass.

Dieting and food restriction seldom lead to successful long-term weight loss because this behavior generally leads to: a. calorie deficits. b. maintenance of BMR. c. increased food intake. d. loss of lean body mass.

loss of lean body mass.

Immediately after leaving the enterocytes, chylomicrons first travel through the

lymph system

The action of the enzyme hormone-sensitive lipase results in:


Protein- Translation

mRNA binds to ribosomes The Transfer RNA (tRNA) transfers amino acids to the ribosomes so protein synthesis can happen. (mRNA = Instructions)

The mineral deficiencies a vegan is most at risk for include all of the following except:


omega 3

main food source includes leafy green veggies and fatty fish

omega 6

main food source includes vegetable and safflower oil:

Marie is a 63-year-old African American woman from the Midwest. She is lactose intolerant and prefers staying indoors as opposed to going outside. Lately, she has had terrible bone and joint pain and a recent checkup confirms that Marie is deficient in vitamin D and has a disease called osteomalacia , or poor bone mineralization. This would be considered a primary deficiency that could be directly treated with vitamin D supplementation.

osteomalacia; primary; could

The loss of one or more electrons is called:


The majority of ATP generated by cells occurs by a process called what?

oxidative phosphorylation

The main proteolytic enzymes functioning in the small intestine are released from the


The main proteolytic enzymes functioning in the small intestine are released from the:


The organ responsible for releasing a 'juice' that neutralizes chyme is the:


The B vitamin found in almost every plant and animal tissue and named for the Greek word for "everywhere" is: a. folate. b. biotin. c. pantothenic acid. d. vitamin B6.

pantothenic acid

The protease functioning in the stomach is:


Which of the following proteins does not bind vitamin B12 and assist with absorption and transport? a. R protein b. pepsin c. intrinsic factor d. transcobalamin


In the forming of protein, amino acids are linked by what specific type of bond?


Specialized enzymes are necessary to digest lipids for absorption, with phospholipids being digested by

phospholipase A2

Cholesterol is used to make all of the following except


The component of total energy expenditure that varies most among individuals is:

physical activity

The basic steps involved in protein synthesis include all of the following except:


Which of the following is not true for the condition of ketosis?

requires glycogen breakdown

The most biologically potent form of vitamin A is called: a. retinal. b. retinol. c. retinoic acid. d. retinoids.


The body's physiological response to eating an adequate amount of food is known as:


The type of dietary lipids that are solid at room temperature are

saturated fatty acids

Which of the following would not aid fat-soluble vitamin digestion or absorption? a. gallbladder secretions b. sugars c. other lipids d. pancreatic secretions


Like the carotenoids, vitamin E has the primary function of: a. vision. b. bone maintenance. c. serving as an antioxidant. d. immunity.

serving as an antioxidant

The concept that an internal signal regulates body weight by spontaneously adjusting food intake is called:

set point theory

The quaternary structure of an amino acid is

several polypeptides forming a protein

The quaternary structure of an amino acid is:

several polypeptides forming a protein

The more water-soluble fatty acids are the

short-chain fatty acids

Chocolate is an example of a ___________ _____ that will increase blood sugar levels quickly because it is compromised of monosaccarides.

simple carbohydrate

The method of estimating body composition by measuring subcutaneous fat is:

skinfold thickness.

The primary site of chemical digestion and nutrient absorption is the:

small intestine

Dietary fibers are classified by all of the following properties

solubility, water-holding capacity, and susceptibility to fermentation

The specific type of dietary fiber that is recognized to help lower heart disease risk is

soluble dietary fiber

When table salt (NaCl) dissolves in water, the water would be considered (relative to this process):


All of the following are polysaccharides

starch, dietary fiber, and glycogen

All types of bariatric surgery involve the:


Digestion of protein begins in the:


The purpose of protein complementation is to:

supply all essential amino acids

To help select iron-rich foods, Emily could consult

the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for American

The method of estimating body composition based on air displacement of a body is:

the Bod Pod.

Neural and hormonal signals that help control sensations of hunger and satiety originate in all of the following except:

the liver

Vitamin A not taken up by tissues is mainly stored in: a. the hypothalamus. b. muscle. c. the kidneys. d. the liver.

the liver


the majority of lipids in our diet are in the form of:

Active vitamin D (calcitriol) is a hormone that regulates blood calcium levels through its action on all of the following except: a. the kidney. b. the small intestine. c. the pancreas. d. bone.

the pancreas

Resting metabolic rate (RMR) differs from basal metabolic rate (BMR) in that RMR includes which of the following components not included in BMR?

the thermic effect of food

The component representing the energy to digest, absorb, transport, metabolize and store nutrients after a meal is:

the thermic effect of food.

Resting metabolic rate (RMR) differs from basal metabolic rate (BMR) in that RMR includes which of the following components not included in BMR? a. thermic effect of food b. nonexercise activity thermogenesis c. physical activity d. basal energy expenditure

thermic effect of food

Which protein source offers the least protein per 100 grams?


The reason hydrogenated oils are solid at room temperature is that they contain

trans double bonds

Partial hydrogenation of oils is responsible for creating most of these in our diet

trans fats

The primary structure of a protein is determined by ______________________.

transcription and translation

The anabolic process of storing excess fatty acids forms:


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