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All of the following are questions relevant to human resource planning EXCEPT:

"What was the volume of business over the past five years?"

What is the contingency view?

- Every situation is unique - Managers must determine what method will work - Managers must identify key contingencies for the current situation

What is total quality management?

- strongly associated with Japan - integrate high-quality values in every activity

Which of the following is(are) an advantage of team structure?

-Increased barriers among departments -Unplanned decentralization -Time and resources spent on meetings -Less response time, quicker decisions

Organizational structure includes which of these?

-The set of formal tasks assigned to individuals -the set of formal tasks assigned to departments -the design of systems to ensure effective coordination of employees across departments -formal reporting relationships

Disadvantages of the virtual network approach include

-a lack of hands-on control. -the possibility of losing an important part of the organization. -weakened employee loyalty.

When the organization is structured along ____ lines, coordination is required.

-functional -divisional -team

Advantages of the matrix structure include

-it increases employee participation. -it makes efficient use of human resources. -it works well in a changing environment. -it develops both general and specialist management skills.

The team approach to departmentalization is a response to

-lack of participative teams. -centralized decision-making. -the competitive global environment.

An example of organizational change is?

-the switch to a new production method -the decision to offer a new product line -the introduction of a new pay for performance system.

What are the four elements of quality management?

1. Employee involvement 2. Focus on the customer 3. Benchmarking 4. Continuous Improvement

1. __________, a french mining engineer, was a major contributor of administrative principles.

1. Henri Fayol

What are four strategies of behavioral sciences approach?

1. Matrix organizations 2. Self-managed teams 3. Corporate culture 4. Management by wandering around

What are the five functions of management in the administrative principles?

1. Planning 2. Organizing 3. Commanding 4. Coordinating 5. Controlling

What are the three subfields of the classical perspective?

1. Scientific Management 2. Bureaucratic Organizations 3. Administrative Principles

In bureaucratic organizations, one would manage organizations on an 1. ______________ rational basis. Managers use 2. _______ instead of 3. _________ to delegate.

1. impersonal 2. power 3. personality

Family and Medical Leave Act require employers to provide up to _____ weeks unpaid leave for childbirth, adoption, or family emergencies.


Of the companies on Fortune magazine's first list of America's 500 largest corporations published in 1955, how many survived the next half century?


A recent poll found that ________ percent of people surveyed say corporate America's moral compass is pointing in the wrong direction.


What percentage of a manager's time is spent in direct communication?

80 percent

Small businesses represent _____ percent of all firms and employ about half of all private sector employees.


Which variation of new venture teams is described as a small separate, informal, highly autonomous, and often selective group that focuses on breakthrough ideas for the business?

A Skunkwork

In _____, every situation is viewed as unique.

A case view


A code of moral principles and values that governs the behaviors of a person or group with respect to what is right and wrong.

Jackie, a new employee of yours, strikes you as curious, open-minded person. Keep your eye on jackie, for she she may very well be?

A creative individual

Which of the following refers to a formal team composed of employees from about the same hierarchical level but from different areas of expertise?

A cross-functional team

Theresa works in an organization where coordination across organizational units is poor and the units perceived themselves to be in competition with one another for organizational resources. These characteristics are consistent with which of the following structures?

A divisional structure

Ethics committee

A group of executives appointed to oversee company ethics. Provides rulings on questionable ethical issues and assumes responsibility for disciplining wrongdoers.

Which of the following is an incorrect fit in a stable organizational environment?

A horizontal structure

Which of the following structures works best in an uncertain organizational environment?

A horizontal structure

_____ is a systematic process of gathering and interpreting information about the essential duties.

A job analysis

_____ is a listing of job duties and desirable qualifications for a particular job.

A job description

After every quarterly board meeting, Bernice's Bracelets, Inc. announces big changes. They usually do not follow through on these changes. What is causing this lack of enthusiasm?

A lack of trust

At the top of the goal hierarchy is:

A mission

Recently, a high level manager at Trophy Trinkets noted a rise in customer satisfaction complaints. This rise is inconsistent with Trophy's goals in this area. This manager has identified

A need for change

Which of the following is an unincorporated business owned by two or more?

A partnership

Which of the following is a popular small business form because it is easy to start and has few legal requirements?

A proprietorship

_____ is a role in which the individual provides support for team members' emotional needs.

A socioemotional role

Vivian, as a vice-president of marketing, is far removed from the research and development department. However, she keeps a close eye on what is happening in R & D and tries to support good ideas whenever she can by removing unnecessary organizational obstacles. Vivian is a good example of?

A sponsor

Which of the following refers to a unit of two or more people who interact and coordinate their work to accomplish a specific objective?

A team

Which of the following structures is an incorrect fit in an unstable organizational environment?

A vertical structure

____ works best in a stable organizational environment.

A vertical structure

According to MANAGER'S SHOPTALK in Chapter 11, the eight-step plan for implementing change in an organization includes all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Establish a sense of urgency B. Form a powerful coalition of mangers C. Communicate the vision D. Empower others to act on the vision E. All of these are steps to the plan!

With most new employees in the late 20's and early 30's, Albertson and Sons Inc. has learned that helping new employees secure home loans has been a valuable service that pays off in the long term. This is an example of what type of diversity initiative or program?

Accommodating special needs

_____ is a control system that identifies the various activities needed to produce a product and determines the cost of those activities.

Activity-based costing

Individualism approach

Acts are moral when they promote the individual's best long-term interests. The greater good is ultimately served.

Which of the following is a characteristic of the large-group intervention model?

Addresses the entire system

Which model of decision making is associated with satisficing, bounded rationality, and uncertainty?


____ is a policy requiring employers to be proactive in being certain that equal opportunity exists for all within their organization.

Affirmative action

Jay is a trusting and forgiving individual who gets along with others because of being good-natured and cooperative. This describes which of the Big Five personality factors?


Empowering employees means giving employees _____. a) information b) knowledge c) power d) rewards e) all of these

All of these

Heroes are important to an organization due to the fact that they: a) exemplify key values of the organization. b) exemplify a strong corporate culture. c) serve as examples to other employees. d) all of these. e) none of these.

All of these

In a family where both parents work, which of the following may be helpful to accommodate the parents' needs? a) Childcare b) Flexible work schedule c) Home-based employment d) Maternity or paternity leaves e) All of these

All of these

Political risk is defined as an organization's risk of _____ due to politically based events or actions by host governments. a) loss of assets b) managerial control c) earning power d) all of these e) managerial control and earning power only

All of these

___ is (are) categories of sexual harassment a. Inappropriate/offensive b. Coercion with threat of punishment c. Solicitation with promise of reward d. Generalized e. All of these

All of these

____ aspects of management do not change when doing business internationally. a) Planning b) Organizing c) Controlling d) Leading e) All of these

All of these

_____ is(are) categories of sexual harassment. a) Inappropriate/offensive b) Coercion with threat of punishment c) Solicitation with promise of reward d) Generalized e) All of these

All of these

For a program decision:

Alternatives are usually easy to identify

Successful change requires that organizations be capable of both creating and implementing ideas, which means the organization must learn to be?


Which of the following means that the goals to be achieved or the problem to be solved is unclear, alternatives are difficult to define, and information about outcomes is unavailable?


_____ is by far the most difficult situation for a decision-maker.


The _____ prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals by employers for a demand of "reasonable accommodation."

American with Disabilities Act

According to MANAGER'S SHOPTALK in chapter 13, which of the following is not a characteristic used to help foreign managers understand americas?

Americans are formal

Channel richness refers to the:

Amount of information that can be transmitted during a communication episode.

Ashley has average technical skills but her real strengths lay in visualizing the benefits of other's ideas and in finding financial and political support for these ideas. Ashley is an excellent example of?

An Idea champion

Which of the following describes a person who is passionately committed to a new product of idea despite rejection by others?

An Idea champion

John has tremendous technical skills and frequently comes up with valuable ideas. However, he has little idea how to promote it within the organization. John is a good example of?

An Inventor

Which of the following is a device for collecting information about an applicant's education, previous job experience, and other background characteristics?

An application form

Which of the following describes a person who is passionately committed to a new product of idea despite rejection by others?

An idea champion

Which of the following is a person who sees the need for and fights for productive change in an organization?

An idea champion

Which of the following provides a safe harbor where ideas from employees throughout the company can be developed without interference's from company bureaucracy or polotics?

An idea incubator

_____ is considered a decision that enables an individual or company to benefit at society's expense.

An unethical behavior


Any group or person within or outside the organization that has some type of investment or interest in the organization's performance and is affected by the organizations actions.

According to business week, who was ranked as the worlds most innovative company?


Which of the following is inappropriate to ask on an employment application?

Applicant's ancestry/ethnicity

_____ is the final step in the MBO process.

Appraise overall performance

Top Managers

Are at the top of the hierarchy and are responsible for the entire organization

Creative organizations..

Are loosely structured

Profit-maximizing view

Argues that corporations should be operated on a profit-oriented basis, with it sole mission to increase its profits.

Ethical dilemma

Arises in a situation concerning right or wrong when values are in conflict. Right and wrong can not be clearly identified.

Moral-rights approach

Asserts that human beings have fundamental rights and liberties that cannot be taken away by an individual's decision. An ethically correct decision is one that best maintains the rights of those affected by it.

Which of these can best describe organizing?

Assigning responsibility for task accomplishment

_____ leaders know and understand themselves, act consistently with high order ethical values, and empower and inspire others.


Which of these is sometimes called negative reinforcement?

Avoidance learning

Which of the following is a comprehensive management control system that balances traditional financial measures with operational measures relating to a company's critical success factors?

Balanced scorecard

Which of the following is NOT one of Porter's competitive forces?

Bargaining power of stockholders

Ethical responsibility

Be ethical, do what is right, avoid harm.

Which of these styles is adopted by managers who have a deep concern for others as individuals?


most globalized countries

Belgium, Ireland, Austria, the Netherlands, and Singapore.

Which need describes the desire to be accepted by one's peer, have friendships, be part of a group, and be loved?

Belongingness needs

Which of the following is the process of measuring your organizational process against the best in the industry?


Boars' Nest Distributors is continually hampered by an inability to adapt to an unstable environment. Which of the following is a plausible explanation as to why?

Boars' Nest uses a vertical structure.

_____ is a concept that proposes that corporations can alleviate poverty and other social ills by selling to the world's poorest people.

Bottom of the pyramid

The Digitec company has recently decided to design and manufacture a laptop that retails for under $50, in an effort to make information technology available to people in places like rural Africa and rural India. This is known as what type of strategy?

Bottom of the pyramid strategy

Which of the following roles are assumed by people and/or departments that link and coordinate the organization with key elements in the external environment?


Strategic goals

Broad statements of where the organization wants to be in the future; pertain to the organization as a whole rather than to specific divisions or departments.

Which of those actions did the US supreme court take?

Broadened the definition of sexual harassment to include same sex harassment and harassment of men by female coworkers

_____ control is the process of setting targets for an organizations expenditures.


_____ does not focus on a single receiver, uses limited information cues, and does not permit feedback.


The BCG matrix organizes along which of the following dimensions?

Business growth rate and market share

_____ allow employees to select the benefits of greatest value to them.

Cafeteria-plan benefits packages

Which of these is a financial budget that estimates cash flows on a daily basis or weekly basis to ensure that the company can meet its obligations?

Cash budget

All of the following are examples of creative organizations EXCEPT?


____ means that decision authority is located near the ____ of the organization.

Centralization, top

_____ means that decision authority is located near the _____ of the organization.

Centralization; top

In times of crisis or risk of company failure, authority should be:

Centralized at the top

Which of the following means that all the information the decision-maker needs is fully available?


The adoption of a new idea or behavior by an organization is known as organization.


The adoption of a new idea or behavior by an organization is known as organizational.


Communication and education tactic to change implementation should be used when

Change is technical

Which of the following is the intervention stage of organization development in which individuals experiment with new workplace behavior?


When an electronic mail system is installed as part of the communication system, what element of the communication process is changed?


_____ refers to the amount of information that can be transmitted during a communication episode.

Channel richness

"A fire that ignites followers" is used to describe which leadership characteristic?


Which of the following types of leader is one who has the ability to motivate subordinates to transcend their expected performance?


As a first step into international business, which two countries are most companies going to today?

China and India


China's first global corporation, with managers coming from 14 different nations, living and working in six cities on three continents.

lower-cost technological and scientific brainpower

China, India and Brazil

In what order does the eight perspectives occur over time?

Classical perspective---> Humanistic perspective ---> Quantitative (management science) perspective -----> Systems Thinking ----> Contingency View-----> Total Quality Management ----> The technology-Driven Workplace ----> Open (collaborative) innovation

Which of the following is the process of forming alliances among managers during the decision making process?

Coalition building

Sandbox Sally's, Inc. is making some changes to the work schedules of its employees. Some of the employees are not happy with the changes. As their manager, Harry tells them that they can accept it or leave. What approach to change implementation is Harry using?


Which approach to change implementation should be used when a crisis exists?


Matthew is Mandy's supervisor. He promises to fire her is she does not engage in sexual activity with him. This type of sexual harassment would deb categorized as

Coercion with threat of punishment

Which of the following types of power is vested in the manager's ability to punish employees?


Beth, a middle manager at Heather's Handbags, uses threats and punishments as ways of influencing the behavior of his subordinates. Which of the following sources of power is Beth relying on?

Coercive power

When trying to overcome the resistance for change, which approach is best suited when change is technical?


TooEasy, Inc. is changing from a manual ordering system to a computer-based ordering system. As part of the implementation procedures, the company invests in detailed, comprehensive training classes. What approach to change implementation is TooEasy using?

Communication and education

Chief ethics officer

Company executive who oversees all aspects of ethics and legal compliance, including establishing and communicating standards, ethic training, etc.

Which of the following refers to all monetary payments and all goods or commodities used in lieu of money to reward employees?


Which of the following is NOT a need proposed by Maslow in his hierarchy of needs theory?

Compensation needs

Which of these is NOT a part of an organization's general environment?


_____ are most important at the top management level.

Conceptual skills

Which is an advantage of the divisional structure?

Concern for customers' needs is high

Which of the following is a follower who participates actively in the organization but does not use critical thinking skills?


Which of the following refers to the degree to which a person is focused on a few goals, thus behaving in ways that are responsible, dependable, persistent, and achievement oriented?


Which of the following is a model of leadership that describes the relationship between leadership styles and specific organizational situations?

Contingency approach

What are the two principal advantages of forming a corporation?

Continuity and limits on owner's liability

When Troy measures his employees' performance and compares their performance against the goals he set for them, he is performing which of these functions?


_____ is the management function concerned with monitoring employees' activities, keeping the organization on track toward its goals, and making corrections as needed.


Which of the following pertains to the organization as a whole?

Corporate-level strategy

You are violating which of these goal characteristics when you attempt to create goals for every aspect of employee behavior?

Cover key result areas

Artful Innovations Inc. operates with open channels of communication and an established suggestion system that encourages brainstorming and freewheeling discussions. Artful Innovations can best be described as what type of organization?

Creative organization

The generation of novel ideas that may meet perceived needs or respond to opportunities for the organization is called?


Which of the following refers to the generation of novel solutions to perceived problems?


_____ enables firms to cope with unexpected events that are so sudden and devastating that they have the potential to destroy the organization if managers aren't prepared with a quick and appropriate response.

Crisis planning

The role of the ____ is to prevent people in other roles from adopting a bad idea.


The role of the _____ is to prevent people in other roles from adopting a bad idea.


Cooltown University recently invited members of its social network group to enter a contest on U-Tube to design the best video promoting the university. This is an example of what innovative approach?


The ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures refers to:

Cultural competence

A nation's _____ includes the shared knowledge, beliefs and values, as well as the common modes of behavior and ways of thinking, among members of a society.


Which of the following refers to a major shift in the norms, values, attitudes, and mindset of the entire organization?

Culture change

TickTock Clock Corporation is attempting to develop a truly diverse workplace. TickTock's president assigned the human resources department the task or determining the demographics of the local area labor market. This is an attempt to change existing ____ within the organization


_____ refers to borrowing money that has to be repaid in order to start a business.

Debt financing

Which of the following is considered a leverage ratio?

Debt ratio

_____ refers to a team communication structure in which team members freely communicate with one another and arrive at decisions.

Decentralized network

Which of the following is a choice made from available alternatives?


_____ refers to the process of identifying problems and then resolving them.


Shoshanna is manager of a customer service firm where she oversees five subordinates. To help her subordinates learn more about the different roles within the company, Shoshanna regularly assigns them tasks that are not part of their normal routine. This is an example of:


Rebecca, a human resource manager at WorldPlus Corp., regularly establishes numerical goals tied to diversity, such as tracking salaries, rates of promotion, and managerial positions for woman and minorities. This involves which step for developing diversity and cultural competence

Demanding results and revisiting goals

Which of the following is the basis for grouping positions into departments and departments into the total organization?


Principle based statements

Designed to affect corporate culture; they define fundamental values and contain general language about company responsibilities, quality of products, and treatment of employees.

"When did it occur" and "how did it occur" are questions associated with which step of the decision making process?

Diagnosis and analysis of causes

You are the production manager for Connor's Construction, Inc. You decide to change the production procedure to increase efficiency. One of your long-time foremen is resisting the change, insisting that the idea won't work. He is exhibiting what obstacle to change?

Different assessment and goals

Which of the following strategies involve an attempt to distinguish the firm's products or services from others in the industry?


Which strategy can be profitable for an organization when customers are loyal and willing to pay high prices?


Organizations such as, Google, Facebook, and are examples of firms that are based on:

Digital technology

The Write Pens, Inc. wants to reduce transferring costs by producing closer to the consumer in a foreign country. This will also help in reducing transportation and storage costs. Which strategy would be the best to use given the circumstances?

Direct investing

Which of the following responsibilities is purely voluntary and is guided by a company's desire to make social contributions not mandated by economics, law, or ethics?


For the compact disc industry, the advent of MP3 technology can best be described as what type of innovation?

Disruptive innovation

_____ refers to innovations in products, services, or processes that radically change an industry's rules of the game for producers and consumers.

Disruptive innovation

_________ refers to innovations in products, services, or processes that radically change an industry's rules of the game for producers and consumers.

Disruptive innovation

____ is NOT a type of current problem that organizational development can help address.


_____ is NOT a type of current problem that organizational development can help address.


_____ is defined as all the ways in which people differ.


Which of the following refers to special training to help people identify their own cultural boundaries prejudices, and stereotypes and to develop the skills for managing and working in a diverse workplace?

Diversity training

Which of the following is the most common diversity initiative according to fortune 1000 respondents

Diversity-focused recruting

____ is also referred to as work specialization.

Division of labor

The assembly line is most consistent with which of the following general principles of management?

Division of work

The assumption that "If it's not illegal, it must be ethical," ignores which of the following?

Domain of ethics

Theory X and Theory Y was developed by _____.

Douglas McGregor

The _____ involves whether putting effort into a task will lead to high performance.

E -> P expectancy

Resource development, infrastructure, and exchange rates all describe which dimension in the international environment?


The classical model of decision making is based on _____ assumptions.


Which of these forces pertain to the availability, production, and distribution of resources in a society?



Economic development that generates wealth and meets the needs of the current generation while preserving the environment for future generations.

Which of the following is a control system that measures performance in terms of after-tax profits minus the cost of capital invested in tangible assets?

Economic value-added system

Which of the following refers to the amount of resources used to achieve an organization's goal?


When managers who express positive emotions such as happiness, enthusiasm, and appreciation trigger these same positive emotions in employees, _____is happening.

Emotion contagion


Employee disclosure of illegal, unethical, or illegitimate practices on the employer's part.

_____ is power sharing, or the delegation of power or authority to subordinates in an organization.


Jenna composes an email from home to her boss to inform him that she will be late getting to work that day. The act of composing an email involves which stage of the communication process?

Encoding the message

Which of the following is the process of starting a business venture, organizing the resources, and taking the risks?


The horizontal linkage model is best applied in what type of business environment?

Environment that requires speed

Which of these refers to the financing that consists of funds that are invested in exchange for ownership in the company?

Equity financing

What is the first step in the feedback control system?

Establishing standards of performance

Nelson is motivated by a strong need for recognition and is continually seeking credit for his contributions to the organization. According to Maslow, Neil is motivated by which category of needs?


A code of _____ is a formal statement of the company's values concerning ethics and social issues.


Which of the following refers to the code of moral principles and values that govern behaviors with respect to what is right and wrong?


____ reflects the belief that one's own group is superior to other groups


____ is the belief that groups are inherently equal


Which of the following lists the strategic management process in proper order?

Evaluate current mission/goals; Perform SWOT analysis; Define new mission/goals; Formulate strategy; Execute strategy.

_____ is the last step in the decision making process.

Evaluation and feedback

The conventional stage of moral development is best described by which of the following statements?

Everybody else is doing it, so it must be okay.

Which are used to help determine why employees are leaving their jobs?

Exit Interview

Which of the following is based on the relationships between effort, performance, and outcomes?

Expectancy theory

Which of the following includes anticipated and actual expenses for a responsibility center?

Expense budget

Most firms begin with which strategy to enter foreign markets?


Which of the following is an entry strategy in which the organization maintains its production facilities within its home country and transfers its products for sale in foreign markets?


___ involves exposing traditional managers to nontraditional peers to help break down stereotypical beliefs


Which of these refers to the withdrawal of a positive reward, meaning that behavior is no longer reinforced and hence is less likely to occur in the future?


Which communication channel would be most successful to inform managers of impending company-wide layoff?

Face-to-face contact

Which of these is the richest medium for communication?

Face-to-face contact

What is the main concern of first-level managers?

Facilitating individual performance

Technology change involves the hierarchy of authority. goals, administrative procedures and managerial systems.


The innovation strategy for changing products and technologies that involves designing the organization to encourage creativity and the initiation of new ideas is known as cooperation.


A______ team is a multifunctional and sometimes multinational team that works under stringent timelines and is provided with high levels of resources and empowerment to accomplish an accelerated product development project.


At LifeCycle Products, a team of individuals from all areas of the company is currently working under a very strict deadline to develop the company's newest product. Luckily, the team is provided with a high level of resources and empowerment from management. This team can best be described as a(n):

Fast-cycle team

In goal-setting theory, which term refers to the need to get information to people about how well they are doing in progressing toward goal achievement?


_____ is necessary for communication to be considered two-way.


_____ is the extent to which doing the job provides information back to the employee about his or her performance.


Which of these reflects a cultural preference for cooperation, group decision making, and quality of life?


What is the ideal size of work teams?


Harvest International is anticipating changes in their production procedures. You have been assigned to identify potential barriers to the change and suggest solutions to these barriers. You are using

Force field analysis

Code of ethics

Formal statement of the company's values concerning ethics and social issues; it communicates to employees what the company stands for.

Which of the following is the first stage of team development?


_____ refers to an arrangement by which the owner of a product or service allows others to purchase the right to distribute the product or service with help from the owner.


_____ is considered the "father of scientific management."

Frederick W. Taylor

1.________________ proposed that workers "could be retooled like machines".

Frederick Winslow Taylor (Scientific Management)

_____ managers are responsible for departments that perform a single functional task and have employees with similar training and skills.


Which of the following structures is most consistent with a strategy of stability?

Functional structure

Which of the following is a formal team composed of a manager and his or her subordinates?

Functional team

Corporate credos

General statements of principle.

Which workforce generation category is characterized as ambitions by lacking loyalty to the organization?

Generation Y

Which workforce generation category is characterized as ambitious but lacking loyalty to the organization?

Generation Y

Salta Communications is a global telecommunications company that has operations on four continents. The CEO's direct supervisors include VPs for the North American South American, European, and the Asian divisions. Salta can best be described as using what organizational structure?


Josephine would like to become part of an elite manager network at her company so she can get access to general and line management experience to help her succeed within the company. However, she learns that the manager network is made up exclusively for men. This demonstrates which factory affecting women' careers?

Glass wall

_____ refers to a desired future state that an organization attempts to realize.


Which term, in goal-setting theory, refers to the need to make goals highly ambitious but achievable?

Goal difficulty

_____ specify future ends and _____ specify today's means.

Goals; plans

1.__________ were key contributors of the human relations movement of the humanistic perspective, and strongly shaped management practice and research.

Hawthorn Studies

_____ occurs when members of a team feel comfortable disagreeing and challenging one another in the interest of finding the best solution.

Healthy conflict

Research has shown that network groups

Help retain minority employees

Which of the following is a basic aim of diversity awareness training

Helping individuals become aware of their own prejudices

Which of the following is a basic aim of diversity awareness training?

Helping individuals become aware of their own prejudices

1._______________ developed the Gantt chart to measure and plan work.

Henry Gantt (Scientific Management)

Which motivation theory proposes that needs must be satisfied in sequence?

Hierarchy of needs theory

Which of the following is a content theory that proposes that people are motivated by physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization needs?

Hierarchy of needs theory

Rachel is described by her colleagues as pragmatic, super-competitive, and more likely to persuade than be persuaded. She fits which personality category most closely?

High Mach

Research shows that _____are predisposed to being pragmatic, capable of lying to achieve personal goals, more likely to win in win-lose situations, and more likely to persuade than be persuaded.

High Machs

Which of the following is defined as a culture in which communication is used to enhance personal relationships?

High-context culture

Which racial or ethnic category currently represents the largest and fastest growing minority group?


Innovation requires the coordination that occurs with the?

Horizontal linkage model

Which of these questions is central to a functional-level strategy?

How do we support our chosen strategy?

Today, more than ever, strategic decisions are related to human resource considerations. Which of the following refers to the economic value of the knowledge, experience, skills, and capabilities of employees?

Human capital

A key finding in the Hawthorne studies was which of these?

Human relations increased productivity.

_____ refers to the activities undertaken to attract, develop, and maintain an effective workforce within an organization.

Human resource management

_____ is the first step in attracting an effective work force.

Human resource planning

What is theory X?

Human's want to get away with doing as little work as possible

What perspective introduced acceptance theory of authority?

Humanistic Perspective

What type of classical perspective places importance on people rather than engineering techniques?

Humanistic Perspective

_____ means being unpretentious and modest rather than arrogant and prideful.


_____ standards represent an international standard for quality management.

ISO 9000

Tracy's Trikes believes that each employee should enjoy the idea of working on something that is new, creative, or personally meaningful. Tracy's Trikes exemplifies which of the categories of small business owners?


The final step to be managed in the change process is:


_____ requires the applicant to play the role of a manager who must decide how to respond to ten memos in his or her in-basket within a two-hour period.

In-basket simulation

Which of the following is the most cited source of new business ideas?

In-depth understanding of industry/profession

Whereas scientific management focused on _____ , administrative principles approach focused on the _____.

Individual productivity; total organization

Postconventional level (principled)

Individuals are guided by an internal set of values based on universal principles of justice and right and will even disobey rules or laws that violate these principles. Internal values more important that outside expectations. Managers: transformative or servant leadership, focus on the needs of the followers, encourage higher levels of moral reasoning. Employees: empowered and given participation in the governance of the organization

Compensatory justice

Individuals should be compensated for the cost of the injuries by the party responsible.

According to business week 72% of top executives reported that _____ is a top priority.


_________ refers to the fact that services are perishable and cannot be stored in inventory.

Intangible output

_____ generates higher employee commitment, development, and satisfaction than does _____.

Internal recruiting, external recruiting

Which of the following is NOT a valid component of authentic leadership?

Isolates self from others

Which of the following is not a criticism of scientific management?

It does not appreciate the careful study of tasks and jobs.

Which of these is true about the dog division?

It has a small share of a slow growth market.

Which of these is a major criticism of scientific management?

It ignored the social context of work.

Which of these is true about the business incubator?

It provides shared office space, management support services, and management advice.

Which of the following combines a series of tasks into one new, broader job?

Job enlargement

_____ systematically moves employees from one job to another, thereby increasing the number of different tasks an employee performs without increasing the complexity of any one job.

Job rotation

_____is defined as a positive attitude toward one's job.

Job satisfaction

Which of the following are high-energy people who enjoy handling every detail of their own businesses?


Inventory managers at SYX Enterprises utilize an inventory control system where materials are scheduled to arrive just as they are needed on the production line. This is referred to as:

Just-in-time inventory control

____ schedule materials to arrive at a company just as they are needed on the production line.

Just-in-time inventory system

Dustin's subordinates are highly trained and all perform similar tasks. Brittany's subordinates are spread over two locations and she has little available in the way of support systems. Which of the following statements is most correct?

Kevin's span of management can be larger than Nichole's.

Which of the following is NOT a legal-political factor in the international environment?


High-Low Productions recently appointed 75 employees and external stakeholders to a temporary group that would discuss problems and opportunities, and would gather perspectives on changes that need to take place within the company. High-Low Productions is utilizing which organizational change tool?

Large group intervention

____ is an approach that brings together participants from all parts of the organization to discuss problems or opportunities and plan for major change.

Large-group intervention

Persuasion, motivation, and changes in cultures and values are examples of which of the dimensions used to implement strategy?


Using influence to motivate employees describes which of these functions?


Which of these is the use of influence to motivate employees to achieve organizational goals?


Which of the following is the power coming from a formal management position in the organization?

Legitimate power

Which of the following refers to the highest level in a hierarchy of manager capabilities?

Level 5 leadership

Which of the following refers to funding activities with borrowed money?


Which of the following is a form of franchising?


Who is considered the "first lady of management?"

Lillian Gilbreth

Which department performs tasks that reflect the organization's primary goals and mission?


Which of the following refers to the tendency to place the primary responsibility for one's success or failure either within oneself or on outside forces?

Locus of control

_____ is primarily responsible for operational goals/plans.

Lower management

Which of the following is defined as the tendency to direct much of one's behavior toward the acquisition of power and the manipulation of others for personal gain?


Which of these is a method of management whereby managers and employees define goals for every department, project, and person and use them to monitor subsequent performance?

Management by objectives

Which of the following happens as organizations grow?

Managers have to find ways to tie different departments

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Managers obligation to make choices and take actions that will contribute to the welfare and interests of society, not just the organization.

Which of the following is a characteristic of a traditional management approach?

Managers supervise team members' tasks.

Decentralized planning

Managers work with planning experts to develop their own goals and plans.

Which of the following typically is NOT considered a staff department?


Carly's Clothes, Inc. manufactures children's clothes. Which of the following departments for Carly's Clothes can be considered a line department?

Manufacturing department

Who are two advocates of the humanistic perspective?

Mary Park Follett and Chester Barnard

Maslow and McGregor extended and challenged current theories: __________ and ________ & ________.

Maslow's Hierarchy Theory X and Theory Y

Swift Move Facilities manufacturers two different bicycle models. The company produces a high volume of products using standardized production runs. The company does very little product customization. Swift Move uses what type of technology structure?

Mass production

1.________ a German theorist, introduced the concepts.

Max Weber (bureaucratic organizations)

Triple bottom line

Measuring an organizations social, environmental and financial performance. People, planet, profits

When informing your staff of the date for the company picnic, a _____ would be most practical and successful.


Which of the following refers to a higher ranking, senior organizational member who is committed to providing upward mobility and support to a protege's professional career


Which of the following refers to a higher ranking, senior organizational member who is committed to providing upward mobility and support to a protégé's professional career?


Which of these is(are) primarily concerned with tactical goals/plans?

Middle management

_____ reflects a moderate amount of concern for both people and production.

Middle of the Road Management

The profit-maximizing view of economic responsibility is advocated by ________.

Milton Fiedman

A culture that accepts only one way of doing things and one set of values and beliefs is referred to as a(n)


A culture that accepts only one way of doing things and one set of values and beliefs is referred to as a(n) _____.


Utilitarian approach

Moral behavior produces the greatest good for the greatest number. Decision maker is expected to consider the effect of each decision alternative on all parties and select the one that optimizes the benefits for the greatest number of people.

Justice approach

Moral decision must be based on standards of equity, fairness and impartiality. Assumes justice is applied through rules and regulations. 1. Distributive justice 2. Procedural justice 3. Compensatory justice

_____ to ethical decision-making is consistent with due process, free consent, privacy, freedom of conscience and free speech.

Moral-rights approach

Which of the following statements is true? a) Morale is higher in cohesive teams. b) Productivity is lower in cohesive teams. c) Satisfaction is lower in cohesive teams. d) Morale always suffers in cohesive teams. e) Absenteeism rates are substantially higher with cohesive teams.

Morale is higher in cohesive teams.

Which of the following is the arousal, direction, and persistence of behavior?


Which of the following are high-level needs, according to Herzberg, and include achievement, recognition, responsibility, and opportunity for growth?


_____ have the greatest impact, according to Herzberg, on job satisfaction.


A widely used personality test that measures how people differ on all four of Jung's sets of paired opposites is the ____.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

At which stage of the change process do managers evaluate problems and opportunities?

Need for change

____ indicates a disparity between existing and desired performance levels.

Need for change

_____ indicates a disparity between existing and desired performance levels.

Need for change

Before implementing new changes in work schedules, Trudy's Trinkets works with the union to ensure a smooth transition. What approach to change is this company using?


Which approach should a group use to resist change if the group has power over implementation and if the group will lose out in the change?


____ uses formal bargaining to win acceptance and approval of a desired change.


Shortly after she got landed a corporate level job at InfoBasis, Tonya Kennal formed a women's leadership group to help women advance within the company. Membership within the gout was voluntary and open to women with a desire to advance in the company. Tonya's group can best be described

Network Group

The ____ is a unit separate from the rest of the organization responsible for the development of a major innovation

New Venture Team

A fund providing resources from which individuals and groups draw to develop new ideas, products, or businesses is referred to as a?

New-owner fund

Which of the following types of power stems from a leader's special knowledge? a) Reward power b) Referent power c) Legitimate power d) Coercive power c) None of these

None of these

_____ is defined as communication transmitted through actions and behaviors rather than through words.

Nonverbal communication

Which of the following is a standard of conduct that is shared by team members and guides their behavior?


Dale's work team is beginning to resolve its conflicts and consensus is developing on such things as members' roles. Dale's team is in which stage of team development?


During which stage of team development does team unity emerge?


During which stage of team development should the team leader help clarify team roles, norms, and values?


Legal responsibility

Obey the law.

The average U.S. worker, today, is _____ than ever.


the average US worker, today is _____ than ever.


The strategic approach to human resource management recognizes key elements. Which of the following is NOT an ingredient in successful human resource management?

Only top-line managers are predominantly human resource managers.

Which of the following refer to specific results expected from individuals?

Operational goals

Which of the following represent plans developed at the organization's lower levels that specify action steps toward achieving operational goals and that support tactical planning activities?

Operational plans

_____ goals lead to the attainment of _____ goals, which in turn lead to the attainment of _____ goals.

Operational; tactical; strategic

Riya was a highly successful manager at Optics int'l. After 10 years with the company, she decided to leave and become a full-time mother and caregiver to her ailing father. This example demonstrates which factor affecting women's careers

Opt-out trend

___ implies that women's commitment to their children limits their commitment to the company or their ability to handle the rigors of corporate management

Opt-out trend

Which of the following organizations have a flat structure compared to others?

Organization B with three hierarchical levels

_____refers to loyalty to the heavy involvement in the organization.

Organizational commitment

Organizational development can help managers address problems such as merger/acquisitions, conflict management, and ____.

Organizational decline/revitalization

Left-Right Industries employs a diverse set of individuals with strong personalities. Unfortunately, this means that there is a great deal of interpersonal disagreement among employees. What organizational tool would work best in this circumstance to manage conflict?

Organizational development

Which of the following is defined by the text as the application of behavioral science knowledge to improve an organization's health and effectiveness through its ability to cope with environmental changes, improve internal relationships, and increase problem-solving capabilities?

Organizational development

_____ includes all elements existing outside the boundary of the organization that have the potential to affect the organization.

Organizational environment

In what stage of the perception process are individuals likely to put things into patterns?


Which of the following refers to the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals?


Policy based statements

Outline the procedures to be used in specific ethical situations. i.e. marketing practices, conflicts of interest, observance of laws, proprietary information, political gifts and equal opportunities.

Which of the following refers to engaging in the international division of labor so as to obtain the cheapest sources of labor and supplies regardless of country?


Tim is a manager at Chuck's Construction. He sees little opportunity for advancement at Chuck's Construction, regardless of how well he performs. Which of the following expectancies is low for Tim?

P -> O expectancy

The ____ approach to change implementation should be used when users have power to resist.


The _____ approach to change implementation should be used when users have power to resist.


Michael's team has evolved to the storming stage of team development. As team leader, what should Michael be emphasizing?

Participation by all team members

According to Herzberg, _____ is an example of a hygiene factor.


_____ is incentive pay that ties at least part of compensation to employee effort and performance.


Jurgen is one of several middle managers sent to a training course on leadership skills. Through this effort, the organization is attempting:

People change

____ refers to a change in the attitudes and behaviors of a few employees in the organization.

People change

_____ refers to a change in the attitudes and behaviors of a few employees in the organization.

People change

Conventional level

People learn to conform to the expectations of good behavior as defined by colleagues, family, friends and society. Meeting social and interpersonal obligations is important. Mangers: encourage interpersonal relationships and cooperation Employees: work-group collaboration is preferred way of accomplishing organizational goals

_____is the process by which individuals screen and select the various objects and stimuli that vie for their attention.

Perceptual selectivity

Which of the following is not a function of management?


_____ teams are brought together as a formal department in the organization.


____ are brought together as a formal department in the organization.

Permanent teams

_____ power comes from personal sources that are not as invested in the organization, such as personal interests, goals, and values.


_____ channels are channels that exist outside the formally authorized channels without regard for the organization's hierarchy of authority.

Personal communication

_____ is the acquisition and cultivation of personal relationships that cross departmental, hierarchical, and even organizational boundaries.

Personal networking

Self-confidence, honesty and integrity, and the desire to lead, are all components of which personal characteristic of leaders?


_____ refers to the set of characteristics that underlie a relatively stable pattern of behavior in response to ideas, objects, or people in the environment.


Maslow's hierarchy of needs started with which of these needs?


_____ describe the most basic human physical needs, including food, water and oxygen.

Physiological needs

Robert, a top-level manager at an advertising agency, spends a significant part of his work day identifying goals for future organizational performance and deciding how to use resources to attain these goals. This involves which management function?


Which of the following is a function of management?


_____ is the act of determining the organization's goals and the means for achieving them.


Which of the following means that an organization accommodates several subcultures


_____ power comes from organizational structure and promotes stability, order, and problem solving within the structure.


Which of the following is the administration of a pleasant and rewarding consequence following a desired behavior?

Positive reinforcement

In what stage of personal moral development is a person mostly concerned with external rewards and personal consequences of an action?


Levels of personal moral development

Preconventional Conventional Postconventional

Which of the following stages is the stage of personal moral development in which an individual develops an internal set of standards and values?


Which of the following is not an approach to structural design that reflects different uses of the chain of command?

Process approach

Economic responsibility

Produce goods and services that society wants and to maximize profits for its owners and shareholders.

_____ change is a change in the organization's product or service outputs.


_____ decisions are associated with decision rules.


All of the following are major approaches to leadership EXCEPT:

Progressive leadership.

Lisa is responsible for coordinating the efforts of several different departments. Which of the following titles best describes her position?

Project manager

Stakeholder mapping

Provides a systematic way to identify the expectations, needs, importance and relative power of various stake holders, which may change over time.

What perspective is also referred to as management science?

Quantitative perspective

According to Weber's ideas on bureaucracy, organizations should be based on which of these?

Rational authority

All of the the following are characteristics of creative individuals EXCEPT?


Which of the following is a recruiting approach that gives applicants all pertinent and realistic information about the job and the organization?

Realistic job preview

Which of the following, in the communication process, has the responsibility to decode the symbols and interpret the meaning of the message?


Which of the following behaviors is consistent with the socioemotional role?

Reduce tension

Smileline INC. has an onsite daycare facility and provides employees full-time daycare at a very low cost. The company implemented this years ago when managers realized that childcare responsibilities were contributing to high turnover and absenteeism. This example highlights which dividend of workplace diversity

Reduced costs associated with high turnover, absenteeism and lawsuits

Flash Card Inc. recently underwent a significant company-wide change that involved revision of its manufacturing and leadership processes. The result of this was a stronger emphasis on horizontal coordination. This level of change is referred to as:


Which of the following leads to strong coordination across functional areas and greater flexibility in responding to changes in the environments?


Which of the following is the reinforcement stage of organization development in which individuals acquire a desired new skill or attitude and are rewarded for it by the organization?


Which of the following strategies refers to moving into a new business that is related to the company's existing business activities?

Related diversification

Distributive justice

Requires that different treatment of people not be based on arbitrary characteristics. i.e. men and women should receive same pay for same work and qualifications.

Procedural justice

Requires that rules be administered fairly. Rules should be clearly stated and consistently and impartially enforced.

_____ power is based in the ability of the leader to do such things as recommend promotions.


Under conditions of _____, statistical analyses are useful.


Which of the following means that a decision has clear-cut goals and that good information is available, but the future outcomes associated with each alternative are subject to chance?


Which of the following refers to the willingness to undertake risk with the opportunity to increase one's return?

Risk propensity

When leaders influence others through the exchange of benefits or favors, which influence tactic is being used?

Rule of reciprocity

Rebecca works for a company that has clearly defined lines of authority. Each employee knows that he or she has authority and responsibility for a distinct set of tasks. Employees are also aware of the company's reporting structure as well as successive management levels all the way to the top. Rebecca's company follows which principle?

Scalar principle

____ refers to a clearly defined line of authority in the organization that includes all employees

Scalar principle

Where does the information about opportunities and threats comes from?

Scanning the external environments

What is the behavioral science approach?

Scientific methods + sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics to develop theories about human behavior and interaction in an organizational setting

Cyrus's Resort has proposed some major structural changes within their organization. Some of the employees fear that they will lose power with the changes. They begin voicing resistance to the changes. What barrier to change are they exhibiting?

Self interests

Andrew, a young entrepreneur, feels sure about his ability to win customers through his people skills. He is comfortable with his ability to handle technical details and feels that he is able to keep his business moving. This most closely relates to which personality trait of entrepreneurs?


What is the most common way that entrepreneurs finance the start-up of a new business?

Self-financing from savings or credit cards

Which of the following statements is true? a) Self-managed teams are empowered with decision-making authority. b) Self-managed teams still rely heavily on their manager. c) Self-managed teams have little access to resources. d) Self-managed teams will eventually develop into problem-solving teams. e) None of these

Self-managed teams are empowered with decision-making authority.

The tendency to overestimate the contribution of internal factors is part of which perceptual bias?

Self-serving bias

Sandra works for a bank that is renowned for being the first commercial bank in the United States to introduce online banking. This can best be described as what type of innovation?

Service innovation

_____ is the first step in the MBO process.

Setting goals

Which is the highest level of sexual harassment

Sexual crimes

Practical approach

Sidesteps debates about right and wrong and bases decisions on prevailing standards of the profession and the larger society, by taking the interests of all stake holders into account.

Which quality control technique uses a five-step methodology to define, measure, analyze, improve, and control processes, otherwise referred to as DMAIC?

Six Sigma

"The Brain" is a permanent secret group within one of the nation's largest auto manufacturers. Members of this elite group focus intently on developing new and innovative automobile technologies. "The Brain" can best be described as what type of group or team?


_____ forces refer to those aspects of a culture that guide and influence relationships among people.


_____ combines creativity, business smarts, passion, and hard work of the traditional entrepreneur with a mission to change the world for better.

Social entrepreneurship

Which of these forces comprises unwritten, common rules and perceptions about relationships?

Social forces

Language, values, religion, and education all describe which dimension in the international environment?


_____ environment consists of demographic factors, such as population density.


Which dimension of the general environment represents the demographic characteristics, norms, customs, and values of the population within which the organization operates?

Sociocultural dimension

Which of these refers to an unincorporated business owned by an individual for profit?

Sole proprietorship

Which of these is lacking in the goal "profits should be increased in the coming year?"

Specific and measurable

Which of these managers are in charge of departments such as finance and HR that support line departments?


Which of these offers the advantage that the entrepreneur has the ability to develop and design the business in the entrepreneur's own way?

Start a new business

_____ is a rigid, exaggerated, irrational belief associated with a particular group of people.


____ is a psychological experience of a person who, usually engaged in a task, is aware of a stereotype about his or her identity group suggestion he or she will not perform well on that task

Stereotype threat

Which of the five stages of team development is marked by conflict and disagreement?


What type of organizational unit has a unique business mission, product line, competitors, and markets relative to other units in the same corporation?

Strategic business unit

_____ refers to dialogue across boundaries and hierarchical levels about the team or organization's vision, critical strategic themes, and values that help achieve important goals.

Strategic conversation

_____ are the broad statements of where the organization wants to be in the future.

Strategic goals

_____ refers to the use of managerial tools to direct resources toward the achievement of strategic goals.

Strategy execution

_____ are reasonable yet highly ambitious goals that are so clear, compelling, and imaginative that they fire up employees and engender excellence.

Stretch goals

Which of the following characteristics distinguishes authority?

Subordinates accept it.

Which of the following factors is NOT associated with larger span of control?

Subordinates are located at various different locations.

_____ is(are) included in an organization's task environment.


Which of the following is an OD intervention technique in which questionnaires on organizational climate and other factors are distributed among employees and the results reported back to them by a change agent?

Survey feedback activites

_____ is economic development that generates wealth and meets the needs of their current generation while focusing on future generations.


Connie, a single mother and home-business entrepreneur, enjoys running her own business. However, because she is busy balancing work and family, she does not foresee her home business growing significantly in the near future. Connie can best be described as what type of entrepreneur?


10 + 10 = 25 reflects which of these?


After Sunshine Systems merged with RTD Enterprises, company executives noticed that due to increased employee collaboration between the two units, costs were down and revenues increased within both areas. This is an example of what business phenomenon?


Which type of plan helps managers implement the overall strategic plan?


Jacob, a customer service representative for AB Retailers, has seven levels of management between himself and the company's CEO. In contrast, his friend Rhonda, a customer service representative for YZ Retailers, has only four levels of management between her and the company CEO. Compared to YZ, Jacob's company has what type of organizational structure?


Which of the following is consistent with initiating structure?

Task oriented behavior

There are many organizational development activities, which are effective in solving many different problems. ____ enhances the cohesiveness and success of organizational groups.

Team building

There are many organizational development activities, which are effective in solving many different problems. _____ enhances the cohesiveness and success of organizational groups.

Team building

Which of the following is a contemporary approach to structural design in departmentalization?


Which of the following does NOT pertain to teams?

Teams have a designated strong leader

Which skill includes specialized knowledge and analytical ability?


A____ change is related to the organization production process.


Scientific and technological advancements in a specific industry as well as in society at large are included in which general environment dimension?

Technological dimension

Which of the following is a change in the manner in which an organization does its work?


Which of the following is a change in the organization's production process-- how the organization does its work?


Which of the following means using computers and telecommunications equipment to do work without going to an office?


All of the following are things bad bosses do to create stress for their subordinates EXCEPT:

Tell people exactly what is expected of them.

According to the situational theory of Hersey and Blanchard, which of the following leader styles matches up best with low readiness subordinates?

Telling style

What is systems thinking?

The ability to see the distinct elements of a situation as well as the complexities.

Which of the following has the highest possibility of failure?

The condition of ambiguity

The planning process begins with which of these?

The development of a mission statement

Which of the following is more common in large teams?

The development of subgroups

Exchange rates are included in which of the following international environments?

The economic environment

A new drug has not been approved by the FDA to sell in the U.S. because further testing is needed. The company has a chance to sell its product in another country immediately to start recovering the costs of R & D and production three years ahead of time. This example places the decision in which of the categories from the text?

The ethical domain

What is theory Y?

The expenditure of physical and mental effort in work is as natural as play or rest. The average human being does not inherently dislike work.

The tendency to overestimate the contribution of external factors is part of which perceptual bias?

The fundamental attribution error

Which of the following is an invisible barrier that separates woman and minorities from top management positions?

The glass ceiling

Woman make up less than 16% of all fortunate 500 executives. This could be due to

The glass ceiling

_____ serves as invisible barriers to important horizontal movement within the organization.

The glass wall

Which of the following links employees in all directions, ranging from the president through middle management, support staff, and line employees?

The grapevine

Which of the following is(are) important role(s) to be played during the process of organizational change?

The idea champion The critic The sponsor Inventor ALL OF THESE

Sexual harassment is unethical because it violates an important part of which approach to ethical behavior?

The moral-rights approach

What is the role of the negotiator?

The negotiator role involves formal negotiations and bargaining to attain outcomes for the manager's unit of responsibility.

What is force field analysis?

The process of determining which forces drive and which resist a proposed change.

Which of these is a subfield of the classical management perspective that emphasized scientifically determined changes in management practices as the solution to improving labor productivity?

The scientific management movement

Which of the following refers to the number of employees reporting to a supervisor?

The span of management

____ is an organization structure that divides the major functions of the organization into separate companies and coordinates their activities from a small headquarters organization.

The virtual network approach

____ is an organization structure that divides the major functions of the organization into separate companies.

The virtual network approach

According to Douglas McGregor, the classical perspective on management is consistent with which of the following?

Theory X manager

Which of these is true about single-use plans?

They are developed to achieve a set of goals that are unlikely to be repeated in the future.

Which of the following prohibits discrimination of the basis of race, color, religion national origin and sex

Title VII of the civil rights act of 1964

Kyle is seeing, on a regular basis, a difference between current and expected performance levels. She should begin?

To perceive a need for change

Juan is a top manager at I.F.L., a matrix organization. He oversees both the product and functional chains of command, and is responsible for maintaining a power balance between the two sides of the matrix. Juan is a(n):

Top leader

_____ is primarily responsible for strategic goals/plans.

Top management

Which of the following are responsible for the entire organization?

Top managers

Which of the following symbolizes to all employees that the change is important for the organization?

Top managers support

Hopetech Industries has a corporate diversity plan that limits diversity to areas that do not change throughout a person's lifetime, such as race, gender, age and disability. Hopetech's diversity plan follows which model of corporate diversity?

Traditional model

Which type of leader clarifies the role and task requirements of subordinates?


A product change is a change in the organization's product or service outputs.


A technological change is related to the organization's production process.


Creativity is the generation of novel ideas that may meet perceived needs or respond to opportunities for he organization.


Organizational change refers to the adoption of a new idea or behavior by an organization.


The innovation strategy for changing products and technologies that involves creating conditions and systems to facilitate internal and external coordination and knowledge sharing is known as cooperation.


The innovation strategy for changing products and technologies that involves designing the organization to encourage creativity and the initiation of new ideas is known as exploration.


ranking of global competitiveness

U.S. has fallen from first to fifth.

_____ is the lack of information about future events.


_____ means that managers do not have sufficient information about environmental factors to understand and predict environmental needs and changes.


_____ means that managers know which goals they wish to achieve, but information about alternatives and future events is incomplete.


_________ is the lack of information about future events.


Beth's Barnyard, Inc. has decided to restructure the entire organization. You hold a meeting with your employees to notify them of the change. You do not give them any detailed information. Which of the barriers to change would you expect your employees to exhibit?

Uncertainty about the future

A step in the diagnosis stage of organizational development in which participants are made aware of problems is referred to as


Organizational development specialists identify three distinct steps for achieving behavioral and attitudinal changes. These are

Unfreezing,changing and refreezing

The matrix structure violates which of the following principles of management?

Unity of command

____ means that each employee is held accountable to only one supervisor.

Unity of command

_____ means that each employee is held accountable to only one supervisor.

Unity of command

Many organizations use suggestion boxes, open door policies, and surveys to facilitate:

Upward communication

_____ can be defined as the combination of benefits received and costs paid by the customer.


How does managerial authority flow through the organizational hierarchy?


_____ occurs when an individual sees others perform certain behaviors and get rewarded for them.

Vicarious learning

Which of the following teams are described as a team that uses computer technology and groupware so that geographically distant members can collaborate on projects and reach common goals?


Which of the following structures is the leanest of all organization forms because little supervision is required?

Virtual network approach

Jefferson and Squire is an advertising firm that is viewed as having a fast-paced and posh corporate culture. The company uses bold coloring with expensive accents in all office décor. This exemplifies which level of corporate culture?

Visible artifacts

Discretionary responsibility

Voluntary and guided by a company's desire to make social contributions not mandated by economics, law, or ethics. i.e. philanthropic contributions. The highest criterion of social responsibility because it goes beyond societal expectations to contribute to the community's welfare.

Who is considered the "Father of the Quality Movement"?

W. Edwards Deming

Which of these best illustrates the preconventional stage of moral development?

What am I going to get from making this decision?

Which of these is the disclosure by an employee of an illegal activity?


Which of the following groups has the largest wage gap between genders


_____ decisions are associated with conflicts over goals and decision alternatives, rapidly changing circumstances, fuzzy information, and unclear links among decision elements.


____ is the trend in recent years.

Wider spans of management

____ are less likely than ____ to develop mentoring relationships

Woman; Men

Which of these employee behaviors matches with the conventional level of personal moral development?

Work group collaboration

Which of the following refers to the degree to which organizational tasks are subdivided into individual jobs?

Work specialization

All of the following are changes that are reshaping our workforce EXCEPT

Younger workforce


a blueprint specifying the resource allocations, schedules, and other actions necessary for attaining goals.

Mission statement

a broadly stated definition of the organization's basic business scope and operations that distinguishes it from similar types of organizations.

When an official is given the responsibility of overseeing all aspects of ethics and legal compliance. S/he is referred to as

a chief ethics officer

joint venture

a company shares costs and risks with another firm, typically in the host country, to develop new products, build a manufacturing facility, or set up a sales and distribution network.

An artificial entity created by the state and existing apart from its owners is known as:

a corporation


a corporation (licensor) in one country makes certain resources available to companies in another country (licensee). These resources include technology, managerial skills, and patent or trademark rights.

Intelligence team

a cross-functional group of managers and employees who work together to gain a deep understanding of a specific competitive issue and offer insight and recommendations for planning.

involvement culture

a culture that places high value on meeting the needs of employees and values cooperation and equality

Choosing between a differentiation strategy and an overall cost leadership strategy is an example of

a decision


a desired future state that the organization attempts to realize.

business plan

a document specifying the business details prepared by an entrepreneur prior to opening a new business


a figure who exemplifies the deeds, character and attributes of a strong culture

The planning process starts with:

a formal mission that defines the organization's purpose.

venture capital firm

a group of companies or individuals that invests money in new or expanding businesses for ownership and potential benefits

Central planning department

a group of planning specialists who develop plans for the organization as a whole and its major divisions and departments and typically report directly to the president or CEO.

Contingency plans

a group of planning specialists who develop plans for the organization as a whole and its major divisions and departments and typically report directly to the president or CEO.

Roxanne is a manager at Geronimo Gaming. She recently attended a seminar on goal setting. She wishes to use goals to provide a sense of direction to her staff. She is using goals as

a guide to action

Barney and Betty work at Mountain Peak, Inc. Although they both work on the assembly line, they have the authority to make many decisions about their job. Mountain Peak can be said to have

a high degree of decentralization.

Which of the following refers to a formal team composed of employees from about the same hierarchical level but from different areas of expertise?

a horizontal team

need to achieve

a human quality linked to entrepreneurship in which people are motivated to excel and pick situations in which success is likely

Management by objectives (MBO)

a method of management whereby managers and employees define goals for every department, project and person and use them to monitor subsequent performance.


a mini-fridge designed to cool five or six bottles of water and store a few pounds of food, portable, runs on batteries and sold for about 3,250 ruples (US$69) about 35 percent less than the cheapest refrigerator on the market

Phlex plastic has a very strong set of corporate values. In fact, Phlex has been known to discourage the emergence of alternate values.Phlex is most likely

a monoculture

an ethnocentric perspective leads to

a monoculture

Sharon is a manager at Softest Tissue Corporation. She is faced with an interesting problem. One of her employees has been cheating the company out of expense money. Sharon must decide whether or not to fire this employee. In this role, Sharon is acting as:

a moral agent.


a narrative based on true events that is repeated frequently and shared among organizational employees

supply chain

a network of multiple businesses and individuals that are connected through the flow of products or services


a phrase, such as Disney's "the happiest place on earth," that succinctly expresses a key corporate value


a planned activity at a special event

Bierderlack has a policy that states that more than three absences in a six-month period shall result in a suspension. Colleen, the manager, has just decided to suspend one of her shift employees for violating this policy. This is an example of

a programmed decision

Stretch goal

a reasonable yet highly ambitious, compelling goal that energizes people and inspires excellence

achievement culture

a results-oriented culture that values competitiveness, personal initiative and achievement

Arab Spring

a revolutionary wave of protests in the Arab world that began in late 2010, has created a tumultuous environment for businesses operating in the region.

What is a system?

a set of interrelated parts that function as a whole to achieve a common purpose

By definition, an organization is considered _____ because it is made up of two or more people.

a social entity


a social entity that is goal directed and deliberately structured

Any group within or outside the organization that has a stake in the organization's performance is called:

a stakeholder.

joint venture

a strategic alliance or program by two or more organizations

A task force is _____ committee(s) formed to solve a specific problem.

a temporary

A group of companies or individuals that invests money in new or expanding businesses for ownership and potential profits is known as:

a venture capital firm.

Strategy map

a visual representation of the key drivers of an organization's success, showing the cause-and-effect relationships among goals and plans.

The people with authority and responsibility are subject to reporting and justifying task outcomes to those above them in the chain of command. This is called _____.


The people with authority and responsibility are subject to reporting and justifying task outcomes to those above them in the chain of command. This is called


Darren and his team have just finished Project A, and are preparing to disband. Darren and his team are in the _____ stage of team development.


The three subfields of the classical perspective include:

administrative management, bureaucratic organization, and scientific management.

Recruiting methods that are used to promote the hiring, development, and retention of "protected groups" are examples of:

affirmative action.

Of the following, which may whistle-blowers suffer?

all of the above

In a family where both parents work, which of the following may be helpful to accommodate the parents needs a. Childcare b. Flexible work schedule c. Home-based employment d. Maternity or paternity leaves e. All of these

all of these

Inclusive dimensions of diversity include

all of these

Nonprogrammed decisions are made in response to situations that are

all of these

Stress can be caused by

all of these

The major steps involved in building a truly diverse workplace include a. building a corporate culture that values diversity. b. changing structures and policies so that they support diversity. c. diversity training. d. all of these. e. none of these.

all of these

What is exporting?

all of these

____ aspects of management do not change when doing business internationally.

all of these

The four primary skills for communicating in a crisis include all of the following EXCEPT:

all of these are skills for communicating in a crisis.

An entrepreneur: a) assumes the risks of the business. b) reaps the rewards of the business. c) assumes the financial and legal risks of ownership. d) recognizes a viable idea for a business product or service and carries it out. e) all of these.

all of these.

Stress can be caused by: a) task demands. b) role demands. c) interpersonal demands. d) physical demands. e) all of these.

all of these.

Shooting Star, Inc. has slow response to external changes, centralized decision making, and poor coordination across departments. It is likely structured

along functional lines.


an arrangement by which the owner of a product or service allows others to purchase the right to distribute the product or service with help from the owner


an artificial entity created by the state and existing apart from its owners

social entrepreneur

an entrepreneurial leader who is committed to both good business and changing the world for the better

A situation that arises when all alternative choices or behaviors have been deemed undesirable because of the potentially negative ethical consequences, making it difficult to distinguish right from wrong, is considered:

an ethical dilemma.

strategic issues

an event or force that alters an organization's ability to achieve its goals

business incubator

an innovation that provides shared office space, management support services, and management advice to entrepreneurs


an object, act or event that conveys meaning to others

sole proprietorship

an unincorporated business owned by an individual for profit


an unincorporated business owned by two or more people

Managers are considered to have a(n) _____ style when they prefer to consider complex solutions based on as much data as they can gather.


regional trading alliances

and international trade agreements are reshaping global business

Value dimensions by Project GLOBE

are assertiveness, future orientation, gender differentiation, performance orientation, and humane orientation.

First-line managers

are directly responsible for the production of goods and services

People making decisions based on an internal set of beliefs that has more meaning to them than the expectations of others:

are in the principled level of moral development.

Functional managers

are responsible for departments that perform a single functional task and have employees with similar training and skills

General Managers

are responsible for several departments that perform different functions

Interim managers/Contingent managers

are those who are not affiliated with a specific organization but work on a project-by-project basis

Standing plans:

are used to provide guidance for tasks performed repeatedly within the organization.

What are social forces?

aspects of a culture that guide and influence relationships among peole

The formal and legitimate right of a manager to make decisions is _____.


The formal and legitimate right of a manager to make decisions is


The removal of an unpleasant consequence following a desired behavior is referred to as:

avoidance learning.

Anyone considering doing business in China, according to Spotlight on Skills in Chapter 2, should keep in mind all of the following rules except:

be efficient with use of time

Today's companies compete in a ____.

borderless world

Today's companies compete in a _____.

borderless world

debt financing

borrowing money that has to be repaid at a later date in order to start a business

the organization chart

bot shows the characteristics of the organizations vertical structure and is a visual representation of the organization's structure

Patties Pancakes recently held a series of forces groups to gather information on employee perceptions of woman and minorities in the workplace. In particular, Pattie's was interested in learning about the myths, values, and beliefs that currently exist in their organization. This is an example of

building a corporate culture that values diversity

Positions organized in a hierarchy of authority is an important characteristic of:

bureaucratic organizations.

Which of these perspectives emphasized a rational, scientific approach to the study of management and sought to make organizations efficient operating machines?

bureaucratic organizations.

Before opening his own business, Kareem was writing a report that details the specifics of his ideas and future business operations. This document is known as a:

business plan.

inclusive dimensions of diversity

can change throughout ones lifetime

Complicated legal and political forces

can create huge risks for international managers and organizations.

international business managers

can expect their companies to be affected periodically by economic problems that cross geographical boundaries.

In times of crisis or risk of company failure, authority should be:

centralized at the top.

Associated with the condition of ____ is the lowest possibility of failure.


Associated with the condition of _____ is the lowest possibility of failure.


Which of the following means that all the information the decision-maker needs is fully available?


Jacob was recently looking at his company's organization chart in an attempt to discover who reports to whom. Jacob is studying his organization's

chain of command.

Unity of command and the scalar principle are both closely related to the

chain of command.

Unity of command and the scalar principle are both closely related to the:

chain of command.

uncertainty avoidance

characterized by people's intolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity and resulting support for beliefs that promise certainty and conformity.

Old workplace

characterized by routine, specialized tasks, and standardized control procedures

adaptability culture

characterized by values that support the company's ability to interpret and translate signals form the environment into new behavior responses

An example of an ethical structure is

chief ethics officer

As a first step into international business, which two countries are most companies going to today?

china and india

____ is a part of Ford's, the U.S. auto manufacturer, task environment.


The bureaucratic organizations approach is a subfield within the _____.

classical perspective

economic development

classified as either developed countries or less-developed countries (LDCs).

Wyatt has recently been appointed by his boss to a group that has been meeting since the company he works for was founded. The purpose of this group is to make budgetary decisions on an ongoing basis. Wyatt's group can best be defined as a _____.


The biggest mistake that many managers make is the failure to:

communicate effectively.

Symbols, stories, and heroes are important because they:

communicate the significant values of an organization.

The term _____ is defined as "an individual's level of fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication."

communication apprehension


company maintains its production facilities within the home nation and transfers its products for sale in foreign countries.

The concept that the party responsible should compensate individuals for the cost of their injuries is referred to as:

compensatory justice.

Max Weber felt selection of employees should be based on _____.


Which of these is NOT a part of an organization's general environment?


All of these behaviors are consistent with the role of a task specialist except


Studying management history helps your _________ skills.


According to the text, what are the skills used by managers when performing the four functions of management?

conceptual, human, and technical

All of the following are characteristics of the administrative decision making model except:

conditions of certainty.

Managing team _____ is the most important skill required for effective team management.


Researchers at the Ohio State University identified two major behaviors called:

consideration and initiating structure.

In a ____________ organization, the entire work flow is mechanized in a sophisticated and complex form of production technology.

continuous process production

Monitoring activities and making corrections are part of


Monitoring activities and making corrections are part of:


The _____ is purchase orders divided by customer inquiries.

conversion ratio

Innovative Creations Corporation is designed along functional lines. New product development is very slow and the process is plagued by many problems. One of the problems is that the people in marketing never communicate with the people in production. This is an example of poor


The outcome of information and cooperation is


____ is not part of the structures and systems pillar of an ethical organization.

corporate culture

A(n) _____ has a legal life of its own.


An organization strives for internal efficiency with a(n) ____ strategy.

cost leadership

An organization strives for internal efficiency with a(n) _____ strategy.

cost leadership

The _____ strategy involves seeking efficient facilities, cutting costs and using tight cost controls to be more efficient than competitors.

cost leadership

A form of exporting to less-developed countries is called


Godrej & Boyce

created an innovative battery-powered refrigerator called the ChotuKool for rural markets in India.

A task force is sometimes called a(n):

cross-functional team

A task force is sometimes called a(n):

cross-functional team.

___ mentoring relationships sometimes leave north parties uncomfortable


During the first step of the diversity development process, managers may conduct a _____ to uncover diversity problems in the organization

cultural audit


cultural preference for achievement, heroism, assertiveness, work centrality, and material success.


cultural preference for relationships, cooperation, group decision making, and quality of life.

To remain competitive, companies should develop strategies that focus on core competencies, providing synergy, and creating value for _____.


The people and organizations in the environment who acquire goods or services from the organization are:


____ is considered by many employees to be the most effective work-life practice.

daily flextime

Change and uncertainty in the environment are usually associated with _____.


Change and uncertainty in the environment are usually associated with


The use of teams may lead to too much


Which of the following is a choice made from available alternatives?


Managers are often referred to as

decision makers

Mark, a production manager at Kaylie's Kookware, recently chose to schedule his workers to work overtime. His alternative was to hire more workers. He is now monitoring the consequences of his choice. This is an example of


____ refers to the process of identifying problems and then resolving them.


The receiver _____ the symbols to interpret the meaning of the message.


cultural leader

defines and articulates important values that are tied to a clear and compelling mission

Gina wishes to transfer authority and responsibility to her subordinates. This process is known as


Gina wishes to transfer authority and responsibility to her subordinates. This process is known as:


Informational Roles

describes the activities used to maintain and develop an information network

Examples of nonprogrammed decisions would include the decision to

develop a new product or service

Examples of nonprogrammed decisions would include the decision to:

develop a new product or service.

The _____ is the individual who is assigned the role of challenging assumptions made by the group.

devil's advocate

With a(n) ____ strategy, the organization attempts to develop innovative products unique to the market.


All of the following are Porter's competitive forces except:


The drawback(s) of proprietorship include:

difficulty in obtaining financing.

Which of the following responsibilities is purely voluntary and is guided by a company's desire to make social contributions not mandated by economics, law, or ethics?


____ is the responsibility that goes beyond societal expectations to contribute to the community's welfare.

discretionary responsibility

Lainie was denied a promotion to partner in her accounting firm because of her gender. Lainie is a victim of _____.


The hiring of applicants based on criteria that are not job-related is called:


The ____ role involves resolving conflicts among subordinates between the managers department and other departments.

disturbance handler

The nature of management is to cope with ____ and far-reaching challenges.


Research has shown that

diverse groups are more creative that homogeneous groups

The purpose of _____ is to expand the firm's business operations to produce new kinds of valuable products and services?


___ is defined as all the ways in which people differ


The use of specialization to produce more and better work with the same level of effort is consistent with the administrative management principle of:

division of work.

According to your text, in very large companies, a

divisional structure is essential.

Self-contained unit structure is a term used for

divisional structure.

Stephanie works in one of seven research and development departments at Tara's Terrace, Inc. This would suggest that Tara's Terrace has a

divisional structure.

When departments are grouped together on the basis of organizational outputs, the organization is using a

divisional structure.

The functional, ____, and ____ are traditional approaches that rely on the chain of command to define departmental groupings and reporting relationships along the hierarchy.

divisional, matrix

Louise works in the manufacturing department at Ice Sculptures. The work in Louise's department is low in task specialization. As a result, Louise

does a variety of tasks and activities.

A new drug has not been approved by the FDA to sell in the US because further testing is needed. The company has a chance to sell its product in another country immediately to start recovering its research and development costs now instead of waiting three years. The assumption that "If it's not illegal, it must be ethical," ignores which of the following?

domain of ethics

Anne Chinoda, top executive at Florida Blood Centers, is under pressure to resign because she took a $71,000 pay increase just months before she laid off 42 employees. Chinoda's decision lies in the

domain of ethics

An organization's decision to produce a new product is in the:

domain of free choice.

In which stage, market potential is limited to home country, with all production and marketing facilities located at home?


Which of the following rules, according to Spotlight on Skills in Chapter 2, is about forging an emotional bond?

don't skip the small talk

globalization backlash

due to the increasing size and power of MNC's.

The environments in which businesses operate are increasingly ____, requiring managers to be ready to react and respond to even subtle environmental shifts.


The environments in which businesses operate are increasingly _____, requiring managers to be ready to react and respond to even subtle environmental shifts.


Critical management missteps include: a) Poor communication skills b) Reactionary behavior c) Inability to build a team d) Failure to adapt e) All of the above

e) All of the above

Which of the following would be considered a visual representation(s) of a company's corporate culture? a) All department heads have an executive office. b) Each department has an award plaque for employee of the month. c) All employees are dressed in professional business attire. d) Top level executives drive company owned sports car. e) All of these.

e) All of these.

People with an external locus of control are:

easier to lead.

The general environment dimension that includes consumer purchasing power, the unemployment rate, and interest rates is called the

economic dimension

The general environment dimension that includes consumer purchasing power, the unemployment rate, and interest rates is called the:

economic dimension.

The degree to which an organization achieves a stated goal refers to:


Which of the following refers to the amount of resources used to achieve an organization's goal?


high-performance culture

emphasizes both cultural values and business results

A(n)_____ is an example of an intrinsic reward.

employee's feelings of self-worth

Examples of unethical behavior toward _____ include a hostile work environment and violations of health and safety rules.


Examples of unethical behavior toward ________ include a hostile work environment and violations of health and safety rules.


When work specialization is extensive

employees perform a single task.

When work specialization is extensive:

employees perform a single task.

A(n) _____ is a company that is highly attractive to potential employees because of human resources practices that focus on tangible and intangible benefits, and that embraces a long-term view to solving immediate problems.

employer of choice

All of these are a part of an organization's task environment EXCEPT


All of these are a part of an organization's task environment except _____.


Relative to the functional structure, the divisional structure

encourages decentralization.

All of the following are the major disadvantages of the matrix structure EXCEPT

enlarged tasks for employees.

A(n) _____ is someone who recognizes a viable idea for a business product or service and carries it out.


Jamila is a successful artist and entrepreneur who makes all of her work out of recycled goods because she believes in sustainability. She can be described as a social entrepreneur that is committed to:

environmental protection.

____ means that managers are honest and trustworthy, fair in their dealings with employees and customers, and behave ethically in both their personal and professional lives.

ethical leadership

A code of ____ is a formal statement of the company's values concerning ethics and social issues.


Which of the following refers to the code of moral principles and values that govern behaviors with respect to what is right and wrong?


All of the following are advantages of a functional structure EXCEPT

excellent coordination between functions.

Communication is defined by the text as the process by which information is:

exchanged and understood by two or more people, usually with the intent to motivate or influence behavior.

Most firms begin with which strategy to enter foreign markets?


Which of the following is an entry strategy in which the organization maintains its production facilities within its home country and transfers its products for sale in foreign markets?


market entry strategies

exporting, licensing, and direct investing represent alternative ways to sell products and services in foreign markets.

The level of corporate culture in which values are so deeply embedded that members are no longer consciously aware of them is:

expressed values and beliefs.

The level of corporate culture which cannot be seen but can be discerned from how people explain and justify what they do is:

expressed values and beliefs.

Jason has been unemployed for three months. When his wife asked him why he was not looking for a job, Jason responded, "If I am lucky, I will get my old job back." Jason would be considered as having a(n)

external locus of control

All of these are entrepreneurial characteristics except:

external locus of control.

Jason has been unemployed for three months. When his wife asked him why he was not looking for a job, Jason responded, "If I am lucky, I will get my old job back." Jason would be considered as having a(n):

external locus of control.

Paramount, Inc. is particularly concerned about pending legislation in Congress that would further regulate their organization. This legislation would be classified as a(n) _____.

external threat

A(n)_____ refers to a reward given by another person.

extrinsic reward

Non-verbal communication has the biggest impact when using _____.

face to face communication

What is empowerment?

facilitating instead of controlling (humanistic perspective)

All well-designed control systems involve the use of _____ to determine whether performance meets established standards.


What is quants (quantitative perspective)?

financial mangers who base their decisions on complex quantitative analysis

angel financing

financing provided by a wealthy individual who believes in the idea for a start-up and provides personal funds and advice to help the business get started

equity financing

financing that consists of funds that are invested in exchange for ownership in the company

The biggest advantage to a virtual network approach is ____ and ____ on a global scale.

flexibility; competitiveness

The pure functional structure does not enable the organization to be


In the new workplace, work is ____, in contrast to the old workplace where work was ____.

flexible; structured

What is information technology (quantitative perspective)?

focuses on technology and software to aid mangers

What does operations management (part of quantitative perspective) focus on?

focuses on the physical production of goods and servies

Organization structure is defined as the

framework in which the organization defined how tasks are divided, resources are deployed, and departments are coordinated

A(n) _____ is a person who benefits from team membership but does not make a proportionate contribution to the team's work.

free rider

Organ Rentals Corporation has been having numerous problems. Communication across departments is poor and decisions are backing up at the top of the organization. Organ Rentals uses a ____ structure.


Paying a woman less than a man for the same work is an example of

gender discrimination

Paying a woman less than a man for the same work is an example of::

gender discrimination

The learned behaviors associated with being male or female are referred to as:

gender roles.

All functions in a specific country or region report to the same division manager in ____ divisions.


All functions in a specific country or region report to the same division manager in _____ divisions.


All of the following are key steps of setting up feedback control systems EXCEPT:

getting employee opinions.

Cross-border work teams made up of members of different nationalities whose activities span multiple countries are called

global teams

The extent to which trade and investments, information, social and cultural ideas, and political cooperation flow between countries is called _____.


If ABC International has standardized its product line throughout the world it is pursuing a:

globalization strategy.

____ refers to a desired future state that an organization attempts to realize.


In goal-setting theory, _____ refers to the idea that employees have to "buy into" the goals.

goal acceptance

In goal-setting theory, _____ refers to the degree to which goals are concrete and unambiguous.

goal specificity

Which of the following is not a reason why planning positively affects a company's performance?

goals and plans provide legitimacy for customers

All of the following are characteristics of effective goal setting except:

goals should be set for every aspect of employee behavior.

Tactical goals

goals that define the outcomes that major divisions and departments must achieve for the organization to reach its overall goals.

____ specify future ends and ____ specify today's means.

goals, plans

____ is a vital part of good management because decisions determine how the organization solves its problems, allocates resources, and accomplishes its goals.

good decision making

Go RVing, a U.S. company, built a subsidiary from scratch in England. This is an example of:

greenfield venture.

The tendency for people to be so committed to a cohesive team that they are reluctant to express contrary opinions refers to ____.


Lying at the heart of Chinese culture, ____ is a supportive, mutually beneficial connection between two people.


Keys to effective listening include all of the following EXCEPT:

have preconceptions.

multinational corporation (MNC)

have the resources to reach and serve the world's poorest people who cannot afford the typical products and services offered by large companies.

A figure who exemplifies the deeds, character, and attributes of a corporate culture is referred to as a:


Individuals who believe that they control their own destiny are described as having a

high internal locus of control

Individuals who believe that they control their own destiny are described as having a:

high internal locus of control.

A _____ interaction requires more time because a relationship has to be developed, and trust and friendship must be established.


Which of the following group is expected to grow the most in employment from 2008 to 2018?


Shared development of innovations among several departments is emphasized by the _____ approach to innovation

horizontal linkage model

Makai's Marketing Mix (MMM) does not use its resources wisely. The employees at MMM spend too much time in meetings and not enough time focusing on the task at hand. MMM's management should consider changing the organizational structure from ____ to ____.

horizontal, vertical

The basics of the humanistic perspective is to understand what?

human behaviors, needs, and attitudes in the workplace

Most early interpretations of the Hawthorne studies argued that the factor that best explained increased output was _____.

human relations

Which of these refers to the management movement that was based on the idea that truly effective control comes from within the individual worker rather than from strict, authoritarian control?

human relations movement

The _____ function recruits selects, trains, transfers, promotes, and lays off employees to achieve strategic goals.

human resource

A country that places emphasis on fairness and values kindness would be described by the Globe Project as high in _____.

humane orientation

Ashley has average technical skills but her real strengths lay in visualizing the benefits of other's ideas and in finding financial and political support for these ideas. Ashley is an excellent example of a(n) _____.

idea champion.


identifying goals for future organizational performance adn deciding on the tasks and use of resources needed to attain them

The _____ step in the decision making process involves using managerial, administrative, and persuasive abilities to translate the chosen alternative into action.


operating on international basis

important for managers to give considerable thought to economic, legal-political, and sociocultural factors.

According to the leadership grid, _____ means the absence of a management philosophy, where managers exert little effort toward interpersonal relationships or work accomplishment.

impoverished management

What is the goal of scientific management?

improve efficiency and labor productivity through scientific methods

recent financial crises

in the U.S. and Europe show, countries are economically interconnected, and financial problems in one area of the world can spread rapidly around the globe.

international dimension

in the external environment, represents events originating in foreign countries, as wells opportunities for companies in other countries

technological dimension

in the general environment, includes scientific and technological advances in society

wholly owned foreign affiliate

in which the company has complete control. Home Depot purchased the chain Home Mart in Mexico.

organizational environment

includes all elements existing outside the boundary of an organization that have the potential to affect it

natural dimension

includes all elements that occur naturally on Earth, including plants, animals, rocks and natural resources such s air, water and climate

sociocultural dimension

includes demographic characteristics, norms, stomas, and values of a population within which the organization operates

internal environment

includes elements within the organization's boundaries, such s employees, management and corporate culture

political instability

includes events such as riots, revolutions, or government upheavals that can affect the operations of an international company.

legal-political dimension

includes government regulations at the local, state and federal levels, as well as political activities designed to influence company behavior

organizational ecosystem

includes organizations in all the sectors of the task and general environments that provide the resource and information transactions, flows and linkages necessary for an organization to thrive

task environment

includes the sectors that conduct day-to-day transactions with the organization and directly influence its basic operations and performance

Which of the following is not a dividend of workplace diversity?

increased costs associated with wither turnover absenteeism and lawsuits

general environment

indirectly influences all organizations within an industry; includes five dimensions

When everyone is pursuing self-direction, the greater good is ultimately served because people learn to accommodate each other in their own long-term interest is an example of the_____.

individualism approach

A loosely knit social framework in which individuals are expected to take care of themselves is called:


Preconventional level

individuals are concerned with external rewards or punishments and obey authority to avoid detrimental personal consequences. Managers: autocratic or coercive leadership Employees: dependable accomplishment of tasks

In utilizing the matching model of employee selection, the organization offers _____ and the employee offers ____.

inducements, contributions

What are political forces?

influence of political and legal institutions on people and organizations

A social group within an organization is part of the:

informal organization.

A country's physical facilities that support economic activities make up its _____.


In international operations, the economic environment includes


In international operations, the economic environment includes:


With its "community of interest" in a pre-Facebook era, the Grateful Dead band's ability to ________ is a principle factor for its success over several decades.


Without _____, no company can survive over the long run.


Team _____ occurs when individuals and departments rely on other individuals and departments for information or resources to accomplish their work.


The process of globalization typically passes through all of the following stages EXCEPT

interdomestic stage

The involvement culture has a(n) _____ focus on the involvement and participation of employees to rapidly meet changing needs from the environment.


A pure functional structure is most appropriate for achieving

internal efficiency goals.

Molly Madison received "The Employee of the Month" Award at Internal Workings Remodeling Service in April. Molly would be considered a part of which of these for Internal Workings?

internal environment

An example of _____ is when current employees are given preference when a position opens in their organization.

internal recruiting

Classy Clay has extremely creative employees who, in the opinion of the organization, keep the company ahead of the competition. The creativity of these employees would be classified as a(n) _____.

internal strength

The consistency culture has a(n) _____ focus and an orientation for a _____ environment.

internal, stable

In the ____ stage a company usually adopts a multidomestic approach.


The ____ of the external environment represents events originating in foreign countries as well as opportunities for American companies in other countries.

international dimension

The management of business operations conducted in more than one country is called

international management

Quality-cast Telecom with an export-oriented, multidomestic strategic orientation would be participating in what stage of the international arena?

international stage

John has tremendous technical skills and frequently comes up with valuable ideas. However, he has clueless about how to promote it within the organization. John is a good example of a(n)_____ .



involves assigning tasks, grouping tasks, grouping tasks into departments, delegating authority, and allocating resources across the organization

World Trade Organization (WTO)

is a permanent membership organization that monitors trade and has authority to arbitrate disputes among 153 member countries.


is a set of expectations for a managers behavior


is a single European currency that has replaced the currencies of 16 EU member nations.

New workplace

is free flowing and flexible

Project Manager

is responsible for a temporary work project that involves the participation of people from carious functions and levels of the organization and perhaps from outside the company as well


is the most widespread involvement by foreign firms in China (manufacturing) and India (services).

Managing emotion is a basic component of emotional intelligence. Which of the following best describes managing emotions?

it is the ability to balance one's mood so that worry, anxiety, fear or anger do not cloud thinking

____ is a part of an organization's internal environment.

its salespeople

People generally experience _____ when their work matches their needs and interests, when working conditions and rewards (such as pay) are satisfactory, and when the employees like their co-workers.

job satisfaction

The most common reason for becoming an entrepreneur is:

joining the family business.

Most of the laws guiding human resource management are based on the

justice approach

The ethical decision approach that requires persons to be guided by standards of equity, fairness and impartiality is the:

justice approach.

The _____ represents people in the environment who can be hired to work for the organization.

labor market

The internal environment within which managers work includes all of the following except _____.

labor market

The star has a:

large market share in a rapidly growing industry.

In international operations, the economic environment represents all of the following factors EXCEPT

laws and regulations

Resource development, infrastructure, and exchange rates all describe which dimension in the international environment?


A government inspection has required your company to upgrade the safety equipment in the manufacturing process of ice creamery. What dimension of the external environment has influenced these upgrades?


The ____ dimension of the general environment includes federal, state, and local government regulations.


The _____ dimension of the general environment includes federal, state, and local government regulations.


Which department performs tasks that reflect the organization's primary goals and mission?


boundary spanning

links to and coordinates the organization with key elements in the external environment

Scenario building

looking at trends and discontinuities and imagining possible alternative futures to build a framework within which unexpected future events can be managed.

Jana has a high tolerance for the unstructured, the unclear, and the unpredictable. She can best be described as having:

low uncertainty avoidance.

____ is primarily responsible for operational goals/plans.

lower management

An advantage of the bottom-up budgeting process is:

lower managers are more involved.

All of the following are tactics for promoting stronger organizational commitment EXCEPT:

maintaining a secretive culture

multinational corporation (MNC)

managed as an integrated worldwide business system in which foreign affiliates act in close alliance and cooperation with one another.

All of the following are characteristics of Weberian bureaucracy except:

management is the same as the ownership of the organization.

international management

management of business operations conducted in more than one country.

____ means creating a climate in which the potential advantages of diversity for organizational or group performance are maximized while the potential disadvantages are minimized

managing diversity

A formal chain of command for both functional and divisional relationships is provided by the ____ approach to structure.


A formal chain of command for both functional and divisional relationships is provided by the _____ approach to structure.


Global companies often use a ____ structure to achieve simultaneous coordination of products across countries.


The ____ is the product or functional boss, who is responsible for one side of the matrix.

matrix boss

Kent works at the Tick Tock, Inc. He has two bosses, one a functional manager and the other a divisional manager. Tick Tock, Inc. has a

matrix structure.

global outsourcing (offshoring)

means engaging in the international division of labor so that work activities can be done in countries with the cheapest sources of labor and supplies.

direct investing

means that the company is involved in managing the productive assets, which distinguishes it from other entry strategies that permit less managerial control.

Hofstede's sociocultural value dimensions

measure power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism-collectivism, and masculinity-femininity.

Birmingham Boardwalk, Inc. uses a(n) ____ program to provide minorities and woman with direct training and inside information on the norms and expectations of the organization


When an experienced employee guides and supports a newcomer or less-experienced employee, this is referred to as _____.


When two or more organizations combine to become one, it is referred to as a:


Which of these is(are) primarily concerned with tactical goals/plans?

middle management

"We respect our employees and value their diversity" is an example of a statement you are most likely to find in the organization's _____.


An organization's ____ describes what the organization stands for and its reason for existence.


The organization's reason for existence is known as the organization's _____.


Which of the following symbolizes the legitimacy of the organization to external audiences?

mission statement

A statement that identifies distinguishing characteristics of an organization is known as a(n):

mission statement.

The ____ is the basis for the strategic level of goals and plans which in turn shapes the ____ and ____ level.

mission, tactical, operational

In the ____ approach, a manufacturing company uses outside suppliers to provide entire chunks of a product, which are then assembled into a final product by a handful of workers.


Which of the following is an informational role, according to Mintzberg?

monitor role


monitoring employees' activities, determining whether the organization is moving toward its goals, and making corrections as necessary

The _____ refers to the ethical concept that moral decisions are those that best maintain the rights of those people affected by them.

moral-rights approach

Human beings have fundamental rights and liberties that cannot be taken away by another individual's decision. This ethical decision making approach is known as the:

moral-rights approach.

The human resources perspective combined _______ with _________.

motivation with job design

Global Dandelion, with explosion of international operations stage of developement, is participating at what stage of globalization in the international arena?

multinational stage

Most organizations _____ shift from a monoculture perspective to one of pluralism

must make a conscious effort to

Relative to a flat organizational structure, a tall structure has a ____ span of management and ____ hierarchical levels.

narrow, more

Relative to a flat organizational structure, a tall structure has a _____ span of management and _____ hierarchical levels.

narrow; more

Managers shift gears quickly and therefore, the average time spent on any one activity is less than _____.

nine minutes

Good examples of ____ decisions are strategic decisions.

non programmed

Two area banks, Bank A and Bank B, decided to merge their operations. This is an example of a

non programmed

When a small community hospital decides to add a radiation therapy unit, it is considered a

non programmed

The first step in the perception process is _____.



occurs when a franchisee buys a complete package of materials and services, including equipment, products, product ingredients, trademark and trade name rights, managerial advice and a standardized operating system.


offers a business firm relatively easy access to international markets at low cost, but it limits the company's participation in and control over the development of those markets.

Standing plans

ongoing plans that are used to provide guidance for tasks performed repeatedly within the organization.

____ system draws resources from the external environment and releases goods and services back to it.


____ is the most current management perspective.

open (collaborative) innovation

The goal of _____ is to get every employee thinking and acting like a business owner.

open-book management

Sherry is a first-line supervisor at Rooftop Corporation. She is most concerned with which level of goals?

operational goals

Which of the following is NOT a tool for executing a plan?

operations map

A social entity that is goal directed and deliberately structured is referred to as a(n):


An interdisciplinary field dedicated to the study of how individuals and groups tend to act in organizations is called:

organizational behavior.

The _____ delineates the chain of command, indicates departmental tasks and how they fit together, and provides order and logic for the organization.

organizational chart

The ____________ delineates the chain of command, indicates departmental tasks and how they fit together, and provides order and logic for the organization.

organizational chart

Organizational development can help managers address problems such as merger/acquisitions, conflict management, and _____ .

organizational decline/revitalization

For a widget manufacturing company, worker-hours per widget is a measure of:

organizational efficiency.

____ includes all elements existing outside the boundary of the organization that have the potential to affect the organization.

organizational environment


organizations within the same industry or type of business that vie for the same set of customers

Culture tends to differ between _____, but appears similar within _____.

organizations, industries

The forming stage of team development is characterized by


The forming stage of team development is characterized by:


polycentric companies

oriented toward the markets of individual foreign host countries

The Maquiladora industry along the Texas-Mexico border on the Mexico side uses cheap labor for assembling products. This lowers the price for U.S. consumers and is an example of


Which of the following refers to engaging in the international division of labor so as to obtain the cheapest sources of labor and supplies regardless of country?


____ is the most widespread approach to international involvement in China and India.


The Maquiladora industry along the Texas-Mexico border on the Mexico side uses cheap labor for assembling products. This lowers the price for U.S. consumers and is an example of:


What are subsystems?

parts of the system that are all interconnected


people and organizations that acquire goods or services form a company

low-context culture

people use communication primarily to exchange facts and information. ./U.S.

high-context culture

people use communication to build personal relationships. ./China

The cognitive process people use to make sense out of the environment by selecting, organizing, and interpreting information is called:


Which of the following is not a function of management?


Messages that appraise how well individuals and departments are doing their jobs are called:

performance feedback.

During the _____ stage of team development, the major emphasis is on task accomplishment.


Self-directed teams are ____ teams.


When managers base decisions on what has worked in the past and fail to explore new options, they are:

perpetuating the status quo.

The extent to which a person's ability and personality match the requirements of a job is called:

person-job fit

Referent power depends on the leader's:

personal characteristics.

Interpersonal Roles

pertain to relationships with others and are related to the human skills described earlier

Decisional Roles

pertain to those events about which the manager must make a choice and take action

ethnocentric companies

place emphasis on their home countries.

A blueprint specifying the resource allocations schedules, and other actions necessary for attaining goals is referred to as a(n)


A blueprint specifying the resource allocations schedules, and other actions necessary for attaining goals is referred to as a(n) _____.


A blueprint specifying the resource allocations schedules, and other actions necessary for attaining goals is referred to as a(n):


Which of the following is not a step in the organizational planning process?

plan marketing tactics

Selecting goals and ways to attain them refers to _____.


The forecasting of human resource needs and the projected matching of individuals with expected job vacancies is referred to as human resource _____.


____ is the act of determining the organization's goals and the means for achieving them.


Tactical plans

plans designed to help execute major strategic plans and to accomplish a specific part of the company's strategy

Operational plans

plans developed at the organization's lower levels that specify action steps toward achieving operational goals and that support tactical planning activities.

Single-use plans

plans that are developed to achieve a set of goals that are unlikely to be repeated in the future.

Contingency plans

plans that define company responses to specific situations, such as emergencies, setbacks, or unexpected conditions.

The _____ model closely resembles the real environment in which most managers and decision-makers operate.


A company's risk of loss of assets, earning power, or managerial control due to politically based events or action by host government is referred to as:

political risk.

The relationship between social responsibility and financial performance has been shown to be ____.


The relationship between social responsibility and financial performance has been shown to be _____.


Social entrepreneurs are committed to both good business and:

positive social change.

When the USS Indianapolis sank after being torpedoed, one Navy pilot disobeyed orders and risked his life to save men who were being picked off by land sharks. The Navy pilot was operating from the ________ level of moral development.


An interest group that works within the legal-political framework to influence companies to behave in socially responsible ways is called a(n)

pressure group

Statements that define fundamental values and reference organizational responsibilities, products and employees are often called ____.


____ decisions are associated with decision rules.


If your instructor has an attendance policy, she/he is using a(n)

programmed decision

Nordstrom Department Store's "No questions asked - Return's Policy" is an example of a(n)

programmed decision

A(n) ____ is responsible for coordinating the activities of several departments.

project manager

Ralph is a tireless workaholic who spends most of his time thinking about work, even when not at work. He considers this to be the norm at his place of employment, and believes that his three subordinates are equally committed to their jobs. This is an example of which perceptual distortion?


bottom of the pyramid (BOP) concept

proposes corporations can alleviate poverty and other social ills, and make significant profits, by selling to the world's poorest people.


provide the raw materials the organizations uses to produce its output

A group of 6 to 12 volunteer employees who meet regularly to discuss and solve problems affecting their common work activities is a _____.

quality circle

Traditional model dimensions of diversity include


multinational corporation (MNC)

receives more than 25 percent of its total sales revenues from operations outside the parent's home country.

Programmed decisions are made in response to ____ organizational problems.


Programmed decisions are made in response to _____ organizational problems.


Which of the following behaviors is consistent with the socioemotional role?

reduce tension

Flash Card Inc. recently underwent a significant company-wide change that involved revision of its manufacturing and leadership processes. The result of this was a stronger emphasis on horizontal coordination. This level of change is referred to as _____.


political risk

refers to a company's risk of loss of assets, earning power, or managerial control due to politically based events or actions by host governments.


refers to a country's physical facilities, such as highways, utilities, and airports, that support economic activities.


refers to a preference for a loosely knit social framework in which individuals are expected to take care of themselves.


refers to a preference for a tightly social framework in which individuals look after one another and organizations protect their members' interests.


refers to the amount of resources used to achieve an organizational goal

bottom of the pyramid (BOP)

refers to the more than 4 billion people who make up the lowest level of the world's economic "pyramid" as defined by per-capita income. These people earn less than US$1,500 a year, with about one-fourth of them earning less than a dollar a day.

Time Management

refers to using techniques that enable you to get more done in less time and with better results

short-term orientation

reflects a concern with the past and present and a high value on meeting current obligations.

long-term orientation

reflects a greater concern for the future and a high value on thrift and perseverance

Two leadership styles used by Fiedler in his contingency theory were:

relationship-oriented and task-oriented.

Type A behavior pattern is characterized by all of these EXCEPT

relaxed lifestyle

Type A behavior pattern is characterized by all of these EXCEPT:

relaxed lifestyle.

all of the following are traditional model dimensions of diversity EXCEPT

religious beliefs

economic dimension

represents the general economic health of the country or region in which the organization operates

An advantage of functional structures is the

resulting economies of scale.

All of the following are common dysfunctions of teams EXCEPT:

results orientation.

Intentionally reducing the company's workforce to the point where the number of employees is deemed to be right for the company's current situation is referred to as _____.


Under conditions of ____, statistical analyses are useful.


Which of the following means that a decision has clear-cut goals and that good information is available, but the future outcomes associated with each alternative are subject to chance?


Which of the following is the uncertainty about what behaviors are expected of a person in a particular role?

role abiguity

The effectiveness of goals depends on the extent to which goal achievement is linked to:

salary increases

An organization's _____ is a part of its internal environment.


In the context of work team effectiveness, ____ pertains to the team's ability to meet the personal needs of its members.


In the context of work team effectiveness, _____ pertains to the team's ability to meet the personal needs of its members.


Work team effectiveness is based on three outcomes: productive output, capacity to adapt and learn, and


Research shows that the link between ____ and ____ is small and is influenced by other factors.

satisfaction; performance

The essence of _____ is to choose the first solution available.


According to MANAGER'S SHOPTALK in Chapter 10, all of the following are effective ways for a manager to delegate EXCEPT:

save feedback for completion of the project

_____ proposes that an organization should be arranged in a strict vertical hierarchy and that communication should be largely limited to this vertical flow.

scalar chain

Standardization of work and wage incentives are characteristics of

scientific management

Standardization of work and wage incentives are characteristics of:

scientific management.

Effective virtual team leaders use technology to build relationships through all of the following ways EXCEPT:

scrutinize electronic communication patterns

Chris Linsey has been assigned to conduct a situation analysis for the plumbing supply company she works for. As part of this assignment, Linsey will:

search for the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that impact her firm

Fred has been assigned to conduct a SWOT analysis for his organization, Acme, Inc. As part of this assignment, Fred will:

search for the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that impact his firm.

major alternatives for engaging in the international arena

seek cheaper resources via outsourcing and to develop markets outside the home country.

According to Maslow, the highest order needs are:

self-actualization needs.

A high degree of ____ means you can accurately assess your own strengths and limitations and have a healthy sense of self-confidence.


A high degree of _____means you can accurately assess your own strengths and limitations and have a healthy sense of self-confidence.


The general assurance in one's own ideas, judgment, and capabilities is referred to as:


The general assurance in one's own ideas, judgment, and capabilities is referred to as:


Which of the following statements is true?

self-directed teams are empowered with decision-making authority

An individual's strong belief that he or she can successfully accomplish a specific task or outcome is referred to as:


An individual's strong belief that he or she can successfully accomplish a specific task or outcome is referred to as:


The tendency to overestimate the contribution of internal factors to one's successes and the contribution of external factors to one's failures is a result of:

self-serving bias.

A(n)_____ leader works to fulfill subordinated needs and goals as well as to achieve the organization's larger mission.


Traditionally, a span of management of about ____ has been recommended.


Traditionally, a span of management of about _____ has been recommended.


all of these are inclusive dimensions of diversity EXCEPT

sexual orientation

A _____ represents a phrase or sentence that succinctly expresses a key corporate value.


In __________ production, firms produce goods in batches of one or a few products designed to customer specification.

small batch

The question mark has a:

small market share in a rapidly growing industry.

____ forces refer to those aspects of a culture that guide and influence relationships among people.


Language, values, religion, and education all describe which dimension in the international environment?


When Miami Herald launches a Spanish-language newspaper, El Nuevo Herald, with articles emphasizing Hispanic, Cuban, and Latin American news and sports, it is responding to changes in ____ environment.


____ environment consists of demographic factors, such as population density.


Which dimension of the general environment represents the demographic characteristics, norms, customs, and values of the population within which the organization operates?

sociocultural dimension


someone who recognizes a viable idea for a business product or service and carries it out

Which of the following teams are created outside the formal organization structure to undertake a project of special importance or creativity?


The individual performer is a _____; whereas, the manager has to be a(n) _____.

specialist; generalist

Operational goals

specific, measurable results expected from departments, work groups, and individuals within the organization

Vivian, as a vice-president of marketing, which is far removed from the research and development department. However, she keeps a close eye on what is happening in R & D and tries to support good ideas whenever she can by removing unnecessary organizational obstacles. Vivian is a good example of a(n)_____.


____ departments include all of those that provide specialized skills in support of ____ departments.


Stephanie is nervous about giving a presentation at the marketing firm where she works. One of her male coworkers told her, "Don't be such girl, attack that presentation!" Now Stephanie is so concerned about appearing tough that she can barely concentrate on the content of the presentation. Stephanie's anxiety stems from:


____ is a rigid, exaggerated irrational belief associated with a popular group of people


During the _____ stage, the team leader should encourage participation by each team member.


Broad statements describing where the organization wants to be in the future are called:

strategic goals

____ is the set of decisions and actions used to formulate and implement strategies that will provide a competitively superior fit between an organization and its environment.

strategic management

A long-term time frame is most closely associated with:

strategic plans.

The plan of action that prescribes resource allocation and other activities for dealing with the environment and helping the organization attain its goals is known as a(n) _____.


In using MBO, objectives should be set by the:

supervisor and the employee jointly.

If a small business owner enjoys the chance to balance work and personal life, he would be considered a(n) _____.


An object, act, or event that conveys meaning to others is referred to as a:


The teamwork philosophy is based in part on the assumption that five people working together can produce more than five people working individually. This philosophy is consistent with the concept of


The teamwork philosophy is based in part on the assumption that five people working together can produce more than five people working individually. This philosophy is consistent with the concept of _____.


The condition that exists when the organization's parts interact to produce a joint effect that is greater than the sum of the parts acting alone is known as:


Marissa was recently assigned to a committee whose task is to research new product opportunities. Once this group generates a list of six or seven viable options, it will be disbanded. This group is also known as a

task force.

A centralized network is one in which:

team members communicate through one individual to make decisions.

A _____ change is related to the organization production process.


Scientific and technological advancements in a specific industry as well as in society at large are included in which general environment dimension?

technological dimension

All of the following are things bad bosses do to create stress for their subordinates EXCEPT:

tell people exactly what is expected of them

A task force is a ____ committee formed to solve a specific problem.


global mindset

the ability of managers to appreciate and influence individuals, groups, organizations, and systems that represent different social, cultural, political, institutional, intellectual, and psychological characteristics.


the act of determining the organization's goals and the means for achieving them.

Strategic plans

the action steps by which an organization intends to attain strategic goals.


the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources

What are economic forces?

the availability, production, and distribution of resources

external locus of control

the belief by individuals that their future is not within their control but rather is influenced by external forces

internal locus of control

the belief by individuals that their future is within their control and that external forces have little influence

Conceptual Skill

the cognitive ability to see the organization as a whole system and the relationships among its parts

power distance

the degree to which people accept inequality in power among institutions, organizations, and people.


the degree to which the organization achieves a stated goal or succeeds in accomplishing what it tries to do

The planning process begins with which of these?

the development of a mission statement


the extent to which trade and investments, information, social and cultural ideas, and political cooperation flow between countries.

Which of the following is an invisible barrier that separates women and minorities from top management positions?

the glass ceiling

Trouser's inc management is exclusively made up of older white males. Trouser's promotes from within and top management is most comfortable with individuals who are similar to them. Woman and minorities at this company who wish to be promoted are likely to experience

the glass ceiling effect

____ serves as invisible barriers to important lateral movement within the organization

the glass wall

All of the following are true about employee network groups EXCEPT:

the groups are formally created by the organization

An overall impression of a person or situation based on one attribute, either favorable or unfavorable, is an example of:

the halo effect.

One of the important ideas in the text's definition of management is:

the management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

Human Skill

the managers ability to work with and through other people and to work effectively as a group member

Which of the following is an individual who must make an ethical choice in an organization?

the moral agent

greenfield venture

the most costly and risky direct investment, which means a company builds a subsidiary from scratch in a foreign country.


the natural tendency among people to regard their own culture as superior to others.


the organization's reason for existence.

labor market

the people available for hire by the organization

Disk Replacement Services has just completed a procedure manual to handle employee grievances. One of the main criteria is to make it clear to employees that rules will be administered fairly and consistently. Disk Replacement operates on:

the procedural justice approach.


the process of initiating a business venture, organizing the necessary resources, and assuming the associated risks and rewards

Typically, project managers have authority over ____ but not over ____ assigned to it.

the project, people

Typically, project managers have authority over _____ but not over _____ assigned to it.

the project; people

tolerance for ambiguity

the psychological characteristic that allows a person to be untroubled by disorder and uncertainty

Coordination is defined as

the quality of collaboration across departments.

basic management functions

the same in either a domestic or international subsidiary, but managers will experience greater difficulties and risks when performing these functions internationally.


the set of key values, beliefs, understandings and norms shared by members of an organization

Culture can be defined as:

the set of key values, beliefs, understandings, and norms shared by members of an organization.

Technical Skills

the understanding of and proficiency in the performance of specific tasks.


the use of influence to motivate employees to achieve organizational goals

What is synergy?

the whole is greater than the sum of its parts

Beth Brant, production supervisor at Trustworthy Tools Mfg., Inc. believes that her employees dislike work, avoid responsibility, and therefore they need to be controlled and directed. Beth is a:

theory X manager.

Tommy believes his employees are responsible, creative, and able to work with minimal direction. He is a:

theory Y manager.

All of the following are advantages of a divisional structure EXCEPT

there is little duplication of services across divisions.

Organizations must find ways to eliminate the glass ceiling effect. One effective way to do this has been

to develop mentoring relationships

Organizations must find ways to eliminate the glass ceiling effect. One effective way to do this has been:

to develop mentoring relationships.

____ is primarily responsible for strategic goals/plans.

top management

multinational corporation (MNC)

top managers are presumed to exercise a global perspective.

The distinguishing personal characteristics of a leader are known as:


The _____ leader is distinguished by his/her ability to bring about organizational change.


geocentric companies

truly world oriented and favor no specific country.

NAFTA and the EU

two important, yet sometimes controversial, regional alliances.


typically the fastest, cheapest, and least risky way to get into the global game.

multinational corporation (MNC)

ultimately controlled by a single management authority that makes key strategic decisions relating to the parent and all affiliates.

The four positions on the possibility of failure scale include certainty, risk, ambiguity, and _____.


A step in the diagnosis stage of organizational development in which participants are made aware of problems is referred to as _____,


Organizational development specialists identify three distinct steps for achieving behavioral and attitudinal changes. These are

unfreezing, changing, and refreezing.

What does quantitative perspective use?

use of mathematics and statistics to aid management decision making. Enhanced by development and perfection of the computer

Compared to men, women tend to:

use their unique conversational style to show involvement.

Mondavi Corporation has a finance department, a marketing department, and a production department. Mondavi

uses a functional structure.

Bell Electronics decided to continue operations at a newer plant while shutting down another that needed extensive remodeling. More than 300 people lost their jobs as the result of this decision, but 5,000 people were able to keep working. The decision was justified on the basis of what was created the greatest good for the greatest number is an example of what approach?


Caleb is a manager at Computer-Care Company. He is expected to consider the effort of each decision alternative on all parties and select the one that optimizes the satisfaction for the greatest number of people. This is an example of the:

utilitarian approach.

Robbie's Robots decided to continue operations at one plant while shutting down another. The decision was justified on the basis of what was best for the total corporation. This is an example of the:

utilitarian approach.

consistency culture

values and rewards a methodical, rational, orderly way of doing things

Common types of formal teams are

vertical and horizontal

Kara's department is made up of people with similar skills and work activities. Her organization uses the ____ approach to departmentalization.

vertical functional

Which of the following is a formal team composed of a manager and his or her subordinates?

vertical team

In the _____ structure, the organization is viewed as a central hub surrounded by a network of outside specialists which are sometimes spread all over the world.

virtual network

In the ________ structure, the organization is viewed as a central hub surrounded by a network of outside specialists which are sometimes spread all over the world.

virtual network

Walt works for a large company. Recently, his organization began to contract out such functions as training, engineering, and computer service. This approach is consistent with a

virtual network structure

Strategy defines _____ to do (it) while organizing defines _____ to do (it).

what; how

Strategy defines ___ to do (it) while organizing defines___ to do (it).



when two or more organizations combine to become one


which is the attainment of organizational goals by using resources in a efficient and effective manner

Which of these is the disclosure by an employee of an illegal activity?


A foreign subsidiary over which an organization has complete control is called a:

wholly owned foreign affiliate.

While interviews are _____, they are generally _____ predictors of subsequent job performance.

widely used, not valid


with its rapidly growing consumer market, is becoming a major player in the shifting international landscape.

Middle managers

work at middle levels of the organization and are responsible for business units and major departments

Which of the following refers to the degree to which organizational tasks are subdivided into individual jobs?

work specialization

According to the text, all of the following are ways managers can improve their writing skills EXCEPT:

writing lengthy explanations.

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