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Anxious, insecure, self-conscious

Social networks

Connecting through forms of interdependence such as common interests or status

Attributions rules (EXTERNAL)

Consistency is high, no distinctiveness, high consensus

Which of the following statements about countervailing power in organizational relationships is true?

Countervailing power is the weaker party's power to maintain the stronger party's continued participation in the exchange relationship.

In quiet face-to-face meetings, most information is communicated verbally rather than nonverbally


Lifecycle of a relationship

Interdependence, Commitment, Understanding and predictability, interpersonal trust, self-disclosure

Problem Solving is best when

Interests are not perfectly opposing Parties have trust/openness Issues are complex

Frequent Job Rotation

Moving from one job to another, typically more than once per day

Surface-level diversity

Observable demographic or physiological differences


Obsessive belief in one's own superiority and entitlement

Types of Teams

Permanence, authority dispersion skill diversity

Deep-level diversity

Psychological differences

Which of the following communication channels is most effective when the sender wants to persuade the receiver?

a personal face-to-face meeting with the receiver

EVLN Model

exit, voice, loyalty, neglect

normative commitment

felt obligation or moral duty to the organization

information overload

A condition in which information inflow exceeds an individual's processing capacity

job enlargement

Adding tasks to an existing job

Affective commitement

Emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement in an organizations

The ability most strongly associated with awareness of other's emotions is


Personality traits are more evident in situations where an individual's behavior is subject to social norms and reward systems.


Halo Effect

General impressions of person from one trait affects perception of person's other trait


Imaginative, creative, curious

information control

Manipulating others access to information to change their attitudes/behaviors

Primacy effect

Quickly form opinion of others based on first information received about them

Effective communication is of vital importance to organizations because employees work interdependently, and interdependence requires communication.


Teams are well suited to complex work that can be divided into more specialized roles.


Values directly motivate our actions by affecting the valence of different choices.


In the four-drive theory, achievement, competence, status, and self-esteem are produced by the drive to


Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

activities intended to benefit society and the environment beyond the firm's immediate financial interests or legal obligations.


disbanding; shift from task to relationship focus

organizational structure

division of labor and patterns of coordination, communication, work =flow, and formal power that direct organizational activities


employees are confident about their ability to perform the work well and have a capacity to grow with new challenges

Types of team building

goal setting, problem solving, role clarification, interpersonal relations

Transformational Leadership

leadership that, enabled by a leader's vision and inspiration, exerts significant influence

Continuance commitment

leaving is difficult due to social and economic loss or lack of alternative employment


outgoing, talkative, energetic

The topic of corporate social responsibility is most closely associated with the ________ perspective


One positive approach to feedback is ________, which focuses on areas of work where the employee excels or has demonstrated potential.

strength based coaching


the ability to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness of the organizations of which they are members

Team Cohesion

the degree of attraction people feel toward the team and their motivation to remain members

Behavioral Intentions behavior contingencies

two people have same behavioral intentions, but different situation or skills enables only one of them to act.

beliefs-feelings contingencies

two people have the same belief but different valences about that belief

Feeling-behavior intentions contingencies

two people have the same feeling's but form different behavioral intentions due to past experience, personality


used in negotiation, reciprocity, and sharing resources

Studies have shown that performance-based rewards

will motivate most employees but only under the right conditions

Three C's and Four Selves

- Social-self, self-enhancement, self-evaluation, self-verification - complexity. consistency, clarity

Distributive approach

- Win-lose orientation - View that one party loses when the other party gains - Most common when the parties have only one item to resolve

High nurturing orientation

- value relationships - focus on human interaction

expert power

Capacity to influence others by possessing knowledge or skills that they value

social presence

Extent that the channel creates psychological closeness to others, awareness of their humanness, and appreciation of the interpersonal relationship

A key feature of organizations is that their members have a defined and agreed upon collective sense of purpose.


According to the MARS model of individual behavior and performance, employee performance will remain high even if one of the four factors is low in a given situation.


Most emotions are high-intensity events that we are very aware of.


Locus of control

General belief about personal control over life events


Greatest good for the greatest number

People experience self-actualization by applying their skills and knowledge, observing how their talents achieve meaningful results, and experiencing personal growth through learning. These are the conditions for

Intrinsic motivation


Judgements based on evaluations


Leaving the situation, quitting, transferring, being absent

recency effect

Most recent information dominates our perceptions


Patiently waiting for the situation to improve

External Attribution

Perceiving that behavior/events is caused mainly by factors beyond the person's control

emotional intelligence

Recognizing emotions displayed by yourself and others. Learning to manage your emotions and working to assist others in managing theirs.

According to ________, people learn by observing or hearing about what happened to other people, not just by directly experiencing the consequences.

Social Cognitive Theory

SMART goals

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely


Strong motivation to get what one wants at the expense of others. Believe that deceit is natural and acceptable to achieve goals

High Power Distance

Value obedience to authority. Accept superiors commands and prefer formal rules and authority to resolve conflicts.

Nonverbal Communication

We gather more context from nonverbal communication when speaking face to face than the verbal content being sent.

Organizational Grapevine

an unstructured and informal network founded on social relationships rather than organizational charts or job descriptions

Investment experts have found that leadership and employee attitudes ________ when predicting which companies will have the highest and most consistent long-term investment gains.

are important positive screens


channel requires/allows sender and receiver to communicate at the same time or at different times.

four-drive theory

drive to acquire, bond, comprehend, defend


drive to promote and protect a positive self-view


employees believe they have freedom, independence and discretion over their work activities


employees care about their work and believe that what they do is important

Individual Rights

everyone has same natural rights

Several employees in a newly formed group must work together to develop a new product. No one in this group has worked with anyone else in this group before, and the development of this product has not been attempted previously. According to the media richness model, which of the following communication channels is most appropriate in this situation?

face to face

Drive to bond

formal social relationship and develop mutual caring commitments with others

Stages of Team Development

forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning

Three levels of self-concept

individual, relational, collective


learn about each other; evaluate membership

behavior modeling

observing others behaviors

learning behavior outcomes

observing others consequences

Internal Attribution

perceiving that behavior/events is caused mainly by the person

coalition formation

pooling members resources and power to influence others

drive to devend

protect ourselves physically and socially

Forcing is best when

quick resolution is required, your position has a stronger logical or moral foundation, and the other party would take advantage of cooperation

drive to comprehend

satisfy our curiosity, know and understand ourselves and the environment

mental models

team members' knowledge and beliefs about how the work gets done by the team


the need to continue the relationship. it may be moral or self-gratification

social capital

the perceived power within relationships can influence others


to what extent you disclose personal and private information and the feedback provided in the relationship

Social networking is a form of influence that tends to increase the individual's expert and referent power


Social networking is a form of influence that tends to increase the individual's expert and referent power.


Interpersonal trust

trusting that the other will not intentionally harm you. this increases as individuals know what to expect.


we engage in purposive action

Integrative (mutual gains) approach

•Win-win orientation. •Better with multiple issues of different value to each party.

self-fulfilling prophecy

1. supervisor forms expectations about employee 2. supervisor's expectations affect his or her behavior towards the employee 3. Supervisor's behavior affects the employee's ability and motivation 4. Employee's behavior becomes more consistent with the supervisor's initial expectations.

Membership/Seniority Based Rewards

fixed wages, seniority increases

Extrinsic motivation

motivated to receive something for instrumental reasons, fulfills needs indirectly

Social Self

need to be distinctive and unique

emotional contagion

nonconscious process of sharing another person's emotions by mimicking that person's facial expressions and other nonverbal behavior

Incompatible goals

one party's goals seem to interfere with other's goals

social projection

overestimating similarity between our preferences, traits, opinions, concerns and those of others

Conflict is ultimately based on

people's perceptions

Attributions rules (INTERNAL)

Consistency is high, Distinctiveness is high, no consensus

reward power

Control rewards valued by others, remove negative sanctions

High Uncertainty Avoidance

Feel threatened by ambiguity and uncertainty. Value structured situations and direct communication.

Understanding and Predictability

How well the understanding is of each others needs in the relationship

Job Status-Based Rewards

Includes job evaluation and status perks

Self-concept can be described by three characteristics:

complexity, consistency, and clarity.

relationship conflict

conflict based on interpersonal relationships

task conflict

conflict over content and goals of the work


conflict; members proactive, compete for roles

media richness

channel's data-carrying capacity is the volume and variety of information that can be transmitted during a specific time.

One issue with membership and seniority-based rewards is that they

do not directly motivate job performance


emotional appeal

Emotional Labor

employees must not only plan their emotions but control emotions to meet the organizations desired responses interpersonal interactions.




extend to which people like, respect, and are satisfied with themselves

Nonverbal communication includes

facial gestures, physical distance, paralanguage, and silence

Organizational Politics

using influence tactics for personal gain at perceived expense of others and organization

What are teams?

1. groups of two or more people 2. clear and inspired goals. result driven 3. interdependence and need for collaboration 5. have a time and size considerations 6. provide positive support and gate keep negativity 7. perceive themselves to be a team 8. have a structure of hierarchy.

What are groups?

1. groups of two or more people 2. exist to fulfill a purpose 3. interdependence and need for collaboration 4. have a component of size and time 5. perceive themselves to be a group


Any entity who affects or is affected by the firm's objectives and actions

Path-Goal Theory of Leadership

A theory that states that the most important aspect in leadership is the follower's expectation that a task can be accomplished and that it will lead to rewards.


A very large schema in memory that is the collection of all the ideas you have about yourself, including abilities, personality traits, and roles.

High Achievement Orientation

Assertiveness, competitiveness, materialism


Assigning traits to people based on their membership in social categories

legitimate power

Agreement that people in certain roles can request certain behaviors of others

Distributive Justice

Benefits and burdens should be the same and proportional

referent power

Capacity to influence others through identification with and respect for the power holder


Changing the situation. Problem Solving, complaining


Different training, values, beliefs, and experiences


cohesion develops, roles establishes; consensus around team objetives and team mental model.

Cognitive Dissonance

Emotional experience caused by perceived incongruence of our beliefs, feelings, and behavior. (feeling hypocritical)

Employee Engagement

Employee's emotional and cognitive motivation, particularly a focused, intense, persistent, and purposive effort toward work-related goals.

Which of the following work environment factors would support self-leadership?

Employees have some degree of autonomy


Employees view themselves as active participants in the organization - their decisions and actions influence the company's success.

Low Power Distance

Expect relatively equal power sharing and view relationships with boss as interdependence, not dependence.

A new employee in the finance department of the Hogan Company prominently displays diplomas and past awards indicating his financial expertise. What type of power is this employee most likely trying to attain?


social acceptance

Extent that others support use of that communication channel for that purpose

The Dark Triad

Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Psychopathy

Ethics of Care

Moral obligation to help others


Motivation to confirm and maintain our self-concept


Organized, dependable, thorough

false consensus effect

Overestimating the extent that others share our beliefs or traits

The strength of needs is impacted by self-concept, social norms and ________, which amplify or suppress emotions.

Past experience


Reducing work effort or quality, increasing absenteeism

Organizational behavior (OB)

Studies what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations

What is decision making?

The conscious process of making choices among one or more alternatives with the intention of moving toward some desired state of affairs.


The degree to which people value personal freedom, self-sufficiency, control over their lives, and being appreciated fro unique qualities


The degree to which people value their group membership and harmonious relationships within the group.

Employee motivation

The forces within a person that affect the direction, intensity, and persistence of effort for voluntary behavior

Attribution Theory

The perceptual process of deciding whether an observed behavior or event is caused mainly by internal or external factors

Which of the following motivates employees to continuously learn skills that will keep them employed?

competency based reward

Low Power Distance

Tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty

A global mindset includes the capacity to empathize and act effectively across cultures.


Many employees experience stress due to organizational constraints such as a lack of equipment or budget funding.


Motivation is the forces within a person that affect the direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behavior.


One important element of emotional intelligence is to have an awareness of our own emotions.


Utilitarianism suggests that we should choose the option that provides the highest degree of satisfaction to those affected.


When contemplating a career, we compare our images of that job with our current and desired images of ourselves.



Trusting, Helpful, Good-Natured

Competency Based rewards

competency-based pay and skill-based pay

coercive power

ability to apply punishment

Implicit leadership

based on the idea that people have beliefs about how leaders should behave and what they should do for their followers


belief that we can successfully perform a task


best alternative to a negotiated agreement

People who value their independence and personal uniqueness have

high individualism.

Performance based rewards

individual, team, organizational

avoiding is best when

issue is less important to you than other party, value/logic of your position is imperfect, and parties want to maintain harmony

Drive to acquire

seek, acquire, control. retain obtain or experiences

intrinsic motivation

seeking need fulfillment from doing the activity itself, not as a means to some other outcome

Selective attention

selecting versus ignoring sensory information

Servant leadership

serving followers towards their need fulfillment, personal development, and growth

Compromising is best when

single issue conflicts with opposing interests, parties lack time or trust for problem solving, parties want to maintain harmony, parties have equal power


social predators may ruthlessly dominate and manipulate others.


study of moral principles and values, whether actions are right or wrong, outcomes are good or bad


team becomes more task oriented, efficient work coordination; highly cooperative; high trust; commitment to team objectives; identify with the team

impression management

the attempt to protect your self-concept by influencing the perception that others have of you.

managerial leadership

the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives


the process of receiving information about and making sense of the world around us.


there is a need to rely on each other in the relationship to meet needs. behaviors effect each other.

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