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What is considered "normal weight" according to BMI scores?


What is normal range for BMI?


Neat(non exercise activity thermogenesis) can account for up to ____ energy /day


In terms of energy expenditure NEAT can account for how much variation between individuals:

2000 kcal

How many minutes per day of physical activity is recommended for individuals trying to lose or maintain weight?

30-60 min/day

How much has the average intake of Kcals/day increased in US since 1970?

300-500 kcals/day

Which type of obesity is a great concern for chronic diseases?

Abdominal obesity (high visceral fat around organs)

Which eating disorder is characterized by extremely low body weight?


What counts as healthful weight?

Appropriate weight for age and physical development, a weight that you can achieve and sustain without severly curtailing your intake, a weight that helps you achieve healthl​y biomarkers, such as a normal blood cholesterol

Obesity is defined as:

BMI > 30 and having excess body fat that adversely affects health

What is the largest component of energy expenditure?


Which one is the biggest component of energy expenditure?

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

Which of the following affects the amount of energy individuals expend during physical activities?

Body size and intensity of the activity

Which one of these items do you not need to wash?


Which of the following is not required for certification of a USDA-certified organic farm?

Complete avoidance of all pesticides

Which of the following is not a recommended method for preventing cross-contamination?

Cutting different kinds of raw food with the same knife

List he purely genetic differences, which may contribute to obesity

Differences in amount of brown fat(increased obesity with less brown fat) Ease with which fat cells release triglycerides Faulty leptin receptors Differences in PYY

List the components of intuitive/mindful eating

Eat when you are hungry Stop when you are moderately satisfied Eat what you feel will satisfy you Eat with attention and enjoyment

Plate size, serving bowl size, leaving food on table, variety, health halo are all examples of what kind of influence on food intake?

External cues

True/False: Abdominal obesity is more damaging to health because this kind of fat is harder to lose.


True/False: BMI is a measurement used to determine a person's body consumption.


True/False: Disordered eating behavior is only seen in females.


True/False: Electrolyte imbalance is seen in anorexia nervosa, and not in bulimia nervosa.


True/False: Hot sauce can kill the microbes in raw foods.


True/False: Obesity is a simple matter of too many Calories in versus too few Calories out.


True/False: Organic farms cannot use pesticides.


True/False: Organically grown foods are just as likely to be contaminated with pesticide residues as conventionally grown foods.


True/False: Oversecretion of the hormone leptin will result in weight gain.


True/False: Refrigerating or freezing foods will kill most or all bacteria present in the food.


Which method is a better indicator at estimating risk for chronic disease?

Fat distribution (body shape)

Which macronutrient takes less energy for digestion?


Which of the following are substances intentionally put in foods to enhance appearance, palatability, safety, and/or quality?

Food additives

Which of the following symptoms is a characteristic of bulimia nervosa?

Frequent episodes of extreme overeating followed by purging.

For a Memorial Day BBQ, friends agree to meet at a lakeside park. The temperature is a mild 75. Which of the following practices should they avoid to prevent an outbreak of foodborne illness?

Grill hamburgeres to medium rare

If a small part of this type of food is moldy, you can generally cut it off and consume it:

Hard cheese

What is BMI helpful at showing?

Health risk

The risks and benefits of the use of GMOs is a topic of much debate. Which of the following is a benefit of GMOs?

Higher crop yields

Increase in obesity rates in the US is alarming because it is associated with many conditions including:

Hypertension, depression, and premature death

Which method is the safest for thawing meats?

In the bottom shelf of the fridge

List four behaviors that increase obesity risk through action of cortisol

Increase kcal intake Decreased exercise Stress Increased sitting Lack of distinct meals Decreased sleep Increase portion size Increased snacking

How can you increase your BMR (Basal metabolic rate)?

Increase lean body mass(resistance exercise/weight training to increase muscle mass)

Which of the following is not one of the body's protective responses after encountering foodborne microbes?

Increased blood glucose levels

What is the effect on distracted eating on food intake?

Increased meal size at current and following meal

Time spent sitting is significantly associated with?

Increased risk of obesity and CHD; increased fat deposited around the heart

List two potential health outcomes related to excess amounts of this fat

Inflammation leading to chronic disease like diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, stroke, cancer;

The electrolyte imbalances that are often seen with eating disorders can result in

Irregular heartbeat and heart failure

Which hormone decreases appetite?

Leptin and PYY

The female athlete triad consists of which of the following conditions?

Low energy availability and menstrual dysfunction

Who is at a higher risk for weight gain?

Low level of thyroid hormone, low lean body mass, use of certain medications, such as steroids

Which is not associated with a higher BMR?

Lower lean body mass

What is the term used when a person's body weight exceeds 100% of normal?

Morbid obesity

Justin is an offensive lineman on his college football team. He is 6'3" and weighs 355 pounds, with a BMI of 42. Which of the following statements is most likely true?

Muscle weight is probably responsible for his high BMI

Which of the following is the leading cause of foodborne illness in the US?


What are the factors, that research has shown, that mitigate the effects of obesity on premature death?

Not smoking Drinking moderately Exercising 3 or more times per week Eating >5 fruits/veggies per day

According to recent studies, which group of BMI values experience the lowest risk of dying prematurely?

Overweight (25<BMI<29.9)

Which of the following is not a characteristic associated with muscle dysmorphia?

Purging by using laxatives and/or vomiting at least daily

People with muscle dysmorphia typically

Report "feeling fat"

What physiologic factors increase satiety?

Stomach expansion and increase in blood glucose levels

NEAT means fidgeting(T/F)


Research has shown an association between the timing and duration of overconsumption and its long lasting effect on a rat's set point, which may have direct implications to humans T/F


Which of the following best describes why the body reduces nonvital functions in untreated anorexia nervosa?

The body needs to conserve energy.

Which of the following is the physiological control center for hunger regulation?

They hypothalamus

True/False: "Superbugs" are strains of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.


True/False: A diagnosis of metabolic syndrome indicates an increased risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and strokes.


True/False: A higher lean body mass results in higher energy expenditure through BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate).


True/False: An individual's body composition refers to the amount of fat tissue mass as compared with lean tissue mass.


True/False: Any organism in which the DNA has been altered using recombinant DNA technology is considered a genetically modified organism.


True/False: Apple shaped body pattern is associated with risk for chronic disease.


True/False: Body dysmorphic disorder is a psychiatric condition.


True/False: Body dysmorphic disorder usually occurs in men.


True/False: Female athletes who experience amenorrhea are at risk for developing osteoporosis.


True/False: If your sibling has or has had an eating disorder, you have an increased risk of developing an eating disorder.


True/False: Individuals suffering from binge-eating disorder and night eating syndrome are often overweight or obese.


True/False: Inflammation is one of the side health risks that can be caused by high abdominal obesity.


True/False: Many people with bulimia nervosa maintain a normal weight.


True/False: Metabolic syndrome is associated most with adipose cells stored in the abdominal cavity.


True/False: Night-eating syndrome is associated with obesity.


True/False: Nutrition counseling is an important aspect of inpatient (hospital) treatment for eating disorders.


True/False: Peer relationships are thought to influence the risk of developing anorexia nervosa.


True/False: Starting, stopping and then diets is an example of disordered eating.


True/False: The USDA organic seal on a product indicates that the food contains at least 95% organic ingredients.


True/False: The more processed a food is prior to consumption, the less energy it takes to digest this food.


True/False: The most abundant genetically modified food crops in the US are herbicide-tolerant corn and soybeans.


True/False: The only way to be sure that meat is thoroughly cooked is to check the internal temperature with a food thermometer.


True/False: The safety of raw seafood cannot be guaranteed; it should always be cooked to reduce the risk of foodborne illness.


True/False: Waist circumference alone can indicate one's risk for chronic disease.


Which degree of cooking has the most risk for causing foodborne illnesses?

Undercooked or raw

What is health status disparity?

Variation in rates of disease occurrence and disabilities between socioeconomic and/or geographically defined population groups

Waist circumference measurements provide an estimate for the amount of what type of fat?

Visceral fat

Why is visceral fat worse than subcutaneous fat in terms of health outcome

Visceral fat increases inflammation

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) in soup, iodine in table salt, and beet extract in strawberry ice cream are all examples of


Which of the following is an example of an eating disorder?

anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder

What are the benefits of sustained, moderate weight loss(for the very overweight)?

iMPROVED INSULIN SENSITIVITY, REDUCED hypertension, reduced LDL levels, increased HDL levels

Energy restriction alone leads to low BMR because

it leads to loss of lean body mass

The primary determinant of basal metabolic rate is an individual's _____

lean body mass

When Jocelyn fidgets throughout a lecture class, she is expending Calories via a mechanism known as

non-exercise activity thermogensis

The amount of energy expended by the body in digesting, absorbing, transporting, metabolizing, and storing nutrients is called

the thermic effect of food

Pesticides area family of chemicals

used in the field and in storage areas to decrease destruction caused by weeds, insects, and microorganisms.

Which of the following is not considered a basal function?

walking up stairs

What are the waist measurements for women women that indicate increased risk?

women>35 inches men>40 in

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