Final Exam - NUTR3362

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Sylvia has hemochromatosis. Which of the following conditions is a common sign or symptom of this disorder?

"Bronze" skin color

Holly is a healthy woman who is 22 years of age. Using this information, calculate her target heart rate zone for moderate-intensity physical activity.

(Subtract age from 220) x (.50) = 99 to 139 bpm

Bathsheba usually consumes 1600 kcal/day. She wants to meet the AMDR for fat intake (20-35% of total kcal). Based on this information, her acceptable range of intake for fat is ________ kcal/day.

(total kcal/day) x (percentage 20-35%) = 320-560

Which of the following amino acids is a dietary *essential*?


Dorothy is a 65-year-old woman with pernicious *anemia*. What treatment would her doctor recommend?

*Vitamin B-12* injections

Kayla was a participant in a clinical study to determine how much vitamin C cures scurvy, the vitamin's deficiency disease. During the study, Kayla consumed only a formula diet that was nutritionally complete, except it did not contain vitamin C. Within a few weeks, Kayla developed scurvy. At that point, researchers gave 2 mg vitamin C to Kayla each day for a week, but her signs and symptoms of scurvy remained. In the weeks that followed, the scientists continued to increase Kayla's intake of the vitamin by 2 mg/week. After a week of taking 10 mg of vitamin C/day, Kayla reported feeling much better. Based on this information, the researchers concluded that Kayla's

*requirement* for vitamin C was 10 mg.

According to the DSM-5, the three main types of eating disorders are ________.

1. binge-eating disorder 2. bulimia nervosa 3. anorexia nervosa

The three most important dietary *monosaccharides* for humans are

1. galactose 2. glucose 3. fructose

In the human body, water is involved in ________.

1. transporting substances 2. regulating body temperature

An athlete who weighs 85 kg should consume ________ g of protein daily.

102 to 170 (more than half the weight)

A serving of food contains 15 g carbohydrate, 3 g protein, 5 g fat, 5 mg vitamin C, and 100 ml water. Based on this information, a serving of this food supplies ________ kcal.


Kerry weighs 58 kg. What is her approximate weight in pounds?

128 pounds

Monroe is a healthy 55-year-old man who performs moderate-intensity physical activities and muscle strengthening exercises to stay fit. According to recommendations of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, he should perform ________ minutes of moderately intense physical activity each week.


Bill recorded his food intake for a week and then used a computerized dietary analysis program to analyze his diet record. According to the results of the analysis, his average fat intake was ________ of total calories each day, which is within the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range.


Sarah consumes approximately 2000 kcal/day. According to recommendations of the 2015-2020 edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, she should limit her saturated fat intake to fewer than ________ kcal/day.


According to the 2015-2020 version of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, healthy people should limit their sodium intake to ________ mg/day.


Alicia's goal is to become a world-class endurance athlete. She trains aerobically for at least 90 minutes daily. She weighs 60 kg. Based on this information, what is the minimum number of kilocalories she needs to consume daily to maintain her body weight while in training?


A serving of food supplies 144 kcal from protein. Based on this information, how many grams of protein are in the serving?


Alex is a competitive endurance athlete who weighs 90 kg. He would like to plan a nutritionally adequate diet that provides enough carbohydrate to maintain his weight and glycogen stores during training. According to expert recommendations, he should consume ________ grams of carbohydrate daily while in training.

540 to 900

A serving of food supplies 244 kcal from protein. Based on this information, how many grams of protein are in the serving?


Gloria is a healthy 25-year-old woman. According to recommendations of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, she should perform ________ strengthening activities that focus on major muscle groups at least twice a week

8 to 10

Luis is 23 years of age and weighs 220 pounds. Based on his body weight, his RDA for protein is ________ grams.

80 (40%)

Which of the following persons is in a state of negative energy balance?

A 22-year old man who consumes 1900 kcal/day and is losing weight.

Which of the following persons is in a state of positive energy balance?

A 25-year-old woman who is in her 6th month of pregnancy.

Which of the following statements is true?

A diet that has variety contains many different kinds of nutritious foods.

Which of the following statements is true?

A food cannot be labeled "organic" unless it meets certain government standards.

Which of the following statements is true?

A person who has a BMI of 26.2 can have more muscle and bone tissue than another person who has the same BMI.

________ is the primary source of direct energy ("energy currency") for cells.


Which of the following statements about calcium is false?

After bones are formed early in life, the body has no need for calcium.

Which of the following groups of people has the highest risk of magnesium deficiency?

Alcoholic men

Which of the following compounds is a *hormone* that helps the body maintain fluid balance?


Which of the following fatty acids is an essential fatty acid?

Alpha-linolenic acid

Which of the following foods is a naturally rich source of monounsaturated fatty acids?


Which of the following foods is not a good source of calcium?

Baked chicken

Which of the following statements is true?

Before taking a dietary supplement, people should determine whether the product is necessary and safe.

The liver uses cholesterol to make ________.


Which of the following compounds is not secreted by the human stomach?


Which of the following statements about bottled water in the United States is true?

Bottled water must be in sealed containers and have no added ingredients, except an agent that prevents the growth of microbes.

Which of the following foods is a good source of *thiamin*?

Bread made from *enriched wheat flour*

Which of the following foods is a rich source of fiber?

Brown rice

Which of the following substances is a diuretic?

Caffeine or Alchohol

According to the 2015-2020 version of the Dietary Guidelines, which of the following minerals is a nutrient of public health concern?


Which of the following statements is true?

Cells can metabolize glucose for energy when oxygen is unavailable.

Which of the following statements is true?

Certain carotenoids are precursors for preformed vitamin A.

Which of the following statements is true?

Certain proteins transport nutrients and oxygen in the bloodstream.

Fred is a lactovegetarian. Which of the following foods does he eat?


Which of the following statements is true?

Consuming more protein than you need can result in an increase in your body fat.

Which of the following foods is a naturally rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids?

Corn oil

Vitamin ________ protects polyunsaturated fatty acids from being damaged by free radicals.

E (antioxidant)

Bill has type 1 diabetes. What step can he take to reduce the likelihood that he develops hypoglycemia?

Eat meals and snacks that contain carbohydrate on a regular basis

Bryce is an ovovegetarian. Which of the following foods does he eat?

Egg salad

Which of the following structures normally prevents swallowed food from entering the larynx and trachea?


The ________ is responsible for ensuring the safety and effectiveness of medications.


A person who experiences hypoglycemia should avoid eating foods that contain carbohydrates for at least 3 hours.


After drinking too much alcohol at a party, Samantha can sober up rapidly by drinking coffee and taking high doses of vitamin C.


Children who eat a lot of added sugars have a higher risk of developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder than children who eat very small amounts of added sugars?


Ghrelin is a hormone that reduces hunger.


Hypothyroidism results when the parathyroid glands do not secrete enough thyroid hormone to maintain a normal metabolic rate?


If you suspect someone is suffering from heat cramps, call 911 because this is a life-threatening medical emergency.


Maltose is the disaccharide that is in milk.


People with night eating syndrome experience eating binges and purging activities that typically occur between 5 and 8 p.m.


When the pH of blood is lower than normal, the blood has become more alkaline.


Phenylalanine is not an essential amino acid.

False (it is!)

Which of the following foods is the most nutrient dense per serving?

Fat-free milk

Which of the following vitamins does not play a direct role in energy metabolism?


Bryan has type 2 diabetes. Which of the following conditions is a typical sign or symptom of this chronic disease?

Frequent urination

You are planning a party for a group of 22-year-old college students. Two of the students follow the dietary practices of the Mormon religion and one of the students practices the religion of Islam. Which of the following beverages would be acceptable to everyone at the party?

Fruit juice blend made with grape and apple juice, orange slices, and carbonated water

Which of the following foods is *not* a good source of vitamin E?

Ground beef

Which of the following substances carries cholesterol away from tissues?


Which of the following statements is true?

Having dry, hot, red skin is a sign of heatstroke.

Which of the following statements is true?

Honey is naturally a rich source of fructose.

Which of the following statements is true?

Human cells maintain proper hydration primarily by controlling ions in fluid compartments.

Which of the following disorders is associated with high sodium intakes?


Which of the following statements is true?

In mitochondria, pyruvate molecules undergo complete degradation to form ATP.

Which of the following statements is true?

In the United States, a BAC of 0.08% is the legal limit for intoxication for adult drivers.

Jeanne's total blood cholesterol level is 240 mg/dl. According to this information, ________.

Jeanne needs to reduce her total blood cholesterol level to under 200 mg/dl and increase her HDL level to lower her risk of heart disease

Which of the following periodicals features peer-reviewed articles?

Journal of the American Medical Association

When combined, which of the following groups of foods forms a complementary protein dish?

Kidney beans, rice, and sesame seeds

Which of the following lipoproteins contains the highest percentage of cholesterol?


________ is an example of an food that supplies a lot of empty calories.

Lite beer

Which of the following organs is the main site for detoxifying alcohol?


_______ cancer causes the most cancer-related deaths among American men and women?


________ is an essential amino acid.


Which of the following nutrients is a micronutrient?


Which of the following conditions or behaviors is a characteristic sign of a person with anorexia nervosa?

Maintaining a BMI of 17.5 or less

Which of the following statements is true?

Matter is comprised of atoms.

Which of the following statements is true?

Most enzymes have names that end with -ase.

Which of the following statements is true?

Most foods are mixtures of nutrients.

Which of the following statements is true?

Most physically active people should consume 20 to 35% of their total energy intake from fat.

Which of the following statements is true?

Most vitamins *cannot* be synthesized by the human body

Which of the following foods is a rich source of vitamin C?


While making cookies, Anna wants to add a source of healthy fat to the recipe. Which of the following fats should she add?

Peanut butter

Which of the following foods is often responsible for causing an allergic response in susceptible persons?


Which of the following substances is an enzyme that participates in the digestion of proteins?


Which of the following nutrients is a major mineral?


A popular women's magazine has an article about the health benefits of consuming calcium-rich foods. If the article's author has the credentials ________ after his or her name, the article is likely to be a reliable source of nutrition information.


Which of the following characteristics is not a component of physical fitness?


Which of the following topics is one of the overarching guidelines of the 2015-2020 version of the Dietary Guidelines?

Shift to healthier food and beverage choices

What is exercise?

Skeletal muscle contractions that are planned and conducted to increase muscle mass.

Which of the following statements is true?

Skin can form previtamin D after being exposed to sunlight.

Which of the following behaviors is typical of someone who has disordered eating but not an eating disorder?

Skipping breakfast when late for an exam

Which of the following foods is a rich source of vitamin K?


Which of the following organs is not an accessory organ of the digestive system?


During digestion, which of the following substances denatures the proteins in food?

Stomach acid

Which of the following foods or beverages is a major source of added sugars in American diets?

Sugar-sweetened soft drinks

Which of the following practices is most likely to result in a nutrient toxicity disorder?

Taking megadoses of various vitamin supplements daily

Your gonna do great!

Thank you Jesus <3

Which of the following statements is true?

The adult AMDR for carbohydrates is 45 to 65% of total energy intake.

Which of the following statements is true?

Transamination is the process of removing the nitrogen group from an amino acid and transferring it to another substance.

*Leptin* is a hormone that *reduces* hunger?


A dietary supplement is a natural product that can be taken by mouth, injected into the bloodstream, or rubbed on skin?


A person who promotes the use of ginseng, garlic, and fish oil as the cure for cancer is practicing quackery.


A registered dietitian nutritionist has been trained to apply food and nutrition information to help treat many health conditions.


A woman who is obese during pregnancy has a higher risk of delivering an infant who has birth defects than a pregnant woman whose body weight is in the healthy range.


According to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, fiber is a nutrient of public health concern.


Antibiotic use can disrupt the normal balance and diversity of microbes in human intestinal tract.


Caffeine is a stimulant drug?


DNA contains coded information for making proteins.


Glycolysis is the first step of the metabolic process that degrades glucose and forms pyruvate, when oxygen is unavailable.


High-density lipoproteins contain more protein than low-density lipoproteins?


Human cells can convert linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid, to arachidonic acid.


Proteins help the body maintain its proper acid-base balance.


Sodium and potassium ions are electrolytes.


The FDA does not permit manufacturers of dietary supplements to market their products as treatments for cancer or other diseases.


The body stores glucose in the form of glycogen.


The body uses *vitamin K* to make prothrombin, which is needed for proper *blood clotting*.


Urine that is darker than normal may be sign of dehydration?


Which of the following body fat assessment techniques relies on the principle that lean tissue is denser than water?

Underwater weighing

________ fat is located in the omentum.


According to the 2015-2020 edition of the Dietary Guidelines, which of the following vitamins is a nutrient of public health concern?

Vitamin D

Monique would like to perform exercises that increase her bone mass. To help achieve this goal, which of the following activities would be the best for her to perform?


Which of the following physical activities metabolizes the most fat?

Walking for an hour

Which of the following observations is an example of an inverse correlation?

Women who smoke 5 or more cigarettes each day during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to underweight babies than women who smoke fewer than 5 cigarettes a day during pregnancy.

Which of the following nutrients is a trace mineral?


Christina drinks 1 beer a day. At this level of alcohol consumption, she is ________.

a moderate drinker

An Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) is the

amount of a nutrient that meets the needs of 50% of healthy people in a particular population.

Dylan takes garlic pills to lower his blood cholesterol level, and he recommends the pills to his friends, because he thinks the supplement is helpful. Dylan's nutrition-related advice to his friends is an example of a(an) ________.


Proteins ________.

are comprised of amino acids

Women who are trying to become pregnant or are pregnant should ________.

avoid all forms of alcohol

Jamal wants to lower his risk of cancer. He should _______?

avoid drinking alcohol

Antonio has severe chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). To reduce his likelihood of developing heartburn, his physician recommended that he ________.

avoid overeating during meals

Jade is concerned about her risk of osteoporosis. To help reduce her risk of this condition, Jade should ________.

avoid smoking cigarettes

While Aaron was at a party, he drank too much alcohol. The following morning, he had a headache and his mouth felt very dry. Based on this information, Aaron was ________.

being affected by the dehydration that resulted from drinking alcohol

The body uses proteins to make ________.

certain hormones

Jared has a high risk of cardiovascular disease, because he has ________.

chronic high blood pressure

Including exercise in your daily routine can reduce your risk of ________.

colon *cancer*

A person suffering from *celiac disease* must avoid ________.

consuming foods that contain *gluten*

If your diet supplies more sugar and starch than you need, the excess can be

converted into fat and stored.

Chronic alcohol abuse ________.

damages the heart muscle

Hannah is in her 5th month of pregnancy. Her diet is poor because she rarely pays attention to her food choices, and she eats a limited variety of foods that she likes. Hannah was described as "undernourished" by her physician. Based on this information, Hannah is likely to ________.

deliver a baby who has breathing *difficulties*

Excessive vitamin D intakes can result in?

deposition of calcium in soft tissues

The classic signs and symptoms of pellagra include ________.


Lynne wants to estimate the grams of carbohydrate in a sugar-sweetened soft drink that supplies 200 kcal/serving. The soft drink contains no fiber, protein, fat, and alcohol. To obtain this value, she should ________.

divide the number of kcal by 4

The body can make limited amounts of ________ acid from alpha-linoleic acid.


Iron, calcium, and carbon are ________.


Parathyroid hormone ________.

enhances the body's ability to retain calcium

Some food guides classify ________ as oils.

fatty fish

Pregnant women who have a history of inadequate ________ intakes are at risk of having babies with neural tube defects.


Katie is pregnant. She has type 1 diabetes and often has difficulty controlling her blood glucose level. Based on this information, Katie is likely to

give birth to a baby that has birth defects.

Gina is pregnant. Although Gina's physician prescribed a prenatal vitamin for her to take daily, Gina thought she could have a very healthy baby by taking extra vitamins, so she took several other dietary supplements, including those that contained vitamin A. As a result, her total intake of vitamin A was over 5000 mcg RAE/day. Based on this information, Gina is at risk of ________.

giving birth to a baby with birth defects

Muscles store ________, the immediate source of glucose for contracting muscles.


The liver supplies glucose for muscles and other cells by breaking down _________.


When muscle cells have more glucose than they need for energy, they may store some of the excess as


The introduction of iodized salt in the 1920s dramatically reduced rates of ________ in the United States.


Compared to a triglyceride molecule, a protein molecule ________.

has *nitrogen* in its chemical structure

Jason is a college football player who works out for 60 minutes per day, at least 5 days a week. He weighs 230 pounds, and his BMI is 23.7. According to this information, Jason ________.

has more lean than fat tissue

Bernetta has an autoimmune disease that affects salivary glands. As a result of this condition, Bernetta ________.

has trouble swallowing

Cells release much of the energy stored in macronutrients as ________.


In the body, certain lipids ________.

help maintain cell membranes

Extracellular water ________.

includes plasma and tissue fluid

Compared to an unsaturated fatty acid, a trans fatty acid ________.

is less likely to undergo oxidation

Gloria's BMI is 32.4; her waist circumference is 38 inches and her hip circumference is 37 inches. According to this information, she ________.

is likely to have fertility problems

Vitamin *C* ________.

is needed to form strong *c*ollagen

Under anaerobic conditions, muscle cells convert pyruvate to _________.

lactic acid

The ________ is the primary site for *non*essential amino acid production in humans.


Chronic alcohol abuse increases the risk of ________.

liver cancer

Marcus has an infection that causes a temporary loss of villi. Based on this information, you would expect Marcus to ________ while he has this illness.

lose weight rapidly

In the body, vitamin A helps ________.

maintain epithelial cells

Iodine is necessary for ________.

maintaining normal thyroid function

According to Shawn's physician, Shawn has a high risk of ________ because his waist circumference is 42 inches, his blood pressure consistently measures 140 mm Hg/90 mm Hg, and his fasting blood glucose level is 110 mg/dl.

metabolic syndrome

The process of digesting food begins in the ________.


An early symptom of vitamin A deficiency is ________.

night blindness

In the United States, food insecurity is most likely to affect ________.

older adults on fixed incomes

People who exercise regularly can reduce their risk of ________.


Physical fitness may be defined as the ability to ________.

perform moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity for a reasonable amount of time without becoming excessively tired

Roberta is 25 years of age, healthy, and pregnant. Based on this information, her body is in ________ nitrogen balance.


Sam wants to lower his risk of colorectal cancer. According to scientific studies, consuming ________ may increase his risk of this chronic disease.

processed meats

A magazine article about weight loss diets includes false information about the process of digestion that uses scientific-sounding terms to make it seem factual. The faulty information is an example of ________.


To reduce her intake of added sugars, Isabelle should

replace regular soft drinks with plain water.

A group of scientists suspects that certain dietary practices are partially responsible for different rates of hypertension among adults of different ethnic/racial groups. To test their hypothesis, the researchers examine data concerning the different population groups' hypertension rates and their past dietary practices. This research is a(n) ________ study.


A nutrition researcher would like to determine whether healthy women who take fish oil supplements during pregnancy give birth to children who score higher on basic intelligence tests when they are 5 years of age. The scientist plans to compare the IQ test results of this group of children with the test results of a group of 5-year-old children with similar backgrounds whose mothers were healthy but did not take fish oil supplements when pregnant. This kind of research is a ________ study.


In chemistry class, Karl combines hydrochloric acid with a base called sodium hydroxide. This chemical reaction results in the formation of a ________.


When the concentration of ________ in tissue fluid is too high, intracellular fluid moves into the extracellular fluid compartment.

sodium ions

Subcutaneous fat *does not* ________.

stimulate red blood cell production

The primary function of an adipose cell is ________.

storing fat

Theodore is an 18-year-old college student who would like to improve his health by following a Mediterranean diet pattern instead of his current "Western" diet. Based on this information, he should

substitute legumes for cheeses.

Hyperthermia occurs when the body's ________.

temperature is too high

While at a bar, Jake drank 3 ounces of whiskey. Based on this information, Jake consumed about the same amount of alcohol that is in ________ 12-oz cans of regular beer.


People who exercise regularly can reduce their risk of ________.

type 2 diabetes

People with central-body obesity are more likely to develop ________ than people who do not have excess fat in the midsection of their bodies.

type 2 diabetes

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