final exam nutrition

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Saturated fatty acids predominate in which of the following lipids?


The mineral found in the body in the most abundance is ________.


Sugars, starches, and dietary fibers are examples of ________.


Energy-yielding nutrients include ________.

carbohydrates, proteins, and fats

The three elements in simple sugar are ________.

carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen

The smallest functional unit of the human body is the ________.


Which of the following lipids is a precursor (can make) for estrogen and bile?


Blockage of a major artery is caused by a blood clot. These clots may form when ________.

cholesterol plaques build up in artery walls

Foods that provide a greater contribution to nutrient needs than calorie needs are said to be ________.

nutrient dense

In the Mediterranean Diet, the majority of fat in the diet is supplied by ________.

olive oil and olives

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is associated with

omega-3 fatty acid metabolism.

Insulin is made in the ________.


An essential component of coenzyme A is ________.

pantothenic acid

Recommendations suggest that we consume approximately 20% of our fat as monounsaturated fats. All of the following would be appropriate to use to achieve this goal EXCEPT ________.

peanut oil

Niacin is necessary in the diet to prevent the disease called ________.


A coordinated muscular contraction that propels food along the GI tract is called ________.


The storage form of carbohydrates in plants is ________.


Excess amounts of most fat-soluble vitamins are ________.

stored in the liver or adipose tissue

Heartburn is caused by ________.

the backflow of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus

Once absorbed, the majority of glucose is transported from the small intestine to the hepatic portal vein (tunnel) to ________.

the liver

The vitamin that prevents beriberi is ________.


The nutrients added to enriched grains typically include ________.

thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, and iron

The major function(s) of the stomach is/are ________.

to mix ingested foods with gastric juices to form chyme

Lipoproteins are important for ________.

transport of fats in the blood and lymphatic system

Lymph ________.

transports fat-soluble particles from the intestinal tract to the general circulation

Lingual lipase breaks down ________.


Atherosclerosis may lead to Alzheimer-related dementias as well as heart disease and strokes.


Ghrelin is a hormone that increases appetite.


High-protein diets are often associated with increased intake of saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet.


Iron deficiency is the most common mineral deficiencies worldwide.


Large doses of riboflavin are nontoxic.


Lecithin and bile are examples of emulsifiers.


Maintaining one's ideal body weight is a good means of decreasing risk of type 2 diabetes.


The Protein RDA for the elderly populations is 1.2g per kilogram of weight.


The man-made partially hydrogenated fats found in stick margarines and processed baked goods are called trans fatty acids.


The quantity of minerals in the soil can influence the amount of minerals in the plant grown in that soil.


Trace minerals are present in the body in smaller quantities than are major minerals.


Vegetarian diets are most often low in calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B-12, iron, and zinc.


The most common type of diabetes mellitus is ________.

type 2 diabetes

Irreversible nerve damage may be caused by excessive intake of _______ supplements.

vitamin B-6

Pyridoxal, pyridoxine, and pyridoxamine are three forms of ________.

vitamin B-6

Supplements of the water-soluble vitamins ______ and _______ are most likely to cause toxicity symptoms.

vitamin B-6; vitamin C

Fruits and vegetables contain which water soluble vitamin?

vitamin C

People who smoke have an increased need for ________.

vitamin C

Phytic acid binds some minerals so that they cannot be absorbed. Phytic acid is found in ________.

wheat grain fibers

A toxic effects of this vitamin may be a fishy body odor.


The recommended amount of protein as a percentage of total energy intake is ________.

10% to 35%

Typically, major minerals are needed in amounts of ________ mg or more daily.


Which of the following represents a BMI range considered to be healthy for most adult men and women?


Which of the following is considered a desirable blood level for total cholesterol?

200 mg/dl or less

The reference calorie intake for calculating percent Daily Values on Nutrition Facts labels is ________.

2000 kcal

A man weighs 154 pounds and is 70 inches tall. His BMI is ________.


The AI for fiber for women is ________.

25 g/day

The fluid mixture that moves from the stomach to the duodenum is called ________.


The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that total fat intake should not exceed __________ of total calories and saturated fat intake be limited to _______ of total calories.

35%; 10%

The energy value of dietary carbohydrates is _____ kcal per gram.


Lee Brown is a 23-year-old college student. Which of these would indicate that he is at greater risk for chronic diseases associated with obesity?

41-inch waist

Approximately how many calories are in this Chick-fil-A meal that provides 41g of carbohydrates, 29g protein and 17g fat?

430 calories

What would be the recommended amount of protein for a 121-pound female?

44 g/day

Of the total day's energy intake, most dietary guidelines recommend that carbohydrates provide _____________ of energy.


Mike has been told to reduce his fat intake to less than 30% of his total calories. It has been recommended to him that he consume an average of 2000 calories per day. How many grams of fat should he consume per day?

67 grams

Normal fasting blood glucose levels range between ________

70 and 99 mg/dL

The functions of protein include ________. providing structural support to body cells, producing antibodies to fight infection, contributing to acid-base balance, All of these are functions of protein.

All of these are functions of protein.

Individuals with lactose intolerance can usually tolerate small amounts of ________.yogurt, nonfat milk, cheddar cheese, All of these are often tolerated in small amounts.

All of these are often tolerated in small amounts.

Good sources of folate include ________.All of these choices are accurate, oranges, enriched cereals and grains, dried beans, leafy green vegetables

All of these choices are accurate.

In which of the following metabolic pathways are coenzymes required? All of these choices are accurate.Glycolysis, Citric acid cycle, Beta-oxidation, Electron transport chain

All of these choices are accurate.

Signs of protein deficiency may include ________. edema, mild to moderate weight loss, poor resistance to infection, All of these choices are accurate.

All of these choices are accurate.

The semi-starvation of anorexia nervosa results in many physiological changes, such as ________. decreased basal metabolism, lanugo, iron-deficiency anemia, dry, scaly, cold skin, All of these choices are accurate.

All of these choices are accurate.

To counteract the binge, the bulimic patient may ________. induce vomiting, take laxatives, over-exercise, All of these choices are accurate.

All of these choices are accurate.

An evaluation of nutritional health includes ________. biochemical assessment, dietary assessment, medical history, All of these choices are correct, anthropometric measurements

All of these choices are correct

After major surgery, hospital patients may be at risk of PEM due to ________. poor prior health, low dietary intakes, increased needs for recovery, All of these choices are correct.

All of these choices are correct.

An increased fiber intake within recommended guidelines may ________. decrease risk of diabetes, lower blood lipid levels, decrease risk of certain cancers, All of these choices are correct.

All of these choices are correct.

Sorbitol is ________. a sugar alcohol, absorbed and metabolized more slowly than glucose and other sugars, a nutritive sweetener used in candies and gums, All of these choices are correct.

All of these choices are correct.

The villi found in the gastrointestinal tract ________. are finger-like projections into the lumen of the small intestine, are covered with the brush border (microvilli), contain cells that produce mucus, hormones, and enzymes, produce a large surface area for nutrient absorption, All of these choices are correct.

All of these choices are correct.

Usual symptoms of diabetes mellitus include ________. weight change, excessive thirst and urination, blurred vision, All of these choices are correct.

All of these choices are correct.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans are designed to reduce the risk of ________.cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity, All of these responses are correct.

All of these responses are correct.

Which is true about the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs)? They apply to people in Canada and the U.S., They differ by age group., They include Recommended Dietary Allowances and Tolerable Upper Intake Levels., They were created by the Food and Nutrition Board., All of these responses are true.

All of these responses are true.

Which condition is NOT usually associated with type 2 diabetes?

Autoimmune destruction of beta cells of the pancreas

Which of the following foods contains the least amount of lactose per serving?


Which of the following is NOT an enzyme? Bile, Protease, Sucrase, Lipase


What will happen to fat digestion if a gallbladder is removed?

Bile will be directly secreted to the small intestine, continuing fat digestion.

Vitamin B-12 is found in which of the following foods?


Which group of foods provides substantial amounts of vitamin C?

Citrus fruits and vegetables

Many factors influence food choices. Which factor relates to the knowledge, beliefs, religion, and traditions shared by a group of people?


The small intestine is divided into three segments. List them in descending order.

Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum

Which structure prevents food and liquid from entering the airway?


The coenzyme form of riboflavin is ________.


Which is NOT a complex carbohydrate? Glycogen, Starch, Fiber, Glucose


Which of the following lipoproteins contains the highest proportion of protein?


What is a common function of plant sterols?

Inhibit absorption of "bad" cholesterol

__________________ develops before type 2 diabetes and is characterized by body cells becoming less sensitive to the effects of insulin.

Insulin resistance

Which of the following organs is NOT part of the digestive organ system? Small intestine, Pancreas, Kidneys, Liver


Which of the following would be seen on a blood lipid profile of a patient who was recommended to make dietary changes to reduce his or her risk for cardiovascular disease?

Low HDL and high LDL

Which lipoprotein is responsible for transporting cholesterol from the liver to tissues?

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)

Which of the following foods represents the most nutrient-dense source of riboflavin?

Low-fat milk

What eating behavior does MyPlate specifically encourage?

Make at least half your grains whole grains.

Which of the following B-vitamins is found in the widest variety of foods (i.e., different food groups such as vegetables, grains, meat)? Pantothenic acid, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin C, All of these choices are accurate.

Pantothenic acid

Which group of individuals has the highest requirement for folate?

Pregnant women

What would happen to dietary protein if HCl were not being produced in sufficient quantities?

Protein digestion could not fully occur because proteins could not be denatured and pepsinogen could not be converted to pepsin.

To help best maintain the vitamin C and B-vitamin content of foods, which of the following food preparation methods should be used?


In what order does food pass through the organs of the GI tract?

Stomach, Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum, Colon

What type of claim is "calcium builds strong bones and teeth"?

Structure/function claim

Which of the following does NOT describe a vitamin?

They provide a rich source of energy.

Which is correct regarding trans fatty acids?

They raise blood cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol.

In what form is most body fat stored?


Thiamin should be given to an alcoholic patient who has ________.

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

Tissues are defined as ________.

a collection of cells that perform a specific function

Celiac disease is best treated by ________.

a gluten-free diet

A body mass index of 40 represents ________.

a high risk for health problems

Hunger can be defined as ________.

a physiological drive to find and eat food

When over 10 amino acids are chemically linked by peptide bonds, the resulting product is known as ________.

a polypeptide

The absorptive process that requires energy in the form of ATP is ________.

active absorption

All of the following are essential amino acids except: leucine, isoleucine, alanine, valine


The basic building blocks of protein are ________.

amino acids

The liver converts toxic __________ to _________ so the kidneys can excrete it.

ammonia, urea

Saliva contains ________.

an amylase and mucus

The chief contributors of saturated fatty acids in the U.S. diet include ________.

animal products

The psychological desire to eat certain foods and reject others is defined by:


Glucose, galactose, and fructose ________.

are monosaccharides

When plant proteins are compared to animal proteins, they ________.

are usually deficient in one or more essential amino acids

To be defined as a "good" source of calcium, a food must contain ________.

at least 10% of the Daily Value for calcium in 1 serving of the food

The main objective of Healthy People 2030 is to help Americans ________.

attain healthy, thriving lives and well being, free from preventable disease disability, injury, and premature death.

All the following are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids EXCEPT ________. flaxseed oil, salmon, avocados, walnuts


Segmentation as a function of the GI tract involves ________.

back and forth contractions that break apart the food mass

An example of a probiotic is ________.

bacteria in yogurt

The body's total daily energy expenditure includes ________.

basal metabolic rate, thermal effect of food, and effects of physical activity

For most adults, the greatest portion of their energy expenditure is for ________.

basal metabolism

A high intake of raw egg whites (>12 per day) can inhibit absorption of ________.


A stroke ________.

blocks blood flow in the brain

Most B-vitamins function as __________.


When 2 or more plant proteins are combined to compensate for deficiencies in essential amino acid content in each protein, the proteins are called ________.

complementary proteins

Foods containing all essential amino acids in the proportion needed by the body are designated as ________.

complete proteins

Cooking an egg destroys its physiological property by ________.


When food proteins reach the stomach, HCl ________ the protein.


The side chain, or R portion, of an amino acid ________.

deterimines the name of the amino acid

Dietary sugars and starches are called "protein sparing," which means ________.

dietary protein can be used for protein synthesis and other vital processes, rather than being used as a source of energy

The major symptoms of kwashiorkor in children are ________.

edema and growth failure

The principal function of dietary carbohydrate is to provide ________.


Most dietary fats will ________.

enter the lymphatic system

The (obesrvational) study of the distribution of disease in human populations is ________.


Alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid are classified as _________ fatty acids.


Marasmus is characterized by ________.

extreme weight loss and fat loss

A female who smokes would require 75 mg of vitamin C.


Americans typically eat more omega-3 fatty acids than omega-6 fatty acids.


Before an amino acid can be used for energy, the amino group must first be stripped through a process called denaturation.


Compared to the typical American diet, vegetarian diets are generally lower in dietary fiber.


Dietary supplements are tightly regulated by the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA).


Individuals who are attempting to build up their muscles need 3 times as much protein as those who are not building muscles.


Individuals who have apple-shaped obesity tend to accumulate subcutaneous fat around the abdominal region and have a greater risk for chronic disease.


Lacto-ovo-vegetarians exclude meat, poultry, fish, and eggs from their diet.


Proteins are assembled in the mitochondria of the cell.


Riboflavin can be made in the body by gut bacteria.


Some minerals can be synthesized in the human body.


The Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes program eliminates all processed foods and red meats.


The t-RNA copies the code for protein instruction from the DNA in the nucleus of the cell in protein synthesis.


Zoochemicals are physiologically active compounds found in plants.


Insufficient production of bile is mostly likely to impair absorption of ________.


Which of the following are complex carbohydrates not broken down by digestive processes:


A defect in the formation of the neural tube during early fetal development (spina bifida) can occur from a lack of ________.


Too much of this vitamin may mask a vitamin B12 deficiency.


Megaloblastic anemia develops as a result of deficiencies of __________ and __________.

folate; vitamin B-12

A sugar not commonly found free in nature that combines with glucose to form the disaccharide lactose is ________.


A painful, red, inflamed tongue, which is sometimes symptomatic of riboflavin deficiency, is called ________.


The body is capable of making glucose from non-carbohydrate nutrients, such as the amino acids of protein, by a process referred to as ________.


The human brain and other nerve tissues use mostly _________________ as fuel.


The enzyme sucrase breaks down sucrose into ________.

glucose + fructose

Phospholipids consist of ________ and can _________ fats.

glycerol, two fatty acids, and phosphate; emulsify

To be eligible for bariatric surgery an individual must have a BMI ______.

greater than 40

The genetic disorder sickle-cell anemia produces a profound change in ___________ structure.


Fats that are liquid at room temperature can be made more solid by the process of ________.


All of the following are unmodifiable risk factors for heart disease EXCEPT ________. hypertension, gender, age, genetics


Low blood glucose is called ____________, whereas high blood glucose is called ____________.

hypoglycemia; hyperglycemia

The bacteria that usually inhabit the large intestine are prevented from backing up into the ileum by the action of the ________.

ileocecal sphincter

When body systems are operating normally and nutrient stores are being maintained, an individual is said to be ________.

in desirable nutritional status

Excessive intakes of saturated fatty acids tend to ________.

increase cholesterol deposited in arteries

An evidence-based, non-dieting approach to health which focuses on hunger and fullness is called:

intuitive eating

An example of a prebiotic is ________.

inulin, a poorly digested carbohydrate found in foods such as onions, garlic, and asparagus

When the diet contains more energy than is expended, the excess energy ________.

is stored as fat in adipose tissue

One essential difference between anorexia and bulimia ________.

is that the person with bulimia turns to food during a crisis or problem, whereas the person with anorexia turns away from food

In general, excess amounts of water-soluble vitamins are excreted via the ________.


Primary lactose intolerance results from ________.

lactase insufficiency

The principal sugar found in milk is ________.


Bile is formed in the ___________ and stored in the ___________.

liver; gallbladder

Three important disaccharides are ________.

maltose, sucrose, and lactose

In a dietary deficiency of folate, there are decreasing numbers of mature red blood cells to carry the oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. This condition is known as ________.

megaloblastic anemia

Which of the following foods provides all of the essential amino acids?


Human digestion of food begins in the _______, where the enzyme _____ breaks down a small amount of starch.

mouth; amylase

All persons with diabetes ________.

need to eat a diet that will control their blood sugar

A growing child who is consuming adequate protein but only 50% of his or her energy needs will likely be in ________.

negative nitrogen balance

Bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) from the pancreas ________.

neutralize the acid contents in the duodenum

Flushing of the face and skin can result from pharmacological doses of ________.


The presence of ___________ chemically distinguishes protein from carbohydrate and fat.


For which vitamin is there no TUL established?

none of these have an establish TUL

The RDA for protein for most healthy adults is ________.

0.8 g/kg of body weight

A safe rate of weight loss would be:

1-2 pounds per week

Phytochemicals are ________.

plant substances that provide health benefits

A nutrient-dense source of thiamin is ________.

pork and pork products

The sequential order of the amino acids in the polypeptide chain is called the ________.

primary structure

A diet that is deficient in carbohydrate will ultimately force the liver to ________.

produce glucose from amino acids

Niacin can be found in

protein containing foods

Most vital body proteins are in a constant state of breakdown, rebuilding, and repair. This process is called:

protein turnover

Anorexia nervosa can be defined as ________.

psychological denial of appetite

The sphincter that allows chyme to pass into the small intestine is known as the ________.

pyloric sphincter

Thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin work together in important biochemical pathways that ________.

release energy from carbohydrate, fat, and protein

According to guidelines from the American Heart Association for the general population, saturated fats ________.

should be replaced by monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats

Glucose is classified as a ________.

simple sugar

Most of the digestive processes occur in the ________.

small intestine

Water-soluble vitamins are absorbed in the ________.

small intestine

Secretions from the pancreas include ________.

sodium bicarbonate and digestive enzymes

Lipids with high saturated fatty acid content are generally ____________ at room temperature.


Oxalic acid binds some minerals so they cannot be absorbed. Oxalic acid is found in ________.

some leafy, green vegetables, such as spinach

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